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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]Heh, congratualtions with 10,000 members. ^_^ This banner is not anything fancy, but here it is anyway. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=531223[/img][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=crimson][b]OOC:[/color] NOTE FOR WIZARDS -[/b] It came to me recently that none of you know why elemental Sky magic does. So I thought I should explain that here in case you ever choose to use a Sky spell. Sky magic allows the casting of nearly anything dealing with the sky such as: bolts of lightning, thunder clasps, rain (this is a Sky property, not Water), cloud cover (to block sunlight), fog, etc. Be creative. Although, tornados do not apply; they are a Wind spell. It is important to make known what type of spell you have (if it is elemental), because certain spells will not work against certain "Boss" enemies while others will deliver a critical amount of damage (this will be explained when we encounter the first "Boss"). If I do not know what it is, I shall simply negate the fact it was used. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b]Thirstquencher Empire[/b] [i]A thunderous, crashing sound fills the spacious throne room as an Thirstquencher soldier bursts hurriedly through the tall, twin doors. He walks briskly up the blood-red carpet towards the two thrones. Upon the largest sits the Force, and upon the smaller is seated Emperor R. Senic. The soldier arrives before them and goes down on one knee with his head bowed.[/i] [color=indigo][b]Soldier:[/b][/color] A report from guards positioned in Grillin Village: A disturbance has been made my an unknown, firey-haired boy and an older, local boy. The kid claims to be a Hero, as one called forth from the same realm as Musashiden, and plans to gather a team together to defeat the Thirstquencher Empire. [i]Senic and the Force both sat quietly. Senic kept a straight-faced look on the soldier, while the Force kept its face hidden under it large, hooded cloak as it always did. Senic turned his head towards the Force to see if there would be any response from it, but none came. So he looked back at the soldier for a moment and just burst into a small laughter.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] Ha ha ha ha ha! Come on, now, you always bring this news to us, and always it is some kind of false alarm; just some townboy who is a wannabe Hero. Musashiden was the only Hero the Princess of Allucaneet was able to summon before we stormed the hidden room within the castle, and we all know what happened to him. [i]Senic looked over at the row of Bincho Fields lined up next to the thrones containing several members of Allucaneet people, as well as Musashiden himself, suspended unconscious and helpless.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] Now leave, and come back when you actually have some [i]real[/i] news. [i]And so the soldier got up from his kneel, bowed, and left the room. The moment the doors clicked shut, a raspy voice spoke ...[/i] [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] This time it is different ... [i]Senic's head whipped towards the Force in alert.[/i] [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] This is the third false alarm this week. Why should this be any different? It is just some dumb kid. [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] Was Musashiden "just some dumb kid" when he destroyed the Empire!? [i]The Force paused a moment to let those words seep into Senic's thick skull ...[/i] [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] The mere fact this newcomer is unknown should have been your first clue. You should know as well as I do we keep tabs on who lives in Grillin Village; everything about them. Now, tell me, what do you know about this fire-haired boy? Nothing. [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] You base your judgement of the only threat to our Empire of the fact this boy is unknown? [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] There has been a change in the forces of this world. It happened not long ago. Anything that normally happens, did not. Time seemed to become irrelevant. If you were not so blind, you would have noticed the change as well: the change in the soldier's report. [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] What should it matter? It is just a little boy with no experience of this world, and the people in Grillin Village are not going to be able to help him any in terms of where and how to find things. [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] Any Hero would try to tackle the quest on his own, just as Musashiden did. The boy has help from someone not of Grillin Village. [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] Who? [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] The only person involved with the Royal Family of Allucaneet we did not capture, the Seer. I imagined we would not catch him, much to our misfortune. He is very wise and has nearly perfected the use of Bincho. He cannot not use it directly against us, because he is lawful and good by nature. He is one to "turn the other cheek." However, he can inform and priveledge those fighters with information and ability which could be critical to the Empire. There is no doubt in my mind he knows the where-abouts of the Legendary Armor (that we have found and hidden, or those that have yet to be discovered), the sword Fusion, and the sword Lumina. He is our greatest enemy at this moment. [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] So what do you think the Seer's next course of action is going to be? [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/b][/color] He will arm the Hero; do whatever it takes to get him to find Fusion and Lumina. However, I have a suspicion he will go for the closest target first, which is a piece of armor we have found. [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] Say your will, and it will be done. [color=darkblue][b]the Force:[/color][/b] Guard the entrance to Hell's Valley heavily, and prepare the [i]Reincarnation[/i] should they get through the doors. [color=purple][b]Senic:[/b][/color] It will be done. [i]Senic rose from his throne and marched down the carpet and out the doors to rally up some troops and transport them to Hell's Valley.[/i] [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [color=crimson][b]OOC:[/b][/color] Obviously, none of our characters know this is happening. So Hell's Valley is still off-limits. We will be busy taking care of other things.[/size]
  3. [size=1][b][color=crimson]OOC:[/b][/color] This concerns most everyone, but specifcally take a look at Break's character. I took another look at your sign-up - to see what items you had chosen - and had a bit of a revelation about your spell, the "Chant of Hastening." As I am sure you know, it takes BP to perform a spell. Normal fighting characters (anyone who is not a Wizard) has a max BP of about 100, and Wizards have a max of 200. Everyone should take note of that. Also, I am going to say that basic spells for fighters will only take about 5 BP, but basic spells for Wizards will take 10 BP (since they are stronger) and Primary spells will be left up to the Wizards discretion, within relativity of course. Now, Weh, you mention the Hastening makes you tired quicker, so you are pretty much constantly losing BP as this spell continues to work which you said is at least 15 minutes. So I am going to say for every minute it lasts you lose 1 BP. So each time you use it, you lose at least 20 BP and at most 35 BP. Just keep that in mind. No one actually has to keep track of how much BP and health they have, I trust you will all just keep it in mind like "Let's see, it has been a while and I have used such and such a spell [i]x[/i] number of times so I am probably about [i]so[/i] tired." And the more tired you get, the slower your actions become. Okay, back to the RPG. ^_^ (Crikey, even with all that info I had in the sign-ups, I still had not thought of everything. o_O) [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [i]Kamikasai observed the older boy as he approached him at the counter inside the Inn. The boy eyed Kamikasai suspiciously.[/i] [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] ... Is there anything I can help you with, kid? [i]Kamikasai approached the counter and sat up on an adjacent stool placing his elbows upon the countertop and his jaw within his cupped hands.[/i] [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Well, I'm not looking to stay here or anything, but this town is desolate and this was the only place with its door wide open. So I decided to come inside and take a look ... [i]Kamikasai lowered one hand and just traced his finger in a random path on the surface of the counter.[/i] [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] Well, there is not much going on here. It is just me and my mother who is upstairs. ... You know, this is a small town - really small. I know everyone here and I have never seen you before, not once. Who are you? Where'd you come from? [i]Kamikasai looked up at the boy solemnly. It was apparent the weight of carrying the fate of the world on his shoulders was still very heavy.[/i] [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] I'm Kamikasai ... A hero, apparently. I am from ... another land. Probably from an entirely different realm. That is all I really know ... [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] ... A different realm?! Wha-? Who ... ? ...!? [i]Raso was absolutely bewildered by Kamikasai's statement. This entire day had been pretty strange, but this definitely took the cake. A boy, who could not be any more than 13 years old, claimed to be from a world separate from his own. Kamikasai continued without letting Raso actually formulate a sensible question.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] You people call upon people like me when you need help ... or something like that. I was told me some weird, robed guy you had done this before. Someone named [i]Mosachiden[/i], I think ... [i]Raso jumped back in alarm.[/i] [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] Musashiden!? [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Yeah, that was it. Anyway, this guy told me that this Musashiden was captured by some bad guys and so they called another Hero, and they got me this time. I guess I have spent the last week or so being unconscious and just woke up some three hours ago atop a mountain by some water source named Aqualin. The guy told me I am supposed to save this place from those bad guys ... but that isn't going to be easy, as I'm sure you could imagine. So I came down to this village to see if there would be anyone interested in helping me out. [i]Raso was absolutely amazed. He was actually looking at, and having a conversation with a real and true Hero!, unlike all those other children around the village who only train to try and be like a Hero. However, Raso maintained his composure, because he had already known of the dilemma the Allucaneet Kingdom was in, and knew that a second Hero was called. He just never knew he would ever get to speak to him ...[/i] [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] Yeah ... we around here know of the so-called "Ultimate Weapon" the Thirstquencher Empire is allegedly creating. However, we try to remain optimistic and live out our days without worry. We put our faith in those Heroes who are called forth to save us. I never thought one would actually need help, though. [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Yeah ... [i]Great, just what Kamikasai needed: to feel like he cannot do things on his own. He let out a discontented sigh and just stared at the countertop. An awkward silence fills the room ...[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] I could help you ... [i]Kamikasai's heart skipped a beat in shock of what he had just heard. He looked up at the boy with eyes of wonder and hope.[/i] [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] It's going to be pretty dangerous. Are you sure you can handle it? [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/color][/b] Sure, no problem. I have been training in the ways of battle since I was 9, and I am currently 19. So that is 10 years of experience under my belt. My father was a Solider in the Allucaneet Army. He disappeared into Somnolent Forest along with other Soldiers all that time ago ... I don't know, I guess adventure and pride are just in my blood. [i]Kamikasai's glum persona changed immediately as he became very jovial with his blue eyes shining brightly.[/i] [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] That's great! But two people ... I don't think just you and I will be enough. Do you know anyone else who might be able to help us? This village is empty outside, and I do not just want to start knocking on doors. [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] I know there are some people in this town who would be crazy enough to help you, and, with me by your side as a familiar, they will not find it so awkward that some kid just came up to them and asked them to help save the world. However, I must warn you, the people who will help us are probably going to be young. The adults in this town are the kind of people who would rather stay here and protect the home front. Those with the gumption to go out and explore are more likely to be between your and my age. [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/color][/b] That's fine, we will need any help we can get. How will we get the word out? [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] Well, let me go upstairs and tell my mother what is happening. Then we will go out into the village center where there is a small fountain. You can just stand upon that and start shouting for people to come out, then tell your story. Then, after that, the people we gather and ourselves will post up signs around the village so any wanderers from people who spend time in the Somnolent Forest will come here and see them. Our group can stay here at the Inn until then. I will be lenient for this time and not make any of us pay, but after we start our journey and sometimes return here we will have to start forking over some Dran, even myself. Once we have a sufficient amount of people, and I shall let you decide on that, we can make way. [color=crimson][b]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Wow! Great plan. You thought that up pretty quick. [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] Well, I am a Soldier in training. Tactical skills are something I am good with ... All right, give me a moment to go up and talk to my mother. I'll be right back down. By the way, my name is Raso, Raso Aramai. [i]With that, Raso darted up the stairs to go talk to his mother. Kamikasai was full of energy now. Perhaps this venture would not be so bad after all. With a guy like Raso by his side, it could be some smooth sailing ... well, smoother than it would be without a group of people. Interrupting Kamikasai's excitement and thought, he heard the sound of crying from above him. He guessed Raso's mom was not taking the news that her son was about to embark on a perilous journey was not too easy for her to take. A couple more minutes passed before he heard Raso coming back down the stairs. Raso appeared around the corner walking briskly towards Kamikasai, his mother walking out more slowly behind him with a smile on her face, but wiping tears from her eyes with a tissue; she stopped beside the counter and sighed.[/i] [color=red][b]Mother:[/b][/color] You boys and your adventures ... [i](to Kamikasai)[/i] Hi, I am Raso's mother. [i]Kamikasai smiled and waved as Raso began to speak.[/i] [color=darkred][b]Raso:[/b][/color] She said she will assist us by making the signs to post around the village while you and I make the public announcement. [i]His mother nodded approvingly with a smile on her face, but those tears still slowly forming in her eyes. It was obvious she did not want the same to to happen to Raso that happened to her husband, but knew she could not stop him from making such bold, honorable decisions. He was a big boy now...[/i] [b][color=darkred]Raso:[/b][/color] You ready? [b][color=crimson]Kamikasai:[/b][/color] Yeah! [i]Kamikasai and Raso ran outside where Raso showed Kamikasai the fountain new far off from the Inn where the fountain was in the middle of all village square that all the shops surrounded, as his mother began making signs with paper and pen within the Inn. Kamkasai climbed upon the fountain edge and began shouting for the attention of the villagers as Raso ran around knocking loudly upon doors and proclaiming announcements need to be made. Slowly, but surely, all the villagers (except for Raso's mother) had made their way to the square and crowded in front of the fountain where Kamikasai was still up on the fountain ledge and Raso was on the ground by him. Kamikasai then told his announcement to the crowd. Many of the adults smiled pleasingly, but did not agree to travel alongside them. Other's even laughed a bit. The crowd then began to disperse, but it could be seen that some figures were not moving as in they planned on staying and hearing more. They were younger, just like Raso had said, but they would do ...[/i][/size]
  4. [size=1][u][b]Chosen Ones[/u][/b][list=1] [*][b]Keizo Zuka[/b] [I]Hero[/I] (James) [*][b]Ruben Thorne[/b] [I]Thief[/I] (Baron Samedi) [*][b]Kamikasai[/b] [I]Hero[/I] (PiroMunkie) [*][b]Melon Straubarri[/b] [I]Wizard[/I] (Arcadia) [*][b]?Pooka? Pao[/b] [I]Wizard[/I] (terra) [*][b]Rosalynn[/b] [I]Thief[/I] (Queen Asuka) [*][b]Zephir[/b] [I]Wizard[/I] (Xra) [*][b]Kaizen[/b] [I]Hero[/I] (Lan) [*][b]Cane Atalot[/b] [I]Soldier[/I] (Ben) [*][b]Raso Aramai[/b] [I]Solider[/I] (Break) [/list]These are the select people that I have chosen to participate in this RPG. Also, I reiterate, if you have not read the second big long post in the sign-up thread, I recommend you do so. Those who have not filled up your items should probably do that as well, unless you just want to start out with nothing, which is okay. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34615&perpage=15&pagenumber=2[/url] [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b]Skyday - 12:03 p.m.[/b] [color=crimson][I]The warm noon Sun shined down from its ever moving place in the sky. The people of Grillin Village are busy among their work and household chores. The creatures of the Somnolent Forest, both innocent and evil, scurry or lurk about. The river waters sing the tune of the day all throughout the Twinpeak Mountain area. Even those Thirstquencher Guards on patrol cannot help but enjoy the day as it is. Atop the right peak of Twinpeak Mountain, the Sun comforted the presence of two figures. One was standing patiently looking in the direction of the other. Clothed in a brown, hooded robe with elaborate gold design along the bottom. The hood drawn over the face so that no identity could be made. The other person lay sprawled on his stomach, unconscious, upon the grassy top near the water line of the majestic body of water that was Aqualin. His fiery red-orange hair mirrored the Sun?s warmth. Dressed in a white gi, with red under-clothing. Light, cool breezes passed by upon the mountain top faintly stirring the green blades of grass upon which both figures were and rippling the clear, blue water of Aqualin. After an undetermined time of being unconscious, the fire-haired boy?s eyes began to flutter, and his limbs moved as they awoke from their rest. Taking his time, but not taking notice of the other figure behind him, the boy raised himself to his feet. He was not too tall. Five feet, nine inches at the most. Thin, but well built; though not necessarily muscular. He rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand as it felt sore like it had been struck with a blunt object. Gazing into the sky with his blue-green eyes he let out a sigh of content with an undertone of confusion.[/I] Where am I? [I]He thought to himself as he dropped his hand back to his side, and began scratching his head in thought with the other?[/I] WHO am I? [I]Before the boy could think any further, a voice broke the silence answering the question like his mind had been read.[/I][/color] [b]---:[/b] Kamikasai. Your name is Kamikasai. [color=crimson][I]The boy whipped around to see the robed figure standing a few paces away at the edge of the mountain top. Kamikasai narrowed his eyes in a vain attempt to see into the hood, and then spoke aloud.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] I know this much. I was questioning where the heck I came from. It is this that is a mystery to me. Where did I come from? How did I get here? Where [I]is[/I] here? What am I doing here?? [color=crimson][I]The robed figure raised a solitary hand to quiet the boy?s rant.[/I][/color] [b]---:[/b] Your neck is sore. Take a drink from Aqualin. [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai flashed a quick look of puzzlement, but figured the robed figure meant the small lake of water behind him. So he turned and knelt down by the waterside. Kamikasai bent over and cupped his hands together bringing some water up to his mouth. He sipped from Aqualin giving him an amazing refreshment. It felt as though the moment his lips touched the water, his neck became better. The water was nice and cold; fresh and crisp. In a subtle sense of awe, Kamikasai stood up shaking his hands off, and turned back to the robed figure.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] So? what is your name? [b]---:[/b] ? Seer. My name is Seer. [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai chuckled on the inside. It seemed this guy enjoyed repeating his information, but he would not comment on it. Instead he inquired something that popped into his mind.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] Is that your name? Or is it your profession? [color=crimson][I]Seer remained silent and unmoving. He let Kamikasai just dwell in thought. Whether or not ?Seer? was truly his name, or if he was in fact a seer, was irrelevant to the moment.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] Do not trifle with such questions. For both you and I know that you possess such of which the answers hold more importance to you. I am here to explain these to you. [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai nodded understandingly.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] Go ahead then, Seer. What is going on? [color=crimson][I]Seer exhaled softly. There was much to say.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] Let us see? Where do I begin? I think starting in personal matters will work? Kamikasai, as you have probably figured out, you are not from here. You were brought here by the Princess Poisson, the lady of the kingdom from which I come. She brought you here from your own world. Where your world is, what it looks like I do not know, for I have not been there. Though I do know that you age much more slowly in that world. We had another person from your world summoned before you, he had been here a few hundred years before as well. Back then he was just a kid. When he came back recently, he was probably around your age? [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai put his hand up to stop Seer from continuing.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] This other person from my world? what is his name? [b]Seer:[/b] He is a Legendary Hero in this world, and a brave fencer at that. Musashiden is his name. [color=crimson][I]The name ?Musashiden? sang a familiar tune in Kamikasai mind, but he could not recall why it was familiar to him at the time?[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] ? Hero? [b]Seer:[/b] Musashiden saved my kingdom of Allucaneet from the Thirstquencher Empire and an evil monster known in the legends as the Wizard of Darkness. This is relative to why you were brought here? Kamikasai, you too are a hero. Another evil has arisen within the Thirstquencher Empire. You were brought here to destroy it. [b]Kamikasai:[/b] What?! [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai stumbled back in surprise, almost falling into Aqualin. Seer had suspected this, and released a calming sigh. He knew that the thought that one had to destroy an evil power was not light on the mind. He was pretty sure it was nearly crushing Kamikasai, but there was no other choice. His princess was captured, and even if she was not, they could not even get into the castle down to the specialized Binchotite crystal in order to bring through another Hero. Besides, Kamikasai cannot return to his home world until his task is complete.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] A week or two ago, the Thirstquencher Empire, my kingdom?s long time enemy, attacked Allucaneet Kingdom with a vast ocean of soldiers. Grillin Village, a village just outside the walls of Allucaneet Palace, was the first to fall as it was pillaged and burned. Most escaped, but a few were captured. Thirstquencher then stormed through the gate to Allucaneet Palace. By then we had sent out our soldiers, but we just did not have enough ready. While the battle went on, the princess, myself, and a few others made our way down to the lowest level of the palace into a secret room where a specially prepared Binchotite crystal. The princess performed the Hero Summon, being the only one that can do it, and we were once more given the brave fencer Musashiden. We were quick to fill him in on what was happening and he immediately rushed out ready to fight with the Legendary Swords of Fusion and Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence. He plowed through Thirstquencher?s Army and made his way to the Thirstquencher Empire. When he arrived in the main chamber, he came to face an unknown power who had taken the throne, with its previous ruler at his side. This caught Musashiden off guard, he was expecting just a normal person. Before he could do anything, the unknown ruler harnessed a great amount of Bincho Power with the intent of trapping Musashiden within it. Musashiden, knowing he was beat, thought quickly gathering what power he could, and tossing the two swords through the roof of the castle into nowhere. Shortly after, Musashiden was trapped within a Bincho Field. This news came back to us when Emperor R. Senic returned to the palace and ordered a continued assault from what was left of his Army. Though saddened by the fact that Musashiden was defeated, we were forced to bring another hero if we were going to stand any sort of chance. So Princess Poisson performed the Hero Summon once more, and out you came. Just as any hero we call upon always is, you were a bit dazed and confused. Unfortunately, you were unarmed as well. It was at this time that we heard the door to the palace break down. Thirstquencher knew of that room we were in, as they found it when Musashiden first came. So you were knocked out, which is why your neck was sore, and I was ordered to escape through a secret passage and bring you here to Aqualin. Fortunately, Thirstquencher has never been able to reach either peak of this mountain. We are on the right peak. The left peak has never been reached by anyone of Allucaneet or Thirstquencher. Though, it is said that Musashiden once reached its peak. It is unknown what he found up there. I stayed up here with you for a couple weeks, waiting until you woke up. That brings us to now? [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai was speechless. He tried to talk, but nothing came out. He was a hero? Why did he not feel like one? Now, on top of it all, he had to save the world? Kamikasai closed his mouth and averted his eyes to the side settling himself down. It was all so much to take. There was no way he could be a hero. His mind was filled with doubt and disbelief as he looked back towards Seer.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] How am I supposed to save the world?? [color=crimson][I]Wait? what was he saying? He did not want to do this! He could not! It was not within his power. Why did it seem like he was accepting this task?[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] Well, I can tell, since you seem to have forgotten most of who you are, that you are going to need help. You can go down to Grillin Village whe-- [b]Kamikasai:[/b] I thought you said Grillin Village was destroyed? [b]Seer:[/b] Grillin Village is an asset to Allucaneet Empire. So it was rebuilt, and the people were let back in. In the village, there is a Binchotite Mine, and only a few of the villagers know there way around it. Unfortunately, all of those villagers were captured. So the mine was closed and locked shut as it is a very dangerous place? [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai nodded in further understanding of the situation, and let Seer go on.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] As I was saying, you can go down to Grillin Village, which can be found at the base of this mountain. There you should find a group of people willing to join you on your journey. Once you have them, come back here. I shall have something for all of you, and I shall give you further instruction. [b]Kamikasai:[/b] Now? what if I choose [I]not[/I] to do all of this? [color=crimson][I]Seer saw this one coming, too. He inhaled deeply and released his breath slowly.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] Then you will never get back to your home, and this world as you know it will be destroyed. [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai blinked with a blank face as he came to a further realization of how drastic this situation really is?[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] Perhaps I should mention that there is a rumor about the unknown ruler of the Thirstquencher Empire, commonly known as the Force, and Emperor R. Senic working on an ?Ultimate Weapon?, which is what they plan to use to take over this world. We do not know if it is in fact real, what is does, what it is, or where they are building it. [b]Kamikasai:[/b] ? Well then? I guess I do not have much of a choice in this? [color=crimson][I]Seer nodded.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] None at all. [color=crimson][I]Both stood in silence for a passing of time as Kamikasai thought about this inevitable and seemingly impossible task that he was faced with. He did not want to think about it too much. He was going to have to do it if he ever wanted to get back to his own world, but still? it was all just too much to take at one time. Never-the-less, he had to make a choice, and he decided it was better now then later? or never.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] Fine? I accept, but surely this mountain has enemies. If Thirstquencher took over the Allucaneet Kingdom, they must have watch over this mountain. [color=crimson][I]Seer chuckled ? a first. This boy was learning quickly. His mind was sharpening with keen logic and observation. Seer put his hands into his robe and pulled out a sword in sheath, and a rolled up piece of cloth. He held the sword upside down with the tip of the blade rested on the ground, and dropped the cloth to the ground where it unrolled revealing an empty canteen, a small pouch, and a packet of five odd tablets?[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] Before I left the palace, I was given these to give to you when you woke up. A Katana, your primary weapon for the time being. This canteen to store water, which you can fill up with Aqualin here. A pouch, which currently holds one loaf of bread as I am sure you are hungry. Finally, this pack of Mint. One tablet will wake you up if you get tired on your journey. [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai approached Seer and retrieved the sword from him, immediately proceeding to tie the sheath around his waste. He then knelt to the ground and picked up the pouch containing the loaf of bread and found that it was able to tie in the back, so he attached it to his belt. He then put the Mint packet inside a pocket in his vest which he wore under his gi. Kamikasai carried the canteen over to Aqualin as he removed the cap. He crouched down beside the sparkling water and dipped the canteen into the water and waited for it to fill. After he finished, he strapped the canteen across his chest and faced Seer once more.[/I][/color] [b]Kamikasai:[/b] I am ready. [color=crimson][I]Seer laughed once more as he reached into his robe once more. This time pulling out a rolled up piece of paper? a scroll of magic.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] No you are not? I have here a defensive spell. [color=crimson][I]Seer unrolled the scroll and held it out for Kamikasai to see. Kamikasai walk forward looking at the indistinct writing?[/I][/color] [b]Piron:[/b] I cannot read it? [b]Seer:[/b] Of course you cannot. The writing is ancient. Only I, others like me, and the Pawn Shop owner in Grillin Village can read it. There is a special type of armor that allows you to see this writing in common language, but I shall tell you of that later? Step back. [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai retreated away from Seer as he began to read off the incantation. Each word seemed to flow into the next. Kamikasai was unable to decipher when a phrase began and when it ended. Seer?s voice constantly switched bizarre tones as each sound poured from his mouth. With the final word he shouted. A silent moment passed. A strong gust of wind blasted over the mountain top. Kamikasai?s body began to tingle?The wind died down, and Kamikasai?s body settled?[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] There, it is done. The spell has been cast upon you and is now at your disposal? You are familiar with Bincho Power, yes? [color=crimson][I]Kamikasai nodded.[/I][/color] [b]Seer:[/b] You can now concentrate this into a protective shield around your body. It is only temporary as it will dissipate after it is hit. If you are physically attacked, you will not take any damage. If you are attacked by another?s Bincho Power, you will receive half as much damage as you should. However, if the enemy is excessively powerful, the shield is useless. This is a weak spell, as you can see, but your body cannot hold stronger spells. That is why. [b]Kamikasai:[/b] Right. Is that all? [color=crimson][I]Seer nodded, and without wasting any time Kamikasai ran to the edge of the peak where a pole was stationed on a landing about twenty feet down. Kamikasai leaped to it and slid down to the landing, thus beginning his journey?[/I][/color] [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b]OOC:[/b] [color=red]People should make their way towards Grillin Village, for whatever personal reason, if they are not there already.[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1]Personally, I like my concept, so I am just going to keep with that, lol. I am just going to vary the images (if I can find good ones) and colors. Banners with the same images I shall just host and put in the same post as the original. So here is the next one of mine: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528838[/img] [img]http://members.cox.net/piromunkie/obholidays3.jpg[/img][/size]
  6. [size=1]Bah ... Tony's takes the cake so far. -__-; I shall post still post mine, though. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528767[/img] Lol, Shinobi and I used the same image.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Yes, yes. I accepted your sign-up. ^_^ And so, [b]sign-ups are now officially CLOSED.[/b] The RPG will start soon enough. I hope everyone has read everything.[/size]
  8. [size=1]*drum roll* And the [b]Chosen Ones[/b] are:[list=1] [*] [b]Keizo Zuka[/b] [I]Hero[/I] (James) [*] [b]Ruben Thorne[/b] [I]Thief[/I] (Baron Samedi) [*] [b]Kamikasai[/b] [I]Hero[/I] (PiroMunkie) [*] [b]Melon Straubarri[/b] [I]Wizard[/I] (Arcadia) [*] [b]?Pooka? Pao[/b] [I]Wizard[/I] (terra) [*] [b]Rosalynn[/b] [I]Thief[/I] (Queen Asuka) [*] [b]Zephir[/b] [I]Wizard[/I] (Xra) [*] [b]Kaizen[/b] [I]Hero[/I] (Lan) [*] [b]Cane Atalot[/b] [I]Soldier[/I] (Ben) [*] [b]Raso Aramai[/b] [i]Solider[/i] (Break) [/list=1]I am actually a bit surprised about the shortage of Soldier?s, heh. Looks like Ben knew how to play the field. ^_~ Anyone who has not read all of my posts on the first page, I would reccomend doing so. I explain things a bit further there, especially those people who were a bit confused about the concept of Bincholon. Now that we have that out of the way, here are the maps of certain areas of this RPG along with some descriptions and what enemies are commonly found in them and what their assimilated ability is. The abilities marked with an * are active once they are absorbed and wear off after a while. Keep in mind that, on the Grillin Village/Somnolent Forest and Twinpeak Mountain maps, the thin paths are just the walk-able area. Along the side there may be heavy brush, water, or whatever else. [center][b][u]Grillin Village/Somnolent Forest[/u][/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/grillin.gif[/img][/center] The deeper the shade of green is, mean the area is higher in elevation. Unless there is an arrow joining the two colors together, then you cannot reach the other level without climbing. The Legendary Brace armor is needed in order to climb. [b]1. Inn -[/b] The best place to get some decent sleep. Sleeping here allows your health and Bincho Power to recover fully, as opposed to sleeping outside. It cost 80 Dran to sleep here per time, and 5 hours pass every time you sleep here. [ Always Open ] [b]2. Bakery -[/b] Recover lost Bincho Power by eating bread and drinking milk. Bread costs 120 Dran and milk costs 70 Dran. Both can prove useful but these products will spoil if not used within a week. Water can also be bought here for 25 Dran. It does not spoil, but does not help you as much as Bread or Milk. [ Opens - 10:00 ; Closes - 19:00 ; Closed - Tuesday, Thursday ] [b]3. Grocery -[/b] Sells various items to increase your health such as medicines, Antidote, and Mint. Antidote is 250 Dran, any First Aid packs are 175 Dran, and Mint is 100 Dran. [ Opens - 9:00 ; Closes - 19:00 ; Closed - Wednesday ] [b]4. Restaurant -[/b] A place for villagers to get together and socialize. Useful information may be obtained here, but it does not help your health or Bincho Power, so do not waste money buying things. [ Opens - 19:00 ; Closes - 7:00 ; Closed - Sunday ] [b]5. Pawn Shop -[/b] Any items gathered may be brought here for appraisal. Certain items may prove to be useful, while others can be sold. Prices vary depending on the item. It is also a place to gamble for more Dran, but be careful. [ Opens - 11:00 ; Closes - 20:00 ; Closed - Skyday ] [b]6. Toy Store -[/b] A variety of action figures may be purchased here - check back often for new arrivals. The older toys are, the more expensive become. Starting prices are 500 Dran. [ Opens - 7:00 ; Closes - 17:00 ; Closed - Monday ] [b]7. Bank -[/b] Store your Dran here if you believe you are carrying around too much. It costs 200 Dran to activate an account, and at least 20 Dran must be put in each time. You may also store non-perishable (do not spoil) items here for a cost of 10 Dran per item. However, only five may be kept in stock at a time. [ Opens - 9:00 ; Closes - 19:00 ; Closed - Saturday ] [u][b]Enemies[/b][/u] [I]Grillin Village[/I] [b]Thirstquencher Guards -[/b] They will only be armed with a sword and shield here. However, it would not be wise to attack them being that you will be arrested on the spot. Unless you intentionally piss them off, chances are they will not try to attack you. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Stun[/u]: Temporarily paralyze some of your opponents.] [I]Somnolent/Wandering Forest[/I] [b]Thirstquencher Guards -[/b] Armed with a shield and lance. Very quick and very powerful. They will hide in the brush and charge out from there. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Lance[/u]: Tosses a telekinetic lance at opponent.] [b]Man Eaters -[/b] Little white blobs with eyes and a mouth. They can stretch their mouths open enough to swallow an entire person. Sneaky little creatures. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Satiate[/u]: Bincho Power slowly increases for a short amount of time.]* [b]Hop Flowers -[/b] Large, pink flowers that lay closed on the ground. When one comes too close it opens up and chases after the person bouncing on its roots. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Hop[/u]: Able to jump longer distances, but wears off once the targeted obstacle is cleared.]* [b]Magicians -[/b] Floating figures in purple, hooded cloaks. They can disappear and reappear to avoid things as well as temporarily shrink any opposition. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Shrink[/u]: Temporarily shrink your enemies (about a foot tall). Squish ?em!] [b]Sleepies -[/b] Man-sized mushrooms. They stand upright asleep until woken by the presence of another. They wobble after their prey and shake a white dust at them which makes them tired. To many hits of this and you temporarily fall asleep where they can just start hitting you. Often found on narrow walkways where it is hard to pass them. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Sleep[/u]: Temporarily makes you very tired. All actions are reduced to a slow speed.]* [b]Poison Plants -[/b] Scattered about the forest. They cannot move because they are stuck in their pot, but they can shoot a series of three poison blobs and stab you with their needle-nose if you get too close. While the poison blobs will not actually poison you if hit by them, they do burn the skin. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Mint[/u]: During the period that it is active, you cannot become tired.]* [b]Bee Plants -[/b] Found in the Wandering Forest. Similar to the Poison Plants, except that they cannot shoot poison. They merely stab at anything that comes near them. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Perfume[/u]: Temporarily surrounded by a cloud of fragrance. You cannot be harmed by any normal enemy while this lasts.]* [u]Hazards[/u] [b]Thorns -[/b] Thick vines covered with giant thorns that lay across the path. Cannot be cleared by a normal jump. (must assimilate the Hop ability from a Hop Flower) [b]Steam Leaks -[/b] If Steamwood begins to break down, some of the various pipes that run through certain areas of the forest will begin to leak a scalding steam. (must fix Steamwood) [center][b][u]Twinpeak Mountain[/u][/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/twinpeak.gif[/img][/center] Pretty much just assume that any empty space is water with a current. The three light blue areas above the two mountains signify calm water, except for the middle area which is a waterfall. [b]1. Hell?s Valley -[/b] It was once a high security prison. It takes four switches pressed simultaneously to open the gates. [b]2. Aqualin -[/b] The source of all water that flows through Twinpeak Mountain. The water at this summit can help restore some health and cure any poison. Also, when it is mixed with a bloomed bud of Mysteria, a special flower found in the center of the Underground Lake (Binchotite Mine), it creates Remedy which can prevent certain things from happening ? [u][b]Enemies[/b][/u] [b]Thirstquencher Guards -[/b] [b]1.[/b] Armed with a shield and lance. Very quick and very powerful. They will hide in the brush and charge out from there. [Assimilated Ability: (See Above)] [b]2.[/b] They will be armed with a sword and shield. [Assimilated Ability: (See Above)] [b]3.[/b] Armed with Bincho Guns. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Gunshot[/u]: Shoot telekinetic bullets at your enemy. Rapid fire is possible.] [b]Man Eaters -[/b] Little white blobs with eyes and a mouth. They can stretch their mouths open enough to swallow an entire person. Sneaky little creatures. Found on the base areas of Twinpeak. [Assimilated Ability: (See Above)] [b]Magicians -[/b] Floating figures in purple, hooded cloaks. They can disappear and reappear to avoid things as well as temporarily shrink any opposition. [Assimilated Ability: (See Above)] [b]Sleepies -[/b] Man-sized mushrooms. They stand upright asleep until woken by the presence of another. They wobble after their prey and shake a white dust at them which makes them tired. To hits of this and you temporarily fall asleep where they can just start hitting you. Often found on narrow walkways where it is hard to pass them. [Assimilated Ability: (See Above)] [b]Poison Plants -[/b] They cannot move because they are stuck in their pot, but they can shoot a series of three poison blobs and stab you with their needle-nose if you get too close. While the poison blobs will not actually poison you if hit by them, they do burn the skin. [Assimilated Ability: (See Above)] [b]Mosquitos -[/b] While they are not all that dangerous, they are quite annoying and can make you itchy. If it gets bad, the bites can be healed with Antidote. [Cannot Assimilate] [u]Hazards[/u] [b]Water -[/b] It may sound silly, but no one has the ability to swim. So falling in the water would be a bad thing. (use Water Scroll to form temporary bubble around you, or build a raft.) [b]Long Falls -[/b] You are on a mountain path, meaning the higher you are up, the farther you can fall. Obviously if you slip off an edge and fall down a ways you are going to get hurt. (just do not fall off, lol) [b]Water Pour -[/b] In each mountain, there is an area where you pass through a hollow area. In the hollow area is a series of landing with a gap between them. Periodically, a stream of water will pour from above which will push you down into the pool below if you get caught in it. (time your jump right between the end of one stream and the beginning of another.) [b]Shakey Bridge -[/b] Mid-way up the mountains is a bridge connecting the two of them. However, it is very damaged with several missing wooden planks missing out of the bottom. (be careful with your footing.) [center][b][u]Binchotite Mine[/u][/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/mine.gif[/img][/center] Pretty much any area except for the paths at the main entrance all have paths that stand above a vast cavern. So falling would not be a good thing. [u][b]Enemies[/b][/u] [b]Poison Sleepies -[/b] Similar to the regular Sleepies, except that their dust poisons you. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Toxin[/u]: Feel temporarily poisoned.]* [b]Bincho Eaters -[/b] Similar to Man Eater except that they do not try to eat people, rather their bites will absorb Bincho Power from their prey. They are not seen at first, until they drop from above. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Rip-off[/u]: For a short amount of time, every hit you take slightly boosts your Bincho Power.]* [b]Flyers -[/b] Pesky flying rodents. Found in the empty, cavernous areas of the mine. They will line themselves up with their prey and fly in quickly for a quick bite and fly away. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Firefly[/u]: Temporarily surrounded by light so you can guide your way through dark areas.]* [b]Snakes -[/b] Often found in groups rolling down the sides of the walls of the mine. They are not poisonous, but their bites can pack quite a wallop. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Antidote[/u]: Cures any poison you might have acquired.] [b]Giant Ants -[/b] Found in any area right of the Air Duct. The ants areabout twice the size of a normal person, and not only have the sharp pinchers by their moths, but can release poisonous blobs of liquid Binchotite from the back end. [Cannot Assimilate] [b]Fire Fish -[/b] Found in the Underground Lake and the area where the Well feeds from, the fish leap from the water and shoot balls of fire at unsuspecting victims. [Cannot Assimilate] [u]Hazards[/u] [b]Boulders -[/b] Continuously fall down the walls in some areas of the mine. (time yourself right, and you can get through) [b]Binchotite Deposits -[/b] Binchotite exists in its natural state as a liquid and is very poisonous if touched. Some rooms have large pools of this with only narrow walkways to get oneself through. (do not fall in and you will be fine) [b]Air Vent -[/b] On the map, it is the octagonal shapes between the Scrap Depository and the Underground Lake. The top shape with where the actual fan it. The blades go on and off. Do not go through it while it is going. If you are above it while it is going, you will be lifted up into the air, and left for a free fall once it stops. It is best to climb down the wall below it once it stops. (wait until the blade stops, and climb up or down the wall) [center][b][u]Ice Palace/Thieves? Hideout[/u][/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/palace.gif[/img][/center] I am going to take the time to point out that this place?s title as the ?Thieves? Hideout? does not apply to characters whose class is Thief. The Ice Palace was once a fortress for a certain sanction of the Thirstquencher Empire. Obviously this place is frozen over completely. The medium blue is the main level, the light blue means it is above the main level, and that dark blue area is a Pitfall. Also, the red area straight from the main entrance as well as the spiral staircase are all ramped. Being that they are covered in ice, you cannot walk up them without the armor of the Legendary Shoes. Arrows that can be seen through an area simply means there is path under the above object. [u][b]Enemies[/b][/u] [b]Poison Flowers -[/b] Similar to Hop Flowers, except the their hit rubs off a poison which makes a person ill. [Assimilated Ability: [u]X-Ray[/u]: See through walls. Can be used once per assimilation.] [b]Waddles -[/b] Penguin-like creatures with very sharp beaks. They will slide on the icy floors in attempt to ram their victim. After a few hits from an opponent, their head will pop off revealing a Bincho Gun that fires at random while it moves around at random. [Cannot Assimilate] [b]Ice Plants -[/b] Similar to the Bee and Poison plants, except that these fire a series of three shots of ice spikes. Upon a hit, the person will be temporarily frozen in a cube of ice. Physical damage is taken by this. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Crystal[/u]: Surrounded by a protective sphere of ice. Protects you from one hit, then it shatters.]* [b]Kung Fu Wolves -[/b] Crazy wolf-like creatures often found in packs of at least three. They hop around in the ?crane? stance like that of the Karate Kid and leap at an opponent with a mighty kick. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Boot[/u]: An unnecessarily powerful kick.] [b]Hurls -[/b] Giant, bipedal, gorilla-like beasts. While they do not actually bring any damage to you, they can toss you about uncontrollably into possible hazards. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Hurl[/u]: Toss most enemies hard against the wall or any possible hazards.] [b]Stomps -[/b] Humungous, steel monsters that look like a very small mountain. They will float in the air until something passes under them, in which they drop themselves to the ground. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Steel[/u]: Temporarily become steel and break through certain things as well as be invulnerable.]* [b]Clones -[/b] Geometric, humanoid creatures with no special detail to them. Upon coming within the same room as a person they immediately copy every move of that person. You move forward, it moves forward. You go left, it goes left. You jump, it jumps. It may not seem all that dangerous, but they are electrically charged and acquire a mock version of whatever weapon the person they are following may have. [Assimilated Ability: [u]Clone[/u]: Create an unmoving copy of yourself and it works as a time bomb.] [u]Hazards[/u] [b]Pitfall -[/b] That dark blue area on the map. (do not fall in, or you die. Simple as that.) [b]Ice Spikes -[/b] Impenetrable spikes of ice that stick up from the ground. Often found in large groups. (walk around them, or melt them with the Fire Scroll) [b]Steel Spikes -[/b] Steel spikes set up in blocking a path. (must assimilate the Steel ability and charge through them.) [center][b][u]Thirstquencher Empire[/u][/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/thirstquencher.jpg[/img] [b][u]Allucaneet Kingdom[/u][/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/allucaneet.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Legendary Armor[/b][/u] Obviously there is only one of each Legendary Armor piece, you are all free to find your own pieces of armor similar to these, they are just not ?Legendary?. Also, these Armor do NOT count as items. [b]Legendary Brace -[/b] Allows a person to climb with greater ease up or down steep walls. [b]Legendary Belt -[/b] Allows wearer to jump higher and with greater agility. [b]Legendary Vest -[/b] Increases attack speed. [b]Legendary Goggles -[/b] Appraise items by yourself on the spot. [b]Legendary Shoes -[/b] Reduces slipping on frozen and surfaces, as well as reducing fatigue. [b]Legendary Cloth -[/b] Used to make Legendary Quilt or Legendary Gloves. [b]Legendary Quilt -[/b] Reduces tiredness faster than if you just fell asleep (outside the Inn).* [b]Legendary Gloves -[/b] Increases critical attack.* * If you choose to find the Cloth Armor, you must choose between the Quilt or the Gloves. Consult a Knitter in Grillin Village to get whichever you choose made. [b][u]Five Scrolls[/u][/b] Each scroll possesses its own unique powers and can only be used and freed through Lumina. (do not count as items) [b]Earth Scroll -[/b] Originally found at the top of one of the peaks of Twinpeak Mountain. The Earth Scroll allows its users to create earthquakes, stun enemies, make boulders fall, among other things. [center][img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/earth.gif[/img][/center] [b]Water Scroll -[/b] Originally found down a well. The Water Scroll allows its user to walk on water and shoot water bubbles (rapid fire possible), among other things. [center][img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/water.gif[/img][/center] [b]Fire Scroll -[/b] Originally found on Dragon Island. The Fire Scroll allows its user to attack, melt ice, and light some objects on fire, among other things. [center][img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/fire.gif[/img][/center] [b]Wind Scroll -[/b] Originally found in a cave somewhere in the well. The Wind Scroll allows its user to create cyclones, go against strong wind, may dig holes in some places, among other things. [center][img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/wind.gif[/img][/center] [b]Sky Scroll -[/b] Originally found beyond the Wind Crest in the area next to Steamwood. The Sky Scroll allows its user to hover off the ground at any distance. The user can go up,down, left, or right; but not back or forth. [center][img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/sky.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Concept of Time[/b][/u] A day consists of 24 hours, and a week has seven days (nothing unusual, I hope). The day of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Skyday, Saturday, and Sunday. Some shops in Grillin Village will be closed during certain hours or on certain days. [b]Tiredness -[/b] Increases as time passes. It can be reduced by sleeping or eating Mint. [b]Health -[/b] Slowly increases as time passes if you have lost health as long as you are not hit by anything, but at the same time you lose Bincho Power. [b]Bincho Power -[/b] Decreases as time passes. It can be regained by sleeping in the Inn or your home, or partially assimilating an enemy so you get some of their Bincho Power instead of their ability. [b][u]Assimilation[/u][/b] No one has this ability at first. This will be attained near the beginning of the RPG, though. Until then, you cannot use this ability. When you are able to assimilate an ability, know that using the ability slightly reduces your Bincho Power each time unless you do not complete a full assimilation in which you gain Bincho Power. [b][u]Spells[/b][/u] You can learn new spells throughout the duration of the RPG. Spells can be found on anything from written a scroll (not like the Five Scrolls; actual paper) to chiseled in a slab of stone. However, the language of which the spell in written in is unreadable; not even recognizable as a spell, just scribbles. It must be brought to the Pawn Shop to be deciphered and appraised (with the exception that you have the Goggles Armor, in which you can appraise it on site). Of course, if you already have you maximum number of spells you have to choose whether or not you want to substitute one spell for another. [b]Everyone starts with 1000 Dran.[/b][/size]
  9. [size=1]Trunks tries to go to the future to warn the Z Fighters about the androids. Cell knocks him out and travels to the future instead. Trunks uses another machine to go to the future. The Z Fighters, along with Trunks, fight off the androids and Cell and end up killing Cell. Trunks travels back in time since he is now more than strong enough to defeat the androids and Cell of his time since the Cell of his time had not absorbed anyone yet. Basically, Trunks' timeline and the Z Fighters' timeline are not connected. He traveled back in time to stop the same horror which happened in the Z Fighters' timeline from happening. I think that is what you wanted to know ...[/size]
  10. [size=1]Heh, I should also probably add that Bincholon is not neccessarily an item. Characters naturally have a set Bincho Power. Bincholon is not really something a person can phsyically carry around since it is pretty much a concentrated form of energy. It is pretty much absorbed once you touch it. Each character has a set amount of max Bincho Power they can hold. Soldiers, Theives, and Heroes are all pretty much the same, and obviously Wizards can hold more. As experience progresses, people will be able to hold more, but in relativity. A Soldier/Theif/Hero will never be as skilled with magic as a Wizard is, but a Wizard will never be as good of a fighter as a Soldier/Theif/Hero. Bincho Power is attained either just by finding a random ball of it somewhere - these are usually smaller, thus not holding as much - or if an enemy is defeated they leave their Bincho Power behind and is available for the taking. So yeah, do not worry about Bincholon. I doubt it will ever become much of a shortage. Make room for more useful items. ^_^[/size]
  11. [size=1]Nefertimon, to better your chances of actually being chosen for the RPG I would try not to be so sensational about your character -which I may understand could be a bit difficult being a Wizard -, particularly in your biography. For example, the part about defending Grillin Village is very shakey, because it is not needed at all, nor is it logical that a child would defend a town. The Thirstquencher Guards that reside in the town are there to defend it. It is there job to mkae sure nothing comes and tries to destroy it or take it over. Also, keep in mind your secondary spells [i]are[/i] in fact secondary, and are thus not as strong. Choose which one you think would be the most effective as your Primary Spell keeping in mind elemental spells are naturally more powerful than regular. I might also add that your "Song of the Siren" spell is not Earthly. "Earth" relates to that of the phsyical aspect of earth, such as rock, granite, and dirt. In your items, you do not need to have any money listed. That will be given to those who make it in the respective post. Also, as I said in the original post, Mint comes in packs of five. So you would not just have a "couple" of them, unless you mean a couple of packs which would count as 2 items meaning you have 10 Mint all together.[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon[/i] [b][color=indigo](Can I have more than one if I'm a wizard?)[/color][/b][/quote][size=1]... and that tells me you did not read the original post well enough. You would know that answer if you had read it completely. Shame on you ... Yes, you can. You can have a max of three secondary spells just as you had listed.[/size]
  12. [size=1]Eh ... it seems like a failry over-done style of layout. I see it on a lot of blogs and fanlistings, and it just gets old after a while. I mean, you can how all the pretty images and graphics you want, but how they are arranged is the whole point of web design. So yeah ... that is just a very common ... arrangement.[/size]
  13. [size=1]Baron Samedi, your spell is okay, but I would put these limits on it: 1) Only one can be made at a time. 2) They have no attack or defense power; meaning they hold no use in a battle, but act moreso as "errand runners." 3) Each one only exists for a duration of two minutes, relatively. The reason I limit it so is because having a spell which creates something that thinks and moves independently is enough already for a character who is not of Wizard class. ^_^; Okay, I am going to post my sign-up to keep this thread a bit more alive, heh. I know some might think "Hey, your starting place in Aqualin! I thought that was off limits!! :mad::mad::mad:", but the reason it is off limits is because I am starting there and certain events happen there at the start. ^_^ [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kamikasai [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Class:[/b] Hero [b]Description:[/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/kamikasai.jpg[/img] Those are the swords Fusion and Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence, in his hands. However, he does not actually have those, yet. [b]Bio:[/b] At the start of this RPG, Kamikasai finds himself alone with another mysterious figure at Aqualin. He does not know much of his own history aside from his name. The figure with him tells Kamikasai how he got where he is, and what he was brought here to do - save the world. Kamikasai goes into denial about what the figure tells him, but is given no choice in the matter. He must either accept his task, or die with the rest of the world. The figure arms him and supplies him, and then leave him with his quest. He must gather all Five Scrolls, what Legendary Armor he can, and destroy the Thirstquencher Empire once and for all. However, he cannot do it alone, and will need to overcome his self-doubt and figure out who exactly he is in order to do so. [b]Starting Point:[/b] Aqualin [b]Primary Spell/Weapon:[/b] Katana [b]Secondary Weapon/Item:[/b] [ none ] [b]Items:[/b] Canteen full of Aqualin, Pouch with one loaf of Bread, One pack of Mint [b]Spell(s):[/b] [u]Bincho Shield[/u] - A protective sphere of Bincho Power that surrounds Kamikasai, and dissipates once it is hit. Against a normal enemy it provides full protection against a physical attack, and only half against any magic attack. Against any ?bosses? it provides no protection.[/size]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [B]Hm...I'll have a try. I gather that there's a slightly lighthearted feel to this story, considering the place/character names and stuff. I'll give it a shot. ^_^[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Yes, this will probably be more light-hearted, much like the game itself. I tried to keep as much to the feel of the game in this RPG. I especially enjoy the names of things, lol. It took me forever to figure out "Allucaneet" stood for "All you can eat." ^_^; I must say I enjoy reading your bio, lol. It was very funny, like the part about the blueberry bush. ^_^ Do not worry too much about items. They can be such things as food and drink to just little trinkets that assist you. Like I mentioned, the post I make when I decide who will be in this will include all of the maps and further information about them, such as what kind of food is available in the bakery, grocery, etc. as well as other various information. I did not mention any of that stuff here just to let people be a little creative with the kind of food or drink they may have, or the items they may have since there is no place in Grillin Village that would seel trinkets aside from maybe the Pawn Shop. So I am not going to think any less of anyone's sign-up if they do not have that area filled out. It can be done if\when they are chosen to be in the RPG, and know exactly what is available.[/size]
  15. [size=1]SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree [b]1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow.[/b] Strongly Agree [b]2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately.[/b] Strongly Agree [As far as I know, anyway. I am not familiar with all of the staff here. o_O] [b]3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate.[/b] Agree [Too many Stickies at the top of a forum make it ugly and just a bit confusing. [b]4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere.[/b] Agree SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. [b]5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards?[/b] Every day for extended periods of time, whether I post or not. [b]6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are?[/b] They are fine. [b]7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards?[/b] Sure. It cannot hurt ... Well, it could, but I have not seen any controversy over it yet. [b]8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)?[/b] Somewhere between the two ... o_O [b]9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards?[/b] Sure. [b]10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com?[/b] Yeap. [b]11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future?[/b] ... Yeap. [b]12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards?[/b] Definately. [b]13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting?[/b] OtakuPublic [b]14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service?[/b] I do not understand how this would be done exactly, but right off the back I would say probably not. I do not think it is neccessary. [b]15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it?[/b] I do not believe in cell phones. [b]16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum?[/b] I have yet to even be interested in participating in one, so it makes no difference to me. [b]17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] I think what should be covered is covered, really ... [b]18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Otaku Confidential, lol. Just kidding. ^_~ [b]19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be?[/b] A doomsday device. [b]20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered?[/b] 8.4589023455341534908564585675673479058902360987606902378458934603567098603468907[/size]
  16. [size=1]I have had this RPG written up for about a year or so now, lol. I figured I would give it a go and see what happens. To begin with, those of you that wish to join do not have to have experience playing the actual game of which this RPG is based. This storyline does not have much to do with the plot of the game itself, and the part that does is explained somewhere amongst all this typing. Secondly, I shall be selectively choosing those who will play in this RPG based upon your sign-ups. Those who make it, make it; those who do not, do not. Period. By a PG13 rating, I mean there will probably be casual swearing and violence which could get fairly graphic depending on the player. With that aside, let us begin. [center]=|--------------------|= [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/bfmtrban.gif[/img] [i]The Legend of Musashiden[/i][/center][/size] [b]O[/b][size=1]ver one hundred and fifty years ago, a giant monster suddenly appeared in the Thirstquencher Empire, neighboring country to the Allucaneet Kingdom. This monster was known as the Wizard of Darkness and was a huge creature made almost entirely of a powerful crystal known as Binchotite. After easily destroying the Thirstquencher empire, the monster made way for Allucaneet, seeking the bountiful supply of Binchotite believed to be buried there. The monster destroyed everything along the way. It is believed that many creatures were born of this destruction as the Wizard of Darkness had a strange effect on everything that crossed its path.[/size] [b]U[/b][size=1]pon hearing of the Wizard of Darkness? approach, King Allucaneet ordered the Hero Summon spell to be cast. The Hero Summon is a magical power that is handed down, generation to generation, amongst only the princesses of Allucaneet. A closely guarded state secret, this power is only used as a last resort when the kingdom is faced with great danger. It grants its user the ability to summon a hero through incantations made over a specially prepared crystal of Binchotite. The summoned hero called upon to defeat the Wizard of Darkness was a two-sworded fencer named Musashiden. Musashiden accepted the princess? task and set out on a journey to defeat the Wizard of Darkness.[/size] [b]M[/b][size=1]usashiden and the Wizard of Darkness battled fiercely for a long time. Even for a hero like Musashiden, The Wizard of Darkness proved a formidable foe. Finally, with the help of Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence, Musashiden was able to seal the monster within a magical ward.[/size] [b]I[/b][size=1]t is said that Musashiden then divided the power of the monster into the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Sky, and then sealed them within five crests. These five crests became known as the Five Scrolls and in the years to follow passed into myth along with the legend of the brave fencer, Musashiden. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center][/size] [b]A[/b] [size=1]decade less than a century have passed since the Wizard of Darkness was defeated. The Allucaneet Kingdom has since prospered with great peace and overall wealth of the society. Their neighbors, the Thirstquencher Empire, have long since been rebuilding and repairing the horrid destruction caused by the Wizard of Darkness. Their wealth was depressed, and their morale was even lower. In the midst of this depression, an ominous force approached the throne of the Thirstquencher Empire. He offered Emperor R. Senic, the ruler of the Thirstquencher Empire at the time, great prosperity and power beyond his wildest dreams. All he asked for in return was the throne. With little reluctance, Emperor R. Senic agreed, and this frightening power took over the rule of the Thirstquencher Empire.[/size] [b]I[/b][size=1]ndeed, ten years later, the unknown force?s promise was well at hand. The Thirstquencher Empire had found itself in economic stability, gaining more power every day, and Emperor R. Senic was its right-hand man. He was put in charge of the empire?s entire army, which grew larger each day. Prideful citizens of Thirstquencher rallied together, supplied with only the newest and best defensive and offensive weaponry of the times with credit due to the greater economy. The ruling force of the Thirstquencher Empire was pleased with what it had done. It had the whole empire at it fingertips. With the overwhelming success that it had brought them, the force knew that Emperor R. Senic would do anything of which it told him. So, it turned its powerful eye towards a not-yet-conquered neighbor of the Thirstquencher Empire, of which it seem to have a grudge against, Allucaneet Kingdom. To control Allucaneet was its plan from the beginning, but he knew that the ruler of the kingdom would never step down. The Allucaneet Army was quite expansive, so it had been holding back the idea of invasion. Now, though? now the time was right. The force filled Emperor R. Senic?s mind with the idea that Allucaneet was the reason for his country?s depression. That if it were not for their abundance in Binchotite, the Wizard of Darkness never would have passed through their empire. Deceived, Emperor R. Senic built up a keen hatred for Allucaneet Kingdom.[/size] [b]I[/b][size=1]t was only a matter of months until Emperor R. Senic had readied his troops for invasion. On that fateful day, the Thirstquencher Army stormed the Allucaneet Kingdom. Their main area of attack was Grillin Village, which lie just outside of Allucaneet Palace. The entire village was pillaged and burned. A majority of the people escaped into Somnolent Forest, a handful of people were taken prisoner. The Allucaneet Army flooded out of the palace and clashed with the troops from the Thirstquencher Army, but the Thirstquencher Army was just too big. During the battle, Princess Poisson of the Allucaneet Kingdom ran down to the deepest floor of the palace accompanied by Butler Lobe, Scribe Slink, and Steward Femurson; three statesmen who aid King Allucaneet by looking after the princess. They push through large wooden doors into a vast room with a specially prepared crystal of Binchotite in the middle of it all. With all of her hopes she chanted the Hero Summon spell, and from the Binchotite crystal came the legendary Musashiden ready with his swords: Fusion and Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence. The princess informed him of an evil power that had came to rule over the Thirstquencher Empire, and he accepted the mission. Single-handedly, Musashiden leveled a majority of the Thirstquencher Army as the rest ran away towards Twinpeak Mountain, an area northwest of Grillin Village. Emperor R. Senic retreated back to the Thirstquencher Empire. Musashiden arrived not long after, confronting the mysterious force that seated the throne. The force had its own agenda and trapped Musashiden in a powerful Bincho Field, a diamond-shaped force field of Bincho power, but not before Musashiden launched his two swords through the ceiling of the castle and off into nowhere. For he knew that it was the swords the force wanted, not him. Angered, the force kept Musashiden prisoner along with the people from Grillin Village who were also trapped in Bincho Fields: Mayor, Reverend, all the miners in Binchotite Mine, and four Knights of the Allucaneet Army that happened to be patrolling the area at the time. Emperor R. Senic was sent back to Allucaneet Kingdom where he took over the throne of the palace. King Allucaneet, Princess Poisson, Butler Lobe, Scribe Slink, and Steward Femurson were all captured and sent back to the Thirstquencher Empire where they suffered the same fate as the rest of their people. The Knights of the Allucaneet army were driven off into Somnolent Forest. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center][/size] [b]A[/b][size=1]nother decade has passed. The Allucaneet Kingdom has since been perverted and darkened from Emperor R. Senic?s rule over it. Grillin Village was rebuilt and people were allowed back into it. The village remained fairly sovereign, but still under the close eye of Emperor R. Senic and his troops. Somnolent Forest has become plagued with monsters, while Twinpeak Mountain has some creatures, but mostly guards. The Force, as it became known, continued its godly rule from the Thirstquencher Empire. It would not take Allucaneet for its own until the two swords of the brave fencer Musashiden were in its possession. Especially Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence, and all of its power. To this day, neither have been found. Rumor has it that The Force and Emperor R. Senic have begun creating an ?Ultimate Weapon? for world domination.[/size] [b]U[/b][size=1]pon Twinpeak Mountain, another hero awakens? [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b][u]Important Characters[/b][/u] [b]The Force -[/b] An unnamed power that rules over both Allucaneet and Thirstquencher. It resides in the Thirstquencher Empire where it keeps many prisoners in Bincho Fields. It seeks the sword Fusion, and the Sword of Luminescence in order to gain complete power and control, and will do anything in its power to obtain them. [b]Emperor R. Senic -[/b] The vice ruler of the Thirstquencher Empire. He oversees Allucaneet Kingdom and the Thirstquencher Army. He is an extremely powerful man in both military and sheer personal power given to him by The Force. Though, he is no where near as strong as The Force. [b]The Ultimate Weapon -[/b] A rumored secret plan in creation by both The Force and Emperor R. Senic. No one knows what it is, what it looks like, or what it does. [b]Musashiden -[/b] The legendary hero that once saved Allucaneet Kingdom from being destroyed by the Wizard of Darkness. He was the possessor of the swords Fusion and Lumina until The Force locked him in a Bincho Field just after he was able to dispose of them. He remains trapped within the tallest tower of Thirstquencher Castle. [ [url=http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/musashiden.jpg]image[/url] ] [b]Princess Poisson -[/b] The [former] princess of the Allucaneet Kingdom, and descendent of Princess Fillet, the princess who summoned Musashiden to defeat the Wizard of Darkness. She alone has the power to use the Hero Summon spell. [b]Wizard of Darkness -[/b] The giant monster defeated by Musashiden all those years ago. Also known as Dark Lumina, an infamous legend. [b]Minkus -[/b] Little nocturnal creatures who leave pink dung around the place. [i]Very rare[/i], and rather fast. They only come out at midnight and disappear at six in the morning. If caught, they possess a Longevity Berry that can dramatically increase one?s durability. Each character may find two of these. [ [url=http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/minku.jpg]image[/url] ] [b]Thirstquencher Guards -[/b] For those of you that have played the actual game, these guards are nowhere near as ignorant as the enemy soldiers found in the game. They are commonly armed with a sword and Bincho Gun (Thirstquencher only), which fires small but painful shots of Bincho Power. [ [url=http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/soldier.jpg]image[/url] ] [b][u]Legendary Swords[/b][/u] [b]Fusion -[/b] A light-weight, special sword with the ability to assimilate enemies' abilities. Fusion is shorter than Lumina and causes lesser damage. However, it allows quick, continuous swipes. [b]Lumina -[/b] A powerful, heavier sword than Fusion. Scrolls may be attached to the sword to gain new abilities. It is the only sword that can break a Bincho field. It causes nearly twice the damage of Fusion. However, the Lumina sword cannot perform quick swipes continuously like Fusion. [b][u]Important Items[/b][/u] [b]Dran Coin -[/b] Dran are golden coins used as currency in Allucaneet. Their values are marked in: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500. Dran [i]can[/i] be lost/stolen, but no friendly fire (do not steal other players? money). [b]Bincholon -[/b] A main source of energy for any character; it is made of Binchotite crystal. It can sometimes be found when an enemy is destroyed. It is absorbed into a person?s body and increases their Bincho Power, which is necessary to perform spells and stay conscious. The more Bincho Power you lose, the weaker you become. [b]Antidote -[/b] A special medicine that can cure nearly any poison. It comes in the form of a plant with a long stem and groups of three leaves found occasionally up the stem. One stem of Antidote may only be used once. Can be bought at the Grocery or found. [b]First Aid -[/b] Medicine that helps heal any wound that is not poison. Can be found at the Grocery. First Aid packs can be used three times before having to purchase a new one. [b]Mint -[/b] Refreshing tablets that reduces a person?s tiredness. Can be purchased at the Grocery. Come in packs of five. [b][u]Maps[/u][/b] [center][b]Grillin Village/Somnolent Forest[/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/grillin.gif[/img][/center] [b]1. Inn[/b] [b]2. Bakery[/b] [b]3. Grocery[/b] [b]4. Restaurant[/b] [b]6. Toy Store[/b] [b]7. Bank[/b] [center][b]Twinpeak Mountain[/b] [img]http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/twinpeak.gif[/img][/center] [b]1. Hell?s Valley[/b] [b]2. Aqualin[/b] [b][u]Character Classes[/u][/b] Class names are merely categorical. So if you are a Soldier, that does not mean you were part of the Allucaneet army. It simply is a one word summary of what your character is like. Also, all Classes may carry up to [I]four[/I] items unless stated otherwise in their description. Players can only carry their allotted number of items. If you find an item that you know you want, but your stock is already full, you must drop an item. That item will remain there if you decide to pick it up at a later time. Pouches, bags, or other means of storing things do not count as items. [b]Soldier -[/b] Although Soldiers are the most protected when it comes to armor, they may only carry one primary weapon (shield is included, but optional*), have low dexterity, and they move the slowest of the four. However, they are stronger, more tactical, and exceptional close-range fighters. May know one small spell. [b]Wizard -[/b] Wizards are the least armored of them all. However, they are the [i]only[/i] of the four that can harness Bincho Power into a more powerful state and use it to create and cast spells. They may have one primary spell, a small secondary weapon/item, may carry up to [i]six[/i] items, and know up to three secondary spells (these will not be as strong). They are faster than the soldier but slower than a ?Hero?, have a low dexterity, but are exceptional long-range fighters. [b]?Hero? -[/b] With the Legend of Musashiden in the hearts of the people over time, hopeful citizens tried to become heroes/heroines themselves, but, of course, are not real heroes like Musashiden. They are somewhat protected, may carry a primary weapon and a smaller secondary item/weapon, may know one small spell, and they move faster than both the Soldier and the Wizard. ?Heroes? have a high dexterity. They can fight averagely close up as well as at a distance. [b]Thief -[/b] Thieves are the fastest, have a high dexterity, but are lightly guarded. They may carry a primary weapon, and up to two smaller weapons/items. However, if they choose to use two smaller weapons/items Thieves may only carry [I]three[/I] items, and four if they choose to have one. May know one small spell. They can fight averagely close up as well as at a distance. (Thieves are good friends with the Pawn Shop owner, and are often getting things for him.) *[b]Soldiers Only:[/b] If you want, you can carry a large weapon as your primary weapon, you may have a medium-sized weapon as your secondary. Such as a broad sword as your main weapon, then having maybe a quarterstaff as your secondary. However, this means you will not be carrying a shield. You may also notice that each Class has its ups and downs. The ups are obviously a plus, and the downs are just how you start. You can develop whatever it is your lacking over time and experience. [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] [b][u]Sign-up Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (Keep it relatively young. Pretty much anywhere between 13 and 20.) [b]Class:[/b] ( Soldier, Wizard, ?Hero?, Thief ) [b]Description:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] (If you live within the village, be sure to mention any special role within the community such as a job or what-have-you.) [b]Starting Point:[/b] (anywhere where there is a ?special? item shown on the map, such as a Scroll, is off limits to start. No one even knows where those are. The octagonal area of Hell?s Valley is off limits, as is Aqualin.) [b]Primary Spell/Weapon:[/b] [b]Secondary Weapon/Item:[/b] (a secondary item does not count as one of your other items) [b]Items:[/b] [b]Spell(s):[/b] (Unless you are a Wizard, your spells cannot be Elemental [Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky]. They must be something different. It can be anything such as telekinetic bullets or a temporary shield, and of course are utilized through Bincho Power as any other spell is.) [center]=|--------------------|=[/center] *sigh* Now, with that all out of the way, let us begin the sign-ups. There is another hoard of information just waiting for those of you whom I select as worthy to be in this RPG. It includes all of the maps and all of their information, as well as other things. ^__^ If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or catch me on AIM. My screen name is Deific Evil. Good luck![/size]
  17. [size=1]I have just recently picked up playing Dungeons & Dragons. I had played it a few times before several years ago, and had forgotten how fun it could be. ^_^ This time I have a really cool character, too. It probably helps that the Dungeon Master kind of helps out, lol. Currently, I am a 5th level Rogue Halfling with the option to be unseen except when attacking (Ring of Invisibility), the ability to move extremely silent (my current Ability Modifier is at 29; I can roll a 2 and still have more than enough for most things not to hear me, heh), and at the very end of the last game I attained a Necklace of Fireballs. I have yet to level myself up to the 5th level, though. That happened at the very end of the last game after we finished fighting an Iron Golem. The main thing I hope to do is learn how to set traps, and possible buy a better hand-to-hand weapon than my current sword with some of the mass of gold pieces we found inside the Golem (items totalling to about 106,100GP if I remember correctly). I have high Dexterity, which is pretty much what we shoot for with my character. We have about four guys, and each has their own specific purpose. Although, I have done a very tiny bit of more "live-action" role-play. Similar to just acting as a character with your friends as some of you have been describing, but it has a bit more structure. For example, if it were to come to a battle (we shall just to one-on-one for simplicity), each contestant has another neutral friend next to them as they stand about ten feet or so away from each other, but facing the other. The two neutral friends meet in the middle and simply talk between themselves deciding on a number between whatever set of numbers, then has each fighter guess as to what the number is. The person closest to the number gets to go first on the offense. So the battle commences. It does so by each fighter telling to their neutral friend in secret how they plan on attacking/defending. Then the two fighters act out upon each other what they had planned to do. Obviously if the one on attack gets a hit, then points are taken from the defender; should the defender manage a successful block or dodge, then nothing is taken away. There is also the chance the defender might manage a hit, like I did so once with a forward roll. It is a dodge technique, but if the offense does not get out of the way, then they get hit fair and square. I do not remember what happens if someone does not do what they say they were going to do. Whether they just received a deduction or if they went back to the last position the two fighters were in and the defense gets a chance to counter-attack. It is kind of a complex way to role-play, but it gives more of that turn-based feeling to the game instead of just acting freely. Not saying acting freely is any less fun, of course. ^_^[/size]
  18. PiroMunkie


    [size=1]This would be better suited in the Art and Design forum. People there would have a better idea, than some of the people that may look in here. ^_^[/size]
  19. [size=1]You lucky picklebucket ... I would have loved to go, but of course you already knew that. I am not really sure what to say, other than the fact I shake my angry fist at you. -.- You and your private message rubbing the fact you went to the show in my face, lol. I am glad you were able to go and see them, though. I know it means a lot more to you than it would to me. So congratulations on that. It sounds like it was an really good show from what I have read hear and what you have told me, especially with Todd wearing a dress and all, lol. It is an interesting set of songs they played as well ... I see what you meant with a lot of them being from [i]Microstars[/i]. It is still a good playlist though. ^_^[/size]
  20. [size=1]Those are all awesome. ^_^ I am very impressed. These are a good improvement upon other drawings that I have seen you do. The color one looks nice, especially for your first time coloring with an Adobe program.[/size]
  21. [size=1]Firstly, I just thought I would point out that chauvinism is not neccessarily a man thinking that men are all great and women should be subservient. Chauvinism is simply anyone thinking that anything in particular is better than something else. From Dictionary.com: [b]1.[/b] Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism. [b]2.[/b] Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or kind. So while according to the second definition what you speak of [i]does[/i] fit, I am just pointing out that it is not exclusive to men thinking they are superior. It goes the same for women. Also, feminism is not the common misconception that women are better than men, but rather the idea that both genders are equal to each other. At any given time, I would never consider myself much of a player. I know this might sound like denial after what Transtic said, but that is your own choice to see it that way. People have sometimes accused me of it, but never have I intentionally flirted or took some other action with a girl with purpose of just using her in the end. From there perspective, I could see how they may perceive what I do as "playing", but it is never my intent. I am just very much a "ladies man"; I get along with girl a lot more easily than I get along with guys. I openly hug them and whatnot (especially if I have not seen them in a while), I talk to them about anything and everything, but I treat none of them differently than the next unless I actually have significant interest in one. In talking with one of my friends about how some people think I am just a "player" she told me, in defense of my case, that "most girls think if a guy so much as talks to her, he is flirting with her." While that might not apply with all girls, my friends was actually referring to the main group of girls I interact with who all go to the same school as my friend. So it is not always a matter of a guy just wanting to have sex with a girl or whatever, but there is also the assumptions of the girl towards the guy. I have also known stories of girls who are just as promiscuous as the guy they are dating or "romantically interested in", but as soon as they guy breaks up with her she claims to be the victim when she is really no better. These are all just social problems, and I usually try to avoid them as much as possible.[/size]
  22. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Ardwin Voelve [b]Age:[/b] Undetermined. [b]Species:[/b] Gargoyle. [b]Calling:[/b] Sorcerer/Scientist [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] In full stance, Ardwin is approximately 10 and half feet tall from foot to head, and about 13 feet including the horns. Wingspan is roughly 30 to 35 feet. Weight averages around 398 pounds; heavier when he is stone. His eyes are naturally green, but glow white when performing sorcery and red in rage. Ardwin's skin is a deep grey, and is as coarse as the stone it becomes. His build is slender/average, but is incredibly strong. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.onlinegamescompany.com/war/forsale/gargoyle.jpg]Picture[/URL] [b]Biography:[/b] Ardwin's main purpose is the preservation of his species, and make them a more dominant race. Their numbers have been dwindling as long as he could remember, falling at the hands of other species who would cross their paths during the day and destroy them while they were still in stone form. He believes strongly that he is one of the last hopes for the gargoyle race. The knowledge of science and sorcery is extremely uncommon among his species, and so he strives to put it to good use. He wants to better the gargoyles. Ultimately he strives for the day when he can figure out a way or a spell that will allow them to walk in daylight. Critics among his species speak daggers to him, saying that it is impossible for such things to happen. However, he has already made his own personal advancements, such as making his stone structure nearly indestructable by normal means. Counter-acting these critics, Ardwin has an army of support who cheer him on to make them walk in daylight. They are all tired of seeing their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, and grandparents destroyed in their most vulnerable state. Their time must come that they will be able to defend themselves, and that is what Ardwin has in mind. A so-called "revolution" of the gargoyle kind. A greater species. A superior race. Then take revenge on all those who have ever done his people wrong. He wants a war, and he knows only the strongest will survive. Rumor has it that he is getting closer to fulfilling his hidden agenda. [b]Random fact:[/b] He is a vegetarian.[/size]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B]It's liek this, he has sleepover parties with children, and I think that this is because, due to his success int he Jackson Five, Jackson had a pretty rough childhood, all he wanted to do was play with other children, but all he was doing was recording music. It's like he is making up for lost time, in a freakish way no doubt, but he is seen with children, at his house sleeping in the same room (isn't that how kids sleep over at other kids places?), and people immediately think, OMG paedophile![/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I read in an interview that when Jackson had kids in his bed and such, all they would do is just eat cookies and drink milk; there was nothing sexual going on at all. So really, I can see nothing wrong with that. Even if they slept in the same bed, I still see nothing wrong. It just gives people a sense of security to be with another person. Just think of how many times you may have crawled into your parents' bed in the middle of the night because were or scared of a storm or something. It is the same concept. If it were my kid, I would rather have him or her feel safe than be scared sleeping by him/herself. On another note, his family is beginning to be reported and have some interesting things to say. I thought I would post such an interview here, from ABCNews.com:[quote]"If you handcuff my brother you handcuff the whole family," Jermaine told ABCNEWS' Barbara Walters in an exclusive interview airing tonight on 20/20. Michael Jackson, 45, surrendered Thursday to authorities in Santa Barbara County, Calif., where he was booked on allegations he molested a 12-year-old boy. He is scheduled to be arraigned Jan. 9. The arrest warrant against the singer alleges multiple violations of a law prohibiting lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14. Such a crime is punishable by three to eight years in prison. "It's a big fat lie," his brother Jermaine, 48, told Walters. Speaking to Walters from Las Vegas, Jermaine condemned the Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office, saying the case is nothing more than "a personal vendetta" against Michael. He accused prosecutors of making light of the case. "They made a joke of it in their press conference. ? It's very disturbing," he said, adding, "I'm requesting an investigation of the investigators." Jermaine also said he feels the pursuit of his brother is racially motivated. "They're a bunch of racist rednecks out there who don't care about people," he told Walters. "He's not a criminal. They didn't have to send 70 people into his home," Jermaine said. About 70 police officers searched Michael's Neverland Ranch for several hours on Tuesday. Jermaine said he is confident investigators found nothing incriminating in their search of his brother's sprawling ranch. "I'm not afraid of what they took out," he said, "I'm afraid of what they put in." [b]?This Is Extortion?[/b] Michael Jackson faced similar allegations made in 1993, when a 13-year-old boy alleged he had been molested by the pop superstar. The entertainer was never charged. He settled a civil suit filed by the boy's family for a reported $15 million. Jermaine Jackson said his brother was innocent of those accusations as well, but simply chose not to fight because of business and family obligations. Jermaine said both the current and 1993 allegations were unfounded and were motivated by money. "This is extortion ? the second time around," he told Walters. This time around, Jermaine said, the family will do everything necessary to fight the charges and clear Michael's name. "We're ready for war," he said. "We're going to get together with our generals, our troops, and our people and we're going to mobilize and fight."[/quote][/size]
  24. [size=1]By this time, Alex was sitting up in his bed against the wall. He lightly chuckled to himself. This was already turning into a madhouse. Though, he supposed it is really to be expected when nine people are crammed in such claustrophobic quarters. It was almost offensive, really. Out of these nine people, only three or four them seemed to make any sense. The rest seemed either melodramatic or apathetic. There was one asleep already. Honestly, the group had not traveled all that far, or long. Of course, Alex then kept in mind that he is not neccesarily a living being. The effects of fatigue are not going to take part on him as strongly as others. He watched as Zell briskly paced back and forth, as Seb sat contently to himself observing the others just as Alex was himself. David was sleeping, Shya was speaking with Manson with Kyru lurking near, and others were still going about their own thing. Even with all these people present, Alex thought that this has to be one of the most lonely rooms he has ever been in ... or that he can recall being in, at least. Everyone was so different, and unity had yet to be established. He wondered whether or not they would ever really come together as a group. It was already apparent that a few egos filled the room, while hope remained in others that theirs is more subdued. Alex sighed as he closed his eyes, waiting for Ghost to return and administer a bit of control.[/size]
  25. [size=1]I stand by him saying innocent until they can actually prove him guilty. They have no hard evidence that he has actually molested any children. It is also rather suspicious that any time he releases a new project, album, or single the media pulls out another allegation on him for something. He has gotten more headlines for his "odd" behavior and alleged actions than he has with his music career. Back in 1993, when the first big scandal with a child molestation came up, the family of the child actually accepted a settlement of several million dollars, reportedly. How odd is it that he was not put away at this time? Why did the family not actually continue the case and want to see him put to justice? You would think that the safety of their own son, as well as other children, would transcend the amount of money he could settle for. Obviously this was not all that big of a deal to the family. This time it is a bit different, for the family is allegedly suing for justice and not profit. All the evidence they really have this time is that the child had "confessed" some things to a psychotherapist. The boy had a previous firendship with Michael for about three years, but at school he was constantly made fun of by his peers for associating with him. So he went to a psychotherapist where at one point he claimed that on 2 occasions Michael had given him sleeping pills and wine at some point. However, we still do not know the circumstances in which they were offered. The wine thing is a bit more understandable, but only on the account that the child is under age. Jackson has always loved working with kids. If you have ever seen his 1988 movie [i]Moonwalker[/i], consisting of 8 different audio-visual segments, this would be rather apparent in the fact that the two biggest productions in that contain child as a main element. In one segment it is pretty much nothing [i]but[/i] the children and no Jackson. He is just an easy target because of his different behavior and skin disease - which by the way does not always occur in patches, just most often. He said it himself that he has it. I would not really know why one would lie about being diseased. What I find most sad about this whole deal is that his record sales have been dwindling ever since 1993. As if his actions affect who he is as a musician. Given, I am not too much of a fan of his newer stuff, but when he gets such headlines in the news it usually has the opposite effect on me and I begin listening to his music more just to kind of regress to my childhood; back when he was still "socially acceptable." It is good to see, from reading articles, that some of his fans still believe in him and support him, but I am a bit dissappointed at those who have turned away just because of a couple unfounded accusations.[/size]
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