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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro struglles relentlessly using his broad size as leverage against the dragons grip[/i] Xaida: [b]Don't try and escape your time is up![/b] [i]Pyro struglles even harder slowly loosening Xaida's grip, but Xaida just tightens her grip even more..[/i] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]aaaAAAAAAHHHH!!![/b][/COLOR] Xaida: [i]Pyro! Come on![/i] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]I'm trying!! I could get out right now but I'd tear you into peices!![/b][/COLOR] Xaida: [b]We wouldn't want [i]that[/i] to happne now would we?[/b] :smirk: Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]SHUT! UP!![/b][/COLOR] [i]Pyro struggles harder but Xaida only squeezes harder![/i] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHRRGGHH!!! [i]If I could only keep this power and get to my normal size again!! Yes! That's just crazy enoguh to work!![/i][/b][/COLOR] [i]Pyro begins to hum in a trance-like state as his familiar green energy begins to swarm his body and creep into any exposed orifice. Pyro's eyes flip open as he releases a huge beam of energy that smashes into the white energy ball blowing it up and the beam rebounds back to Pyro who lets the beam hit him as he harnesses it with his mind and he begins to glow a blinding green light as he slowly shrinks down to his normal size. The dragon, utterly confused releases the grip and backs away.. the green light fades revealing a different Pyro than originally seen. His muscles are tighter, more defined and bigger, but his body was also more lanky allowing him easier ovement with the bigger muscles. His hair stayed the same but his eyes are that familiar pure red..[/i] Xaida: [b]Wha- What [i]are[/i] you!?!?[/b] [COLOR=red]Heh heh.. hahaha!!..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well it's not a Super Saiya-jin but that's not what I was going for so that's okay! This will easily do! You should feel honored!![/COLOR] Xaida: [b]Oh? And h-how is that!?![/b] [COLOR=red]You have witnessed the birth of the first ever Ultra Saiya-jin!!![/COLOR] Xaida: [b]What?!?! What is that!???![/b] [COLOR=red]USJ Pyro: Well, it's not a normal Saiya-jin and it's not quite a Super Saiya-jin. It's that beefed up mofo in the middle! :devil:[/COLOR] Xaida: [b]Well whatever it is! I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle![/b] [COLOR=red]USJ Pyro: Oh really!?! Can you handle this power!?!?![/COLOR] [i]Suddenly Pyro lets out a bellowing yell as he explodes with an awesome energy! A huge shockwave pulses from him with the power of thousands of nuclear explosions! xaida is thrusted back like a ragdoll hurling about uncontrollably in the feirce winds. Pyro's shirt is ripped to shreds in the inferno of energy that he had created about him and then just as easy as it came, it was suddenly calm again and Xaida (that Dragon) fell to the ground..[/i] Xaida: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Who's this Connor person???? I would like to know before my "grand re-entry"! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]I-I don't know how!![/b][/COLOR] [i]The giant ape and the dragon stood facing each other...[/i] Xaida: [b]You should have stayed out of her business..[/b] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]She brought me into it and I believe it's for the better[/b][/COLOR] Xaida: [b]Then it will be sad to see you die at such a young age![/b] [i]The dragon sprung into action lunging itself at Pyro swiping at him with her sharp claws barely missing him..[/i] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]So it's a fight you want huh? Then it's a fight you get!![/b][/COLOR] [i]Pyro charges at Xaida ramming his shoulder into her knocking her back.[/i] Xaida: [i]Be careful Pyro you're hurting me too!![/i] [b]Ya, Pyro! Be careful!![/b] :smirk: [i]Pyro lets outa ki blast out of his mouth but Xaida blocks it as it dissipates into the air[/i] Xaida: [b]My turn![/b] [i]Xaida disappears and suddenly Pyro is kncked over from behind. Pyro gets up and swings behind him but completely misses the dragon. Then Pyro is hit from above, he looks up and nothing ios there..[/i] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]Argh! She's too fast!![/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Uhh, yeah, Sorry about that... Well, nonetheless, the Melee just finished, so... :p [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Well don't you just s.uck! :D j/k, Dont kill me please!! *cowers in corner* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]So have you made your decsision whether or not to join with us yet?...[/b] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Hmm.. Yes. That is my answer.[/COLOR] [b]We knew you'd come to your senses..we'll leave now since ou only need Pyro for this..[/b] [i]In a bright glow of light, Pyro becomes himself again..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: You learn very quickly, so you have earned my union with you.[/COLOR] Pyro: It's about time. [i]The Life Dragon lowers himself to the ground and crumbles into nothing but dirt, and that dirt is absorbed into the ground..[/i] Pyro: That's it?!? I don't feel any stronger.... huh? [i]Pyro feels something wrapping around his ankle and he looks downto see vines growing out of the ground and curling around his legs and making their way up hias body. Soon enough Pyro is completely restrained by the vines as they then begin to pull him into the ground..[/i] Pyro: AAAHH!!! What's going on!?!!! [i]Pyro is pulled completely under the ground and all is calm for a moment. Then, all at once, different forms of life sprout from the ground . Trees, grass, animals, and everthings else! Birds take off from the tree tops as steam begins to bellow from the volcanoe as it becomes alive itself. Then a beam of light comes out of the volcanoe and hits the sky and then fades leaving the complete Pyro in the air..[/i] Pyro: Finally :smirk:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]I'm bored...angry...bored....post something Pyro!!!!!!!![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I was still in school! I didnt get out of school until about an hour after you posted that! Anywho, I think I know what's "haunting" Xaida :D I won't say it though..I'm not gonna have Pyro turn SSJ, maybe something less but not SSJ, not yet.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: Look! I don't know what has gotten into you but you don't need to do this! Xaida: Garrhh! I can't control myself!! Pyro: Snap out of it!! [i]Pyro rushes toward Xaida to attempt to restrain her[/i] Xaida: *different eviler voice* [b]Stay away!![/b] [i]Xaida punches Pyro in the face sending him flying backwards..[/i] Pyro: ...Gah! Whatever has gotten ahold of her is too strong for myself alone to handle. My power would have to increase 10x if I was to.. There we go, I'm suprised I didn't tink of that already. [i]Pyro creates that familiar white ball of energy and launches it into the air as it expands with powerful brute rays! Pyroa again grows to immense size and transforms into his Oozaru form again![/i] Oozaru Pyro: :devil: [i]Oozaru Pyro grabs Xaida in his hand and restrains her from doing anything[/i] Xaida: [b]Let me go!![/b] [i]Xaida struggles as hard as she can but can't seem to get free so far[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Homecoming's for posers. At least that's my opinion. That's all you ever see going to those things in this town. They dress like it's there friggin' wedding or something. "oo wow I'm homecoming king/queen!" Who cares?!?!?!?!!? Like that will look good on a resume?? Not at all. The next day they walk around like theyre the mac daddy or dueen of the dern school. I usually bump into them to show disrespect, and then they get all "royal" on me and use clothing as a sign of their "royal authority", they'll say stuff like "only the king wears [i]FUBU[/i]" and then I point out about 100 people also wearing [i]FUBU[/i] or whatnot. And I said the king cause I target the "homecoming king" cause he's the most obvious with his "great accomplishment". homecoming=hell[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]if your chatting with someone and they havn't said anything in a long time you vocally say "come on hurry up!" as if they can actually here you...HA! That's not very funny... :confused:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]One word: [i]Anti-social[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: I know what will happen if you do that. It's not that hard to figure out. So if you kill yourself you'll be doing it for no reason. I know what you're trying to do and I don't like it. If I ever become a Super Saiyan it will be on my own terms, no one elses. I [i]do[/i] love you but I have pride. I won't do something cause someone wants me to, I'll do it because [i]I[/i] want to. So kill youself if you must but I will lose all respect for you if you do. You're smarter than that. Xaida: But-but!! Pyro: ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]*ahem* Okay, Pyro's currently not even in the same realm as you so I don't know what Warlock was posting about with me up there. I'll be in the melee when I get to it, I should be there soon. And with a thing like Juggernaut ion the rampage I doubt this will end before I get back :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro breaks apart from the battle with the Life Dragon in the [b]Dragon God Sanctuary[/b] as something clicks in his mind[/i] Pyro: Gah! That's not a good thing.. [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: So you have just now sensed it..[/COLOR] Pyro: Yes. [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Areyou not gonna go help your friends?[/COLOR] Pyro: Some things are a bit more important right now.. [COLOR=green]Life Dragno: Like power..[/COLOR] Pyro: Exactly, and that power will soon be mine! You've fought well but I'm through playing! Now I'm going to kick your a.ss and get the power that is so rightfully mine! [i]Pyro charges up going throguh all sorts of changes as different colors of energy swirl around him violently and then he explodes with an awesome power as he reveals one of his most powerful states.[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: So, you have activated all of the Dragon's powers at once, eh Pyro?[/SIZE] [i]Pyro speaks in a combined form of all the Dragon's voices plus his own[/i] [b]My name is no longer Pyro. I am us all and we are him![/b] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: What the..!?! No, no I don not have any knowledge of what has just happened to you!![/COLOR] [b]Now our power has far exceeded your own. I am us all and we are him. Give up![/b] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: If your power is so great than why do you not just leave the way you are!?![/COLOR] [b]Our power will never be complete without you added to it.[/b] [i]The Life Dragon stands in shock of what they have just become..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Well, I guess I have no other choice but to join with Pyro..but I am still unsure whether that is my final decision.[/COLOR] [b]We are you and you are us. Without us you yourself will never be complete and without you we will never be complete. You will join, it is what you desire.[/b] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Let me still think about it...[/COLOR] [i]To be continued...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: You want my strongest attack? Or my most affective attack?? Xaida: Umm.. you strongest most effective attack! Pyro: :confused: Ok, whatever you say.. :smirk: [i]Pyro places his hand palm up and begins to form a small white energy ball..[/i] Pyro: :devil: Heh heh.. Xaida: That's it!?!?... Oh well... you ready? Pyro: *eyes begin to glow red* Yup... :devil: [i]Pyro leaps far back and stands ready..[/i] Xaida: All right.... ARASHINO!! [i]Xaida's attack blasts it's way toward Pyro..[/i] Pyro: All right! Here we *voice becomes a roar* GOOOOOOO!!!! [i]Pyro throws the ball of energy high into the air and it expands fiercly letting off a high amount of energy. Suddenly Pyro grows to immense heights as his clthes expand with him and is covered with brown fur and his eyes glaze over red. Pyro has transformed into his Oozaru form! Oozaru Pyro catches the Arashino with his giant hand and crushes the blast into nothing with ease[/i] Oozaru Pyro: [COLOR=red][b]Now it's my turn![/b][/COLOR] [i]Oozaru Pyro inhales deeply and the lunges out as a huge ki blast fires from his mouth and makes it's way quickly at Xaida and hits her dead on and exploding on contact and sending her flying through the air completely fried and crashing back to the ground. Pyro grabbed the small ki ball he created and destroys it and he shrinks back down to his normal self as Xaida slowly and barely just lifts herself off the ground[/i] Pyro: And there's plenty more where [i]that[/i] came from.. I just didn't want to kill you.. :smirk: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, Pyro still has his tail... it's been that way ever since.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B]Your turn. :p. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, I'm aware of that. I couldn't post for some reason last night... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: All right, try that again.. Xaida: What? The Solstice Summon?? Why??? Pyro: Just do it. Xaida: *sigh* Ok [i]Pyro takes his stance as Xaida begins the incantation..[/i] Xaida: [i]...who will give me strength. SUMMER SOLSTICE![/i] [i]The attack is hurled at Pyro as he puts his hands out in defense against the phsyical damage the attack does... Pyro successfully blocks the physical damage but allows himself to be blinded again..[/i] Pyro: Xaida! Fight me! Xaida: While you're blinded? Ook.. [i]Xaida launches at Pyro and begins to rapidly attack him and Pyro springs into action attempting to defend himself against Xaida. Xaida finds an opening and punches Pyro in the face sending him back. Pyro catches himself and swings out into nowhere missing Xaida by far and then tries to hit her some more but misses..[/i] Pyro: *sigh* Okay, Pyro, calm down... [i]Pyro suddenly mule kicks behind him and nails Xaida right in the stomach out of the air and sends her flying back, finally catching herself and falling to the ground winded by Pyro's unexpected kick.. Pyro opens his eyes, alw to see again..[/i] Pyro: Good, just as I hoped.. Xaida: *cough cough cough* :eek: That's gonna leave a mark! Pyro: :smirk: Let's continue...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Sounds interesting.. I'm writing a book. I used to be really far on it, but then my computer messed up and I couldn't open it so I had to delete it and start all over. So Now I'm doing double the work by writing it out on paper and typing it on the computer. Gosh, I havn't worked on that in ages.. I should get back to it. Anywho, I would like to see this thing whether it's plated out or just written out like a book. :)[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]But here we are with most of this banned and everything and we cant even walked down the street without the fear of being mugged.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, I learned today that if you get mugged by a guy, to get him off you, you grab his testicles and squeeze them like they were grapes! My freind learned that in ROTC and then he told be, I thoguht it was hilarious. But anywho, moving from america to japan would be a rather big move. I wouldnt do it just spontaneously..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]On certain radio stations these days they can't play certain songs. And these are some weird songs to pick. We're talkin people like Neil Daimond and those people. [i]That[/i] is crazyness right there. The say they cant play certain songs by people respected across America yet they can show the WTC burning and people jumping to their deaths, and people covered in ash and stuff. That's what I don't get.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Have you ever had one of those days that starts out really good, and everything [i]is[/i] good until you talk to someone and the conversation doesn't go well and it just makes you feel bad? Yeah...that's how today has been. I mean...everything was great with my bday and all!!! But then I just feel all sh*tty every time I talk to this person...I must be the biggest @ss on the planet or something...ever had day like this? I have, and I feel so mean even though I'm not intending to be...! :( [/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I just wake up saying, "Today is a good day to die." It's what this one tribe of indians (not sure which) used to say the day they were going to battle another tribe :smirk: It's an odd thing to say to yourself in the morning but it's a habit and It kinda let's you be more open to things during the day cause it kinda reminds you that you could die at any moment, so you should live every day how you want it :) Sure I've had those kinda days but I got over it quickly. I try not to let things bother me that much.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]§lipknot! Alright!! (Punk rock in general is better though :D) Anywho, you look like just about everyone else I see these days. No offense or anything. It's just the semi-spiky hair and casual clothes is a common look in these parts. And that necklace thing you have on also. But §lipknot! Alriight!! :D :D Sidenote to Transtic Nerve: ROTFLMAO!!!" Oi!" to the bottom of your sig!! "Let's get one thing straight... I'm not" I burst out laughing when I saw that, I saw the shirt a few weeks ago. Well done, Transtic. Well done!!! :D[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twisted Face [/i] [B]WOW,im on your lover boys list mystic babe.and so is my brother [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I find that statement very disturbingly wrong. It gets these bizzarre ideas going through your head.. But anywho, I'm with Transtic. I don't try to be someone else online. I just am what I am, and that's what I'll always be. And d*mn the system if I change for anything![/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]man, if i was only a few monthes earlier...i coulda, i woulda, i shoulda...WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!:( :( :( :( [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ok, if ithas nothing to do with the topic at hand then dont post it!!! Yes, I'm aware of the hypocracy in my words being that I'm going against what I'm saying by telling you this and it doesnt relate to the thread. But I can't continue on since Raiha has yet to carry on.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro and the Life Dragon continue to pummel each other back and forth faster and faster.. Pyro breaks free to get a quick breathe and then jumps right back in. The enormous Life Dragon begins to move faster and soon enough, out match him in speed. Pyro takes a bunch of hits and then fights back a bit only to be hit some more. He pushes rto match the Life Dragon's speed. Suddenly, white energy begins to develope around Pyro as he goes faster and faster and faster! Then Pyro explodes with energy and pushes the Life Dragon back hundreds of miles. When the Lide Dragon finally catches himself Pyro is already there and boars his head into the Life Dragon's gut winding him incredibly..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: *cough* *cough* Slowly but surely you are learning..[/COLOR] Pyro: I didn't know dragons could cough :smirk: [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Do you know what just happened?[/COLOR] Pyro: I unlocked another one of the Dragon's power while I'm currently still holding another. [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Good. You are not as stupid as you look..[/COLOR] Pyro: Let's continue.. [i]To Be Continued...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: Ow! Erg! :smirk: I'll get you for that. Xaida: Bring it on then :smirk: [i]Pyro disappears behind Xaida and smashes her in the back sending her flying forward, she caught herself and turned around to see that Pyro is nowhere to seen..[/i] Xaida: Where you go!?! Pyro: Right here! [i]Xaida looks up as Pyr is bulleting straight down, she narrowly dodges him..as Xaida flys off to avoid any further damage from Pyro (since she couldn't see him at the moment), Pyro thrusts his hands out as large amounts of electricity bolt out of his hands and quickly catch up to Xaida and fry her right where she is and drops her to the ground..[/i] Xaida: You like that attack *cough* don't you? Pyro: Yah i guess, it takes little energy and can do a lot of damage.. Xaida: Uh huh [i]Pyro lunges at Xaida punching her across the face and they continue their training...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro and the Life Dragon continue their fight. The Life Dragon keeps the upper hand but is not as dominant as he once used to be.[/i] Pyro: Come on! I thought your were supposed to be strong! [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: I am strong, I'm merely making this a fair fight..[/COLOR] Pyro: If you insist! [i]Pyro breaks free as the Life Dragon is caught off balance for a moment and Pyro takes this opportunity to smash him in the jaw, sending the Life Dragon rolling back in the air.[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Green: Oh, so you are a quick one are you?[/COLOR] Pyro: :smirk: [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Well then, let us test our speed. I will charge at you and you charge at me and we will see you pushes who back..[/COLOR] Pyro: Heh, I'm not stupid. You have more mass than I do, htus I will get pushed back. Though, if it's a test of speed you want I can certainly go for that. We'll just continue fighting and try to out do each other in speed that way. [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Fine then. Let us continue.[/COLOR] [i]Pyro and the Life Dragon continue there fight...[/i] [i]To Be Continued[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro struggles trying to break free but Xaida is cutting off the air supply to his brain and is making him begin to go faint while at the same time draining him of energy.. Pyro's eyes begin to become heavier, but his arms still vigorously trying to pull Xaida away from him..[/i] Pyro: [i]Erg! No! What [b]is[/b] this!!?![/i] [i]Pyro arms begin to feel numb..[/i] Pyro: [i]No... NO!![/i] [i]Pyro flips open and Pyro holds Xaida to him instead of pulling her away, and begins to gather static energy around him growing more and more violent. Then, suddenly, it intensifies greatly and attaches to Xaida and begins to shock her greatly and she finally was pushed far back as a great wave of energy forces out of her which Pyro re-absorbs[/i] Xaida: *cough* *cough* Darnit! Pyro: You almost had me there, what happened??? Xaida: I wasnt expecting that. Pyro: Heh, neither was I.. Xaida: Let's continue...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]*ahem* Ok, Pyro hasn't gone SSJ yet. SO that couldn't have happened, Xaida. Just thought I'd let you know ;) So that didnt really happen.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xaida: Ssssoo you going firsst?? Pyro: If you insist.. [i]Pyro lunges at Xaida pushing her back into the void where they break into an array of kicks and punches each getting an equal share of hits and misses then they break apart..[/i] Pyro: We're going to have to do better than that with only a week left.. Xaida: Well, then let'sss sstop talking shhaaall we?? [i]Pyro and Xaida begin training even more vigorously..[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Sorry I've been gone for so long people! I havn't been able to load the post or pm page in a long while. And then recently my monitor to my puter has been showing its old age. SO I have been having problems all over. But I'm back now somehow! Woohoo!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro wakes up, now the next morning..[/i] Pyro: *yaawwnn* Hey, Xaida? You awake?? [i]Xaida rolls over..[/i] Xaida: Just two more hours??? Pyro: :smirk: training awaits us! Xaida: So does sleep.. Pyro: -.-; GET UP! :D Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! Xaida: Ugh, fine fine.. I'm getting up Pyro: That's my girl.. Xaida: You are sooo gonna get it in training Pyro: :cross:[/SIZE]