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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1]Pyro: ...I don't want to share those thoughts... Xaida: Why not??? I can help you know? Pyro: I know, and that's just it. I won't except help, especially with something like this.. Xaida: Help isn't a bad thing.. Pyro: It shows weakness.. that I can't do things on my own. I'm not like that, I'm strong. Not just physically, but in all other aspects too.. Xaida: Oh come on Pyro.. please let me help?! Pyro: Xaida, you know I love you, right? Xaida: Heh, of course! :) And we should share everything with each other! Pyro: No, there are some things that are better left unsaid between two people. Whether if it's for the benefit of one or both, they should just remain that way... Xaida: ...Okay, fine, I'm going to trust you... but if you do need help please come see me.. Pyro: I don't need help... [i]Pyro walks back to bed and falls asleep with Xaida gonig back to her bed...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro and Xaida get into their beds and dirft off to sleep...[/i] Xaida: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: Pyro: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: [i]Meanwhile, Pyro developes a night mare...[/i] [nightmare] [i]A dark unknown figure walks through the ROST doors and walks toawrds Pyro while he's still sleeping...[/i] ????: Heh heh... [i]The figure stops at the foot of Pyro's bed..[/i] ????: Come on, Pyro. It's time to wake up.. :devil: [i]Pyro's eyes flip open and he sees the unknown figure..[/i] Pyro: Wha..??? Who are you!?! What are you doing in here!?! [i]Pyro looks behind the figure to check if Xaida is all right, she's still sound asleep..[/i] ????: Who I am and what I'm doing here is of no importance to you.. all that matters to you right now is your survival! Pyro: Huh? ????: Errrr...YAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! [i]The figure leaps into the air and Pyro gets out of the bed quickly as the figure comes crashing down brakeing the bed in half..[/i] ????: There's no escape for you! Your death is inevitable!! [i]The figure attacks Pyro, be Pyro narrowly dodges all his attacks and knees the figure in the stomach stunning him for a moment..[/i] Pyro: Xaida! Wake up!!! [i]Xaida stays sound asleep, not even moving..suddenly, Pyro feels a sharp pain in his back[/i] Pyro: AAH!!!!! [i]Pyro falls to the ground holding his back..[/i] ????: Don't worry it will all be over soon! [i]The figure grabs Pyro and launches him out into the void and Pyro comes crashnig to the ground..[/i] Pyro: Xaida!!!!! Waake uup!!!!! ????: There's no use! Now stand still.... before you die there's something I want to tell you... Pyro: *breathing hard* ??? ????: Heh heh, that's exactly what your father looked like before I killed him... Pyro: Huh!?! ????: NOW DIE!!!! [i]The figure fires a huge ki blast at Pyro![/i] Pyro: FAAAATHEEERRRRR!!!!! [i]Just before Pyro is engulfed in the blast, everything goes blank-[/i] [/nightmare] [i]Pyro sits up in bed quickly now wide awake and in a cold sweat...[/i] Pyro: *breathing hard* [i]Pyro notices that Xaida is still alseep....[/i] Pyro: *breathes hard* *swallows* *breathes hard some more* [i]Pyro waits a few minutes until he's stopped breathing so hard and then gets up out of bed and walks over to the refridgerator. He opens it and takes out a soda, then goes sit at a table and opens the can. He quivkly chugs the whole thing at one time and sets it down still holding it in his hand..little droplets of sweat drop down and hit the table. The sound of tin rapidly hitting soething echo throughout the room softly as Pyros fear and anxiety overwhelm him.. he stops himself.. and just sits at the table, awake[i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro and the Life Dragon stand ready for battle... in an instant Pyro is sent flying back and catches himself hundreds of miles away...[/i] Pyro: Ok, for one he's quick, and he's pretty d.amn stong too.. [i]Then, again, in mere moments, Pyro is beaten ruthlessly for hours on end.. he gets up very beaten, but with little to show for it..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: I see your regenation is rather quick.. it is still nothing compared to what I can do.[/COLOR] Pyro: And I can't wait to have that power! [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: So sure of yourself are you? Well, you are either a genius or a complete idiot...[/COLOR] Pyro: Well let's find out which one I am shall we? [i]Pyro disappears and moves around quickly narrrowly dodging the Life Dragon's attacks..[/i] Pyro: *to himself* [i]How am I supposed to follow this guy!?! I'm barely dodging these attacks here! Come on, Pyro! You're smarter than this!! Think!!............... Hrmm....... Yes that's it![/i] [i]Pyro breaks free from the scuffle(sp?)...[/i] Pyro: You may be faster than I can follow but your thoughts will not be fast enough to escape mine.. [i]Pyro begins to power up as blue liquid-like energy begins to swilr around him faster and faster until you can't see Pyro anymore.. and then with one loud yell it all comes forcing out pushing the Life Dragon back a bit.. Pyro stands bulked up a smidgen and his eyes completely an unstable blue..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: I see you have awakened the powers of the Water Dragon.. interesting... let's see what you are going to do with that..[/COLOR] [i]The Life Dragon concentrates a bit trying to read Pyro's thoughts..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: WHAT!?! I can not read your thoughts! How?!!!?[/COLOR] Pyro: :devil: :laugh: Pyro: I know that the Water Dragon's psyche power is greater than yours! And now I know how you've been able to anticipate any move I make.. but you dropped your guard and I took that chance to unleash this power. Now [i]I[/i] have the upper hand! [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: We will see about that. You still have yet to see my true power.[/COLOR] Pyro: And I still have yet to obtain your power. [i]To Be Continued...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: Shall we continue?? Xaida: Yes we shall.. [i]Xaida readys herself with Kali Yuga in hand and Pyro stands ready.. Pyro disappears and begins reappearing and disappearing everywhere..[/i] Xaida: Erg! Where are you going!?! Hold still!! [i]Xaida thrusts Kali Yuga into the air trying to hit Pyro..[/i] Pyro: Missed.. :smirk: [i]Xaida looks up to see Pyro standing at the blade of Kali Yuga..[/i] Xaida: You had me confused and disoriented!!! :rolleyes: Pyro: Heh.. [i]Pyro disappears again reappearing not far in front of Xaida..Xaida runs at Pyro with Kali Yuga lifted high in the air and brings it straight down onto Pyro, but Pyro clasps his hands on both sides of the blade and stops it from moving any further and the both begin to strugge to control Kali Yuga's destanation..[/i] Pyro: What are you tryin to do? Kill me? Xaida: :blush: I didn't mean to use the blade! [i]Energy sparks begin to fly around Pyro's hands as he is forced to put more power into stopping the blade from coming down on him as Xaida pushes even harder..[/i] Pyro: Ok, that's it!! [i]Pyro uses all the strength he can gather in a moment and pushes Kali Yuga upwards causing it to swing back and make Xaida go off balance.. Pyro clips Xaida's legs making her fall to the ground and Kali Yuga flys off into nowhere and lands on the ground far away from the both of them...[/i] Xaida: *cough* Nice.. Pyro: Eh, it was nothing.. I wasn't even trying.. Xaida: Sure you weren't :p[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B]You know when someone's really afraid, they want their mom. I'm just toying with the idea. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ooooo, I get it now! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: Ok.. block and dodge the sharp thing at the end, I can do that. Xaida: You better hope so :smirk: [i]Pyro and Xaida lower into battle stance..[/i] Xaida: You ready? Pyro: Yeah. [i]Xaida lunges at Pyro with Kali Yuga narrowly missing him. Pyro does multiple backflips and lands inside the void. Xaida follows him quickly leaping high into the air and turning Kali Yuga sharp end down. Pyro strafes out of the way and Xaida comes crashing to the ground losing her balance and falling over..[/i] Pyro: :smirk: I was counting on that. Xaida: Huh? [i]Xaida looks over at Pyro only to find that he's disappeared..[/i] Pyro: ou forgot about the intensified gravity in this area! [i]Xaida looks up adn sees Pyro coming straight down, Xaida rolls out of the way flipping up onto her feet and whirling Kali Yuga around in graceful motions almost hitting Pyro, but merely slicing a cut in his pants at the knee..[/i] Pyro: That was close.. Xaida: I didn't have to miss you know.. :smirk:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hugh_G._Rection [/i] [B]Heh. Probably because mine was shorter :D . [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Actually, to be honest, his post helped me out the most.. I already knew the "text" code thing... it was the visual of seeing the thing that made it all make sense. Cause I wasn't putting that in, all I hade was Just left out the frame name part. *snaps fingers* All that hard thought and three words I was missing (yes three words 1. frame 2. name 3. the name of the frame) :D[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Yeah, I think he means attachments :) In fact, look at all of the food that girls REALLY eat! That's a lot of food for six girls! Mmm, yummy :tasty: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]*ahem* I don't see any Mountain Dew there! lol, but I [i]do[/i] see that you have fruit flavored soda! That's the next best thing! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hrmmm.. I don't really have a favorite sig... though I do like Sephiroth's "I think, therefore I am confused." Lol, that's so true and it cracks me up :cross: :laugh:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]The creature sen can now be depicted as a dragon..[/i] Pyro: Is that the... the.. [COLOR=indigo]Wind Dragon: Yes, yes it is.[/COLOR] [i]The Life Dragon emerges completely showing it's massive size, and it speaks..[/i] [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: It seems you have assimilated the other five of the Dragon gods.. and you have become the Demi-god of Fire... but you still have yet to get me. And I will be your greatest challenge that you've faced yet. Do you think your ready?[/COLOR] Pyro: ... I know I'm ready... [COLOR=green]Life Dragon: Good then, let us begin.[/COLOR] [i]To Be Continued[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]??? :confused: What's this about "Mother" now???[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kittie [/i] [B]but she did say what's your fave song...! lookie at her first post!!:eek: [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]She edited the post... but I dont really have [b]a[/b] favorite song, but I'd have to say that my song right now that I enjoy lsitening to is "Chop Suey" by System of a Down..[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]The feeling is mutual.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]:p I was still in school when you posted that! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: ... [i]Xaida continues eating her dinner..[/i] Pyro: So how long are you going to take eating that? Xaida: As long as I want, thank you:smirk: Pyro: *sigh*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Actually it'd be the fifth word in the first line "game"..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Heh heh, theOtaku is doing community service. What crime did we commit to have to do this??? lol, j/k. Well done.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Heh, two frames is enough for me thank you very much! lol.. but ya, now ill be able to resume builind my cheapy little angelfire site. It's DBZ related, and then focuses on the Saiya-jins of the anime :D right now I'm going through and making sure everything works, then I'll continue adding stuff. Once I get every section off to a good start I'll prolly add the site to my sig just for the hell of it. So keep a lookout! But dont expect it in the next week or so. Hopefully by the end of the year, I should have everything started.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]WOOHOO!!! Thank you very much for all who helped me out here. That takes a load off my brain. Trying to figure out the frames has been holding back the building of my cheap little site thingy. But thank you all very much!! :D[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by masterfork [/i] [B]Alright, after you've given your frame a name.. should look something like the following now if you're trying to link from let's say a navigation frame, it would look like the following: Main [edit]heh you beat me to it, =] [/edit] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]AHA!! I see, the tutorials I've read never showed or said anything about the part of the code! Now to see if it works! *crosses fingers*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hrmm... Ok, right now I just need a sample of what you people are talking about. Cause I can't comprehand what you're saying without being able to see what your talking about at the same time. So if I was asking how to create a link.. text That's all I need, cept for linking frames :smirk:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]AAH!! It's on the scond page! Unacceptable people, I shouldn't have to be doing this...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]PLbbbbbbtttttttt!!!!!!! I don't like anyone! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]M'kay.. could you possibly show me exact wat it's supposed to look? I know the or w/e thing.. but I'm not sure where it's supposed to go. And with the names, would the names be, for example, if one from was www.yoursite.com/frame.html, would the name for that frame be "frame"? That's another thing that confuses me..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]M'kay, this is for all you HTML wiz people out there that know frames like the back of the hand or something like that. I know how to set them up, but, I'm having trouble getting a link in one frame to act in another. You know what I mean? If someone could be so kind as to post the code, or PM me the code or w/e needed for it to work I would greatly appreciate it! :)[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B]well, I think it was a japanese guy called Akiri Toyamoto or something like that, do you like my sword!!!???:flaming: :flaming: :ball: :ball: :tasty: :tasty: :wigout: :wigout: :sleep: :sleep: [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Do you mean Akiri Toriyama???[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Wind Dragon: You need to start the process. So this place can be restored..[/COLOR] Pyro: Ok? I'll try.. [i]Pyro gets down to business and stands in place concentrating really hard. A puls od invisible enrgy is forced out from his body as all sorts of strange things begin to happen. Energy particles fall from the air and come down to Pyro, wind whirls about freely. Then, suddenly, the five dragon spirits erupt from Pyro's body and abegins to fly about the large sanctuary very gracfully as if it were a dance, as they create everything they are. The Light Dragon feeds the place even more light keeping it steady and shiny. The Ice Dragon creates the frozen area of the sanctuary and puts an ice cap over the volcanoe. The Earth Dragon tenderizes the soil, feeding it it's neccesary nurtrients keeping it healthy and strong. The Water Dragon moistiurizes the soil and fills the empty streams with crystal clear water as it flows gracefully to all parts of the sanctuary. The Wind Dragon creates a breeze that would allow seeds and pollen to spread to create life, but that all can't be done without the help of one missing dragon..when the Dragon are done they return to Pyro and all is calm again.. then suddenly, a rumbling comes about, and the ice cap explodes as a creature emerges from the depths of the sanctuary...[/i] [i]To Be Continued...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Welcome-o backo!!! :D[/SIZE]