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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[size=1]Okay, so I changed my desktop sooner than I thought I would ... >.> Boredom sparks motivation. Planet of the Apes owns you.[/size]
[size=1]Save it as a JPG ... pfft, right, lol. The file size was almost twice as big as a GIF. Then again, my background has 5 colors are most, heh. This was just something I threw together for the Halloween season. I have been thinking of changing it to Planet of the Apes just for fun now, but we shall see.[/size]
[size=1]Alex took place on one of the beds against a wall and layed down upon it getting used to its style. It was stiff, but surely more comfortable than some other resting places he had slept before. The only other slight discomfort came from the fact that he was too tall for them and he sleeps straight out on his back. The others had taken their places by this time. Next to Alex was a tall, red-headed, younger male pretty much doing the same thing that he was. Alex sat up in the bed and made the first move. "What's your name?" he said in a low, earthly tone. The man seemed to be bit caught of guard by this as his head snapped in Alex's direction. He then took a deep breath, and released it. "Sebastian," he replied, "Sebastian Gortz." There was a slight pause of awkward silence. Alex was not one for talking, so he just let it drop and left it up to Sebastian to carry on the conversation. The silence continued as Sebastian just kept staring anxiously, and he swallowed loudly almost as if he was trying to hold something back. "Sorry, umm ... you surprised me a bit, and you are a new, older person. I was just nervous for a bit, which isn't the best thing for me, I suppose, but ... what's your name?" "Alex." He said only this and nothing more. He was very quick and brief with anything he said, but his attention towards Sebastian never wandered. This may be part of the reason why Sebastian seemed so uneasy at first, Alex was a bigger, darker person and someone like that just staring at you can be rather unnerving. However, a puzzled look overcame Sebastian's face as Alex sat unmoving. "You are very solid and still, quiet and seemingly cold," Sebastian pointed out. "You could just sit there like that and someone would probably think you were dead ..." He stopped. He was not sure if he had been a little too extreme with that last statement or not, he thought quickly and tried to continue on, "... Or at least sleeping ... with your eyes open ...?" Alex just sat for a bit rehearsing what Sebastian had just said in his head. He then let out a quick, soft chuckle and cracked a half-smile and went of the "dead" comment once more only proceeding to intentionally fall over onto the bed laughing a bit louder. Alex was now a bit more loose and amiable. "What?" Sebastian inquired. "What's so funny?" Alex just let out a sigh as he lay on his back looking up at the ceiling. "I [i]am[/i] dead."[/size]
[size=1]Actually, they are from Canada. I have not heard anything new of theirs. Only what is off [i]The Greyest of Blue Skies[/i] and maybe one or two tracks from the other albums [i]Tip[/i]. They were actually originally called Rainbow Butt Monkeys, lol. True story. I like them enough, I have not listened to them in a while, though. I have [i]The Greyest of Blue Skies[/i] and the songs off that are pretty good. I actually used to talk with one of their guitarists, James Black, back during freshman year. Some of my friends saw them in concert and met him and they switched AIM names. He was a huge ***hole, though. I only talked to him maybe five times or so, but I really could not stand him. -__-;[/size]
[size=1]I could not agree more with PoisonTongue. Rarely do I not go forward with something unless I am absolutely sure a definite good will come out of it. The only time I do not is if it deals with someone, something, or somewhere I know enough to just take a chance on. In this case, your sister does not even know the guy. If some random girl walked up to me and told me I look nice and gave me her name and number, I would feel pretty awkward as well. However, I can bet it is a different situation for a guy to be approached by a girl, then it is a girl to be approached by a guy. Racial stereotypes also come into play. People are going to feel uneasy interacting with a person from a different ethnicity, especially in a relationship-like situation. Just let your sister be. She has made her decision, and that is going to be it. This is how I would look at it. If the guy does not approach her again, then he was actually a nice guy and knows when step down. However, if he does it again, then I would assume creepy stalker-like guy. Right now I am thinking more of the latter, but that is just because I rarely ever here of someone just walking up to a person, barely greeting them, and then giving the person their name and number. I mean, "You're really nice." ... My immediate afterthought would be "Really nice for what?" He could have at least struck up a casual conversation, and left. Then the next time he comes in and she is there do it again, just so they can become acquainted. Then after a few times of that, give her his number or whatever. *shrugs* That would be the nice way to do it.[/size]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] John [b]Age:[/b] I am just going to say 18 for sake of the RPG. Close enough ... [b]Past Information:[/b] Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska (center of the United States of America for those out of country or are just bad with geography), John lived with his mother and father until he was about fourteen and his parents separated. From there on out he lived with his mother and saw his father every weekend, and one weekend a month he would stay with his dad (along with his younger sister). He went to Catholic schools all throughout his life until his sophomore year in high school when he switched to public education. He was also involved in both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts until his senior year. He is just out of high school now, deciding he needs some downtime from education. [b]Relations:[/b] Involved with Tori (Queen Asuka). [b]Name one item and one item only:[/b] A hatchet. [b]Career:[/b] Unemployed.[/size]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Alexander Camp [b]Nick/Code name:[/b] 'Grave' [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] He died sometime in his late twenties. His exact age to this date however is uncertain. It does not make much difference, however, for he is dead. [b]Description:[/b] Alex is about 6 feet and 5 inches tall, built strong but by no means a man of pure muscle. His hair is only a few inches long, black and scruffy. He is caucasian with faint color in his skin. This of course only helps but emphasize his bright blue eyes with a thin ring of yellow-gold around the pupil. He wears a dark, olive-green, button-up, collared shirt with relaxed-fit black jeans and black, worn boots. [b]Creature:[/b] Zombie - a member of the living dead. When he changes, Alex's eyes roll back into his head revealing nothing but pure white. His skin becomes a pale blue and dries out cracking and slightly breaking open in some areas. His fingernails and toenails (although one would not see those) develop a tint of yellow as they begin to crack and grow unevenly a bit. His teeth begin to rot, his hair becomes like straw, and his eyebrows fall out. After being ressurected, his movement is stiff for a while, but shortly becomes just as fluent as the next persons. Since he is dead, he is immune to pain of any kind and cannot really be killed. However, he can be immobilzed in a variety of ways. That, and he of course enjoys feeding on the flesh and organs of the living even though he does not really need it. When he first changes, his personailty is on the loony side. He will do things at random that are most often random acts of violence. However, the longer he stays in his true form the more belligerent he comes. [b]Trigger Factor:[/b] The sight of an open wound or internal body part will send him into a frenzy.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aros[/i] [B]hey i have had past accounts on Otaku so I dont need greeting and thank you for all the answers and !!!!!!!!!!HEY KIEKO!!!!!!!:D[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]If you have had past accounts, then you should really know what the limit on banner sizes is. If your banner is too big, your banner will not show up, but instead will be replaced by text telling you that its size exceeds the limits of this board.[/size]
[size=1]Your best ones are the Vash one, the bored one, and the Pokemon one. The bored one is a bit iffy, because I just do not like the cut-outs you did there. They just seems awkward and the edges or kind of blurred. Cut out edges should be sharp and clear. However, in terms of composition those three are pretty well done. The banners themselves are not that great in quality, but the arrangement is nice enough. The others are just kind of blah. I am really not a fan of the last one. It is fairly dim. I would have cut out those black edges, and tried to make it a bit brighter, more colorful, and just overall interesting to look at. Keep at it, though.[/size]
[size=1]Meh, it just looks like a bunch of images slapped together with slightly soft-erased edges. No good. I can still tell the different between the idividual images and as it has been said some of them are distorted. Even the main image. It would have looked better in color as well. With grayscale you have to worry a lot more about keeping things interesting, and this usually means greater contrast between the different aspects of in the image. In this banner, everything is just kind of the same value. Overall this banner really could have been done better, but keep working at it. You will get better eventually.[/size]
[size=1]For this message board, the maximum size of banners in signatures is 500 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. There is not really a limit on byte size, but we have never had a problem with images that are too big in that matter. Welcome to the boards.[/size]
[size=1]I have had friends that do this, or have done it. One was sent to therapy, and she got over it. However, I have one friend in particuar that I have had involvement with helping him/her stop. It all started about a year ago when we were hanging out and he/she stole an accessory of mine, and would not give back no matter how many times I asked or tried to retrieve it. Eventually I just let him/her keep it. Later on I found out that this person on occasion would drink some kind of alcoholic beverage under consent of his/her parents. Of course, me being the anti-drug person I am was fairly upset about this and told them to stop and he/she kept saying that he/she "Only does it on occassion and it is never that much." However, it made no difference to me. At this time I still planned on getting my accessoriy back, but I knew that he/she liked it so I told him/her that he/she could keep it as long as he/she promises never to drink again under the condition that if he/she does, and I find out, he/she has to give it back to me. So this accessory then began to hold emotional significance. Earlier this year I found out that this person has a tendency to cut themselves every so often due to a lot of family problems and such. I was not really mad or shocked at this point, because I kind of saw it coming, but all I really cared about was getting him/her to stop. So through a bit of discussion I told him/her that the accessory now carries more weight, and he/she accepted. So that thing symbolizes the fact that if no one else, he/she has at least one person who cares about him/her. So he/she can never say that he/she has no one to turn to. The only way to really get over something is to talk about it. Find someone to confide in that is going to care enough to stick with you and help you through it. If nothing else, go see a therapist. It is definitely not a healthy habit to have.[/size]
[size=1]Well, I cannot say that I feel sorry for you, because I do not. Not that I have anything against you, I just do not know you enough to feel any real sympathy towards you. In fact, the only reason I am posting in here is for the sake of variety. I am getting tired of seeing all these "I'm sorry for your loss" comments that seem so very empty. Depending on how long this topic lasts I can bet that most of these people will more or less have forgotten about this in about a month-ish, unless they actually take the time to start talking to you and such. Heck, even I am going to forget about this. This may seem kind of harsh, but I believe it is better than just another "I'm sorry" post. This is honest, at the very least, no matter how brutal my honesty may be. People come and people go, as they say. It is the natural process of life for people to die, it happens every day. Thus there is no real point in feeling sorry about it. However, people are social creatures and we make emotional attachments to people, and when these are broken it can be fairly heartbreaking. You just have to get over it. Why should you be sad that she died? You should be glad that she lived. You will always have memories. However these memories should not make you sad that they have stopped, but they should make you happy that you have them. Do not cry tears of mourning, but tears of joy. Why people make such a big deal out of death is beyond me. Death is cheap. It happens any time, anywhere, to anyone, and in a vast variety of ways. Life is short, death is forever. Cherish the fact that this person got the chance to live. Some people do not even get that chance. [i]" It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. "[/i][/size]
[size=1]I have only heard a handful of random songs, but from what I have heard they are definitely a favorite of mine. I have been meaning to go out and buy an album or two of theirs for some time now, but (a) I am lazy/do not have any way to get anywhere and (b) I am cheap/have no money at the time. I have heard a lot of good things about [i]Bloodflowers[/i], so that is definitely one I would be checking into. Since it is coming close to Christmas I am asking for it (among the many other CD's I am asking for >.>) and hoping for the best, heh. My theory revolves around that I have three separate Christmases - one with my mom, one with my dad, and one with my dad's side of the family. I am bound to get it from one of them. >.> Of course, that is what I thought about [i]The Nightmare Before Christmas[/i]. Meh ... But yes, the Cure are excellent. I find this topic odd concidering I was just listening to them when I found it. o_O[/size]
[size=1]I do not get what the "New" and "Reply" buttons have to do with it ... Also, the "[font=century gothic]Otaku[b]Boards[/b][/font]" seems to want to be the focal point, but the bold, red text takes away from that against all that neutral value. It also makes OB come off kind of dull and boring. The mass amounts of grey tends to do that, and when I see the red it makes me think of Communism, lol. It is a good idea, though. [i]Cheers[/i] was a quality show. However, that warm, homely feeling does not seem to be conveyed in the banner. This is just my opinion, though.[/size]
[size=1][b]I just merged your threads instaed of deleting this one.[/b] The movie you speak of is the equivalent of what is probably most commonly called [i]The Tree of Might[/i] ... That is what it is called here in the USA anyway. I am not sure what its Japanese title was.[/size]
[size=1]I would never want there to be any more Dragon Ball series. The whole idea has been beaten into the ground mercilessly, so there is really no [i]good[/i] way to go on with it. I mean, Stealth Knight's idea with other survivors from Planet Vegeta finding their way to earth is fairly (no offense) lame. Why do they have to find their way to earth? Why do they have to all be Saiya-jins? I believe that in order to make any theoretical series worth watching, there would have to be a major overhaul of everything. They could still have the Saiya-jins, but they would have to think of different advancements for them besides the common Super Saiya-jin through Super 4. They would have to integrate entirely different species of characters that would be "teamed up" with the rest so that the show does not seem just about the Saiya-jin race. We know all about them already, so there is no real point in trying to continue their story. They can still exist, but just not be as dominant in the plot. This is one reason that age-old RPG [i]DragonBall BattleField[/i] lasted so long and did so well. That had some of OB's best role-playing writers of the time involved with it so we were all able to come up with new concepts and ideas, plots and sub-plots, probems and solutions ... Many characters developed significant depth over time. In my opinion, Sephiroth's (a retired member) character was the most fun to follow. The RPG had so many levels, which I believe was due to the diversity of the people involved. Each seemed to take something that they new well - whether it be a video game, other anime, or whatever - and applied it to their character in the RPG. With all these different worlds, the RPG was still able to maintain that same Dragon Ball feel to it. If an animation/production studio could do all of that with a new spin-off kind of series, then I would support it. However, knowing how the media tends to work with these kinds of things, I doubt it would ever come to that. They would continue feeding fans the same old garbage instead of giving them something very radical and dynamic, but still maintains that local feeling. It just would not happen.[/size]
[size=1]I have only heard several songs from them, but from what I have heard of them I like them. I could see where whoever said that they sound like Garbage, however I have never really been a fan of them ... and I still enjoy Kill Hannah. *shrugs* They are not bad. I would not say they are good to the point where I wasnt to listen to them all of the time, but they are not bad that they are just kind of a "in the mood" kind of band. They are in the medium where I can just turn them on at any time and be good to go.[/size]
[size=1]This is where one would buy a ticket to a different movie, and just go into the one you actually want to see. I have never had a problem with it, really. One of my friend's mom was always really cool and took us to R-rated movies when we were younger. *shrugs* The theaters never had a problem with it. However, I understand what you are are saying, and I do agree that theaters should be much more selective with those rules. They should use better judgement and such. Obviously if there are people who are of age, but act immaturly about the movie they are seeing (like you exemplified in your editorial) they obviously cannot stop them. Although, if the person is younger and seems to be naive I would deny them the priveldge to see the movie, but collected, mature people should be allowed in. If all else fails, then go with a parent. *shrugs* The people cannot, and would not want to, argue with a parent accompanying their child to the movie.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nate[/i] [B][font=croobie][color=red]you don't see cats running aronud with guns shooting people, do you? Yet, we know what's right and wrong but animals don't....that's messed up.[/font][/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Welcome to the world of reason. Humans have it, animals do not. It is what sets us apart from them. That, and our opposable thumbs.[/size]
[size=1]I have never seen GT myself, but I have read that many fans of DragonBall Z did not like GT when it first came out and that the series [i]is[/i] kind of boring ... or at least starts off that way. The series begins to pick up after a while, but it starts off slow. It really is not that long of a series either, only sixty-some episodes. So really, it is nothing compared to DragonBall Z, but I imagine it would at least be fun to watch once everything gets going. And I would imagine Vegeta can cut his hair because he wanted to. I do not ever remember hearing that Saiya-jins cannot cut their hair, just that it never really grows.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman[/i] [B]However, the risk taking thing is more my brother's taste, I mean who else would try to jump from the top of one of those playground swingsets?:nervous:[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I would have done it, lol. It is really no different than swinging really high - pretty much to the point where you get slack and the chain jerks when you go back down - and then leaping off at the peak. I [i]still[/i] do that. =P[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [B][FONT=arial]I don't expect I shall ever hear anyone say that again, heh.[/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I have actually heard that more often than I ever thought I would, lol. Whenever I have gone out of town with a group of friends or whatever, the people we have met in the places we went ended up calling us at one point "the cool Omaha kids". So either (A) everybody seriously think we are a bunch of farmers because we live in Nebraska, (B) their lives are a lot more boring than ours, or (C) our lives are so boring that we actually have to create things to do for fun so naturally we come off as fun to other people. *shrugs* Anyway, as a kid I was a pretty big risk taker; willing to throw my body anywhere for the sake of enjoyment. For example - I am pretty sure I have told this story at some point in my OtakBoards time, but here we go again - I was at a Boy Scout summer camp and exploring the woods surrounding our campsite with some other people. So we came to this edge maybe about 40 feet high over a small, shallow (no more than a couple inches deep), babbling crook that was probably no more than ten feet across. On the other side was some dry land probably about a foot or so above the water level. A friend of mine were looking down at it and other came and said it would be cool to jump across. My friend and I just shot back that it was possible to do that (thumbs up for projectile motion!). Of course, these young minds were just like "No way! It is too far across." So naturally, we proved them wrong, lol. With a running start we both ran for the edge and jumped across the crook and down the edge. I landed a bit shorter than my friend, but I also ran out of space to step so I had to jump earlier. Of course, it was difficult for us to walk for a while because we had rattled our ankles with the impact, lol. That is one of my favorite memories. Too bad that guy pretty much hates me now, and will not even come to my face about it. -__-;[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka[/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]When my sister was in the second grade, she got suspended for school for a day because she breathed on a girl's hand. Of course, the stupid girl had it coming to her doing that stupid "Brick Wall!" crap that was so "in" back then.[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Lol, I remember that thing. Of course, then some people got smart here and retaliated by just shooting back "Graffiti!" and then spit on their hand. *laughs* Serves those people right. Weird things I used to do when I was a kid ... Well, I met one of my friends in sixth grade by stabbing him in the leg with a pencil (I drew blood, mwuahaha!). I hit my head on things a lot, intentionally. Of course, I still do that, I am just not as forward with it. I shall not do it for just no reason. For example, if I am exhausted in school, I shall just drop my head to the desk. I often greet some of my friends if they are not facing me by driving my head into the spine as well. I do not know really ... my friends and I had thousands of sayings that were really "one hit wonders" and they annoyed the life out of people. That was always fun. Probably the most infamous of all was, "Dude, like, not cool." Lol ... one of my friends and I made a skit in a class where we incorparated that constantly. It was easy being that it was about how students should respond to being offered drugs. =P[/size]
[size=1]Hormones, hormones, hormones. Mix that in with a little emotion, subtract reason and there you have it. It is more or less just a primal instinct in both boys and girls. Of course, it does seem that boys are more inclined to cheat than women, but there is both a genetic and social factor involved with that these days. As someone already stated, men are naturally predispositioned to go out and 'adventure', while women are naturally more inclined to just settle in one spot. The social aspect comes in with the idea that the mainstream media has pretty much made it seem cool for guys to be "pimps" and get with a lot of women. So there is also that social pressure to keep "cool". It is really sad, actually ... I am not sure exactly when or how I became so ethical. Sometime during my freshman year of high school, which is kind of funny because that is the year I left religion. Typically it seems people associate high morals with those involved with religion ... *shrugs* Amusing how that can sometimes be the opposite. Of course, that more so applies to the younger generation. We should hope that adults would know better to be so easily impression by the media, but I do not doubt that there are still those that like to keep up with certain trends and such. However, it is not like people cheating on each other is anything new. It has been happening since the beginning of time.[/size]