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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[size=1]Well, since Transtic already provided the reasoning. I am just going to finish the act. Please try to put a little more thought into your topics. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
Anime Who is the True Legendary Super Saiya-jin
PiroMunkie replied to Burori's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ SoulGun[/i] [B]ACTUALLY,you are all wrong,if you remember,vegeta was talking about the legendary super saiyan,it showed a picture of an oozaru,and in the manga,vegeta says that the legendary super saiyan could only keep his power in his oozaru form,so the legendary super saiyan is not brolli or goku,it is that oozaru.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Of course an Oozaru has to come from a Saiya-jin, though. So chances are that Oozaru was the Legendary Super Saiya-jin, Brolli.[/size] -
[size=1]It is sad to see that you are leaving us for however long of a time it may be, should you return or not, but I understand your reasons. I wish I knew you better than I do, but I do remember that we have the same favorite picture of Vegeta, heh. ^_^ That, and when you first found out I was into punk rock. Otherwise there is random information that I have picked up merely by observation. If I ever get the opportunity, perhaps I shall give you a call. I believe Tori has your number so I can just ask her. Until we meet again, I bid you adieu, good luck, and my best of wishes.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [size=1]And the last one for right now would be [b]Clandestine,[/b] female, for someone else's reasons with which I simply agree. ^_~[/size][/QUOTE][size=1]That was [i]me[/i]!!! ^__^ I cannot really remember if I had any actual reason for liking the name (well, the word, actually) other than it has a cool definition: "Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose." Then you said it reminded you of the word "pristine", which was ironic. Yup yup, fun times. Though one could get some horrid nicknames from it. They could take the "destine" and start calling the person "destiny"... o_O I would have to open fire if that happened... >.> [u][b]Boys[/b][/u] [b]Darwin[/b] - It is just a damn cool name. That and it relates to the thoery of evolution, which coincides with the idea that we came from primates. Primates appeal to me, thus this name does as well. It would be rather funny if they turned out to be really religious, haha. =P [b]Davey[/b] - *cough* Yes, after Davey Havok. Though, I would just keep the actual name as Davey. It would not be short for David (though it is not really short for that anyway being that they are the same length). That or just anything rather unnatural or bizzare. I know of a guy named Cord, and that is just cool. I have only really had one idea for a girl's name, and that was stated above. ^__^;[/size]
[size=1]Yeah, I was a bit surprised by how man anti-Simple Plan shirts I saw when I was there, lol. It was pretty funny.[/size]
[size=1]One of my past girlfriends had mono while we were together. The funny thing is that she did not know she had it until after about a month. So one day she comes up to me and says, "I was at the doctor yesterday and apparently I have mono, which would explain my ill behavior this past month. So... I just thought I would apologize in advance, in case I passed it on to you." -___-;; I never did get it, which I actually find rather amazing, lol. ^__^; I think I have a strong immune system or something. I rarely ever get sick. I could probably drink the blood of someone with herpes and be fine... Not that I would care to find out.[/size]
[size=1]This is what we like to call "advertising". We do not like it. Please do not do it. You can put it in your signature if you would like, but not here. Not like this. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1]... And you did not see AFI... though they might not have been there. I do not think they were sticking around for the whole tour. >.> Yes, I went there this year. Three times. There was a half-assed Warped Tour in Wichita, Kansas; another in Kansas City, Kansas; and the final in Saint Louis, Missouri. I would say the best one for me was Kansas City. It was the only one we really were not dying from heat in. Saint Louis would have been good if we were not so burnt from the first two shows, and one of my friends was not in the hospital (for non-Warped Tour related reasons). She did make it back in time to see AFI, though. Only thing was that a thunderstorm began to roll in [i]right before they were to play[/i]. Thus Warped Tour was cancelled... -__- The people I saw were... AFI, Rancid, Andrew W.K. (not too fond of the music but he puts on a good show), Thrice, the Unseen, Rise Against, Avenged Sevenfold, 2 Cents, Mad Caddies, and Dropkick Murphys. I do believe that was all. We wanted to see Tsunami Bomb, but one of us was usually not feeling the best when they were playing, lol. I had a good time, though. The only thing I regret is this darned tan I am still trying to get rid of. -__- I did get to meet Jade Puget, though, as anyone who has spoken to me on AIM should know if they have looked at my buddy icon. That and I posted the picture in one of my threads in the picture forum. I think I shall just post it again for kicks. =P[/size] [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=452012[/img][/center]
Anime Who is the True Legendary Super Saiya-jin
PiroMunkie replied to Burori's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]Settle down, Shinobi. I do believe this is merely an opinion thread. Not who is [i]actually[/i] the "true Legendary Super Saiya-jin", but just whoever one thinks is for whatever reason. Stop being so technical. I have my eye on this topic, if that makes you feel any better. Though as long as people keep stating who and [i]why[/i] in a somewhat decent manner I am going to take no action against this thread. There really is not much in the Dragon Ball world to talk about anymore. So the variety of topics here are going to deplete. For the sake of this topic, I am going to say that Vegeta would be my choice. I have never actually seen Brolli in action or whatever so I really have no opinion of him as to how much of a Saiya-jin he is, though technically he [i]is[/i] the Legendary Super Saiya-jin.[/size] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt[/i] [B]I'm hated here aren't I. I don't want to be and I love OtakuBoards but it seems like everybody doesn't like me here. This is the only home I have.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Well, I do not hate you. Though, I do not really like you either. You seem like you would be a nice enough person if you would only get over how pathetic you are acting over situations like this and realize that there are people here who actually do know what they are talking about. Not everything just happens to you, as I am sure someone has told you that already. You always say things like "You do not know me, so do not judge me." How rather hypocritical, you do not know [i]us[/i] so what makes you think we cannot accurately judge? If you do not want us to judge then do not post anything. Believe it or not, people [i]can[/i] relate to what you are going through and maybe even give you some decent advice. You just have to open your eyes to see that they are there and be willing to listen to what they have to say. Take a look around. There is more going on than just you.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema[/i] [B]as for anatema, that means, excomunication, curse, condemned by God.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Just as I had suspected, I never knew for sure that is what you were going for but now I know. The word is "Anathema"; with an 'h'. Just thought I would let you know. Sorry, it always just kind of bugged me. ^__^; Kind of ironic how a misspelled username vexes me... >.>[/size]
[size=1]Dragon Ball Z Movie 13 features Tapion. if you want more information on it you can go here: [url]http://www.theotaku.com/dragonball/movies/movie_13_dragonfistexplosion.shtml[/url] I have personally never seen this one, but I shall eave this opinion so those who have can opinionate and discuss it.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon[/i] [B]Well, they must've learned by now that the public (unfortunatly so) needs violence and such to be interested in something nowadays -_-;;[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Well that was a given, I had read articles in the newspaper where Disney representatives mentioned such things. I was just saying that I was surprised with how far they went with the violence, like that example I had in the spoiler tags above in my previous post. My jaw literally dropped when I saw that, lol. They did not [i]have[/i] to put that in there, but they did. All they had to show was the fighting. They did not have to really show individual deaths, but they did. [i]That[/i] it what surprised me.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt[/i] [B]If you want to have a stronger heart... go hiking! I went today for a good few hours and it really got my heart pumping! Mountain hiking that is. Yep! In Quebec! w00t[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Actually, if he is anything like my friend that will only make it act up, lol. Of course it never stopped my friend from doing anything risky such as climbing, hiking, wrestling, etc. He actually wants to go into the military or become and FBI agent. o_O[/size]
[size=1]I have a friend who has one of those, he has had it ever since I can remember. It is really nothing serious. My other friends and I would always pick on him because of it, lol. Whenever he would irritate us we could simply punch him in the chest right over his heart and he would have to stop for a while because his heart would act up. He is still very alive and well to this day. So I really think you have nothing to worry about.[/size]
[size=1]I saw this movie just last night, and I went into it with unsettled hopes. I was not sure whether it was going to be good or bad considering it was a Disney movie. The fact that it was Disney made me think that it was not going to be all that great, but from what I had read about it in the newspaper it seemed more watchable. The fact that it was PG-13 was also a bit of a 'turn-on', as I was curious as to how Disney would pull off a PG-13 movie. That and Johnny Depp. I agree with those who said that Johnny Depp's character, [strike]Jack Sparrow[/strike] [i]Captain[/i] Jack Sparrow, made the movie as great as it was to me. His drunken demeanor and witty, sarcastic comments were hilarious. He seemed like a character that could not stop moving, he always had to be doing something even when he was not on screen. Sparrow was a very dynamic character who always kept things interesting. I never really knew what he was going to do until he was going to do it. Orlando Bloom on the other hand was not quite what I expected him to be. He and Depp were the two people in this movie that I was expecting a decent performance from, but Bloom as William Turner was very, very boring. Not to mention he was not all that pleasing to look at in this movie to me. That whole goatee deal was not working on any level. Turner was a very static character. He had one track to follow and one track only which made him very predictable. After the first scene of the movie, I pretty much knew the rest of his storyline. The girl, of whose name I do not remember (too busy watching/wanting Depp, lol), was just as bad as Orlando Bloom. Being that their characters had a connection which was made apparent in the beginning she was also very predictable. Her hair bugged the life out of me ( except when it was wet... >.> ) because it just seemed too big and unnecessary, as well as her face seemed unnaturally smooth at all times. That was equally as irritating. Along with Orlando Bloom, her character just made me want to shout "Shut [i]up[/i], and put Depp back on!" The girl's 'fiance' was a rather respectable character. Though he was static just like the rest, he was not on the screen enough to make him redundant. Furthermore, those two soldiers were a decent comic relief aside from Captain Jack Sparrow. When it was all said and done, I was rather pleased with the movie. Though it did seem to have several false endings, I think it was best that it was like that as no questions seemed to be left unanswered; all loose ends were tied up. The fact that it is a [i]Disney[/i] movie amazes me a bit. I definitely must give them more credit than I have previously given them. With all the fighting an violence I was rather doubtful that I was indeed watching a movie made by Disney. Especially at the part when [spoiler]about three-fourths through the movie when the skeletons raided the boat and that first one killed the guy by [i]slitting his [b]throat[/b][/i], and they [i]showed[/i] that happening[/spoiler] I was just in awe and disbelief. I also especially enjoyed the cannon fire and any other explosion in the movie. Nothing seemed over-done/under-done; it was all very believable. So once more I must give Disney credit for keeping it real. I did not stick around to see if there was anything after the credits, but from what I read here in this topic it seems as though this sequel will not be so good. As I said before, pretty much all ends were tied up, now it seems as though they are just going to stretch this already thin plot even more. I could be wrong, but that is just how it seems.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]Black, as a color, represents submission, among other things. Take it from there. I also suggest you take a color theory class heh.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]But-but... black is not a color. It is a neutral. :p So perhaps all priests are Swiss. Actually, I really have no idea why they where black, nor do I really care. Though it is not like they wear it [i]all of the time[/i]. I would say my main priest question is why is that that some priests smoke, wear leather jackets, and have nice cars? But that is an entirely different topic.[/size]
[size=1][b]Piro[/b] - A play of the word "pyro". Dictionary.com says: [b]py·ro[/b] [i]n. [u]Slang[/u] pl.[/i] [b]py·ros[/b] A person who has a compulsion to set fires; a pyromaniac. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Munkie[/b] - A play of the word "monkey". Dictionary.com says: [b]mon·key[/b] [i]n. pl.[/i] [b]mon·keys[/b] 1. Any of various long-tailed, medium-sized members of the order Primates, including the macaques, baboons, guenons, capuchins, marmosets, and tamarins and excluding the anthropoid apes and the prosimians. 2. One that behaves in a way suggestive of a monkey, as a mischievous child or a mimic. 3. The iron block of a pile driver. 4. [i][u]Slang[/i][/u]. A person who is mocked, duped, or made to appear a fool: [i]They made a monkey out of him.[/i] 5. [i][u]Slang[/i][/u]. Drug addiction: [i]have a monkey on one's back.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Take it as you may. My real name fully translated means: [i]"God gave plum from the bright valley."[/i] I say 'hoorah' for bizarre sentences.[/size]
[size=1]That is pretty damn cool. Some of the rings are a little choppy along the edges, but other than that it is really nicely done. What programs are you using these days?[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [B][size=1]You're just lucky, I guess.[/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]This is why we love Sara. :p I cannot say I have ever really had that problem except for once, but then again I have never really had that many "crushes". The one time it did happen, all the person had to do was wait. She knew and understood the situation and understood my ethics behind my decision to wait (and only for a couple months), but I guess she did not feel like waiting. As shocked as I was when I first found out that she was with my friend, I was quick to simply to put it behind me. I was trying to do the right thing and I get stuffed because of it. I simply told myself I was better than that, in which I really think most would agree, and moved on. Pretty simple. Though, I am not sure how this could relate to whatever situations you have been in since you are also on the inverse of having the problem with guys. Oh well...[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006[/i] [B][color=silver]Kid?????? who the heck are you callin kid? im older than YOU. anywayz yes i know they arent completely punk. . . not that you would know punk. . . but since they used to be punk i still consider them so. and no they have not been mainstream forever. probably since you have heard of them. but i knew about them when they made about $40 a show and had about 20 fans. does that sound mainstream to you ??? doesnt to me. but yeah RPCrazy, gc is ok. they arent "punk" but thats ok.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Let us not try and argue here. You really do not have much of a way to prove that you are older than him. Your profile only says you were born on August 30. Besides, age does not really matter, so why you tried to pull 'seniority' over him is beyond me. I am sure there are fourteen year old kids out there that could probably kick my *** on whatever level. Now, I do not know you that well and I admit that, but from what I have seen of your music taste and what I know of his Fiasco knows punk better than you do. I reiterate that I do not know you so I could be mistaken, but so far I am not seeing that. I give you some credit for preferring the "old school" scene, even so far back to when they were, as you said, making little money and low on fans. Though in my honest opinion, New Found Glory has never really been all that good. Fiasco's post was legit to be put in this topic. You may have not liked what he said or how he put it, but we cannot expect everyone to see things on the same level. So let us just drop whatever tension there may have been and continue the topic in a more civil manner.[/size]
What's the best love song that you've heard?
PiroMunkie replied to Demonic Angel's topic in Noosphere
[size=1]*scampers in fiendishly* Yes, yes, yes. [i]Her Ghost in the Fog[/i] by Cradle of Filth. The most touching and tragic love story I have ever heard put into lyrical form. Oh, how I love that song. I simply cannot get enough of it. Someone should right a screenplay based off of it. I bet Tim Burton could do it well. Mmm... yes, yes, yes. *scampers away*[/size] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86[/i] [B]Though there isn't a planet for them to govern so I guess it really doesn't matter.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]One could also keep in mind that it is just an anime, so it does not really matter, lol. Though, I cannot say that this question has not come across my mind before, but that is the solution I came up with.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli[/i] [B]ah but i believe he does get promoted in the dbz movie 8. when paragas (even though faking it) came to earth and even said vegeta was king and called trunks specificly prince trunks.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Keep in mind that the movies do not really tie in at all with the show. The only thing they really have in common is that they are from the same series.[/size]
[size=1]I applaud your optimism. Happiness is only one mile away... If that would have been me it would have been more depressing. I am not sure how I would word it. You probably know what I mean. Hmm... Macon... Georgia... Tori... *smiles* Definitely some good work coming from Paint.[/size]