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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. PiroMunkie


    [size=1][b]What genre of music do you listen to?[/b] Mostly I tend to listen to punk or hardcore, but I also listen to some ska, metal, rock, and goth as well. Transtic Nerve has got me into some Japanese bands which I enjoy listening to. In that case it does not matter if I cannot understand a word they are saying, it teaches you to appreciate the instrumental aspect of music. The voice, really, is just another instrument. [b]What are your favorite bands?[/b] AFI, Tiger Army, Misfits, Malice Mizer [b]Why do you like them?[/b] [b]AFI[/b] - I have only known the band for three years out of their ten year career thus far, but aside from the first time I listened to them I have enjoyed every moment of it. I first heard AFI when my friend who introduced me to them told me about the band and about this locally broadcasted show on television that shows a half hour of rock videos. I got into watching that and soon after they aired one of AFI's music videos, which I believe was [i]Totalimmortal[/i] because I remember it being black and white. Well, just listening to the song for the first time from a band I had never heard of I could not really follow a word they were saying. The song is not that fast at all, but I was not used to Davey's higher-pitched voice and just the overall sound of the band. This caused a sense of monotony in my head, and so I did not like them at first. Though, my friend really liked the band, and she was a new friend at the time. So I decided to give AFI another chance in trying to find some common ground between my friend and I. I borrowed their most recent album at the time [i]The Art of Drowning[/i]. I took it home that day and I remember that going into my room, laying on my bed with the CD cover open to read that lyrics, and listening to the album was the first thing I did. It only took one time through listening to that album to get me hooked. Within a year of that time I had gone out and bought as many of their other albums I can find (not including their vinyls, because I have nothing to play them on). Right now, I only lack [i]The Days of the Phoenix EP[/i] and [i]Black Sails EP[/i]. Both of those are out of print, but I could probably find the first one around if I looked hard enough. I think I would have a harder time finding the [i]Black Sails EP[/i], though. I recall finding it very radical in buying and listening to their albums because I did not do them in order, and being that their sound has evolved with nearly every album it was always something rather different. I have yet to see them live. I am hoping to this summer (within the next few weeks actually), I just need to talk to my friend. [b]Tiger Army[/b] - I discovered this band shortly after AFI, because I looked inside [i]The Art of Drowning[/i]'s CD cover and looked at the bands AFI mentioned in the credits at the end. Tiger Army was pretty much "love at first note". I still do not know much of them, as I usually get distracted by AFI, lol. They have a good sound. The vocals fit with the instruments very well, in my opinion. Despite my lack of knowledge about the band in general, they are definitely a favorite. [b]Misfits[/b] - I discovered them after listening to AFI's cover of Halloween and going onto WinMX and downloading several of their songs (as you can see, AFI was pretty much my 'gateway band'). Again it was "love at first note". I know a bit more about them than Tiger Army. Over the years of listening to their music and buy a couple albums and such I have grown more and more into them. My friend (same as from above) says they are playing somewhere with a bunch of other people sometime in September or something like that. So I am hoping to see them then. She pretty much just told me, "You're coming" lol. [b]Malice Mizer[/b] - A Japanese band courtesy of the member Transtice Nerve. While I have only downloaded a handful of their songs, I absolutely love listening to this band. As I said before, I do not care that I cannot understand a word they are saying (though I can swear sometimes it is English, and it probably is). The way they put their music together is incredible. I think my mom is afraid of them, lol, so they [i]must[/i] be good. ^__^[/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaola Su[/i] [B]Trust me, I still live with my parents and am 18 and even though by law you can stay out until all hours and get piercings and tattoos, if my parents are puttin a roof over my head, they still make my laws!!! I can't stay out past 11 pm and if I get another tattoo they said they will kick me out. Also they said if I get any facial piercings I get kicked out too. They maybe stricter than some of yours are, but you will still have to do as they say no matter how old you are if you are living with them! So I am doing good if I am not kicked out for tattoos and piercings! XD![/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Heh, I am not one to be sedated. No matter what my parents do, they can never take away the integrity and just overall independence I have. Even now, they can ground me all they want. Recently they took away my privledge to go online... so I just practiced my guitar while telling them why that punishment is pointless and unreasonable to begin with. Eventually they get tired of it and lift the punishment thinking I have actually learned a lesson; totally oblivious that it is they who should have learned something. I had no problem with having the internet revoked for a period of time. When it comes to piercings, I do not think they would really care. They may not like it, but they would get used to it. They did not like it when I started wearing chains (actual chains, mine are actually choke collars that my dog has grown out of), but they have gotten used to that. They did not neccesarily like it when I started growing my hair out, but it is now about two inches below my chin. I have no idea how they would react to tattoos, but really, what are they going to do? They would not spend the money to get them removed. My mom will not kick me out of the house, because her maternal instincts would make her feel guilty. Even if she [i]did[/i] I could always just go stay with a friend until she took me back. My dad cannot actually do much because he lives out farther away, so he has no house to kick me out of and I am sure he is joking when he says "it is only assault and not child abuse." If he is not, I shall still fight back. I do not care who he is; if they push, then I shove. Once I get my own computer then they are really going to be screwed. Even now, I am actually not supposed to be online. I am "only allowed to be on until 1 AM". It is currently 1:13 AM. They could monitor my time when we had AOL, but now that we have Cox they cannot do that. It is really simple to just close windows out and have something else open like a game or Photoshop to make it seem like I was doing something else. I type out my posts (like this one) in Notepad so I can close out of OB if I am working on a post and not have to worry about losing what I was typing. So once I get the money to afford my own computer, they cannot put any limits on that at all because it would be [i]mine[/i]. I know that, because that is how they have worked. I am not even going to go into having a car as well. I just need to get one. Over the past couple years I think my parents have slowly been learning the more they try to hold me down, the more I am going to fight back. My dad says I "live in an unrealistic world". It is not unrealistic, it is just unconventional. There is a difference and he knows that, but will not admit it. I know with age comes freedom, and with freedom comes responsibility. I totally accept that, and plan to use it to the best of my ability. [ Theme song for this post: [i]Perfect Fit[/i] - AFI ][/size]
  3. [size=1][b]Grade School:[/b] ----- Our lockers come in rows; they are all attached. One time they fell on this one girl. Needless to say, I laughed. ----- My seventh and eigth grade science teacher owns camels. ----- I do believe the main priest guy at the school smokes. [b]High School:[/b] [u]Freshman Year High School[/u] ----- We had this one girl who had a growth problem. So she was about 6'5 and built like a football player. Given, we should not laugh, but when a visitor asks her if she is on the football team (the school does not have a female football team) and that she needed a bigger desk... you really cannot help it. She was frightening, but always rather nice. I think the most memorable moment would be when a friend and I were coming back from a pep rally laughing hysterically at something we were talking about leaning up against the lockers so we would not fall over. Then once we gained balance, we turned around to the hallway only to have see nothing but a wall of orange as this girl passed right by us (wearing an orange shirt). We were both like, "HOLY ****!" and fell against the lockers onto the floor laughing some more. ^__^;; Good times. ----- There was this one guy who decided to pull the old alkaseltzer trick. He popped a tablet in his mouth one time after lunch and took a drink of water from the fountain. Walked near a crowd of kids and dropped to the ground in convulsions (he was [i]very[/i] good at doing this) as he let the foam ooze from his mouth. Everybody was freaking out apparently not noticing that my friend and I were on the ground laughing. ----- At lunch, this one person sometimes brought this soda kind of drink that came in a bottle that looked like it was whiskey or tequila (or some kind of alcohol). So one time, after he finished drinking it, I took it and began acting really drunk. There was this one girl next to me and I scooted in closer to her and said to her with a slur, "[i]You[/i].. are one hot chick!" Apparently everyone thought that was really funny, and the girl was blushing like none other as well, lol. [u]Sophomore/Junior/Senior High School:[/u] ----- This school reall is not funny at all... Though our newspaper staff around the nation is thought to be cult or something of the likes... o_O Last year they made fun of that idea by going to a national competition wearing hooded, black robes, never speaking, and always standing or sitting together. Heh. ^_^[/size]
  4. [size=1]Seven months. Three Weeks. Three days. The time I have until I am eighteen. I am mostly looking forward to not having to abide by my parent's non-sensical parenting. They are far too conservative for my likings. I rebel enough against them as it is, it will be even more to them when I can just oppose them and they cannot do anything about it. My mom will not kick me out of the house, she is too motherly for that. My dad says, "Once you turn eighteen, it is only considered assualt and not child abuse." I just tell him, "I shall fight back and plead self-defense." Other than that... *shrugs* Tattoos I can get without parental permission. I already have basic plans in my head. Possibly piercings. I do not smoke, nor do I care to. So everything I have mentioned is all I am really looking forward to. I am not expecting becoming a legal adult is going to be a 24/7 party or anything, but I imagine it will come with some relief.[/size]
  5. [size=1]Sleep... *snickers* Right. That is such a rare commodity with me. Usually, I end up boring myself to sleep. I am usually up to about five or six in the morning. I actually come out of my room when my mom leaves for work. Either that, or I have accidentally fallen asleep only to wake up a few hours later. So if I sleep, it is unintentional due to lack of interest.[/size]
  6. [size=1][b][color=orangered]PERSONAL[/color] Member Name:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Former Member Names:[/b] [i]My first ever OB name shall remain a mystery...[/i] pyrodragon13 [b]Member Since:[/b] February 28, 2001 (or sometime in late February) [b]Current Status:[/b] Moderator: DragonBall; King of Otaku Royalty [b]Nicknames:[/b] Piro, Piroh, PiroHoney( ^_~ ) [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] Otaku Lounge; Music, Movies, and TV; Adventure Arena; DragonBall; Art and Design; OtakuBoards Moderators [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] Ye olde [i]DragonBall: Battle Field[/i] [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] Any one where AsukaDear posted her picture. ^_~ [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] :all: It is so mysterious... o.O [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] Getting married to Asuka [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] "I do not care if the glass is half empty, or if it is half full. I just want to know if you are going to finish your drink." -- I still have yet to figure out exactly what I meant when I said this, lol. [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] Do not ever be sedated. [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] Switching species (dragon to Munkie) during his OB time. Having a username that is (intentionally) spelled incorrectly yet still being regarded as at least a moderately intelligent member. Being the only long lasting member with a "pyro/piro" name thus far. "Killing" people in chatrooms when they speak of not being killed... or just because they made a smart remark at me (Violence may not be the answer, but death [/i]is[/i].) I also wish to be remembered as the one who will probably not be ever completely remembered. [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] Dig here. [b]Favorites:[/b] Green, Violet, Red, Black, AFI, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee!, Queen Asuka, Neil, Ken, Semmy, AFI, Peanut butter, Mountain Dew, Rain, Snow, Autumn, Fire, Sara, AFI, The Harlequin, Broadband, Popcorn, Breaking stuff, Friends... and stuff I will.... .......[u]the use of [url=http://www.dictionary.com]Dictionary.com[/url][/u] to [u]anyone who does not know what an epitaph is[/u]... because you damn well should know. .......[u]my devotion to AFI[/u] to [u]everyone[/u]...so that they may enjoy them as much as I do, and the band can never have enough fans. .......[u]my inconceivable-ness[/u] to [u]Sara[/u]...because she is probably one of the few who will get this joke. .......[u]my broadband connection[/u] to [u]all those poor dial-up saps[/u]...I have been there, and trust me that there [i]is[/i] a light at the end of the tunnel; it comes at you at nearly 300+kbps (if not faster). ^__^;; .......[u]my corny jokes and puns about Cox and AOL[/u] to [u]Neil[/u]...because... yeah. .......[u]My Kingship[/u] to [u]Ken[/u]...as soon as I pass on and you find your own queen. =P .......[u]my questionable sexuality[/u] to [u]anyone[/u]...you can have so much fun with this. ^_^ .......[u]my AFI stuff[/u] to [u]Weh[/u]...you are learning quickly, my friend. .......[u]my skeleton[/u] to [u]Harlequin[/u]...I am intrigued at what you might do with this. .......[u]all of the above and everything else[/u] to [u]AsukaDear[/u]... *hugs you tightly* [b][color=orangered]MOST AND BEST[/b][/color] [b]Most likely to succeed:[/b] James [b]Most likely to secede:[/b] Ultimia (mwuahaha!) [b]Worst spelling:[/b] kuja [b]Best poster:[/b] Semmy, Sara, James, Charles [b]Cutest couple:[/b] The King and Queen, of course. [b]Best writer:[/b] Sara [b]Best artist:[/b] Sara [b]Best...spar-er?:[/b] Neil [b]Craziest:[/b] Weh [b]Funniest / wittiest:[/b] Sara and Ken [b]Interesting-er-ist:[/b] Harlequin [b]Random award:[/b] some random person [b]Nerd-tastic Power Rangers Award:[/b] Nerdsy [b]Digimon...something....award.:[/b] Digimon...someone...person [b]Most Incredibly Patient Person-ness Award:[/b] Jamesy [b]Teh Silly Bucket Award:[/b] Desert Shadow [b]Other Disappeared Cool People:[/b] Nerdsy, Topaz [b][color=orangered]SIGNATURES[/color][/b] And, in a rather dismal attempt to simulate the "signing" of yearbooks... [i]Sara[/i]- I have always admired your... being as a whole. It is difficult to just pinpoint one thing about you in specific. You are just so Sara. :p You will always be my Sarabel Lee. ^_~ (As you wish...) -P[strike]ir[/strike]oe [i]Tori[/i]- Where do I begin... o_O You were my first of several wives I have found myself to have acquired in some way, shape, or form and you are by far the best of them. It has been, and I hope will continue to be, great raising a family with you. Five kids is good for now, but perhaps when the older ones go out on their own there could be more ^_~ (I am still Pluto, and you are still my Sun) -PiroHoney [i]Neil[/i]- May AOL be forever molested and destroyed at our hands. -P.I.R.O. (Partner In Relentless Obliteration) [i]Ken[/i]- Finally. -God [i]James[/i]- Not sure what to say... umm... May I have some more of your 'special' coffee? ^__^;; ... You were always the one to acknowledge my androgynous-ness-ish-ity-type-stuff. Kudos to you! -Lover [i]PiroMunkie[/i]- I love you. -Piro [i]Weh[/i]- Perhaps someday we will both know a song on our instruments and we could jam together, heh. Keep on rockin'. -Piroh [i]Zeh[/i]- *kills you* -Piro [i]Ajeh[/i]- *kills you, too* -Piro [i]Semmy[/i]- It has always been fun talking about bands and other stuff stuff with you. -Piro[/size]
  7. [size=1]*remembers this* Well, here is mine for this one. Hopefully this quilt will be complete instead of having a bunch of empty space where more pieces could have fit, lol.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Bleh, as humorous as this could have been, I have not been impressed with these two following posts. The joke was kind of bad because Furiza has a [i]brother[/i] named [i]Coola/Koola[/i]. Then that was followed by moderate spam. I had nothing against this topic to begin with, as I remember in another forum we had something like "Things Otaku Members Would Never Say"... same kind of idea, and that actually went somewhere. Though, seeing as how this one is not, I have no choice but to close it. Nothing against you. [color=red][b]Topic Closed.[/b][/color][/size]
  9. [size=1]He has a "patent" on it... yet teaches others how to make it. All I would have to do is change the design and I could call it my own. o_O Oh well, it is pathetic anyway. I would only opt for eternal life if I was to never be alone, meaning there would be another who lived eternally as well. I do not care much about youth. You can be old and still party, lol.[/size]
  10. [size=1]It sooo needs a speech bubble for the doctor... Hrmmm... [b]Doctor:[/b] "Well, Andy, I am sure if we plug that in and squeeze your belly it should pop right out." HAHA! GET IT!?!? ... Anyway, Andy reminds me of a teletubbie since the x-ray is not connected to anything. Good work, Shy. :)[/size]
  11. [size=1]I would say a bowl cut if anything, but it is not really even that... Though, no offense, this topic is very pointless and not much of a good idea of conversation. If there does happen to be a name for it, someone can send you a Private Message. But it does not really matter what it is called really... [color=red][b]Topic Closed[/b][/color][/size]
  12. [size=1]You are a sad, strange, little man... or woman. Person. There, lol. Anyway, I would probably do it. My curiosity would drive me to see what it is like even though there would not really be any return. I would get used to it eventually, and even though like Semmy said with having to keep on your toes about Sentinels and all that it would give me something to do. I would imagine life outside 'the Matrix' would prove to be a hell of a lot more interesting than inside. Though, I also with what Semmy said about the music... I would surely miss AFI a lot, but they have to have something that can play CDs somewhere... >.> They have floppies (or at least something that resembles them) so it should be possible to get other stuff. But yeah, it would give me something to do, so I would do it.[/size]
  13. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Jade Amaranth [b]Callsign:[/b] 'Oz' [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6' 1" [b]Build:[/b] Very thin, but cut like a diamond; lanky but bold. [b]Attire:[/b] Most of his clothes are rather worn and beaten, and all are black: steel-toed boots, pants, long-sleeved fishnet under a sleeveless shirt, and over it all is a long, black trench coat which has its sleeves ripped off. A simple, silver ring is found on every finger (excluding the thumb). Fingernails are usually painted black. [b]Abilities:[/b] Able to absorb nearly anything; from impacts and attacks, to age and life. Thus his callsign "Oz", which is short for "osmosis". The true depths and dangers of his abilities are still unknown... even to him, though he does have a relative control over the power. [b]Biography:[/b] When Jade was very, very young, maybe one or two years of age, his parents let him outside in their backyard to play while they talked to each other keeping a vague eye on him. Only moments later they heard him crying out in agony. Running out to him they found him next to a dead rabbit, that looked appeared to have been shot several times by a neighborhood child, probably trying out his/her new bibi gun. Jade was pale-skinned, coughing, having trouble breathing, and other such ailments. His parents hurriedly rushed him to the hospital where the doctors could not find what was wrong with him. His body was functioning fine regardless of how sickly he appeared and acted. The true explanation for his condition was that the rabbit [i]had[/i] been shot by a neighborhood kid, and Jade, in his youthful curiosity, began playing with it not know a mutant ability would kick in. Through his touch, Jade began unknowingly absorbing the rabbits health. Being that it was dead, this slowly began showing on Jade. Had his parents not taken him away from the rabbit, Jade surely would have killed himself. The doctors kept Jade overnight under the motherly care of several nurses. Unbeknownst to them, whenever he was held, he slowly began absorbing their health; so eventually Jade was at full health once more, and the hospital returned him to his parents. A few years later, while he and mother were out shopping his mother left him in the car while she quickly ran into a store. Jade had by now figured out how to unlock doors and did so, wandering out into the parking lot. Just as he cleared the tail end of his mother's car, another oncoming vehicle collided with Jade and rolled him up the hood, across the windshield, and over the top of the car only to come crashing down to the pavement. Spectators immediatly gathered in fear of the fate of the child, but were more than astonished when Jade rose to his feet and asked one of them in a calm and curious voice, "Where's my mommy? I have a booboo...". While Jade did have several flesh wounds from the accident (as he is still able to be cut, burned, etc. ...), no bone was broken. Nothing was out of place. No bruises formed. Nothing. His mother took him to the hospital where the doctors just patched him up and sent him on his way. News of the so-called "miracle" made the papers, and it was only a matter of days until a couple government agents arrived at the door asking for the child. They explained to their parents why Jade was able to walk away from that accident, and why, after his parents told the agents, he got very sick after playing with that dead rabbit those few years ago. Shocked and almost appalled by the news, the parents let Jade be taken with a handsome reward for their generosity and silence. He was taken to the Eden Generations corporation, where on his first day ran loose throughout the building after being cuffed at the wrists and ankles, and left alone for a while. His power had once more kicked in and aged the metal until it had rusted enough for him to just break apart. It was also noted by Eden a year later, that he had did not change at all in aging for several months. With other mutants he was tested on with obscene bombardments of radiation, which in turn heightened the extremes of his ability. Over the years they conducted more tests progressively to try to find exactly how much Jade could do. His unnatural ability to osmose and absorb had peaked their interest in relevance to another mutant unknown to Jade, who later was given the name Osmosis which turned into just "Oz". Then, one night, Oz escaped from Eden along with several others. Not ever knowing where he really was, he ran the direction most did. While lost separated from the pack, he encountered Rogue. Both of which were afraid to come near the other...[/size] [i]"Your sins into me..."[/i]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki[/i] [B][FONT=arial]meh, your thread was centered on that anime chick off of the Girls Not Grey music video. I haven't seen it yet :p.[/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Have not seen it...? o_O Sinful you, lol. Well, just to give you a general idea of the video, here are some screen shots I was able to take. (resized of course, and in no specific order) [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=406121[/img][/center][/size] [quote][i]Originally posted by Dan Rugh[/i] [b]Oh wait a minute I'm an idiot! I guess 6 years wasn't enough. Comienzo means I begin. I got the verbs "comer" and "comenzar" confused for a second there.[/b][/quote][size=1]Heh, that is quite all right. ^__^ Just goes to show that even those with years of lingual knowledge can still be corrected by those with no years of it. :p[/size]
  15. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fiasco[/i] [B]...And you wanted to buy a LTJ CD? Right. You do that. Listen to stuff from like Black Sails In The Sunset. That's really good. Or Very Proud Of Ya. Or Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes is also excellent.[/b][/quote][size=1]I must agree. [i]Black Sails in the Sunset[/i] is probably my favorite album as a whole that AFI has put out. Of course, the others are good as well.[/size][quote][b]I mean, AFI changed their sound from their first CD. Now they have much more MEANINGFUL songs. If you read the lyrics from STS and ATASF you'll see a growth in lyrics.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Again, I agree. As much as I love [i]I Wanna Mohawk (But Mom Won't Let Me Get One)[/i], [i]Cereal Wars[/i], [i]Cruise Control[/i], and other songs from [i]Answer That and Stay Fashionable[/i] or [i]Very Proud of Ya[/i] they lyrically cannot measure up to songs from their later albums. Their evolution as a band is impressive.[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Dan Rugh[/i] [b]Other great songs with the "new sound" that aren't on the regular Sing the Sorrow CD are "Synesthesia", "Now the World", and "Reiver's Music".[/b][/quote][size=1]Heh, yeah. ^__^ I have become quite fond of [i]Now the World[/i] myself.[/size]
  16. [size=1]There have only been two teachers that I have significantly enjoyed. First there was my seventh and eighth grade science teacher, Mrs. Lampe. The most memorable thing about her was the fact that she owns camels. In the middle of the United States there are [i]CAMELS[/i] that are not just in a zoo. She lives on a farm and owns [i]camels[/i]. o__O Not to mention she was just a rather kooky teacher all around. She never minded jokes about being old (she was not too terribly old, but enough to where she jokes about it). My friend once brought her wrinkle cream for a present on her birthday or something, lol. She never minded when we did fruit rolls either, which is where everyone would bring a piece of fruit and in the middle of class someone would give the signal and we would roll the fruit up to the front of the classroom. It is actually supposed to be a prank and your are supposed to use rotten fruit, but we were nice because she was nice. The next teacher is my journalism/newspaper teacher. He very funny, and perhaps enjoys Mountain Dew as much as I do, if not more. o_O There are several running jokes that he has installed within the journalism department, one of which is the infamous "that's what [i]she[/i] said" punchline. He is a very professional teacher in a very outgoing and unconventional way. It is hard to really describe him. Usually I just call him "God". ^_^;;[/size]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan Rugh[/i] [B]In "The Leaving Song Part II", it is not Latin in which Davey is speaking, but actually Spanish. I've taken Spanish for 6 years now and here's a little translation of what he is saying: Yo he estado aqui muchas veces antes y regreso (I have been here many times before and I return) Y regreso aqui otra vez y comienzo (And I return here again and I eat) So there you have it. Not sure about what exactly it is he is eating, though.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Yeah, I did not think it sounded like Latin so I checked the lyrics into a translator a while ago. Though, the second translation was different than yours. It said nothing of eating, lol. [i]Y regreso aqui otra vez y comienzo[/i] And I return here again and I begin (or 'am beginning') That is what I got. I am not trying to challenge you Spanish skills or anything, but yeah. It makes sense to me just because that [i]comienzo[/i] reminds me of the word [i]commence[/i] which is "to begin".[/size]
  18. [quote][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [b]Wearing women's clothing (even though more straight guys do that than gay lol)[/b][/quote][size=1]Shhhhh ... >.> Let us keep that on the down low, lol. Not really, I do not care. Girls love to dress me up on occasion, and I am not one to stop them. I have only ever done it for a long amount of time twice. The first time was okay, but it was nothing specific. The second I was in a cheerleader outfit... o_O Very anti-me in general, but that is what acting is all about, lol. I kept hitting on this one guy, which freaked him out a lot. Especially when I made a lip print on a napkin and gave it to him... ^__^;;[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture[/i] [b][color=green]... long black skirt...[/color][/b][/quote][size=1]Interesting you should mention that... for quite some time now I have had that in my "to get" list, but I do not get out much or even know where to look... Perhaps I should speak to some of my female friends... As for this topic in general, though, at first the title was really misleading. I thought it was talking about how some females might be considered too masculine... but this is pretty much the same thing, just vice versa. Anyway, I do not pluck my eyebrows simply because I do not think it needs to be done. I shall say that I have very little hair across the bridge, but it has never really been commented on because it is not really that obvious unless you are actually looking. I do not wax because I am not that hairy of a guy, and probably am never going to be. Though, I do not really care... some of my friends found it odd that practically no obvious hair grows on my upper arm; it just kind of fades out after my forearm. As for make-up, hell, I shall do it if I want to. I believe I have spoken on this before, I usually wear make-up on special occasion, but that is probably just because that is the only time it is ever really presented. I would do it any time if the opportunity was given. My body is rather feminine in general, which makes cross-dressing a lot easier, lol. When I was dressed like a cheerleader as I previously mentioned, I had the skirt pulled down just a little bit to show my mid-drift, and girls kept complaining that mine was better than theirs, lol. They also complain that I look better in make-up than them and such... So really, I have come to the conclusion that if it was not for my reproductive system and my adam's apple, I would be a woman. ^__^ I obviously have no problem with guys who do the kind of stuff this thread talks about. If anything, I tend to get irritated by those who do not, or at least are not willing to try.[/size]
  19. [size=1]*goes cross-eyed from watching it* I agree that the star-burst at the end kind of cheapens the whole thing, but the rest is pretty much hypnotic... @.@[/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D_H_Magus[/i] [B]you know you **** and piss your pants when you die?[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Not if you are blown to pieces. ^_~ (unless you see what it blowing you to pieces before you die.. heh.)[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Juuthena[/i] [b][color=deeppink]ANYway >>;, I love the mood of the picture. Especially the rose. It really balances out the whole dark, lonely feeling.[/color][/b][/quote][size=1]Eh, to me, it actually emphasizes that feeling... Thank you all, so far, for your comments.[/size]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh[/i] [B][b][size=1]Is that a shadow or a blood spot under the hanged guy? o_O[/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]'Tis a shadow. ^_^ You do not bleed when you hang... usually. Unless you were cut before, during, or after the hanging... or if the rope cut into your neck... or if the rope was so tight that for some reason you started bleeding from your facial orifices... *is done*[/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [B][size=1]Eh, I just like it. Morbid, perhaps... *looks faintly amused* My school would probably send me to the guidance office...again...if I did that for art.[/size][/b][/quote][size=1]*is intrigued by the "again"* ... O.o[/size][quote][b][size=1]And [i]what's[/i] that in the corner?[/size][/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Um... there are four corners here. o_O Top left corner I think is rather obvious... bottom left is just my signature (I actually have it set as a brush in Photoshop... >.>)[/size]
  23. [size=1]Well, it is not a graphic for once, lol. This was something I sketched much earlier last school year. I was going to possibly use it as a scratchboard in my art class, but decided that it might be a bit morbid for school. Anyway, it is slightly edited with Photoshop. I increased the contrast and put on gray scale since it was on [i]blue[/i]-lined paper. Anyway... yeah. Here you go...[/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by visser 3[/i] [B]Yeah he could. But still what are they going to do about their hair? answer me that.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]A wig probably, or extensions. Then hair gel. Lots and lots of hair gel. Industrial strength. I have seen mohawks stay standing straight up all throughout a concert even when that person has been in a mosh pit several times. So if one average person can do that, then a TV company should have few, in any, problems getting hair to stand and such. Then they can always use computer editing to fix anything up.[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Sakura kid[/i] [b]... and Robin Shou as Trunks.[/b][/quote][size=1]Robin Shou is too old and just does not have the right look for Trunks. The original rumor said that Leonarda DiCaprio was a possibility to Trunks... o_O I still say I could do Trunks, lol. Though, my hair is getting to the length that it was when he came out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber...[/size]
  25. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Failed_Attempts[/i] [B]AFI songs to download, eh? Hmm, let me think for a moment. *insert list here*[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I notice those are all from [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i]... To Kaola Su, just type in "AFI" on whatever you use to download songs, and choose what you think sounds good. Chances are you might find a lot of [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] tracks (especially [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i]), I urge you to try others as well. You could even go to their site at [url]http://www.afireinside.net[/url], go in their music section and look at the different CD's and vinyls they have and find songs you think sound decent. You can even look at the lyrics (though, the lyrics for [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] have not been put up). While you are at it, join the mailing list, buy some stuff from the online store and support the band in whatever way possible. ^__^;;[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Matt[/i] [b][color=red]Meh, I got the "Sing the Sorrow" cd after hearing that they were great. I wasn't too impressed. I have heard alot better. Now I wished I had saved my money so I could the new Less Than Jake cd that came out today. :\[/b][/color][/quote][size=1]... I am looking at the bands you have listed in your signature, so I can see why you probably think this way toward a band like AFI. But, if you are still interested in AFI, I would follow Semjaza's advice. Also, download their songs first if you are skeptical as to whether or not you want to actually buy an album.[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Penguin Warlord[/i] [b]I hate AFI... crybaby sellouts.[/b][/quote][size=1]I love you, too.[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker[/i] [b]I was wondering if anybody else thought the Girls not Grey music video (AFI) looks anime oriented. For those who haven't seen the video the girl featured looks like Rei from Evangelion or some other token blue haired anime girl.[/b][/quote][size=1](Oh... [i]this[/i] AFI thread... ^_^) I could see where one might get that idea, but I doubt it has anything to do with anime.[/size]
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