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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] [B]*glances at Piro and then at Justin* And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the eseence of your problem... Where there is only contempt there can be no understanding, on either side.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I have no real feelings of contempt for anyone. I am not one to look down on another, nor do I look up to anyone. Which helps explain why I am quite "anti-authority", I do not like them because they believe they are higher than I am. Though, that is a bit of a different topic. I am not saying that all religion is a complete load of bull. Each has its own interesting points, but there are so many holes you can find in things that are written that I am not willing to place my life upon it. It is like taking a piece of paper and a pencil, then punching a bunch of holes in that paper with the pencil. Then take something like a paperweight and have someone put it on top of the "holey" (pun intended ;)) paper. The paperweight symbolizes yourself, the paper symbolizes what you believe in. The only thing you have between the two is faith. You have to have enough faith to fill those holes so that you do not fall through. The problem is, and I do not mean to be offensive to anyone by this, the people with the most faith are often the most blinded. My example of the girl would would not talk to my friend because she had some black make-up on is a prime example of that. Geh, I would continue, but I am about to get kicked offline.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth[/i] [B]I can actually, pm me and I'll tell you these so called imaginary signs, that are happening everyday.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Or, to save on postage, you could simply just PM me right away... o-O I enjoy message from random people.[/color][/size][quote][b]I don't think that everyone who wears black lipstick and eye shadow is evil... (blah blah blah...)[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]I never said you did. (the "blah"'s were not meant to be offensive in any way, just conserving unecessary space)[/color][/size][quote][b]you never know until you know. Try my evidence, find a fault in it. In fact, I [i]dare [/i] you. In a friendly way, of course :)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Oo! A [i]dare[/i]! Wow, I cannot turn this down! :rolleyes: Lol, go ahead. I await your PM.[/color][/size]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Harry[/i] [b]It's hip to bash religions these days. Just like bashing the US.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Heh, that made me laugh. In a good way. I do find it all too fun to "bash" another's religion. Catholics/Christians get it the most because there are so many of them. They make me laugh, but annoy me at the same time. Especially with little phrases like "It was God's will", or whatever. I am just like: Prove it. There are so many more logical and reasonable explanations for things before I would even consider something "greater". They [i]cannot[/i] prove it, because all they rely on is faith. Faith is fairly similar to hope, and as the respected Benjamin Franklin once said, "He that lives upon hope will die fasting." Of course, then they try to get some foundation by saying things about how "God" gives people signs and whatnot; that is how he shows people that he exists. Well: Here's your sign. (anybody who knows Bill Engvall should know what that sign says ;)) They have their beliefs, but no solid foundation to them. So they cannot really prove anything that they believe in. Of course, then they like to say that they do not need to prove anything, we shall all see the proof when we die or come judgment day... Pfft, again I say: Prove it. This is what makes them squirm, and this is what makes me laugh. This is not really bashing, more so just a debate. The ultra-religious also make me laugh, just because they are so easy to frighten. I can put on black eyeliner, go up to one and stare at them and they seriously act as if I was Satan. I have a friend of mine who is Catholic, goes to a Catholic school where people know she is Catholic. She was at a dance with black lipstick and eyeshadow. She went to talk to someone she knew, but they would not come anywhere near her because she was "evil". I am sorry, but people like that deserve to be 'bashed'. Especially when you [i]know[/i] that a person is of your religion like the aforementioned example. That is just really pathetic. The kind of people that if their holy book said that gravity was not real (or some other widely known fact), they would believe it and hear nothing against it.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra[/i] [B]Radial blur with plastic wrap and adding numbers and dots are not cool. Hellbird is cool. ^-^;;[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I am not seeing a Radial Blur in there, comrade. o-O Perhaps your down time from Photoshop has taken its toll?[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emjay[/i] [B]Sides- if I were insane, I wouldn't know what I'm doing-[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]There are different kinds of insanity, dear lady. Not everyone that is insane is a complete loon who does not know his/her right hand from the left. Take a look at Hannibal. ;)[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents[/i] [B]Um yea, I wouldn't worry about the eating part cause your gonna die of dehydration first.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I have actually read that it rains somewhat often in the desert at night. Not necessarily for too long, but yeah. And there are plenty of methods of keeping yourself hyrdated in the meantime.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]"Got Him?". A parody of "Got milk?". Notice "Him" is capitalized, thus implying "God". It is a nice idea I suppose, but the banner really is not all that great. By the way, the answer is no.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [B][color=#808080]Can you imagine slicing off and eating the flesh of your own [i]friend[/i]?[/color][/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Yes. I met one of my best friends when I stabbed him in the leg with a pencil. That was in the fifth grade. Haha, I got in quite a bit of trouble with the school and his parents for that. ^^ Not to mention I am a biter.[/color][/size][quote][b][color=#808080]You would have to be severely insane to do anything like that...regardless of your circumstances. lol[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Heh... well, I would rather not get into that. I am aware you were not talking to me in that response, but it was respondable. So I did. o.o[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry[/i] [B]Or just to have an excuse to eat someone ;)[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]:shifty: Shh... You are going to ruin my plans![/color][/size][quote][b]Suicide is wrong isn't it? Not killing someone to eat them is pretty much committing suicide.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]It just does not feel right to most people to kill another person. Even if it [i]is[/i] for the sake of your own life and death. They have what they call "compassion". Pfft, whatever [i]that[/i] is, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Heh, personally, I do not think I would ever resort to it while I still have [i]some[/i] sense of sanity to me. I do not really have anything against cannibalism. If people want to eat their own kind, that is there deal. I am too stubborn to actually [i]kill[/i] and then eat another person in the situation you described. It is more fun to actually see how long you, and others, can tough things out. Though, if one of them died along the way, I might resort to it. No sense in letting him/her go to waste. If that scenario actually came up, chances are I would have set it up. Like the evil, demented scientist guy that purposely gets himself and his friends "lost" to see how people fair when lost in a desert within relatively nothing to eat* ... * oddly enough, I accidentally typed "ear" the first time I did that. How fitting to the topic considering the word I meant to type. :p[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh[/i] [B][color=darkblue]Think about it like this: things could be a lot worse![/color][/B][/QUOTE][size=1][color=indigo]*knock on wood* Be sure not to jinx yourself. ;) The last two people I know who have said that got it worse not long after.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Heh, one word: Pictures. Make sure there are lots and lots of pictures. ;) Congratulations LM. :) Heh... >> ...
[color=indigo][size=1]It has gotten to the point where I honestly cannot tell one day from the next without looking at a calendar. Even then, there is no real change. I would not say my life repeats, because that means it actually starts over somewhere. It just stays the same. There has been no end to it yet.[/color][/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [b][size=1]My crew of people make a point to do something at least once a week....so there's always something to look forward to. I'm lucky, I guess.[/size][/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Yes, I would suppose you are lucky. Some people do not even have people to consider a "crew".[/color][/size][quote][b][size=1]Life's worth [i]living.[/i][/size][/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Kind of an odd thing to say when we are actually all dying.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]It is okay, I suppose. Those dots are annoying. You did that in another work of yours. Just not my flavor, I guess. The rest of the banner looks nice, though. Those dots are just too strong and outstanding against the rest of it.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by super goku[/i] [B]No there is no mention in the series that Gohan can not go SSJ while he his Mystic. he also proves that he can still go SSJ in DBGT[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I have heard that Mystic was just a temporary thing, but that could be wrong. You also have to keep in mind that DragonBall GT does not follow DragonBall/DragonBall Z to every miniscule detail. The entire series is full of plot holes.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Yes, he is right. It was Dr. Frappe who made Android #8. Though, I am a bit confused as to how Android #8 is a plot hole... o.O[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]If a few friends of mine can get away with wearing a band shirt that has the two Columbine students on it with the words "Shoot the kids at school" on it, she should be able to get away with calling Bush an "International Terrorist".[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra[/i] [B]I like watching small animals die. Like one time, my friend shot this fat tabby up with his paintball gun after I froze the paintballs. Tore the thing all up. Watched it bleed out and put a round through it's lungs. We both just watched it suffocate to death, and honestly, I enjoyed it. Something about watching or in some cases, causing, death just envigorates me.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Oh good gawd, yes... I cannot tell you how much I get off on watching the death of [i]anything[/i]. I do not care if it is another person or just an animal or something. Call me heartless if you want, but it beats nice and strong like the rest of you. Death is natural, just like breathing. People enjoy breathing. People should enjoy death. It happens. My journalism teacher told me this story yesterday in class about this friend of his whose family had a hamster. The hamster somehow got a tumor that was going to end up killing it. They did not want to pay the cost to get it put to sleep, so they put it outside overnight (this is in the dead of winter). Come morning, it is still alive. So they just filled a bucket with water and dropped it in. Personally, I would have just broke its neck. This other guy in the class and I kept mentioning ways we would have done it. The teacher just looked at us weird. The death of something big is even better to watch. Especially if it is slow. Like a bear. Such a powerful animal, yet dying so pathetically. It almost makes you want to feel sorry for it. But yes, anything relative to this gets me pumped. Heh... just talking about it... >>[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight[/i] [B][color=crimson]Caffeine, I usually have like 15 sodas a night.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]That... explains a lot... o.O Pink lemonade will have me wired off of my *** after just one glass. (dude... I [i]so[/i] just rhymed there... o.o) Staying up all through the night often leaves me quite insanely random, which becomes quite interesting during school. Sugar. Lots and lots of sugar. Sugar packets are the best. I just down those things one right after the other. >.> Pixi Stix are good, too. Caffeine affects me mildly. If I drink soda fast, I am not likely to get all that buzzed. Though, if I have one Mountain Dew and drink it slowly over the span of about an hour, I tend to be a little strange... -er. I "get high" off of oxygen, too. :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]I must say I whole-heartedly agree with Lady Macaiodh. Rumors are not worth your trouble. Just let them pass. Sometimes is does help to just not care. I love rumors, lol. They are one of the funniest things I know. I never start them, because it is more enjoyable to hear them. One time sophomore year, I was talking with this girl I know and she said something along the lines of, 'Man, I have not started a rumor in a long time.' My immediate response? "Tell people I am gay." I have had some of the best laughs because of that one. ;)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]The name "Bula"/"Bulla" does not appall me much. "Bura" I do believe in the Japanese pronunciation of her name, and, if my memory serves me correct, some Japanese pronounce L's as R's. So it could very well just be that all-too-in-depth pronunciation of her name. Sure, they probably could just stick with "Bura", but it is FUNi. *shrugs* Endymion, my reason for Tenshinhan's name being changed to Tienshinhan is just because it would sound a bit odd to call someone "Ten". It just sounds better in English to say "Tien". That is my belief as to why they did that.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Excuse me... *searches for a bit* ... Nope, I am unable to find a real point to this topic. I believe we had something similar to this a while back. No point in conversation. No point in keeping it live.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17[/i] [B]lol ANYWAY, back on topic, I dont even think Trunks went Ultra SSJ to kill Imperfect Cell.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Yes, your are right with that. He was just a Super Saiya-jin. If he was an Ultra Super Saiya-jin you definitely would have known it. Remember, Ultra Super Saiya-jin is characterized by outrageously stiff, spikey hair and massive amount of muscle (which is why they slow down). ;)[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena[/i] [B][color=ff00cc][size=1]But if you just take the impact, sometimes it can hurt your spine. My mom got a disk because of that. (Where your spine slightly moves).[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Would you rather have that, or several compound fractures some of which may possibly be sticking through the skin?[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril[/i] [B]I held onto the handle that was on the passenger door and braced for impact.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Just for future reference, one of the last things you want to do in a foreseen car accident is brace yourself. It is better to let your body go with the impact. Seat belts and/or air bags are there for a reason. ;) In my life, so far, I have only been involved with one car accident. It was not long ago, it was the night [i]The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers[/i] came out. My friend was giving my a ride home and we came to an intersection where we had to stop. (see diagram below) [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=358250[/img][/center] My friend's car is the lower right, the other car is upper left. Now, allegedly, the other car had its right turn signal on. I guess they took the veer to the right as a "signal-worthy" turn. Of course, my friend thought they were taking an actual right, like they should have been if they had their turn signal on. So, the light turns green. We go. They go. The dotted line of my friend's car begins to turn in an attempt to not get crashed into. The passenger door took all of the damage. Of course, that is where I was sitting. ^^ I did not even see it coming. After the crash, there was no glass in that window, and the door was punched in. Some of the glass was on the street, some of it was on the hood, some across the dashboard, some on the floor on both sides of the car, and some in the back seat. I only found a few in my hair. The most damage I took was a scrape in my right elbow (lucky me, I am left handed anyway :p). That is only because I had my arm resting against the door. Nobody else was hurt. The other car had almost [i]no[/i] damage aside from a crack in their headlight and a bit of paint off of my friend's car. Funny thing is, they were a hell of a lot more traumatized then we were, lol. A minute or two after we got out of the car, checked if everyone was all right, and checked the damage we began making jokes about it, lol. I was probably the coolest thing, [i]ever[/i]. My only disappointment was that I was not hurt enough. I mean, a scratch? This is a car accident! At least give me a broken bone or something. That would have been cool if I died, lol. ^^; Anyway, I am rambling now, but that is my story...[/color][/size]