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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[size=1]I personally like your last Megaman one the best of all of them. It has good placement of the character and logo, plus the added darker shade of blue suurrounding them kind of randomly instead of just having a flat, blue background. It is visually interesting. Your last actual banner is just a mess. The file quality is very low and nothing seems to fit together. I just looks like a bunch of random images stuck together. Your abilities are less than average, keep trying. You can only get better (at least we hope so, heh). Also, we (the OtakuBoards staff) ask that you please do not double post, like you did with your two posts right before mine. Just keep that in mind.[/size]
[size=1]Some of the Kokiri shrieked at the sight of the burning hut. The roof, thatched of sticks and vines took fire quickly. The creatures emerging from the woods were illuminated more. They towered at least twice the size of the child-like Kokiri. Clad in primitive armor, and armed with spears just as basic, these creatures, hog-like and hairy, lurched forward. They were intimidating, but had yet to be agressive. The only hostile behavior was the flaming arrow, but none of these creatures wielded bows. [color=indigo][i]Moblins ...[/i][/color] Mago thought. They were strong like a log, but just as dumb and clumsy. The Kokiri showed very little fear of these creatures. The front line was the most anxious of all. They stalked forward until they were looming right over the front line. The Kokiri drew back in a defensive position. One would have to make the first move. Mago observed still from the tree trunk. He licked his lips, wetting them before placing them ready on his flute. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a Kokiri shuffle. The next thing he knew a brief flash engulfed the area, followed by three sounds: [i]fwip[/i], [i]thuck[/i], and a sickening wail. The light subsided. A single Moblin stood with a Kokiri arrow embedded under its left eye. Everyone and everything stared at it as it stumbled back trying to maintain balance continuing its wailing. After a brief moment, it fell flat on its belly. The back of the arrow struck the ground and broke off, leaving the remains in the beast's skull. The tip must have barely struck the brain judging by how long it lived after being hit. It was a lucky shot at best. Mago glanced to his side and saw Mido slipping back into place; he was the one who had thrown the Deku Nut. In the back line, Evian reloaded her bow. Mago's body shivered inside. She was not even phased by the gore. The rest of the Moblins turned to the Kokiri race, snarling. One in the back, armored the most -- the leader, bellowed a deafening roar. The burning roof collapsed. Cinders flew about. Moblins lifted their spears and brought the shaft across the Kokiri defense throwing many through the air with the sheer strength of these monsters. Chaos erupted. Kokiri arrows showered down among the beasts. Stones from slingshots sailed through the air not always hitting the right target. Boomerangs whirled about stunning their target Moblins temporarily, along with the constant flashing of Deku Nuts. The Moblins shattered the front line. Their sweeping blows were devastating to the small bodies of the Kokiri. Very few actually attempted to impale their child-like foes. A sudden melody interrupted the battle. Everyone paused, confused. It was Mago. He had begun playing his flute. It started off fast-paced, but gradually became slower and slower, until Mago finally stopped. He lowered his flute back to its sheath and grabbed his boomerang. One of the Moblins let out a brief chuckle. It lunged back with its spear and snapped it forward at Mago. The Kokiri gasped, but Mago stood unaffected as the spear cut through the air toward him. It became peculiar though. It ... it began to slow down. Mago snatched it effortlessly out of the air with his free hand before it had a chance to hit him. The Moblins were dumbfounded. Their mouths dropped ajar ... slowly. The began to notice they had fallen victim to the same effect. Many of the Kokiri giggled at the slow-moving monsters who were trying to figure out what was going on. A dull yellow, circular blur broke the humor as it passed through each of the Moblins' spears, cutting off the spearheads. The blur returned to the hand from which it came, Mago's. The Moblins slowly looked at the severed ends of their sticks in shock. The Kokiri kids developed a fiendish look about them. The archers and slings loaded their weapons, the swordsman readied, and all at once delivered the coup to the group of Moblins. It was quick, and swift. When the last Moblin fell, all the Kokiri took a deep breath and exhaled. Mago lept down from his pedestal, as it was a rather conspicuous spot. He walked about the Kokiri Village ... or at least what was once the Kokiri Village. What it was now was nothing but stained earth. It was a war ground. Mago watched some of the Kokiri get carried off into what was once the mess hall. Injuries were of plenty. Some were stubborn and decided to try and stick it out, but others were left to be aided. He was not sure if anyone had actually died yet. [color=darkorange]Is that it?! Is that all of them?[/color] asked a truly naive Kokiri to Mago. Mago lowered his Mask and look at the Kokiri sternly. [color=indigo]I said they would come in waves. This was merely the first of who knows how many? And if Moblins are their front line, we may be in a lot of trouble if we make it much farther. It was fortunate that Moblins are not intelligent, and thus have very little, or no resistance to my magic. We might not be so lucky next time.[/color] [color=darkorange]What could their possibly be more threatening than a Moblin?[/color] ... Mago sighed disdainfully. He could hardly believe these were the one's fighting for the survival of their race. [color=indigo]You forget, we do not know what lies beyond the woodland area. And we do not even have to look at far. Lizalfos may not be as strong, but they are certainly more intelligent. Had it not been for my spell intervention, we definitely would have taken higher casualties. And do not leave out the larger Moblins. Those at least double the original size, and armed with large clubs. They are just as dumb, but incredibly stubborn and strong-willed. So this is no take to claim victory.[/color] [color=seagreen]Where are your friends, Mago? Where are the Skull Children? And why not the Deku?[/color] Mago dropped his attention to the ground, almost as though he was trying to avoid that question. [color=indigo]I ... I'm not sure. They have promised to aide our humble selves when this time came, but they could very well be fighting their own battles, or still be on their way.[/color] Unnapproving jeers scattered about the crowd. Mago scoffed and put his Mask back on. The next wave could come at any time.[/size]
Sign Up Brave Fencer Musashiden: Thristquencher's Revenge (image heavy)
PiroMunkie replied to PiroMunkie's topic in Theater
[size=1]Grah, blast my typos. Thieves are allowed four items if they only have one secondary weapon/item. Sorry about that, heh. Sadly we have poor and average sign-ups thus far. =\ Average is okay, but you can do so much better! ^_^ Keep trying people.[/size] -
[size=1]Mago had not budged. He sat in wait, for he knew it would come soon. With every gust of wind that passed through his humble home, he began to tremble more and more. Each gust became colder and colder, as well as stronger. It was getting noticably darker. [color=indigo][i]And to think it is still morning ...[/i][/color] he thought. He closed his eyes. Just then he was interrupted by a commotion outside. The Kokiri people were beginning to stir in worry. He could hear Mido's voice above everyone's trying to organize them and calm them down. Mago open his eyes and turned his head toward his window. Mido had himself up on a severed tree trunk illuminated by torches, with the Kokiri people gathering around. [color=green]Everyone stay calm! These are dark times. I am sure it will lighten up soon[/color], he said. The crowd moaned. Many of the Kokiri huddled together to try and stay warm. Mido was lying, but he did not know any better. It is not as if the Kokiri were a wise race of people. Mago rose from his cot and walked calmly out the door. He caught Mido's attention right away. Mago looked around as he made his way toward the "podium." All around people were lighting torches and lanterns. By now the forest around them was a void. One could hardly even see the first tree had it not been for the light from the fire. A depressing orange-red glow was all that enveloped the village. [color=indigo]Step down, please[/color], Mago said. Mido looked at him scornfully, as if [i]he[/i] would have anything worth saying. [color=green][i]Oh, let him fool himself[/i][/color], Mido thought, and he hopped down as Mago climbed up. Mago looked out over the crowd, which was now curious. Sitting against a hut, a ways behind the crowd, with her knees pulled up to her chest ... was Evian. She hid the lower half of her face behind her legs, but she watched Mago intently. [color=indigo]The forest will not become any lighter, only darker if that is even possible.[/color] The crowd stood quiet and had no reaction. It seemed they already knew that much, and awaited greater detail. [color=indigo]The Skull Children have called it the [b]Day of Darkness[/b], according to their Deku contacts ... I have known of it for some time. I have had disturbing premonitions of its coming. That day, that [i]dreadful[/i] day ... has come.[/color] It seemed as though the entire crowd sunk right there. Eyes lowered. The Kokiri held each other tighter. Not for more warmth, but to console against the inevitable. [color=indigo]We all know as well as the next our chances our extremely limited. We Kokiri have never been a military race. Sure we can defend against the occasional Bokobaba plant, and possibly a one-on-one with a Lizalfos. There have even been tales of few who have stood up to Wolfos, and at least lived to tell it. But I tell you, they will come in hordes, and there will be waves of them. We shall be lucky if Lizalfos are they best they have, but my doubt is strong.[/color] For one reason or another, morale seemed to perk up at this moment. Maybe it was merely pride. No Kokiri wanted to see their homeland destroyed. They would die trying to save it, and it was unfortunate that it was the most probably option left. [color=indigo]Arm yourselves now if you wish to fight. If not, find a safe place to hide. Though I must tell you those places will be limited once they arrive.[/color] Every Kokiri scattered neatly to their homes and came back out shortly thereafter. Some armed with small swords, some with knives, small bows, boomerangs, slingshots ... Shields were of plenty as well, all of them wooden. It was unfortunate, Mago thought, because the enemy would come like fire. Boys and girls alike were all armed. Even Evian was wielding a bow. They by themselves began to organize in a logical manner, the hand-to-hand Kokiri in the front, and the rangers in back. Mago put on the Mask of Gale-Gale, and retrieved the Flute from his side. It was just in time. A flaming arrow shot out from the darkness and stuck into the thatched roof of a hut setting it alight. Monsters stalked out of the shadows from all sides...[/size]
[center] Well, it is Take 2 for this RPG. It died out once before, but that was mostly due to inactive members. I see it more as bad timing as opposed to it just not being good, because I know it is, heh. For those of you who signed up the first time, it is the exact same thing. You can go back and repost your sign-up if you want, or just make a whole new character. To begin with, those of you that wish to join do not have to have experience playing the actual game of which this RPG is based. This storyline does not have much to do with the plot of the game itself, and the part that does is explained somewhere amongst all this typing. Secondly, I shall be selectively choosing those who will play in this RPG based upon your sign-ups. Those who make it, make it; those who do not, do not. Period. If you are chosen, please, [b]stay committed[/b]. I have [i]a lot[/i] in store for this RPG, lol. Once the ball gets rolling ... trust me, it will roll like it has never rolled before. o_O This will be a rather visual RPG and well-involved, heh. I have worked on drawings for "Bosses" and everything. The tone is rather light-hearted, childlike, and tongue-in-cheek. So feel free to work with that to your best advantage. =) With that aside, let us begin. =|--------------------|= The Legend of Musashiden Over one hundred and fifty years ago, a giant monster suddenly appeared in the Thirstquencher Empire, neighboring country to the Allucaneet Kingdom. This monster was known as the Wizard of Darkness and was a huge creature made almost entirely of a powerful crystal known as Binchotite. After easily destroying the Thirstquencher empire, the monster made way for Allucaneet, seeking the bountiful supply of Binchotite believed to be buried there. The monster destroyed everything along the way. It is believed that many creatures were born of this destruction as the Wizard of Darkness had a strange effect on everything that crossed its path. [b]U[/b][size=1]pon hearing of the Wizard of Darkness? approach, King Allucaneet ordered the Hero Summon spell to be cast. The Hero Summon is a magical power that is handed down, generation to generation, amongst only the princesses of Allucaneet. A closely guarded state secret, this power is only used as a last resort when the kingdom is faced with great danger. It grants its user the ability to summon a hero through incantations made over a specially prepared crystal of Binchotite. The summoned hero called upon to defeat the Wizard of Darkness was a two-sworded fencer named Musashiden. Musashiden accepted the princess? task and set out on a journey to defeat the Wizard of Darkness.[/size] [b]M[/b][size=1]usashiden and the Wizard of Darkness battled fiercely for a long time. Even for a hero like Musashiden, The Wizard of Darkness proved a formidable foe. Finally, with the help of Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence, Musashiden was able to seal the monster within a magical ward.[/size] [b]I[/b][size=1]t is said that Musashiden then divided the power of the monster into the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Sky, and then sealed them within five crests. These five crests became known as the Five Scrolls and in the years to follow passed into myth along with the legend of the brave fencer, Musashiden. =|--------------------|=[/size] [b]A[/b] [size=1]decade less than a century have passed since the Wizard of Darkness was defeated. The Allucaneet Kingdom has since prospered with great peace and overall wealth of the society. Their neighbors, the Thirstquencher Empire, have long since been rebuilding and repairing the horrid destruction caused by the Wizard of Darkness. Their wealth was depressed, and their morale was even lower. In the midst of this depression, an ominous force approached the throne of the Thirstquencher Empire. He offered Emperor R. Senic, the ruler of the Thirstquencher Empire at the time, great prosperity and power beyond his wildest dreams. All he asked for in return was the throne. With little reluctance, Emperor R. Senic agreed, and this frightening power took over the rule of the Thirstquencher Empire.[/size] [b]I[/b][size=1]ndeed, ten years later, the unknown force?s promise was well at hand. The Thirstquencher Empire had found itself in economic stability, gaining more power every day, and Emperor R. Senic was its right-hand man. He was put in charge of the empire?s entire army, which grew larger each day. Prideful citizens of Thirstquencher rallied together, supplied with only the newest and best defensive and offensive weaponry of the times with credit due to the greater economy. The ruling force of the Thirstquencher Empire was pleased with what it had done. It had the whole empire at it fingertips. With the overwhelming success that it had brought them, the force knew that Emperor R. Senic would do anything of which it told him. So, it turned its powerful eye towards a not-yet-conquered neighbor of the Thirstquencher Empire, of which it seem to have a grudge against, Allucaneet Kingdom. To control Allucaneet was its plan from the beginning, but he knew that the ruler of the kingdom would never step down. The Allucaneet Army was quite expansive, so it had been holding back the idea of invasion. Now, though? now the time was right. The force filled Emperor R. Senic?s mind with the idea that Allucaneet was the reason for his country?s depression. That if it were not for their abundance in Binchotite, the Wizard of Darkness never would have passed through their empire. Deceived, Emperor R. Senic built up a keen hatred for Allucaneet Kingdom.[/size] [b]I[/b][size=1]t was only a matter of months until Emperor R. Senic had readied his troops for invasion. On that fateful day, the Thirstquencher Army stormed the Allucaneet Kingdom. Their main area of attack was Grillin Village, which lie just outside of Allucaneet Palace. The entire village was pillaged and burned. A majority of the people escaped into Somnolent Forest, a handful of people were taken prisoner. The Allucaneet Army flooded out of the palace and clashed with the troops from the Thirstquencher Army, but the Thirstquencher Army was just too big. During the battle, Princess Poisson of the Allucaneet Kingdom ran down to the deepest floor of the palace accompanied by Butler Lobe, Scribe Slink, and Steward Femurson; three statesmen who aid King Allucaneet by looking after the princess. They push through large wooden doors into a vast room with a specially prepared crystal of Binchotite in the middle of it all. With all of her hopes she chanted the Hero Summon spell, and from the Binchotite crystal came the legendary Musashiden ready with his swords: Fusion and Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence. The princess informed him of an evil power that had came to rule over the Thirstquencher Empire, and he accepted the mission. Single-handedly, Musashiden leveled a majority of the Thirstquencher Army as the rest ran away towards Twinpeak Mountain, an area northwest of Grillin Village. Emperor R. Senic retreated back to the Thirstquencher Empire. Musashiden arrived not long after, confronting the mysterious force that seated the throne. The force had its own agenda and trapped Musashiden in a powerful Bincho Field, a diamond-shaped force field of Bincho power, but not before Musashiden launched his two swords through the ceiling of the castle and off into nowhere. For he knew that it was the swords the force wanted, not him. Angered, the force kept Musashiden prisoner along with the people from Grillin Village who were also trapped in Bincho Fields: Mayor, Reverend, all the miners in Binchotite Mine, and four Knights of the Allucaneet Army that happened to be patrolling the area at the time. Emperor R. Senic was sent back to Allucaneet Kingdom where he took over the throne of the palace. King Allucaneet, Princess Poisson, Butler Lobe, Scribe Slink, and Steward Femurson were all captured and sent back to the Thirstquencher Empire where they suffered the same fate as the rest of their people. The Knights of the Allucaneet army were driven off into Somnolent Forest. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center][/size] [b]A[/b][size=1]nother decade has passed. The Allucaneet Kingdom has since been perverted and darkened from Emperor R. Senic?s rule over it. Grillin Village was rebuilt and people were allowed back into it. The village remained fairly sovereign, but still under the close eye of Emperor R. Senic and his troops. Somnolent Forest has become plagued with monsters, while Twinpeak Mountain has some creatures, but mostly guards. The Force, as it became known, continued its godly rule from the Thirstquencher Empire. It would not take Allucaneet for its own until the two swords of the brave fencer Musashiden were in its possession. Especially Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence, and all of its power. To this day, neither have been found. Rumor has it that The Force and Emperor R. Senic have begun creating an "Ultimate Weapon" for world domination.[/size] [b]U[/b][size=1]pon Twinpeak Mountain, another hero awakens? [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b][u]Important Characters[/b][/u] [b]The Force -[/b] An unnamed power that rules over both Allucaneet and Thirstquencher. It resides in the Thirstquencher Empire where it keeps many prisoners in Bincho Fields. It seeks the sword Fusion, and the Sword of Luminescence in order to gain complete power and control, and will do anything in its power to obtain them. [b]Emperor R. Senic -[/b] The vice ruler of the Thirstquencher Empire. He oversees Allucaneet Kingdom and the Thirstquencher Army. He is an extremely powerful man in both military and sheer personal power given to him by The Force. Though, he is no where near as strong as The Force. [b]The Ultimate Weapon -[/b] A rumored secret plan in creation by both The Force and Emperor R. Senic. No one knows what it is, what it looks like, or what it does. [b]Musashiden -[/b] The legendary hero that once saved Allucaneet Kingdom from being destroyed by the Wizard of Darkness. He was the possessor of the swords Fusion and Lumina until The Force locked him in a Bincho Field just after he was able to dispose of them. He remains trapped within the tallest tower of Thirstquencher Castle. [ [url=http://members.cox.net/piromunkie/bfm/musashiden.jpg]image[/url] ] [b]Princess Poisson -[/b] The [former] princess of the Allucaneet Kingdom, and descendent of Princess Fillet, the princess who summoned Musashiden to defeat the Wizard of Darkness. She alone has the power to use the Hero Summon spell. [b]Wizard of Darkness -[/b] The giant monster defeated by Musashiden all those years ago. Also known as Dark Lumina, an infamous legend. [b]Minkus -[/b] Little nocturnal creatures who leave pink dung around the place. [i]Very rare[/i], and rather fast. They only come out at midnight and disappear at six in the morning. If caught, they possess a Longevity Berry that can dramatically increase one?s durability. Each character may find two of these. [ [url=http://members.cox.net/piromunkie/bfm/minku.jpg]image[/url] ] [b]Thirstquencher Guards -[/b] For those of you that have played the actual game, these guards are nowhere near as ignorant as the enemy soldiers found in the game. They are commonly armed with a sword and Bincho Gun (Thirstquencher only), which fires small but painful shots of Bincho Power. [ [url=http://members.cox.net/piromunkie/bfm/soldier.jpg]image[/url] ] [b][u]Legendary Swords[/b][/u] [b]Fusion -[/b] A light-weight, special sword with the ability to assimilate enemies' abilities. Fusion is shorter than Lumina and causes lesser damage. However, it allows quick, continuous swipes. [b]Lumina -[/b] A powerful, heavier sword than Fusion. Scrolls may be attached to the sword to gain new abilities. It is the only sword that can break a Bincho field. It causes nearly twice the damage of Fusion. However, the Lumina sword cannot perform quick swipes continuously like Fusion. [b][u]Important Items[/b][/u] [b]Dran Coin -[/b] Dran are golden coins used as currency in Allucaneet. Their values are marked in: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500. Dran [i]can[/i] be lost/stolen, but no friendly fire (do not steal other players? money). [b]Bincholon -[/b] A main source of energy for any character; it is made of Binchotite crystal. It can sometimes be found when an enemy is destroyed. It is absorbed into a person?s body and increases their Bincho Power, which is necessary to perform spells and stay conscious. The more Bincho Power you lose, the weaker you become. [b]Antidote -[/b] A special medicine that can cure nearly any poison. It comes in the form of a plant with a long stem and groups of three leaves found occasionally up the stem. One stem of Antidote may only be used once. Can be bought at the Grocery or found. [b]First Aid -[/b] Medicine that helps heal any wound that is not poison. Can be found at the Grocery. First Aid packs can be used three times before having to purchase a new one. [b]Mint -[/b] Refreshing tablets that reduces a person?s tiredness. Can be purchased at the Grocery. Come in packs of five. [b][u]Maps[/u][/b] [b]Grillin Village/Somnolent Forest[/b] [img]http://members.cox.net/piromunkie/bfm/grillin.gif[/img] [b]1. Inn[/b] [b]2. Bakery[/b] [b]3. Grocery[/b] [b]4. Restaurant[/b] [b]6. Toy Store[/b] [b]7. Bank[/b] [b]Twinpeak Mountain[/b] [img]http://members.cox.net/piromunkie/bfm/twinpeak.gif[/img] [b]1. Hell?s Valley[/b] [b]2. Aqualin[/b] [b][u]Character Classes[/u][/b] Class names are merely categorical. So if you are a Soldier, that does not mean you were part of the Allucaneet army. It simply is a one word summary of what your character is like. Also, all Classes may carry up to [I]four[/I] items unless stated otherwise in their description. Players can only carry their allotted number of items. If you find an item that you know you want, but your stock is already full, you must drop an item. That item will remain there if you decide to pick it up at a later time. Pouches, bags, or other means of storing things do not count as items. [b]Soldier -[/b] Although Soldiers are the most protected when it comes to armor, they may only carry one primary weapon (shield is included, but optional*), have low dexterity, and they move the slowest of the four. However, they are stronger, more tactical, and exceptional close-range fighters. May know one small spell. [b]Wizard -[/b] Wizards are the least armored of them all. However, they are the [i]only[/i] of the four that can harness Bincho Power into a more powerful state and use it to create and cast spells. They may have one primary spell, a small secondary weapon/item, may carry up to [i]six[/i] items, and know up to three secondary spells (these will not be as strong). They are faster than the soldier but slower than a "Hero", have a low dexterity, but are exceptional long-range fighters. [b]"Hero" -[/b] With the Legend of Musashiden in the hearts of the people over time, hopeful citizens tried to become heroes/heroines themselves, but, of course, are not real heroes like Musashiden. They are somewhat protected, may carry a primary weapon and a smaller secondary item/weapon, may know one small spell, and they move faster than both the Soldier and the Wizard. "Heroes" have a high dexterity. They can fight averagely close up as well as at a distance. [b]Thief -[/b] Thieves are the fastest, have a high dexterity, but are lightly guarded. They may carry a primary weapon, and up to two smaller weapons/items. However, if they choose to use two smaller weapons/items Thieves may only carry [I]three[/I] items, and four if they choose to have only one secondary weapon/item. May know one small spell. They can fight averagely close up as well as at a distance. (Thieves are good friends with the Pawn Shop owner, and are often getting things for him.) *[b]Soldiers Only:[/b] If you want, you can carry a large weapon as your primary weapon, you may have a medium-sized weapon as your secondary. Such as a broad sword as your main weapon, then having maybe a quarterstaff as your secondary. However, this means you will not be carrying a shield. You may also notice that each Class has its ups and downs. The ups are obviously a plus, and the downs are just how you start. You can develop whatever it is your lacking over time and experience. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b][u]Sign-up Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (Keep it relatively young. Pretty much anywhere between 13 and 20.) [b]Class:[/b] ( Soldier, Wizard, "Hero", Thief ) [b]Description:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] (If you live within the village, be sure to mention any special role within the community such as a job or what-have-you.) [b]Starting Point:[/b] (anywhere where there is a ?special? item shown on the map, such as a Scroll, is off limits to start. No one even knows where those are. The small square area of Hell?s Valley is off limits, as is Aqualin.) [b]Primary Spell/Weapon:[/b] [b]Secondary Weapon/Item:[/b] (a secondary item does not count as one of your other items) [b]Items:[/b] [b]Spell(s):[/b] (Unless you are a Wizard, your spells cannot be Elemental [Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky]. They must be something different. It can be anything such as telekinetic bullets or a temporary shield, and of course are utilized through Bincho Power as any other spell is.) [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] *sigh* Now, with that all out of the way, let us begin the sign-ups. There is another hoard of information just waiting for those of you whom I select as worthy to be in this RPG. It includes all of the maps and all of their information, as well as other things. ^__^ If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, catch me on AIM, or simply ask outright in your post. My screen name is Deific Evil. Good luck![/size] [center][b]NOTE: Dran and Bincholon do NOT count as items.[/b][/center] [/center]
[size=1]Back in the safety of his hut, Mago set down his accessories but kept hold of the [color=yellowgreen]Bokobaba Seed[/color] and [color=deepskyblue]Bottle of Water[/color]. In the small fire ring in the middle of the area he began gathering kindling and wood over the still-warm coals. He set it alight when he finished, the smoke filtering through the strategically-placed hole in his roof. He removed a medium-sized metal box from underneath his cot. It had several holes all over the sides, with one open end. He placed the open end over the fire and set the [color=deepskyblue]Bottle of Water[/color] atop. Over at a small table there was a spread out Deku Leaf where he had placed the [color=yellowgreen]Bokobaba Seed[/color]. He snatched a nearby, hand-made hatchet and gave the seed a good whack, splitting open its shell. Mago used his fingers to remove the jello-like goo from inside. It was soft, but stuck together really well; more solid than liquid. With a clean stone not too much bigger than his hand, he began grinding the insides which was now sitting in a jiggly mass on the Deku Leaf. He continued this process, as well as mashing it with his hands, until it was in a bunch of smaller pieces. It was easier to work with this way. He dipped into a bag on his floor and removed a couple of small, corked flasks. He put a majority of the goo in these two containers, recorked them and set them on the table. He peered back at the [color=deepskyblue]Bottle of Water[/color] which was now boiling. Mago retreived his Mask and put it on. With the goo in hand, he loomed over the bottle and held his hand in a fist over top. His fist began shaking a bit from tensity as the goo began seeping out the bottom with a bright green glow to it. It dissolved immediately upon entering the water as it mixed in through the convection currents from its boiling. The water then became more of a very thin syrup holding that same green color. Mago left it alone to mix a little more while he washed his hands in a bucket to the side he kept just for that purpose. Then there was a light knock at the door, and the visitor let herself in without any acknowledgement. It was Evian Sprout. [b]Evian:[/b] Hi Mago! You look a little beat, what'cha been doin'? Mago stood still wearing his Mask, which made him appear like a deer in the headlights to this sudden interruption. After a brief hesitation he removed the Mask and walked to place it on his cot. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Well, I saw some weird things in the woods ... really peculiar. I had a run-in with a Bokobaba Plant which was grown closer to this village than I have ever seen before ... that was odd. I also just finish making some potion for magic with the seed I took from it.[/color] A smile shot across Evian's face. She certainly did admire Mago's courage. She knew she could never take on a Bokobaba, never in a million years. And to be able to remove one of its seeds without actually killing it, as is Mago's style, was truly amazing to her. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Yeah ... I imagine that plant is probably waking up right about now ...[/color] [b]Evian:[/b] So what did'ya see in the woods that was so weird? Mago paused. He glanced over at his pouch of Deku Nuts which held the special one he had found from that gaint, mysterious tree. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]I'm not sure ... Perhaps it was spiritual intervention, an omen so-to-speak. I have had them before, of course, but never so real and definitely as large. I am scared, frankly, for this little village we have made. I do not think we have much time left ...[/color] A stinging silence fell over the room. Evian had hardly ever seen Mago so full of angst and anxiety. [b]Evian:[/b] ... W-what did you see ... ? [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]There was a tree, a huge one. It had a face ...[/color] [b]Evian:[/b] Like the Great Deku Tree! Mago froze. That revelation had never occured to him. Of course ... it was a premonition for sure, and by the gods it was not a good one in the least. He bit his lower lip and lowered his eyes. [b]Evian:[/b] What an honor to have an intervention from the Great Deku Tree! What did it say? What happened to it? Mago looked straight into Evian's eyes, his expression full of sadness. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]It decayed, and burned to the ground. It was wiped out. No trace of its existance was left. It was swift and silent. It only took a matter of moments ...[/color] Evian choked and stumbled back into the wall of the hut sliding down to sit on the ground. Her eyes began to well up with tears as she buried her face in her arms. Mago wondered if he should have told such a young Kokiri something so devastating ... She was not as naive as she appeared to be, though. She understood what the sign meant without Mago having to tell her. [b]Evian:[/b] [i]W-we ... don't have a ... a chance ... do we?[/i] She spoke brokenly through her sobs and sniffling. Mago was never one to say that there was no chance left. As dark as the future was, even compared to the present, there always has to be some light able to make its way through. Light! Of course! Mago leaped over to his cot and reached into his Deku Nut pouch retreiving the over-sized nut which had fallen from the Great Deku. It was a gift. Evian looked up from her crying and saw Mago looking at the object in awe. Mago placed it on his cot and put on his Mask taking a closer look at it. He immediately fell to his knees. Through his Mask he could see the magic from it was absolutely radiant. It was humbling to even such a reknowned Sage as himself. He took his mask off and buried the nut back in the pouch. He stood up and turned out finding Evian standing right behind him. Her eyes were dry not, but the evidence that she was crying still remained. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]It would be best if you went home now.[/color] Evian nodded several times and ran lightly out of his hut and to her own. Mago cleaned up from his potion making, kicking the metal box out from over the fire since touching it with his hands would be a bad thing. He rolled up his Deku Leaf and set it aside. He placed his tools in their respective locations. He once again put on his gear, his mask hanging on his back, and sat on his cot placing an open hand over a fist and resting his chin upon it. He stared at the fire intently. A frigid breeze swept through the room and blew the fire out, leaving the coals cold.[/size]
[size=1]Mago kept his speed through the woods and could see the dim lights of his village in the distance. His legs were getting tired, but he still felt the need to keep running. That chill he had felt back in the clearing made him not want to stop. He felt as though he was being chased. The first victim was the tree, and he felt he was next. He had witnessed the magnificent power that was behind that frigid breeze. Just then something struck him in the chest and Mago was tossed backwards. He landed face-first in the shrub, his lungs nearly collapsed from the hit. He coughed out the bit of dirt and greenery that had planted itself in his face as he turned over to see a large silhouette blocking his path. A familiar, mocking shrill was uttered from the object. From that along, Mago knew what it was. He could see it bobbing in front of him, waiting for him to come closer. Mago kept his distance. He grabbed his boomerang with one hand and put his mask on with the other. A steady aura began emitting from him, only evident in the waving foilage near him. He crouched back with one step preparing his boomering as his arm tensed up. The boomerang began to tremor as it became enveloped in a pale yellow light, burning bright like the morning sun which had so long been unseen. With one strong thrust Mago launched the boomerang forward as it left a glowing trail along its path. Upon contact with the object, a blinding flash filled the surrounding area. Mago caught the boomerang when it returned. He waited until the light had changed back to normal and moved forward until he had reached the object which was now laying across the ground as stiff as a board. It was a Bokobaba plant. He crouched by its mouth and set his boomerang down. He grabbed its upper lip with one hand and forced his other arm into its tightly sealed mouth. He struggled to search around inside it but finally placed his hand on what he wanted. Mago jerked his hand from the monster holding one of the monster's seeds in his hand. He resheathed his boomerang and trekked his way back to the village with the seed in hand.[/size]
[size=1][b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Great Deku ... ![/color] The tree had a face?! Were Mago's eyes deceiving him or was this really happening? An out-of-place, warm breeze swept from behind him, as if it was trying to coax him closer to the gargantuan tree before him. He followed the wind's bidding and moved closer to the base of the trunk. The roots alone were taller than he was. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Espri ... tell me I am not the only one seeing this ...[/color] Mago's fairy flew out from behind him and orbited around his head. [b]Espri:[/b] [color=magenta]I see it too.[/color] Gale-Gale placed his hand on the wood of the trunk. It was like steel. He knocked on it, kicked it, ran all sorts of basic physical tests on it ... it was as real as could be. A slight rustle was heard above him. He looked up. The branches far above him were shaking, as if on their own. They stopped. Mago paused, and shrugged it off as he began to examine the tree again. [i]SMACK![/i] Mago sharply fell to the ground holding his head, his mask now ajar on his face. He took it off and placed it behind him once more. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Ow ...[/color] He rubbed a spot on his head where he was for sure a bump would later develop. He looked around with curiosity and spotted an abnormally large Deku Nut. It was about double the size of a normal one. Mago lifted himself to his feet and stumbled over to the nut. He retrieved his pouch from his waist and emptied out two of his normal Deku Nuts and placed this queer one in their place. He mumbled to himself as he restrapped the pouch to his waist. Just then a chilling, and violent wind pierced the complacent atmosphere. The canopy grew darker. Mago eyed all around him. The leaves of the mystical tree were dying. They would fall from their branches and slowly combust into ash before they would reach the ground. The wood of the tree became sunken, warped, decayed. It began collapsing in on itself until there was absolutely nothing left: no dead wood, no ash from the leaves, no trace of its existence what-so-ever. The freezing wind stopped. Mago backed away slowly before sprinting back to the safety of his village.[/size]
[size=1]A lone, magenta-glowing fairy danced hurriedly throughout the small Kokiri village that was constructed inside the Lost Woods. No one was supposed to return to their original home in fear of being preyed upon by the darkness that had come to consume it. All the homes were very small, only the size of a large tent. The fairy darted to a certain hut and began spiraling around it toward the top, finally entering through a small ventilation hole where there was a dispersed amount of smoke seeping out. The inside of the hut was dark. Such is the way when the shutters are closed and there is no fire lit. The only source of light available were the glowing red coals of a dying fire in the center of the hut. The fairy's glow pulsed a new light as she found her way to a sleeping boy and landed right by his ear. [b][i]Fairy[/i]:[/b] [color=magenta]Hey![/color] The boy did not budge. The fairy became irritated and began flying all around the boys head and running into it repeatedly shouting at him to wake up. The fairy hovered in front of his eyes and grabbed one of his eyelids. She flew backwards slowly trying to pull his eye open. The resisitance became to much, though, and the skin snapped out of the fairy's hands as she slammed into the wall behind her. The boy flinched and reached up with one hand rubbing his eye. He sat up in his bed moaning. [b][i]Fairy[/i]:[/b] [color=magenta]How can it be that the Sun's up, and you're not? C'mon, get out of bed![/color] The boy groggily stepped out of his bed and hobbled his way over to one of the closed shutters. He opened them lazily as the soft forest light illuminated his hut. The woodland canopy prevented any direct sunlight from getting through, which gave the entire setting a very muted feel. The boy rubbed his eyes as they began to adjust to the light. His long, straw-yellow hair was in a wild mess and his eyes were droopy. He sighed tiredly and began making his way around the hut and opening the remaining shutters. Soon it was easy to see one's way around his hut. He pulled an elastic-like band from a pocket of his and put his hair up. He walked over to a small table containing various items on it. He grabbed a hand-crafted mask and put it over his head so it was held on by a string with the mask hanging on his back. He then retrieved a belt containing a number of attached items: a flute, a small pouch, a bottle and a four-winged boomerang. He made his final stretches and made his way out the door with his fairy following close behind him. The village was already stirring with a good handful of Kokiri going about their daily morning chores. [b][i]????[/i]:[/b] Mago! The excited and familiar voice obviously caught his attention. Mago Gale-Gale turned around to witness a Kokiri girl with orange hair trotting toward him. This Kokiri above any was the most infatuated with his tales. She was still relatively young and naive, but he held nothing against her. Her names was Evian, Evian Sprout. [b]Evian:[/b] Do you have any stories to tell today, Mago? Her eyes were wide with anitipation. Mago was a little overwhelmed by this request, he had [i]just[/i] woken up. However, he responded without missing a beat. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]You've heard of the Deku, yes?[/color] Evian did a little hop, excited he was telling a story ... not like he had much of a choice. She nodded in agreement. [b]Evian:[/b] Yes! They are wise. Perhaps the most in tune with nature between all the woodland inhabitants. I have heard they are even more mysterious than the Skull Kids. Mago face perked as if he had just had a revelation, or was about to reveal one. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Ah, not neccesarily. The Deku are mysterious, for we know about them, but we hardly rarely ever see them, let alone interact. Skull kids on the other hand: we know about them, but they do show themselves to us, but interaction is still a little shady. Which holds more mystery: one who you have never seen or spoken to, or one who you [i]have[/i] seen but never talked to? Things are always more mysterious when your proximity is close.[/color] Evian was already absolutely enthralled and enveloped in Mago's words. He, himself, seemed very wise as well; at least when separating the difference between two like things. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]So, the Deku ... yes, I can say that I have once seen one. It was a couple years ago when I was roaming these woods alone. The sun had begun to set as I began to make my way back to our village, so the lighting was dim. Eerie shadows were cast everywhere. Why, I was walking with my boomerang ready in hand for defense against even the smallest threat. There was a slight breeze rustling the fallen leaves. It always sounded as though something was moving around, following me. Under each footstep twigs snapped and leaves crunched. It got to the point where I would nearly flinch every time I took a step, thinking the sounds were not my own. After a while I began to think, "Well this is just silly. What am I afraid of? Shadows?" Then a full grown Bokobaba plant sprouted up right in front of me, knocking me back with its large, bulbous head-[/color] [b]Evian:[/b] Were ya' scared?! [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Oh, I was petrified! Its initial blow had knocked my boomerang out of my hand. At this point in time, my spells were not nearly as developed as they are now either. I was left defenseless against a creature of that size. I scrambled for my boomerang which had landed far behind me as the Bokobaba made its first lunge at me. I felt its "lip" nip at my heels as I had barely made it out of reach. I rolled along the ground and managed to grasp my boomerang. Immediatly I launched it through the air and made a direct hit on the stem. Of course, in my peaceful ways, I only stunned it. As soon as I did this, several more Bokobaba plants unearthed around me. It was as though I had run into a field of them. I was severely outnumbered. A blinding flash took over the area just as I was about to lose hope. I could not see a thing and I felt something grab at my waist. I then felt like I was flying. That was when I blacked out.[/color] Evian face was in awe, confusion and disappointment at the same time. She put her hands on her hips and huffed. [b]Evian:[/b] What does [i]that[/i] have to do with the Deku? Mago chuckled a bit. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]You must let me finish, Evian. I wasn't done with the story.[/color] Evian blushed in embarassment as she interlocked her hands behind her back innocently and listening intently to the rest of Mago's story. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]As I was saying, I blacked out. I was completely alone when I finally came to ... or so I thought. I was in a different part of the woods, near the exit that would lead from the Lost Woods to our old village. I got up and looked around. Nothing. I figured whatever happened would have to remain unknown and began to walk back to our village. I saw a bush move just as I was about to turn, or at least what I [i]thought[/i] was a bush. It had [i]feet[/i] and an entire [i]body[/i]. It blended in extremely well with its wooded surroundings. I never would have seen it if it hadn't moved. It took off in the opposite direction as soon as it became aware I had seen it. It left as fast as it came, but I swear it was a Deku. You see, it saved me. The bright flash was caused by a Deku Nut, or maybe even a series of them for how bright the flash was. It then must have swung down from a tree by a vine and grasped me out of the way of danger, and put me in a safe and familiar place. It then stayed incognito until it saw that I was okay. The odd thing about the Dekus is that it is hardly ever sure what side they are on, if they have a side, but they are always there when you need then most.[/color] Evian's mouth was gaping open. She was astounded. [b]Evian:[/b] That is so exciting! I wish I could be saved by a Deku! I have never seen when before, and know very little about them of course. Though, I have never really been in such impending danger in order to make one of them act, but that's a good thing I think. [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Heh, indeed. Now, run along. I must go fetch some water.[/color] Evian nodded and trotted off. Mago then began pacing his way through the woods towards a small reservoir of water the Kokiri had found. He came to the clearing after a while and filled his bottle with the water. He would have to boil the impurities out of it before he drank it. He believed his spells cannot function properly when his body is contaminated. He corked the bottle, strapped it back to his belt and turned to walk back to the village. Mago noticed a small tree sprout in the ground 0that had not been there before. "Very peculiar," he thought. He swung his mask around his neck and put it over his face. He approached it cautiously, tip-toeing in an over-the-top and almost comical manner. He came very close to it and brought his masked face down right near it. The sprout then grew a few more inches right before his eyes. Mago stumbled back surprised and fell on his butt. He looked at it with a wondering eye as he rose to his feet. After a few moments he just giggled excitedly and began doing a silly little dance to celebrate this exceptional tree sprout. As he did this, the sprout began growing more little by little until finally it just skyrocketed to an enormous height and size. Mago stopped at once and was taken in by its enormous size. The trunk of the tree then began to morph a bit, it developed a what looked like ... a face? [b]Mago:[/b] [color=indigo]Great Deku* ... ![/color] *[i]"Great Deku" -- said as an exclamation, similar to "Good god!" as though taken by complete surprise.[/i][/size]
[quote name='~*Lilith*~][I][FONT=Book Antiqua]Very sweat...[/FONT'][/I][/quote][size=1]Interesting word choice ... o_O Heh, yeah, it is pretty fun to see what you can do just messing with the different aspects of Photoshop. I have created some very fine work following just a random process. I do like the "Beyond" one the most.[/size]
[quote name='goddess21][color=orange'] Ok Harry, I would have to say that you are a bit of a jerk... just because someone doesn't know English well doesn't mean that we should shun them....[/color][/quote][size=1]Actually, we have had people come here who barely spoke or typed in English. We did not shun them, really, but I do recall James making a friendly post advising that OtakuBoards might not be the right place for that person currently, simply because of the language barrier. And just for a little irony, let us all keep in mind that "English" is a proper noun; it should be capitalized. :p[/size]
[quote name='Shinmaru']I think my site was one of the sites that might freeze up because I used to have mp3s in my Now Playing section, but my current song disappeared after the character limit was introduced ...[/quote][size=1]Speaking of MP3's, are they a rejected file extension now? I tried putting one in to keep the theme of my changing theme, but it did not show up. MIDI's are cool and all, but it is a lot harder to get certain music in that format and WAV's are of course gargantuan in size. Perhaps there is a whole "legal" thing, though ... but it is not like you are hosting the music yourselves. It is on the users own private server. o_O[/size]
[size=1]The things I would like to see have pretty much already been said, but I shall merely second them. My main vice would be with having to copy and paste the huge blocks of HTML into adding new posts. I do believe I read in an update you were working on making this so. I am pleased, and incredibly thankful. Control of CSS properties would be nice, however I could understand if there are concerns that this might give the user a little too much control of the page. It seems to me that if a user is given more and more control, myOtaku might as well just be another free webhosting service. o_O One thing I am definitely not a fan of is how the "Modify Posts" button has come to be at the bottom of the page, when one is editing their past posts. That page is slow enough for me as it is (for whatever reason) and it is very irritating to have to go all the way to the bottom. Perhaps the number of editable posts could be decreased per page, maybe only to two. I think most people really do not have any more than two are three posts per page on their myO, so why is it there are several editing blocks on the Modify Posts page? Though ... I do suppose some people edit more than once a day. So perhaps there could be a more "archived" format in that section. Such as "Edit Posts from April 24, 2004" ... or something. Another problem I have with the editing posts page is that my subject is always deleted when I go to edit a post, and as I said that page is always [i]really[/i] slow for me. So it is a huge pain to have to sit and wait for my text to be typed in. I have attached a screenshot of the page so you can see what I am talking about. I know it has to do something with there being HTML in the subject title, but that is necessary since I have forced white to be the main text color because I often have dark background colors and black text would disappear against it. I do not mind having to put in the HTML for subject titles, I just hate having to retype it every time I go to edit a post ... That is all I have, I believe.[/size]
[size=1]Since the obvious answer to this question has already been stated, I shall just give my own personal view. If it has nothing to do with the product one is trying to seel, then I really do not believe it should be used to advertise in the commercials. That applies mostly to the sex content within commercials, but also applies to such things as those previously stated Quizno's hamsters. Any such thing completely turns me off of the product. I may pass by a Quiznos restaurant and look at it with disgust, regardless of how hungry I am. One of the commercials containing sex-related topics I do like however are those ones for Enzyme, or whatever it is called. In this case the innuendos actually relate to the product (male enhancement pills ... >.>). I just find them incredibly humorous with the retro "Leave it to Beaver" look, however, I am not going to go out and buy any, lol.[/size]
[quote name='Zidargh']There are alot of Rogues all of a sudden, I will only allow one or two more rogue characters to sign-up as I feel there needs to be different character classes.[/quote][size=1]I changed my character to a Sage. I agreed with this problem and figured my character could easily fit that slot. I edited my sign-up. A little more detail is in my bio, two paragraphs in bold grey so you can find it easier. Of course there is a primary spell now and a [i]slight[/i] change to the secondary weapon. Both secondary spells changed as well. Let me know if anything could be improved, lol. I kind of just made the spells up on the spot, so they might be a little iffy. o_O Basically he has become more of a support character rather than a direct offensive ... the ideal role of a magic user in any RPG, lol.[/size]
[size=1]I was severely disappointed in that movie. I went in there fully expecting a decent alien sci-fi film and ended up with a "keep the faith alive" message grotesquely beaten into a sci-fi plot. The movie had nothing going for it except the suspense. They could not even make the final alien look real. If I would have known beforehand that "signs" was meant as in "Signs from Heaven" instead of "Signs from outer space," then I would not have gone to see it. There are some things that just do not mix; religion and science being one of them.[/size]
[size=1]It is about time we got another one of these kinds of RPG's. It reminds of Breko's all those times ago, as well as my Brave Fencer one which sadly died. v_v [b]Name:[/b] Mago Gale-Gale [color=#808080]([i]may[/i]-goe [i]gahl[/i]-ay-[i]gahl[/i]-ay)[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Kokiri. [b]Class:[/b] Sage. [b]Background / Biography:[/b] Mago Gale-Gale is a wannabe Skull Kid. He has been infatuated with them ever since he was young...er than he already appears to be. The tales of the "Lost Kokiri" intrigued him greatly, inevitably bringing him into the Lost Woods numerous times to try and find some. At first he would always anchor a lengthy piece of rope to tree at the start and walk through so he would not lose himself, but after many visits, he progressivly became more and more acquainted with the Woods. The other older and more experienced Kokiri of the time thought him silly, knowing the Skull Kids were fairly secretive in their ways, but that was until Mago ocassionally began returning with little trinkets after visiting: bells, wood-carvings, strands of ribbon, etc. He claimed to have met and befriended a Skull Kid and that is where he came to obtain such items. Critics said he just made them on his own or at the very most was lucky enough to find stray ones laying about, but there were some who believed him. Mido, a bully among the Kokiri, gave him the most trouble about his findings and was constantly nagging on him how he should not be so lame as to spend so much time trying to make the trinkets and lie to his fellow people. Mago did not heed to Mido's critisism. He continued visiting the Lost Woods every so often. It seemed the more time Mago spent in the Lost Woods, the more he came to be more like a Skull Kid. Since life in the Lost Woods was a bit more rough, his skin became tougher and more rigid. His clothes frayed, probably from getting caught on branches and thorns. Perhaps the most frightening incident happened when one day he returned from the Woods with a mask. It was not just any mask, however, but nearly an exact replica of the Mask of Majora (aside from color variations). The Kokiri children confronted him, making him swear on his very name that, if he had met a Skull Kid, it was one pure and friendly in nature; not like that of the possessed Majora, who they feared might have somehow came back. Mago pleaded the truth, that it was a mere coincedence the mask mirrored that of Majora. With great hesitation, the Kokiri believed him, but made sure to keep a watchful eye on him. Over time nothing happened, and the Kokiri relaxed. Throughout his immense time spent in the Lost Woods with a supposed Skull Kid, Mago gradually became a very spiritual young fellow. It had started nearly the first time he set foot in the Woods, he felt infinite. He believed himself to be well in tune with nature, and claimed to have the ability to communicate with it via a flute which he himself had carved "from the biggest tree in the deepest part of the Woods" (his own words). The Kokiri believed he had made it on his own, it was not totally uncommon, but they figured he had exaggerated a little. Mago had become quite a storyteller. Whether his stories were fact, fiction, or a healthy mix of both, none of the Kokiri knew, but they enjoyed them none-the-less. [color=#808080][b]Perhaps what gave his stories a more magnificent flair than usual was his ability to create outstanding visuals with a mere gesticulation. Mago's spirituality had allowed him to become a well-practiced "shaman" of sorts right under the noses of all the other Kokiri. He could create images of dancing light in the figure of the things he had seen. He could build a fire and then depict stories in the smoke. These were the basic kinds of abilities he allowed the other Kokiri to see. Mago developed personal offensive and defensive spells as well. He never thought he would have to use them, but he had them anyway and they were few in number. With this power he had manifested, he made one solemn oath: "If it scathes none, let it be to your pleasure." All of his spells were made to be passive-agressive, if even that. As a child of nature, he would harm nothing of it.[/b][/color] From his beginning status in the Kokiri society as the "weirdo," Mago Gale-Gale had become quite popular. When the monsters began to take over Kokiri Village, Mago fled to the Lost Woods with the rest of his kind. He had a decent advantage over the rest and acted on part as a bit of a diplomat between the Kokiri and the Skull Kids, pleading their case and tying their alliance. He let the Skull Kids take charge from there, as they still knew the Woods far better than anyone. Mago stayed back with the rest of the Kokiri and continues to play his part in the struggle to survive. [b]Appearance:[/b] Thank you, Photoshop and your color-changing abilities, lol. I think it is fitting, given his persona. Below the mask his face looks like that of any other Kokiri; bright, childlike. His skin shows a little bit of wear from roughing it in the Woods so often, but his bright violet eyes are enough to distract anyone from them. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18789&stc=1[/img] [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] [u]Mask and Flute of Gale-Gale[/u] - Mago created the Mask and Flute for the sole purpose of a cooperative weapon. The Mask plays a huge part in a lot of Mago's magic-work. When he wears it, his power is increased significantly. With aid of an array of tunes, Mago can "hypnotize" a friend or foe. The effects of the hypnosis depends on the tune. If it is a slow, dreary melody, the opponent may become increasingly fatigued until they at last fall asleep. If the melody is more joyful, the victim may become oblivious to everything else and just enjoy him/her/itself. At his [i]very[/i] best, Mago can convert a willing enemy. This of course requires a massive amount of focus. [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] A solitary four-winged boomerang, relatively large in size [color=#808080](see image of Mago)[/color]. It has a solitary hole in the center so he can twirl it on his fingers or simply hold it differently. At his best, Mago can make these it cut through wood no more than 2 inches thick. [b]Items:[/b] Bag of Deku Nuts [color=#808080](max. 10)[/color], a Bottle of Water, his Flute. [b]Spells:[/b] All spell-powers are magnified three-fold when wearing the Mask of Gale-Gale. » [b][u]Spirits of Kin[/u][/b] - Usually initiated by a dance, Mago creates "hallucinations" of past Kokiri, Skull Children, and Deku. None of the Spirits have the ability to physically harm any opponent, but they act as either a distraction or an intimidation factor. » [b][u]Morningstar[/u][/b] - Mago basically becomes a Kokiri-sized Deku Nut. At will he can burst into an excruciatingly bright light affecting only those with an unclean heart. He can also infuse this spell into his boomerang and affect opponents who stand at a distance. When wearing the Mask, the effects of this spell are strong enough to knock out many opponents for a good amount of time. ----------[b]FAIRY INFORMATION[/b]---------- [b]Fairy's Name:[/b] Espri [color=#808080]([i]es[/i]-pree)[/color]. [b]Fairy's Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Fairy's Color:[/b] Magenta.[/size]
[size=1]The third is easily the best, in my opinion. It is much less distracting and easy on the eyes. Not to mention it brings strong focus to the characters. The second is all right, but the background is extremely busy mostly due to the color. The third's background is just too dark and the blue color does not mix well.[/size]
[size=1]If you are truly interested in learning the various aspects of design, I would suggest looking for classes you can take that may help you understand that. You might not have much of anything where you go, but anything can help. I would hardly suggest actual web and graphic design classes unless they actually have a reputation for being really good courses. Most teachers are just there to teach and nothing else. For example -- and I probably mention this [i]way[/i] too often, but I am just that proud of it -- I have been fortunate enough to attend a high school with an [i]outstanding[/i] journalism program. Our adviser is incredibly passionate about it, and we have walls full of an uncountable number of various awards our paper as a whole and the individual people within it have won. It has won 8 Best of Show awards in three years; it has won the National Pacemaker Award, which is pretty much the Pulitzer of high school journalism. I give massive amounts of credit to that class helping me develop a better eye for design. I mean, as Tony said, many people overlook how important your mere font choice is in how a layout appears. They do not really teach you that in web design classes. Or you could simply just look at different, successful websites. Try to find out what exactly makes them so attractive to many people. My journalism adviser has told me a story before of an editor who once stood up on the main desk in front of the classroom, held up our newspaper up next to another schools newspaper, and simply said, "Which one would you rather read?" And obviously ours was chosen, it is a lot cleaner in how things are organized. In fact, I have nothing better to do, so let's do just that, shall we? [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18738&stc=1[/img][/center] See what I mean? The "North Star" has so many issues just with its front page it hurts when I walk. You could throw a dart and hit something that is not right. Whereas ares is much more refined. Not saying it does not have its problems, but they are a lot harder to find. It also helps that are visuals and topics are usually very striking and quality, but you could have good photos and such, and the layout can still look like crap. Thus, it takes away from what is actually good about what is on the inside. So yeah, there is what advice I can think of, I kind of got side tracked putting that image together. So I forgot what I was going to say in all.[/size]
[size=1]Host Ultra ... egh. I have a site there currently, and just recently they ave decided to whore their free services with pop-up ads, I suppose. However, it was the only free service I could find with PHP support. As for your layout, it has some issues. The one that jumps out to me the quickest is the "Navigation." The word is placed far over to the left and makes it seem as though I should find the navigation right below it, yet the actual links are hidden way off to the right. My eye simply does not flow that way off of the word "Navigation." Secondly, you have two appearances of the name "euphOria." It is redundant. And what I perceive is the main use of it, the one on the top left, does not jump out like it should. The name should be the first thing people see, saying "this is my site, this is what it is called." Second, in my opinion, people should see the navigation. Then pretty much everything else is tertiary. So it is pretty much, "This is what it is, this is where you can go, now look what is inside." I think that should be the general flow of a layout. Your little quick-hit profile seems awkward just sitting there a-chillin'. I like the idea of having a little "this is me" right there constantly on the page, but if it was me, I would somehow make that and inline frame. The background staying the same color as your site background, and beveling the edges around the frame very slightly to get the effect that the page is "under" the chrome layout. You could also put all the information you want in there as well; you would not be confined to that small vertical space. However, your main problem here is that your image does not allow any decent horizontal space for an inline frame to fit. Other than that, I have no problem with it. Given, you just have a template up right now. I am interested in how you plan on incorporating the content in since you just have one main image. But overall, I would say it is average.[/size]
[size=1]This is rather simple. People need to practice their talent to become more talented at their practice. As long as one follows that little proverb, he or she will have no limits on what can be achieved. That goes for things in general, not just art, but I could definitely see where one might bring this up about art. However, take any one person, regardless of their experience with whatever medium, they can learn to be rather proficient in what they are doing by practicing what talent they have, no matter how little it may seem. The more one becomes talented at their practice, the better ways one can find to practice their talent.[/size]
[quote name='Dagger IX1]I'll admit I'm not very good at predicting plot twists, but the part when [spoiler]Dunst's character discovers that her memory had already been erased[/spoiler'] really shocked me. The scenes related to that revelation stuck with me long after I exited the theater.[/quote][size=1]I cannot say that twist "shocked" me at all, but it was a definite plus to the story. As soon as they started laying down hints about that certain event, I pretty much put enough pieces together. It was not something I nailed on her character from the start, though, so I found that very admirable. I also agree about the improved humor exhibited in the film, namely by Carrey. While I shall not say that his movies like Ace Ventura are not funny, the humor used in Eternal Sunshine was more subtle and almost subjective to the audience. For example, at the beginning of the movie he said [spoiler]"Sand is over-rated. It's just a bunch of little rocks,"[/spoiler] (not really a spoiler, but whatever) that nearly made me laugh out loud, lol. When looking back on Carrey's other films that I have seen, I have always enjoyed his less comical ones, such as [i]The Cable Guy[/i]. His character was still comic relief, but it was hardly a comparison to Ace. His character was simply darker in that film. But, definitely, overall, this is a step up for those actors/actresses like Winslet and Dunst who never had much to show for themselves.[/size]
[quote name='Dagger IX1']Actually, I think the cinematography is intended to look plain ... the slick, "glossy" cinematography seen in recent action flicks would not have suited this movie's characters or story.[/quote][size=1]That is what I was trying to get at. An average person may view it as "low quality," so I went from the view "it may seem that way, [i]but[/i] ..." As for the funding situation, I am simply going of the basis that I have never even heard of any of the companies listed in the credits, and I was left wondering if the movie was an independent film or not. While I can say that it obviously is not something out of "Joe's" back yard, it hardly seems comparable to the average movie today in terms of what kind of money it would have took to make it. It's all relative, as they say.[/size]
[size=1][center][b][url=http://www.focusfeatures.com]visit FocusFeatures.com for theatrical trailers and movie clips[/url][/b][/center] [i]Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind[/i] is perhaps one of the best movies I have seen in a while (granted, I do not get out much). For those who may not have heard of it yet, it stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, with other co-stars Elijah Wood and Kirsten Dunst. Hearingthat Jim Carrey is in the film is misleading to think that this movie is strictly comedy, it is more drama than anything. It is, however, one of Carrey's best performances I have seen him do. Carrey, our usual "funny-man," is now slapped into a role that is supposed to be dull and very reserved. On the other hand, his opposite, Winslet, is the compulsive and assertive characters, marked by her changing hair color and overall style. Both pull off their performances very well, surprising for this kind of 180-degree turn in their character stereotypes. The plotline is rather original (as far as I know). To sum up the basic plotline, Carrey tries to get over Winslet breaking up with him by going to a medical center that has the unique practice of actually erasing people's specific memories. From that one sentence, the story seems rather weak, and almost trite, but I assure you, there is a lot more to it than that. The conflict occurs when Carrey realizes he does not want to forget Winslet's character, and begins to try and resist the operation which he cannot wake up from. So, a lot of the movie takes places in Carrey's head. The cinematography is under par, although it only seems to add to the movie at times ampifying how confusing everything is for the characters (as well as the audience. For about the first third of the movie, the audience is more or less left wondering what the hell is going on. There are a lot of bizarre instances, and intentionally left out scenes that leave no explanation to what they are currently seeing, but as it rolls on it progressively begins to make more and more sense as all the loose ends tie together. All the special effects used in the movie are well-done, especially being able to tell that this movie was on a tight budget. After it was all said and done, I was left very satisfied. That could be, perhaps, because a lot of the ideas put forth and things said in the movie struck home with me, so I felt I could very much get in touch with what was going on. In any case, I do reccomend people go see this, I would gladly go see it again and again.[/size]
[size=1]I think you are the first person who is also from Nebraska I have seen around this board in quite some time. Welcome to the party, pal. I was going to see if we by any chance we go to the same school, but you are a college person. Meheh ... ^_^; Pomeroy is all right, I suppose. I can listen to them, but I do not think I would ever buy their music. I do give them credit for some originality and creativity, though.[/size]