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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hittokiri Zero[/i] [B]1. Create New Text Layer 2. Right click on text layer in layers window ---> go to blending options. 3.Check outer glow. Change the "blend mode" (from the drop down menu) from screen to normal (all the way at the top). 4.Next change the opacity to 100%. Then click the little yellow square and choose what color you wish the outline for the text to be. 5.Change the spread to 100, and Size to 1 (or 2. 6. Click "OK" and your done.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]... o_O That is a somewhat round about way of doing it, lol. Instead of going to Glow in the Blending Options, you can go to [b]Stroke[/b]. The [i]Opacity[/i] is default at 100%. You can pick what color you want and change the thickness of the outline to your specifications; the default size is 3. Or if you do not want to mess with Blending Options: ? Hold down [b]Control[/b] and click the layer of text or whatever that you want to stroke. (this automatically selects it in a marquee) ? Go to [b]Edit » Stroke[/b]. ? Choose your color, size, and blend mode (if neccesary, otherwise just keep it as Normal). ? If you are using a [b]1px[/b] Stroke, choose either Outside or Center for the location. Anything larger, just choose Outside. ? Click Okay. Viola. Your graphics are pretty good for just beginning. Probably better than the first stuff I did, lol. If you want tutorials to get you familiar with everything, I reccomend these places: [url=http://www.totaltutorials.com]Total Tutorials[/url] [url=http://www.bluesfear.com]Blue Sfear[/url] [url=http://www.shadowness.com]Shadowness[/url] (temporarily down right now) [url=http://www.deviantart.com]Deviant Art[/url] There is a whole big list of places with Photoshop tutorials [url=http://opticalorgasm.com/huge_tutorial_list.html]HERE[/url], but those are the ones that I think I looked at most.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1]Heh...I love that Squee book. Especially the part where Jhonen shows us those letters from obsessed fans/haters.[/size][/b][/quote][size=1]Heh, yeah that part was funny. I would say of the non-Squee comics in that book, and exluding Happy Noodle boy, lol, I am probably most fond of the grenade baby from [b]True Tales of Human Drama![/b]. (the baby in the bunny suit above Pepito, for those who do not know) :p[/size][quote][b][size=1]But anyways. Nice picture, it's actually excellent considering the fact that I will die before I can even try to imitate his art. Satan and the lice monster turned out very nicely. Looks exactly like Jhonen's own work.[/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Bleh, I accidentally made Satan really slanted, lol. I thought the dust mite did turn out pretty well though. There are a few small spacing errors, but oh well.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina[/i] [B][COLOR=coral][SIZE=1]Gothic. O.o It's inked very well and I can't see anything wrong with it, unless I wanna nitpick. So awesome! Keep it up.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Lol... *wonders how many people are going to read his entire first post* As I said, it was done in pencil. There is no ink involved. I put it in Photoshop and increased the contrast to make it black so it [i]looks[/i] as though it was inked. Fooled you. :p I could point a million things wrong with it, but I am not going to, lol. They are not all that important.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo[/i] [B]You have a cool, Invader Zim-esque art style. Really, really good. I go for more of the Shounen Martial Arts kinda style. But your great and really out do me.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]*cough* I did say that I the base for this picture is the back of a [u]Squee![/u] comic, lol. [u]Squee![/u] was written and drawn by the same person who created [i]Invader Zim[/i]. If I took the slight anime imfluence out of the picture, you would see the Jhonen (as in Jhonen Vasquez, the artist who drew it) style a lot more.[/size]
[size=1]I do not think it would suit the default skin that well, lol. I would say my main complaint would be that the scanlines seem to cut into the text and such. I am not sure how to go about fixing that. Perhaps make it bolder and/or stroke it. The text seems a little poorly placed. I would not call it disorganized, just not organized well. It just seems a little [i]empty[/i] over all. I mean, there is one thing about a banner being plain, but I would not say this looks like it was going to be a plain banner.[/size]
[size=1]Hrmm... well, I got bored yesterday, last night, very early this morning so I spent all my time drawing. It has been a while since I last actually sat down and drew something so I decided to just draw [i]from[/i] something. I chose the back of [u]SQUEE'S Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors[/u]. Though, so it was a little bit of my work, I gave it a slight anime twist. I found that to be easier than I thought it might be, since all the really needs to be changed are the eyes and a little bit of facial structure. I tried to keep in as Jhonen as possible, so I was not going to exploit every stereotype of anime. Aside from that aspect, compared the the actual picture it is horrible in terms of placement. I have never been that good when it comes to arranging things exactly, but it really is not that bad. They are more of less just a little more spread out. It was done with pencil, but I opened it up in Photoshop and increased the contrast to make it look black. Everything that is black I shaded darkly in with the pencil. This cuts down a lot of extra work when it comes to coloring it, lol. So this is just the black and white outline version. I have been coloring it all today in Photoshop. So far I have: ? [b]Squee:[/b] The little boy in the bottom center with the "Believe" shirt on. I changed the shirt to say that, what is below and covered up by his hands is an alien head. ? [b]Pepito:[/b] The dark child with the mohawk-looking hair style. He is the son of Satan (or as he prefers it, Señor Diablo). ? [b]Roadkill:[/b] The deformed dog in the front. It really does not have a name, that is just what I am calling it because that is how it got deformed. ? [b]Evil Dog:[/b] The little pup next to Pepito. It eats people if you do not give your lunch. And I am about half-way through [b]Shmee[/b], the impish teddy bear in the air to the right of Squee. So I have a lot of work to do before it is completely finished, lol. I just thought I would show you guys what I am up to, I guess. Enjoy.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari[/i] [B][size=1]How about the position of the earth? Isn't god great! Just a few stepa away form it's current position and it's too cold for life to survive, just a few steps closer to the sun, and it's too hot for life to survive. [b] This is an example of delicate, inquisite design![/b][/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]It may be too hot or too cold for [i]Earthly[/i] life, maybe, but for other [b][i][u]possible[/i][/u][/b] (note the word [i]possible[/i]) life it may be just right. One could hypothesize that humans were never existent on Earth to begin with, let us say that humans existed on Venus. We would simply be structured to survive on Venus. Mercury would be too hot for us, and Earth would be too cold. There is also the wonderful ability to adapt. It takes time, yes, but it is possible that if taken the time and the right precations a person, animal, or plantlife can learn to live in a different environment. It would be like going to a new school, but not really. Oh, and you forgot to capitalize 'God'. Shame on you. *rolls eyes* [color=#808080](I was being just as satirical to myself as I was to you, so do not worry about it, lol.)[/color][/size]
[size=1]Go into your profile and go to [b]Edit Option[/b]. Scroll all the way down to where it says 'Change Avatar' click on that and from there it is pretty much written out for you. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/usercp.php[/url]
[b]PICKLEBUCKET, I LOVE YOU!!!!![/b] [size=1]*cough* Sorry. Semmy, you did exactly what I was going to do, lol. I freaked ouy when I saw you posted those lyrics. It seems you and I have pretty much been raised the same when when it comes to religion. [color=deeppink]Apocalypse Hoboken Fan Club for life.[/color] Lol. I, too, was born Catholic, raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools (up until sophmore year in high school), moved to more agnostic/athiest beliefs and then just said [b]F[/b] it all. I do not care about any religion or lack there of. I believe what I want to believe. People can call me what they want. I pretty much discard any theological idea from deep though. I shall see what happens when I die, but until then I am just going to do what I want. I do not know, there is not much more I can say after Semmy's post. He pretty much said everything I could say. But just for the sake of it:[quote][b][i]Congested[/i] - Apocalypse Hoboken[/b] I can smell, I can smell your breath from here. Cut you down, Let the words crawl from your mouth. Try this on, We'll call it new age apathy. Push you down, Cause it's the new recipe. All the kids found out what's missing. It's so hard to try to be different, And I don't know what it'll add up to be. Moses split the sea with the wink of an eye. There's a whole lot of people that don't know why. (There's a whole lot of people that are gonna die.) So let's believe in something we can't see. Sniffing dope Can lead to massive atrophy. Interpretation Of one's own apocrypha. Baby's sick, Let's fondle one another. Smash it up, Let's mock one another. Hey God can you hear me? I'd like to try the recipe. It all ends with a little luck.[/quote][/size]
[size=1]You know, your other topic was closed. That means it would be a [i]bad[/i] idea to make an identical one.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dbzsuperfan[/i] [B]and guys like dodoria and kui can be cg and Cell can be painted I mean look at Rebecca Romain Stamos is X-men she was pianted as Mystec[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]That is assuming those characters would even be in the movie. This is FOX we are talking about remember. I doubt they would go too far with the number of characters and such.[/size]
[size=1]Currently (I just went upstairs and weighed myself) I am about 136 pounds, I am roughly 6 feet - 6 feet 1 inch tall, and I am seventeen. Although, that is on a full stomach, plus the clothes I am wearing right now. I am probably underweight, but I do not really care. I am fine with how I am. I think I just have a high metabolic rate.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed[/i] [B]The one thing that really annoyed me though was [spoiler]the fact that they never explain how either Freddy, or Jason escape hell! As a matter of fact they never even mention they being in hell ever. It's like it never happened.[/spoiler][/B][/QUOTE][size=1][spoiler]Actually, they [i]did[/i] mention them being in Hell in the very beginning when Freddy was talking about how he was trying to find a way to get the kids on Elm Street to remember him and he had to 'go into the deepest levels of hell to find it' (or something along those lines) and then it shows Jason's mask. Also, Freddy never really went to Hell. He was just forgotten through means of dreamless sleep.[/size][/spoiler]
[size=1]GT stands for "Grand Tour".[/size]
[size=1]I always say the more there is to you, the more there is to love. (in which case I am screwed >.>) Of course less emphasis should be put on how people look, but there is not much we can do about it except keep not focusing on it and hope that when it is our turn to govern this country that things change even just a little bit. Focus on appearance is really an age old concept, though. It is not just [i]now[/i] that it has become known.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B][spoiler]I was glad to see Kelly Rowland die though.[/spoiler][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]You and me both, lol. I did not mind her acting too much at first, [spoiler]but the way she began acting towards Freddy before she is killed totally just pissed me off. The fact that Freddy actually backed off shocked me (though perhaps he saw Jason coming?). Though I thoroughly enjoyed watching her body get hacked and thrown into a tree.[/spoiler] Personally, I have always enjoyed Freddy over Jason. Simply because Jason can only do so much. There is really only so many ways you can hack at a person with a machete. Whereas Freddy can go as far as the imagination. So he is always fun to watch. [i]Plus[/i] he has that children's rhyme to go along with him that I always loved singing when I was young. ^_^ I had forgotten about that, but then I heard it in the movie and it instantly came back to memory. I found the movie to be rather predictable, but very much worth the watch. Jason's first kill had to be the best of his in the movie (in my opinion)[spoiler]mainly because he folded up the bed. :p Though that stoner was also a good kill.[/spoiler] I am trying to think of Freddy's best, [spoiler]but did he only kill that one guy whom he burned and cut up? That is really the only one I can remember. The Freddy vs. Jason battle was indeed really fun to watch. You get a taste of both Jason on Freddy's 'home field' and Freddy in Jason's world. I really liked it when Freddy was brought into the real world though. It just shows that even without his 'super powers' he can still put up a good fight. I am pretty sure he would have [b]ultimately[/b] won too, if it was not for those meddling kids. ^_~ But alas, as Semjaza said, neither of them really won. Both Freddy and Jason are still alive at the end of the movie as is seen. That is what I expected though; a draw. (A) It is really just hard to choose who would actually win, and (B) it leaves it open for more movies.[/spoiler] Just something I noticed at the beginning of this topic. That poster TVE showed in the first post is flawed. Freddy wears his glove on the right hand, not the left. :p Who is this Ash? I cannot say that name rings a bell...[/size]
[size=1]My username is PiroMunkie. Mmm... yes, a big shocker there. Although I would have been pretty peeved if someone would have taken it already... >.> [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/piromunkie[/url] It is really not all that interesting. I spend more time at other people's sites than I do at my own.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tattoi nobori[/i] [B]Sounds like your friends had a good experience, that's really cool. It's so important to take the time to find a good artist, and one that specializes in the style you're looking for. (After all, it's going to be with you for a while! ?_?)[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Yeah, they had a good time. It was both of their first time. They had to wait until one of them was eighteen, because her parents would never consent to it, lol. She called her mom afterwards, and she(her mom) was crying. I find that kind of funny, but yeah... >.> The people at the place are really good. We were talking to one of the guys that work there, and of the five that do the tattoos, only two of them have never owned their own tattoo parlor at some time. Also, all artists were inspected and hired before the shop was even set up. It was all very impressive.[/size][quote][b]The first one I got is three X's, one on each shoulder and one on my back, between my shoulder blades (I'm straightedge)[/b][/quote][size=1]Heh, I saw that straight edge coming before I even read the parentheses. Thumbs up to you. ^_~[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted[/i] [B][size=1]The point of the Art and Design forum is to post your artwork and receive comments and critism. Not to post your work and expect everyone to be razzle-dazzled and recieve a 10/10. I believe you have a hard time actually accepting the fact you need a lot to work towards as well. Insulting my artwork is not helping yours, it's actually damaging my thinning respect for you. I can truthfully say that my artwork does need a lot of work, but it's the same for any developing artist.[/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]The point is that she was not actually taking this as a [i]serious[/i] drawing. It was for fun, like she and I do with our kids on a random occasion. We do not try and make it the best thing since Cezanne. There is no point in nit-picking at tiny details that were not even bothered with when it was drawn. She was not [i]trying[/i] to make it perfect. She even stated that she does not strive for perfection in her work. She is simply sharing what she drew for fun, and for people to comment on it. Comment does not neccesarily mean 'critique' and 'rate'. She would not have cared if no one gave it a rating or whatnot, that is not what she posted it for. Also, I really doubt she cares that she is 'damaging your thinning respect for her'. Try treating things as what they [i]are[/i] instead of what they [i]could[/i] be. Perhaps such messes as this could be avoided all together. I suggest you not post in response to this post or her posts or anything. At least in this topic. If you have something to say, then send a private message. Stop filling up this decent topic with such crap.[/size]
Anime Things you hope that dbz characters would say.
PiroMunkie replied to SS5 Gogeta's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]Well, this topic is really going nowhere. Especially since the last eight posts have been between two people. This has just lost any point it may have had. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size] -
[size=1]My dad says I show a lot of signs of depression, but I would not say I am down [i]all of the time[/i]. Sometimes more than others. Sometimes not at all. My dad says that he has thought about putting me in therapy, but meh... I do not think so. I do not really know depression as you do because my experiences have been different (though my parents are no longer together either), but I do know it. I am pretty sure a lot of people do.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RPCrazy[/i] [b]As for tattoos: I want one. Very badly. However, I am [I]terrified[/I] of being in any sort of pain, so until I get over that...well, I'm screwed.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Well, to you and anyone else that is afraid to get a tattoo becuase it hurts, I recently went with two of my friends and watched them get a tattoo that they had been planning to get to celebrate thirteen years of friendship. Obviously you cannot go in there and expect no pain whatsoever, but they both pretty much sat there the whole time. Though, as some have said I am sure, it hurts where there is more bone. Neither of them screamed, got teary-eyed, or anything. The other one is a bit bigger and has been through a lot of surgery so a tattoo was nothing. So while it does hurt a little bit, I do not think that it hurts much as people think it does. Television and such seem to be very melodramatic in their portrayal of tattoos. Both of my friends said that you just get used to it after a while, and after it was over said they wanted another one because they actually ended up enjoying it. ;P If no one ever plans on getting one, find someone who does and go with them just to watch it. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. The people there were [i]really[/i] good. The tattoo ended up looking like a sticker. So very sharp and nice detail.[/size]
[size=1]I love the rain and always have. Cold, rainy weather is by far that best weather I could ask for. I prefer cold over heat because you can actually do something about being cold, where as if you are hot, your are just hot (unless you have a really nice air conditioner). That and the cold also numbs you a bit, so it is not like you can actually tell how uncomfortable the weather may be. My liking for rain spurred from my like for snow. I like rain because it is like snow, but you do not have to clean up after it (unless you have some erosion problems are something o_O). That, and I have a fetish or something with wet hair. I think it is one of the greatest things ever. Long, wet, straight, black hair is the best of them all. I was hanging out with some friends yesterday, one of which has long, straight, black (dyed, but oh well) hair, and I guess she had taken a shower earlier. I did not notice it at fist because she had her hair up and it just looked shiny, but she took it down and I saw it. I just went up to her and was like, "Is you hair wet???". She said, "Yeah." So I said, "Can I touch it???" Which I did! So cool. I loved it, lol. I was sad when it dried. So yes, rain is beneficial to me in many ways...[/size]
[size=1]Usually I am pretty random in a somewhat organized sense... o_O I usually sign onto AIM before anything, but while it does that I might open up a browser window or two in IE; check my e-mail in one, check out OtakuBoards in the other. Winamp goes up somewhere in there, and I play whatever my ears desire which currently is Bad Religion because PickleBucket has mentioned them lately and got me listening to them. Eventually I get bored and do any assortment of things: update my diary if possible, check on other people's diaries, try to think of an idea for a website (never can really...), download something off Kazaa (usually music related, I am a good user though. I actually go out and buy the stuff I download eventually. Burned CD's are crap), turn around and watch a little TV or play something on my PS2, just jam to the music I am listening to, open up Photoshop and play with that, and pretty much whatever I feel like doing. I always hope that Tori (Queen Asuka) gets on so we can talk and stuff. It is going to be hell when she goes to college. v_v' Though I would not really say I have a habit as much as it is a "routine", but it is just pretty loose all around.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by heero12[/i] [B]but i saw a pic by him that pan and goku fused got stronger then broly and did a huge kamahammaha:wigout: :demon: so take that:butthead: :o :o[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Please do not post in any number of consecutive times. If you forgot to add something, just go back and edit your post by using the "EDIT" button on the lower right side of your post. But yes, GoldScorpion is correct. I cannot really explain much else, but no such thing as you described ever existed in the actual DragonBall series.[/size]