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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]Kirby's learn Potera Fusion!! WOOHOO!! (see attachment :D)[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Just waitin or you, Warlock. Read the posts and you'll get it better than I can explain it, lol :D[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Another one??? *sigh* [i]Parting is such sweet sorrow...[/i] Farewell, Iggy[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soccer 4 Life [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Super Saiya-jin: Analysis[/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]The very first stage of "SSJ". This was supposed to be the original SSJ stage but as time went by more was added. Son Goku was the first this stage during the furiza saga. When Goku first used this transformation it looked like his power increased by 15 times normal, but as time progressed the power surge wasn't as great. Goku reached the level first then Mirai Trunks showed up.[/COLOR] Reaching SSJ level: - you have to have a desire to fight. - you have to have rage and anger. - must have Saiya-jin blood. - heart must be pure. In this stage: - attributes are increased. - hair becomes golden, eyes are bluish green. - saiya-jin gains more muscle mass. Who can do this: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, GokuJr, VegetaJr, Brolli. [COLOR=teal]Considering that she is a quarter Sayin(Gohan Half Sayin Daughter quarter Sayin) She might have the ability to Transform but I dunno....[/COLOR] :babble: It would be cool to see what she would look like as a Super Sayin!!!!:babble:[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ok, any of the Saiya-jin girls could go SSJ its just that Toriyama sadi they cant because they're girls. It doesnt matter if their heart is "pure", as seen when Vegeta went SSJ. Now we all know he isn't pure of heart. Purity of heart only matters on Nimbus.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Ummm... I'm just gonna post my opinion.. LS, those are some good (but bad, ya know) pics.. and the ones with the "devil face" in them. Can you say "computer editing"?[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][i]There[/i] we go! I found who I was thinking of. [b]Zangya[/b] Zangya's past is never revealed, though we do know she's one of Bojack's henchmen. Zangya easily defeats Krillin and is killed by Bojack after Gohan kills Bido and Bujin. :D[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]It means. Go in Peace and be victorous i guess....... [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Or at least the be victorious part. Since Vegeta knew that Trunks was going back to the future to fight the Androids and Cell there, so he's bascially saying "be victorious"................yup :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]I will side with anyone that asks, cuz im strongest. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I'll side with ya! You got the strength, I got the gifs! Lol :D[/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Smoke Signals? Solar Flares? Final Flashes? I don't care! Just get the attention of either Warlock or Flash, AIM is good too. But don't ask me, my computer is wigging out.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Oh! I can do the Final Flash!! :D (see attachment)[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Woohoo! Let's all attack the dis-inflated Kirby!! (a good thing too cause I just finished my Final Flash Kirby gif :D) (>")>(((C=================O))^( xx )> (see attachment for Final Flash Kirby!!)[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Hey Pyro! Get Warlock's attention! They need to show up where we are or the story's going to go nuts! GET THEIR ATTENTION!!![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]And just how am I supposed to do that???[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Pyro: Grr.. Stop that!! :flaming: *flips himself back over*.. I don't have to use ki for everything you know.. Xaida: Oh yeah? Give me one example. :smirk: Pyro: Ok then, too easy.. [i]Pyro disappears and then reappears behind Xaida[/i] Pyro: Just pure speed.. Xaida: *sigh* Ok you win, but we all know your heavily reliant on ki. Pyro: It's in my blood.. I don't have to work for it like humans do. It just comes naturally. Xaida: I see.. this place must be hell for you then.. Pyro: Ya think so!?!?! I've only been saying that for the past time that we've been here! Xaida: *sigh* I'm sorry I was unaware of your Saiyan limitations.. Pyro: They aren't limits, I'm just being restricted by this place.. [i]Pyro kicks the wall leaving a big whole in it, but the wall simply reassembles..[/i] Pyro: *scoffs with a not so happy look on his face*[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Lol, uuummm.. anywhere from 2 - 4.5 hours during the weekdays and anywhere from 10-15 hours on the weekends :D[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]*smothers PiroMunkie with kisses* yes! that's it! everybody look at this, it's one of the best vegeta pics ever. how will i ever repay you? a thousand thank yous! yet that's not nearly enough. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Eeeeewww girly kisses!! Lol j/k :D I don't need any repayment, I didn't have to work to find it I just went and got it, lol. Your welcome![/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Pyro: What the..??? That's so diculous it's rediculous!! Xaida: But it's the truth! :D Pyro: Grr.. I don't like this place... how do you fly again?? Xaida: *sigh* just pull tghe strings of magic around you.. [i]Pyro begins to grab aimlessly into the air getting nothing..[/i] Pyro: :flaming: What is this some kinda joke?!?! Xaida: Calm down Pyro! You won't get anything if you dont calm down! Pyro: *inhales deeply and lets it out slowly* Ok.. [i]Pyro reaches into the air and pulls on an invisible line of magic and rises into the air[/i] Pyro: Haha!! Woohoo! I'm flying!! :D Xaida: :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Pyro: So I'm basically powerless in here? Xaida: More or less, ya.. Pyro: Grr.. I wish I could at least fly.. Xaida: Well if you want it bad enough I'm sure you could..but not the controlling ki.. Pyro: :confused: Riiiiiiiight, cause there are other ways to fly :rolleyes: Xaida: Remember Pyro it's all about the magic, you, and the waterfall in here... Pyro: I'm a Saiyan!!! I don't [i]know[/i] magic!! I'm a warrior not a witch!! [i]Pyro struggles in the water trying to get control of his ki[/i] Xaida: :laugh: No matter how hard you try your not going to do it.. Pyro: Grrr :flaming:[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Grr!! Kirby Fusion!!! (see attachment :D)[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro launches at MP and seems to go straight through her. Confused, MP looks behind her, sees nothing, and truns back forward only to be punched across the face by Pyro. MP is thrown back a bit but catches herself. She then rapidly keeps appearing and disappearing around Pyro as he trys to keep up with her movement. Suddenly, Pyro is tripped into the air and hit down to the ground. Before MP and stomp on his back Pyro disappears.. reappearing not far in front of MP[/i] Pyro: *wipes a speck of blood from his mouth and looks at it* Heh heh, haha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!! MP: What's so funny? Pyro: I'm suprised you drew blood.. a simple rarity, but not too rare. Heh.. MP: You're hiding something aren't you? Pyro: Yup :smirk: I'm hiding a LOT actually.. I could beat you easily, but this isnt a fight this is a spar so I'll refrain from using all of my power and just use enough to keep up with you.. MP: You seem sure of yourself. Pyro: Oh, I have good reason.. believe me. MP: Ok, let's get back to sparring :smirk:[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]My SSJ Kirby's (the ones under Ougon Oozaru of hell4t's) transform themselves into Ougon Oozarus themselves!! Lifting hell4t's Oozaru off the gorund and off balance..[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][b][COLOR=yellow]^([/COLOR][COLOR=red]xx[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow])>[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]^([/COLOR][COLOR=red]**[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow])^[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]^([/COLOR][COLOR=red]**[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow])^[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]^([/COLOR][COLOR=red]**[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow])^[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]^([/COLOR][COLOR=red]**[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow])^[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Lol, hey Raiha, remember the whole "tiger talk" on AIM that one time :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[i]Xaida leads the way into the waterfall area and Pyro follows not far behind..[/i] Pyro: This place is a bit odd.. Xaida: Oh? And how do you mean? Pyro: You just didn't get places like this on Vegeta.. or any other planet I terrorized for that matter... xaida: Well, that's prolly because this place is one of a kind.. Pyro: Soooo... what is this place?[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Ok, here's the link to the pic!! It's a lil crappy site I made, before I understood HTML, lol. Okay enough talk! Here it is!! [URL=http://pyromonkey.bigyardsale.org/images/monkvegeta.jpg]http://pyromonkey.bigyardsale.org/images/monkvegeta.jpg[/URL] YAY![/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]OMG!!!!!!!!!!! THat's my favorite pic too!!!! Hold on I'll go get it! I know exactly where it is!! WOOHOO!! :D[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Lol! Ok, when I first read over Lady Macaiodh's previous post about rapings and girls being naturally weaker than guys I just skimmed it and read the word "shlong" as "Shenlong" the eternal dragon.................. *thinks about what he just said* EEWWW!!! LOL!! :laugh:[/SIZE]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]the guy may have the shlong, but the girl has all the sexual power. in the immortal words of josh glines, "guys aren't raped. they're seduced." face it, it was all about establishing male dominance. but i guess i can see your point, since males are naturally stronger than females. ladies, please do not jump all over my @ss for saying that, it's just genetics. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Actually, girl's legs are naturally stronger than guy's... not to sound all macho or anything, but that's about the only area where they're stronger than guys[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Grr.. tough question! My favorite male Character is Vegeta but female it's Pan.. hrmmm.. I take both sides kinda Gokou & ChiChi ^ Gohan & Videl Goten | [b]Pan[/b] [b]Vegeta[/b] & Bulma ^ Trunks Bra But since the question deals with kids I guess I'd have to lean more towards Gokou's kids :)[/SIZE]
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