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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]I need to find a decent pic of myself... but there are not a lot of them if any so it'll take a while.. but I wanna see what MysticBabe looks like.. shes just about the only person I talk to throgh PMs that I dont know what she looks like..[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]You know? Ryu has a striking resemblance to Trunks! :D But anywho, if this thing gets going I'll join.. Name: Pyro (was there any doubt? lol) Type: Citizen Height: 5'11" Age: 18 Item(s): We'll just say he's a gun speicalist :D Bio: Just your not so normal guy who knows varios fire arms like the back of his hand! He's also good with coomputers and anything that he has is most likely not his own (nudge nudge, hint hint, wink wink, lol)[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B]"Disposable Teens" - Marilyn Manson "Beautiful People" - Marilyn Manson "Freak on a Leash" - Korn[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ooooo :eek: Another Manson fan! Woohoo! "Beautiful People is my favorite of his.. and with Korn, "Got the Life" is their best song.[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]i gave up on the midnight run once i found put that they werent playing eps. 12 of 08th ms team until mobile suit gundam is done. but for those of u who havent heard, on the midnight run tonight they are playing anime music videos instead of anime. there will be: -4 Daft Punk music videos -4 Gorillaz music videos -And more... Who else is gonna see it. i personally found that i like gorillaz for sum reason and how can you not like daft punks "one more time"? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I thought the special edition sucked when it came to choice of music. Gorillaz suck, Daft Punk suck.. it was pretty sucky all the way around...[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]I'm not going to choose to think about that.. to take a quote from Tommy Boy [i]Think of it this way, the average person uses 10% of their brain. How much do you use? One and a half percent. The rest is clogged with malted hops and balm resin.[/i] Yup, that's pretty much me..[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro, still on the tip of the mountain, suddenly leaps off very far so as to clear the mountain.. he still has his eyes closed.. he lands on his feet after falling freely for over 1000 feet without opening his eyes.. Pyro begins to walk around entering a wooded area.... after a while he comes into an open area where a hungry pack of wolves have him surrounded.. at once, all the wolves begin to close in on Pyro, there must be at least 20 of them! Pyro hears their stepping in the snow and stops in place and waits for their attack.. the wolves close in on Pyro and finally all leap at him at once! Pyro uncrosses his arms and thorws a quick array of punches, nailing every wolf sending them flying off.. but the just get bakc up and stalk Pyro again.. a silent wolf closes in behind Pyro and strikes at the back of his legs chomping down on them![/i] Pyro: AAH!! [i]Pyro collapses at his kness and gets back up onto hi feet quickly then leaps away...[/i] Pyro: *still with his eyes closed* Come on.. where are you..? [i]Pyro's left leg stains the snows red as blood slowly drips from it.. another wolf attempts to attack his other leg but Pyrostrafes to the side and blasts the wolf to nothing..[/i] Pyro: Erg! My leg.. I can't fight like this! I've had enough of you!! [i]Pyro leaps into the air and and places his hands to the ground..still with his eyes closed..[/i] Pyro: PULSE CANON!!! [i]A huge invisible wave of energy fires to the ground and smashes into the wolves slowly crushing there bodies and killing them instantly....Pyro drops to the ground[/i] Pyro: Argh! I can't move.. [i]Pyro, now with an open wound collspes to the ground as the freezing tepmeratures begin to take over his body through the bite in his leg... Pyro falls asleep...[/i][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Pyro: How close are you [i]now[/i]!?? [COLOR=blue]Ice Dragon: Be patient, we have it down to 396 now..[/COLOR] Pyro: Well it's hard to be patient after I've been flying around aimlessly in my light form searching for no- [i]Pyro is shocked at what he suddenly sees in front of him...[/i] Pyro: Oh my gawd..I think I just found it.. [i]Pyro gazes upon a huge planet made up of only one very thin layer of gases with nothing but space in the core..[/i] Pyro: Would this be it? [COLOR=crimson]Light Dragon: Hmmm.. let me check................ yes! Yes it is! Well done Pyro[/COLOR] Pyro: It was pure luck.. [i]Pyro blasts to the gas planet and arrives in the atmosphere..[/i] Pyro: Is this place breathable? [COLOR=blue]Ice Dragon: This planet is very unstable with atmoshpere.. in some places it's breathable, in other's you'll die within seconds..[/COLOR] Pyro: Great, how am I supposed to fight this dragon if he wishes to do so.. [i]Pyro sits in the atmoshpere for a while thinking of what to do...[/i] Pyro: Hold it, I think I have an idea... if I could just concentrate right.. [i]The shapeless mass of light, that is Pyro, suddenly tightens itself into a sphere then begins to struggle as the element is trying to change... after a few seconds the ball of light bursts into flames! :flaming: Pyro, now in his own element, trys to make himself (the ball of fire) take a more complex shape.. the ball pushes out in certain areas and stretches itself into an elliptical shape. Then the ellipse of fire begnis to push out shapeless limbs that tighten and mold into arms and legs.. then the rest of the mass of fire in the center of it all shrinks and tightens forming a head and a torso...[/i] Pyro: Whoa.. this is... incredible! [COLOR=crimson]Light Dragon: This is your true form Pyro..[/COLOR] [i]Pyro stands as a flaming mass in the shape of actual Pyro..[/i] Pyro: How..? My true form?? [COLOR=blue]Ice Dragon: Yes, this is your most powerful state.. well not your [i]most[/i] powerful, but second most... the drawbacks are that you are unable to use mine and the Light Dragons power..[/COLOR] Pyro: So this is me as the Fire God? [COLOR=crimson]Light Dragon: Yes.. but 'god' isnt exactly the right word.. you don't have the immortality card playing for you.. demi-god is more like it.[/COLOR] Pyro: What's my strongest form? [COLOR=blue]Ice Dragon: Something you have yet to achieve..[/COLOR] Pyro: Ok.. so now that I'm in this form and can breathe anywhere.. where's that dragon?? [i]Pyro, in his true form, begins to search the planet for a possible dragon god that may have been banished there..[/i][/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]Yes, I mean plain hard core. I just put the - in there for some strange reason... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]And you also said heavy instead of hard, lol..[/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B][I]Warlock floats above the ground, meditating while Flash does some heavy-core training.[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Dont you mean hard core? Lol.. I don't think heavy-core is even a real word or group of words! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro still stands perched atop the mountain peak.. suddenly as if out of nowhere, high, violent winds pick up and blow all around the top of the mountain... Pyro still in deep concentration is unaffected, doesnt even move a muscle............. after a few hours the winds die down again, but not long after that a low growling can be heard..a lone wolf makes his way toward Pyro intent on pouncing him and killing him.... the wolf inches closer and finally springs to Pyro! But before the wolf can get ahold of Pyro he jumps high into the air and the wolf clears the peak under Pyro and comes crashing down on the other side.. Pyro, still in the air and still with his eyes closed, takes one hand and points his index finger down at the wolf which launches at Pyro yet again.. but this time Pyro fiers a thin beam of energy piercing through the wolves body killing it instantly... the lifeliess wolf body smashes to the ground and tumbles all the way down the moutnain side... Pyro drops back down to the peak of the mountain landing on one foot and returning his arms to the position they were..[/i] Pyro: :smirk: (
  10. [SIZE=1]Snowboarding=fun! Nice banner Outlaw :D[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Pyro: Heh, okay I won't.. I also need a little "me" time anyways.. Xaida: :) Ok, see ya later.. [i]Pyro and Xaida hug each other and Xaida flys off into the distance as Pyro watches until she is out of sight..[/i] Pyro: *sigh* Okay, time for some mental training.. [i]Pyro flys over to the very tip of moutnain top and stands perched on one foot, with his arms folded arcoss his chest and his eyes closed..keeping himself balanced when he can't see..[/i][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Lol, ya I'm hungry a lot too, so then I eat a lot, anddont gain a pound... I guess I have an unusually high metabolism:D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: Come [i]on[/i]!! Have you found him yet!!??? [COLOR=crimson]Light Dragon: No, I'm sorry.. but we have it down to 346,907 now.. just be patient..[/COLOR] Pyro: *sigh* Fine..[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]2pac-Changes[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]The [i]ONLY[/i] rap song I acutally like.. now I know you all are like '*GASP* Piro?!?! Rap!?!? No way!!!' but I have a borther who's a rap library basically and 2pac was basically his god.. so that's how I know the song, and I like the lyrics, very truthful..[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=coral]Amen.....I was thinking the same thing. Their music is kewl, but their name doesn't match up....{perhaps a name like...say...Digital Daft! Ok, my idea is dumb but, "punk" is just not befitting.}[/COLOR] :o :D [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Thank you! At least someone else out there knows what I'm talking about..[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kottonknot [/i] [B]Okay, listen. Take Slipknot off that poll. That's like putting N Sync in an oldies music poll. Slipknot is DEATH METAL, not soft-gay-*** rock. Yeah. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ya really think so? :rolleyes: I do believe twisted face was just encompassing the whole rock/metal perspective.. I mean, come on, he put LB in on this.. which is a [i]very[/i] wide perspective being the LB isn't even rock of any kind!!!!![/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Ooooo Harry Pothead, I mean.. Potter... I get it now :rolleyes: I thought you were talking about the kind of computer[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Ya know? I might actually like Gorillaz if they were't so much rap and they didnt sound so gawd d*mn high when they sing..[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Let's see.... 1. Pan 2. Pan 3. Pan 4. Pan 5. Pan Gee, that was tough! :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Well, ya, I guess... just plain daft would do! It means silly or insane, so ya I just like Daft. Cause they are [i]NOT[/i] punk!!!![/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Animal abuse is bad, but I'm not against hunting.. well, some hunting.. if they hunt just to shoot the animal and not do anything with it than I dont like it... but if the hunt the animal, kill it, and eat it instead of letting it die.. and maybe possibly do something with the fur and be able to put a little money in there pocket from selling the fur, than it's ok cuz the animal didnt go to waste... And how can you hate dogs!?!?! They're so stupid and dumb!! It's hilarious!! [i]Cats[/i]!! Cats are evil!!! The spawn of evil!!!![/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]:flaming: They are [i]not[/i] punk!! I can't stand that they have that in their name!!! :mad:[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]1. AFI 2. Millencolin 3. NOFX 4. Vision 5.Death by Stereo these are in no particular order cept for AFI, cuz they [i]are[/i] my fav![/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]I thought I had that once.. it turns out I'm just easily amused :D But I've never really experinced Sixth's... whatever it is thats getting to you people so I cant say yes or no[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]:flaming: LIMP BIZKIT IS [i]NOT[/i] ROCK!!!!! They even said it themselves! My vote goes to Static-X, I like their stuff of Wisconsin Death Trip, thought Machine is good, I just prefer WDT... [i]I'm With Stupid (He's a loser)[/i] is a great song![/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro and Xaida continue training each seem to be equal but Pyro having slight trouble keeping up with Xiada..[/i] Pyro: *while fighting* Cripes you're quick! Xaida: Come on! I've told you before that the Laporin are just about the fastest race in the universe!.. Besides I know your not trying, so dont get down on yourself! Pyro: How do you know I'm not trying? Xaida: I can sense your power growing as we fight.. interesting, that's still something I need to learn.. Pyro: As you said before, it's in the Saiya-jin blood! [i]Pyro breaks free from Xaida's constant attacks, punches her in the stomach and hammers her to the ground..[/i] Xaida: *getting up* Heh, that's an interesting way to show you love me :D Pyro: :) Xaida: ;) All right, let's continue.. [i]Before Pyro can even ready himself again, Xaida bolts up and rams her head into his stomach winding him for a few seconds..[/i] Pyro: *cough cough* I've never seen you fight like *cough* that! Xaida: :smirk: I've learned a few things from watching you fight Pyro: Like wise.. Xaida: huh? [i]Pyro crouches then springs up further in the air and comes bulleting down at Xaida..[/i] Xaida: Oh this is good! [i]The two clash in the air and continue training...[/i][/SIZE]
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