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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]i'm fairly positive its android 13 :) from movie 7 [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]No, this is Android 13 [url]http://pyromonkey.bigyardsale.org/images/a13.jpg[/url] ......hrmmm... aha!! *looks for it in DBZ magazine where it tells most all charaters throughout DBZ/GT* Oi.... lol, I don't think it HAS a number, lol, it's not listed.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]In DragonBall and DragonBall Z they're mainly used to just revive people and whatever. Most of the attention is actually on other stuff. But if GT ever comes around to Toonami, you'll be seeing and hearing more of them. The DragonBalls are basically the main character in GT.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Gokou, was actually "trained" to fight with the kempo style of martial arts fighting. This was way back when, when Grandpa Gohan was teaching him and stuff.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Welp, it's an android alright. Which one I don't know, but it's from Movie 7 I do believe.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Ultra Pyro: We will wait. It would take just as much, if not more, time for us to actually find him as it would if we waited. Once he's concious enough to do so, he'll contact us somehow.. then we'll know where to go and will be able to get there more quickly. Xaida: Ok.. we'll wait. [i]Pyro walks over and sits on a large rock with his eyes closed waiting for Warlock's call.. Xaida stands looking up at the sky..[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, we [i]really[/i] need to get Warlock to post here... he's the only one that actaully knows what's going on, lol.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][i]As Pyro flies on he sees the remains of the dragon-creature that has terrorized the planet he was on... nothing was left..[/i] Pyro: Krikey... looks like I might actually [i]have[/i] to be careful here. [i]Pyro senses the unknown figure following him..[/i] Pyro: Good, I'll have a little back-up if I need it... [i]As Pyro closes in he sees a big red blob off in the distance.[/i] Pyro: Ha! That must be it! [i]Pyro kicks it into high gear and blasts toward the creature...... a few minutes later Pyro comes right in front of the thing, only to comes face to face with an absolute horror (see attachment)[/i] Pyro: :eek: :nervous: [i][b][u]YOU!![/u][/b][/i] [i]*--to be continued--*[/i][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands in still meditation in the middle of his debris... he opens his eyes[/i] Ultra Pyro: Welcome back, Xaida. [i]Just then, Xaida appears in front of him.[/i] Xaida: Heh, hey! [i]She notices Pyro's perfectly cut muscles[/i] Xaida: :eek: Wow, looks like you've been training a lot. Ultra Pyro: One might say that. Xaida: So what do we do now? Ultra Pyro: I don't know. I still haven't got anything from Warlock. I wonder if he's ok. Xaida: We could go find him. Ultra Pyro: We don't know where they took him. For all we know he's in a different galaxy, universe, or even dimension. Xaida: Hrmm.. good point...[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro lies asleep in an open area, then his eyes slowly.. heavily.. open. He opens them up completely only to see an odd looking face above him...[/i] Pyro: Ugh... where am I? ????: You are on a distant planet, for away from your own... Pyro: Who are you??? ????: I have brought you here for one purpose and one purpose only. Pyro: And why might that be? ????: We have been having problems here on this planet with an intruder... a dragon-like creature to be more specific... and since you are bascially a dragon god, we brought you here to exterminate it. Pyro: That's all??? Peh, this will be easy! ????: No it won't not as much as you think it might be.. Pyro: I doubt that. So where is it? ????: It's off in the far way there, lying in rubble, waiting for its next victim. I've tried my absolute best and couldn't do anything to it! Pyro: Well that's you... and I'm me :smirk: ????: You don't understa--! [i]Before the figure can finish his sentence, Pyro blasts off in the direction where the creature was supposed to be located[/i] Pyro: This will be a piece of cake.. [i]The person who brought Pyro to the planet closely follows him.[/i] [i]*--to be continued--*[/i][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Hizoku: "Heh, you go ahead and take the compound.. I'm going the next step further when I get out of this place.." Andrew: "What's more than the compound???" Warlock: "You couldn't be talking about this planet.. none of us are strong enough to take out a planet." Hizoku: ":naughty:" Craig: "You're hiding something." Hizoku: "You're just now figuring this out? :rolleyes:" Neil: "How much longer 'til we get to AJ?" Craig: "Shouldn't be too long now.. but then there's actually getting to him..."[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro lands hard on the ground in a crouched position and stands up straight. His muscles a as tight as they can be and as built as much as he'll allow them..[/i] Ultra Pyro: This is it. I can't get any stronger. This is my maximum.. [i]All around Pyro, his surrounding lie in rubble, he stands in the middle of a desert, created by none other than himself.[/i] Ultra Pyro: Now, I just have to wait for the right moment.. :demon:[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]just completely computer animated would be sweet.. havn't you seen the final fantasy movie? .. thats the type of computer graphixs i'm talking about :p [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ya, but the plot was iffy. And if it was [i]completely[/i] computer animated it would seem a little odd and less real, or something.. i dontk now how to put it.[/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]this is the worst thing i've ever seen. me and a bunch of people were riding around in a car. someone got the bright idea to go get some heroin. i basically cussed them all out, but there was nothing i could do since i had no other ride. we drove around for awhile, but couldn't find any. this one guy jared said "i know a girl w/ mad hook-ups, we should call her." i just sat in the car sulking outside of her house while they made phone calls. i was sitting in the far back of the station wagon, kind of laying down, so i didn't see her get into the front seat to direct us to the spot. they got the dope & we went back to her house. she told us to sit outside since her mom was inside & she wanted to shoot up before she went in. i climbed out the back door to smoke a cigarette, since the whole thing disgusted me & i didn't want to be around it. i walked to the front of the car when i saw it. the girl, abra, was sticking the needle in her arm... an arm which rested on a swollen, pregnant belly. i nearly puked. she was at least nine months pregnant. jared was actually helping her w/ the tourniquet!! nobody even cared! she wanted to get high right then so badly that she didn't even care who saw that she was a worthless, child-abusing, dope fiend. all i could think about was that dope pumping into the baby's brain, wondering how many times she had done that. & what really makes this story the worst is that 2 weeks later, the baby girl was born deformed & dead.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hrmm... I can't really get a good visual of that, though the question is do I want to.. but the one part I dont under is this, "i climbed out the back door to smoke a cigarette, since the whole thing disgusted me & i didn't want to be around it." So you go away from something disgusting, only to to something equally as disgusting (IMO) while you wait. No offense or anything, but me being a straight edge, I can't stand the thought of anyone smoking, sniffing, inhaling, injecting, drinking anything. So I guess the most disgusting thing I've ever seen would be someone taking illegal and/or harmful drugs like that, you know? Cause then you're left to imagine what they look like on this inside (physically). I mean, what if what happned to your inside when you smoke, happened to the outside, where people couild see actaully what happens. I saw a commercial last night with a smoker in it and she was talking about something, I don't know I wasn't paying too much attention, but I noticed she had a hole in the bottom of her throat. And I guess for some reason she couldn't smoke through her mouth, so instead she put the butt of the cigarette in the hole in her throat (with im guessing led to her air pipe) and smoked it that way. How utterly disgusting is that??? And the sad thing is that doing any kind of harmful drug these days is becoming more and more common these days, and it makes me sad, it makes me really sad. People have no self-respect and knowledge of what they are putting their body through. And what is even sadder is when a person that never does drugs of any kind, ironically, dies of an overdose on something. Maybe because they were at a party and they got a really bad headache and someone gave them some "asprin" and they were to blinded by their headache that they just took an overdose and went to sleep and never woke up. I just hate it, I hate it all.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Computers aren't perfect people, it'd screw up somehow. Using them for the transformations would be good, but when it comes to keeping the hair how it's supposed to be after the trans. is a whole nother story. any movie hair spiking gel would work perfectly. In [i]SLC Punk[/i] this one guy had spikes that were a good 1-2feet long, and they were spiked perfectly. So some industrial strength hair gel is all that you need :D[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]but if you want to be cheered up, i highly recommend sublime..[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ooooo, especiamally "What I Got". I never get tired of that song. My favomorite line is "Life is too short short so love the one you got, cause you might get run over or you might get shot." Lol, very comforting, ya know? Also, if you want to get cheered up, there's always Reel Big Fish. Any song by them is good, I reccomend "Sell Out" or "She Has a Girlfriend Now" :D :laugh: But anymawhos, I do not believe that music influences the listener to do stupid stuff. It's just a stereotype. If someone sees someone else oh lets say.. walking around with a group of friends, all with their pants sagging and whatnot. The persons going to say "Gee they must listen to rap, they are bad people since they dont know the use of a belt, blah blah blah" Someone sees another wearing a lot of black with a right-side up pentacle around their neck. The person would think, "Gee, that person is satanic" when they dont even know the a right-side up pentacle is not even a satanic symbol, they just assume that because they are wearing a lot of black to go along with it. It all goes back to that people are stupid, closed-minded, selfish a-holes who care nothing but themselves and don't think they can do anything wrong and they can judge people correctly(im just referring to MOST people, not all). I dont know if that made sense, I just kept on typing whatever spilled out and im too lazy to go back and re-organize my thoughts right now, if i need to go back and clear something up, i might..oh well, but there ya go.[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]I think the actors would look really wierd with huge spikey wigs on.:flaming: :demon: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Who needs wigs??? If you use the right a stuff you can make your hair stand up perfectly.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Craig: "Hizoku, that would be Siren. She's the one we came here for." Hizoku: "Oh really.." [i]Hizoku lets go of Siren and she straightens out her clothes..[/i] Siren: "You came for me?... Alright, what's going on?" Neil: "We're going to get the hell outta here, that's what' going on." Siren: "And how do you plan to do that?" Kaiyu: "This guy seems to have a plan." *gestures toward Hizoku* Siren: "And who might you be?" Hizoku: "One that should be respected..." Warlock: "All we know is that his name's Hizoku." [i]There is silence for a moment...[/i] Andrew: "So when are we getting out of here?" [i]Hizoku snaps out of his concentration looking up..[/i] Hizoku: "Is there anyone else?" Craig: "Ummm... I don't know.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If there is anyone else please post so I/we know who to find. Thanks. If not, someone continue from there somehow.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Now here's another age question.. how old is Roshi's turtle friend???[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]That's how I always pronounced it. I'm a natural! (i guess, lol) It just made sense to me to pronounce it like that..[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Anyway, Cooler probably learned it from the Ghetti Star... thats my best guess. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I havn't seen it, but I know of it and the basic storyline and the characters in it and stuff. I agree with Transtic, he probably learned it from the Ghetti Star, it makes sense enough to satisfy my curiosity.[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gee-enki Dama [/i] [B]I agree, he look similar to Gohan IMHO thanks Munkie :) [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]No problem, it didn't take too much work, cause I have that site in my favorites, all I did was copy and poste the URLs :D[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][i]Kaiyu comes around the corner of the cell.[/i] Kaiyu: "I'm right here. I just wanted to be sure the coast was clear.." [i]Hizoku comes back from wripping off the guards heads..[/i] Neil: ":eek: That's a little much don't you think?" Craig: "Ok, now that we're out what do we do?" Hizoku: "There are still others, we need to get them too.." Craig: "Ok, umm.. oh, there's a girl over in a different compound, she could be useful." Warlock: "How long will it take us to get there?" Craig: "Umm.. 15 minutes or so." Hizoku: "What are we going to pass by?" Craig: "The armory." Hizoku: "Crap." Kaiyu: "What?" Warlock: "That place is guarded like a fortress." Hizoku: "It [i]is[/i] a fortress.... how long if we go around it?" Craig: "Ummm.. 30 minutes or so." Neil: "That's quite some time." Hizoku: "Ya but it's the safest way. Let's go." [i]Hizoku and the others head out of the compound and head to the other prisoner compound.[/i][/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh[/i] [b]OMG, leo dicaprio was who i picked for mirai trunks, too! maybe it's fate. just b/c leo plays the tortured soul so well... don't flame me, people![/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]You know? If I only had a decent picture and a scanner that works with this computer, I have a feeling you'd change you mind on that decision. The difference between is so hard to tell... well, cept for he has pruple hair and I have brown hair(im working on that one), and he's a bit stronger built than I(im working on that one too! :D). And I also am a aspiring actor. I even have the "pretty" blue eyes to go along with it all!:excited: [/SIZE]
  23. PiroMunkie


    [SIZE=1]Ooooo, this is about the kabajillionth topic like this I'vee seen since the beginning of my time here on the boards.... anywho: alternative, punk, ska, goth, metal, grunge, etc etc.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Another song for you, the listener... [url]http://www.hoobastank.com/mp3/Hoobastank_-_Crawling_in_the_Dark.mp3[/url] "Crawling in the Dark" by, Hoobastank (if you like Linkin Park, you should like them!)[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][i]Neil and Guard Biggs(?, lol) walk to the commander..[/i] Guard Biggs: "So how much do you think you know?" Neil: "I [i]know[/i] more than you know I'm sure.." Guard Biggs: "Hrmm.. I'm sure the Commander will enjoy the info.." [i]They walk for a bit more out across the wasteland to the Commanders private HQ when suddenly Neil forcefully disappears[/i] Guard Biggs: "Wha..?" [i]Guard Biggs is suddenly hit hard in the face from something he can't see...[/i] Guard Biggs: "What the f...!?!?! Let's see which f....er I get to kill now..." [i]Biggs flips a lense over his eye allowing him to see anything that is invisible..[/i] Guard Biggs: "Now where are you..." [i]Biggs, armed with his strongest weapon, scans around him.. as he comes to what was behind him he suddenly sees a whirling ball of energy heading straight for him![/i] Guard Biggs: "Holy crap!!!" [i]Before Biggs can react the energy smashes into knocking him back and exploding, but causing minor damage[/i] Guard Biggs: "Why those little!!!" [i]Biggs is hit a fw times more and then slowly gets up from the ground[/i] Guard Biggs: "There is [i]definitley[/i] more than one of them!" [i]Biggs suddenly feels a stinging pain in his chest and looks down to see blood dripping from something covered in blood that resembles a hand.. Biggs drops to the ground.. dead.... Hizoku and Warlock appear out of nowhere, Hizoku holding Neil by the throat...[/i] Warlock: "That took some work.." Hizoku: "Yeah.. but on to bigger matters.." [i]Hizoku looks at Neil and punches him in the face kncoking him to the ground and then jumps onto his chest[/i] Hizoku: "What were you going to tell them!!!" :flaming: Neil: *cough!* "I wasn't going to tell them anything!" Hizoku: "You lie!!" Neil: "What do [i]I[/i] know!?!?" Warlock: "Let him go.. he couldn't know anything.. we've never met him.." [i]Hizoku looks down at Neil angrily and then gets up off him. Neil stands up and brushes the dirt off him.[/i] Hizoku: "What's your name?" Neil: "Neil. You?" Warlock: "Warlock." Hizoku: "Hizoku... do you know where the others are?" Neil: "..Yes, I do." Hizoku: "Good. Take us there." Neil: "And you won't kill me?" Hizoku: "Not if you don't give me a reason to." Neil: "Heh.. Ok, follow me." [i]Neil leads Warlock and Hizoku to the prisoner compound[/i][/SIZE]
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