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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu[/i] [B]Hey, why would you get bashed for something like that?[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Because of me, lol. Just kidding... :shifty: This topic is rather depressing. For us lonely, low self-esteem yet high dignity and ethics type people. Oh well, though... at least I have Asuka and the Harlequin... *realizes how odd of a pair that would make to have at the same time*[/size]
  2. [size=1]Heh, I just decided to merge your two threads and edit your posts together since they were about the same topic and would not want to make it look like you double-posted.[/size]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SadClown[/i] [B]Where did you get that statistic? What yur saying is just about 1/2 the population of the world is Homosexual? I think not. It's been proven that 1 out of every 10 people is gay, so that doesn't equal out to 1/2 but more like 1/10.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I think it was quite obvious that guy did not know what he was talking about to begin with, lol. I mean, "49% of the world is gay and the other 53% is not"? I shall tell you what is so special abuot those other 53%; they cannot count. :p[/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday[/i] [B]Is it 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'- Love Division[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Lol, no. You had the right idea though. It is actually [i]Something Must Break[/i] - by [b]Joy[/b] Division. Heh. ^_~[/size]
  5. [size=1]Enter Sandman - Metallica, lol. [i]To waste and choose or raise the dead With pain behind go straight ahead Room full of people grouping as one I can't break out now the time just won't come To waste and choose which way to go Decide for me please let me know Looked in the mirror saw I was wrong If I could get back to - where I belong[/i] I figure the only way someone will get this is by looking it up, haha. =P And I want the band who [i]originally[/i] did it.[/size]
  6. [size=1]It figures my only crush that was not already apparent to me is from a guy, lol. That is good though, I suppose I have the best of both worlds now, heh. Well, there is [b]Asuka[/b], of course. Anyone who did not see that coming should be eviscerated. I would say [b]Semjaza[/b], probably, when it comes to guys. ^_~ Though I do have a bit of a lust for [b]Transtic[/b], I think, hehe. >_>[/size]
  7. [size=1]I do not know... I would say my parents are pretty much your typical parents. My mom is really cheesy at times with dated jokes, songs, and whatever else. It is like she is a kid... but a kid does not fit all that well into a conservative, adult body. My dad is pretty cool though... he likes to cook, so he watches those cooking shows on television a lot. He is more layed back than my mother, but still maintains that conservative ideal. He is somewhat patriotic, recently made a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, but works as a private investigator and has been to war college or something like that. He just recently told me of one time that they put him and some of the other students in a room and then threw two flash grenades in there with 'em. o_O Crazy stuff... not too much the investigations he has been on. It is like he is James Bond or something, lol.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Oddly enough, I find myself standing in that same position sometimes. I like it. ^__^ Pen is fun to draw with. You cannot erase it so you just have to go with what you put down (or crumple up the paper and throw it across the room in a fit of angsty artist rage). Well done.[/size]
  9. [size=1]Heh, problem solved. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=425866[/img] I am rather surprised you [i]laughed[/i] (delightedly even) at my first post... I was expecting a slow, painful, and lonely death. >.O You always like to keep me on my toes, lol... Great sketches, Sara. ^__^[/size]
  10. PiroMunkie

    Music mood!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight[/i] [B][color=crimson]Music does affect my mood and alot of the time my mood affects my music.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I am kind of the same way. Lately I have been really mellow, so thus the music that I am listening to has taken the same route going along the lines of the Cure, the Smiths, Joy Division, etc. ... Hrmm... Joy Division... *plays Love Will Tear Us Apart* I do not know, though, I use music as a way to channel everything I have inside and get out. I am usually a rather quiet person, but if I have some decent music playing at the same time I am more likely to talk about whatever. This among other things...[/size]
  11. [size=1]... ****. This world... god damn it sucks. Nothing is ever how anyone wants it to be... We never want to admit it, but that seems to be just how it is. We cannot help but be slapped in the face when something like this happens. I am terribly sorry to hear about the death of [strike]your child[/strike] Christophe Jon Michael. Take care.[/size]
  12. [size=1]*hugs Transtic tightly* ... Wait... Can I do that here? *rolls eyes* Thank you for putting into words what I could not. I stand right next to you on your opinion.[/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [color=#707875]I just realized that I haven't actually had a wedding. [b]I'm "married" to a few people, but no wedding yet. :bawl:[/b][/color][/quote][size=1]One of which is Asuka... I am still trying to get over that shock of finding that out... -__-[/size][quote][b][color=#707875]Oh well. I'll find someone... I hope. ^_^;;[/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]We should hitch you and Adam. ^__^ It only seems right... Then enforce monogamy so you are with only him and I can have some peace of mind... >.>; I do agree that the animated banner does go by somewhat quickly. It took me a few times seeing it to read what was going on, heh.[/size]
  14. [size=1]That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. " It seems that they think if gay people are allowed to marry, that would be anti-american since it's against Christianity. " Not everyone in this apparently ****ed up (more than I had originally thought) country is a Christian, or of any relating religion. I do not know what I could say that would not be me going off on an anti-religious rant, so I am going to stop here. I do not feel like having to argue with someone or some people. Just know that I support marriage between homosexuals and the like. "Behind every arguement is someone's ignorance." - Louis D. Brandeis[/size]
  15. [size=1]... That has to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen... o_O If it were really a doll, I would buy it. I would [i]pet it[/i], and [i]stroke it[/i], and [i]massage it[/i]... Hahaha, you are a naughty doll! Naughty! ... Ahem... sorry... Tommy Boy moment there. o_O But seriously, it is just absolutely amazing. I give it 23,409,584,690,289,034,850,435,849,058,240,956,872,096,845,669,085,409,684,564,506,984,609,835,608,455,440,359,817,450,987,235.00034530034594842349585 / 10.345342 ( sorry, ^__^; I could not help myself... I am weak and succumb to the path of [i]fear[/i]! ) Do not bite... [i]hard[/i]... >.>[/size]
  16. [size=1]Well, being that I am no longer at my home computer (I am at my father's house for the weekend) I am not able to access all the files I have. I hate to postpone things so I shall use the following. This is a drawing I originally did in pencil of the Steam Knight from the game Brave Fencer Musashiden. I then one day scanned it into my computer, opened it up in Photoshop, and began coloring it and such. The Steam Knight itself was done with nothing but a solid gray/silver color and the Dodge and Burn tool. Then I used my magic to create the steam, a brush for the grass (the Burn tool for the shadow), and the back wall it just an array of filters and image adjustments. So with that aside, here you are: [url=http://bfmtr.mysitespace.com/images/steamknight.jpg]Steam Knight[/url] If it says the page is not found, just refresh until it shows up... that place has been kind of screwy with me lately.[/size]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Majin[/i] [B]Moehawk was the one who turned to the spider wasn't he??[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I was thinking about that while I was typing that post... I think he might have been, indeed. ... which only makes him all the cooler. :p[/size]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3[/i] [B]Referring to how Piro and Asuka have been married for almost a year and a half, a find that time matters very little to me.[/b][/quote][size=1]I never said time had to mean anything, lol. I just realized at that time that the sixth would mark a year and a half... *wonders if she will be back from where she is in time to celebrate* We still [i]own[/i]. :p And as I said, we can double date, lol. As for the second 'banner', I still have no real considerance of it to actually critique it. I know how it was done, it did not take any real artistic talent... you can even see Adobe Photoshop open in the background, lol. It is a good idea, though, I shall give you that much.[/size][quote][b]I was looking at it on AOL at a friend's house, and it looked slightly different and of less quality, so I was a bit worried.[/b][/quote][size=1]AOL has a tendency to 'crappify' images. When I used to have AOL it did this all of the time. It is why I used to use the Liquid layout for OB rather than the default; the default's top banner did not appear as well as the Liquid's did. So if it looked of lesser quality, that was AOL's fault. ^__^ Just remember: It is [i]always[/i] AOL's fault, haha.[/size][quote][b]BTW, maladjusted, it obviously wasn't a [i]real[/i] wedding, but we can pretend it was! oO;[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Heh, we (you and I) have the same mindset. ^__^ So when can we expect a child? Hrmmm???[/size]
  19. [size=1]Yeah! Moehawk was the coolest Gremlin ever, lol. Him and the one that made itself spider-like in the second movie; that was cool too. That female Gremlin always annoyed me though. >.O Props to Invader Zim as well. These avatars are better than the Gremlin ones. *applauds*[/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris[/i] [B][color=green][size=1]also, what does jk stand for?[/size][/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Those would be my initials of my [i]real[/i] name.[/size]
  21. [size=1]Eh, why not? ... Only three... Geh... I think I shall definitely put in [url=http://www.angelfire.com/alt/eyedance/gfx/brimfire.jpg]Hellfire and Brimstone[/url]. This is one of my personal favorites, heh. ^_^ [url=http://www.angelfire.com/alt/eyedance/gfx/wastedtouch.jpg]Wasted Touch[/url] will be my second entry... That is my signature at the bottom right of both graphics, it is not actually part of the design. It is just there so they cannot be taken. I am not sure about my third... I want to do some drawing that I have done, but all my best ones are with my journalism teacher. -__-[/size]
  22. PiroMunkie

    otaku prom

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris[/i] [B][color=green][size=1]piro, what's a coincedence bar?[/size][/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]It was this "RPG" a couple Otaku Eras ago that really had no point at all, lol. It was pretty much, "Hey, this takes place in a bar. Get started." So it was very loosely constructed and was pretty mcuh just another place to post; it had no real meaning. As much as I was against that, I suppose I am a bit guilty for The Dating Game, lol. Though, that started off as an actual game, but then moved to the paired 'couples' staying in a hotel and whatever antics went on there. It ended up being a war between the world and this one girl (who was actually the girl the game paired me with, I forget her name... I think it started with and 'M', I would know it if I saw it. She does not come here anymore.)... I believe it went so far as to use Gundams, o_O. A brief Otaku history for you, lol. [edit] I might want to add that the Coincendence Bar spent a lot of its time in what we now call the Otaku Lounge. It was not even in the RPG forum. [edit2] My curiosity consumed me and I checked the member list to see if the aforementioned girl ever was ever registered on this member list, and it turns out she was; MysticBabe. Good times... good times...[/size]
  23. [size=1]I have a quick question... are the Japanese fond of the French language? I have noticed in several song titles of stuff I have looked at that there is French in them. I mean, right there in your reccomended songs you have Raison D'etre. It is just something that I have been wondering for a while...[/size]
  24. [size=1]Ha, Asuka and I own you, lol. [ *realizes that in two days they will have been married for a year and a half* o_O ] Congratulations, perhaps we could double-date sometime, haha. ^__^ I like the first banner. I do not really have anything wrong with it at all other than the upper left text may be a little hard to read. I actually have too look at it in order to read it clearly, lol. The second one is more for fun, lol. I do not really think it is meant to be critiqued. o_O[/size]
  25. PiroMunkie

    otaku prom

    [size=1]o_O ... This reminds me of the Coincedence Bar (which I was heavily against) or something. This really seems like an RPG more than anything, but not even that... So very confusing... [edit] I just now realized that I am [i]in[/i] in RPG forum, lol... I thought this was Otaku Lounge... oh, I need sleep...[/size]
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