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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]hey sorry piro munkie i just wanted to make things interesting, if you dont like me controlling you why dont you start us off now ok? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]If you knew me personally you'd know that I cant initiate anything. So [i]that's[/i] why I cant start us off.. your posts are supposed to be from your characters perspective at all times, not anyone elses character.. if a battle starts up then the person will post what he/she does in that battle. You can talk as another person but it's not very respectful to fight their own battles for them..[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Pyro: spaghetti and meatballs are weird.. Warlock: You're serious you've never had it before?? Pyro: I've never been to Earth until those bugs.. this stuff tastes noodley.. Xaida: That's because its made with noodles, Pyro.. Pyro: Oh, heh heh :smirk:[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]ok guys im gonna do the battle again so know one post until i do k? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ok, I wont, lol :D And whats with controlling my character all of the sudden? As in, the whole force feild mess, how do you know my character can create a sword of flame? I never said that..I didnt really appreciate that :flaming:[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Pyro: What's spaghetti and meatballs?:confused: Xaida: Ha! Ok, spaghetti and meatballs it is! Dont woory Pyro you'll love it! Pyro: If it's made by you I'm sure i will..:) Xaida: *giggles* :blush: Warlock: Oook? Pyro you're scaring me.. you've never said anything that nice to Xaida before.. Pyro: Well then, I have some catching up to do dont I? Flash: Ok, who are you and what have you done with the real Pyro!? [i]Pyro, angered by Flash's ignorance, punches Flash in the face..[/i] Flash: Ow! Sh*t! Ok ok, that's definitley Pyro.. Xaida/Warlock: :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]... I dont think Ive ever seen so much spam here in G&S!! :D (well, 'cept you say a word i say a word..)[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Sorry, I'm hopelessly addicted to this one.. I just cant seem to go back between two boards..[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I dont know and I dont really care... they all have there bad and good points[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I think your brother is..... ummmmmm......... I'll get back to you on that one..[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Newbie huh? I was one of those once! lol.. I think its a mass conpsiracy..:smirk:[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I would laugh so hard if that was true! I would even throw a little party in joy that limp bizkets crap has been removed from the shelves! Limp bizket sucks![/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B]See, that's my point exactly. You're conforming to only obscure punk ("true" punk). Lots of "punks" who are "anti-conformist" refuse to listen to the radio or anything of the sort because it's "full of conformists". If you think about it, that, in itself, is conforming. You won't listen to the radio for the same reason you're against it. Yeah, there are some people who conform or sellout who listen/play on the radio, but who cares? You're conforming yourself if you don't listen. If you don't like it, that's fine, but it should get a fair chance as anything else should. Not listening for the mere reason that the band "conformed" to society is conforming. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I listen to the radio all the time, if I hear something I dont like I just switch to a different station until that song is over.. and we dont like it when bands sell out because a high percentage of the time they end up changing their sound, which usually sucks. The Offspring,for example, we're relatively good before they sold out and changed their sound to a more up beat pop sound. So when we say it's "full of conformists" we mean people who changed their sound in order to be "playable" on the radio so that people can listen to it without being offended by the lyrics or what not. Most bands I like dont even get played on the radio because they refuse to change their sound, they want to keep being them instead of what other people want them to be. And not listening because the band "conformed" to society is not conforming, its protesting.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Pyro: I will admit you're good but you have one flaw with your style.. Raiha: Oh really? And what might that be? Pyro: All you movements are too smooth and it takes time to make them that way, and when fighting time is short.. Raiha: It's never been a problem for me before.. Pyro: Your movements should be quick and to the point, you shouldn't waste time being graceful.. Raiha: Heh, I'm going to need a demonstration.. Pyro: Well then, you ready? Raiha: Yup [i]Pyro lunges at Raiha who springs up in the air with many flips and twists.. while she is doing this Pyro stops disappears and reappears above Raiha and smashes her to the ground..[/i] Raiha: Ow! Ok, point taken.. but I like my way of doing things so I'm gonna keep it that way Pyro: That's fine with me, just pointing out your weakness in fighting style.. Raiha: I guess I jsut have to hope I dont have to fight someone with a lot of speed.. Pyro: Speed has nothing to do with it, it's simple reflex.. if you dodge I follow as soon as I see your gone.. Raiha: I see.. I'll remember that..[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]pyro:im afraid oh heights!!![/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You know whats weird??? I actually [i]am[/i] afraid of hieghts!! Lol.. but that's the thrill of going to them, the fear is joyful..[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B]Hahaha, you obviously listen to punk music. Conformist this, conformist that, for all we all know you're just conforming to punk music because it's considered cool these days. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]So a conformist punk? That's an oxymoron, lol..and no I'm not following the "punk trend" (yet another oxymoron). I hate those people that got into that.. in fact today at school I saw some girl wearing a t-shirt that just said "punk" on it.. thats the first clue she's not punk, the second is how she was dressed, and I bet if I were to say to her "name five punk bands and one of each of their songs" she couldnt have named anything.. I hate this whole punk trend thats going on, the best places to find punk music is now swarming with bunch of preppy trendy people who think SUM41 is hardcore punk (when everyone knows they suck pretty badly when put in a larger perspective).. I've even run into people that think linkin park is punk..*shudders* I cant wait till this trend passes, life can go back to normal again..[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]yes it can be taken as in a sexual manner.. if someone says that a person has "been around" somewhere, they actually could mean that that person sleeps around with a lot of people, so when you put "I've been around the galaxy" thats one of the many translations that went through my head.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: I dunno, I guess I just find a lot of things interesting :D Raiha: Ok.. so you wanted a demo on my flexibility? Pyro: Huh? *cough* you mean on me?! :eek: Err.. um.... Raiha: What? Afraid? Pyro: Not so much afraid as unfamiliar to you technique.. Raiha: well you arent gonna learn it sitting there! Pyro: *sigh* Ok.. if you insist.. Raiha: :smirk: Oh I do, heh heh..[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][i]They all look up at a htin but extremely tall building.. very rugged and easy to climb but no visible enterance.. yet again..[/i] Pyro: What's wit these things and their hidden enterances?!? Burn: Dont look at me I dont know.. Scyth: Hrmm... I'm sure we could figure this one out just like we did the last one Laurii: Well, this [i]is[/i] the electricity temple or whatever.. Burn: Ya so? Pyro: I think I get it.. where does electricity come from.. mainly in nature Scyth: The sky! Burn: Of course lightning! So.. Laurii: So the enterance would be atop this mammoth structure so it can let electricity in.. Burn: Ooo I get it now.. [i]They all look up to the top of the temple having to arch their necks back and then some..[/i] Pyro: :eek: This will take a while...[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro takes Xaida's spirit stone and attachs it to a chain he had on him and slips it on over his head and wears it around his neck..[/i] Pyro: *sigh* [i]Pyro looks up into space again and then walks over to his pod and gets in and blasts off for Earth.... a long while later Pyro finally arrives back on Earth where Warlock had sensed his approach and met him there..[/i] Warlock: Pyro, you're back.. Pyro: Ya, your point being? Warlock: Not much has changed I see.. Pyro:..... [i]Warlock notices Pryo wearing the spirit stone around his neck..[/i] Warlock: I'm suprised you havn't destroyed that thing.. Pyro: Huh?.. Oh, well I'm not!.... Warlock: You ok Pyro? You're not quite as mean as you used to be.. Pyro: Just leave me alone.. [i]Pyro walks off by himself and Warlock just stands where he was...[/i][/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Raiha: I've been around the galaxy...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ya know? That phrase can have more than one meaning, lol. I'm just gonna go for the one that has no sexual inuendo..:rolleyes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: Kaloc is not too strong but he's a real good fighter.. Raiha: Ya I can tell, I've never had the chance to see him fight before and i must say I'm a bit impressed.. Pyro: [i]I[/i] wanna see you fight.. Raiha: Really? Why? Pyro: Cause I've never seen you fight, I enjoy watching the many fighting styles people have.. Chiri: I think you used that as a pick-up line.. [i]Pyro gives a friendly glare at Chiri[/i] Chiri: :D Raiha: Heh, well once the junior division starts you'll have that chance.. Pyro: All right, I'm looking forward to it..[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Organized religion??? A bunch of conformist @ssholes, followed by a large group of trendy people..... It's corrupt, Everywhere you go there's some kind of advertisement for some "god" related thing, saying "come join us" or whatever. They try to make people think they know what they are talking about when all they are doing is reading out of a book that for all they know could have been written by some drunk prostitute with ten kids and a midget(no offense to the vertically challenged) for a spouse. The bible often uses the shepherd and his flock of sheep metaphor to show the relationship between their god and his people. Unknown to a lot ofpeople in that religion (most likely) is that sheep are dumb enough to follow their leader of the face of a cliff. Which is exactly what organized religion do, they make people all conform and believe in one thing. Then they convince the people that everything he says is right, and then the people are just like clay, the person can say anything and say their god approves and the people will follow. The whole religion needs to be kept separate from government is bullcrap. Organized religion is just a hidden government for those who dont like the actual government... those are some of my thoughts, others will come along as people yell at me for talking bad about their beliefs..[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]There's nothing really special about my wallpaper, any Outlaw Star fan has seen it before at the end of any episode. Since I dont have this computer to myself I have to have my moms approval of the wallpaper so I was looking through an Outlaw Star site one day and she saw the pic and said she thought it was really cool and the girl is cute and what not (I wasnt gonna argue with her on [i]that[/i] one , heh heh heh :D).. so I just copy and pasted to Paint made it 800x600 and set it as wallpaper... [URL=http://www.outlawstar.org/gallery/display.php?image=ed1.jpg]My mom actually likes something that I do!! Amazing!! (for the thick headed this is the link to the site to the pic I used for the wallpaper)[/URL] -for those of you that cant see the link above, copy and paste into your bar typy thing: http://www.outlawstar.org/gallery/display.php?image=ed1.jpg What a nice friendly face to see every time I get on the computer!.... yup[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]To people that dont know me I have a rep for being anti-social, loner, outcast.. all bascially the same thing and I'm proud of being all of them! To people that [i]o[/i] know me I have a rep of being anti-social, loner, outcast, pyro (obviously), caffine freak, getting high off of oxygen (meaning I'm just out of it and a crazed nutcase 24/7 since I breathe oxygen 24/7)... ummmm.. theres more I just cant think of em right now.. Oh! Con artist, yes... those are fun.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Mwuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!... enough said..[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]I'm actually an alien but you aren't supposed to know that so I just put myself down as "white"... something tells me I've said too much :p[/SIZE]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i] [B]Anyways I am not a well-liked person....:p [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm gonna choose [i]not[/i] to believe that... though I'm not that well like by people either, so I'm not really one to talk:cross:[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I had a g/f once, we broke up three months later because we hadnt done anything together at all (prolly because Im poor and just too d*mn lazy!).. so I'm kinda picky with girls now, they have to have the same basic interests as me or else I just ignore them..I'm not really looking for anyone right now.. but thats just me....... Dont take being dumped too hard. If she said "lets just be friends" she was actually saying "I dont want to see your gawd d*mn face again" trust me I know..[/SIZE]
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