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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen[/i] [B][color=seagreen]Lol thank you all^^ I'm sure you would be able to draw like that if you tried Shippo^^ I'm not that good of an artist[/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Do not sell yourself short, you have a lot of talent. The drawing looks very nice. The shading is very soft which fits the overall feel of the drawing. Really, I have never heard of this manga, so I really have nothing to compare from. It looks fine. People are just their own worst critics, so you judge yourself with the biggest knife.[/size]
  2. [size=1]First off, I shall start by stating that, in my opinion, "friends with benefits" is crap. It is one thing to be in a relationship-like state with someone but not technically be dating for whatever [i]valid[/i] reason (as in, he/she is still trying to get over another guy/girl, or something), but the whole "So far we have both just been [b]using[/b] each other for our own physical needs." ... I cannot tell you how much that disgusts me. It is like being an exclusive whore without any cash payment. *shakes an angry fist* However, these are just my own ethics, but I felt the need to state that anyway. Secondly, I am inclined to agree with HC. It seems as though you two are already fairly into each other, and there seems to be no reasoning as to why you should not try and take it a step further. The worst she can do is say "No". A kick in the face now is better than a thousand kicks later for not trying at all. Go for it, and good luck to you.[/size]
  3. PiroMunkie

    No! :(

    [size=1]First of all, I am unsure why you keep mentioning height. That should have nothing to do with anything. Secondly, if he likes a different girl in each class, then forget him. Find someone who will like only you. A relationship is not going to last long if he is still looking while he is already "involved". I still say that you are young ... thirteen ... Eighth grade or a Freshman, I assume. I cannot remember where I was at that age. I was not thinking about dating anyone, though. However, I am sure that we are two very different people, so I am not sure why I am even here saying this.[/size]
  4. PiroMunkie

    No! :(

    [size=1]I was in the same situation as you for a while ... The most you can do is just wait it out. Trying to break them up or anything like that will not get you anywhere. Plus you are only thirteen. Do not worry about these kinds of things. Enjoy yourself.[/size]
  5. [size=1]Wow ... what a good example this topic shows of cultural differences, heh. The "Fall/Autumn" struck me as the oddest. I guess I took that term for granted. Anyway, as for homecoming, I never attend my own school's events. To begin with, I do not care to go, and secondly, no one ever asks. If someone would ask I would probably go, I do it for other friends at other schools. Last school year I was asked to three different dances - homecoming, a costume dance, and prom - at the school in which I do my theater work. It kind of helps that it is an all girl, Catholic school. So it is not like a girl can bring another girl, they actually say that in the rules for the dances, lol. Anyway, I am well known among the theater department there, obviously, and I have my group of friends within that area so one of them usually asks me. Two of them did it because they liked me, the other was more of an agreement so she would not have to go by herself. Although, at each one of these dances I just planted my roots on the wall, and pretty much stayed that way throughout the whole event. I am just not much of a dancer, lol. The people I go with usually make me slow dance, which I have no problem doing, but other than that I do not do much of anything. It kind of makes me wonder why people really kept asking, lol. It is kind of hard to get into what is going on when the music is horrible. Of course, I am already going again this year. I was actually traded around between two girls, lol, but there are reasons for that. The one I am going with says that she is going to make me dance ... but I do not see that happening. >.> Dances just are not my thing.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Fun! The top to female characters (in my opinion) in the series ... Of course you already know I prefer Yuzuki over Chii ... >.> It is a really nice drawing, though. It is easy to tell who is who. However, in comparison to how they actually look, their faces throw me off a bit. Mainly the eyes, but I know that is your style. I like it.[/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlazinReddrgn[/i] [B]Well to start off... all of my regrets were basically on opportunities that I always pass up because I was either too shy or too blind to see that I missed chances that will never happen again... I hate how I dwell on these kinds of things.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Heh, I know how you feel on that one, yet I have no real regrets about any of those times. I may have regretted them at one point or another, but not so much anymore. Trust me, I dwell just as much as the next person when I do things like that, but you get over it. Things can happen for a reason. Although I do not believe that you do not get chances again. You do, but sometimes you are just going to have to fight for them. Not everything is going to come to you, and that is a lesson I have begun to learn, heh. You can wish all you want, you can hope all you want, you can pray to whatever diety you believe in, but nothing is going to happen without a little - or a lot of - work from you.[/size]
  8. [size=1]I have always done stupid things ever since I can remember, but I do not regret any of them. I had fun with every one of them. That is all you really need to do is learn to make jokes about the 'stupid' things. Eventually the 'stupid' will turn into 'random' because you will just get so used to it and be able to go off on tangents about anything from the slightest stimulus. One time I was waiting outside a school after practice for a musical and I was just tracing a circle rapidly on the ground with a pen for no apparent reason, just because I was bored. Many people that walked by gave me weird looks, but one person came up to me and started talking to me and we ended up in a discussion about how we think "cavemen" came about inventing the wheel (if they [i]did[/i] in fact discover that concept). Now I know that really does not level as something that people might perceive as "stupid" ... it is more on the light side of the word. However, when it comes to humiliating stupidity you can do the same thing. Instead of making it so stupid that people laugh [i]at[/i] you, make it so stupid that people laugh [i]with[/i] you. Have fun with it. Nothing is ever as bad as you think it is.[/size]
  9. [size=1]I am currently hooked on Billy Idol. Then there is always David Bowie ... I really would not be able to pin a lot of bands as 80's, so I probably listen to more than I am aware of. I have a friend that is pretty into the 80's, so a lot of my exposure to that time period comes from her. The Misfits were around in the 80's ... They started in the late 70's, but most of their career existed during the 80's. Same with the Dead Kennedys and the Clash (who actually started in the mid-seventies into the mid-eighties). I think bad Religion started in the 80's as well.[/size]
  10. [size=1]To be blunt, this has nothing to do with anything. Please post topics that merit discussion, topics with some substance. Thank you. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
  11. [size=1]I listened to random parts of the songs they have on the site, [i]1997[/i] was first. Right away I got a sense of Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Primer 55, and Primus all in one ... More so the Primer 55/Primus fusion than anything. While the music does have a lot of different levels, I do not find it too much to my likings. It would be an acquired taste if anything. The vocals seem to throw it off a bit. With all the different sounds going on they need something to tie them together, but the voice just seems to tear them apart even more.[/size]
  12. [size=1]Hrmm ... I prefer the term "John-sexual" myself, heh. At least that is what my friends describe me as. If I can get gay and straight people alike to seriously question my sexual preference, then that has to be something; not that I care to label it. The common thought process of people towards me is something like this, "He is straight, but he openly flirts with guys and it defeinitely not afraid to kiss one. He is not gay because he is still into women, which would make him bisexual ... but he really does not fit there either ..." I believe that this was kind of the original idea behind the "Metrosexual" idea that people wanted to get out to the public, however I in know way consider myself "Metrosexual". I do not fulfill many of the stereotypes that it exploits, and I doubt that many of these kinds of people would even go as far as I might with a member of the same sex. I believe that Tony is correct in saying "Metrosexuality" has nothing to do with sexuality in and of itself. It is pretty much just a branding for guys who would rather follow what is going on in the fashion/trend world than act like a "real man". A guy on the newspaper staff at my school is a lot like that. Many people say that they thought he was gay upon first meeting him, I really did not. I figured he was straight and annoying ... which he is. I am pretty sure from being around him for a while that he is one of those guys who is "fine with gay people as long as they do not try anything". Personally, this whole deal irritates me to hear people saying it and claiming to be "Metrosexual". I do believe it is nothing but a trend. Much like the straight edge trend that seems to be going around. People saying things like "I am straight edge until I am twenty-one (or whatever the legal age may be to drink alcohol." I highly doubt many of these people could even begin to explain the lifestyle in which they try to label themselves as. However, this is a slightly different topic...[/size]
  13. [size=1]I like the design on both of them a lot. Everything really comes together. I prefer the first one over the second one. The colors work together more, and the red sticks out to help draw the viewer in to a focal point of that general area (the "flip tihs" and the skater). The only thing I would complain about it the quality of the file. I did not look long enough at the second one, but I saw on the first that the "flip" text got a little JPEG-itized.[/size]
  14. PiroMunkie


    [size=1]The name of the guy is Tapion, if you want more information about him just do a search on Google for him by typing in "Tapion character summary" or something. I might also advise you to clean up your posts just a little bit, and put more thought into them. Being that your question has been answered there is no further point to this topic, so I shall close it. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
  15. [size=1]Blah, I usually like to give topics a chance, and normally "Who do you think would win ... ?" topics are not allowed. Already someone has attempted to introduce a new topic, so I am just going to close this before it gets messy. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1]I think what keeps me going is that I have no motivation. I have no motivation to live, but at the same time I have no motivation to die. So I am just doing what I know best. I am living more or less carefree and uninhibited. I do not know how to die. Thusly, I believe I shall live forever. Everyone knows you when you are alive, but when you die there is nothing left to know of you. You may be dead, but, oh, remember that one time ... ? [b]Never Die.[/b][/size]
  17. [size=1]I prefer Autumn and Winter, followed by Spring and lastly Summer. Unlike Tony, I do not have to worry about raking leaves at all. ^_~ We just kind of let the blow around (into our neighbors' yard where [i]they[/i] can rake them). Fall is "hoodie" weather. Subsequently, it is my favorite. Winter has snow, and snow is just fun. Although I do not like to shovel it ... >.> But I have some good Winter memories. So that is a plus. Sping has rain, and rain is always good. I have good memories there, too. Spring and Winter kind of tie for second place in my book. Summer, though, is just too hot. -__-; I do not like it.[/size]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Turkey[/i] [B]Well, I changed the font and simplified the ad...Is it more fitting now?[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Yes, I like that much more than the original one. Well done.[/size]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NightmareMage [/i] Well, it's not technically a purchase; I'm giving it away... You may have to glue it back together or something, it's in more than two pieces... Let me know... [b]Oh, and by the way mods: THIS IS NOT SPAM![/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Then you might want to some point to this topic instead of making some ambiguous comment that holds no real meaning to anyone but yourself. Otherwise, you can probably bet that this will be closed.[/size]
  20. [size=1]I heard this song for the first time when I was up late one night at a journalism seminar and Missouri State staying in one of their dormitories. A couple of other guys and myself were watching television and one of them turned it to VH1 where this video was coming on. As amused as I was by it, the song really is not all that great. The video is the most of it, but the song by itself is just another song. If it came on the radio, I would most likely change the station to see if there was anything better.[/size]
  21. [size=1]I do not think there is anything that I listen these days that I am really ashamed to admitting I like. I have become a lot more open with everything that I listen to so much that I am just at the point where I do not care it is is out of the norm. I actually tend to surprise a lot of people when they stop by my house and come down to the computer where I am and find me listening to anything but loud, brash, and/or possibly offensive music. I surprised my mom yesterday when she came down and Badly Drawn Boy, who I was indirectly introduced to by Tony, was playing on my Winamp. So people are shocked at some music I listen to simply because they stereotype me with another. It is more so the music I [i]have[/i] listened to that most people do not know. However, if they ask or it comes up in conversation I am not going to hesitate to bring it out. The first musical artist I ever got into was Michael Jackson back when I was a wee child. I believe I still have his movie [i]Moonwalker[/i], and my mom even made a birthday themed off of him. Of course, he has changed dramatically since then, and my tastes have also changed. Of course on pop artist leads to others, and my brother got me into rap (but he actually listens to some of the good stuff). So through a lot of my childhood I was inbetween pop and rap. When I started becoming a teen the rap led to bands like Limp Bizkit and such, and their rock side branched off to hard rock/metal, like Marilyn Manson and Powerman 5000; and more alternative style music like late Greenday and the Offspring. When I hit freshman year in high school I met a friend who then introduced me to AFI and from there I got more and more into punk music which led to a little bit of ska, eventually dipping into hardcore, and then being introduced to psychobilly with bands such as Tiger Army and the Nekromantix. That went strong for a couple years until I just kind of relaxed and I just listen to anything that I believe sounds good. Typically this falls under the [i]general[/i] categories of punk, hardcore, psychobilly, metal, goth, ska, rock, classical, and other related types. So really, I more or less just do not care anymore, heh.[/size]
  22. [size=1]I cannot say I am too fond of it. I like the idea, but I would have stayed along the lines of the general design of 'punk' flyers (being that it is a 'punk' band). You know, those really simple ones that rarely ever use anything more than three colors, images just look at they were cut from a magazine or something and pasted, bold, large, and text, etc. Yet even with all that, they still seem to pull off great design and an effective look. I have always liked that. The attempted three dimensional look just does not work too well. I do not like the 'perspective' text either.[/size]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by heero12[/i] [B]i think its real because who would go this far just makeing it up and making alot of pitures its senseless[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]This topic is over a year old, please try not to bring anything back that has fallen off the first page. [b][color=red]Topic Closed.[/color][/b][/size]
  24. [size=1]Tori and I climbed into my car - an old but well running, black VW Beetle - and pulled out of the premises of the "OB" house. I recalled seeing a grocery store not too far away when I had gotten lost. The ride was peaceful. There was not much spoken, but was not said was simply made in understanding. If I was comfortable enough with driving with one hand, then I would have been holding her hand the whole time. "Thanks for making me breakfast this morning, hon," I said with a dazed but appreciative smile on my face. She giggled slightly, caringly. "It was no problem at all." "You didn't have to do that, you know," I said, as I felt a bit guilty that [i]she[/i] made them, "I could have made them myself. You said yourself that you cannot cook ..." "Are you trying to say you don't like my cooking," Tori said with a teasing, inquisitive glare. "Not at all," I calmly and honestly responded, "the eggs were wonderful." She smiled and poked me playfully in the side, and the drive continued. It was only a matter of minutes before we arrived at our desitination. It did not take much time to find a decent parking spot. Getting out of the car, we locked our doors and met each other at the back of the car where we interlocked arms and walked into the grocery store together...[/size]
  25. [size=1]This topic is not really going anywhere, so I am going to close it. Hope you had fun. [b][color=red]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
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