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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1]HA! Your petty attacks are no match aginst me!!! And it's too late! It's ready!!!![/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][b]((( O )))[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=red][b]~^([/COLOR]' '[COLOR=red])^[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Aw crap.. Though I didn't think "That Dating Game" was spam.. though it wasnt really a dating game.. it was more like a get to know each other through discussion game or something to that effect.. most all the posts were much more than just one word, and it actually had a point... kinda,.. you(not saying that you, yourself, did it) shoulda just let it die out like it was instead of deleting it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro, Xaida, and Warlock talk while Flash yells at them in the background about getting him outta the water...[/i] Pyro: So have you fought them yet? Warlock: Ya... Xaida: How strong are they? Warlock: Very.. it even with Flash's power [i]and[/i] mine working together, we still had a lot of trouble.. Pyro: Is there a designated time we're supposed to meet them somewhere? Warlock: Heh, we just kinda ditched 'em, so they're prolly looking for us right now. [i]There's silence for a bit except for Flash's yelling in the back ground..[/i] Pyro: So what do we do now? Flash: *in the background* How bout getting me out of this water!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro and MP are fighting and Pyro suddenly stops, MP is too caught up in the sparring and dleivers a direct punch to Pyro face... Pyro doesn't even move..[/i] MP: :eek: err.. sorry bout that... what'd you stop for? Pyro: Did you not get Aestus' message? MP: Oh, that's what that was? Pyro: We're supposed to go back to the arena and continue the tournament.. it will begin in twleve hours. MP: How far away is it? Pyro: I'd say about 9 hours by foot and 4-5 hours by flight. MP: Heh, let's fly. Pyro: Fine with me! [i]Pyro blasts off without warning leaving MP in the dust[/i] MP: *cough* Hey hold up!! [i]MP blasts off after Pyro...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Raditz? SSJ? Three words: Fear the hair!!! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: Do you think Bililuoho, or whatever its name is will let em in??? [i]Xaida glares at Pyro...[/i] Xaida: Yes.. they're expected to come.. Pyro: *sigh* I've been out of action for too long...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Xaida: Pyro, why do you fight? Pyro: It's in my blood. Xaida: Why do you kill without second thought? Pyro: It's in my blood. Xaida: Are all Saiya-jins ruthless? Pyro: For the most part, at least in battle. When they're not fighting we're a bit more civilized. Xaida: Ok, um, on your planet... who did you fight if it was just the Saiya-jins living there? Pyro: Well, there was a different race living there, but that was before I was born. My father told me they were a more advanced race when it came to weaponry. Though, they couldn't do anything against us after we caught a glimpse of a full moon.. Xaida: What's the full moon do? Pyro: For any Saiya-jin who has his tail, after he or she sees the full moon they'll transform into their Oozaru form, as you saw in the ROST. That energy ball I created is basically a synthetic moon.. Xaida: Interesting... it's odd how our races our different, yet we still don't kill each other.. Pyro: What do you mean? Xaida: Well, the Laporins, for the most part, are a peaceful race, only fighting if it's absolutely neccessary. But the Saiya-jins on the other hand, thrive to fight and cause chaos and disorder.. Pyro: Heh, ya I see what you mean.. Xaida: Do Saiya-jins have a weakness?? Pyro: Umm.. we used to have a big one.. It was our tails, if someone grabbed it and squeezed it we'd become powerless. But we've evolved out of that.. so our only weakness would be if we found a greater and stronger fighter I guess.. Xaida: Hrmm..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Can you feel the power?!?! :D[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][b](((((( O ))))))[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=red][b]~^([/COLOR]' '[COLOR=red])^[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kirby adds more and more energy to the Spirit Bomb!!![/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=blue][b]((( O ))))[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=red][b]~^([/COLOR]' '[COLOR=red])^[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro walks along normally as everything around him is going slower than he is...[/i] Pyro: How are you doing that? Xaida: :) Magic, duh.. everything is moving slower now.. the effects of gravity are slower even.. go ahead, jump. [i]Pyro leaps into the air where he hangs in the ari longer and then slowy desends to the ground again..[/i] Pyro: Odd.. [i]Pyro fires a small energy blast out of his hand as it leaves quickly but then slows down as you then can see the ripples in the air it makes...[/i] Pyro: :eek:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lil_hell4t [/i] [B]steals his spirit bomb and hits him with a kamehameha [SIZE=3][B][COLOR=royalblue]()[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]^( " )>[/B][COLOR=royalblue][B](@>=======
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands up with a smirk on his face..[/i] MP: *sigh* What are you hiding now? [i]Pyro just stands there as the blood from his slashes goes away and the wounds heal up..[/i] MP: :eek: I didn't know you could do that!! [i]Pyro rushes at MP without warning, but MP sees him just in time and throws out a punch making a energy pounding fist to fist contact. Pyro quickly releases his fist and grabs MP's fist and begins to squeeze it and bend it backwards. MP tires to punch him with the other hand but Pyro catches that one and does the same thing! Pyro tightens his mercy lock on MP as she falls to her knees breaking the ground beneath her. MP struggles harder and harder finally planting one foot on the ground and pushing hersef up slowly. Pyro sees what she's doing and launches her up into the air uncontrollably and disappears... MP stops herself in the air and looks around...[/i] MP: Gah.. where'd he go? [i]Suddenly, hundreds of images of Pyro appear and disappear repeatedly confusing MP then one charges through the rest with a punch lined up. MP turns around in time to see him coming and throws her fist at Pyro slamming him in the face, but at the saem time, Pyro got her.. the stall for a moment then MP lifts her feet up and kicks Pyro in the chest sending them both backwards.. they both skid to a stop in the air and launch back at each other. MP knees Pyro in the stomach and jumps higher into the air and comes down on Pyro who moves out of the way and elbows her in the face. MP spins around and kicks Pyro's side and Pyro grabs her leg and throws her hurling to the ground where she lands with a huge crash..Pyro lands just standing there as MP gets back up..[/i] MP: I see you decided to turn it up a notch, eh? Pyro: More like a quarter of a notch.. I could have done much more and still not had to awaken a stronger power.. :smirk: MP: Heh, this might-be power of yours seems interesting.. Pyro: Oh it is, it is..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]SSJ4 Kirby begins to create Spirit Bomb to attack some Kirbes! :D[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][b][COLOR=blue]O[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][b][COLOR=red]^([/COLOR]' '[COLOR=red])^[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OK ok ok, the best one ever [i]has[/i] to be: "Make 7 Up yours!" :laugh: or or or or "It is better to have half a Dew than no Dew at all" :laugh: :laugh:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Ya, that first one was stupid. But the second one was kinda funny, it got a small chuckle outta me :laugh:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]TV Series: DBZ, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing (they all have there good apsects that keep 'em on the same level) Movie: Ummm... sadly enough the only anime movies I've seen are the DBZ ones and out of those I've seen [i]Dead Zone[/i], [i]Tree of Might[/i], and [i]The World's Strongest[/i] (uncut, i wouldnt havei t any other way.. cept subbed also..) And out of those I'd say [i]Tree of Might[/i]. [i]Dead Zone[/i]'s getting old since it kinda works in with the Garlic Jr. Saga, it's just too much of the same thing that wasn't even that good to begin with.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I've read Moby Dick once, but 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is better! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Ok ok I found one, lol, I like "No Will Power" SSJ Trunks' theme, lol :D It's pretty cool :cool:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]*sigh* Where is Mystical Pan when you need her??? I've been waitin fer a few days now.... *sigh*[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]Whew...thats alot of typeing...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]*sigh* But ain't it the truth? Lol :D Stoopid cave thingy :flaming: lol...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]:D I am the king of Kirby Gifs!! Lol! Darn, no gif this time, but oh well.. Potera Kirby goes SSJ4!!! [COLOR=skyblue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow](>")[/COLOR][COLOR=skyblue]'[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]>[/COLOR] [b]-->[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][b][COLOR=yellow]^([/COLOR][COLOR=red]**[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow])^[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE] [b]-->[/b] [SIZE=1][b][COLOR=red]~(>[/COLOR]"[COLOR=red])>[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Have any of you ever thought this might be offensive to some? For example, those who don't belive in "God"? I hate it when people talk about this stuff in front of me. I went in to French class today and the next person came in and decided to draw something on the blackboard. She drew and walked away, it was the star of david. I went up there and erased it. Sorry to bring such an interruption to this topic but you can't just assume everyone's going to be fine with this crap your posting..no offense or anything..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]ROTFLMAO!!! Wow, not something you'd expect from [i]the[/i] Admin guy person... lol, nice Adam, very nice. Well done, even! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]How nice it would be to be from another planet.. but sadly I'm from N. America..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Agh.. that sucks. That's why your not supposed to bring that kinda stuff to school, or at least in that big of quantity..[/SIZE]