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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1]:confused: I dont think I've ever gotten that for an add yet... lucky me![/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I'm no ones friend! heh.... at least not on lists.... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Me too! Lists are weird.. I dont like to be partso f them, they are too organized.. organization is over-rated...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: So how are we going to get into this possible temple?? It seems as solid and smooth as well, something smooth.. Laurii: Not too good with words are ya? Pyro: You noticed? Burn: Cripes this things is seamless! There [i]has[/i] to be a way in! Scythe: Hrmmmm... I wonder if we could get in from under it? Pyro: Well its worth a try... [i]Pyro leaps high into the air and turns back facing the ground and begin to spin his body in a circle and flames erupt making Pyro seem like a drill of fire... Pyro takes off toawrd the ground boreing through it with great ease. In a few minutes Pyro comes back up from the hole he made normal again..[/i] Scythe: So? Pyro: Not a thing, it's smooth all the way around.. Burn: Hrmm.... this ones difficult...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]The medics take Pyro's battered body and place it on a strtcher and begin to carry it off..[/i] Pyro: What are you doing? I'm fine! [i]Pyro rips off his restraints and jumps off the stretcher as healthy as ever..[/i] Pyro: I think I'll go sit ringside, and wait for the next match to begin.. [i]Pyro walks over to the side of the ring and sits down next to Raiha..[/i] Pyro: So you have a talking bird?!?!?:D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands on Earth still in mental awe of how Xaida just sacrificed her life like that..[/i] Pyro: [i]How...? How could she just do that!? She didn't even have to think about it! She just blew the planet up and her along with it!....[/i] Warlock: Pyro!? Well, the bugs are gone... what are you gonna do now? Pyro: I... I don't know... [i]Pyro takes out the stone which Xaida handed him and just looks at it and then stares up at the sky...[/i] Warlock: You're not just gonna leave us again are you? You have a tendency to do that.. Pyro:........actually.......*looks down at the stone again and then holds it tight in his fist* That's not a bad idea... Warlock: So you're just gonna leave us again!!? Xaida said to wait for her on Earth.. Pyro: And what's [i]that[/i] supposed to mean?! I don't see her anywhere do you?!!? Warlock: Well, no.. but what could you possibly accomplish out in space!?! Pyro: More than I can do here!... I'm leaving.. [i]Before Warlock can respond Pyro blasts off to his pod and takes off into outer space.. after a long while he arrived where the demon planet used to be.. Pyro flew the pod into the breathable atmoshpere of a nearby planet and got out of his pod and just stood in clear veiw of the space dust that once was the planet..[/i] Pyro:....It all happened so quickly...... [i]Visions of the explosion replay in Pyro's mind: "Xaida: Get out of here now!!.... Xaida destroyed herself and the planet, but just before she died, she opened her eyes and a strange blue energy flew out of her and into the stone in Pyro's hand...."[/i] Pyro:.. She gave her life just as my father and grandfather did.. [i]The memories of his fathers and grandfathers death flash through his head.. mainly his grandfathers. as he died when Furiza destroyed planet Vegeta...[/i] Pyro: Grandfather... you died the same way.. trying to protect us from Furiza, you without thought defended our race, I will never forget you grandfather...... Xaida, even though I said and did all those terrible things to you you still sacrificed your life to save Warlock and Flash, as well as me.. you still dont understand me to my greatest extent Xaida, but you've known how I feel about you all this time... and now, I know too... I just hope that one day you will come back, so I can tell you face to face.... [i]Pyro opens his hands and once again looks down at the stone and something wet falls on to it... it was the first time since his father died that Pyro was ever seen that way....[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Didnt I just post something like that? lol:D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: Why'd you give this to me!!? Xaida: :( I said I owe you my life ok!? Pyro: And What makes you think that??! I hate you and everything about you!! Xaida: *tears pour down her face* Then why havn't you killed me already!?!?! Huh?? [i]That's[/i] why I owe you my life!! Because I know you wont kill me!! Pyro: :mad: You think you know everything about me!! You have no idea what my life has been like!!!.... I'm going to be glad to see you kill yourself!! Xaida: Fine then! Believe that!.... I know what I have to do now!! So you guys do what you need to do!! [i]Xaida stares at Pyro with bloodshot eyes from tearing so much and tears still coming down her face.. Pyro just stares angrily at her..[/i] Xaida: You'll see... Now go!.. Warlock: Pyro come on! We have got to hold these things off so we can give Xaida time to power up her self-destruct! Pyro: Hmph.. [i]Pyro charges out at the oncoming bugs along with Warlock and Flash as Xaida egins to prepare for her detonation..[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Wow, I'm suddenly so popular, lol. Everyone wants to watch me fight:D I feel so loved :love: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doom: I'm going to enjoy destroying you.. Pyro: Then stop talking and fight me!! Doom: With pleasure! [i]Doom launches himself at Pyro but right before he can do anything Pyro disappears and Doom falls to the ground still inside the ring..[/i] Pyro: A little too slow for me aren't ya? Doom: I'm just getting started.. *gets up* [i]Doom attempts to punch pyro who just tilts his head to the side and dodges the punch.. Pyro quickly grabs his arm and tosses Doom into the air..[/i] Pyro: Comeon you're not even trying!! [i]Pyro soars into the air up at Doom.. Doom stops himself looking down at Pyro[/i] Doom: You little punk you've got no idea what I've got in store for you!! [i]Doom powers himself up and awatis Pyro's arrival..[/i] Pyro: :smirk: [i]Pyro reaches doom and seems to go straight through him.. Doom throws a punch straight backwards nailing Pyro right in the stomach winding him for a second..[/i] Pyro: Heh, now that's more like it! [i]Doom goes for another punch but Pyro moves out of the way and knees Doom in the face and smashes him down to the ring but Doom stops himself before he hits the ground and lands on his feet..[/i] Pyro: *appeating beside Doom* You shouldn't stop hitting me once you've hit me once.. Doom: I'll keep that in mind! [i]Doom disappears reaappearing behind pyro and knocks him to the ground and jumps notop of Pyro attempting to break his back[/i] Pyro: AAHHH!! [i]Pyro plants his hands on the ground and flips him self up into a handstand knocking Doom off his back.. Doom charges at Pyro who winds his body up and spins himself on his head and whirls his feet about pummeling Doom as he tries to get to Pyro..Doom is eventually knocked back to the ground.. and Pyro stops himself and flips onto his feet..[/i] Pyro: Come on is that all you've got!? Doom: Why you!! That's it! I'm going to my max!! [i]Doom thrusts his fists to his sides as a huge pulse of energy fires out from him..[/i] Pyro: Heh, you can power up to your max as quickly as I can.. intriguing... ok! [i]Pyro thrusts his fists to his sides and a giant pulse of energy fires from him..[/i] Pyro: Now lets conintue! Raiha: Kick his @ss Pyro!!! [i]Pyro looks to see who cheered him on, and Doom takes advantage of that punching pyro straight acros the face knocking Pyro back and almost out of the ring but pyro disappears beofre he lands outside the ring..[/i] Raiha: :o I porbably shouldnt have said that.. Doom: Whered you go!!?? Pyro Right behind you! [i]Doom disappears as Pyros fist comes straight though him..[/i] Pyro: Huh? [i]Doom comes straight down on top of Pyro knocking him to the ground once again pyro quickly gets up[/i] Pyro: Crap hes fast! And strong... maybe too strong.. [i]Pyro takes off at Doom who tries to punch Pyro, but Pyro slides along the ring surface and clips Doom's feet right out from under him and Doom comes smashing to the ground.. Pyro flips him self up in the air and triwes to come down onto Doom but Doom gets out of the way and pyro misses[/i] Pyro: Sh*t! He's too fast! [i]Pyro looks for Doom and right as he turns his head Doom smashes him across the cheek.. Doom picks Pyro up and tosses him into the air and disappears reappearing above Pyro and then smashes him to the ground once again.. Doom then appears on the ground and steps on pyros chest slowly increasing the pressure..[/i] Pyro: AAAHHH!!!!! Doom: Hahaha!!! DIE!!!! [i]Doom lifts his foot ansd attempt to stomp Pyro again but Pyro quickly rolls out of the way and tosses his body clear to the other side of the ring sop as not to get hit by Doom right away..[/i] Doom; You cant escape me!!! [i]Doom flies at Pyro uppercutting him into the air and continues to rapdily pummel his stomach with repetitive blows with his fists, then Doom grabs Pyro by the face and tosses him to the ground and Pyros heads bores through the surface of the ring.. Pyro removes himslef from the floor and stands up..[/i] Pyro: D*mnit! He's too strong and too fast! Doom: Heh heh heh! [i]Doom lands in a corner and Pyro moves himself to the other corner..[/i] Doom: This is it! Pyro: Ya, this is it... [i]Both pyro and Doom begin to power up an attack.. static energy covers the ring as they close into their attacks..[/i] Doom: Now!! Lets finish this!!! eerrrrrrr..HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Pyro: BOMSHELL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Dooms beam and Pyro's ball of energy fired at each other and met in the center of the ring and the fight for the match began.. unfortunatley Doom's beam slowly began to take over Pyros ball...[/i] Pyro: Grr... NO!!!...... [i]The beam is almost completely consuming Pyros energy Ball now...[/i] Pyro: I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this... but I guess I have no choice if I want to win this match!!! [i]Pyro suddenly bursts with a unknown energy!!!! :flaming: :flaming: flaming:[/i] Pyro: Now you will die!!!! With the power of Fire, you are now destroyed!!! [i]Pyro's flaming aura burst even even greater and then leaves Pyro and takes over the ki ball making it extremely powerful!![/I] Doom: What!!?! What is this!!!!!????? [i]Pyro ki ball quickly gains the upper hand and peirces straight thourgh Dooms beam which dissipates into nothing leaving the flaming ki ball flying at Doom[/i] Doom: nnnnnooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]The flaming ball of energy cllodies with Doom andf explodes with immense power on contact but the explosion contains itself so as not to destroy the whole arena and Doom is incinerated in the blast.. when the smoke clears Doom is gone and the crowd is stunned..Pyro falls to the ground completely out of it..[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hrmm...... I dont know how to carry on with the story!!! I did my one big thing for tonight and now my brain is fried!!! *sigh* hmm....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OOO I'll join! Name: Pyro (do you even need to ask? lol) Element: :flaming: Items: none Signature Attack: Fire Summon :flaming: :smirk: Bio: How Pyro came to be is unknown to him or anyone.. one day he just woke up on the edge of an active volcanoe.. he wandered around and soon discovered his ability to use the element of fire at will. With more and more practice he became quick at using it and developed a dangerous and destrucitve attack, the Fire Summon. After this he created smaller little attacks. Normally he doesn't have to use his power, but sometimes if somethings gets in his way and he cant take it down thourgh normal means he uses his powers... And if someone could be so kind as to bring me into the story that would be appreciated very much! thank you! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Warlock is right, I was training in a void thingy.. I went there while you were on vacation at Disneyland..:D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]The crowd sits bored and disappointed that Pyro has not shown up yet..[/i] Announcer: Pyro has one minute now to show up! [i]Meanwhile, down in the ring..[/i] Doom: Hmm... darn, I was hoping for a fight.... This guy better show up! Announcer: 10!, 9!, 8!, 7!, 6!, 5!, 4!, 3!, 2!, 1!... [i]The announcer is about ready to hand the match over to Doom when suddenly the sky goess black darkening the whole arena..[/i] Announcer: What the??? Hold on folks somethings happening! Could it be the lnog awaitied Pyro?!? [i]Thunder claps bellwo through the sky as the air inside the ring begins to ripple drawing the audiences attention.. suddenly a huge burst of flame consumes the middle of the ring! :flaming::flaming: :flaming: and as it lifts into the air pyro is left standing in the center of the ring...[/i] Pyro: Heh, sorry to keep you waiting but what can I say.. I'm a crowd teaser.. :smirk: [i]Doom stands up and enters the ring..[/i] Doom: Well its about time, I was thinking you were gonna be a no show.. Pyro: What? Me?! I dont think so.. Doom: Well then, lets get down to business! Announcer: This is it ladies and gentlemen the match is ready to begin!!! 3.....2.....1..... BEGIN!!! Doom: At last.. Pyro: Bring it on.. [i]To be contniued :D...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is it just me or does Raiha's pet remind anyone of a pokemon??[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Xaida: So what is it you wanted to say..? Pyro: Actually I didn't want to say anything.. Xaida: Soooo.... what did you want??? Pyro: Look! You're no help to us in the condition you are! Xaida: And...? Pyro: Let me finish talking!.. You're more pathetic now than you were when I first met you which is extremely bad! Especially now that we have all these bugs that we didnt even know were there to start with! You are worthless to us right now! We can't have someone weak like you slowing us down at this critical time!.. Xaida: :( So what are you gonna do?!?? Pyro: I'm gonna do the only thing I can right now! [i]Pyro leaps backwards really far away from Xaida and automatically begins to power up releasnig an extreme amount of energy! The ground beneath him cracks and crumbles and shatters into small pebbles as wind blows everywhere and Xaida struggles to keep her footing..Meanwhile Warlock and Flash notice Pyro's wind storm and power going up..[/i] Flash: What the hell is happening?!? Warlock: I dont know but it doesnt feel good!! i don't think we should have left Pyro and Xaida alone! Those two hate each other too much! Flash: You don't thnik Pyro is.... you know!!? Warlock: What?!?! Flash: Come on!! He hates her, she hates him!! Shes weakened now and Pyro could be taking advantage of that to finish her off!!! Warlock: Oh gawd no!!! We've got to help her!! [i]Warlock andFlash take off to where the left Pyro and Xaida... meanwhile Pyro has now put his hands in front of him and is beginning to charge up massive dense energy into his hands..[/i] Xaida: So this is it?! This is how it's going to end for me!? You are such a coward!! *starts crying as she's talking, scared that she is going to be killed this way* How dare you take advantage of my sickness like this!! Who the hell do you think you are!!!??? [i]Xaida stumbles back a bit from yelling so much even though she knew Pyro couldnt here her over the winds and rumbling.. soon enough Warlock and Flash appear at Xaida's side..[/i] Warlock: Good gawd he's gone crazy!! Flash: Xaida are you ok?!? [i]Xaida just keeps looking at Pyro awaiting her oncoming doom..[/i] Warlock: We've got to stop him!!!! Now!!!! Flash: Let's go!!!!! [i]Flash and Warlock take off at Pyro hoping to get there before he fires his energy blast..[/i] Flash: We're not going to make it I know it!! Warlock: We've got to try!!! [i]Flash and Warlock kick it into high gear and begin to close in on Pyro when suddenly everything calms down.. the wind stops, and everything is still.. Flash and Warlock stop and stare at Pyro who has a energy ball full of etreme amounts of energy ready in his hands..[/i] Warlock: *quietly* We're too late.... [i]Silence fills the air.. then Pyro begins to yell, qat first and then it builds into an all out scream as the energy is released in a huge blast heading straight for Xaida!![/i] Flash: Warlock, here it comes get out of the way we cant stand up against that!! [i]Warlock and Flash leap to the sidesand hit the ground covering their heads as the blast comes speeding past them and continues on its path towards Xaida.. Warlock and Flash get up and watch what is about to happen..[/i] Warlock/Flash: Xaida!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! [i]The beam closes in and finally smashes into Xaida but doesnt explode on contact. Instead, Xaida is thrusted back a bit but actually manages to catch herself as the blast pulses against her body violently and after a few minutes slowly begins to settle down as the last of the energy seems to disappear into Xaida.. who falls to the ground seemingly lifeless after it is all done.. Pyro stands just staring at Xaida's seemingly lifeless body.. Warlock and Flash immediatly rush to hewr side[/i] Warlock: Xaida! No! Flash: *looks toward Pyro* How could you do this!!! You killed her!! -----: I'm fine.. Warlock: Huh? [i]Warlock and Flash look down at Xaida whos eyes are now open and she easily stands herself up..[/i] Flash: But I thought.. Pyro: *suddenly appearing bsides Warlock and Flash* Well you thought wrong.. Warlock: What the hell just happened?! Xaida: Pyro donated quite a bit of his own energy into me.. Flash: :eek: I thought you were gonna kill her?! Xaida: So did I actually.. Pyro: you people are stupid! I didnt need to use that much energy to kill her! I could have smacked her acorss the face and she would have died! Warlock: But.... why?? You hate her!!! Pyro: And I still do- Xaida: He just knows that killing me would make it a lot harder to defeat the bugs.. Pyro: Trust me, I would have much rather have killed you! Flash: So.. Is she healed now?! Xaida: No.. Warlock: What?! Pyro: I gave her energy not a cure! She should be back to her normal self for the most part*mumbles* unfotunately.... but the density of the energy should slow the effects of the virus dramatically.. Flash: Well thats good!!! Yay xaida's well again for the most part!! [i]Flash hugs Xaida...[/i Xaida: Ok, I may have this virus thing but I can still kick your @ss. Flash: :o Point taken.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whew! That was a LOT of typing! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Announcer: Well ladies and gentlmen the next match is about to start! This match is between Pyro and Dooooooomm!!! So lets bring out the challenger! This warrior is unkknown in just about everything but his name! And his name is threatening all by itself! So lets bring him out! Here is! DOOOM!!!!! [i]the crowd cheers wildly as they anticipate the next match.. and out of the back area of the arena comes a huge dark figure. Each step shakes the ground beneath him. He stands right outside the ring and then disappears reappearing in the middle of the ring. This is followed by an array of many arial tricks showing off to the crowd his speed an agility for such a big person...after he is done he takes his corner[/i] Announcer: And now, Doom's opponent, we don't know much about him either except his name! Here is the one and only... Pyrooooo!!!!!!!!!! [i]The crowd cheers wildly once again and after a few minutes they settle down at the no show of Pyro...[/i] Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, it seems Pyro has not shown up yet. If you will patiently wait we are going to give him five minutes to show up or the match goes to Doom... [i]To be continued..[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well I just [i]got[/i] home so I'm here now!! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: I had a plan I knew would work but not now.. not when there's [i]this[/i] many ships of these creatures.. Warlock: So what are you saying?! Xaida: He's saying that we don't stand much of a chance against these things..I know I don't.. Flash: Wel we cant just [i]let[/i] them kil us! We have to put up some sort of fight! Warlock: Well it's gonna have to be well thought out.. or else we will [i]all[/i] be killed.. Pyro: So I'm guessing you people have no sort of idea on how we can kill these thing.. Flash/Warlock/Xaida: *scattered 'no's* Flash: Well we certainly can't hit them all head on, if we attack one they'll trigger all the others and we'll have a giant army of bugs on our case. Pyro: Wow, we have a smart one over here.. Warlock: Well we [i]could[/i] take em out more suttle-like, one-by-one but that'd take forever... Pyro: Your brilliance is amazing.. Xaida: *quietly* Can it, Pyro.. [i]There is silence for a long time..[/i] Warlock: Well we can't just stand here doing nothing, especially since xaida here is dying- Pyro: Which puts us down one fighter giving the bugs an even greater advantage over us.. Flash: Why do you look at everything so negatively?! Pyro: I'm just saying how it is.. Warlock: So what are we gonna do? Pyro: I don't know.. if I knew that there were this many ships I would have some sort of plan by now but this is just out of control.. I didnt see it coming.. Xaida: I wonder why there is so many of them.. all they're trying to do is take over and destroy the planet right? Pyro: Ya.... hmmm.. that's actually a good point.. that has to be the smartest thing I've heard all night... Xaida: Thank you.. Pyro: Don't get used to it! Warlock: So why [i]do[/i] they have so many ships?? Flash: Hrmmm... Pyro: I have a feeling that once we figure that out we'll have it easy destroying these things.... Xaida: I just noticed something.. Warlock: and what is that?! Xaida: This is the longest Pyro has gone without yelling angrily at one of us or hitting one of us.. Pyro: Another good point [i]Pyro quickly turns around and punches Warlock in the face sending him flying back and into the ground[/i] Xaida: :o[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Warlock: You're dying?!?!?! Flash: Only a few months!!?!??? Pyro:.... Xaida: *sobbing* Yes... Flash: What is it that's killing you?? Xaida: I dont know.. *sniffle* some sort of virus.... Warlock: :( Pyro: killed by a virus, huh? That's got to suck.. Xaida: O will you just get the hell out of here you heartless @sshole!!! *collapses to the ground* [i]Warlock and Flash go over and lift her back onto her feet[/i] Pyro: Well, this will make my news not as bad then... Warlock: Huh? What bad news are you talking about? Pyro: I've discovered that there is more than that one ship of those creatures.. Flash: What?!?! How many are there?? Pyro: Hundreds.. thousands.. millions.. I dont know as far as the eye could see and probably further than that.. Xaida: So why'd you come to us?! I thought you could take down those big bad bugs.. Pyro:... Xaida: You're weak just like the rest of us and you know it so why won't you just admit it!? Huh?! Pyro:... Warlock: xaida, stop screaming, your only gonna make it worse.. Xaida: I know I have this thing but I can still take care of myself for the most part.... Flash: So what are we supposed to do about these ships? Huh Pyro? Pyro: How should I know?! I only came here to tell you they're there! If you want to see them for your self they're where I'm going! [i]Pyro powers up and takes off into the darkness of the night leaving a vapor trail behind.. ahead lays the ships full of an insectoid army ready to take over the Earth..[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands on the edge of a cliff looking down upon a giant ship..[/i] Pyro: No Way! There's two of them??!! Arg! This is [i]not[/i] good!!... I wonder if.... [i]Pyro leaps into the air and stops himself looking around from a higher point...[/i] Pyro: Good.. gawd!!.. [i] Pyro looks out and sees more and more giant holes ni the ground each with a ship in them..[/i] Pyro: Why didnt we see these before!?!? There's so many of them!!... I hate to say it.. but not even [i]I[/i] could take on all these pests!!! [i]Pyro standsing the air shocked by his new findings for a long while and finally decides what to do[/i] Pyro: Well I guess there's only one thing I can possibly do now since I can't take these guys on myself.. I going to have to tell the others, but Ill be vague about it so I sdont have to ask for help!...... hrm! [i]Pyro poweras up slightly blasting off into the direction where he felt familiar power signlas..[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro flies through the air with a angry look on his face, then grins a bit.. evily..[/i] Pyro: Heh heh, I bet that slash is kicking in about now... the b*tch deserves it!..She may be fast but her reflexes are slow, heh heh.. I knew she couldn't dodge that.. that punch was pretty powerful.. It actually made me move.. [i]Pyro conintues to fly through the air approaching the end of a cliffside.. when he reaches the point where he can see over the edge, he sees something he wasn't expecting and stops suddenl with sgnificant force..[/i] Pyro: No way!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrator: Uh oh! Pyro has stumbled upon something that he doesnt look to happy about! But what is it??? Find out on my next post![/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Thanks Pyro. While I was gone, I worked on my characters a little more. Their attacks just got a little more interesting...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Mwuahahahahahahaha!!!! ..... :o Xaida's gonna hurt Pyro isnt she? Lol :D Hmmmm... its finally my turn to fight, I think I'll post it another time I'm kinda preoccupied with other things.. but fun fun fun its finally my turn!! :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I say root for Japan in Japanese and America in English! lol :D Sounds good right?! I mean, we american people wont know what the hell your saying and the Japanese wont know what the hell your saying (unless they understand English..).. sounds like a plan to me![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Yay!!! Raiha's back!! Though.. I already knew that from PMs DB Battlefield and now here, lol :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: Well if I'm part of this so-caled "team"then you're going to be hearing my voice a lot more than you want to!!! So stop trying to show off by powering up and shut your mouth!!! Warlock: *whispers* Psst, Pyro, I dont think that's the best thing to say.. Pyro: Shut up you! [i]Pyro tosses Warlock to the side..[/i] Xaida: You are such an @sshole!! You think just because that [i]I'm[/i] the spawn of Furiza you have to have this bad attitude towards us all!! Pyro: There are more factors to my attitude than your b*stard of a father!! Xaida: :mad: He may have killed a lot of people!! But [i]never[/i] disrespect my father!!!!!! [i]Xaida burst with immense enrgy powering up into her strongest form and launches herself at Pyro striking him across the face with extreme power.. Pyro barely moves except for turning his body and face.. Xaida drops onto her feet and powers down breathing hard.... Pyro opens his eyes and turns his body back to facing Xaida... they just stand there galring at each other...[/i] Flash:*whispering* Hey Warlock, they don't look to happy.. Warlock: *whispering* Ya I know.. I wonder whats going to happen next... [i]Pyro and Xaida continue to stare at each other, completely infuriated at the other..... suddenly, in rage, Pyro powers up quickly and violently :flaming: And then blasts through the roof leaving them behind once again...[/i] Xaida: :mad: Arg! I hate that guy!! He leaves us once again and I'm stuck here with you two! Warlock/Flash: :o :o Xaida: *sigh* Now what?![/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Well, we know what you care about Flash, but sometimes, I prefer violence. It's in my blood.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ya! Who said violence doesn't solve anything!?! lol anywho, welcome back Raiha/Setsuna!!!!!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]So you should prolly change your sig to Im......... gone....... or something like that if we wont be seeing you for a while.. hmmm.. that must kinda suck though, what if they dont find a cure but its not fatal, than your stuck with it until they find a cure which might be years on end...makes ya think don it?[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=coral] Who said I can't wish 4 more wishes? I'll wish 4 all the bloody wishes I want thank u.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Hello? It's the number 1 rule about making wishes! If you try to wish for more wishes when you have one wish you just wasted that wish since it cant be granted...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I would go for enternal life yup, thatd be kinda cool, but it also has its dark side..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hey! That's a pretty cool picture! Good job! :D[/SIZE]