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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [B]Do your kids have like Ultra-metabolism? They grow up awfully fast lol.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Heh, yeah, I have noticed that too... o_O What can I say? We are all just a bunch of freaks, lol. I am not sure how to expain it...[/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn[/i] [B]Not too shabby. HOWEVER, Piro (by himself) gets my full 10/10 attention--that is just plain bad-(butted) the way you did him. Wowza. Makes me think of Ozzie. Oo;[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Heh, he is actually very much based off Señor Diablo from the [u]Johnny the Homicidal Maniac[/u] and [u]Squee![/u] comics by Jhonen Vasquez. Our body structure is very similar, so I just pretty drew him more human-like and with my features. This is not really my best work, and I was not really trying for it to be. This is just a little fun thing. The main point of it is Pearl with Asuka and I, so I did a somewhat half-assed job on the other kids. ^^; Though, I always seem to run into trouble with Asuka's face. o_O[/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Mitch[/i] [b][size=1][FONT=times new roman]You look like the friggin' Adam's Family or something..[/font][/b][/size][/quote][size=1]Thank you very much. :p[/size]
  3. [size=1]Well, I have been meaning to do this for a while, but I have finally gotten around to it. A little while ago (a month or so, maybe), Asuka and I decided to have another kid. ^_^ This time, [i]I[/i] got to choose what it would look like. For those of you who were not there when we spoke about this in a chat (which I am sure there are many of you who are not even aware of our little family), we had a little girl. I have never been good with girl's names, so my dear wife decided on the name Pearl. Some of you might know where that name is derived from, depending on how much you read. I have actually been done with this for a while. I drew this picture, and colored it in Photoshop. I also put everyone's name by each so everyone knows who is who. Now, also keep in mind that this is also my interpretation of the family, so how Asuka has made them look is not exactly how I have, but I tried to keep it similar; which I think I did. Without any further delay, I give you a family portrait. ^__^[/size]
  4. [center][b][color=red]C h a o t i c L i f e[/color] [size=1]Freedom. Youth. Love. Anarchy.[/b] Welcome to the real world. A storyline through the eyes of the kids of today down where the grass is not green? but the girls are still damn pretty, in their own way. A place where life is always so bittersweet; nothing is ever left in contentment. Rebellion is welcomed with a red carpet, but always challenged by the system. Liberation. Drugs. Sex. Violence. Freedom is what we fight for. Youth is our pride. Love is what is in us. Anarchy is our life. We are the future. [b]¤----------[/b][/size]X×X[size=1][b]----------¤[/b][/center] There it is. That is the entire idea of this RPG in a nutshell. A loosely based storyline leaving it open for individual development and an overall sense of never really knowing what to expect. It takes place in the fictional city of Iron Hand (note the irony). The entire story will take place here. How big it is depends on how big your imagination is. Each player will have equal control over the story [i]with reason[/i]. I am just going to assume you all understand what I mean by that. For further precaution, if enough responses are received, I shall be choosing who does and does not participate. No offense would be meant if I did not choose you. There is still a chance I might come back to you later and see if you are still interested because the RPG could use another person, or whatever. A few more things to keep in mind: ? General behavior has to be at least [i]somewhat[/i] delinquent. (crime is not only welcome, but encouraged ^_~) ? The grass is not green here. Money and general wealth is not necessarily the most abundant thing. ? The setting is entirely fictional. Names for places and such can be entirely made up. ? Everyone who participates knows everyone else and are at least cordial to the others. ? If you are in the age range for it, you do attend a school (unless you opt to have dropped out). ? I am hoping for a decent balance of girls and guys. So, even if you are not totally familiar with the kind of life this RPG portrays, do not be afraid to give it a shot. [center][b]¤----------[/b][/size]X×X[size=1][b]----------¤[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nickname:[/b] (optional) [b]Age:[/b] (I would suggest keeping it around 15-20) [b]Appearance:[/b] (be creative) [b]Character Sketch:[/b] (a brief description of your character?s attitude, habits, mannerisms, etc.) [center][b]¤----------[/b][/size]X×X[size=1][b]----------¤[/b] Good luck. Let us make this fun.[/size][/center]
  5. PiroMunkie


    [size=1]*blinks* . . . [b]Mighty. Mighty. Bosstones.[/b] COME ON! Lol. They are my favorite ska band. They are a bit more "old school" ska, very much a rat pack band. I like them, though.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Chiaotzu (I am not even sure if that is how you spell his name.. it has been so long) is an emperor. How was one who over-looked a martial arts tournaments in the DragonBall series. Tien is bodyguard, which is why they have such a strong friendship. I am a bit rusty these days with my DragonBall series info, so hopefully someone will be able to expand on what I have said.[/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [B]Seriously, James would be very mad if I wrote in great detail what I hate. Not that it has anything to with him or anyone here for that matter, just that it would be far too graphic and full of things children shouldn't read.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1]Spoiler tag. :p People would be entirely at their own discretion to read it and would have to be held fully accountable for whatever may occur after or during their reading of you hatreds. ^_~ You could even give a little pre-warning and disclaimer. You saying you are not going to say it only makes some people, myself included, wanting to know what it is. Not to be nosey, but honestly curious for the sake of understanding. [b]To Sara:[/b] Heh, what about when people interrupt you while you are watching [i]The Princess Bride[/i]? ^_~ As for me, I am usually not one to anger. Some things may annoy me, depress me, or just upset me, but not much of anything actually inflames me. One thing that does tend to get on my nerves are blind people. Not the visually blind, but more in a spiritual sense. I do not like people that believe too much, or do not believe enough. I read a quote from some scientist today while I was taking the ACT, I do not remember what it said exactly, but it was something along the lines of just knowing when and when not to question things. If a person is too cynical to the point where they dismiss almost everything, they are doing nothing and getting nowhere. If a person accepts too much to be true, then they are only fooling themselves. I could not agree more with what that person said, and I wish I could have written that down. So this includes such people as the strict religious/"know-it-alls" who will not even think about the possibility of what they believe in not actually being true, and will jump down my throat at anything that contradicts them in any way; regardless if it was said in jest or not. It also upsets me if I have a friend who becomes religious/"superior", and then became so involved with it that he/she turned out this way and became not much of a friend at all. Then there are those who just do not know what to believe, and refuse to accept anything from anyone and just remain unfounded, floating in the sky of their own little world lost in confusion and a false sense of security. I think a person needs to develop a kind of schizophrenia, in a sense. They need to have their own firm, sturdy, and stubborn foundation, but at the same time not be afraid to question themselves or accept radical ideas -- no matter how far-fetched they may seem to be. I would say this "angers" me the most.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Hrmm... I guess I shall point out a few things that have bothered me in it. Your lede: First, it is too long. In journalism, the first sentence of anything should not go over thirty-five words (generally, there are some exceptions), and should almost never be more than one sentence. Second, it has nothing to do with anything you mentioned later on. The first sentence needs to be the briefest summary of what you are writing about so that right away, the person knows what is going on. I am reading about a car crash in this first paragraph, yet that is the only time it is ever mentioned. Everything that follows is irrelevant to it. Strong Adjectives/Verbs: These are usually unnecessary. They have a tendency to stretch the perception of whatever it is in relation with. People tend to get mad if the truth is stretch, and sensationalizing in such writings is one of the many charges commonly leveled against the press. Just do not make things seem like more or less than they actually are. Attribution: This is lacking. The only time I can see you ever gave her notice is on the quotes. Other than that, it seems like [i]you[/i] are telling the story and not her. She should be the one telling it. I am not saying have a load of quotes, but just paraphrase things she said, and let people know that is what [i]she[/i] said. It lets the reader know that she is the one doing the talking, and you are not doing the talking for her. Repetition: Third paragraph from the bottom that starts: "And some people. Some people...". The first "And some people" could be omitted. Your structure is pretty good, with the exception of your opening. Everything after that seems to flow pretty well. The story itself is an okay one. Just a character sketch, so for what it is, it is good. Though, I do not really see any hook in your story. Nothing grabs me that seems outstanding enough to write about. It is almost frightening what my journalism class has done to my mindset on looking at other people's articles, lol. It is the one department in my school that I actually take some pride in for the sheer balls of it. I am not sure if you were asking for any kind of critique, but then again, you did not specify that you did not want it either. So this is what you received. *shrugs*[/size]
  9. PiroMunkie

    Punk Music!

    [size=1]I know what some of you are thinking... "It is about time he posted here!", lol... This topic has come pretty far already so I am not totally sure where to start. I suppose I shall start with the beginning post. I suppose NOFX is a good band, but I there are other bands I would listen to before them, and they are probably pretty far down on the list as to bands that I would want to see live. I judge this from experiencing two of their shows. They [i]suck[/i] live. Especially if they are sober. If they are drunk (which I would imagine they usually are), they at least have some amusing antics, but they mess around with their music too much, and talk too much between songs. They were one of the headlining bands at both shows, and I still preferred other acts over them. MXPX is mildly okay... they are down there. They have a few listen-worthy songs, but nothing I would listen to often. Bands I do like, though, include: AFI, the Distillers, Rancid, the Ramones, the Exploited, Dropkick Murphys, Tiger Army, Leftover Crack, the Used, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, Death By Stereo, Dead Kennedys, Anti-Flag, Body Jar, Devotchkas, the Sex Pistols, Frenzal Rhomb, Mad Caddies, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Jugheads Revenge, Bad Religion, Misfits, Agnostic Front, ECP, Thrice, Hot Water Music, the Offspring (early stuff, like Ignition), the Unseen, Bouncing Souls, the Vandals, Guttermouth, Sick of it All, ... I am pretty sure I could go on for a while... (Given: Not all aforementioned bands are neccesarily punk. Some are ska and hardcore.) I must also mention Apocalypse Hoboken, who Semmy was so kind to share with me. As for the whole "poser"/"sell-out" idea, I am going to say that I am not usually one to go around calling people those names of whom I would deem so, but it vexes me quite a bit when people think they are so [b]f[/b]-ing hardcore because they listen to bands that I would rather piss on them than let their crap fill my ear space. Rather than just put a label on those people, I let them be their own diluted selves. There is no use in trying to tell them any different. They will just take this "holier than thou" attitude. Those are my thoughts for now... [edit] - Another band I forgot to mention. Teengenerate. Crazy little Japanese garage punk band. My props to Transtic for them.[/size]
  10. [size=1]Wow... Vanilla Ice in his early years. :p Very interesting, Charles. ^_~[/size]
  11. [size=1]I do not really know much about cars, at all. Though I have been rather fond of El Caminos, lol. It is like a car [i]and[/i] a truck. There is nothing better. o_O[/size]
  12. [size=1][b]Who was your first kiss?[/b] Girl: My first girlfriend. Boy: My friend, Dan. [b]How old were you?[/b] Girl: 14 Boy: 17 [b]How was it?[/b] Girl: Too long ago... she was pretty good I suppose. Very tricky. o_O Boy: Hilarious. [b]What were the circumstances?[/b] (Where, Time, etc) Girl: Working in a haunted house. Nice dark places and such, and a lot of down time from lack of customers. Boy: It was after one of the performances of a spring play I was in. There was this one guy in the play that we both knew, and who happened to be rather homophobic. So, of course, this provokes me to hit on him as much as possible throughout the duration of the practices and such. ^_~ So after one of the performances, my friend and I went up to him and said our hello's and whatnot. Then we said we had something we wanted to show him, lol (he immediately became suspicious). So, soon after, my friend and I kissed right there in front of him, and I even dipped myself back to add more drama to it, lol. Needless to say, the guy was scarred for life. =P There had been other cheek kisses before that, but that was the first actual lip-contact one. [b]What was your Worst/Best Kiss?[/b] I think the one with my friend, Dan, beats them all just out of the sheer hilarity of it. ^^ I do not think I have ever had a bad kiss.[/size]
  13. [color=red][size=1]It is pretty average. It looks like someone punched you in your face and your eye is all swollen and such. It is very sketchy. It is very flat. The ear is deformed. Your collar bone is much to prominent; unless you are severely and dangerously boney, I do not think it stands out the sharply. Those lines in your neck are placed wrong. Among other smaller details. I can at least tell what it is though, so that it good. Just a few details that bothered me.[/color][/size]
  14. [color=indigo][size=1]I agree that the last frame should be held longer. Maybe two seconds would be sufficient. I like the idea for it, but it probably could have been done better. Then again, this is your first, so I cannot really be too hard on you for it.[/color][/size]
  15. [color=indigo][size=1]It is good to hear someone has decided to check out the band. Many props to you, Heaven's Cloud,and thanks for posting here with your comments. Well, they have the full video for Girl's Not Grey on their site now. I only have a 56k modem here so I cannot see it for what it is worth... at all. From what I [i]have[/i] seen of it, it looks pretty funky. That is al I can really say, lol. I have to see it at full speed. You can see it here: [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/gng_low.ram]Real Video LOW[/url] ± [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/gng_high.ram]Real Video HIGH[/url] ± [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/gng_low.asx]Windows Media LOW[/url] ± [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/gng_high.asx]Windows Media HIGH[/url][/color][/size]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psyco[/i] [B][size=1][color=teal][b]I can't see teh first one...It's says page not found...[/b][/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]The first one can be found here: [url]http://revergenic.250free.com/slidin1.jpg[/url][/color][/size]
  17. [color=indigo][size=1]I say use the one with the scanlines. I am not sure why, but I just like it more. Though, it depends on what you plan on putting in there.[/color][/size]
  18. [color=indigo][size=1]o-O... Personally, I think is sucks, lol. Your chopper one is much better. The text is too hard to read. The character images do not really blend all that well; it seems all you really did was make them less opaque. The background is okay, but it could probably use more. With the intensity of the background it seems like it should be more than just shades of blue. I am hoping it was just the background that took a high majority of the forty-five minutes. :)[/color][/size]
  19. PiroMunkie


    [color=indigo][size=1]Well, I suppose it is. Though, when I hear that some thing is shaded, I usually expect a little bit more than just a few things given some darker value then the rest. It would be better if you had more of it, and a more selective use of it. Give it more of a three dimensional quality. Shade the areas darkest where there would be the least light and work out from there gradually getting lighter. When I think of [i]shading[/i], I usually think of [i]shadow[/i].[/color][/size]
  20. [color=indigo][size=1]Alter egos... bleh, so many. o-O I shall do the three that come to mind as of now. -------------------- [b]Who is your alter ego?[/b] Jay Gatsby, from the novel [u]The Great Gatsby[/u] by F. Scott Fitzgerald. [b]What points in your Alter-Ego's personality match yours?[/b] Romantic Idealist. Dreamer. A bit of a closed book. People cannot always what is on my mind. Coincidentally, I have been told that I look like I just killed a man. I hang on to any thread of hope I can reach. A bit of a loner. The strong, silent type. [b]Do you look like your Alter-Ego?[/b] I could... I do not think they ever gave a detailed description of him. I do not have a pink suit, though... or a Rolls Royce for that matter. *shrugs* -------------------- [b]Who is your alter ego?[/b] Nick Carraway, also from the novel [u]The Great Gatsby[/u] by F. Scott Fitzgerald. [b]What points in your Alter-Ego's personality match yours?[/b] Logical. Observer. I can tell you, without a doubt, that "I am the most honest person that I have ever known." Not saying I never lie, sometimes you just have to. There is a time and place for it. ... My mouth is usually shut but my eyes remain open. [b]Do you look like your Alter-Ego?[/b] Probably not, I do not quite remember how he looked. *shrugs* -------------------- [b]Who is your alter ego?[/b] Johnny, from [u]Johnny the Homicidal Maniac[/u] by Jhonen Vasquez. [b]What points in your Alter-Ego's personality match yours?[/b] I would say the main difference is that he acts upon his thoughts. I do not. [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=370193[/img][/center] [b]Do you look like your Alter-Ego?[/b] Not necessarily. I probably could if I wanted to, though. We both have similar body structure and such.[/color][/size]
  21. [quote][i]Originally posted by spike speigel[/i] [b]Now all I have to do is scrounge up some money for the C.D.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]It should not take you that long to do that. The CD is anywhere from $5 - $10 depending on where you go. The more generic stores will have it for cheaper. Though, places like Sam Goody will have it for about $12. -__-; The more I listen to that CD, the more I am liking it. Even [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i] is beginning to grow on me. They put out a teaser video for that song on their site earlier this month, I was just now able to see it with a decent connecton. If you want to see it you can stream it from here: [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/girls_prelude_low.ram]Real Video LOW[/url] ± [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/girls_prelude_high.ram]Real Video HIGH[/url] ± [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/girls_prelude_low.asx]Windows Media LOW[/url] ± [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/video/girls_prelude_high.asx]Windows Media HIGH[/url] It is a full-length video, but they say they have left parts out of it. So I am interested to see what they put in there that we have yet to see.[/color][/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sushi[/i] [B]I do agree that This Celluloid Dream's lyrics are a bit deeper. I don't really understand the lantern (in the chorus) thing though. Either it's mindless talk about lanterns or I am completly missing something. *shrugs* [/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]There is nothing about a lantern in the lyrics, lol. The chorus goes "You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic, onto the melting boy and melt away. You light as gently, you're so cinematic. Bathed in your radiance, I melt." Though, now that I think about it, I think you are talking about the pre-chorus where it says "Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end, just like a memory it twists me." I think "romantic" is was what you took as "lantern". AFI tends to have indistinguishable words sometimes. o-O[/color][/size][quote][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [b]I have a friend who's been a big fan of AFI for awhile and they are really loving this album... I'm not sure exactly what that means to you but I thought I'd bring it up.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]That is good to hear. It is not really a bad album, it is just not their best and could probably have been done better. Especially with how long they have had to work on it. I am wanting to get a hold of that limited edition that Semmy spoke of. It was not at the place where I got my normal copy. To finish up my little review, there is the final song: [b]12. [i]....But Home Is Nowhere[/i]:[/b] (15:08) The song is not as long as it actually says, lol. The song itself is about four minutes, then there is some downtime. Some eerie dialogue then begins for a while and the 'hidden' track plays right after. The song [i]....But Home Is Nowhere[/i] is pretty good. Probably one of the better ones. [b](hidden track) [i]This Time Imperfect[/i]:[/b] This one is pretty unemotional.The lyrics are nice and it is better than [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i], but it just lacks the punch. I agree with everything Semjaza said. It just lacks that kick in the *** that the other albums had. Sometimes it seems like it was a bit overproduced as well. Like they were focusing more on making it "big" (not really in popularity, just making everything polished) than they were on making it good.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=indigo][size=1][b]1. No Advertising-[/b] It may not be direct, but that it what is happening. [b]2. Legal Stuff-[/b] Downloading full episodes of things is not the most legal thing ever. Authoritive types tend to frown upon it. So not only is this advertising, but advertising something illegal. Topic Closed.[/color][/size]
  24. [color=indigo][size=1]Well, yesterday was the day. AFI's latest album [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i]. Obviously, I bought it as soon as I could with already have listened to two of the tracks that they pre-released. To begin with, the coverbook was probably the most disappointing thing about this CD. The art inside was okay, but they have had much better in the past. Namely with their previous album [i]The Art of Drowning[/i]. Everything just seemed very uninspired, and sometimes irrelevant. The photos inside are fun to look at, but still seem rather mellow. The lyrics printed inside were not bad. AFI seems to continually do well in this department, and I love the fact that they do put their lyrics inside. Sometimes it is hard to understand what they are saying, and I prefer to know. I noticed a couple trends in certain lyrics throughout their songs. Whether or not that was intentional I do not know, but it kind of made me wonder. One things that definitely had my attention was in the lyrics for their song [i]Death of Seasons[/i]. The only track on the album with swearing in it. That is not really a bad thing at all, but it is just the way it was written. They say the "f-word" in there, but in the lyrics it is written as "scucking". My guess is that the label (Dreamworks) would not let the actual word to be printed. Though, they have never had that problem before. Nitro Records never had anything against that sort of thing. Personally, I would have told Dreamworks to 'shove it'. It is a word. Who the hell cares? Moving onto the songs. There are twelve, plus a hidden track. Oddly, the name for the hidden track was not printed on the left wall of the CD case like it usually has been, but the lyrics were put inside the coverbook. [b]1. [i]Miseria Cantare - The Beginning[/i]:[/b] (2:57) This song seems just like an intro, despite its nearly three minute length. There are not many lyrics to it at all. I tend to like introductory songs. They set the general mood for the rest of the CD. Looking at it like that, it does its job, but it is not the greatest song on the album. [b]2. [i]The Leaving Song Pt. 2[/i]:[/b] (3:31) This is a relatively good song. One of the better songs, in my opinion. At a couple points Davey speaks something in what I am thinking is Latin. Not quite sure what it is, but it is nice. It could be a bit louder though, it is a bit hard to hear when he says it. It has the screaming/yelling vocals in there, so that is good as well. It keeps things interesting. [b]3. [i]Bleed Black[/i]:[/b] (4:41) This song kind of sounds like something that would be off of [i]The Art of Drowning[/i]. Though, it is somewhat more mellow than that. Oddly, the mellowest part of this song is my favorite part, lol. Overall the song is pretty good. Nothing too outstanding, but worth a listen. [b]4. [i]Silver and Cold[/i]:[/b] (4:11) A more mellow song than the previous three. Again, worth a listen. Though, it sounds a little unemotional. The lyrics are good, but the way they are conveyed just does not strike me that hard. [b]5. [i]Dancing Through Sunday[/i]:[/b] (2:26) This one is one of my favorites off of the album. It almost sounds like something that would be the result of crossing their albums [i]Black Sails in the Sunset[/i] and [i]Answer That and Stay Fashionable[/i]. Two very different albums in sound, but they seem to come together. It is a bit short, but that is okay. It still remains one of the songs I consider the best off of the ablum. [b]6. [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i]:[/b] (3:10) This was the first song I heard of theirs, one of the pre-released ones. It is on the radio, actually. It is probably the worst on the whole CD. The lyrics are kind of good, which keeps me listening to it, but it is just void of any real emotion. [b]7. [i]Death of Seasons[/i]:[/b] (3:59) Meheh, another one of my favorites. At one point it sounds very techno-y, which was kind of interesting. I do not know, though. I just love the feel of this one. Davey's screaming is heavenly, lol. [b]8. [i]The Great Disappointment[/i]:[/b] (5:27) This is another pretty good song. It is growing on me. I am not sure how to explain this one really, but it is nice. [b]9. [i]Paper Airplanes (makeshift wings)[/i]:[/b] (3:57) Probably one of the oddest names for a song I have seen, but I do like this one. One of the better songs, though it seems a bit inconsistent at times. Mainly during the refrain. Other than that it is good. [b]10. [i]This Celluloid Dream[/i]:[/b] (4:11) The other pre-released song that I listened to. Much better than [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i]. I like the lyrics to this one, they go well with the overall song. It is not one of the best songs on the CD, but it is better than some. [b]11. [i]The Leaving Song[/i]:[/b] (2:44) Just Davey and Jade, the guitarist. Very nice, slow song. Similar to that of [i]Morningstar[/i] from [i]The Art of Drowning[/i]. I like these ones. ^^ Bleh, I am about to be kicked offline for the night. I shall continue this tomorrow. Anyone else who has listened to any of this or has any opinion. Please feel free to comment, etc.[/color][/size]
  25. [color=indigo][size=1]If you want to go to UGA, and it gives you everything you want, then go to UGA. College is your choice. It is your life. It sounds like UGA is better, anyway. :whoops:[/color][/size]
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