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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]Ya i think these boards are pretty cool! Mass spamming has decreased so thats good! And the avatar looks great! ROTF[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Note to self: Do not go to Spain. Ok, thanks for the tip, lol.. although I wouldn't fall for that anywho[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Kaioken x4 + Kame-Hame-Ha vs. Galic Cannon [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Exactly, that's the best one by far! I did a flip book thing of that once on the right margins of the right pages in a book once. It was pretty cool! Lol..[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark [/i] [B]Vegeta would never defeat Goku. How much times he must lose to understand that. He's just a pathetic loser... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][i]You're[/i] a pathetic loser, lol j/k.. Vegeta [i]has[/i] defeated Gokou.. first fight they ever had on Earth it was Kuririn and Gohan who ended up finishing him off.. well not killing him, but defeating him. Gokou got his @ss kicked.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Cya later firemac, I have a site I should be working on too.. need to put some frames in.. I'll get back to it some time later, lol[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I dont care aboutwaves smashing into the coastand riddibg the US of california or any coastal state for that matter.. i live in the middle of the continent. The only thing i have to worry about is being bombed in a war because we have an Air Force Base here.. but until a war happens im fine[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Hmmm... I like the background, but I'm just not a Gohan fan.. it's good ijust dont like the cgharacter[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue][FONT=courier new]Oops,forgot pic,here it is![/FONT][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You look a little bit like Ultima! ROTF:D[/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]I wish more people came to these games...now that schools starting...it's hard to stay online. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]*Sigh*Today is my last day as a free man.. well free from school that is. I've been available free since early February.. stupid school :mad: I hate learning against my own will[/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B][i]Very[/i] good! This time you get a shiny gold star! hehe :D If my brain weren't so shot from this biology homework I'm going and the fact it's late here I'd be able to name off some more bands I like, but it just ain't happening.... *sigh* oh well.... I like the Aquabats, ever heard of them? they're a punk/ska group, and they're friggin hilarious; they're whole image is that of superheros, and they're songs are about ....well, anything and everything.. they're one of my faves, always brightens my day.. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]YAY!! That's two stars!! Woohoo!! Ive HEARD of the aquabats bet havnt herd them.. well I REALLY goota go so im leaving for real now! BYE[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]I'm a very heavy sleeper too..... there could be a tornado tearing through the house and I'd still be asleep. It's a miracle I wake up when I do, 5:00 AM for seminary at 6:30 (I live 20 min. away, so I leave at 6:10). And I fall asleep in every other class, especially in ones where I'm against a wall, or in one where there's no one to talk to, other than that I'm gone. :D I'll even have like, mini-dreams when I sleep in class, I'm tlaking really deep bouts of sleep in short amounts of time... I think my metabolism plummits if I sit still for too long... I dunno. I really don't want to have to work in a fast-food place,.. I kinda want to work in a store, not a grocery store, but something like MediaPlay or something like that.... but when it comes down to it I can't really choose, I'll probably end up behind a register... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Lol, my metabolism is on too much caffine I think.. I can eat so much and not gain a pound. Falling asleep in class is something I've never done before.. mostly bcusz I cant fall asleep during the day, my body just wont do it..I would wanna work at a movie theater! They have good benefits their.. either that or something that i dont know of... something to hold me off til i find a career of some sort (actor hopefully! *crosses fingers!*) Well, sadly enough, our two topic convo has to end now.. I gotta go to sleep, yup, im already past my computer curfew (stoopid curfew).. so cya 2morrow possibly.. maybe we can talk thru pm s that time lol :D[/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Okay, that one deserves another hero cookie; you're the first guy to not slam Hanson saying they suck and all that shiz just 'cause they have long hair or whatnot. I have a friend who likes Nofx, he was gonna let me borrow a cd of theirs but he never got around to it. I've heard of the Vandals, I'll hafta check them out. See, I really do nned to get a punk-o-rama cd, I have basically nill knowledge of good punk music. I like Collective Soul too, although I think that after their 'blue' album they kinda went downhill..... I mean come on, they're in their forties and they're dressing like BSB, and they're stuffs more poppish than rock now. Oh well. So lemme guess your name is.... John! heh, you'll never guess mine.... :D [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Wow, cool, that's two cookies in one night!Plus a gold star.. wow this is all new and odd...hmmm... I'm scared again..to many good things happening at once....... anywho, you can find NoFx on basically any punk-o-rama cd, of the ones ive seen ive seen em on em all.. but I havent seen the Vandals on only one of em. I never really liked collective soul too much at all.. never really got into em that much. And no, my name is Hjon! lol, j/k your're right!! And for your outstandnig skill in being able to figure out my name you get!..... ummmm... hold on... *takes out cookie I got* Here! you can have your cookie back! :D Hmmmm... well, im going out on a limb here... but I'm gonna guess, rememnber this is just a wild out of the blue guess so dont mock me if I get it wrong.... your name is..... remember this is completely out on a limb......your name is Anna! Am I right???:confused:[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]yeah, two hours sounds about right.... I have marching band practice until I get home, which is at about 7:30, but by that time I'm so worn out I just fall asleep on my bed and don't wake up til someone comes barging in my room with a phone or tells me dinner is ready, or some trivial thing that takes away from my happiness of rest. where do you work at? I'm going to get a real job after football season, I reeeeeeally need the $$$... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I can never fall asleep earlier then midnight lol so my body is used to staying up late and waking up early and being able to pull of a day without being tired all throughout it. And I'm a reeaaaaaallllll heavy sleeper, nothing can wake me up:D Though in my mind.. there's a VERY thin line between sleeping and being awake, but im never tired. Its kinda weird and hard to explain..but I work at a Burger King, it's ok I guess, it'll hold me until I can find a better job, preferably something that doesnt involve saying 'you want fries with that?'..[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]It is...ROTFLMAO...better than some retarded guyz shout to the top of their voices and you can't understand what they are saying. THat's Slipknot for you lol. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Slipknots ok, I like their music and stuff but I dont buy their cds.. but if you think theyre bad you should listen to some of Static-X's ealier stuff.. :D[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]*gives PiroMunkie a gold star and a hero cookie* lol I like myself alright, I'm aware of flaws, but I know who I am, and so not wanting to change myself kinda classifies as liking I guess. I've always preferred alternative/rock/punk over pop and rap etc. etc. heheeee... I also like classical... and bagpipe.... and oldies (some)... and lotsa stuff! People think I'm some sort of weirdo for liking 311 and classical at the same time. Ever heard of Jon Schmidt? Fantastic pianist, I'm listening to him right now. oooooh yer gonna love this.. *giggles deviously* I even have a ..............HANSON album! HA! yes, now the world will fall down and you'll hate me, hehe... they really deserve more credit than what they've gotten, really. It's more than MMMBop, and they're second album is by far a lot more mature, and has a good sound. I really wanna get Fuel's new album, and 311's too....... dangit there's someone else... oh well.. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Actually, I have some respect for hanson.. theyre the only people considered a 'boy band' that can actually be called a band. Unlike, *shudders* nsync, *vomits* backstreetboys.... I dont feel like going on... Fuel's ok.. not a HUGE fan of 311, i like there music but i dont buy it, tho i have one of there cds from my brother when he went rap he gave all his rock/alternative/w/e cds to me!:D But theres a lot of cds I want but dont have and theyre prolly really old... like almost all of AFIs' cds, The Vandals, Guttermouth, NoFx, One Hit Wonder, Misfits.. I could go on and on.. but no I have not herd of Jon Schmidt... but his name is basically an 'h' away from mine! lol cept fer that last name, thats what brings the almost in there..[/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]hmmm..."...apartment, with the bloodstains on the carpet..." That song might cheer us up... [/B][/QUOTE] ROTFLMAO! Ya it just might... thats one of my favorite songs by them.. yup, prolyl cuz I was a pretty hardcore Micheal Jackson fan [i]back in the day[/i] (back in the day being the key words)...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]heh, are you in school yet? I've been back since the 3rd. This is the most I've posted since 3.0 started. In fact, right now I'm typing with a pen in my hand cuz I still have week-end homework.. [i]that[/i], is truly sad.... lol, and I have hardly any free time during the week except after like, 7:30, but I usually take a cat nap and do homework, talk on the phone a bit, and then by that time it's 11:00 and I go to bed... *sigh* [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You started on the 3rd?!?!?!?!? Good gawd I feel sorry for you.. I dont go til tuesday, *sigh* one more day til I have to learn against my own will.. its torture I tell you.. even with homework though I still have too much free time, cuz I'm smart enough to get it all done within about 2 huors which I usually do my homework right after school leaving the whole night for me to mess around..tho I do have a job now and I dont know how thats gonna interfere with my free time..hrmmmm[/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]lol, it does kinda sound like waffle... and in my head lol always sounds like, well, lol. hehe. I agree that being picky with friends can be a good and bad thing. Good b/c it means there's more potential for deeper connection from similar interests, but bad b/c there's not enough variety. I am the way I am b/c of a ton of different people. I wouldn't ever call myself impressionable-nowhere close- but I'm open to new things. Like anime for example. I used to think it was crap, just stupid trash on fro kids. Then I got to know this one girl a bit better last year (right now we're like, really close) and eventually I opened up to her interests and tried some out, and over Spring Break of this year I actually sat through DragonBallZ, and I found myself liking it. I just don't limit my interests, that and people can't ever put a label on me :D [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Wel, I'm not completely close minded.. mostly when it comes to music. Cause I've liked pop and rap in the past but then I worked at this summer camp once and everyone there listened to rock so I had to listen to it and learned to like it soooooooooo much better than rap to the point where I noticed everything bad about rap and pop and grew to hate it.. then later on I made a friend who listened to punk and she introduced me to someof that and here i am as weird as ever!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! YA!!!!! I truly love who I am..:D its something not a lot of people can honstely say[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Hip Hop is a hella lot better than straight rock though! ^^ [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]*stares at Altron blankly and blinks a a few times* Suuuuuuuuuuuuuureee whateeever you saay....lol:rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]This Propery Is Condemned is a play by,..... rrrrgh I can't think of it... really famous person though. I don't really read for free-time, simply because it takes up what little free time I have! Though I do enjoy it for the most part when no one's making me do it, like school assignments and all that. I used to write, I think I'm gonna start again. I've never made a playwright attempt tho, that's something to try..... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Lol, I have [i]too[/i] much free time.. and guess where I spend it all??? That's right! Right here sitting on my @ss in fron to fthe puter for all the livelong day! Sad ain't it? lol[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]funny, I don't many of you don't liek rap, I liek rap, it's cool [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]That's one reason I hate it...[/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]ROFL, oooookay, leave the wildlife alone... :D I don't prefer rap myself, and it [i]is[/i] everywhere, which is probably why it just doesn't bother me anymore. Only thing I like about it sometimes are some beats to some of the songs, stuff you can dance toa little, and being on the drumline, a lot of the stuff we make up had rap 'origins' if you will..... but I don't own and most likely will never own any rap, I'm just not into it. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You know? If you verbally try to pronounce ROFL, it kinda sounds like waffle!:D But yes, Rap is one of my pet peeves its somewhere in one of my posts here..I don't like to dance really so I'm strctly rock and punk where dancing is unheard of and moshing,crowd surfing, jumping, and stage diving are good manners! That's why I'm picky with friends.. if they like other music besides what I lsiten to than I don't really try to get to know that well...it can be a bad thing but i look at it like a good thing..[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Cool, we'll have our first musical in like, 20 years this winter. Our director's style is .... artsy, but not flashy. Like, we rarely have much of a set, and I like it that way, 'cause it allows the audience to imagine more for themselves. And our competition plays rarely consist of more than two or three people. But she's really tough, knows what she's doing, focusing on the acting more than anything else. Ever read This Property Is Condemned? that was what we won state for. I'm afraid for my senior year tho, 'cause our director is retiring after this year! I'm like noooooo, now now! oh well, hopefully it'll still be fun. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]No I have not read This Property is Condemned... I don't like to read.. I've read about 5 whole books in my life time.. though I liked 3 of em so thats good, lol. Sometimes I write my own short lil one-acts. I aim for a lot of anger and depressive emotion in em.. I only have like one I've finished writing.. its ok.. but I like writing stuff! Allows me to connect life experience into plays and stuff![/SIZE]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]I'm here! hehe, the only song I like from LB is Rollin'... I think it's one of the songs that swears the least..... other than that, I don't like 'em, sorry but it's just not my thing, ya know? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1].....What's there to be sorry for? I hate limp bizket!! :mad: too rap for me, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy to rap... no like rap.. rap is bad........*paranoia kicks in*... rap.... its everywhere... *bird flies overhead* I'm on to you!!!!!*points at the bird*[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Remember who? I dont see a name there...lol j/k, ya i remember you, welcome back![/SIZE]
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