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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]I have pondered the existence of such a 'soulmate' before. One person out there who is just right for me, or whoever it may be. I personally found it to too unbelievable and [i]inconceivable[/i] that only one person exists out there who is the perfect match. As Sara said, "The odds that you would ever meet such a person are phenomenally against you." Yet you do hear at times people who can seemingly honestly say that they have found that person. I suppose it could be that some people are just lucky, and some are not. Though, I have recently began thinking that all these broad and seemingly incomprehensible topics are not as complex as they appear. I am more than sure that the idea of a 'soulmate' has been around for quite some time. Possibly even before people knew that there was an entirely different world outside their own area; way, way back in time. Chances are that a person, or people, believed in such an idea and supposedly found that one person who is their perfect match. Yet there were so many people that they did not know about at the time. I do not think such a fluke would be so kind as to appear all that often, or else it really would not be a fluke. They way I look at it, I say that: For every place one can be, there is someone there for him or her.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Oo, I got one: What would happen if your normal everyday moderator looked through the topics in his or her forum and found and excruciatingly painful as well as pointless topic? Well, no need to answer that. I can tell you right now... [color=red][b]Topic Closed[/b][/color][/size]
  3. [size=1]... That had to be one of the most mind-racking posts to read.. o_O As for New Found Glory, they have been rather mainstream for a while now. I never really cared for them... at all. I gave them a bit of a chance at first, but they really just were not for me. Too 'pop/punk'ish for me. There is a difference between the Ramones level of pop/punk, and what that stuff is today. Right now I cannot even think of how to put it all out into words, but I just do not like them.[/size]
  4. [size=1]If OtakuBoards where to cease to be, I would probably be forced to get a life outside the internet, lol. I do not do much else right now then just chill online. I have no real close friends here in Omaha right now... >.>; Sad, but true. All my closest friends are online. It is kind of ironic how the ones I am closest to are oh so far away. Yeah, I would have a lot less to occupy my time which could probably force me to break down and my dad would probably actually put me in therapy for depression (not because OB is no more, but just because I am able to keep my mind of depressing topics by going here). OtakuBoards allows me to get away from dwelling on my own thoughts. After a while, I just get tired of looking at myself.[/size]
  5. [size=1]When it comes to piercings, I have never really put too much thought into them. Though if I ever did do that, which I probably shall at some point, I would go for one right in the middle of my lower lip... and maybe a nose something or other... As for tattoos, if I ever get the money when I am of age, I could definitely see something. Of course there would be something(s) AFI oriented, taken from the art they put within their albums. I had an idea a while ago that I recently found someone already kind of did, except they did it on their leg, whereas I would probably do it on my forearm. There was also a deal in [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] that would make a good tattoo; I would probably put it on my shoulder. Here is a picture of what I was talking about: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=446048[/img] I might mess with the colors a bit with the one on the left. There is this one thing that I have drawn that would probably make a good tattoo somewhere, but I would just need to plan it all out.[/size]
  6. [size=1]... All I have to say is that those parents are pretty stupid. How could they [i]not[/i] notice the added weight to the bear? I mean, unless the bear was rather large to begin with and the gun was stufed up further in the stuffing, a gun is going to make quite a difference in weight than what would be expected of a teddy bear. I am with Chaos. The world is full of idiots.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Mweheheh... I love acting. I have only done school performances, just because I have never really been interested in going into actual theater companies here. I imagine it would be far too professional and such for my tastes. Not that we do not take it seriously in school, it just seems like a much more lax atmosphere. Probably because you know most of everyone. The only time I ever have any kind of stage fright is when auditioning; especially for musicals because I hate having to sing a capella. I cannot get into it if I have no music to flow through me. Monologues are easy though, I have no problem with those. I pretty much just make those as big as I can. Which is hard to do with serious monologues, but comical is really easy. Last year when I auditioned for the Spring play at a high school, [i]The Matchmaker[/i], I had to do a serious and comical monologue. For the serious one, I took an excerpt from the book [u]My Antonia[/u], and for the comical I did the scene from [i]Tommy Boy[/i] where Chris Farley has the puppet show with that one business guy's model cars. Lol... The funniest part about it, I think, was that I started with the serious and went straight through into the comical. I made no pause between them to let them know I was switching which really caught them off guard and got a lot of laughs. I guess it is just something about a guy up on stage talking all romantic, then out of no where just begins trying to sell you brake pads. o_O The director there loves me, and I usually know that she has a part in mind for me before I even audition because students at that school talk to her and they hint stuff at me. The are doing [i]Cinderella[/i] for the musical this fall... I shall probably end up as the Prince unless someone better comes along. All I say is that I better not have to cut my hair... >.> I forget what the Spring play is... something about law or something... But yes, acting is very fun.[/size]
  8. [size=1]I actually think it looks pretty good colored. I am liking how you pated attention to highlights with the folds and such. It looks better than I thought it might have. Well done.[/size]
  9. [size=1]She is so [i]cute[/i]! >.O Grah! I wish I had a better word but that is all that really comes to mind, lol. She is one of the few reasons I continue taking the time to watch the anime; Kokubunji Minoru being another reason.. that kid has to be the coolest character in that series. [i]Anyway[/i], it s a good drawing. ^_^ Very easy to tell it is her. While it does not look [i]exactly[/i] like her, that it okay because it is good to have your own bit of style. I applaud thee.[/size]
  10. [size=1]... Were those drawn on human flesh...??? It really looks like it... It is pretty funny, but so very, very basic, lol. All the guys have the same hair. o_O If you ever do me and give me short hair I shall [i]kill[/i] you, lol. =P[/size]
  11. [size=1]I think the only time I have ever spent at that site was about five minutes... I seriously could not take it, it was just so irritating and pathetic. I am surprised that place is still up honestly. It is worse than Beckett; they are at least somewhat credible. I think Pojo and Gojiita.net have always been my favorite. Pojo when it comes to information, and Gojiita.net when it comes to media.[/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mystikal[/i] [B]Their legs looks a bit short in proportion to the rest of the thingies XD[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]That is the magick of cartoon-ish drawings though, it does not [i]have[/i] to be proportional. =P SPX: The arm in the second drawing does look better. I look forward to seeing it colored.[/size]
  13. [size=1]Actually, I would say the Mike's left arm is long than his right arm. Heh... It is a pretty cool drawing, though. It is kind of basic, but at the same time not really. You soo to have but the right amount of detail in the right places. I would love to see it colored. Though, I doubt that the way you would color it would be anywhere near the way I would so I shall not even go into that. o_O It is good, though I would suggest darkening and smoothing out some of those edges.[/size]
  14. PiroMunkie

    Street Punk

    [size=1]Actually, he think that the Ramones and the Sex Pistols suck. Anyway Fiasco, as you know from speaking to me about Warped Tour I am just as much into bands like the Unseen as I am into whatever you would not have listed. You mention a bit negatively Anti-Flag and the Casualties. I am a bit of a fan of Anti-Flag, I would say their major turn-off is that Justin Sane's voice is a bit whiney. I have never really been too into the Casualties, though... I am really not going to take the time to differ between such bands as to which is more "punk". I shall just listen to both whenever it suits me.[/size]
  15. [size=1]Heh, that is actually pretty cool. It is alike a movie preview or something. One thing wrong though is that the text went by rather fast, I did not have time to read it all epsecially since it is not even smooth text. I would just say slow some of those frames down and it should be fine. It is not the greatest quality, but I like the overall effect of it.[/size]
  16. [size=1]Cool graphic, eh? The real question is: Were you the one who made it? ... Anyone can post a picture but can you exlpain it? ^_~ I suppose it is rather interesting. It reminds me of a speaker on an amp. Though it could do without the text.[/size]
  17. [size=1]Heh, interesting. I was not exactly expecting to make it, but all is well that ends well. I guess I could thank the judges; Ginny most of all stood out to me in bumping Psychotik for me... o_O (not that I have anything against the guy). It was her reasoning for it that meant the most. I was rather shocked to say the least, lol.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Hrm... what program are you using...? If you are using Photoshop you could have made those lines a bit transparent so it did not interrupt the picture so much. I like what you tried, though.[/size]
  19. [size=1]You could definitely use some distinction between the images that you used. I cannot tell where one begins and the other ends. Other than that... maybe a border and just something else to draw attention to the right side. My focus seems to heavily stay at the left. They are good quality pictures that you used, though. I shall give you that much.[/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris[/i] [B][color=#707875]o.O sara's smileing? woh, never saw that coming.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I find that odd in the fact the every picture I have seen of her she has been smiling, and a beauteous smile it is. I wish I still had those ones from when she was younger... blast that infernal computer crash. As for the picture, Majin, it is nicely cropped and composed. However, I believe the humor factor is lacking. You must work on that in order to achieve an excellence of parody. You have potential, young grasshopper. And Ginny, That space is there in my photo because that moment was caught within mid-hump of Gir to my head... o_O Too much information, I know...[/size]
  21. [size=1]I think my dad mentioned at some point that one of his friends knew the drummer for The Toadies. I never got too much into them, I have only heard [i]Possum Kingdom[/i]. I have always enjoyed the song, though. So perhaps I shall take a look at what else they have. As for the Butthole Surfers, I swear I have heard these guys before. I do recognize the song [i]Pepper[/i], but I do not think that is the song I heard... I do not know. Maybe it was a different band I am thinking of. Though, the Butthole Surfers are good as well.[/size]
  22. [size=1]I have never done that... It has comepoint that I cannot even type OtakuBoards anymore without typing the 's'. Not even I try. My hands have a mind of their own it seems. They do what they know to do. That is an odd place though. I visited it, and at the first page I was not very impressed...[/size]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [B][size=1][b]Sara[/b]-- [I don't know...o0 Someone else label me. ^_~][/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1][i]Hobbes[/i]... 'nuff said. ^_~ Or the [i]Inconceivable One[/i]. [b][i]"piro: great hair, bad breath"[/i] - Chris[/b] This must be some inside joke I have forgotten or something... o_O *blinks* It smells like popcorn right now, lol (and yes I found that out by blinking). [b][color=hotpink][i]"Transtic would be 'Straight Girls Hate Me'? I cannot believe that at all! Straight girls love the Transticness..."[/i][/color] - Queen Asuka[/b] [color=#c0c0c0](seemingly)[/color] Straight guys, too! ^_~ Hrmm... it seems some lately have been called me a crazed lunatic or something of that sort. I am really not sure though... I have too many different facets of myself to lump into into title. o_O[/size]
  24. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan Rugh[/i] [B]Pretty much them dressed up in suits performing on a theatre stage with a writhing crowd. I still liked it, though, just because the song was already good. heh[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]That is not just [i]any[/i] writhing crowd, foolio. Those are hardcore kids specifically hand-picked to be in the video. That "writhing" is hardcore dancing. It is crazy, lol. One of my friends kept doing it at Warped Tour. It is as amusing as it is fun and intriguing. While the video probably could have been better, I still have to give credit to that aspect of it, lol.[/size]
  25. [size=1]Yeah, I think about that all of the time. I am pretty sure I am going to be one of those people who lives in his parent's basement, eating spaghettios, while watching old daytime TV re-runs... or something to that effect. I really do not think that all I have done will amount up to much. Not in this world. When ethics overrules hypocrisy then I shall succeed, but since I feel the obligation not to lie when filling out applications and such, I do not get much of anywhere.[/size]
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