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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [COLOR=green]I never get tired of watching The Shawshank Redemption![/COLOR]
  2. Haha! That's kinda cool.. I think it was made for the 3-D kinda effect, a know where you have those glasses with the one red "lense" and one blue one, and they make it appear as if something is standing out from the rest.. I think that's why it appears messed up looking
  3. It's, ummmmm... interesting! Lol.. but I put it down as art. If it was made for sexual purposes theyd be showing more than the waist up
  4. [I]Pyro looks up at the transformed Xaida..[/I] Pyro: Ooo, wow a big dragon.. I'm shaking in my little Saiya-jin boots. :rolleyes: :mad: The move is completely unneccessary.. there are other, less power consuming ways to make a distraction.. Flash: Weren't we supposed to do something?? Pyro: [I]You[/I] were.. I'm leaving the ignorance here is sickening me.. Flash: So you're just leaving us?! :mad: Pyro: For now.. [I]Before Flash could respond Pyro turns and blasts off but is immediatl held back as something had grab his leg..[/I] Pyro: Who the hell??!! [I]Pyro turns around to see the the transformed Xaida had grabbed onto him.. he could tell by the look on its face that she wasn't gonna let him leave..[/I] Pyro: :mad: Don't ever restrain me from doing what I want!! I've had enough of you!!.... [I]Pyro places his hands toward Xaida..[/I] Pyro: PULSE CANNON!!!! [I]An invisible wave of energy explodes from Pyro's hands and pushes away at the transformed Xaida.. she resists at first but gives away letting go of Pyro and tumbling over.. Pyro turns and blasts off quickly far far away..[/I]
  5. [COLOR=green]Yes you can, just post your Characters info (name, race, height, bio, appearance, etc.) and find a sensible way to bring yourself in![/COLOR]
  6. [I]Warlock and Pyro continue to stand there for a long time while Flash and Xaida bicker[/I] Pyro: Ok, that's enough! This has got to stop!! [I]Pyro lunges inbetween the two and elbows them both in the face knocking them both back in the wall..[/I] Flash: Ow sh*t! What was [I]that[/I] for!!?? Pyro: Somone had to shut you up!! Xaida: *sigh* For once he's right.. Pyro: F*ck you! Xaida: No thanks.. [I]Silence[/I] Warlock: So what should we do now?? Flash: I don't know.. Pyro: Well standing here arguing like a bunch of little kids won't do you any good!! So if your gonna do [I]something[/I] you might as well leave and come back with a plan! Xaida: Good gawd, that's twice in a row you've made sense... you're on a roll :rolleyes: [I]Pyro glares at Xaida..[/I] Warlock: Fine then.. let's go.. [I]The four warriors fly through the hole pyro made and go off to make a plan of some sort.. Pyro follows from a distance...[/I]
  7. Pyro: Psychic huh?.... What am I thinking now? Raiha: :o *laughs* :) Pyro: Damnit!! You [I]are[/I] psychic!!! Raiha: Well I told you i was.. Pyro: Quiet you! :D (j/k)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Raiha: *sigh* What a freak. Pyro: Who you callin a freak? Raiha: Um, you? *evil smile*[/COLOR] :D [/B][/QUOTE] Pyro: Ok just makin sure you were talkin to me. thanks! :D
  9. [COLOR=green]*continues shouting* FIIIIINALL FLAAASH!!!!!! *a giant blast of energy fires out into the sky* Heh, whoops! :o :D[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'm an "older anime fan", so I guess I'll reply to this...most people at my school would be shunned for liking anime. Yes...I believe that's the answer you're looking for...DeWitt...where I go to school...is a rich white community with a bunch of stuck up snobs...so I think that explains it :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] AHH!! Color... is so..... pink..... must.... find..... dark color.......... *faints* anime is somewhat respected at my skool.. I gues im lucky! :D
  11. a lot of people at my skool do, but then there are those who dont. But i just dont pay attention to them. the ones that do like it are rather open about it.. on my freshman retreat a senior saw that I was wearing a dbz tshirt and came up to me and we started talking about it... than on casual days you see other ppl with anime related shirts.. but that was at that skool, im transferring so i dont know what its gonna be like there. But Im kinda open about it, I dont care if other people think Im dumb for watching it, thats there opinion, not neccessarily the truth..
  12. Actually Bomber is already here.. Final Flash just needs to start the match.. FLAAAAAASH!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]1) SSJ3 Gotanks....umm do you know anything about DBZ? No offense just a simple question... 2)Do u know who Gotenks is? 3)Do you know what a saiyajin is...? 4)Do u know none of the hybrid saiyajin girls can go SSJ, or have any decent fighting training. 5) Its the Room of Spirit and TIme not the Hyberbolic TIme Chamber. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Actually I [I]think[/I] Pan had some training with Gohan or Gokou at one time. and this question is purely rhetorical.. he's basically saying [I]if[/I] girls could be SSJ etc etc.. give the guy some slack[/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ2 Gohu [/i] [B]I dunno but before they do that, they have to finish DBZ. So if they do it won't be for awhile. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]And it will be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGG @ss time. If they do they'll prolly run all of DBZ a few times more before they get to GT. But I wanta see GT, mainly for Bebi and Super 17.. and the Evil Shenron saga too, just to see Vegeta transform into SSJ4.. tho I've already seen that on a clip I d/led..[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]I still think Vegeta shoulda killed Gokou, but noooooooo stoopid Gohan and Kuririn had to get in the way, and Yajirobe that fat busterd. Vegeta soooooo would have won that but Gokou's weak and needed assistance...They should make like a Dragonball sub series, where everything is from Vegeta's perspective instead of Gokou's, that would be rather interesting.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green]SSJ4 is the best!![/COLOR]
  17. Ah, good ol' Bebi Vegeta, my favorite form of my favorite character.. tho I like him better in this form of Bebi Vegeta: [IMG]http://gojiita.net/media/pictures/vejiita/dbgtimage5.jpg[/IMG]
  18. *stares blankly* You know, RPGs dont have to deal with anime.. anime RPGs may turn out better here but they dont [I]have[/I] to be anime related to go in here..
  19. I have a normal american accent.. tho I can imitate what I like to call the Cheech Accent :D
  20. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]Hey did you see the commercial to Adult Swim yet for CN, They are going to show Cowboy Bepop on it, Sweet! I can't wait to see it Sunday September 2nd. I wodner fi they will show Trigun and Evangelion on it, I wanna see all of those shows, but I haven't been able to see any of them yet.:( :( [/B][/QUOTE] No I have not seen that commercial....
  21. [I]Pyro flys through the sky with over a hundred bugs trailing behind him[/I] Pyro: Pathetic fools don't even know whats coming... Ah, I'm here.. [I]Pyro stops above a huge lake as the Bugs do the same... Pyro then flys above them...[/I] Bug1: So you are the one that killed Nachu?? I don't believe it... Pyro:..... [I]Pyro just stares at the bug and then spits toward the bug..[/I] Bug1: Huh? [I]The spit lands on his face and eats away at it instantly[/I] Bug1: AAAHH!!! My face!!!! :eek: Pyro: Ha! Perfect! [I]Pyro puts his hands in front of him as if he was to perform the Final Flash..[/I] Pyro: Heh heh, cya suckers!... PULSE CANNON!!!! [I]A pounding wave of energy is fire at the bugs pushing them uncontrollably down at the water each one disentigrates after being submerged..[/I] Pyro: Heh, such a big weakness is deadly when exploited... let's see how the others are doing.. [I]Pyro takes off back toward the ship..[/i]
  22. DBZman we are waiting on you!!! What's takin ya so long???
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]*sigh* This guy's as dumb as a rock. The [i]character[/i] Pyro, from Z warriors, is a pain in the ***, he's mean, prideful, and never says anything positive.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I'm probably [I]dumber[/I] than a rock.. I mean, a rock beat me in a staring contest, so ya I think thats right! :D Anywho check your PMs...
  24. [I]The four warriors stand in the rejuvenation room when they suddenly here footsteps...[/I] Warlock: Looks like they've found us [I]Pyro moves behind the door as the footsteps suddenly meet other footsteps...[/I] Flash: These wouldn't happen to be those bug things would they? Xaida: What the hell do you think they are??? We [I]are]/I] in their ship! Flash: Great we had enough trouble with the one before these.. Warlock: These ones are smaller but still basically the same strength.. Pyro: Sh! [I]Everyone quiets down as the bugs turn and enter the room where Flash, Warlokc, and Xaida stand in plain view[/I] Bug: You three! you're coming with us! Pyro: Hello @ssholes remember me!? [I]Bugs wing around and see Pyro[/I] Bug: YOU!!!? Kill him!! [I]The bugs get ready to lunge in attack when Pyro bolts thourgh the ceiling taking half the bugs following him...[/I] Bug:What? O well.. theres enough of us here to take these thre-- [I]The Bug turns around and sees that Xaida, Flash, and Warlock are nowhere to be seen......[/I]
  25. ROTFLMAO! When someone calls you an @sshole twice within two consecutive posts you know its true..:D
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