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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[size=1]o_O It reminds me a lot of the 'Untitled' track on [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i]. Very well done. I like it. =)[/size]
[size=1]It is pretty interesting. Aesthetically, I am having trouble pinpointing one central focal point. Nothing catches my eye when looking at the picture. Rather, I am torn between those three rectangles. I like the idea, though.[/size]
[size=1]By this time I was already exploring an upper level where some of the rooms were. I could hear the idle chatter of other people whom had already arrived. I decided not to bother checking to see the people behind the voices; it is not much of my style to interrupt at all. Besides, I could not catch a Southern accent on any of them. So these people were of no priority. I did have a quick meet with Jenna, though, since she answered the door and all. That was okay, I suppose. I never really knew her too well, so it was not like I was whole-heartedly looking forward to meeting her (and I mean that in the best way possible). [i]Ugh[/i] ... This place is endless. Ten bucks says I get lost more then my share of times. I wonder if there are any secret rooms - that would be cool. I am quite fond of being inside the walls of houses. I had a home once that had storage areas within the walls. It was neat. [i]Where the hell am I?[/i] ... I really think I have already lost myself already. I set my stuff down against a wall, as I was tired of carrying it. Well, I am just tired in general. Just as I stood up from setting my things down a figure, apparently eating something, could be seen come down the hallway a fair distance away. It was a rather big person, so I am guessing male. I began to walk towards 'him' at a lazy stride, and soon enough it became clear as to who it was ... Ken. As soon as we were within decent earshot, and recognized each other, we began to talk. "Hey!", I said. It was all I could really get out. I was far too out of it to conjur up any other words at the moment. After a few seconds we were more or less face-to-face. "You look like ****," Ken said. "I love you, too," I responded with a friendly amount of sarcasm. "What is going on?" I said, eyeing his sandwich, "And where did you get the food? I have had nothing to eat but sugar and caffeine for the past day, and I have not slept at all." "Ehh... This is actually Tori's sandwich. I kind of adopted it," said Ken with a hint of pride in his actions. My attention perked immediatly when I heard that name. "She's here?" "Yeah, apparently she left this beauty behind when she suspected that you had arrived. She makes a nice sandwich." "Where...?" "Just go back the way from which I came, take your first left, and down the stairs. That will get you back to the front entrance. That is where I would imagine she is." "Thanks. See you later." "Yup. Go get her," Ken said with a flirtatious wink. I darted past him chuckling at his tease. With any energy I could find I raced down the hallways nearly tripping over myself at times. Soon enough I had made it to the top of the staircase looking down at the front entrance. There she was, beginning to walk back to what I would think is the kitchen. She seemed kind of bummed, which is all the better because I am sure I know why ... "Hey hon," I said as loud as I could so that she might hear it, but not yelling. She stopped dead in her tracks...[/size]
[size=1][b]First Name:[/b] John. [b]Age:[/b] Seventeen. [b]Hair:[/b] Brown, straight, parted down the middle (when down), about shoulder length. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue, Grey-Blue [b]Height:[/b] 6' - 6'1 [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Black, black, and a bit more black. Color usually only shows on laundary day. Usually band t-shirts, jeans, and a hoodie. Boots, chucks, or flip-flops (when I am feeling to lazy for laces). [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, but can be loud and/or obnoxious at times. Trustworthy, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient (sometimes >.>), cheerful (sometimes), thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. =P [b]Hair Style:[/b] I would do a lot more with it if my parents would not disown me because of it. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Punk, Ska, Metal, Rock, Goth, Classical (generally speaking) [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] AFI, Apocalypse Hoboken, David Bowie, Tiger Army, the Unseen, Beethoven, Mindless Self Indulgence, Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth, Dead Can Dance, Joy Division, Deadsy, Poison, the Misfits, REM, Tenacious D, Bauhaus, Smashing Pumpkins. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Graphic and Web Design, Drawing, Theatre, Music, Movies[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi[/i] [B]I think it is quite good. There is something wrong with the base of the hand, and the fingers though. They are too long or something.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Well, my fingers [i]are[/i] on the long side, lol. I can pretty much put my pointer finger up to that drawing in the position it is in and it will match. However, I am not sure what you mean about that wrist.[/size]
[size=1]I was bored a few hours earlier and decided to sketch something. This something turned out to be my hand (as I was drawing with that hand, heh). It is not anything glorious or anything, but I decided to show it anyway. I do not post up much of my "fine" arts abilities. [edit] And by a few hours earlier, I do not mean that this took me a few hours. It took me about five minutes, or a bit more since I went back and darkened lines and added a bit of shading. I just got out of the house for a bit.[/size]
[size=1]I continued my drive as I had been doing for approximately twenty-six hours straight, but I was now on the streets of Montecito. A road trip is just not as fun if you do not attempt to drive the whole way in one sitting, and since the gas stations provide a non-stop supply of Mountain Dew, sugar, and restrooms, staying awake was not too difficult. Since it was still light out these last remaining minutes would be no problem. However, I know that once I get to the house I am just going to crash. I am pretty sure my sanity has dropped a couple notches because of this method of driving. I began to notice this when I was coming out of a gas station, hit and old woman walking along with a young child, and laughed at the incident. Too bad that did not really happen. My plans upon arriving at this place are as such: meet Tori, find a room, and sleep [strike]with Tori[/strike]. ... Honestly... I do need some sleep. I am glad that I have made this drive without dozing off, but I feel like utter crap... but it is worth it. This is the only way to road trip. Singing along helps keep myself awake as well. The Misfits, Tenacious D, and Apocalypse Hoboken seem to do the best job for me. Currently, it was AFI. I was in their home state after all; too bad Ukiah is farther north. After about a half hour (it would have been shorter had I not gotten lost a few times), I finally arrived at the house. My immediate reaction was "It's too big...", but I guess coming from Omaha, Nebraska, my expectations are a bit lower than Californian standards. I found a place to park, and immediately crawled to the back where I had a bag with some of my clothes. I changed into some fresher apparel -- jeans, t-shirt, hoodie (all black) --, grabbed my things, and headed for the front door. The weight of my luggage, despite the fact that I only had a couple bags and a large suitcase, seemed unbearable due to the severe fatigue of my body, but I carried on anyway. Arriving at the front doors (or at least what I think are the front doors), I knocked as hard and loud as I could ... with my head ... and waited for an answer.[/size]
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] John. [b]Age:[/b] 19-ish [b]Hometown:[/b] Oma'holla', Nebra[i]ska[/i]. [b]Any Pets?:[/b] Not really. [b]Attached or Single?:[/b] Attached to Tori. ^_^ [strike]***Roommate [To be decided after all signups are final]: ---[/strike] [b]Brief Life History:[/b] TBA [b]Personality Traits:[/b] [list] [*][b]Likes:[/b] Nighttime, the beach (but not the ocean), dead plantlife, peanut butter, pink lemonade, music, hooded sweatshirts, his PC, playing with his guitar, movies in the dark... [*][b]Dislikes:[/b] Heat, the ocean, seafood, even the slightest bit of dress that could be considered provocative, Macs (;P), breaking strings on his guitar, loneliness, people who preach, cats. [/list] John is generally quiet, occasionally throwing a witty comment in here or there. His words instead often come out as actions as he is rather phsyically assertive, and is not much of one for personal space; if there is a long bench, and you are on one end, you can bet money that he will sit right next to you instead of on the other side. Overall he is just very innocent in personal nature. He trusts everyone until they prove that they cannot be trusted. He is very calm and content on the outside. It takes quite a bit to startle him, let alone turn him on. [b]Appearance:[/b] Umm... no current picture of me really does my current self any justice.[/size]
[size=1]My curfew is 12:30 PM. It is an okay time, I suppose, but it would be better if they just let me do whatever as long as I check in. They pretty much do not completely trust me; my mom is worse than my dad. I do not think they grasp the concept of being straight edge, and the fact that I am usually hanging out with other straight edge kids.[/size]
[size=1]Nevermind my signup. I wish I could join, but I really just do not have the time to do this. I barely have time to do anything around OB anymore aside from moderate.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magdalena[/i] [B]2)At the store, owned by Mexicans, I got charged more for the same soda as the PR girl behind me.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]You know, you can get them in a [i]lot[/i] of trouble for doing that if you get proof. Like keep your receipt, and try and get someone's who got the same thing cheaper. Then turn it over to the cops. Though, the person behind you might have been an employee and got a discount, so you have to be careful. The guy at the checkout might have been deathly afraid of germs or something of the like. I would imagine if the was rather extreme in racism there would have been some duragatory comments, though racism could very well be the case here.[/size]
[size=1]Or you could always wait for the DVD and have both the English uncut version as well as the original Japanese version, with subtitles of course. :) Of course, you may not have a DVD player... I am not too sure about VHS, whenever I bought some of the movies before I got a DVD player it always said "UNCUT" on them... of course, now that I think about it I got those from some place online. *shrugs*[/size]
[size=1]Hrmm... I would really not know how to describe my maturity, or the lack there of. I can act like a child sometimes... but I do it in more subtle ways. Like if I get in trouble for something I actually feel bad for doing I tend to regress by cowering and pulling into myself, much like a child would. I more than not hate to make people feel bad or whatnot, so when I do I just feel as though I need to shut myself off from everyone so I do not effect them in anyway in order to make them feel bad. Eventually I get over it, of course, but how long that takes really depends. I am also very idealistic, regardless of how unrealistic that ideal may be. I believe in my ideals very strongly and refuse to accept anything else for myself then what it is that I want. Some people tell me that I am stupid for this and that I should just "face reality" (which I do face reality, I just do not agree with it), others tell me I have every right to be picky like that. Although it can be a horribly painful and depressing way to live, it pays off big time when an ideal is met. *crosses fingers for the job at Best Buy* So aside from that, and other scattered aspects of me, I would say I am more or less 'mature'. I do not really see maturity -- of any kind -- as growing up, but more so just making everything work for you. Like amibasuki said, [i]"I don't get why people think you have to be the calm and collected, never-crack-a-smile-type person to be considered mature..."[/i] If that is maturity, then kill me now because I simply shall not do it. I cannot stand being that conservative and conformist. People like myself actually enjoy being more outlandish and "against the grain", and if we can take that and actually make ourselves successful (especially in such a conservative society) then that right there, to me, is maturity. Doing that also while being more or less ethical and moral (a little contradictory, no? ^__^). Mmm... I love talking about this, it makes me feel better for some reason, lol.[/size]
[size=1]Poison. Lots and lots of Poison, lol. Good older style metal. I do not really know what else there could be to say about them, but I do reccomend them since so far no one else has mentioned them.[quote][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh[/i] [b][color=darkblue]If DK mentions Cradle of Filth while I'm gone, somebody smack him for me. When I downloaded and listened to the song he suggested, I felt like I was being possessed by demons. I ran to my room and hid under the covers.[/color][/b][/quote]Heh, that happned to me too... except I did not hide under any covers. I simply stood in awe of the vocal range of Danny Filth.[/size]
[size=1]Furiza is King Cold's [i]son[/i], so therefore Furiza is a guy. I think they made that more or less apparent aside from his appearance and voice. I could probably bet money that in the original Japanese versnio he was voice by a girl. I do believe Gokou was as well. (So was Bart Simpson!)[/size]
[size=1]I heard about this earlier today along with the death of tat one guy from [i]Three's Company[/i] or whatever show he was on. People kept saying that this other guy's death was more tragic than Johnny Cash, but I would not believe them. Sure the other guy was younger, but I doubt he had anywhere near the credibility that Johnny Cash had.[/size]
[size=1]Hrmm... I have a low, low sex drive so it is rare that I come across a song that will make me feel sexy, lol. It usually has to be a song that has a sex theme to it of some kind. Apocalypse Hoboken's cover of [i]Darling Nikki[/i] origianlly done by Prince can get me a little... whatever, but then again it is Prince so you cannot expect much else, lol. I can just imagine a rather scandalous performance of that song. [i]I Love My Computer[/i] by Bad Religion is a litle bit. It makes me laugh more than anything, but it does have a strong sexual undertone. That is all I really know of...[/size]
[size=1]If I were a girl, I would probably be sitting here wondering what it would be like to be a guy. I think I pretty much already am pretty girly, lol. I get along with girls a lot easier than I do with guys. I think I worked it out one time and I have about a 4:1 ratio of girl friends to guy friends. I have been told several times that I would make a "hott" girl, and I really do not imagine myself being much different aside from just having to deal with feminine problems.I should really get someone to help me out and totally dress me up like a girl with make-up and everything and then take pictures. It would be fun to see how hard it is to tell that I am actually a guy. :p[/size]
[size=1]I have been getting into a lot of older music lately outside the whole punk genre (as Lady M has listed; Dead Kennedys, Misfits, Sex Pistols, etc.) Most bands I have known for a long time, I just never really checked out or anyth simply because I had no reason to. I would say PickleBucket is the main reason I have checked them out simply because he has a tendency to reiterate them in his posts and such. [b]David Bowie[/b] would probably be the main one that came from him. I had heardsome of Bowie's stuff before whe my friend had a CD of his and I put it in while we were driving around one time. She said, though, that the CD was his older more hokey kind of music. So I put to it to download some other songs, and got some that Tony was kind enough to send me. I would ay my favorite song I have heard thus far is [i]Ziggy Stardust[/i], I just really like the guitar in that song and such. It is very pleasing to listen to. Then there is The Doors of whom I had gotten into earlier before when [i]Hello, I Love You[/i] came on the radio. Then there are bands like Poison, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses... Of course these I have known and heard for a while. A couple of my friends have this obsession with such metal and it rubs off. I recently got more into Poison when AFI did a live cover of their song [i]Nothing but a Good Time[/i] at the Kansas City Warped Tour this year. They said that was the second time they have ever done that the other of which was some time ago in Germany. Def Leppard I was into for a while a couple years ago. Umm... The Cure... I believe The Smiths are older. I got into them after reading [u]The Perks of Being a Wallflower[/u], and then my friend got me their album [i]Singles[/i] for my birthday this year. There is probably more that I am not thinking of, but yeah... ^_^[/size]
[size=1]Wow... and this has absolutely nothing to do with DragonBall. Please keep your topics coherant.[/size]
[size=1]I download music as much as the next person, and honestly I have no problem with it. The music is downloaded to my computer and it stays there. The only thing I have a problem with is when people take the music off of the computer and use it elsewhere. The main purpose I download music is to check out a band that I may not have heard of, and see if I like their music enough to actually go out and support them. I would not be into naerly as many bands I am today if it were not for the downloading of their songs. Once I can get up the money I [i]do[/i] actually go out and buy a CD or two. I get a lot of CD's especially when Christmas comes around. My dad said he just goes to BestBuy.com and orders everything from there, and has said that since he started doing theat Best Buy has sent him numerous e-mails asking him to buy more stuff. I do not currently have a job, which makes it hard to go out and buy music, but when I get the chance, I do. I am currently talking to a person I know who works at a Best Buy store here in Omaha and seeing if he can get me a job there. So not only shall I then have money, but I shall be within the right place to get what I want. Best Buy is probably my favorite entertainment store all around. They seem to have more of a selection of bands and for a rather reasonable price. If they do not have what you are looking for on the shelves, then you can check out their site and see if they have it there. That is how I was able to purchase Apocalypse Hoboken's CD [i]Microstars[/i]; they are not even together anymore. Come Christmas time it can be expected that I shall be asking for a lot of music I am currently getting into and/or have always been meaning to get (i.e. David Bowie, Tiger Army, Misfits, Mindless Self Indulgence, Marilyn Manson, The Cure, Joy Division, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.). I love the holidays, because I am able to do this. All that I am unable to attain myself I can get other people to do for me. I only have a few burned CD's only two of which a full albums and the rest are mixes, but none of them do I even really listen to anymore. They are laying around my room somewhere collecting dust, which is [i]not[/i] how I care for the CD's I have that I actually enjoy having. I am probably one of the most anal people when it comes to organzing the music I have. All of my CD's are alphabetized (both the cases and the CD's), and all my files are the same way on the computer. Of course it is that way by default, but I have recently gone through them all and made sure all the titles and names were capitalized properly and written correctly. For example, the file [i]the Cure - the love Cats.mp3[/i] becomes [i]Cure, The - The Love Cats.mp3[/i]. I have also gone through the playlist in Winamp and checked to make sure that each song within each artist is alphabetized. All I do is pull up my entire playlist and have it set on [i]shuffle[/i] so I get a random artist. Then when I get new music I update the organization and save it again. I love the music very much and am not going to outright harm those people who make it. I may not be able to get their stuff right away, but it will come around eventually. I am not one of those people who downloads an artists CD well ahead of time of its release, or even at all before it is released. I know Tony can back me up on that one because he had checked out [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] (AFI) a little bit ahead of time and asked if I wanted to listen to it and I would not do it. I would only listen to the stuff AFI pre-released to the public. I really dislike the actions the RIAA are taking as it seems they are targeting the wrong audience. If I ever get caught up in their mess I am going to light up an debate faster than a computer hooked up with T3 can download any song.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Evil Pancakes[/i] [B]Either way, I'm seeing them live in October, they never showed up at The Warped Tour...[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]If you are talking about this years Warped Tour, then yes they [i]did[/i]go along with it for a while. They were not there for the whole tour, but they were ther. I saw them in Wichita and Kansas City, and I would have in Saint Louis but a thunder storm started just as they were about to go on stage and it was looking pretty bad. I was so upset... I was so thrashed from the previous two days that I had waited all day just sitting around with my friends waiting for AFI (they were the last to perform that day), and one of my friends signed a release form out of the ER because she was have some [i]serious[/i] pains and such just to see them. It would have been so cool to see them play in the rain, though. Stupid thunder and lightning... But yes, [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] was an okay album. I was not too thoroughly impressed by it, but I am not going into the reasoning because I have done it a couple times before. Upon listening to it through the first time, the first track to directly catch my attention was [i]Dancing Through Sunday[/i]. I think that is my favorite track off of that album. I think my overall favorite album is [i]Black Sails in the Sunset[/i]. Then, like Picklebucket said, [i]The Art of Drowning[/i] and [i]Very Proud of Ya[/i]. I hate how so many trendy people are getting into them with the release of [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i], it makes me sick. Though I cannot help but laugh when they are performing a song that is not on that album. While the people who have actually known them for a while are singing along everyone else just kind of stands there confused, lol. I am hoping to see them at the beginning of October, but I still have to get some details from my friend before I can even ask about it. It would help is she was not impossible to get ahold of. *sigh* But yes, AFI rocks, and... umm... I own you all.[/size]
[size=1]Since... [b]A.[/b] we usually "dont" allow favorite topics, and [b]B.[/b] all you said to do was to say the name of it and who does it... I am going to close this topic. It allows no merit for actual discussion, and will only lead to "I think _______ by _______ is the best technique" which is something we do not want. Please put a little more thought into your posts in the future. Thank you.[/size] [size=1]Edit by J-17: Forgot to add the word "dont" in the first statement. ^_^[/size]
[size=1]Though I am not really a morning person, I am not grouchy if I am actually up in the morning. I am usually way too tired to have any kind of emotion, lol. Especially if I have not gotten a whole lot of sleep. It can get so bad that I shall do nothing but mumble incoherencies and make awkward sounds. So I am much more of a night person.[/size]
[size=1]Umm... most people refer to me as a monkey, or some other related primitive creature. So that would probably have to be it. One of my friends even sometimes calls me her "monkey boy", lol. I think it has to do with my tendency to want to climb in out out, up and down, and around anything I can find. I am very lanky which is a somewhat common attribute among such animals. Mostly it has to do with my habit of climbing, swinging, jumping, etc. from place to place when given the chance. Sometimes I can even get the walk of a money down, lol... sometimes. It is a bit confusing, and I do not always feel like walking on my knuckles.[/size]