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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]That's kinda cool actually.. I've never really seen airbrush done before.. thats pretty neat! It looks all hazy and stuff! Well, cept for vegeta, hes solid. he wasnt done with airbrush obviously, and if e was than that is one precise airbrush (coloringwise)[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]noone likes Tony Hawks proskater. That's why it sold millions of copies. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You forgot the 'sarcasm' tags!! lol Tony Hawk's Pro Skater=fun for many hours getting youself hit by a car![/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][sarcasm]No I dont like it, I just play it, and play it, and play it, and play it, and play it, and for a change of things envery so often I'll play it some more![/sarcasm][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands in his training area.. suddenly all his muscles flex and tighten as the gravity intensifies in the room, the heat is almost unbearable.. and millions of powerful monsters spawn from the ground..[/i] Pyro: Eh heh heh.. this should be fun.. [i]the monsters advance on Pyro unaffected by the immense gravity..[/i] Pyro: What are you walking so slow for!?!.. Lets do this!!! [I]Pyro leaps into the air as high as he can possibly go and struggles to hold himself in the air..[/i] Pyro: Lucky for me you idiots cant get up here! [i]Pyro places one palm towards the ground as hazy transparent energy began to gather at his palm..[/i] Pyro: The gravity obviosuly doesnt affect you.. but this should help you struggle to stand!!..eerrrrrr!! PULSE CANNON!!! [I]A transparent massive wave of energy is forced down at the monsters landing directly on top of them and slowly but surely crushing to nothing..[/I] Pyro: Heh heh, that was [i]too[/i] easy... [i]A high pitch screech pierces through the thick air as Pyro turns around and sees thousands of airborn creatures..[/i] Pyro: O great, this should be fun! [i]Pyro drops to the ground landing extremely hard causing a giant crater roughly 750feet in diameter..[/i] Pyro: heh heh.. cool [i]A small ki blast lands and explodes right next to Pyro[/i] Pyro: What the?! [i]Pyro turns and looks up and sees the airborn creatures firing ki blasts in great numbers randomly at Pyro..[/i] Pyro: Haha! They can control ki! Thats great! [i]Pyro takes off running as fast as his power will let him move comfortably and smoothly as the kiblast trail along exploding on the ground just a few feet behind him.. he comes to a dead end but just jumps up onto the wall and runs straight up and then upside down across the jagged and extrememly high ceiling..[/i] Pyro: Now to stop running and take some action!! [i]Pyro stops for no more the 1/10 of a second and lets himslef fall freely as ki blasts pummel the area he was running in right after his departure..Pyro turns himself to the creatures..[/i] Pyro: Take this!! [i]Pyro fires random scatered ki shots at the creatures each one hitting tis target and consuming the enemy then incenerating itto nothing[/i] Pyro: heh heh.. *SMACK!!!!!* [i]Pyro hits the ground drilling straight through and then fires out of it..[/i] Pyro: *panting a little* Who's next? [i]The ground begins to rumblw underneath Pyro as a huge giant creature of mind boggling proportions erupts from the ground..[/i] Pyro: :eek: This could be a problem... [i]The huge lizard/insect like creature immediatly takes a strike at Pyro who barely dodges the attack[/i] Pyro:This thing may be big but it is still fast! This one is a good one! [i]Pyro constantly narrowly dodges all of the creatures attacks..[/i] Pyro: Haha!! You're just a little too slow!! [i]The creature suddenly takes a deep breath and blows Pyro forcefully back smashing him into a wall and the creature then pins him against the wall and begins to crush Pyros body[/i] Pyro: AAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! EERRG!!! [i]Pyro struggles like a madman to get out from under the creatures claw but to no evail..[/i] Pyro: AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm... NOT!!..GONNAAA GET... BEATEN.... BYY..........YYYYYOUUUU!!!!!! [I]Pyro quickly pushers out a lot of energy forcing the bug's claw away enough to let Pyro free his hands.. but his body is immedialty pinned again[/i] Pyro: AACK!!! O well.. I.. got my.... hands.. free .. and thats.. all i need!!! [i]Pyro begins to charge up his bombshell blast. normally it doesnt take more than a second of charging but hes already lost a lot of power.... the creature feels the power being fed into the powerful huge ki ball and presses on Pyro even harder[/i] Pyro: AAAAHAAAHAHAAGYUAUDFASAAAAAAAADEIOSGHJAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Pyro's bones begin to crack as he is finshed gving the ball as much energy as he can..[/i] Pyro: If I'm going down I'm taking you with me!!!...BOMBSHELL BLAST!!!!!!!!!! [i]The ball stalls for a second, not firing, but suddenly (the following events have been edited for your suspenseful pleasure) Pyro's almost lifeless body plummets to the grounmd as the gravity returns to normal along with the temperature and the creatures are all gone..[/i] Pyro: Heh heh.. hahaha!!! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....!!!! *continues laughing as the scene fades out*[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I thought you meant something else there for a second......[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dessert Shadow[/i] [B]lol ditto[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well that makes three of us now! Ga! *cleanses aura of impure thoughts*lol but Ive never herd of whatever that cartton is..[/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desert Shadow [/i] [B][b]Heh, umm. intresting! Anyway, here's another old old one. Hey, you gotta start somewhere! :) [/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]He looks like a cross between that one gu and vegeta! I cant think of the other guys name but he does!![/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]*gasp!* Vegeta?!?! Smiling?!?! That's not natural, but Oak Express is![/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I dont like reality shows, TV isnt supposed to show us reality, its supposed to be our escape from reality.. dont we see it enough in our everyday lives!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!????[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Oh and of course! How could I forget! I have a fire fetish! :D I've burned myself more than my share of times and I'm proud of it! lol[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I have a tendency to injure myself on purpose.. well I dont directly injure myself I just constantly do stupid stunts that end up leaving their mark. I held on to the top of a mini van once and it started going a good 25mph and I let go and fell down to the street and scratched myself up pretty bad.. it was so awesome!!!! :D[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]RAMEN!!!! Here I'll spel it out to your friend.. R-A-M-E-N! RAMEN! I used to pronounce it roman, lol[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Ive had little to nil homework.. though I'm only three days into the school year so what do you expect??[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Ugh.. *projectile vomits* hip hop sucks!!! *random voice in the croud* [i]you[/i] suk!... hey! at least I can spell "suck"! :D :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B]Man it'd b cool ta b a ninja. [i]'Live by Honour, Kill by Stealth'[/i] Yup. Altho, when ya think about it. Slinking about in the shadows to kill u'r enemy is pretty cowardly as well. Soo,....Samurai...[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I support chivalry and bushido but practice guerrilla style "warfare". It's not actualy war but when playing capture the flag on campouts with my boy scout troop.. it is soooo awesome! We have built traps, infiltrated enemy terrtiory unseen for looong amounts of time, have well thought out battle tactics... ya we dont just try and run in and capture the flag and take it back to our side. We devise a heavily thought out plan including distractions, difficult path obstructions (you cant move forawrd very well when you have a bunch of fallen trees stacked a good six feet high in your path), traps (we've covered watery,muddy areas with simply leaves and twigs making the others think its solid ground and then they get stuck in the thick mud :D)... but its all worth it, I might have to take that into the actual war grounds someday, I hope not though.. death would come quick if another war started :( :( :( :([/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]you might want to tell us what kinda music in specific you like.. so we know what to narrow it down to[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Well lets split this up... After High School: First things first.... ROAD TRIP!!!! I dont know where the hell I'd go but I've always wanted to just aimlessly drive and see what kinda stuff I find on the way there...i dont plan on going to college directly after high school.. After College: I haven't the slightest clue, that's way far ahead to get specific on. But I'm pursuing a carrer in acting(in films not theatre), and if that doesnt work out than comics.. not stand up, the things you read in the newspaper instead of all the important stuff! lol And I guess to go into marriage... I dont care what her job might be... though I havn't given the marriage thing a whole lot of thought, I'll just deal with it when it comes along, maybe... if ever[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands looking at the tournament table..[/i] Pyro: Hrmm.. only one more fight until it's my turn. i guess any last minute training I'm gonna be doing better be done now.. [i]Warlock enters the area from outside[/i] Warlock: Hey Pyro, your up soon, you know that? Pyro: Heh, ya, I can't wait! [i]Aestus enters overhearing Pyro[/i] Aestus: And just what makes you so confident that you can actually take down this "Doom" guy? [I]Pyro gives a sly little grin and suddenly turns around slashing his hand through the air cutting open a transdimensional gate to his training area faster than any eye can see..[/I] Pyro: It sems I'm getting quicker at that... Warlock: :eek:!!! Aesuts: :eek:!!! [I]Pyro goes through the gate as it closes directly behind him[/I] Warlock: He's [i]"getting[/i] quicker"??? I couldn't even follow that!! Aestus: I couldn't either... whatever training he's doing is making him incredibly fast... Warlock: Ya.. and he masks his energy over constantly so we have no idea how strong he may be.. Aestus: He's a very intersting person once he starts finding new things he can do.. Warlock: Ya.. I can admit that I'd have a bit trouble fighting someone like him.. hell, I [i]have[/i] had trouble fighting him. When Babi Dee possesed him I had no clue he was faking the evil part until he finally told me in secret after kicking my @ss.... he's not a Saiya-jin like me and he has higher connections.. he's hard to make sense of in his fighting style... Aestus: I know what you mean.. well not about the @ss kicking part but how unique he is in style................I wonder where that gate led to? Warlock: It looked somewhat familiar, but I've never seen him do it before.. Aestus: Well enough about that, Zylius will be fighting once both him and Satan are ready.. I wonder what kinda match [i]this[/i] will be :rolleyes:.....[/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Sephiroth [/i] [B]what is the meaning of life when u end up dying and u dont even know wut happens in the future???[COLOR=darkblue]Why Do people have 2 die cause of there age[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Why do people die thats wut i wanna know[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Life is a game, and like a game it all has to end some time. Some leave the game because of their old age and are unable to take it on anymore, other leave because they are killed off by other members of the game for any circumstance. I believe the last thing you see right before you die are the words "GAME OVER". Whoever created us in this game called life is sick and twisted.[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth:[/i] [B]Your almighty god is leaving....[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Eh, It's not like it hasn't happened before.. anywho, cya later Seph![/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zaku II [/i] [B]Hmm, maybe he is refering to only having to get 500 for custom av..... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Yeah, probably... his/her incompetence is confusing...[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Eh, couldn't have said it better myself! I don't really care when or how I die, because when your numbers up your numbers up and there ain't no stopping death when it comes for you. I think it would be cool to die in a long drawn out Jet Li type martial arts fight where we both beat the sh** out of each other for a while and do some fancy karate moves then finally bring out the Samurai Swords and have a long drawn out sword fight where he slashes me, I fight I slash him, then at the conclusion we both stab and kill each other at the same time. That would be the ultimate and coolest death in my book. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Wow, you're askin for a lot with that, lol. The odds of that actually happening are the chances of me dying right now................................well, I'm still alive so point proven. But I always enjo defying death.. I do crazy things that would prolly kill me if I did it wrong, and I dont take precautions I just do it. Yet so far I have never broken a bone in my whole life. probably the worst I've done is rolled my ankle, which wasnt even that bad. I dont get it!!!! lol[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Yes, I agree suicide is cowardly... I just want to live as long as I can in this world, no matter what. This place is meant to suck to see how long people can stand this place. It's just one big long game.. and as Gene Starwind put it so clearly,"just remember there is no 'reset' button in this game.." those who commit suicide and duck out of the game early didnt deserve to be in it in the first place.[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]Whoops, just forget about what I just did Pyro, pushed the wrong button, but I've edited back to normal. You probably didn't see it anyway. And I believe Rahia is on holiday... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well that is one looong holiday! Is she celebrating the Rain Festival in seattle or what??? (the rain festival is just a joke on a shirt, the festival date is jan. 1-dec 31, haha laugh laugh :D) but anywho, you edited my post! lol..[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Friendly animals are weird.. I think they're a little [i]too[/i] friendly... shouldn't this be in GD?[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Vegeta! Cuz he's simply the best![/SIZE]
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