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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color="#006400"]Yeah I thought it was curious as well that I couldn't get anything to display on my monitor. It would keep giving me "No signal" which I know I've fixed on at least one other person's computer just by unplugging and replugging the monitor cables. But I went back and removed and reconnected most everything (outside of physically removing the CD-ROM and HDD), and I'm getting the same thing. The only connectors not in use are a bunch of extra SATAs that came with the new PSU, that 4-pin floppy, the old 6-pin PCI that's connected to what looks like some kind of converter or extension that's impossible to remove (I tried hooking the old 6-pin back up instead of using the new one, but it made no difference), and some 3-pin power cable (looks like a broken 4-pin with brown, black and yellow wires) that's also connected to the same extension as the 6-pin PCI; as far as I can tell the 3-pin has no place in my PC, lol. But the one thing that's definitely not working is my power button, at least not fully since like I said I can turn all the fans off by holding it down. The fan on my graphics card is working so I'm assuming it's getting power but just has nothing to display because nothing is booting (that's my theory anyway, lol). There's supposed to be a light behind the power button the computer is on and running, but it's not working at the moment (and didn't after my old PSU failed so this is nothing new since I installed the new PSU). Also the CD-ROM drive doesn't open, but I don't know that it should either without anything really being active, lol.[/color]
  2. [color="#006400"]k so I got a new PSU, and a new surge protector just to be safe, and to the best of my knowledge I plugged everything back in correctly (though I had a 4-pin floppy connector chillin' that I couldn't remember if it was plugged in to anything, though since I don't have a floppy drive I can't imagine it was). When I tried to power up my computer again I had the same problem I had the last time I tried. Fans on, but no power to the rest of the PC. Which I could imagine could be anything from a broken power button to a fried motherboard. :D GOOD TIMES. I think I might kill myself. It makes me wonder if my old PSU was faulty to begin with (though I think the burning smell would say yes) considering all the fans are working fine. >_> [size=1]Update: So it's weird because my fans work. Even the ones that are exclusively attached to my motherboard, so it's clear that the motherboard is receiving power, right? Or at least funtioning enough to make the fans work. Additionally, if I hit the power button (holding it, as though I was forcing the computer to shut off without shutting it down), those fans turn off (the PSU fan remains on) and can't be turned back on without shutting off the PSU and turning it back on. One of the decorative lights comes on and stays on even after the fans are off. Also there's a feint whirring sound that fades after I turn the PSU on, which I'm guessing is my hard drive turning on.[/size][/color]
  3. [color="#008000"]I checked it almost immediately. The first thing I did was touch the side and put my hand back where the fans are and those weren't even remotely warm. When I opened it up shortly thereafter to check for any visible damage, the components were barely warm ... Like as warm as I'd expect them to be from just being in use. Thanks for your reply, though. You answered a lot of questions I also had about the wattage and whatnot (wasn't positive that more would be better than less, but I would have assumed so). I'll probably get around to removing the PSU and shop around for a suitable replacement. Should probably invest in a new power strip too just incase that was the cause of the short. I don't really want to take it to a repair shop when I know I'm more than capable of replacing it. :P It's mostly just a matter of knowing for sure what the problem was and what to look for in a replacement.[/color]
  4. [color="#006400"]Haha, yeah ... I'm pretty cautious about removing anything right now. I'm almost positive the problem is the PSU, but I don't want to remove anything until some tech-savvy person who has dealt with similar problems can come along and say "Yes, it's definitely your PSU." I wish I knew someone with a PSU Tester or something. It's not that I'm not confident in my ability to take a computer apart. I've done it before when I had to add some RAM to my old PC that was about the size of a thimble. I just don't know enough about the hardware to run the appropriate diagnostics. I think there also might be an underlying problem with the power strip it was plugged into. I have a really old fan I was using in my room that also was plugged into it and it doesn't want to work anymore either, though the other things that are plugged into it still work fine. So if there was a short or a surge coming from the power strip I could see how that could potentially fry my PSU. ._.[/color]
  5. [color="#006400"]If only shameless plugs helped resolve my issue. :P When I opened my PC up earlier the burning smell seemed to be coming from my PSU, so I'm 99.99% sure that's my problem, lol. There doesn't seem to be any visible damage to the motherboard or any other component. I didn't hear/see any sparks or crackles or anything when it happened so I'm hoping the damage is just centralized to the PSU. However, my knowledge of this piece of hardware is limited merely to being able to identify it, and being that the manufacturing date on the label says it's at least 4 years old I haven't been able to find it online; nor do I know what what to look for if I was to look for a comparable replacement. And if I were to replace it I have no idea how difficult it may or may not be to do so. x_x Would I have to buy new cables to hook up to all the other components, or would they come with? I don't want to actually remove my PSU until someone can tell me with some certainty that it is definitely the problem, lol. So I'm not 100% sure how it's hooked up inside the box.[/color]
  6. [color="#006400"]k so You're sitting at your computer when [b]ALL OF THE SUDDEN[/b] everything just shuts off, and there's a feint burning smell. What do you do? x_x I'm guessing it's the power supply, but that's where my knowledge of this problem stops. ... help? ._. [size=1]I'm not typing this from my computer. Also, after I finished opening it up and inspecting it to make sure nothing was melted (the PC wasn't even hot, or moderately warm) the fans turned out as soon as I plugged the power cable back in and couldn't be turned off, but the computer itself was dormant, lol.[/size][/color]
  7. [color="#006400"]Video/Audio clip ftl. D: How am I supposed to keep up my mystique if you can see/hear me?[/color]
  8. Torchwood: Masters of tautology, connoisseurs of unnecessary repetition.

    1. SeDoc


      Now available: The American Edition.

  9. I've always like finding that stray onion ring in the bottom of my fries. It's like finding the prize in a Cracker Jack box.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ellerby


      Why don't you just buy onion rings? XD

    3. PiroMunkie


      Because finding a french fry in my onion rings just isn't the same feeling.

    4. Ellerby



  10. Made some mac and cheese only to remember we had no milk. Turn out watered down sour cream works as a solvent just fine.

    1. Shy


      I made Hamburger Helper the other day before I realized we were out of milk. I used butter and it actually tasted better.

    2. PiroMunkie


      Nice. :P I was already using at least 4tbsp of butter already. The cheese powder wasn't taking as much as I'd like it to. I still didn't get the consistency I like, but the flavor was fine.

  11. [quote name='fujyoshi' timestamp='1307450525' post='707876'] I'm surprised to know this forum has been around for so long for it doesn't seem very active :O although I didn't start on forums untill 05 and another forum I used ta go to is now like that as well xD [/quote] [color="#006400"]Yeah, it's funny because I think status updates are more active than actual forum posts. Damn kids these days don't know how to just sit down and have a nice chat.[/color]
  12. [color="#006400"]Rice. Rice anything. Cook up some rice and eat it plain, or delve into your spice rack if you're feeling fancy. I suppose the same could be said for noodles/ramen. Though I actually read recently that when you just have the broth leftover in a cup of ramen it's not uncommon to mix some rice in to finish it off instead of just drinking it. :P So rice for everything. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack![/color]
  13. PiroMunkie


    [color="#006400"]Yeah I remember this show, lol. I like it for some strange reason. Maybe the cheesy humor. I didn't mind the graphics, as I was also into The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest which had similar shoddy 3D imagery.[/color]
  14. [b]Despicable Me[/b] :P "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."
  15. [quote name='SeDoc' timestamp='1306701658' post='707652']Series 6 has an even more frightening concept, introduced in episode 1! It gave me chills.[/quote][color="#006400"]Ehh, the thing about them is I wouldn't remember how terrified I was. :P Unless I was clever enough to come up with a system to do so like they did.[/color]
  16. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1305518271' post='707384']I already tried and he's made it quite clear that I'd be the shame of the family. I'm not going to ever tell him, I think.[/quote][color="#006400"] Just out of curiosity, how do you [i]try[/i] to tell someone that without actually telling them anything? Just bringing it up, even hypothetically, is enough to arouse suspicion, lol. You make it sound like it's more of a "As long as you don't actually come out and say it, I'm okay with it" sort of deal.[/color]
  17. I'm thinking mushroom onion bbq burgers tonight ...

    1. CaNz


      Sounds amazing to me!

  18. Should it be physically possible to "jump" while laying flat? Awoke from a nightmare and literally had some hangtime, lol.

  19. [color="#006400"]:o I didn't realize the next season had started. I'm going to have to get on that, lol. I only somewhat recently started watching the show. I took like two weeks to just sit there and no-life it through the first five seasons (well first five of the "new" Doctor Who) several months back, lol. I was hooked pretty quick. It was a little sad to see Tennant go, though I enjoyed the new Doctor. It was an interesting change from the suave, postured Doctor to a more scatter-brained, dorky one. And the fact that his companion wasn't just another love fool was welcome. She's awfully cute, too. ;P Strangely one of my favorite episodes was one that featured very little of the Doctor, "Blink." Such an amazing episode. I've never been so creeped out by statues. I can watch any horror movie, play any horror game and not be phased. But Weeping Angels are just a downright frightening concept, lol.[/color]
  20. [quote name='Allamorph' timestamp='1304711049' post='707162'] [FONT=Calibri]The SEALs asked him to surrender in Spanish. Apparently he doesn't know that language.[/FONT] [/quote] [color="#006400"]I don't know if I should laugh or facepalm. On one hand it's kind of funny that they would be so eager as to not actually give him an option, but at the same time it's disappointing and/or confusing. I mean, I can't imagine he would have cooperated anyway, and it's not like you even need a guy's permission to take him as a prisoner so why even bother with the formality? When I heard the news I was a little surprised that they just offed him right then and there, it was a bit anti-climactic, lol. At the same time I can't even imagine the media frenzy if we had him alive.[/color]
  21. [quote name='Felix the Cat' timestamp='1304399904' post='707057']Al-Qaeda will most definitely not dissolve due to losing one man, who might as well just have been a spokesman to the outside world, a marionette so to speak.[/quote][color="#006400"] Yeah, this was exactly my sentiment. I heard someone call him "the face of terrorism," basically defining him as the person in Al-Qaeda with the most PR, lol. I don't doubt that he had influence or leadership within the organization, but I think we'd sooner see him praised as a martyr before anything.[/color] [quote name='James' timestamp='1304403354' post='707059'] [font=palatino linotype]What are they supposed to do, honestly? No nations they contacted wanted to take it.[/font][/quote][color="#006400"] I don't know, I agree with it to a point, and part of me was surprised they even bothered to give him a proper burial. I also read that, in addition to no country wanting to take him, they were worried about a physical grave for Osama becoming a shrine to those who agreed with him. Though I've read an article or two suggesting that the way he was buried might actually anger some Muslims. That a burial at sea is only done in extreme cases, which some don't agree that this was one; and just because it was done as part of tradition, doesn't mean it was done [i]properly[/i] or according to Islamic law. Though in this light it seems it's more [i]how[/i] he was buried and less about who buried him that might cause some reprisal. But overall I'm sort of torn between the idea that he should have just been dumped overboard, or that even the most atrocious people deserve a proper burial.[/color]
  22. [color="#006400"]I was pretty indifferent when I heard about this. Unless Al-Qaeda magically dissolves because of his death, the long search and capture of Osama is really nothing more than a revenge plot. It's certainly a boost of morale for many, but it doesn't mean the war is over. I also thought it was pretty bold for the U.S. to claim the body and bury it on their own terms.[/color]
  23. [color="#006400"]I've never felt better about the fact I didn't succumb to the allure of the PS3 and XBox. Don't hack my Wii bro.[/color]
  24. So apparently my dryer is capable of pulling the drawstring completely out of my hoodie. -_- This is going to be tedious.

    1. The Spectacular Professor

      The Spectacular Professor

      That happened to my gi pants once. I had about fifteen minutes to fix it before I had to go to karate.

  25. I've discovered there's a direct correlation between how strong my singing voice is and how often I spend time driving. >_>

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