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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. Well it looks like vegeta dominates this poll so far! Lol :D
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]SSJ4 Gokou- "Jinzohoken Junanagou, its time for you to die, this is the end, 10x Kamehameha!" Chibi Torunkusu- "Brolly come over and gimme a kiss." *moons Brolly* [/B][/QUOTE] Ooooooo... Altron whats that one one that Gokou says to Ruu Shenron (i think its Ryuu) that you posted on the GT forum where gokou says somthing about Ryuu letting go of his funkin daughter?? Lol, Thats a good one! but anywho theres always "Who did I hit? Trunks?"-Cell (sub version, not dumb ol' dub) that one cracks me up too :D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Hey Pyro, I'm using Xaida's daughter for the tournament. She's 13 and has a calmer additude than her mother. :D Now if you haven't already figured out who I am, then you're really thick.;)[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Clues that let me know that you're Setsuna... 1.Same avatar from older board 2. Carrying on with the same characters from the old board 3. You even sed that you're aka Setsuna somewhere in one of these topics Heh heh, looks like [I]this[/I] Pyro is going to have to wait a few years before he can move in on this one, being that she's 13 and Pyro is at least 20somthing now (from training in the ROST a fwe times).. though he stays looking around 17, part of being a creation, he doesnt age.. mwuahahahahahahahahaha!! Eternal youth!! So technically he really doesnt have an age.. hmmmm... :D
  4. Ahem.. first find the main character, Gokou. now follow him back as far as you can go, Bardock (the father of Gokou for those of you who dont actually know that for some reason beyond my comprehension). Thus, the most important character is Bardock. Now if you sed who is the most important [I]person[/I] I would have said Akiri Toriyama, without him, the Dragonball world wouldn't even exist...
  5. Whoever voted for Cell must be high(no offense to that person).. everyone should know that best best villians are the Saiya-jins.. it's almost a civil war! Put the pieces together.. Gokou is a Saiyan Vegeta is a Saiyan.. could prolly be classified under a family feud! and definitly classified under classic.. The Gokou and Vegeta fight is the best!
  6. Oh and Adam, if for some reason you havnt figured out why I don't look familiar.. it's because I changed my name.. im aka PyroDragon13, just thought you might wanta know :)
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B] I haven't seen ti, but I want to, looks cool, Chris Tucker is a funny man [/B][/QUOTE] And Zhang Ziyi is a good lookin lady! :D
  8. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B] hmm, do I know you,w ell anyways you never answered my question, hmph:mad: [/B][/QUOTE] No need to get angry dude I was just messing around, lol.. that line is from a movie called [I]Time Bandits[/I] thats why at the top of the post it says "Time Bandits ripoff".. I use it when people ask questions that appear dumb to me, that question appeared dumb because I know what it is.. and yes i did answer your question its at the bottom of the page and galaxy girl also attempted to explain..
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]heh, that film was hilarious, jackie chan and chris tucker make a great pair.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yes especially when they are both in silk, I love it when couples do the match thing... :D
  10. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [COLOR=coral]Ska...Ska is... err... I guess you could say that it's a mix of brass[horns,... whatever their technical name is] instrumentals and swing type beats.... if anyone has a better explanation....feel free :/[/COLOR] :) [/B][/QUOTE] Ok I'll try... firemac if you can download songs, download anything by Reel Big Fish... you can't explain it better than the music itself
  11. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B] whta's ska???????????????????????:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] firemac, firemac, firemac... my dear firemac, you are so mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence. And why isn't Ska/Punk or Punk up there!?!?!?! Is i not good enough for you, Tec-9???? *sigh* people these days! :D
  12. BTW, you spelled KiTTiE wrong.... sorry, I had to point that out.. :D
  13. Talena Atfield is by FAR the best of those choices! She seems pretty cool from all the interviews I've read that she's been in! And she rocks on the bass!!
  14. Pyro: Well obviously I am able to heal a LOT faster now... but That just comes with the connection to the Dragons... I need to figure out how to tap into their power at will, not just when I'm desperate.... [I]Pyro walks out into the void just looking straight in front of him and walking.. not stopping..[/I] Pyro: I'm gonna keep going until I can't take it anymore... might as well pick up the pace! [I]Pyro leaps into the air and takes offf leaving a vapor trail behind...[/I] Pyro: I can feel the intesity rising already................... wha? [I]Suddenly elcetricity comes from everywhere trying to strike Pyro out of the air...[/I] Pyro: Oh no you don't! [I]Pyro lands and quickl charges a powerful static energy shield more powerful than the bolts of electricity, and pushes them away until they finall die down....[/I] Pyro: This is a bit too easy... wait a minute.. the [COLOR=red]Fire Dragon[/COLOR] had a place like this where I trained often.. and the effects were amplified by at least 20x this place... I wonder........... [I]Pyro stands where he is and concentrates, focusing his energy as a flame like aura forms around him........ Pyro opens his eyes looks directly in front of him and faster than the eye can follow, slices his hand across the air opening a gateway to the [COLOR=red]Fire Dragon's[/COLOR] being..[/I] Pyro: Just as I thought... since I took his place I have control over everything he used to be able to do.. now to do some [I]real[/I] training... [I]Pyro enters the gateway as it closes behind him.. leaving the ROST emptier than it already is....[/I]
  15. I havn't seen it but I know what happens in it.....
  16. Gokou- Super 4 Vegeta- SSJ Bebi Vegeta Gohan- SSJ Trunks- USSJ (he has really weird hair lol :D ) Goten- SSJ Chibi Trunks- SSJ Gotenks- SSJ3 Gogeta- Super 4 Vegetto- SSJ Did I miss any???
  17. 1. I wouldnt mind the dubs if they dubbed it over with what they actually sed.. but seriously ppl!! I'm deprived of too much already in my life I don't need the FUNi dub crap!!! :D editing should be edited back to the way it originally was too!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Umm..like don't u think restoring over 500 members post counts is kinda hard... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick]Ssssshhhhhhh!!! I want my posts back darnit!! :D[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=firebrick]Hmmm... I [I]know[/I] I had more than 1,450 but less than 1,500..... so let's just comprmise and go with 1,475[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=firebrick]I thought that movie was great! Better than the first.. and Zhang Ziyi is lookin pretty good, heh heh heh :D[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=firebrick][I]Pyro stands waiting for the next fight to go on...[/I] Pyro: This might be a while.. I think I'll go train in the ROST while I'm waiting.. Others: All right cya Pyro!.. [I]Pyro disappears and reappears on Kami's lookout[/I] Pyro: Popo, I would like to use the ROST... Popo: Who are you?? Pyro: Let me refresh you memory.. [I]Pyro charges up a blast and fires it out into nowhere and Pyro appears in front of the blast letting it hit him without defenses.. Pyro falls to the ground and gets back up battered and beaten..[/I] Pyro: Look familiar? Popo: Ooo, heh heh, I've only seen you when you've been beaten, and now I recognize you.. yes go ahead and enter the ROST Pyro: Thanks [I]Popo turns around and continues watering his plants as Pyro walks to the ROST[/I] Popo: O and Pyro if you would lkie a Senz-- [I]As Popo turns around he sees that all of Pyro's wounds are healing over very quickly and before he even fully enters the ROST, he is back to normal[/I] Popo: :eek: amazing speed..... [I]Pyre enters the ROST and begins to train...[/I][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desert Shadow [/i] [B][b]Adam might be kind enough to put us back up to our post amounts. I had more than 1,400. You can set me at that if you wish.[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick]Ya, that's the main thing I hate about this new board. All I can remember is that I was somewhere between 1,450 and 1,500... it took me months on end without spamming to get that far.. :( :( and now they are all gone.. the other things i dont like are just little things that ill get over in time but the post count thing is just downright unjust!..... but I [I]do[/I] like all the options we have now... but I want all my posts back :([/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=firebrick]Jelsa....... Jelsa....... O ya, I remember you now... you spelled princess wrong BTW[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=firebrick]I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!! I want my posts back dag nerbit!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=firebrick]I [I]do[/I] like the new boards but... I want all my posts back!!!!! :mad: :( it's gonna take me forever to get em all back, I have a very crappy slow computer!!! I also no longer have the poison mushroom to post with, or my custom avatar.. the bad outweighs the good here :( :( :([/COLOR]
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