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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]To begin with, anyone can tell you are new, and that is not a good thing. I do not mean to sound mean, but if you would not like to be banned from this board I would suggest cleaning up your post quality and put a bit more thought into your ideas. You are new, so I suggest you visit the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=69]OtakuBoards Information Center[/url] for rules and FAQ if you have not already. Aside from that, you can go to [url=http://www.theotaku.com/dragonball/]theOtaku.com[/url] and find plenty of pictures there. As for music videos, I am sure you could go to Google.com and search for "DragonBall music videos" and come up with some good results. If any members knows any good music video sites for DragonBall, you can feel free to post the links to them. Just make sure that is not [i]all[/i] you are posting.[/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo[/i] [B]... Good Charlotte is like punk/goth with a cheerful tone...[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]... You have now proven that you have pretty much no clue as to what you are talking about. Referring to Good Charlotte as punk is one thing, but relating them to goth is something entirely different. By no means are they even considerably goth. I cannot believe you said that...[/size]
  3. [size=1]I think my school is pretty lax on its rules. I mean, everyone breaks them if one were to go by the word, but so many people do it so it is pointless to try and crack down on [i]every single person[/i]. It is only those who outright break them that get in trouble. For a comparison, it is like when driving nearly everyone is speeding to some extent. It is just never much of a problem because everyone is just going as fast as the next person. It is simply those who are excessively speeding that get busted. Though, one time a kid from our school newspaper walked in with a beer bong over his shoulders (it was needed for a graphic) right by the security desk and did not even get stopped, lol.[/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anime_Forever[/i] [B]Irony? What is irony? Isnt ironic like a coincidence?[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Ironies are situations/phrases or whatever in which two or more ideas that are often not put together cooperatively find themselves that way... something like that. That song you mentioned, by Alanis Morissette, almost had nothing to do with anything being ironic, lol. Most of those situations were just unfortunate, like having "10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife". That is unfortunate and inconvenient, but it is hardly ironic. The only thing I can remember within that song that was ironic was "Mr. Play-It-Safe" dying in a plane crash; a plane said to be one of the safest ways to travel. Of all the flights that could have crashed, it was his. Another example could be an Amish person somehow being involved in a car accident, based on the fact that they stray from modern technology. An ironic statement would be such as, "Anarchy is the only system of government for me." Anarchy means that of having [i]no[/i] government or system, so that statement would thus be considered ironic.[/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break[/i] [B][size=1][color=CC0000]Anyway.. I like the Offspring, I have done for ages. I would say that their earlier stuff appeals to me more, but it's all good music. Unfortunately, they fail to change their style at all and some songs sound like ones from other albums, silly stuff.[/size][/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Holy crap... I forgot about the Offspring. I am a fan of their older stuff. Pretty much anything [i]Smash[/i] and before appeals to me. [i]Ignition[/i] is probably my favorite that I have heard. Our age old, legendary friend, Topaz, was the one who originally really got me into them. Before that I had just known of them off of [i]Americana[/i], which as an album was okay... [i]Conspiracy of One[/i] was total crap, though. Though, I give them no credit for their cover of AFI's [i]Totalimmortal[/i] for the [i]Me, Myself, and Irene[/i] soundtrack. They did not even get permission to do that, and AFI could not do a thing about it for some reason. It was not even a good cover... >.
  6. [size=1]My semi-serious advice is to deprive yourself from any more than two hours of sleep for a day or two. You will get in a loopy mood eventually and talk to pretty much anyone. I imagine it is like being 'high', but not really, lol. You might be a bit proned to making a fool of yourself, but you have a bit more control I would imagine than if you were actually high. On a more serious note. Just talk to him. You can start out slow, maybe just by entering class and saying "Hey/Hi/Hello" as you pass by him. Then from there you can gradually just say more and more.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Common sense is the better of the two. Book smarts is useful to have along, but really you cannot have any book smarts without common sense. And what [i]is[/i] book smarts? "Wow! I have a 4.23 GPA!" Holy moly! You have ability to memorize given information and spew it back out within a standardized system! Do not worry, you will more or less forget it all by next year. Some of the supposed "smartest students" (as in those with high GPA's) are honestly some of the most ignorant people I know. When students take the SAT and ACT, the colleges are not looking for how many you got informationally correct. There is no possible way that they could prove that the person taking the test actually [i]knew[/i] what they were doing when it comes to knowing the answer right off hand by actually being "book smart" (which I believe is a rare, rare case). All those colleges care about is how many you got correct in the given amount of time. How well were you able to organize and manage your time. Did you finish the entire test, or are some parts empty? All a person has to know how to do is simplify. For example, multiple choice answers. Sure, there are those you immediately know the answer to, but then there are those in which other answers seem possible. [i]They put those possibilities in there on purpose.[/i] You have to use [i]common sense[/i] to go through the process of elimination. They do not want you to go in and take that test studying only facts and such -- for all you know they will test you on something entirely different --, they want you to go in there with the common sense and reasoning to know how to work those problems. The tests already give you the information you need to know, all you have to do is apply it.[/size]
  8. [size=1]I prefer [b]AFI[/b] and, introduced to me be Semjaza Azazel, [b]Apocalypse Hoboken[/b]. AFI has been around for a decade now, and their music has progressed so far along with their band line-up. Davey and Adam are the two "founding" members of the band. Regardless that, in my opinion, their music only continues to get better, each and every one of their albums is its own unique piece of work. No one album sounds like the next (aside from maybe [i]Very Proud of Ya[/i] and [i]Answer That and Stay Fashionable[/i] which even have two re-recorded songs). Back in the day they were seen as a band that was going to become the next big thing in the scene since the Misfits, and that is what they shoot for; the influence to change all the sugar-coatedness and cliches via their music. Sure they did "sell out" with their last album [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i], but they did it to get their music out on a bigger market. To expose it to more people than just those within the scene. They are probably one of the few musical acts these days that do what they do for the love of the music and what is behind it over what they are getting paid for it. Apocalypse Hoboken unfortunately never really became big, and are no longer together (which is even more unfortunate). Their break finally came with the release of their last album [i]Microstars[/i] on Kung Fu Records. Before that, they have a multitude of other albums on CD and vinyl some of which are still available. Their progression kind of reminds me that of AFI in the fact that their earlier stuff seems to just hold more angst (while still holding that AH wit). They are an incredibly fun band to listen to at the least. Finding out the lyrics to the songs and discovering meaning to them adds a whole new depth to the band, not to mention you can then sing along. Other bands I like include: Rancid, Bad Religion, the Unseen, Rise Against, and Thrice just to name a few.[/size]
  9. [size=1]I do not own this movie, but whenever I get a random chance to watch it I do. I never seem to get tired of it. It is an excellent movie, and quite different from the genres I usually take to when it comes to films. I have not seen it in a while, though.[/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha[/i] [B][color=royalblue]To really make it safe, I suppose everyone should just walk around naked and hope for the best...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Well, hold on now, people could take after Houdini and conceal items in pockets of skin. You could conceal things such as razor blades or whatnot, and just make sure the edge it sheathed somehow. *rolls eyes* Obviously the attempt to cut down on school violence by taking away the priveledge to carry around backpacks is absurd. As others have pointed out, it is easy enough to store weapons in other places besides one's backpack. Taking away the backpacks does not solve anything, but taking away those who [i]do[/i] conceal weapons will solve something.[/size]
  11. [size=1]Life has an unfathomable amount of its own little ironies. Those of which I am sure you are not even aware of. There are probably more than you do not notice than those that you do. I do not really dwell on them, or get annoyed by them or anything. Usually I just laugh at how funny they are. I would say the most prominent one I can really think of right now is that fact that I, an unproclaimed athiest, carries on with a very good friendship with Tori (Queen Asuka), a Mormon. I would imagine the following, taken from a [i]Squee![/i] comic, would not be far from a perfectly sane conversation between her and I: [b]Me:[/b] "Ah, darling. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. You see, I am Satan." [b]Her:[/b] "Hmmm...that explains the basement. But...I've always been such a good [strike]Christian[/strike] Mormon woman." [b]Me:[/b] "Well... then let's both be thankful for irony." ^__^[/size]
  12. [size=1]Heh, that is very cool. I especially like how the grip on the sword actually looks like it is wrapped. It gives it a bit more depth and dimension. Very nice. ^_^[/size]
  13. [size=1]The first time I watched this movie when it came out, I ended up entirely confused, lol. I am not sure why, but by the end of the movie I was just like... [i]huh[/i]? o_O So not long ago I watched it again, and it made sense this time around. ^_^ I really enjoyed it. Johnny Depp is sexy as always, but I much prefer Christina Ricci with dark hair. I love Depp's play of his character in the movie. Trying to be this mature, intellectual forensics scientist, yet getting grossed out by blood or the thought of someone being decapitated. I like how they changed the plot of the original story around. It worked well, I thought.[/size]
  14. [size=1]I have a huge problem with procrastination, but I think it runs with my overall nature of who I am. Not that I would really call myself a procrastinator, just, to most, my priorities are out of proper alignment. Right now I am should probably be doing my homework, which mainly consists of writing two columns for my newspaper class. I have had all weekend to do them... probably a bit longer than that, but I just never get around to them. It is not like I intentionally put them off. I just find something better to do. Something that makes me happier than writing two columns. If I break down enough where I think there is nothing really better to do, but then remember I still have to write my columns, then I shall probably write them. Earlier I posted about this in my myOtaku blog. I was thinking about them then, but I was just fine practicing my guitar. Right now I think I am about to do them... I think I am going to do one of them on procrastination, lol, and here I am posting this. I shall get them done... eventually.[/size]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [B]Oh, and Teen Girl Squad. That's some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen. "i have a crush on EVERY BOY!!" "ARROWED!" "ow, my skin!"[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Lol, I love Teen Girl Squad. My favorite episode so far is the second one: "I think I have a chance with this guy." *bat! bat! bat! bat! bat! bat! bat! * "I am TOTALLY crushing." *CHILDREN!* I like to check out the StrongBad e-mails of course, and play the Trogdor game.[/size]
  16. [size=1]... o_O This topic is almost [b]TWO YEARS[/b] old. Please DO NOT bring back threads this old. Crikey... I was not even a moderator then...[/size]
  17. [size=1]The picture of Super Saiya-jin Pan [i]is[/i] fake in the sense that a Super Saiya-jin Pan never existed within the series. I am sure it was drawn [i]somehow[/i]. Otherwise it could never existed.. o-O Unless it was painted or something. It is just fanart. Some fanartists are better than others.[/size]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic[/i] [B]You all seem to be forgetting one very important cartoon... Gargoyles.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I remember that cartoon. ^_^ I think I still have that movie that was made about it. I really do not remember much about it. It did gives me dreams that I was a gargoyle though. I know what it is like to [strike]fly[/strike] glide on air currents. ^_^; The main thing I remember about those dreasm was throwing the 'villain' of a roof and him being impaled upon a piked fence. >.>[/size]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior[/i] [B]And I never said it was an automatic XD For all we know, it could be a new kind of gun.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]The fact that it apparently fired rapid, repeated bullets gives off that implication. ^_^[/size][quote][b]It does take place in another world.[/b][/quote][size=1]You never said that.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Mmm... good ol' switch to Japanese music. To begin my listening experience, I started by visiting your myOtaku site and listening to [i]Dahlia[/i]. From that I was a bit hesistant to check them out further, but I decided to still give them a shot. I went ahead and downloaded some of the songs you mentioned while listening to what Malice Mizer songs I have just to get my mind in gear. I downloaded: [i]I'll Kill you[/i], [i]Kurenai[/i], [i]Orgasm[/i], [i]Rose of Pain[/i] (Live), and [i]Silent Jealousy[/i]. So far I have gotten through listening the first two, and am just now listening to [i]Orgasm[/i]. I must say I do like them. The lead singer.. umm... Toshi has a familiar voice. I remember I was over at a friend's house once and she had a DVD thing that had a bunch of metal (this kind of metal) on it. I cannot remember the name of the band, but there was one whose vocals sounded a lot like this one. The person was Japanese as well... or at least Asian. But yes, I do seem to enjoy them. I am now trying to figure out whether I like X or Malice Mizer better...[/size]
  21. [size=1]I cannot say that I would... I am trying to think of all the bad things that happen to me and such, but something good has always come out of them, and I would not want to miss the opportunity to experience that again just to rid myself of a momentary wave of negative emotion. For example, my last job I hated. I knew I was going to when I took it, but I still did it anyway. Though, because I got this job I was able to get enough money to go to Warped Tour and see some of my favorite bands [i]three[/i] times. Eventually, I was fired from that job. Sure, I no longer have income, but I have a lot more time to hang out with friends. Whereas when I was working, I worked five days a week leaving very little spare time for actual fun. Despite how much I hated that job, I would not take back the experiences it helped give me.[/size]
  22. [size=1]Lol, that was pretty funny. A stereotypical "gangster" situation that took a turn for a more unrealistic battle scene and corny lines. The gun did not looke at all like an automatic, and that guy had a [i]lot[/i] of blood in him, lol. And that was one [i][b]hell[/b][/i] of a hand grenade. o_O I have never seen one create a mushroom cloud and leave no trace of its victim. Not the greatest thing, but it serves its purpose of being a comic. Well done.[/size]
  23. [size=1]I am guessing you would be talking about stuff like mystikal's work, some of Sara's stuff, and possibly even my [i]Unspeakable Horrors[/i] artwork. I use Photoshop to color like that, and I believe that is what the others do as well. If not, then it is a similar program, or they actually have the right implements to color that way. It takes a lot of time and patience to do them though.[/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic[/i] [B]Shawn and Cory are just... odd. If Cory weren't so obsessed with his love for Topanga and Shawn wasn't gravitated toward Angel, you'd think those two were in love. They'd have these moments where they'd talk about their friendship in such a serious tone that it sounded like they were a couple. Ever see the episode where Shawn was dating a girl who dated Cory? Cory and Shawn had these secret conversations on the telephone where Shawn said how much he missed the sound of Cory's voice, and Cory was cooking this large meal that he wouldn't let anyone eat but Shawn.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]That, and other things you mentioned, are the way they are for humor purposes, lol. It would be pretty boring just to see them sitting there having a normal conversation, whereas when they exaggerate how much those two value their friendship it makes you raise an eyebrow. ^__- The show is not supposed to just be this all out drama/soap opera thing. I do watch the show every now and then. I enjoy it enough. I think the older episodes (when Cory was a kid) are a bit annoying, though. The fact that they are these grade school kids who end up teaching these lifelong lessons is just very, [i]very[/i] corny. That, and just everyone seemed to be rather annoying back then. Shaun was okay, Topanga was... interesting, lol. Once they got the shows going when they were older, I liked them more. Eric's character is just fun to watch. I really would not say he got dumber than his old self, but he definitely took a turn for the strange. I believe it was a good change, though. I have pretty much always enjoyed Shaun's character, just because he is kind of the "underdog" of it all. He is most succeptable to having to deal with greater issues. I also think I noticed he is in that [i]Cabin Fever[/i] movie that is coming out. So obviously his acting career is now taking beyond just this show. I think the show is well constructed for the kind of show it is. It may not be completely realistic, but it serves its purpose. I give it the credit it deserves.[/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Carr[/i] [B]Oh, can anyone think of the Loony Toon with the ten gallon hat, red hair and pistols that jumps up and down and turns bright red?[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I do believe you would be speaking of Yosemite Sam. The rootin'est, tootin'est varmint on this side of the pecos. :p He is pretty classic.[/size]
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