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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]fire is my world.. i hate bush... but i don't think i'll join...how ever i can give you cool tips on lighters, gasoline, the little logs that they use for fire start,ect... just pm me!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]HA! I'm going to post here again. This got moved to G&S that's funny. And stormwing, any self-respecting pyro doesn't need tips on that stuff cause they already no about em.[/SIZE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H[/i] [b]Another supporter! VICTORY is already within arms length!![/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Sure, but that arms length will never be reached without me here. So nya! :p[/SIZE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PyroGirl8286[/i] [b]FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll join! Fire is awsome!!!!!!!!! oh, and yeah. i don't like the prez either.[/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ah, plbbt! I thought you'd be smarter than this PyroGirl. I'm disappointed.[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]GAWD!!!!! Enough already!!!!! Yer so fu**in intense!!!Remember the old saying "If you cant say somthin nice to som1, say somthin nice to some1 else?" Crap, i messed it up. Anyway, try not to get so intense. Lighten up!!!Jeez. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]You're telling [i]me[/i] to lighten up? You're the one yelling everywhere. I'm just sitting here. And sure I've heard the saying, but I dont agree with it... I'm getting tired of this thread, cya..[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]Well, try 2 be a little bit nicer about it.geez.:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]The truth won't always be "nice", it's the truth and that's it. So there's only one way to put it. So if you don't like it, tough. People don't always like the truth, but that's what it is.[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]I know that. I was trying to lighten the mood cause since you showed up, youve been puttin everyone down, you inconsiderate dolt.:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]A dolt am I? Ya so? What of it? But I'm not inconsiderate, I care for other people, just not neccarily everyone. I'm not putting people down either, I'm telling the truth.[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]I am immature, and im proud of it. So wat if it dosnt get me a date, or makes me handsome, or makes me...popular...or.... *pyro goes into the corner and cries* [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]If you're trying to get sympathy from me, then dont try to hard cause I dont see that happening. If you're not, than stop crying you wuss. I'm not popular, I've never had a date, I don't think of myself as handsome and you don't see me complaining.[/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]YAY!!! Open hostility!!! This is what I want in here!!! *breaks a window with a brick, jumps out, and runs into the distance screaming* [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Though I support anarchy, I'm going to have to say "no" to that also. There's a line between anarchy and immaturity, you've crossed it.[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]Uh, dude, i havnt seen yer sig. in a long time. its just a strange, x-files kinda coincidinc. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I'm sure it wasn't...[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]wahoooo! fire fire fire! ill join! *holds up lighter* yay POOP! [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Amatuer... what a disgrace..[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]I'm going to say no. For one, my antisociality doesn't allow it. Two, I don't care if G.W.B. is the president or not. Three, the idea of the acronym "P.O.O.P" is a direct theft of my sig and slogan. So I'm against this "union".[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I wouldn't know this, I dont know japanese song things![/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Pyro: Ah, that was good... Xaida: Thanks :) Pyro: This place is weird.. but it gives you a good work out with all this varying gravity and such.. Xaida: Yup, it's tiring also.. [i]Xaida sits down while the remaining spaghetti sits on the table in front of the both of them..[/i] Pyro:... [i]...[/i] Pyro:... [i]...[/i] Pyro: ...You gonna eat that? :D[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]It would have to be the fourth choice...[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i] [B]The Amount Of Stupidide is Incredible. Man why are u all making fun of blondes. Some of them are HOT and smart. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You know? You can't really comment on stupidity when you can't even spell it right, lol. And we make fun of blondes cause it's so darn easy. :D[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]I agree with Transtic.. we all know what happened, you couldn't watch much quality television(if there is such a thing) the day it happened, so we al know what happened and everything.[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twisted Face [/i] [B]song is i watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night shining from the light from the sun but the sun doesnt give the light to the moon assuming the moons gonna owe it one It makes me think of they way you act to me you do favors an then rapidly you just turn around and start askin me about things you want back from me im so sick of the tension sick of the hunger sick of you actin like i owe you this find another place to feed your greed while i find a place to rest i wanna be in another place i hate when you say you dont understand i wanna be with the energy not with the enemy a place for my head-linkin park-a place for my head [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Obviously you did that from memory cause you have a lot of it wrong, I corrected it for ya. But anywho, I have this dumb ol' POS song stuck in my head.. [i]"I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad. I got sunshine in a bag. I'm useless, but not for long. The future is coming on."[/i][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Pyro continues to wander the still planet when behind a silhuoette scurrys across the horizon.. Pyro stops..[/i] [COLOR=red]Pyro: Ok, for one.. can I breathe on this planet in my natural form?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Light Dragon: Yes, you can.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Pyro: Good[/COLOR] [i]Pyro powers back to his original state[/i] Pyro: All right, now the Wind Dragon has to be somewhere on this planet .. and chances are that it's avoiding me.. [COLOR=teal]Water Dragon: Good point[/COLOR] Pyro: Hrmm... I got an idea.. [i]Pyro begins to power up as his texture becomes a little bit less solid until he becomes a Pyro-shaped mass of water..[/i] [COLOR=teal]Pyro: I figure my psyche power would be it's greatest in this form..[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Water Dragon: You are correct. But as with your Fire form, you can only use my element in your Water form..[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Pyro: I know[/COLOR] [i]Pyro looks around the planet a bit.. then speaks without opening his mouth[/i] [COLOR=teal]Pyro: Stop avoiding me..[/COLOR] [i]???: I see you've assimilated the Water Dragon..[/i] [COLOR=teal]Pyro: That would be correct, now stop hding and come face me in they way you feel..[/COLOR] [i]???: As you wish..[/i] [i]Off in the far distance the shape of a dragon can be seen as it continues to fly toawrd Pyro, and after a few minutes, finally arriving..[/i] [COLOR=teal]Pyro: *still speaking trough psychic link* The Wind Dragon I presume..[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Wind Dragon: You presume correct.. and there is no need to speak this way now that we are face to face[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Pyro: *speaking normally* Just as there is no reason for you to resist joining with me..[/COLOR] [i]Pyro powers back to his natural state..[/i] [COLOR=indigo]Wind Dragon: I am aware of that, and I didn't plan on resisting.. I was just making sure you were who you were.. the Water Dragon made me aware of your arrival.. but I wasn't taking any chances on you being a poacher of any sort..[/COLOR] Pyro: You're a god, how could you die from poaching? [COLOR=indigo]Wind Dragon: This planet keeps me weakened to a mortal state.. thus I could die just as easily as you could[/COLOR] Pyro: I see.. so are you coming or not? [COLOR=indigo]Wind Dragon: I am, and here I come..[/COLOR] [i]Th Wind Dragon begins to spin in circles faster and faster and moves over Pyro as they both disappear into nothing... and after a few seconds, Pyro drops from the sky landing with the greatest of ease..[/i] Pyro: Yes! Now just one more Dragon, and I will be complete! I can't wait... [i]Pyro kicks back into his Fire form and blasts off into space..[/i][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro and Xaida fly after the shelter[/i] Xaida: There it is!! Pyro: Right! [i]They both pick up speed and try to catch the shelter but to no avail, for it had disappeared before they even got within100 meters of it..[/i] Pyro: Darnit! [i]They sense the shelter out again and blast off towards it.[/i] Pyro: All right I have an idea once we find it again.. Xaida: Good. Pyro: ...There it is.. [i]Xaida and Pyro close in on the shleter when Pyro bursts ahead and stops thrusting his hands infront of him as a shockwave is forced out from the energy he released..[/i] Xiada: :confused: What'd you do? [i]Suddenly a gren sheild of energy appears around the shelter.. the shelter flickers as if it were trying to disappear again..[/i] Pyro: Got it! [i]Pyro flys though the sheild and grabs onto the shelter and it stops flickering and Pyro drops the sheild..[/i] Xaida: Good job Pyro! Pyro: Ah, it was nothing. *Whew!* All that chasing made me hungry, how bout we get something to eat?[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro and Xaida conintue flying..[/i] Pyro: I think I see it! [i]Pyro notices a small structure off in the very far distance..[/i] Xaida: Yes! That's it! [i]Pyro and Xaida pick up speed and quickly begin to close in on the shelter when, suddenly, it disappears..Pyro and Xaida stop in their tracks..[/i] Pyro: Where'd it go? Xaida: :eek: I don't know... Pyro: try to sense it out again [i]Xaida concentrates..[/i] Xaida: Over there [i]Pyro and Xaida fly off to that one only to have it sdisappear again..[/i] Pyro: Aw crap.. Xaida: This could take a while..[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Pyro: That seems like a good way to go.. Xaida: Then what are you waiting for? [i]Pyro and Xaida take off toawrd the direction they think is the right way... unbeknownst to them was a mass of flaming waves coming straight at them from behind..[/i] Pyro: Is it just me or is it hot in here??[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Honestly, I feel no strong emotion towards the attack. Sure I'm a little bit angered by the event, but not enough to change the way I am. I'm very apathetic towards things that don't concern me personally. When I saw the footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers and the wreckage of the Pentagon, I was just like 'Ok, so what? It's happened in just about every other country. Now it's happened to us. Who cares? We're currently the strongest nation, we will get the assialants back.' I'm completely aware that a lot of people died, and people that you might know have died, and for that I'm sorry. But did [i]I[/i] know these people? No. If I hold no emotional attachment to the people or thing(s) that are attacked, I dont take it it any way. Thousands of people die every day, we just arent completely aware of it. Do you feel sorry for them? No. Becasue you dont know that there's something to be sorry for. If this event wasn't televised or announced in any way, no one would have known it happened cept the people that were there. I hold no emotional attachment to this country, or most of it's people. I feel that the mourning should be done by those that can actually mean it (the people who knew those who were killed). Now if someone that I knew died (friend or family)? Yes,it would strike that chord of rage in me. It's one thing to attack someone I don't even know, but it's a whole nother thing to attack some I do know and cherish. Then I'll be able to feel what you people are feeling. But until then, I'm just sorry that I can't understand what you're going through. Be mad at me if you must, but you just gotta understand what I'm talking about.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][i]Icicles spurt from the ground, one touch and yu'd be an ice cube..[/i] Xaida: *sarcastically* Great.. Pyro: Gawd, I can't see anything but these icicles... Xaida: *shudders* It's getting really cold in here Pyro: Well we might as well walk in the supposed direction we came from.. Xaida: Where'd we come from? Pyro: *teeth beginning to chatter* I was hoping you'd know.. [i]Both try to remember..[/i] Pyro: Well I haven't changed which way I'm facing so it should be in front of us... Xaida: It's w-w-worth a ss-s-shot.. Pyro: :( Come on, we have to get off the ground before one of these things gets us.. [i]Pyro puts his arm around Xaidato help keep her warm as he lifts into the air with what energy he can control and slowly makes his way trying to get back to the shelter, but strong winds pick up threatening them now that they've taken to the air...[/i][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro arrives a a dry and still planet, nothing is going on, no air moving, everything is still..[/i] [COLOR=red]Pyro: This looks like it'd be the place...[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Ice Dragon: Be careful.. it will be hard to sense movement since nothing gives off movement here..[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Pyro: Ok[/COLOR] [i]Pyro wanders the planet and feels that no current is being caused by his movement..[/i] [COLOR=red]Pyro: This planet really is still..[/COLOR] [i]Pyro continues to wander the planet..[/i][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Pyro: Let's continue our training... [i]Pyro launches at Xaida and the burst into an array of trial and error punches and kicks going farther and farther into the void. Pyro finds an open spot and punches Xaida far back and chases after her but she is already trying to get ahead of Pyro.. Pyro picks up his speed and slowly catches up to her stopping into front of her..[/i] Pyro: Why are you running from me? :smirk: Xaida: No specific reason.. [i]Xaida attackas Pyro pounding him into the ground.. Xaida backs off after a while and Pyro gets up..[/i] Pyro: :eek: Oh no... Xaida: What?! [i]Xaida turns around..[/i] Xaida: Aw crap.. [i]Pyro and Xaida notice that they have lost sight of the shelter..[/i] Pyro: How far did we come out here? Xaida: I.. I dont know.. Pyro: *concentrates* I cant sense it.. .can you? Xaida: *conentrates* No.. Pyro: This isnt good... [i]Suddenly the whole oid begins to darken and the temperature drops dramatically as the gravity rises quickly as Pyro and Xaida struggle to stand up..[/i] Xaida: Its.... so.... cold...... :( Pyro: And we're.. lost too..[/SIZE]
  24. PiroMunkie


    [SIZE=1]First off, dont type in all caps, that's just annoying and hard to read. Second, WWIII, I sure as hell hope not. If so, I'm either going to dodge the draft when I'm of legal age.. or, sadly, If I'm too late, my butt is fried. Offut Air Force Base is only about 30 miles away from me, which is not that far when you think about the power of nuclear warfare or just simple terroist warfare like we saw today. There are planty of things besdies Offut around here that are likely targets for terroist attacks. The Woodmen Tower, another office/tourist attraction building thing. Only 2-3 blocks away from my school. Then, there's my school, used to be the capitol of this city. Some terrotist might think it'd be fun to blow it up.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Pyro: Heh, that's fine, I dont have to move.. Xaida: If you say so. [i]Xaida launches at Pyro, who developes a blinding aura around himself and fires a ki blast from it and it hits the suprised Xaida dead on..[/i] Xaida: Darnit! I didn't know you smart enough to figure that out! Pyro: Heh, I'm not as dumb as I appear to be :smirk: [i]Pyro begins to power up still frozen in the air[/i] Xaida: What are you doing now? [i]Pyro coninues to power up stronger and stronger, Xaida get's tired of waiting for Pyro to make his move and flys toward him as an even bigger ki blastfires out of Pyro and smacks into Xaida.. when Xaida gets up she notices that Pyro was free from her pychic freezing thingy...[/i] Xaida: How..? how did you do that? Pyro: Simply... the blast distracted you enough to take you main concentration off holding me here allowing me the small window of opportunity to over power you mental abilities.. which I did :devil: Xaida: Where were you holding all this intelligence?!?!?! Pyro: All up here *taps head* Let's continues..[/SIZE]
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