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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]Heh, on the right there was first a picture of a person in a radiation suit. Then I found a picture of a skull and put that over it, and blended it a tiny bit. Then I found a picture of a skeleton - just the neck portion actually, so it worked out - and edited it to fit with the skull and blended that a bit. I figured someone would say the text is hard to see, but the text is not really that important in the graphic. I intentionally left it that way. I wanted it to kind of fit in with the border as well.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Well done, hon. ^_^ I have no critiques about it at all. Heh, you are beautiful even as a drawing. ^_~[/size]
  3. [size=1]Yes, I misspelled it intentionally. Anyway, I was supposed to be off a while ago, but I got caught up in making this banner that holds no real purpose. I just came up with a very basic idea and went with it, which is really how I do a lot of things. It is just a random piece of work, but I was actually pretty pleased with it overall. I am trying to get back into the swing of Photoshop, since I have not really tried playing with it in some time. Anyway, here you go. It is kind of morbid. Meheh.[/size]
  4. [size=1]I have always been a fan of Bad Religion ever since I first heard them in which it was probably it was one of their shorter, fast songs like [i]Do What You Want[/i], but I am a fan of pretty much any song they put out. I have [i]Process of Belief[/i], and just a few songs on my computer. I get back into listening to the CD every now and then. I agree that it is a very good album. Their songs always seem to be as serious as they are witty and a bit humorous, especially with songs like [i]I Love My Computer[/i]. That song is one of my favorites, lol. I really like that about the band.[/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shuugo[/i] [B]i know a site where they got dbgt episodes to download yes in english by funimation almost perfect quality and its l;ikke 30 mb mostly all of em.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]FYI: We do not allow linking to sites where you can download episodes from because it is not really legal (downloading full episodes, not linking to the site). However, if someone actually wants the link, they can surely PM you about it and you can give it to them that way as we really cannot stop you that way, lol.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Whoa, you two have the same avatar... o-O Bizarre... Anyway, to begin with, we usually look down on favorite topics as they lead to pretty much no decent discussion, and sometimes even a little arguement. The quality of this topic from the start is poor. Secondly, do not advertise in your posts like you did. We do not allow that either. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh[/i] [B][size=1][b]Um, actually Jamvis and Renee got married about two weeks before you guys ^^' But they're both long split up now, so no-one [i]has[/i] endured as long as you two, lol.[/b][/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Yeah, I kept thinking that there was some people who did it before us. I knew they were not really around anymore, though. The idea still remains that if Tori and I had not lasted as long as we have, and still are, everyone who is married now probably would [i]not[/i] be married. And you were a good minister, Ajeh. That is, until that whole Sara fiasco... o_O I cannot say I approved of that.[/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin[/i] [B]I wonder if Piro would remember a certain RP, I can't even recall the name, where two saiyans who didn't really get along(as I recall) teamed up to fight one of the greatest 'threats' ever to rock these boards--one that has now long been neutralized(darn that Ulitmia).[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Hell yeah, lol. I believe that was the first RPG I ever joined. A [i]Dragon Ball[/i] RPG, of course. I think it was just called [i]Ulitmia's Revenge[/i] or something along those lines... Maybe... I know it had his name in it. I do not plan on leaving OtakuBoards for a while, though there could be some chance happening that could change that. In which case I would go on fulfilling that of which was my reason for leaving here. If this place were to shut down, then I would just have to develope a strong social life pretty quick, heh.[/size]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan[/i] [size=1][color=700000][b]What happens after OB is a "old time" forum?[/b][/color][/size][/QUOTE][size=1]In my opinion the 'old times' of this forum have already come to pass. A [i]lot[/i] has changed here. I often wish I could keep the quality of the board itself as it is now, but just with the kind of feeling the board had back then. I would say that this board is relatively newer than it was back than, and it is just a whole different generation for this board as well. Sometimes I am just surprised that some of us older members are still around. The age of this board just depends on who is looking at it, I suppose. When one generation fades away, a whole other generation will take its place and all memories can only go as far back as that group of people have been around. So really, this board can really only be as old as the oldest member that is present.[/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday[/i] [B]P.S. You only need one one thread of this.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Actually, we do not need any threads of this. This really has no point what so ever. I suggest no one post here. A properly empowered moderator will get to this eventually.[/size]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie[/i] [B][color=#9933ff]Some, like Tori and Piro do it to cement a friendship, and they have other bfs and gfs IRL.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Actually I am single, and have been for a while now.[/size]
  12. [size=1]I agree with feminism on the actuality of what it is: equality of the sexes. Though it is rather ironic considering "feminism" is obviously a female influenced word; unless it was a guy who came up with the word. Then it would be okay, because it would have been his way of showing he believes in feminism by creating the word for "equality of the sexes" in the likeness of a female. Though, the definition of feminism todaty seems to have changed into female superiority to the male, which it most definitely is [i]not[/i]. Too many people now confuse feminism with the concept of chauvinism. Chauvinism has become connoted to mean the belief of male superiority to the female, but really it is just the prejudice belief of superiority of one's own group, gender, race, etc. It is [i]that[/i] I do not agree with. "Anything you can do, I can do better." - a Chauvinist "Anything you can do, I can do just as well." - a Feminist[/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ReTarr[/i] [B]I just wondering if any of you who are married have actually met.[/b][/quote][size=1]... Nope. *pours salt on that wound* Mmm... that is the stuff.[/size][quote][b]When did you guys decide you wanted to get married?[/b][/quote][size=1]*looks at signature* A few days before January 6, 2002; 7:21 PM Central Time. It would have been earlier, but we had to find a time when we were actually online at the same time. She asked me somewhere if I would marry her, so I agreed. I have yet to regret it. =) Tori could probably give better details if she posts here, since she is the one who initiated it.[/size][quote][b]I was also wondering who are some of your favorite married couples...[/b][/quote][size=1]Tori and I, of course. We have probably been through more than any of the others. I would say the only other couple I can think of that I would give any credit to is Syk3 and Mei. I envy their "young love" of which you spoke.[/size]
  14. [size=1]You just kind of have to deal with it until something comes up, no matter how long that may be. There really is not much you could do except for maybe just go out and find some random person who will want to go with you, but then you run the risk of a shallow relationship because you just kind of went into it without having any foundation to start on. It is better to just wait and find someone you pretty much know you are going to be relatively happy with, and be with for a relatively long time. From my experience, I hold this to be true. I have had three, two of which were kind of shallow relationships that really did not last long (well, one kind of did, but it was the fact that we did almost nothing within that time) and did almost nothing for me. But the one was worth it, very much so. I shall be lucky if I am able to find someone to be with that makes me as content as she did, and I am going to try and take the time to make sure I get that. I say no matter how lonely you get, good things come to those who wait.[/size]
  15. [size=1]I know how you feel. If it was not for my mom reminding me the day before, I would have totally forgotten about my birthday this year, lol. Though it probably does not help that I have developed an irregular sleeping pattern, which makes it difficult for me to tell one day from the next (and I have a hard enough time doing that, in general). Happy belated birthday.[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [b]Anyway, I'm turning 21 on the 9th. Nothing of importance other than random people telling me they want to take me out to drink on my birthday. No thanks.[/b][/quote][size=1]Heh, if I lived around you I would probably ask you that question - if you want to go drink -, then just take you to a gas station and buy us some sodas. :p I wish you an early, happy, straight edge birthday, lol.[/size]
  16. [size=1]How about they call the next one Hurricane Micheal Jackson? Everyone wins! Yes, I do think that is a good idea. Start naming after the infamous. It is more fun that way. =P[/size]
  17. [size=1]That is one of the most ridiculous articles I have ever read. A hurricane is a violent, destructive force of nature, and someone is upset that their race is not represented in the names of hurricanes? A race that is already stereotyped to be violent with gangs and such? They should be happy that hurricanes seem to only be named after the 'white man', lol. I am all for equal rights, but I do not think this really qualifies to be an equal rights issue in my book. This more of a "Lets find something to complain and nit-pick about just because I think this is unfair" issue. Heck, it is not even an issue. It is a freaking hurricane. I doubt many people actually care about them except those who have to deal with them.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Heh, that is pretty nice. It looks like some of the edges could use some sanding to smooth them over, and then I would just put some kind of protective something or other on it. Maybe even stain it before that. :)[/size]
  19. [size=1]Hah, that is pretty cool. It reminded me of this one thing I drew during school last year, with the whole 'mask' concept. I like it.[/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]The funny thing is that the Misfits have a split EP with Balzac. It might actually be out now.[/b][/quote][size=1]Yes, I knew that. [i]Day the Earth Caught Fire[/i]. You can buy on their site, and probably other places too.[/size][quote][b]I've always meant to buy that CD set that comes in a coffin... but I've never gotten around to it.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]The box set, yeah, I saw that on BestBuy.com. I might get it if I have enough money. I have some potential expenses coming up and those unfortunately hold priority as they are legal. >.> Hopefully it will not be much, if any.[/size]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt[/i] [B]I have no compultion to pay any attention to what you have to say. Your opinion does not effect me. Good day.[/b][/quote][size=1]Obviously it effected you enough to make you post that.[/size][quote][b]... and I didn't know Zeh was banned when I joined he was a mod! ^^[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Just because someone has a staff position does not mean they are exempt from the rules. They are treated just like everyone else. I always read the final few posts in a closed topic, or whatever it takes to find out what exactly happened. No matter what topic it is, it is good to know what is going on around these boards. Especially if you are a staff member.[/size]
  22. [size=1]I must agree it is infinitely better than your previous one. It is very simple, yet kind of abstract. I suppose I like it.[/size]
  23. PiroMunkie


    [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=455442[/img][/center] [size=1]Well, I doubt that there will be a whole hell of a lot of conversation about this band, because most of you probably do not even give a damn. Though, I suppose it is worth a try, and I have nothing better to do right now. This is the first topic exclusively about the Misfits. =P The original members of the late 70's band, those who founded it, were vocalist Glenn Danzig and bassist Jerry Only. These two were the main members of the band for a while as they went through several changes is members until they came to have a settled three members; the two co-founders and Jerry's youngest brother who came to be known as Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein. In the 80's Glenn Danzig split from the band, and actually took legal action against the rest of the band to try and stop them from using the same band name, logo, and such. This went on for several years going into the 90's. A couple years after the end of the lawsuit the band - now consisting of Doyle on the guitar, Micheal Graves as vocals, Dr. Chud on the drums, and Jerry Only on the bass - put out another album. Though, eventually all but one Misfit ended up quitting the band. These days the band is still around, but obviously just not who they once were. Jerry Only is the only remaining Misfit in the band. Though he has been able to pull together an "all-star" crew when it comes to the band line up. Jerry takes up both positions as the bassist and lead vocals for the band, on guitar and backing vocals is Dez Cadena from the band Black Flag, and on the drums is none other than Marky Ramone from the Ramones. Of course, this pales in comparison to what they used to be, but it is good to see that the band is continuing to strive on. Even if it does seem they are hanging on by a thread. If you would actually care to read a more in-depth biography you can go here: [b][url]http://www.misfits.com/bio.html[/url][/b] I actually recommend that you do if you are interested, because it is a lot better than mine, lol. Why am I bringing this up? Simply because I am on a Misfits high as of late (especially since I saw them a couple nights ago [August 3, 2003]) and, as I said, I have nothing better to do right now. As I said, I did see them a short while ago on their first annual [i]Fiend Fest[/i] featuring the new Misfits and five other bands. I have no idea what they were like back when it was all Misfits up on stage, but they put on a hell of a show. For being as old as they are, they played for a very long time without any real break or anything. Jerry Only was of course the one who was most into it; actaully moving around the stage and such. Marky Ramone I feel would have been if he was not playing the drums, whenever there was a pause between songs he would sometimes stand up and do something. Though, Dez was actually kind of dull. Aside from one time when he introduced a song he pretty much just played his instrument and provided vocals when necessary. Though, when I think about it, that was okay. Occasionally, Jerry would let a person or a couple people come up on stage and sing a song, or at least sing with him. And when Dez just seemed to be too out of it, people would actually go up there and take over, lol (only happened a couple times, but it was still kind of funny). One of the greatest things about the setup in the venue is that there was no barrier between the stage and the crowd, which was rather odd knowing the venue I was at. The led to a lot of getting up on stage doing whatever and stage diving back off, or simply walking off the side. I did it a couple of times. The second time a guy in the front helped me get a better leap by letting me put my foot in his hand and propel me over the crowd. The funny part was is that I pretty much landed in the pit, lol; I was caught on top of the crowd and the next thing I knew I was moshing. Luckily, I landed on my feet. Near the end of their performance, while Jerry was wiping some of the sweat off him, Marky Ramone came down from the drums and said they everybody who could fit on the stage could come up and sing [i]Blitzkreig Bop[/i], as they did Misfits and Ramones songs (I think there was a Black Flag song in there somewhere, but I am not sure). Jerry and Dez just took their instruments off the side of the stage and played from there while a mass of people were swarming on the stage. While it was the worst version of [i]Blitzkreig Bop[/i] I have ever heard, it was still rather funny to watch. Some people were actually climbing on the ceiling of the venue since there are metal beams that stretch across. It was really crazy. I was not one of the people up on stage because I was looking after my friend who unknowingly sprained her ankle when she was thrown onto the stage while crowd surfing. I do not think I would have wanted to be up there anyway, lol. All that, and that was just the Misfits' performance. It was a lot of fun. If any of you are interested at all, you can check out the tour dates on their site to see if they are coming your way. The admission price is probably going to be a little high, here it was $25, but it was [i]so[/i] worth it. Though, they already hit western America and are now moving east (as that would be the logical move). Their music is heavily punk in sound, but their concept is different than the social/political ideas of many punk bands. They very much have a 'horror' theme to them, which if you have looked at the site by now I am sure you would know. I am not really sure how to explain it. As I said, you can check out their bio ( [url]http://www.misfits.com/bio.html[/url] ) for a much better breakdown of the band. In my opinion, the Misfits are one of the greatest bands of all time; not just in the punk genre. Their influences range all around (and I mean [i]all around[/i], in places you would not really expect). I would say their most apparent influence is in a more modern Japanese band named Balzac. They were one of the other bands at Fiend Fest, I do not think they spoke English except for the opening song which was a Misfits cover, lol. The lead singer came out in a skeleton jacket and gloves, which made me laugh and look at them as more of a "Misfits wannabe" band, but they were okay. If by some reason, for those of you who have stuck around this long and have never really heard the band, any of you are interested in checking them out and would like some download reccomendations here is what comes to mind for me: [b]Last Caress[/b], [b]We Are 138[/b], [b]Dig Up Her Bones[/b], [b]She[/b], [b]Die, Die, Die My Darling[/b], [b]American Psycho[/b], [b]Attitude[/b], [b]Skulls[/b], [b]Angelfuck[/b], [b]Halloween[/b], [b]Saturday Night[/b], and [b]Astro Zombies[/b]. I am not really expecting a lot of you to like them, or really care, but if anyone has anything to say here to carry on a coherant conversation I would sure like to see it.[/size]
  24. [size=1]I am going to be a high school senior this year. I really do not mind school. It gives me something to do rather than just sit around wishing I was doing something, although I get those thoughts at school sometimes too. >.> I am taking several artsy classes this year, though, so I should have a pretty good time. That and doing the newspaper and theater. That will probably make things rather hectic, but oh well. We could all use a little chaos sometimes.[/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ogki[/i] ... Tenacious D, [b]8th wave[/b], and Manson...[/QUOTE][size=1]... Are you from Omaha, Nebraska, or the surrounding area? As for me, I have several favorite bands with several favorite songs. It really just depends on my mood. Currently I am on a Misfits high because I just saw them last night, but yeah: [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Open Your Eyes[/i] (Dag Nasty cover), [i]Perfect Fit[/i], [i]Last Caress[/i] (Misfits cover), [i]The Last Kiss[/i], [i]3 1/2[/i], [i]Who Knew?[/i], [i]A Winter's Tale[/i], [i]Fall Children[/i], [i]Of Greetings and Goodbyes[/i], and [i]Dancing Through Sunday[/i]. (I just took one from each album, excluding their vinyls) [b]Misfits[/b] - [i]Dig Up Her Bones[/i], [i]She[/i], [i]Attitude[/i], [i]Die, Die, Die My Darling[/i], [i]Last Caress[/i] [b]Apocalypse Hoboken[/b] - [i]Summer Assault[/i], [i]Congested[/i], [i]Jag Rag, Six Pack, and a Blunt[/i], [i]Joe Piscopo[/i][/size]
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