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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]It looks like a button, lol. I actually tried clicking on it, but, eh... It is pretty good. A little hard to read, but other than that I think it was well done. Though, I really do not see that as a banner of any kind, lol. It would make a rather cool button, though. =P [color=c0c0c0]Buttons, buttons, and more buttons...[/color][/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by yuka-kitsune[/i] [B]OMG i have no idea how to fix it or purfect it i have no idea how to give them a 3-d look[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]My advice would be to find some good profile pictures online and draw those to the best of your ability. Since they would just be practice they would not neccesarily take up one sheet of paper either. They could be thumnail sketches just to get your hand and eyes familiar with the look and feel of what is neccesary to achieve better depth in a picture. Once you get it down you can use the skills in your own original work. This is pretty much how I learned anime style drawing in general, and trust me my first pictures were pretty bad, lol. I have gotten better since then to the point where is almost makes me sick to look back at those old ones... heh. ^_^[/size]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]I thought this would be about what you consider the perfect date to be... as in what you would [i]do[/i] on the date, not [i]who[/i] it would be with. Eh.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]... What about [i]who[/i] you would [i]do[/i] on a date...? ... :shifty: What?! Heh, anyway, the perfect date for me... I have no idea. I have never really been on a date that I have particularly enjoyed the most, nor do I have some ideal thought of how I would want things to go. Planning takes all of the fun out such things.[/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989[/i] [B]Well, I'll break up, or I will try.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]He cannot stop you from breaking up with him. He may try to talk you out of it, but he cannot just say "No, you are not" when you say, "I am breaking up with you." Judging simply from what you have said of this guy thus far, he does not seem like the kind of person you would want to give that power to. If you still want to be friends with him, let him down easy. Just tell him why your are ending the relationship. If he wants to be a jerk about it by throwing a fit and never talking to you again it is his loss, not yours. Do not think much of it. You are still a kid just becoming a teen. Have fun while you still can.[/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Terpischore[/i] [B]Whoever said the comment about there only being one god and goddess in Wicca, perhaps there are, but in my practicing you must cast a circle to cast a spell, and in doing so you invite the gods of air, earth, water, and fire into your circle. That's what i meant when i said 4 gods.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I am just going to make a quick comment on this. In Wicca there is a Lord and Lady, but I have also read that, as you mentioned, other deific spirits can, and are, called upon during the casting of spells. The thing is that these spirits are not exclusively involved in Wicca. They are generic. For example, you mentioned water. Instead of just using "the god of water", one may use the name Neptune. Neptune was also used by the Romans in their mythology who was equivalent to the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. I have never fully understood these "secondary" deities, but the way I saw it was that they are just a way of personifying a specific aspect of nature. Instead of inviting the Lord or Lady into your circle who symbolize very broad points of life, one would just take single, or a few, aspects of the world and universe for a more concentrated focus on the spell. It is simply taking something like water, and giving it a name. For to give something a name is to give it power, and with its power it lends a helping hand to whatever you may be practicing. I am not trying to argue with you or anything, just clear some things up from what I know in reading up on Wicca because one of my friends is/was of that religion. If it helps any, I support the decision you have thus made for now about religion. it is pretty much how I am except without the "until further notice", and I do not really consider myself an athiest. I do not consider myself anything really. Someone can put a label on me if it gives them peace of mind, but if someone were to ask my religious beliefs I would just either tell them I do not have any or something along those lines. Best of luck to you.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Bulla, also known as Bra to those who may be confused. First thing I would like to mention is that Pan does not have Super Saiya-jin power. The truth is that female Saiya-jins lack the ability to transform into a Super Saiya-jin. Why? We do not really know, but Akira Toriyama 3:16 said so, lol. There are probably a countless number of possible reasons that Toriyama would have made it this way, but we just do not know exactly why. We just know that they lack that ability.[/size]
  7. [size=1]First of all, do not double post. Secondly, stop whining. There was only a seven minutes lapse between your two posts. So what if no one takes a look at this topic in a seven minute time period? Move on and come back to it later. No one has even really looked at the picture yet. As for the actual picture, it [i]is[/i] pretty bad. It is very flat, the coloring is less than amateur, the depth is off... just to name a few. I am not much of a fan of the writing on it either. Sometimes it is okay if done correctly, but the handwriting is barely even legible. I am in a somewhat bitter mood right now so this is probably coming off more harsh than I may normally put it, but just look at it this way: You can only get better.[/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Terpischore[/i] [B]...and Alex started to say "It's hard to believe that there are 4 different Gods when you've believed taht there is only 1 God for your whole life!"[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]What is funny is that, unless I am mistaken, Wicca only has one god along with one goddess. Hopefully, this "Alex" was just saying some random number and not assuming a number of deities in a religion. When it comes to religion, I am rather against it. I have lost some people who were once friends because they decided to become religious. Before they did that they would be right there next to me in blasphemous humor, next thing you know they would jump down my throat at anything I said that was remotely anti-religion (but only [i]their[/i] religion). Being that it seems you have already been enlightened by James, I shall just state my theological standpoint in a nutshell: Those who sit around and wait to be saved do not realize that it is they who can save themselves.[/size]
  9. [size=1][i]Silenty waiting for class to start, a solitary student - a mutant if you did not figure already - sat in the back of a classroom carving into the flat of the desk with a broken off piece of metal which, by observation, could be seen that it was taken from the desk adjacent to his own. The design filled the entire surface. It was chaotic. Non-objective; appearing to be a portal, or black hole of some kind. With such a rough surface in the desk, it was apparent that he did not plan on taking any notes or doing any assignments this day. Periodically, more mutants entered the room taking their seats. Just as the bell rang the last of the herd flocked in. A particular three caught his eye. One with his arms crossed as if to hide something of whom he had never seen before; him followed shortly by a familiar he knew as Prism, he knew him only through reputation, with a dame on his arm. As luck would have it, the only desks left in the classroom by this time were the several around him. The unfamiliar male took a seat on his left. The woman took her seat two to his right, and Prism took the seat on his right. Just as the instructor walked in, Prism took his seat, but only for a few seconds until it collapsed beneath him. A majority of the class looked back to see what the ruckus was about. The teacher sighed discontentedly...[/i] [b]Teacher:[/b] " Mr. Bailey, please, it is a little early for your antics. " [i]Gus rose from the floor slightly irritated at being wrongfully accused, and began to speak in order to defend before he was cut off by a raspy, yet eloquent, voice.[/i] [b]----:[/b] " Hold your tongue, tyrant. I am at fault for that incident. " [i]Gus peered down to to his left at the figure sitting head down polishing off a design in his desk with the shard of metal missing that weakened Gus' desk.[/i] [b]Teacher:[/b] " All right, then. Mr. Bailey please pull up another seat. " [i]The teacher began the class as Gus pulled a desk from the back of the room sweeping the debris away with his foot. He took his seat and turned towards the stranger.[/i] [b]Gus:[/b] " Thanks for speaking up. God knows I do not need these people cracking down on me more than they already do. " [i]The figure stayed silent, but paused a moment in acknowledgement that he was actually listening.[/i] [b]Gus:[/b] " The name's Gu-" [b]----:[/b] "Prism." [i]The student lifted his face from the desk and ran one hand back through his shoulder-length, untamed, raven hair. His pale-skinned face now shown and his icey blue eyes seemed to be the prominent feature. He turned his head enough to let Gus know he was actually paying full attention to him now.[/i] [b]Gus:[/b] " I see you've heard of me... I also go by Gus, or Bailey. " [b]----:[/b] " Oz. " [i]In the utterance of his own name, he spoke deeply with what seemed to be a slight growl. The mutant now known as 'Oz' let the metal drop from his hand onto the floor. Where he had his grip around it, the metal seemed to be slightly aged and almost rusted.[/i] [b]Gus:[/b] " Oz... " [i]There was what seemed to be a moment of unsettlement between the two...[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " Who are your friends? " [i]Before Gus could begin his introductions, the man on Oz's left interrupted.[/i] [b]Ken:[/b] " I am not his friend... and my name is Ken. " [i]Oz rotated his head to glance behind him. Ken... an apparent troubled soul...[/i] [b]Gus:[/b] " To my right is Sayuri. " [i]Oz stared past Gus to a woman who gave him a wink of acknowledgement. Although humored, Oz gave a look letting her know that if he was one to roll his eyes... he would be doing it then.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " Ablities. " [b]Gus:[/b] " Control and concentration of light. " [b]Ken:[/b] " Fire. " [b]Sayuri:[/b] " You will just have to find out. " [i]Oz payed no attention to Sayuri's attempted witty remark. He then seemed to space out as he submitted the information given to memory.[/i] [b]Gus:[/b] " What about you? " [i]After a second, Oz head snapped blankly towards Gus... He had heard the question he had asked, it just took a bit for it to sink in. Oz chuckled to himself as he turned placing his hands on his desk. In a matter of moments, the wood of the surface darkened and began to warp. Soon it snapped and began to decay until it fell from its support on the desk.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " Osmosis and absorption in a variety of forms. " [i]The disruption had caught the teacher's attention once more.[/i] [b]Teacher:[/b] " Oz, that is the second desk this week. " [i]Oz glared up to the front of the classroom with a smirk showing his sharp, pearly whites.[/i] [b]Oz:[/b] " I am sorry, I have been slacking off lately. I shall try to make up for it by destroying five tomorrow. " [i]The teacher was less than asmused.[/i] [b]Teacher:[/b] " I do not know what you deal is back there or what your doing with those desks, but if you do it again you may face suspension. " [i]Oz heard this, then just continued ignoring him. Sayuri took a moment out of her attention to the class for a comment..[/i] [b]Sayuri:[/b] " It was a shame to see it go. The design was beautiful. " [b]Oz:[/b] " Not even the beautiful live forever. " [i]With that, all went back to paying what attention to class they desiired.[/i][/size]
  10. PiroMunkie


    [size=1]What I found odd about their sudden comeback in popularity is that before then I had never heard [i]The Sweater Song[/i], yet that is off the blue album. I do believe it was [i]Hash Pipe[/i] that I heard is actually about a homoerotic dream River's had... or something like that, lol. Anyway, Weezer is a pretty good band. Probably one of the only emo bands I enjoy. I have there blue album and have never gotten around to listening to anything off of Pinkerton to see if I actually would want to spend money on it. If someone has any suggestions that have heard that album, I would be happy to hear them.[/size]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Genkai[/i] [B]Wel, In all actuality, I have no idea. I think TN and Piro would make a good couple, if Piro were gay/bi.... *shrugs*[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I very well may be. :p You never know. ^_~ But Transtic, eh? I did not see that one coming... o_O Interesting. *ponders it*[/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu[/i] A man who jumped on stage while the Foo Fighters were playing, banged on the cymbals for a few seconds, then crowd surfed away while being chased by security. People ODing on alcohol and being carted off on stretchers. A crazy Raiders fan yelling "You suck, Bean!" for three hours straight. Old people (shivers) fondling each other. And, lastly, a man telling his girlfriend that he realized that he loved her [b]because he was kissing another woman![/b][/QUOTE][size=1]... Tell me exactly why those are "crazy" again? Lol. It seems like a normal show to me. What I found interesting once at a concert is that inbetween acts this guy came on stage and asked if anybody had any weed, because the headlining band wanted to get smoke some before they went on. To no surprise some people did and they were let backstage and everything... yet security and whatever authority was there did nothing about it, lol. I could put money on that if they were found with it just in the crowd then they would have been thrown out, but when they are providing one of the bands playing all of the sudden it makes no difference. I just thought that was odd... If you go to a show, then you should really expect a lot of craziness. Everything pretty much becomes normal there regardless of what goes on. *shrugs*[/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KittyLynn[/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=dodgerblue]I'd donate my eyes. O.o Yes this is weird, but everyone always compliments my "beautiful blue" eyes. ¬.¬ I mean there has to be something good about them for them to talk about them..--;;[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]You get that a lot too, eh? From family and friends, to acquiantances and complete strangers. I have heard it from all of them... o.O Must be the blue... We could fuse our eyes and have even better eyes, lol. So I shall donate my eyes as well for that purpose; creating super eyes. You can never have too many eyes. There is really nothing about me I really consider even close to perfect, though.[/size]
  14. [size=1]I would have to say the friends that I have met online is the best thing about the internet. Was it not for the internet I would never have met them, yet now there are even those who they would be very difficult to do without. Other than that I am able to access information about bands and such very easily, and with programs like Kazaa I can check out their music at the same time. So I pretty much enjoy the internet for what it was made for, [strike]porn[/strike] information. ^__^''[/size]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nova[/i] [B]I saw a couple of DBGT episodse on a site but I'm not sure if I'm alowed to say the site[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]No, you are not allowed to say the site. Although, if someone wants the link they can send you a private message and you can give it to them that way. I appreciate your caution about the subject. =)[/size]
  16. PiroMunkie


    [size=1]Yes, as it was said we do not really allow "introductory" topics here simply for the lack of discussion. This ouwld not even be the most coherant forum for a such a topic. So I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here. [b][color=red]Topic Closed[/color][/b][/size]
  17. [size=1]That has to be one of the most arrogant things I have ever seen in my life... o_O It is drawn pretty well, but my word... I pretty much literally made this face o_O upon seeing that, lol. Yes, too self-involved for my likings... It would not be so bad if it was more subtle, but crikey... The drawing is okay overall, though.[/size]
  18. [size=1]My friend knows this guy who is in this band called Staircase. I have never heard them, but they have been around a bit. They have opened for bands like Godsmack and such. Kind of odd considering most of the band is in their upper teens/lower twenties except for the lead singer who is fourteen.[/size]
  19. [size=1]Oh god yes, I have changed quite a bit. Of course, I was originally here back in the day when standards were lower. So really, I have matured along with OtakuBoards. Post quality has also been effected by the formal writing I have to do for school such as themes. You may notice that I rarely [i]ever[/i] use contractions in writing these days. Even earlier today on AIM I was talking with one of my friends and at one point I went back and retyped a sentence after I had already sent it through because I had to change the tense of one word in that sentence. Then I mentioned that it probably could have used commas in certain places... o_O I understand completely about how rather embarassing it is to look back on older posts. If I ever met who I was back then I would beat the life out of me, lol. I also try to keep my posts in relative length depending on the forum/topic. I mean, you cannot really go into a full essay on commenting someone's personal photo, but otherwise I usually shoot for at least two paragraphs, give or take.[/size]
  20. [size=1]The idea of it is pretty good, but the overall composition is rather mediocre. It might just be the program you use is not that great... or you are still getting familiar with what you use. I do not know, I am not too familiar with you, or your work. Like I said, I like the idea, just not how it was done. However, you do have a pretty good choice in selection of the eyes. I absolutely adore that green eye with the crosshair.[/size]
  21. [size=1]That movie was [i]lame[/i], lol. A total waste of $11.00 (I had to pay for another person's ticket). I am a bit of a fan of Seth Green, and he played his part well... but I am disappointed in Edward Norton. He is supposed to make [i]good[/i] movies; not lame, corny ones. [spoiler]Red, white, and blue cars??? What was with that? They are being patriotic, yet they are stealing. Truely the American way...[/spoiler] This movie could have been so much better. It was too soft for a movie with Edward Norton and about stealing out of revenge...[/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [B]Now Ryan and Piro... that sounds like fun. I'll pay a million dollars for whoever gets me pictures of those two![/B][/QUOTE][size=1]A million, eh? I shall have to remember to bring my own camera, lol.[/size][quote][b]Yes, why do you keep paring yourself with guys Piro-chan? Is there some secret life to Piro that we don't know about lol.[/b][/quote][size=1]Heh, I have no idea... I question my own sexuality just as much as everyone else does, lol. *glances down at his Mystical Ring of Androgony that he actually just got out of a movie theater quarter machine; blue on one side, and fades to pink on the other* ^__^''[/size]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust[/i] I've had my share of otaku romance, ya know,with killermon and [b]ulitmia[/b]...[/QUOTE][size=1]I apologize that I cannot help but laugh at that, lol. Killermon was pretty cool, but Ulitmia (or however he spelled his name)... He lost it after a while. Hrmm... well I could state the obvious, but I think everyone knows what that is right off the back, heh. Plus, someone already said it (FateoMcSkippy, you have so far made a good impression upon me, lol). Haha, Ryan and I should go out. That would be interesting... :shifty: Bleh... it is hard for me to put people together like this though. I am not much of a matchmaker, and I shall probably say something stupid anyways so I am just going to keep my mouth shut. Heh. ^_^ (Maybe Semmy and I, lol. *needs to stop pairing himself with guys... >.>*) [color=c0c0c0]Or maybe Neil... or Ken...[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1]Okay, first - and no offense is meant by this - please clean up your posts. They are not too bad, but just watch for spelling and such errors. I could not help but chuckle when you said, "Oh quit your winning!" when you meant "whining"... and what was greater is that you are the one who is whining (again, no offense). I am not sure where GT is at over here in America, but I was actually saying that the entire Dragon Ball series (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT) have all been over with since about the 1990's I believe. Someone correct me if I am wrong, my information is a little rusty these days. So even when it came to America, it was still old news. Yes, Dragon Ball is a pretty cool anime and I can understand why you would be upset, but you are just going to have to lower your head and take it in the body. You can still love Dragon Ball even after it is no longer aired, and like I said you can still buy the VHS or whatever. If you have a fast enough modem you can even download episodes and such.[/size]
  25. [size=1]Dragon Ball GT ended several years ago, actually. And no, they are not making another series. The show has been over with for some time. If they were making another series, it would be out by now. Any rumor of a Dragon Ball X or whatnot is false. Dragon Ball GT itself is not very long; only sixty-some episodes. Its quick end is not surprising. If you like it so much, go out and buy the tapes or whatever. Really, there is nothing you can do about it.[/size]
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