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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]Hrmm ... I am a bit split in two on this one. On one hand, I much prefer the technical quality of today's OB, than it has been in the past. Everything is running a lot smoother and faster, and hardly any downtime at all. Spam has a greater control now, being that most of the main members do not do that (god knows most have done their share in the past, heh). Though, what would be considered spam now, might not necessarily be considered spam back then. So I am going to say we did not really spam a lot, but our post quality has definitely improved. I mean, at times, seeing a post as long as this one is at this moment was unheard of unless you were in an RPG, and even that was debatable, lol. However, on the other hand, I prefer the smaller community to the large. I liked that nice warm feeling of knowing everybody (mainly because I mostly only care to read the posts of people I know). I miss starting an RPG, coming back to it, and seeing that all your friends have signed up. You do not always get that now days; you kind of have to work for it. Most of the people who role-played back then have become excellent role-players, so you have to start a really good RPG in order to get them to join. o_O Although, on the other hand, that can help build character on what it is to manage something with so much structure, and you find out the more structure it has, the less there is to manage because it usually supports itself. I do not really think the community today is bad at all, lol, I just get a bit nostalgic every once in a while.[/size]
  2. [size=1][i]Kamikasai's eyes fluttered open as he still stood in the corner. He looked around the room curiously. Most of the people it seemed had fallen asleep. Of course, he was not sure for how long ... he was not even sure how long he, himself, had been asleep. From the feel of his body, it could not have been any more than hour or so. A rustling sound of movement caught his attention. He turned his head to the bed where Pooka was squirming under the sheets, still asleep, but it seemed as though she was fighting something, as though she was dreaming. Though, there was something else about the bed that seemed peculiar to him. He had said Melon and Pooka could sleep in it, but Pooka was the only one there. Kamikasai raised an eyebrow and started looking slowly around the room at each person, trying to get an identity off of them. Soon enough, though, Kamikasai saw a slight golden glow on the floor; the sun was beginning to rise. He followed the light to the window, where there was a smaller casted shadow on the floor from someone sitting just below the window. Kamikasai looked closer. It was hard to distinguish color, because they were in shadow, but he could see light, wavy hair. He could only assume it was Melon; her hair being wavy from being in all those individual braids. She had herself tucked into a little ball. He worried a bit she might be a little cold being right under the window, but he had no blanket to put over her anyway. However, he hoped he close position with herself would keep her warm, as well as the heat from the sun which would become more apparent as it would raise higher in the sky. Kamikasai sighed as he took another glance around the room. He seemed to be the only one awake so far. Others were either scattered about the floor, or sitting in one of the few chairs provided in the room. In any case, he was tired of just standing in the corner. Kamikasai moved about the room, stepping as silently and carefully as he could. He found an empty area at the foot of the bed, and he sat down leaning up against it with his legs straight out. He did not plan on sleeping, but he closed his eyes to at least rest a bit.[/i][/size]
  3. PiroMunkie


    [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Aya Fujimiya (a.k.a. Ran Fujimiya) [b]Age:[/b] 20 [strike][b]Special Ability:[/b][/strike] [b]Weapon:[/b] A katana, Nihonto. [b]Ethniticity:[/b] Japanese [b]Description:[/b][url=http://img.atpictures.com/weisskreuz/wkruez44.jpg]Image 1[/url], [url=http://img.atpictures.com/weisskreuz/wkruez49.jpg]Image 2[/url], [url=http://img.atpictures.com/weisskreuz/wkruez39.jpg]Image 3[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] After finally avenging the hopstitalization of his sister, the [i]real[/i] Aya Fujimiya, on the man whom put her there, Reiji Takatori, and seeing his sister come out of her coma, Aya-san began to make the transition back to being called by his real name, Ran. However, he still responds "Aya," and still wears that one earring of his sister's on his left ear. Ran was not the first of Weiss to here of the Mystiker situation. In fact, at first he was very skeptical about even taking up the mission considering their past experiences with Schwarz. Not to mention this came soon after the waking of his sister. All Ran really wanted to do is spend time with her, and take care of her for a while. However, business was business, and being that the other three members of Weiss are more "girl crazy" than he, they were looking forward to the mission. Ran decided to take on the mission hoping that the seemingly peaceful actions between Weiss and Schwarz were a good sign. Ran is still a bit uneasy about the mission, feeling a bit under the microscope being one of the few people with any extraordinary special ability. Although, he knows he has Nihonto, and that is all he has ever needed.[/size]
  4. [size=1]Laucian was getting tired of fighting. Being that he had just gotten out of one, another so soon was just uncalled for. He pulled himself out of the scuffle where everyone was fighting and looked at the several remaining Partiari. Keeping his focus just on the Partiari, Laucian held his hands out; one of which was holding his staff. The orb glowed brightly as a freezing wind picked up from behind him and force its way to the battle. Everyone but the Partiari were unaffected and the dragon-like creatures stopped attacking and pulled into themselves to keep warm. After a few moments, a strong sheet of ice began to coat their wings as they struggled more and more to keep themselves in the air. However, none could succeed, and all of them fell to their doom. Laucian sighed and let himself drop gracefully to the ground where he landed with ease. He strolled over to where Dango was being treated. "Move," he said. Quel stepped to the side as Laucian stepped in his place and kneeled down beside Dango. He looked toward the heavens and put one praying hand up toward the sun. In a few seconds, his hand developed a white aura. He moved it slowly down to Dango's neck and placed his hand over the covered wound. In a short time, the aura faded, and Laucian stood taking a few steps back from Dango. "Is he healed?" asked Quel. "No, but he will bleed no longer," Laucian replied. "The gods always leave some things up to the body. It is only natural."[/size]
  5. [size=1]I could probably think of a few ... [b]1. Get a job[/b] - I am such a lazy bum, but at the same time I am very picky. I refuse to work fast food or grocery stores. I have worked at those places before and hated it. One caused me an emotional breakdown, and the other took me to court. >.>; I want to work at an electronics store like Best Buy, and I know a guy who works there, but we do not talk often ... probably because he is working, lol. [b]2. Get a car[/b] - I am almost 18 and do not have a car. -__-; I do not even want anything all that grand. I actually prefer a crappy looking car over a slick one. As long as it has a CD player, I am good to go, heh. An old VW Beetle would be nice. I actually saw one a while ago, but then the place that was selling it burned down. o_O [b]3. Get going on college work[/b] - Something tells me there is no way I am going to make it to go straight after high school. Then again, I never really wanted to go straight after high school, nor can I even afford to. I am so not ready, it is not even funny. Again, I am insanely picky, so I refuse to go to any college I do not want to go to, and of course the one's I do like are about $30,000 a year ... >.>; I am just not good with scholarships, and applications, and deadlines. People try to tell me if I do not go now, then I am never going to go to the one I want ... Apparently they have no idea how stubborn I can be. I refuse to do anything I feel is below me ... o-O [b]4. Get a freaking hobby[/b] - ... other than sitting in front of the computer all day making the occasional graphic and/or random website for fun. I have wanted to make comics for a while, like ... good ones. Not just the average doodle or whatever, actual professional and quality work. It would help with my creative writing skills (which I know I am good at no matter how much I tell myself I am not much of a writer), as well as sharpen my ability to draw consistently. I could still use the computer for color, if I feel like using color. I have gotten pretty good at coloring on the computer. It looks better, in my opinion, but just takes longer to do. So yeah, that is about it.[/size]
  6. [size=1]My school newspaper had a big section on PDA's for its first issue this year, it went hand-in-hand with homosexual couples. I mean, heterosexual PDA's are nothing big to the average person, but the question we thought we should bring up is if homosexuals would receive a greater penalty for it. Not htat we necessarily have a lot of it going around, but it was an interesting (and especially controversial) point to bring up. The school said the penalty is equal for any person, regardless of their sexuality. Of course, some students did not agree, others did, and others just did not care - the "I do not care, as long as I do not see it" kind of people. We did several stories on it, getting the religious perspective on homosexuality on it and everything. The main photo element was a close up on the lower face of a guy kissing another guy (we made sure they had some stubble so people could tell they are guys, heh). It was fun. ^_^ We did not even get a memo for it, which is very surprising. My personal opinion on PDA's in school is that I do not mind them. I imagine it is a bit more uncomfortable for the people involved in them to have people staring at them than it is for people to see it. Holding hands is fine, hugging is fine, kissing is fine, making out is okay as long as you are not groping each other and such, anything beyond that should probably be kept out of school, but I am sure that is not always the case. ^_~[/size]
  7. PiroMunkie

    Big Fish

    [size=1]I am sure you can tell I am looking forward to this as well, heh. I first heard of it when my school newspaper staff received the promotional package for it, which is really cool in itself. It is this sealed, plastic case with clear gel inside that has bubbles blown into it. There is also a fishing line suspended in there with a ring tied to the end of it and some small pebbles covering the bottom, like in an aquarium. ^_^ One one side there is a logo for it, and there was a space where a informational booklet and disc could fit in. I took the time to read some of the booklet, and as soon as I found out it was a Tim Burton film, I was hooked and wanted to see it; for just myself, and to also review it for the newspaper. Little did I know, it does not come out here until January 9th. -__-; So I have visited the site and everything, and I am looking forward to it very much. ^_^ Also, in that informational booklet, I read that Tim Burton's next film is going to be [i]Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory[/i], and rumor has it that Johnny Depp has the lead. Supposedly it was supposed to be Jim Carrey, but Depp beat him out for it.[/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anyu WhiteWolf[/i] [B]For you people who hat my english... Well if you don't like it then don't read it![/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I doubt [i]anyone[/i] is going to like the way you type, so I guess no one is going to read what you say. So you are about as good as banned. :toothy:[/size]
  9. [size=1]Heh, this sounds kind of like a story I was writing once. I shall join. ^_^ _____________________________ [b]Name:[/b] Johnny Crimson [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] It is a large image (in terms of pixel size), so I shall just post the link. >.> [url=http://img.atpictures.com/weisskreuz/wkruez79.jpg]Go Here[/url] [b]Biography/Personality:[/b] Johnny C. is a rather debonair individual, carefree and fun-loving. He does not worry about a lot of things which gives him a very calm and suave attitude, even in the face of certain peril. He strives to live life to its fullest, and laugh whenever possible. At the same time, he is a little playfully violent, but never goes so far as to actually hurt those he "attacks." Johnny C. grew up in a very laissez-faire family. His parents let him make his own decisions since he was born, and never stopped him from doing anything stupid. They wanted Johnny to learn his own lessons through his own experiences, which shaped him into the person he is today. If he does something, and does not like it, he makes a point not to do it again. However, if he has never done something, there is nothing to stop him from trying.[/size]
  10. [size=1]Laucian sighed. "Only men ..." He was hoping for a greater challenge, but this would have to do for now. He thrust his staff into the ground in front of him and studied the line of men charging at him and the others. Two fo them pulled ahead charging distinctly for Laucian. The encased orb at the top of his staff began to glow brightly with a white light, and Laucian shot his hands forward. Instantly, the two men charging for him were stopped in their tracks as their horses slid out from under them and continued charging with no purpose. Laucian then closed his hands firmly into a fist as each man twitched violently, blood shoot from the mouths as they dropped lifelessly to the ground. However, before victory could be taken, the two stray steeds ran past Laucian knocking him to the ground and nearly trampling him. With an angry growl he rose to his feet and threw his sickle and retrieving his staff in the same move. The sickle buried itself deep in the neck of one of the horses which immediately tripped over itself and crashed head first into the ground. The impact caused the horse's head to snap off like a twig at the point the sickle had entered. After seeing this, Laucian forced the orb of his staff toward the other horse as it began to glow brightly again. In a moments notice, vines shot up from the ground and trapped the horse in them. No matter how hard the animal struggled, it could not break free as it was pulled violently to the ground and then below the earth where it would seem as though nothing at happened. Laucian then took to the air, narrowly dodging the other horsemen who were coming up behind him for the other members of the group. After they had passed by, Laucian landed again. His chest was in pain from being hit by those stray horses. He opened his robes to reveal a large bruise of various colors. Laucian was rather pissed off about this, but moved to retrieve his sicle from the decapitated carcass of the other horse he had killed ...[/size]
  11. [size=1][b]Meanwhile ... at the entrance to Hell's Valley ...[/b] [i]Emperor R. Senic watched as a large group of Thristquencher soldiers march down the path covering it from side to side. A third of them were armed with a sword, another third were armed with a lance, and the last third were armed with a bincho gun. A smirk moved over his lips. He would like to see the little brat who claimed to be a Hero get through this. However, then he remembered Musashiden easily plowed through his troops when they attacked the Allucaneet Palace the while ago ... and the Force did seemed a bit concerned about this new kid. Senic's smirk turned to disgust when thinking about his troops being leveled again. The troops arrived just in front of Senic, awaiting instruction. He moved right up next to one and looked at him with that same disgusted look.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] You, and you only: Go pull the dozen soldiers that patrol Grillin Village out, and bring them here. I want them on the inside of this prison should the runts happen to get through all of you. They will provide as a distraction for the Reincarnation they will come upon. [color=indigo][b]Soldier:[/b][/color] It will be done, sir. Though, I doubt any children will be able to break our defense. [i]Senic spit to the side, and angrily looked back at the soldier.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] Do not doubt the judgement of he who has made us so prosperous. If the Force believes it can happen, then so do I and so do all of you. No go! [i]The soldier turned around without further comment, in fear of being discharged from the army, and headed his way towards Grillin Village, which was not very far at all. Senic backed up from the troops and gave his orders.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] Guns, I want you up top by the switches that open this stone gate! Swords, you will be in the back by the gate! Lances, I want you up front! If and when they come, no one shall attack until they make the first move. They might turn their little tails and run, but if they mean business then show them you do, too! [i]Senic then watched as those Soldiers armed with Bincho guns climbed the walls of the path to Hell's Valley and took position around the four switches (two on each side) that open the gate to Hell's Valley if pressed simultaneously. Senic nodded to them, and one from each group stepped down upon the switch. After a moment, the crude, stone doors began to slide open with a rumble. Dust was in clouds, creeping along the ground. As soon as there was space to walk through, Senic entered and spoke as he did.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] When the Grillin troops get here, let them in. [i]With that, he passed beyond the doors. The guards who were holding the switches down let up on them, and the doors closed.[/i] [b]Meanwhile ... back at the Grillin Village Inn ...[/b] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Lights out! We are waking up around 8:00. [i]Raso put out the several covered torches that lit of the room one by one. Before the room was complete darkness a figure moved over towards Kamikasai from not far to the side and sat next to him.[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] Hey ... you awake? [i]Kamikasai lifted his head and looked over at a boy. This guy was older than him, definitely, and dressed in all black. This made him a bit difficult to see when the last torch was put out. They both now had to speak in a whisper.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Who are you? [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] My name is Ruben. I'm a thief. [i]Kamikasai put his head back in his arms and spoke a bit louder in a whisper.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] What do you want? [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] Are you for real? I mean, taking on the Thirstquencher Empire ... ?! [i]Ruben waited in silence for a response from Kamikasai, but nothing was ever said, nor did he move to even acknowledge he had heard what Ruben said. Ruben sighed internally and stood up, moving carefully to the closed shutters. He flipped open the latch and opened them to look outside. The room brightened a bit as moonlight poured inside. Just then a low rumble could be heard from a distance, and a slight tremor of the ground came along with it. Kamikasai's head shot up, as did the rest of his body and he moved quickly over to the window. Everyone in the room had heard and felt this. Kamikasai moved next to Ruben and looked up at the clear, starry sky.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] There are no storm clouds ... that couldn't have been thunder ... [i]Everyone in the room was intensely looking toward the two boys looking out the window. There was no cause for that sound that could be seen. Just before Kamikasai was about to move from the window, Ruben gave him a small smack on the arm to get his attention.[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] Look! [i]Kamikasai moved back in front of the window where Ruben was pointing down at something. Kamikasai followed the tip of his finger to the path below where several of the Thirstquencher soldiers who patrolled the village were heading together toward the Twinpeak Mountain entrance.[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] They're being pulled out of the village ... [i]While a small smile came upon the faces of everyone who heard that in relief that the village was finally free of the the Thirstquencher guards for a while, Kamikasai felt a wrenching in his gut. He knew this could not be a good sign.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] They know we're here. [i]The room grew deathly silent, but Ruben was shocked.[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] What do you mean "they know we're here?" Why don't they come and arrest all of us then?! [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Chances are they know of my presence in particular from my announcement on the fountain earlier. They must have reported to those who rule the Empire ... They are taking precautions. If I am who they think I am, they know twelve soldiers would not be enough to arrest all of us. It would be the ten of us, one who is supposedly a true Hero, against the twelve of them. It would not be much of a fair fight. They know they would lose ... [i]The atmosphere of the room grew a bit more comfortable after that. Perhaps having this new kid with them could really be beneficial after all. It was keeping Thirstquencher away from them. However, a slight touch of fear still rested. The fact still remained that their quest was no longer a surprise to the Thirstquencher Empire. They were preparing a defense. Raso lit one of the torches again to give the room a bit more light. It was dim, but it was still night time so that was all that was needed.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Perhaps sleep will be a bit difficult for us this night. That's okay, we can all take a Mint in the morning if need be. If you can sleep, by all means do. Though, I know some of us will not get such a pleasure ... [i]Raso glanced across the room at Kamikasai who made eye contact with him as well. Another low rubmling sound was heard, with the same tremor in the ground. Kamikasai sighed to himself. The atmosphere in the room was sharp and uncomfortable again. He moved back to his corner and stood against it. His eye were open, just staring blankly ...[/i][/size]
  12. [size=1][b]OOC:[/b] It would help us get the battle started if we knew what these "horsemen" were. Unless you actually mean they are part man, part horse, lol. (though, I doubt it) ------------------------------------- Laucian was circling overhead, nearly a silhuoette against the sky. He was an extremely self-sufficient being. He knew he did not need a horse to go along with the others. Flight has always been faster than ground travel, and even if he did fall behind for whatever reason, he could just cast a spell of haste on himself. Laucian peered down from the sky to see that the others had stopped and turned around forming a line of defense. He looked ahead of the from where they had come and saw many horsemen coming there way. He glared at them and turned around flying higher up into the air only to let himself freefall in a divebomb back down to the group. Just inches before he would hit ground he stopped himself and kept himself upright and afloat in the air. He took out his staff and held it in one hand ready for battle ...[/size]
  13. [size=1]Mmm, the joys of having three different celebrations of the holiday ... [b]Celebration with my dad[/b] - [i]The Evolution[/i] (Planet of the Apes box set, including an extra behind the scenes DVD) - [i]Labyrinth[/i] (DVD) - [i]Bloodflowers[/i] - the Cure (CD) - [i]Heathen[/i] - David Bowie (CD) - the AFI "I Hate Punk Rock" t-shirt (I have wanted this ever since I first visited the shop on the AFI website o_O) [url=http://www.cinderblock.com/Designs/AFI-158-x.jpg]see it here![/url] - a guitar stand (for my guitar) - a $100 gift certificate to a mall (I wonder how many things are at a mall that I would actually consider buying) - a picture frame with a picture of my Dad and I in it. (my dad got a similar gift) [b]Celebration with my mom[/b] - an Ornament (tradition, this one was a pewter guitar ^_^. Really cool looking) - [i]Static Age[/i] - the Misfits (CD) - [i]The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars[/i] - David Bowie (CD) - [i]The Evil Dead[/i] (DVD) - [i]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/i] (DVD) - [i]The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring[/i] (DVD) - [i]The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers[/i] (DVD) - [i]Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer[/i] (VHS) ... I do not care what you say, I love this movie, lol. - [i]The Goonies[/i] (DVD) - [u]Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: the Director's Cut[/u] - Jhonen Vasquez (book) - [u]Nausea[/u] - Jean Paul Sartre (book) - a black hooded sweatshirt [b]Celebration with my aunt and uncle on my dad's side[/b] - some black pants - a box of assorted soft, chalk pastels (Prismacolor) - a case of 24 Watercolor Colored Pencils (Prismacolor) - [i]Famous Monsters[/i] - the Misfits (CD) - [i]House of the Rising Son of a B*tch[/i] - Apocalypse Hoboken (CD) This, among assorted amounts of different candy.[/size]
  14. [size=1]You know what? I just deleted a huge thread that was just like this one. Why? Because it turned to pretty much nothing but spam. I am not going to let this topic go on.[/size]
  15. [size=1]This thread holds a reminder of OtakuBoards' general rules as well as clarification of any common Dragon Ball-related rumors. Content originally from Transtic Nerve and Jinzouningen17; I just wanted to get all the information in one post.[/size] [b][u]OtakuBoards Rules[/b][/u] - by Jinzouningen17 [b]Site Rules:[/b] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30059[/url] [b]Site FAQ:[/b] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30058[/url] Read that before you post ANYTHING. If I see a topic started that looks like spam or disobeys any of those rules, you will get a warning. Second offense, you will get reported to Shy. Third, you will be reported to James and/or Charles and you WILL be banned. And I will not be locking a topic if it disobeys any of those rules. I will delete it and send you a warning via Private Message. [b][u]DragonBall Related Rumors, Etc.[/b][/u] - by Transtic Nerve Ok, there was a topic made, that I deleted, that had some guy saying that Dragonball AF was currently being released in Japan. Which BTW is the biggest bunch of bull crap I've ever heard, but if he wants to think that, he can be disappointed when you never see it in America or even in Japan for that matter. Now I went and did some fairly quick research on the latest news regarding DBAF, as far as people believing it and whatnot. And I have ample proof, and this WILL shut everyone up, about the fact the series is absolute garbage. [b]Rumors[/b]: These are rumors about DBAF, what it is, was, and supposed to be. The characters and plot and all that other BS. [b]Rumor 1: Everyone fuses and become gohnvegpandenpicclhurclegotentrunktenks.[/b] Hahaha, yeah right. a) That totally goes against the rules of fusing, and how DUMB would that be. Not to mention the name is totally out of whack. [b]Rumor 2: Nothing is in production, and nothing is planned. There is no Dragonball AF. Most rumors of a new series come from fan manga drawn in Japan (and some in America), otherwise known as "doujinshi." Generally, these comics are very well-drawn, and can easily be mistaken for Toriyama's work. However, they are fan-made, and are not considered a part of the DB universe.[/b] This actually isn't a rumor and is ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT. That's all I got to say about that. [b]Rumor 3: It's a Spanish comic book they are making a cartoon version for the US and the first rumor is the storyline.[/b] Hahaha, no. it's not a Spanish anything. It's a fan manga. [b]Rumor 4: Akira Toriyama is working with Dragonball animators to create Dragonball AF. Also, Vegeta and Trunks Fuse. Gotenks goes SSJ4, Gohan becomes another form of Mystic Saiyan. Goku has the power of the dragonballs and can grant wishes like the Dragon.[/b] Again, Toriyama has stopped all production on DragonBall, he said it himself. And that fussion most ofyou have seen called "Vegetrunks" is an OBVIOUS fan-art picture. I mean serious, how DENSE can you be to believe that that is real. [b]Rumor 5: There are new levels of Super Saiyan, ssj 5, ssj 6(which is the ultimate form), and mystic saiyan(not mystical).[/b] I don't remember a Mystical from anywhere but ok... I mean seriously, One to many levels is far enough. SS-J 4 was pushing it. [b]Rumor 6: Goku reaches Super Saiyan level 5 The power he receives is too much for him, and he becomes the bad guy. In DBAF Vegeta gets to play the good guy trying to stop "the evil Goku".[/b] Now THIS is what i call a good plot. However, it is not true. As well all know, that loser Gokou, is pure good. If he wasn't purely good, he wouldn't have turned SS-J in the first place. And we know he's not evil, like Vegita, so yeah. [b]Rumor 7: Dragonball AF stands for Dragonball After Future, Another Future or Alternative Future.[/b] It's so real it has THREE DIFFERENT TITLES! I must say, I'm impressed. [b]Rumor 8: Dragon Ball AF! Dragonball AF is being made by Bird Studios right this moment! If Dragonball AF is not a hit in Japan then it is not coming to North America! But that won't be the case! They will be making around 250 episodes.[/b] If they make 250 episodes, I'm killing myself. Ther's all ready 500+ episodes... no more... please..... And they're right about one thing, It certainly won't be a hit in Japan. [b]Rumor 9: In DBAF Vegeta goes ssj5 and 6 and becomes the strongest.[/b] I sure hope he doesn't cheat to gain these levels. :p Thats far to plain a plot to go 250 episodes on. [b]Rumor 10: DBAF is in Portugal, Italy and in Japan.[/b] Go ahead, ask anyone from any three of those countries.... you'll know what they'll say... NO! ---------------- Now, this ultimate proof on the non-existence of DragonBall AF is this: [b]Q: Is there a sequel to Dragon Ball GT that is called Dragon Ball AF?[/b] [i]A: No, Dragon Ball AF is just a rumor. FUNimation wants fans to know from the official source that Dragon Ball GT is the last series and AF does not exist. As far as we know, and Toei has confirmed this matter, there are no future plans for any continuance of the Dragon Ball series beyond GT. [/i] That comes straight from DragonBallZ.com The one thing they are good for. And the ONLY people to have 100% source verification. -------------------- Every picture shown from Dragonball AF is either fan-art, gif-art (which are also fan-art, just animated), or pictures taken from DragonBall Z or GT and with some EASY photoshop skills, made to look different (ie: longer hair, different color hair, whatever) It's really quite obvious. Go ahead now... go look at any DBAF site and their pictures. And if you know anything about DragonBall, you'll see they are 100% fake. ----------------- Pretty much every site that was based on DragonBall AF has no said that it is fake. I went to 4 or 5 today that have flat out said "It's fake" and to not believe it, yet some of you gullable little dubbies choose to believe it and you're all stupid. I'm sorry. You are.... there's no if, and, or but about it. -------------------- If you want to believe it, be my guest. But from now on, Please don't post any topics about it. It says so right in the rules not to. Yet some do... oh well. Anyone who dilliberately posts a topic like the one the guy had today which basically said "DBAF is out in Japan now. You are all dumb because you think it's fake" or something along those lines, will have their topic deleted and they will be banned. Get a clue people. Don't you think if it were real you'd see more than just fan-sites on it. DOn't you think one of the most popular anime series in the WORLD would have more truth than a few fan-sites? It'd be on the news and a controversy wouldn't exist. And you know the one who started this whole rumor? Yes, DaBlackGoku started it... now seriously folk... how much credit can you give a guy who names his site "DaBlackGoku".... enough said.
  16. [size=1]Lol, that was actually pretty funny. ^_^ I have seen some of your other stuff, but that is the best I have seen, in my opinion. It had good balance of predictability and complete randomness. As soon as the "Tom Cruise" joke came on I was already laughing. I even actually thought, "James is Tom Cruise?" [edit] I also must give you some extra credit for mentioning [i]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/i]. ^_^[/size]
  17. [size=1][color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] It's a Hero's idiom to give better comfort to women. It was no problem at all. [i]Kamikasai then became a bit distracted watching Melon undo the braids in her hair. This was obviously something she had been doing for quite some time. Her fingers worked quickly and flawlessly. He found it surprising that she was a Wizard and not a Thief, or at least a "Hero." Her manual dexterity must be rather high ... Though, it is more so a motion of wiggling the fingers, so maybe it was more fitting she be a Wizard. Kamikasai shrugged it off in his mind as he slowly came to be aware of a voice repeating his name.[/i] [color=green][b]Melon:[/b][/color] Kamikasai? ... Hello, anyone there ... ? [i]Kamikasai snapped into attention, realizing he had spaced off a bit and completely become unaware of his surroundings. He bowed his head sheepishly.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Sorry ... What was it you were saying? [i]Melon tried to conceal a small giggle before responding.[/i] [color=green][b]Melon:[/b][/color] I just wanted to tell you "Good night" before I settled into bed. [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Oh ... heh. [i]Kamikasai smiled at the corner of his mouth. He was still a bit embarassed about earlier.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Good night ... [i]Melon acknowledgingly smiled and walked off carefully trying not to bump into or step on any one while she went back to the bed to continue unbraiding her hair. Kamikasai just blankly watched, not even noticing Raso moving up beside him.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] "a Hero's idiom," [i][he laughed][/i] nice cover-story. [i]Kamikasai snapped his attention to Raso in both surprise and curiosity.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] What are you talking about? [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Oh, come on, you better be more focused on Thirstquencher than you are on her, or else our quest will be in vain. [i]Raso then maneuvered himself off a bit leaving Kamikasai to himself. He was still wondering what the heck Raso was talking about. The only reason he was even here in Grillin Village was to take down the Thirstquencher Empire. It was the only way he could get himself back home ... wherever that is. Kamikasai knew everyone he has brought along could die-- ... Everyone he has gathered could die. A wave of melancholy came over Kamikasai as he took a corner of the room and sunk down into it with his knees up and his arms folded across them. He bowed his head down resting it on his arms as he began contemplating his journey once more. Before he came to be too deep in thought, he heard Raso speaking to everyone.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] It's currently 9:53, lights are going out at 10:15. Sleep whenever you feel like it but keep quiet after the lights are off. I imagine we'll wake up around 8:00, so keep that in mind. [i]Kamikasai sighed to himself. It was good to have a solid, experienced connection within the village. Not only did people know and trust Raso, but Kamikasai trusted his judgement on scheduling everyone as well.[/i][/size]
  18. [size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Heh, sorry it took so long. I have not been on the computer all day. ----------------- [i]Orien walked inside, obviously a little conerned at seeing his own race being held captive and unconscious, like it was some form of entertainment. Although he was originally waiting for an answer from Dango, he interrupted once more before that coud happen.[/i] "What is the meaning of this?" Orien inquired, pointing a forceful finger at the body. "It was spying on us just outside the balcony," Dango replied calmly, "we were not going to let it just sit there and here everything we say so it could report back to the Dragon King." "Again with this Dragon King I have heard so much about ..." came a voice from no one named in the room. It was snake-like, but Orien's mouth was closed. Everyone's gut twisted in anxiety as the sharpened their gaze on the now-moving body of the Partiari. Everyone drew their weapons in defense. "It's okay, the golden bands will hold it down," Mika announced to the others. The Partiari glared at Mika. "Fool, you rely only on what your eyes can see, and not on what your wit can tell you," replied the Partiari. A look of confusion came over Mika's face as the Partiari let all its muscles go lax and closed its eyes. In a matter of seconds, the golden bands holding the Partiari began to contort in shape and stretch out before quickly snapping and dissolving into the air. With the Partiari free, Dango took no chances on letting it have first blood and swung overhead at the revived beast. His blade hit solid ... solid [i]air[/i]. Everyone in the room but Dango and Orien were slack-jawed as they saw Dango's blade just sitting in the air. No matter how much Dango tried to force it down, it would not budge. Dango drew his sword back and retreated a few steps to give him defensive distance from the Partiari. "Orien!, what sort of trickery is this that the Partiari hold?" Dango yelled vicously. "Don't look at me, I have never seen my kind ever behave in such a manner! Good and Evil alike," hissed Orien. "Listen, all of you!" snapped the Partiari. Though, its voice was different this time. It sounded ... normal. It was deep as a normal human male's voice would be, and forceful. Now everyone in the room was as confused as the next as the Partiari stood up. In a panic, Mika waved her hand once more to try and bond the creature again, but nothing came. "You cannot hold me with such simple Arcane spells. Any self-respecting wizard can defend against those," said the Partiari. "Wizard?" Mika said, surprised. The Partiari irritably sighed. "As I said, you rely only on what your eyes can see ..." Before anyone could even get another word in, the Partiari's form changed instantly revealing a tall, humanoid figure with large, feathery wings - one white and one black - adorned in black robes with plated armor on each shoulder, and white/silver hair. "It's an Angel!" cried Serena. "He already said he is a Wizard!" Mika shouted back at Serena. "Quiet!" the figure ordered. Dango stepped forward, still untrusting of this new character. "Who are you, what are you, and why were you spying on us?" Dango inquired. "My name is Laucian. I am a Divine Wizard, a unique, one-of-a-kind being created by another Wizard. I have been following you, Dango, for some time. In my travels, I have been searching for the destroyer of worlds, and your name always came up as one who was also searching for him. So instead of looking for this 'Dragon King', I began to search for you." "And what do you want with me?" Dango said once more. "You know of this beast, and you know what can be done to kill it. When I was birthed, my town was already destroyed; leveled to the ground. Nothing and no one was left but myself. I want to know what that thing is - what power could do that - and I want to challenge it," explained Laucian. "How do you explain the swamp moss and blood on you, then? I have not been through any swamps lately, nor have I been attacked," said Dango. "It was all part of the disguise ..." Everyone in the room looked at were the Partiari disguise had been injured and messy, but nothing was there now on this now being. "So you want to help us ..." Dango inquired. Laucian merely nodded, bringing his staff forward and resting it on the ground. "I am ready."[/size]
  19. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Laucian Naïlo [b]Age:[/b] [i]Appears[/i] to be in his late twenties. [b]Race:[/b] Divine Wizard (Angel/Wizard crossbreed) :: The main advantage over a common Wizard is the ability to cast Divine spells (spells powered by faith or diety), as well as the typical Arcane spells. The main advantage over other Angels is simply the ability to cast magic. However, this breed average close-range fighters, and carry very little armor. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]First Weapon:[/b] A long, metal staff with a black shaft and a small, clear orb at the top tangled within a series of metal "vines." [b]Second Weapon:[/b] A sickle. [b]Armor:[/b] Light, metal platings on shoulders. [b]Master/ King:[/b] None. [b]Personality:[/b] Laucian is very serious about his magic use and is constantly working to perfect his abilities. Overall he is a very serious character. Not one to crack a smile or joke around. He wants things finished and no time wasted. He gets very irritated at those who think danger is a light-hearted word. [b]Description:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532940[/img] [b]Biography:[/b] Laucian was actually created, and never born. Who he was created by, he does not know, but through the means in which he was made he knew it had to have been someone exceptionally skilled with magic use. The town in which he was made was attacked by the Dragon King's goons while he was still being made, it was a miracle the fleshy pod in which he was created survived the attack. When he finally broke out of his pod after being incubated inside long enough, he was forced to dig himself out from beneath ashen rubble. He appears to be more or less human, but as a creation he does not suffer as stongly from their instinctual urges such as hunger and drowsiness. He was made with a high intellect, knowing proper funtions of his body, how to a manipulate magic of all kinds, and speak in several languages. His creator was most wise, indeed. One thing that bothered him was not knowing what happened to the place in which he was made. He heard rumors of something called a Dragon King, but that is all. He currently wanders from town to town, hoping someday to face this Dragon King tyrant and deal him justice. [b]Extras:[/b] None.[/size]
  20. [size=1]I personally prefer Photoshop over PaintShop Pro. I do not think I have ever really seen a PSP graphic I have preferred over a PS one, however, that could just be because of the people who have been creating them. I have not really worked too in-depth with PSP, but when I did use it just to see what it was like, I was very confused. This was probably just due to the fact I am so used to PS. I hardly use PS for graphics anymore simply because I do not have much purpose for them right now. However, I use it for anything and everything I do. Whether it be making a graphic, coloring in pictures I have drawn and scanned in to the computer, resizing and/or cropping photos, photo editing, etc. I am sure they both are capable of the same things in general, but I have always used PhotoShop.[/size]
  21. [size=1][i]Kamikasai stood behind the counter observing all the other members getting along. Raso was next to him conversing with Cane who was on the other side of the counter. That "Zephir" fellow had yet to return as well. Some people seemed a bit uneasy about the fact he had just left like that. Especially since he said he was from the Forest. Apparently it is not easy to get around that place in the night, even for those who have spent their lives there. From the rumors Kamikasai had heard of the Somnolent Forest, it was full of many different kinds of monsters and the random Thirstquencher Guard... A random figure passed by the Inn door. Kamikasai looked up quickly enough to see one of the patrolling Guards. It made him a bit uneasy knowing his enemy was right here in the same town as him. It was good that they seemed to not have learned of who he might be yet. Then again, Thristquencher was quite a ways away. This could probably be Kamikasai's main hope, that Thirstquencher will always be one step behind them. Although, he could not help but wonder what they might already know. It was getting dark outside. Kamikasai looked around for a clock, eyeing one on the wall ... 9:13. He turned to Raso and tugged on his sleeve to get his attention.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Hey, it is getting late. We should probably turn in to our room. [i]Raso looked at the clock at this point and was surprised at how late it had gotten already. It seems they were all just so caught up in the excitement. However, he was more than sure people were becoming weary, and the fun of meeting different people was all that was keeping them awake. Although, Zephir had not yet returned ...[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Hmm ... Give me a moment. I am going to go tell my mom to stay out here by the desk so Zephir knows where to go when he comes back. [i]Kamikasai nodded and Raso darted up the stairs. While he waited, he just looked around the room some more. However, no matter where he looked, his attention was always drawn to Melon. It must have been her green hair, it stood out from everything else. Just then, Raso came back down the stairs with his mother closely behind him. She took her place beinhd the counter with a smile on her face.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] All right, everyone listen up. [i]He waited until the chatting had ceased and everyone's attention was on him.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Kamikasai has suggested we turn into our room for the night, and frankly I agree. [i]Everyone looked a bit confused, looking for a clock in the room. When they saw the time it had come to be, they too were surprised and realized how tired they had become.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] So if you will just gather your things together and follow me, I'll take you to our room. [i]Everyone in there room gathered their equipment together if they had any out, and followed Raso up the stairs to where the room of the Inn all were. They passed down several small corridors finally coming to the room at the very end of the Inn. Raso opened up the door with his key and led everyone into the room. It was not very big at all, fit for two people comfortably: one twin-sized bed, a couple wooden chair, a small table, a nightstand with a couple empty drawers, and one window looking out towards the church of Grillin Village which was right behind the Inn across a small path. Kamikasai walked over to the window and looked out at the church and the church well. He found it peculiar that the well did not have any rope, but oh well ... It was not as important as those Thirstquencher Guards patrolling the grounds. Kamikasai closed the shutters silently and locked the latch. He turned around to see everyone just kind of standing there eyeing the room not sure of what to do. Everyone had a personal bubble of about two feet on either side of them. He squirmed his way over to Raso who also seemed a bit surprised at the space issues here.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] It seems I forgot to calculate the fact we would have so many people [i]plus[/i] their equipment ... [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] They'll get over it. Plus there's a bed, so that can clear up some room. [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] But who gets to have it ... ? [i]Kamikasai glanced around the room to see the kinds of people who were in the room, and found the easy and proper solution. Kamikasai stood up on the top of the nightstand which was next to the bed and spoke to the people.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Okay, everyone I know we have limited space, and even less once Zephir gets back. I know most of you are probably wondering who gets to sleep on the bed. Well, I'll solve that for you. Being this bed fits two people and we have two girls here, they get the bed, and the rest of us get the floor. So, guys, drop your stuff where ever you want to be sleeping, and keep in mind you are still going to be in close quarters to other people. [i]Some of the guys seemed a bit disheartened about not getting the bed, but they understood his reasoning and really were not in the mood to fight against honor. Melon and Pooka made their way over to the bed, placing their things under it and taking a seat on it. Everyone else found a spot in the room.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] No one necessarily has to go to sleep right now, but just get yout things settled and continue about whatever business you may have. Although, I ask that you try to keep it quiet as there may be other guests here at the Inn.[/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] However, that is only under one condition. Even though it is only [i]one[/i] condition, it is still a very important one. [color=teal][b]Zephir:[/b][/color] Okay, just name it. [i]Just as he said that, Zephir began to notice all the other people in the room. All sorts of people - Wizards, Thieves, "Heroes" - of various, but similar, ages. This confused him a bit, but he shook it off as Raso began speaking.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] All the people here who you just seemed to notice are gathered for one purpose. It started earlier today when the fire-haired boy showed up here in the Inn and told me he was on a mission to gather up some people and take down the Thirstquencher Empire. To make a long story short, this kid seems legit. He's proven himself skillful and knowledgable of things he should not know for being an out-of-towner, and by "out-of towner" I mean a Hero from the land of Heroes. A [i]true[/i] Hero. [i]Zephir's jaw dropped a bit as he glanced over to look at the fire-haired boy who was busy talking with a girl who had crazy, green hair. He seemed so young to be what this man had just told him, but then again, he remembered the Legend of Musashiden. He was even a bit younger than this kid seemed to be.[/i] [color=teal][b]Zephir:[/b][/color] I suppose you want me to join this adventure of yours? [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] It is the only way you are going to get away with staying here for free until we take off. My mother, who runs this place, is being more than generous considering the number of people there are. [i]Zephir bowed his head a little bit, lookingly slightly at the others who were busy conversing among one another. They seemed to be a decent group of people, but so very young for thos who planned on taking on the entire Thirstquencher Empire.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] So what do you say, kid? [i]Zephir felt a friendly, but a little harsh, slap on the back from a man standing on the other side of him. He looked up to see an older man dressed in some armor with childish designs painted on them. Zephir held back a laugh and looked at Raso.[/i] [color=teal][b]Zephir:[/b][/color] All right, I'll join. I'm Zephir. [i]Raso smiled, and shook hands with Zephir.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] My name is Raso, and the man to your right is Cane. I'll introduce you to our "sponsor." He will be more than happy you have joined. ... Kamikasai! [i]Raso beckoned his hand in the air gaining the attention of the fire-haired boy. He walked casually over to Raso with the green-haired girl following closely behind him.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] What is it? [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/color][/b] This here is Zephir, a boy from the Forest. He has agreed to join our quest. [i]Kamikasai smiled.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Good. It's nice to have yo on board. [i][to Raso][/i] We almost have enough. I know we already have around ten of us, but it just doesn't seem right yet. [i]Kamikasai and Raso talked between themselves a bit as Melon analyzed the boy on the other side of the counter. Something seemed recognizable about him, but she could not put her finger on what it was. By this time he had noticed her staring at him oddly, and he became a bit uncomfortable continuously shifting position until he just could not take it.[/i] [color=teal][b]Zephir:[/b][/color] Is there something wrong?? [i]Melon's concentration snapped. Apparently she had forgot she was thinking and just kind of zoned out...[/i] [color=green][b]Melon:[/b][/color] Umm ... I was going to ask you something, but I forgot. Hold on ... [i]Melon pondered a bit trying to remember what she was thinking about. In the mean time, Zephir was beginning to question the mental health of the people in this room. So far he had met an older guy who believes the word of an unknown child, an older man with hearts and smiley faces on his armor, the supposed "Hero," and a girl who is just ... weird.[/i] [color=green][b]Melon:[/b][/color] Oh yeah! ... You are a Wizard, correct? [i]Zephir kind of took into himself, as though he was embarassed.[/i] [b][color=teal]Zephir:[/b][/color] Yes ... you can tell? [color=green][b]Melon:[/b][/color] Well, I'm a Wizard, too. So I could kind of feel you had a different energy coming from you than most of these other people. [i]By this time, Kamikasai and Raso had overheard their talking.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] We have another magic user? [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Excellent. I imagine those of use who rely on stealth more than power in battle will appreciate the back up support. [i]Zephir cracked a small smile, feeling a bit of importance in himself now. Melon smiled happily as well as she began to see how closely knit this group was going to have to be.[/i][/size]
  23. [size=1][i]Kamikasai paused a moment, looking at the girl before him who had questioned as to where his origins are. He recognized her by her insane green hair, and this time it was accompanied by a smile that seemed as though it could persuade even the most stubborn and distant person.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Umm ... I don't know what it is called, but it was explained to me by Seer. He said when Thirstquencher Empire raided the castle they stormed down to a secret room where a special Binchotite crystal was prepared, and the Princess performed some summoning magic. Then from the crystal came a hero. At first it was some guy named Musashiden, but you probably already know what happened to him ... so the Princess did it again, I guess, and supposedly out I came. Seer said by then, Thirstquencher goons were already in the castle and I was unarmed. So before I was even aware of what was happening, Seer knocked me out and dragged me to a place called Aqualin until I woke up. After I woke up, he told me the general information as to who I am, and ... my quest. Then I came here where I met Raso here at the Inn, and he believed my story and decided to help me. ... I imagine you know what happened after that. [i]Melon nodded understandingly, but still found it incredibly hard to believe. On the other hand, the kid knew far too much to just be making this up ... seriously! He knew of Seer, and even claimed to have met him! Who outside the Empire and the Kingdom would know of Seer's existance? Until today, rumors had been going around that he was captured and killed. This boy seemed almost too good to be true, but still she belie--[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Sorry, heh, here I am telling you my life's story ... that I can recall anyway ... and I don't even know your name. I'm Kamikasai. [i]Melon smiled faintly as she became aware of how tense she was from hearing Kamikasai explain where he was from. She let herself loosen up again as her smile grew wider and she put out her hand to Kamikasai.[/i] [color=green][b]Melon:[/b][/color] My name is Melon, Melon Straubarri. [i]Just then, there arose such a clatter as a boy came stumbling through the door. Everybody became quiet and turned their attention to him. At first he appeared to be dazed and/or adjusting to the lighting. He then hobbled over to the desk where he sat down and plopped his head to the desk.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] Does anyone know a good way to kill a dozen or so Bee Plants at once? [i]The room was silent a bit longer. Then, at random, people began making certain suggestions, mostly spells.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] Well, that's just fine and dandy, but I am not much of a magic user. [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] ... You could do a Whirlwind Attack. [i]Kamikasai paused wondering what exactly he had just said. It almost came as a reflex. Gah, it did not matter. As the attention turned to him his stomach tied in knots, double-knots, triple-knots, slip knots ... just a bunch of knots, really. The unknown man looked at Kamikasai bitterly.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] Like I said, I am not much of a magic user. I know nothing of Wind attacks, nor can my body even handle doing one if I knew how. [i]Kamikasai replied back quickly, knowing his competence as a fighter was on the line.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] It isn't an attack that uses magic. In fact, it hardly has anything to do with "Wind", but focuses more on the "Whirl." [i]The man irritably rolled his eyes. He had just come from being attacked by a patch of Bee Plants, he was not in the mood for such talk. Especially from a kid.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] Okay, hot shot, show me this ... "Whirlwind Attack" of yours. [i]As soon as the man stopped talking, the room grew more silent than it ever had been that evening. The tension was thick and furious. Yet still, Kamikasai did not find himself chickening out. Instead, he began walking into a more open area of the Inn lobby. He found it odd because he was not sure whether or not he was walking voluntarily. As soon as he found what he thought was an open enough area he stopped. Kamikasai looked up at everyone who was just staring at him. Just his luck, he was in another test. He had to prove himself to be true to the people, but he had no conscious knowledge that he could even do it. Kamikasai peered down at the katana Seer had given him, and found himself slowly drawing it from its sheath with his left hand. He held it out going into proper stance, but he was not completely aware he was doing this. Kamikasai wound up his body slightly, and then in a moments notice whirls once around with remarkable speed accompanied by a simple attack yell for increased physical power. When he stopped, it seemed as thought he stopped without making any sound what-so-ever. The sword was pointed almost threateningly at the man who had challenged him, and Kamikasai's face showed a serious expression. Everyone was simply wide-eyed. They had never seen anything like it! Kamikasai seemed to be but a blur during the course of the attack, which took only a split second, if even that! The man rose from his chair, cleary impressed by the young boy's abilities, and approached him.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] ... Who [i]are[/i] you? [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] My name is Kamikasai. I am a Hero. [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] Heh, you and about every other kid in this town wishing to be like Musashiden. [i]The turned around and face everyone else.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] Who is this kid? [i]Raso stepped out from the crowd.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] His name is Kamikasai. He is a Hero summoned by the Princess after the tragic fall of Musashiden. He was accompanied by Seer who gave him the task of saving the Kingdom. [i]The man was amazed, his jaw was dropped as that awkward silence filled the room again. Then a series of "thud" sounds filled the room as a chair not far from Kamikasai split in two (a top and lower half) and the top half fell off, rattling on the ground. It was a severe delayed reaction from Kamikasai's Whirlwind Attack. Kamikasai made an embarrassed face as he innocently tried to put away his sword.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Sorry ... [i]The man just simply could not believe it ... but still found himself believing it at the same time.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] So, uh, Kamika-- err, umm, "Mister Hero" ... You and this group of people are going to save the world? [i]Kamikasai nodded, as the man paused before he spoke again.[/i] [color=orangered][b]Cane:[/b][/color] ... Can I join? [i]A wild smile spread across Kamikasai's face as jumped into the air nearly shouting a proud "Yes!" There was some cheering from everone else. It was all beginning to come together, and was most definitely a good feeling. And so with that, everyone went back to conversing with one another, and welcoming their new member.[/i] [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [color=crimson][b]OOC:[/color] ACHTUNG! to all Heroes, Thieves, and Soldiers[/b] who were present in this scene. You are all now capable of performing the [i]Whirlwind Attack[/i] as well, and it has to be with your primary weapon. This will come in handy later on. ^_~ This (certain characters learning certain abilities) may happen periodically throughout the RPG, and I shall always state it after the post when it happens just like I did here. However, if I do not state it, do not assume that you learned it. [b]Wizards[/b], do not feel left out. You are wizards, you have your own advantages and may get your own chances later on. Though, usually you will be offered something, like the chance to learn a different spell. Not saying you cannot learn different spells on your own. ^_^ [b]Tori[/b], you will learn this eventually. As soon as you enter the story and someone of our group uses this ability, you will learn it automatically as well. ^_^ It should just be kept in mind for [b]EVERYONE[/b] that if I offer you something, you should probably take it, because I am a nice Game Master and will help you guys out, lol. Chances are things I offer you will become relevant in the near future.[/size]
  24. [size=1][color=crimson][b]OOC:[/b][/color] Okay, I was kind of waiting for Tori to come and post, but I am not thinking she will be able to any time soon because of being home for the holidays (and who knows who else). So we are just going to make some ?filler? posts to kill some time and keep things going at the same time. I imagine this will slow down the closer it gets to Christmas, but I am just trying to keep at least [i]some[/i] momentum. So posts after this until we actually start going out to adventure really do not have to be all that involved, but I do ask that they are of a decent length; a couple paragraphs and some dialogue. It really is not that hard. Who knows, you may get carried away and end up with a really long post, lol. Stranger things have happened. [b]Tori[/b], do not panic, we are not going to do much until you post. ^_^ Keep in mind there are signs posted around Grillin Village that are advertising this adventure. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [i]The adults had all made their way back to their homes and/or businesses, some in a chipper spirit and other slightly annoyed because their day had been interrupted by ?just another dumb kid.? However, a rascally group of children of various, but similar, ages stood in front of him. It was just as Raso had said. The children gathered closer together in a small huddle in front of Kamikasai looking up at him curiously as he just stood at a loss for words to say. He did a quick head count. There were six new people, plus Raso and himself. A small wave a discontentment passed over him as he expected a little bit more. He peered down at Raso who looked up at him with support.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Don?t worry about it. There are still those who dwell within Somnolent Forest, as well as any children who may have just stayed in from your speech. [i]Kamikasai took note of that just as his attention was shattered by a horrible scraping sound. He shot his head down at the crowd and watched as a small girl, probably around his age, was approaching him dragging a sword too heavy for her to lift behind her across the cobblestone-paved ground. The sound ceased as soon as she stopped, and she looked up at Kamikasai with eyes wide with wonder.[/i] [color=chocolate][b]Pooka:[/b][/color] ?Scuse me, Mister ? are you [i]really[/i] a Hero? [i]Kamikasai stared blankly for a second. This child was incredibly naive and innocent in nature. He was not sure whether or not to judge a book by its cover or not. The girl was most definitely his age, but even Kamikasai does not come off like that ? then again, if Seer was telling the truth about Kamikasai?s origins, then Kamikasai would be older than he really seems being that these people age faster than him.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Yes, I am ? (I think). [i]Pooka became very giddy and was about ready to squeal with excitement, but she was cut off by another child who came forward with a bold question.[/i] [color=#808080][b]Kai:[/b][/color] What proof do we have that you are not just some person [i]pretending[/i] to be a Hero? [i]Kamikasai stood silent, not knowing what to say. He could not really say anything, he had no hard proof to offer them. Although, he knew that if he does not convince them, they will not join him ?[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Kai, be quiet. Does this boy even look slightly familiar to you? He obviously isn?t from around here. We all know the Thirstquencher Empire terrorizes no other place more than the Allucaneet Kingdom, so there?s a reasonable doubt he could be from a place which has a vendetta against the Empire. [i]Kai back down a bit from his inquisition on Kamikasai, but it was apparent the other children were a bit undecided about what to think about him. Raso and Kamikasai were both not sure what they should say, but they still had to do something.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Look, I?m just doing what this mysterious guy who called himself Seer told me to do. He told me that I am a true Hero and need to save this Kingdom, but I would need a team to do it. So I came here. [i]At this point, all the children stood looking dumbfounded, even Raso who backed off from Kamikasai?s side and stood in front of him with the other children.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] What ? ? What?s wrong? [i]There was another moment of awkward silence before another boy approached from the back.[/i] [color=#707875][b]Keizo:[/b][/color] You ? You met ? Seer? [I]Kamikasai raised an eyebrow, curious as to why meeting with Seer was so amazing.[/I] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Yeah, why? [color=firebrick][b]Ruben:[/b][/color] Seer has to be the most powerful person Allucaneet has on their side. He was the only person the Empire was unable to capture when they raided the castle. He cannot attack the Empire himself, because he is Lawful and Good by nature. He cannot harm even those who do harm. Normally he is a regular around this town, but no one has seen him in a long time. [I]Now Kamikasai was the one dumbfounded, as he just stood on the ledge of the fountain slack-jawed. All the present children gathered closer to Kamikasai, full of heart and belief that this could be it. A small amount of time passed by, when a new voice broke from the crowd.[/I] [color=orange][b]Melon:[/b][/color] So ? we?re going to save the world? [I]Kamikasai looked for the source of the voice and locked eyes with an average-sized, older girl with bright green hair ?[/I] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] ? We?re going to save the world. [I]Raso then motioned for Kamikasai to step down from the fountain, so he did, and took Raso?s side.[/I] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] All right, we still could use a few more people so we?re going to wait around here for a while. My mother has posted signs all around telling people who are interested to come to the Inn. She also said that we can all stay in the Inn for free until we take off as long as we only use one room. It isn?t a lot of space for eight people, but it beats paying the 80 Dran per person to stay. [I]The children all loosened up knowing that they were getting to go rest now after all this excitement and made sure they had their things together.[/I] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] It is getting to be evening time. The sun?s going down. We should turn in. [I]So with that, Raso and Kamikasai walked with the trail of other children behind them to the Inn where they would get a room and wait for any others who wish to join.[/I][/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]If anyone names Calendar Girls, I'll have to assume they're insane. Even if I was given a death threat I wouldn't see a movie about a bunch of old women posting for a nude calendar. Vomit enducing. [/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I thought that concept was actually disturbingly amusing, lol. I am all for old people and their sexuality. Old people public displays of affection are funny. Old people rock. :p Anyway, I am going to see Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing Big Fish as well, but that does not come out until January.[/size]
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