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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]Meh, I listened to about a minute or two of it. It had too much of a 'pop' sound for my tastes. I am not saying it was bad, it just did not appeal to me.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Apparently, you did not even take a look at the links Jin17 put up. If you did, then you would know the answers to your question as well as some others I am sure. Being that those links answer any questions one might have, I see no real reason as to why this topic should stay open. If for some reason any of you still have a quick question about something, you can PM Jin17 or myself and we shall get back to you as soon as possible. [b][color=red]Topic Closed:[/b][/color] Question has been answered leaving no room for any real discussion.[/size]
  3. [size=1]Heh, an Otaku birth. ^__^ That is great news. I send my best wishes to her and the child. A premature birth is kind of frightening, but I am glad to hear they are both doing well. I want to be Uncle Piro, lol... or Grandpa Munkie... ^__^;;[/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky[/i] [B]No, the Ginyu force weren't named after dairy products...I think it was Galic.jr's men that were. Salt, was one of them... [/B][/QUOTE][size=1]What is funny is that salt is not a dairy product. Burter (or however you spell it) is a play off of 'butter'. Jeice is a play off of cheese. Ginyu I believe it Japanese for 'milk'. Guldo has something to do with yogurt, I think. Rikkum has something to do with cream... I do not completely remember, but they were something along those lines.[/size]
  5. [size=1]Yes, people have noticed it before. It is all part of the humor of the show. I believe most of the Ginyu force were named after dairy products. Vegeta go with [i]vegeta[/i]ble. Kakarot and carrot. Pan is Japanese for bread. I think it is Gohan who is named after rice. Raditz and radish. Piccolo and his spawn in DragonBall were all named after instruments. Namek (or some variation of the word) is Japanese for 'slug'. That is all I can think of right now aside from your statement about the Brief's family. It is supposed to be funny. Laugh at it.[/size]
  6. [size=1]I suppose it depends on how you would define "stupid". Though, I suppose getting caught shoplifting would be the only thing that can come to mind, but I do not really find that stupid at all, lol. I had a lot of fun because of that, and paying the extra money for everything was easy as well. I had a lot of spare money at the time. My diversion class was really funny, and all I had to do for community service was go to a park for six hours over a span of three days and ride around in a golf cart picking up trash. Picking up trash only really took an hour or two collectively each day, and the guy that ran the park would leave after about an hour and run errands for the rest of the time that I was there. So I just got to ride around on a golf cart in a park a lot; much fun, indeed, especially when it rained and it was muddy in some places. =P I do not really have any regrets about much of anything, aside from maybe not seeing certain things when they were right in front of me and now are no longer available... those haunt me at times.[/size]
  7. [size=1]I enjoy being a moderator more than being just a member. It gives me something definite to do when I am online, and it is not like I do not have the time to do it; even with my job working me like a slave. Not to mention Dragon Ball is not that busy of a forum, especially with two moderators looking over it. I pretty much know that if I am gone, I can expect that Jin17 will pop in some time in my absence and check up on things unless he happens to be on a vacation or something. I do not know... I suppose I have it kind of easy in DragonBall, lol. I have looked at these other moderator's posts here and they speak of getting random instant messages and private messages from people... I do not get that. I know some forums are overrun with "n00bs", but DragonBall only gets a rotten egg every once in a while. It makes me feel kind of bad because it does not seem like I am doing enough. o_O Personally, I would love to see what it is like being a Category moderator, but I do not think there is one category that I frequent all the forums within... with the exception of the staff area, lol. I do not know how Shy can do all of Otaku Anime; seven different forums... it is insane. I do not know... being a moderator has just kind of grown on me. It would be kind of weird to go back to being a member. I would feel so obligated to still perform moderating duties such as telling people not to double post and whatnot. I know that then I would just be one of those irritating members who likes to "play mod", lol. I guess I would rather be a moderator because at least then I know that my life has at least [i]some[/i] meaning. =P[/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [B]I like the fact there's alot of gay people here. There's alot of closeted people too, but thats their deal. Loads of bisexual/confused/I dunno what people here too... damn...[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Meheheheh... *fiendish grin* I am proud to have contributed to that, lol, but I shall never put a label on myself. People can make of me what they like if it helps them sleep at night, but otherwise I just do what (and [i]who[/i] ^_~) I do. It is immensly ammusing to have people question you. Lalaith, I had totally forgotten about the whole "bisexual" thing and just figured you were homosexual, so there is no real difference anyway, lol. I am proud of you. You are so wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully pretty! ^_^ ( sorry, I am listening to The Cure right now, lol... so catchy)[/size]
  9. [size=1]Good, I was hoping someone would post a machine sign-up soon. I was a bit confused about some aspects of it. ^__^ What better set example than James. =P [b]Code Name:[/b] David Michael [b]Build Number:[/b] 63M1N1 [b]Country of Origin:[/b] 01 [b]Country of Residence:[/b] United States of America [b]Appearance:[/b] Appears to be in its mid twenties. It is dressed in casual, durable clothing and often wears sunglasses (even though they are not needed). Its eyes are two different colors: right, brown; left, burnt yellow. Its hair is wavy, black, and commonly slicked back. [b]Biography:[/b] 63M1N1 was created during the anti-machine protests that followed the rise of "The Infrastructure". Its series' purpose was to be able to intermix with mankind and take things down from the inside; mainly, at the time, to fight back against the protesting if and when it turned violent. 63M1N1's [i]unique[/i] build series was soon brought to a hault after a flaw was found in their system. There are only an estimated 1,000 of these prototypes still in working order. [b]Weapons[/b] [url=http://www.counter-strike.net/images/weapons/usp_tact.jpg].45 USP Tactical[/url] If I get in, I might add a human player once I get the hang of the RPG.[/size]
  10. [size=1]It is the typical persona of a villain to be arrogant, and the villains of the Dragon Ball series as a whole make good examples of this. You cannot be much of a villain if you do not think you are somehow better than everyone else. I mean, there was Furiza when he constantly degraded the Saiya-jin race to "monkeys". We do not even need to go into Vegeta. The androids (with the exception of #16, but he was more of a good guy) believed themselves to be superior because they "knew all about" Gokou and those people. Arrogance is part of what makes a villain who he/she/it is.[/size]
  11. [size=1]Personally, I do not really care whether or not people see me as mature or immature. I would say a majority of the time I am rather 'mature'. Though, I can and do get away from that. Usually it is intentional because I know it pisses people off and they do not want to be around it. So if they upset me and I have reason enough to snap back, I shall act a bit more immature because I know they will break easier. So I rarely act immature without reason... which is kind of ironic. Usually people do not care to see the reasoning behind it and take this whole "holier than thou" attitude, but that is their own problem.[/size]
  12. [size=1]I would the main hype about anime has settled down, at least here anyway. It has hit its peak and now those who actually enjoyed it stayed with it, and those who were into simeply because it was popular are forgetting it. I do not see as many "otaku-wannabes" anymore, so due to the scene settling down I believe it has gotten better.[/size]
  13. [size=1]I hate to feel it, but it really cannot be helped. I always feel guilty whenever I experience it. Unosuke had a good example.. I have gone through that situation in some form or another numerous times. I am usually quick to get over it, and I usually confess to it because I usually feel bad about it. Jealousy is okay, I suppose. Just as long as it does not get out of control.[/size]
  14. [size=1]Well, Transtic already gave the reason for this topic to be closed. So I am just going to use my super powers and finish the job. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
  15. [size=1]I would work on smoother cut-outs. I should not be able to see that white outline. It looks like you are getting a hang of the filters, so that is good. Use them wisely, not excessively. This last one was not too bad, it just needs a better cut-out of Ed.[/size]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha[/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]*has a quick vision of getting strip searched and arrested at San Francisco international Airport* Oo.[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Oh, do not make that face, you know you would enjoy it. ^_~ Heh.[/size]
  17. [size=1]My parents divorced about two years ago. At first I was saddened, and I listened to a lot of angry music and such. However, my apathy eventually took over to the point where I could just push it aside and move on. It is not like I can do anything about it, so I see no reason to let it bring me down. Since then, both my mom and dad have remarried. Both step-parents are okay, I guess. They are just another person to me. So far I have not really received any crap from them, so that is good. I guess they know their place. And do not be sorry that my parents are divorced; I am not.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Heh, there has only been one movie that has ever made me all out cry. It is this movie my mom rented once called [i]Fluke[/i]. It is about this guy who dies and comes back as a dog and finds the family he had before he died. Throughout the film, the 'dog' constantly shows hints to his family that he is the father and husband they lost. [spoiler]There was this one part when he was in a closet or something and somehow got a hat on his head that he always used to wear when he was human. His wife came in and saw it and made that nostalgic, amused, teary-eyed face and for some reason I just started crying, lol.[/spoiler] Although, I was a bit younger then. Probably near the end of grade school. Much has changed. Many people have mentioned [i]Donnie Darko[/i] thus far... I just recently saw this movie and there were a few parts that made me teary eyed... well, it made me feel as though I [i]should[/i] be teary-eyed. They were not actual depressing parts in the movie, it was just the way I could relate the incidents to myself on either how it has happened to me or I want it to. It is truly a great movie, though, in my opinion. Not too mention Gretchen was a bit of a cutie, lol. I am sure there have been a few others that made me feel as though I should cry, but I do not remember them. I do not know... it is pretty much a "it is just a movie" attitude.[/size]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday[/i] [B]You can be married and live two different states for all I care.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]To be trite, that is easier said than done. It would be just as hard for me to be living in two different states as it would be if we were living next door to each other. Not saying I could not do it, but it would just be a lot of weight on the soul to be without the physical company. Though, this forced abstinence can only make it all the better when we would actually be together. On the topic mentioned of living together before married, I support that. It puts further commitment into the relationship and lets the other know that they are rather serious about it. Living together premaritally would just be a test to see if the two of you could handle it. Chances are it would be rough to deal with, but if the two are truly longing to be together and make things work a way will be found. To be cliche once more: where there is a will, there is a way. [i]Plus[/i] you would know more so of what you may need when it does come to getting married. Think of wedding gifts that could help with the living arrangements and such. This would be much more reasonable than just jumping head first into living together [i]after[/i] you have already tied the knot. This way if the living situation does not work out, you would know that you two are not ready and just need to wait a bit longer and try a bit harder. As for premarital sex, I am not strongly against it, but I am not strongly for it either. I am kind of in the middle, but I lean more towards being against it. If it is done responsibly, I shall have no problem with that person, but I cannot stand those who just go and have sex with anyone and everyone. Then again, there are those who are totally against any phsyical/sexual contact and such; they can be just as annoying. Although, I find it amusing to push their buttons a little with random hugs and such, lol. They tense up so much... Personally, I have no problem with waiting until marriage. My sexual drive is pretty low, so it does not take much to please me, lol. I am more of the traditional romantic type. Holding hands, cuddling, kissing (not slobbering all over, lol), hugging, laying together, and anything else such as these are enough for me. I cannot say sexual thoughts do not arise in my head, but it is not much to me to actually care about them now. I am fine just keeping things simple.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Anyone or anything I care for is all I would ever fight for. There is a chance that I shall fight for things that I normally would not, but these are no so often. If I do not care for it, or care for someone who cares for it - so in that case I would stand up for other's beliefs as well as my own, even if I do not agree - then I am not going to waste my time with it. I am rather idealistic when it comes to things like this. I want to strive for what I want my life to be like. What someone else wants is not going to mean that much to me. It is a little difficult for me to explain in the fullest extent of my opinion, as I am not very opinionated. In a nutshell, it is just those opinions that I do have that I would fight for. Not blindly, of course. I am not so stubborn in them that I shall not listen to an opposition and consider it, but I shall just let them believe what the want to believe and do the same with myself.[/size]
  21. [size=1]I have contemplated this before, and I at least want to get pierced at least once in my life. Just so I can say I have done it and was not too conservative to stay away from such things. It is just part of who I am. It is all about the experience. I would say right now I am saying I would probably do my lip in the center. I am not sure why...[/size]
  22. [size=1][i]Oz continued on his frenzied, yet amusing, dash for the roof as the fire alarm blared in his ears. Even over the alarm he could still hear the incessant shouting of the security. Quickly, he came to another stairwell. This one would finally put him on the roof, the concrete stairs gave it away. Oz made haste up them going four or five at a time with his long, lanky legs. In the same motion as his final step he burst through the door throwing it shut behind him. He wasted no time in locking. He wanted them to follow. The roof door flung open even harder than Oz had pushed it open as one... two... [u]five[/u] security guards plowed through. They all came to an abrupt stop as it did not take long to find their prey. Oz stood on the ledge of the building, gripping it by the toes of his boots with his arms crossed. The security and proceeded with caution...[/i] [b]Sec. A:[/b] " Son, we're not going to hurt you. Step back from the ledge. " [i]Oz chuckled to himself briefly.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " You want me to step back? I can take a step back... " [i]He taunted the security lifting one foot backwards from the edge of the building. Just to see the panic that hid under these faces was such simple amusement. He could see beads of sweat ooze from their every more every moment he kept his foot off the concrete.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " You are not going to catch me. " [i]Another officer spoke from behind making an advance to forward his voice.[/i] [b]Sec. B:[/b] " Son, a simple referral to the principal is not worth this. Please, step... [i]forward[/i] from the ledge. " [i]Oz seemed slightly appalled by this officer's words. He moved his foot back to the building and looked at all of them curiously.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " You think [i]that[/i] is what this is about??? " [i]Before the officers could even respond Oz scoffed and took a quick leap back into the air keeping his body outsretched. Immediately he could he the frightened shouts of the security who, as he looked up to the place he jumped from peered down to watch him fall. His body made two well rounded backflips beofre he finally came in contact with the pavement in a fluent movement into a crouch. The crack against the pavement shot through the air. As his body took in the force of the impact he immediatly exerted it making way in a mad sprint away from the school...[/i][/size]
  23. [size=1]For those still confused, I believe that Jin17 explained it the best. You can go back and read his post (just highlight the blacked over text to see it), and if you still do not understand or just want to see the two android 17s fuse I know a site that has a clip of it. Just send me a Private Message asking for it. The clip requires Real Player, just to let you know. It is only 1.7 MB, so even with a 56k modem you should be able to do it relatively quickly (15, maybe 20, minutes depending on how good your computer is).[/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989[/i] [B]Yes, Tarren taught me out of breaking up. And he loves me. He told me :D I am soo happy.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I am going to be a bit of a pessimist here. Just because he said it does not mean he meant it. Personally, in my opinion, the guy seems a bit desperate. Just clinging on through whatever means so he does not have to lose anything. I suppose there is always that chance that I am wrong, and I do not expect you to think that I am right. I am just putting in another two cents is all. Food for thought; but if you say you are happy, then I would not dwell on it too much... you might end up like me, lol.[/size]
  25. [size=1][i]Oz let out a quiet sigh. Left alone once again. Oh well, the short break of amusement sufficed while it lasted. He despised this class and the teacher as much as the others did, his disrespect was simply more subtle. For now, he simply leaned back in his seat with his head dangling and eyes rolled back in their sockets. Mr. Burnham had already had enough for today, even such a less apparent form of rebellion was more than enough to trip his trigger.[/i] [b]Burnham:[/b] " Oz, for ****'s sake, would you like to join the others?! I am sick and tired of your ******** apathy and exhaustion. " [i]Without sitting up in his place, Oz spoke.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " If you think we are doing damage now, then you should realize that by letting us out of this class you are doing nothing but taking us out from under your fascist rule... Where there is no discipline, chaos grows strong; and "strong", tyrant, is merely an appalling understatement. " [i]Before Oz had even finished his little speech, Mr. Burnham had already written out a referral and pass to the prinicpal's office. Coarsly making his way to Oz's desk, he thrusted the paper out to him. Oz lifted his head to look at what was being put forth. He smirked, and took them in hand balling them in his fist as he rose from his seat. Making his home stretch to the door he threw the paper into the air, only now it was broken down. Degraded. Oz grabbed the handle to the door and paused for a moment as the metal was quickly drained of its youth. Then with one swift kick the door burst open as the handle merely fell from it. Like it had done with Gus, the door smashed into the tile wall. This time cracking a few tiles that were no longer able to withstand the beating. Making his way down the hall, Oz heard Mr. Burnham calling after him.[/i] [b]Burnham:[/b] "Get your *** back here, you little ****! I am going to have you [i]severely[/i] punished!! " [i]With one switched motion of the hand, Oz let Burnham know what he thought of him. The silent halls then reverberated the soft sound of Burnham calling for security.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " ... Damn it. " [i]Oz bolted down the halls making his way toward the roof. If all else failed he could jump and make away while the security in their humanity would have to go back down the stairs within the school in order to continue their pursuit...[/i][/size]
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