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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color="#006400"]When I read the first four words I thought you were a spam-bot. It sucks you were robbed, but I don't really sympathize with rage. Life goes on. Are there no security cameras or anything? I find it comical that people can just walk around with a 42" TV without being noticed. I'd be more angry with your apartment security than with the burglars themselves.[/color]
  2. [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Z_D9Grh18&feature=topvideos_film[/media][/center] [color="#006400"]I originally heard about this movie several months ago, back when it was going by the name [i]Caesar[/i] (which changed to [i]Rise of the Apes[/i] before going to [i]Rise of the Planet of the Apes[/i]). Being a fairly big nerd as far as the PoTA franchise goes, I was pretty excited and hoping for a giant step up from Tim Burton's remake of the original movie. Though after seeing this trailer I'm left a bit skeptical. D: As far as I can tell this is a remake, or maybe more accurately a re-imagining or retelling, of [i]Conquest of the Planet of the Apes[/i]. For those who haven't seen it, the movie essentially sets the premise that Zira and Cornelius (the two apes from the original movie) came back in time and warned the humans of what their future was like, in hopes that they could prevent one species from dominating or exterminating the other. Humans, being human, feared this news and the messengers who brought it, and ordered their execution, but not before Zira gave birth to a son who was sent into hiding. Years later their son, Caesar (who, as a descendant of Zira and Cornelius, is an intelligent ape capable of speech), would be brought out of hiding into a major city, where he sees the state of his kind; kept as slaves, or pets at best. After a few inciting incidents Caesar starts a rebellion. This remake seems to stray away from [i]all[/i] of that, which makes me really sad, lol. The idea that the ape intelligence was something man-made and that it somehow made them "evil" (or that they're inherently so) seems like it just makes the story too black and white and loses all the dynamic and flavor of the original movie. Now, given, the original film was set as part of a series, and perhaps they wanted this movie to be able to stand alone and merely [i]hint[/i] at the old franchise for us old folk and nerds. Though, if that's the case, I wish they would have stuck with a less traditional name. I mean, when I originally read about this film, it was set next to an image of the main ape and was titled [i]Caesar[/i], that was enough for me to know what that movie was going to be, lol. So I don't know, as an avid fan of the original movies, it's going to be hard to watch this and judge it on its own merit. What are your thoughts?[/color]
  3. [color="#006400"]So I just sat myself down and watched this movie and was very pleased. Probably the most entertaining Disney film I've seen since [i]The Emperor's New Groove[/i]. I couldn't get over the fact that Flynn's voice sounded familiar and was surprised to find it was the guy from [i]Chuck[/i]. Though I must admit my vanity, in addition to my crush on Mandy Moore drawing me to the movie, the fact that Flynn is one of the very few people in movies I could consider a possible 'celebrity look-a-like' played a factor, lol. They even got my nose right![/color]
  4. [color="#006400"]This is a movie I've been meaning to see, primarily because of my overbearing celebrity crush on Mandy Moore, lol. There's really no other reason.[/color]
  5. [quote name='James' timestamp='1302217886' post='706328'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]I will be around on the 26th for anyone who's interested.[/font] [/quote] [color="#006400"]Could we consider you an executive admin, too? Cause that's like a double whammy.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Ducky' timestamp='1301815988' post='706219'] April is also National Poetry Month! (And apparently Joss Whedon month.) [/quote] [color="#006400"]Go go [i]Firefly[/i] Season 2! If only ...[/color]
  7. [quote name='Raiha' timestamp='1278785176' post='697053'] [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#9932cc"]I am an easily frightened little girl. Consequently the first game that made me actually leap vertically, two feet into the air from a cross legged position was Resident Evil 1, back when I was 16 and easily spooked. The zombie that came out of the bathtub was what did it.[/color][/size][/font] [/quote][color="#006400"]Hahaha, coincidentally that was also the only game that's ever really scared me. I think it was the first one anyway. Though back then I sucked at video games and wasn't at all desensitized as I am now. So I died. A lot. And it was the freakin' [i]birds[/i] man ... the birds ... [i]so many birds[/i] ... peck ... peck [i]peck[/i] ... Oh and if you've ever seen or read about the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask cursed game cartridge, that probably would have scared the crap out of me if it was for real, lol.[/color]
  8. [color="#006400"]My step-dad made the same comment about Pearl Harbor and my mom and I just both sort of face-palmed. I assured him that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was retribution enough, and he was like, "Oh yeah, I suppose that's right." Some people just don't think. My sister is currently in Japan. She and her husband have been stationed there for the past year or so with him being in the Air Force (he's currently deployed, so she's more or less alone there). Fortunately she has been far enough away from all the commotion, though she said she felt the earthquake and was on the 9th floor of a building when it happened. Pretty scary place to be. She said when she got home her furniture was "rearranged." I'm just glad she was safe from it. Apparently the base she lives on was offering a voluntary evacuation or something like that, but she chose to stay for now.[/color]
  9. [color="#006400"]I don't know who Jason is, and the only Adam I know of is THE Adam (who I always thought was a rarer sight than the Sasquatch). But if you are indeed talking about [i]Adam[/i] Adam, I think that might convince me to listen to a podcast for the first time in my life. He's like that father that was never there, but still watched over you. Respectable, but a little scary.[/color]
  10. [quote name='Pioneer' timestamp='1296939867' post='704715']mix cowboys with sci fi, end of story. if thats properly done you wil conquer the world. or at least I will buy the game so it will conquer my world which would be nice enough eh? [/quote] [color="#006400"]I hate to burst your bubble, but the tragic fall of Firefly/Serenity contradicts your theory. It supposedly even had an MMO in development that never took off, as awesome as it would have been.[/color]
  11. You know you're an addict when you hit 'Stumble!' instead of Refresh.

  12. [color="#006400"]I hate to look like I'm double posting, but it's been almost a month so hopefully this is legit. :x I just Stumbled across this particularly moving commercial that I thought was worth passing on. I always wear my seatbelt as is, and don't even take my car out of park unless everyone else in my car has there's on as well, but yeah ...[/color] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM[/media]
  13. As far as MMORPG's go, I'd be more concerned about their monopoly of time rather than money if you were interested in playing more than one, though the concern is still valid.

    I always used WoW as preventative entertainment, stopping me from picking up games I'd probably never play after beating it once, lol. I'm sure in the long run it saved me money in that regard.

  14. I wouldn't be too concerned at never getting into WoW, though I don't really agree with the subscription argument. Depending on how often you play, that $15/mo can equate to a lot of play time. More so than a game that you might pick up for $40-60 and never touch again after you beat it.

    However, those games don't require a support group if you want to quit. So ...

  15. You jerk, I was totally going to use a quote from that movie next time I decided to contribute to "Name That Movie." :P

    Just watched it again a couple days ago. So good.

  16. [quote name='Vicky' timestamp='1298161388' post='705125'] Grandma's Boy? EDIT: Try this: "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." [/quote] Silence of the Lambs. :] Far too easy. Not sure how well known this next movie is: [center][size="4"]"Oh, Benson ... dear Benson, you are so mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence."[/size][/center]
  17. [quote name='Linkukun' timestamp='1298141235' post='705116'] Big Fish, I loved that movie. To me, it was a masterpiece. [center][size="5"]"It was beauty that killed the beast."[/size] [/center] [/quote] King Kong. Hopefully the original and not the remake which was hard to take seriously with Jack Black in it. :x [size="5"][center]"I don't want Fop, goddamn it! I'm a Dapper Dan man!"[/center][/size]
  18. [color="#006400"]I knew I had heard that one before, but I won't lie that I had to do a little research, lol. Hot Fuzz "You are right, I have always known about man. From the evidence, I believe his wisdom must walk hand in hand with his idiocy. His emotions must rule his brain. He must be a warlike creature who gives battle to everything around him, even himself."[/color]
  19. [color="#006400"]Fall is my favorite of the seasons. I enjoy cooler weather. Fall isn't miserably cold, and it's not insanely bright/warm like Summer. The transition between Winter and Spring is also cool because it's sort of like a mini-Fall.[/color]
  20. [color="#006400"]I could probably write a short novel about these kinds of things if I put enough thought into it, but let's see ... [b]My "Metallica" complex[/b] I have a sort of mental block about getting into anything that has become wildly popular for very little reason. The average Metallica "fan" really only ever boasts songs like [i]Enter Sandman[/i], [i]Master of Puppets[/i] (actually a good song, though), or maybe [i]One[/i] before they've depleted the extent of their knowledge of the band. I think in my lifetime I've only ever met one person who was really into them, and it was actually sort of relieving to hear about the band from someone who is actually into the music and albums as a whole. He would ask what kind of music you were into, and then point out an album or certain songs that he thought you'd like based on your answer. Though I still haven't really given them much of a listen to this day. [size="1"]There are probably a handful of other bands I choose not to listen simply because it seems like people think they are better than they really are. Nirvana is another victim of this for sure.[/size] [b]Pretty much any [i]old[/i] classic movie[/b] There's really no reason for this outside of laziness. Every once in a while I'll look up a 'new' one and watch it, but it's a slow progress. I think the most recent thing I've watched is [i]Breakfast at Tiffany's[/i], mainly because Audrey Hepburn was a total fox, lol. But yeah, [i]Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind, Some Like it Hot, Revel Without a Cause, Casablanca, Brazil,[/i] a variety of old horror movies, any James Bond movie pre-Pierce Brosnan. I have a book a I got for Christmas one year of '501 Must-See Movies,' so it's good to have a reference for when I'm in the mood, lol. [size="1"]My exposure to music I think suffers a lot because of this sort of thing. I know there were plenty of bands in the past that were amazing, but I never get around to listening to them; or even if I manage to get an album or two I never really take the time to sit down and just let them play. I couldn't really name any off the top of my head, which doesn't help the problem. It's only when someone else brings them up that I think, "Oh yeah! I should get around to them." [/size] [b]Facebook[/b] Bwuahaha, I don't think I'll ever be seduced by this thing. I used to be part of it back when it was a college-exclusive thing, but even then didn't use it a whole lot. Later, I ended up making a different account after it had been public for a while, but still really didn't get too involved. Since then I've frozen and had that account removed. I started another one recently only to find someone I didn't know how to contact any other way so I could talk to them about something, but haven't touched it since. The only thing I think I might use this site for is if I had a business or just something that had a larger following (like a blog or website or something), so I'd maybe make a Facebook page for that idea to make it easier to communicate with followers and attract more. Which sort of brings me to my next thing: [b]Twitter/Flickr/Tumblr/etc[/b] I've never gotten into any of these simply because of a lack of anything interesting to put there. Same goes for actually being a contributor to YouTube. My group of friends is depressingly small, and I have even less of a life. So even though I see how places like this could be fun or useful, I just don't really bring anything to them.[/color]
  21. [quote name='Nerdsy' timestamp='1297536629' post='704916'] [color=deeppink]Fact: Reese hearts are the third greatest holiday shape Reese cups, right behind eggs and pumpkins. That alone makes Valentine's Day an important holiday.[/color] [/quote] [color="#006400"]Addendum: Reese's Cups*, regardless of shape, are to peanut butter what Taco Bell is to beef, and should not be consumed until it's replaced by a higher quality product. [size=1]* Reese's Pieces are the awesome, though.[/size][/color]
  22. [color="#006400"]I used to use :P in lieu of punctuation. Though what kind of emoticons I use these days varies a bit depending on who I'm talking to.[/color]
  23. [color="#006400"]This is easily my favorite scene from the always entertaining [i]Kung Fu Hustle[/i]. [size=1]The English dubs in this video make me sad though.[/size][/color] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiDo1YA0zck&feature=related[/media]
  24. [color="#006400"]So I get to create a vacuum for my mailman on my birthday, lol. Is this like a household cleaning vacuum, or an outer space vacuum?[/color]
  25. [quote name='Dragon Warrior' timestamp='1295973237' post='704315'] Though The Legend of Zelda series is definitely fun for being an action-adventure type deal (save Legend of Zelda 2 with its side-scrolling/RPG style), I think I wouldn't mind seeing a Zelda shooter. This is amusing because I'm godawful at shooters... like, I die in two seconds entering Halo. But I think it'd be a bit amusing to have you running around from Link's perspective hacking and chopping the baddies, using the bow, tossing the boomerang, and all his other fun weapons as if you were really him. They could still insert a [i]few[/i] puzzles, but for those of you who don't want to deal with the brain-stumpers and just want to slice and dice, this would be the Zelda for you. I know it sounds blasphemous to remove those elements from Zelda, but isn't that the point of this thread? Haha. All I'm saying is, I would play it if it ever came out, and it'd probably be the first first-person-shooter I'd take to heart and actually attempt to get better at. [/quote] [color="#006400"]I think I remember reading somewhere (probably here on this forum) that Zelda was actually imagined as a first-person game. I think it was in a thread about Metroid: a game that was taken from a 2-D side-view to 3-D FPS, but still maintaining plenty of platforming, secrets, and adventurous exploration that one would come to expect from the franchise. In the same vein, I think it would be interesting to see Castlevania take that route, as the style of the game is fairly similar to Metroid. As bent as I tend to get about the Metroid Prime series (though the Wii controls in the Trilogy collection make the experience a lot more tolerable), it stood out in showing that it's possible to take a platforming adventure and put it into First Person without ruining the key elements of the game (aside from the lack of ability to break sequence in the later games for those that enjoyed that). However, it still had the advantage of being a shooter. I can't help but sort of roll my eyes at imagining the limited range of a sword as the primary weapon in a First Person environment. I just think of what it would be like if people ran around in a game like Half Life with a crowbar all the time instead of guns, lol. I think there are a lot of technical aspects that would need to be considered in order for an adventure/platforming game to sit perfectly in a First Person view, but with motion sensory equipment becoming more popular in gaming these days I don't doubt that we'll start to see more and more seamless performances in that regard.[/color]
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