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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo][size=1]Heh, I had a similar feeling today. It was a pretty nice day out. If it was not for snow still lingering around one could almost be convinced it was spring. It just reminds me of summer vacations in general. I am nearing the end of my junior year in high school. So I am pretty much done with education unless I decide on a college of some kind. Once/If the school counselors and I get some class credit stuff worked out (I am missing some that I should not be) I should have the required credits to graduate. I just do not have all of my required classes taken. I believe all I really need is two semsters of English and two semsters of some kind of Social Studies class. The whole situation just reminds me of eighth grade, but on a larger scale. Eighth grade was fun. ^^ Graduation owned. It is just fun to think about. After high school, there is nothing really there to expect. It is not like I am going to "Even Higher School". Just kind of stepping out into nowhere; free to make my own choices. :whoops: So that is what has been on my mind with this weather.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]How... [i]morbid[/i]. o.o *loves it* Very nice. *continues being hypnotized*[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jitoya[/i] [B]Then why did Trunks have a ssj2 aura when he killed cell in his own time?????????????[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]:twitch: Again, different animators do things differently. The episode where Mirai no Trunks goes back to his own time to kill off Cell and the androids is not that important of an episode. It is a filler. It is just there to show us what became of Mirai no Trunks and his timeline. So, being that this is an irrelevant episode, they did not waste their time using the best animators who they used for more important things. So things were [i]bound[/i] to be different: his hair, his aura. Whatever. By Super Saiya-jin level 2 aura, I am guessing that you mean the scattered electric charges. They probably just threw that in their for drama. It just makes him look "cooler". As I said, if Mirai no Trunks actually attained the level of Super Saiya-jin level 2, they would have made a bigger deal about it, and that story of him going back to his own time might have lasted more than one episode.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Do not underestimate how amusing a wheelchair can be. Especially the manual ones where you actually have to use your arms to move around. Not only are wheelchairs fun, but after three years you would probably have some well-toned arms. Good workout. The pros outweigh the cons, here. Wheelchair. Most definitely.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [B][SIZE=1]I was [strike]doodling[/strike] sketching *glances at Piro* after school today...[/B][/size][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Bwuahaha! Scarred for life. Phase one complete! ^^ Disco fever! Heh, I like it. ^^ The singular antennae thing is weird... o.O[/color][/size]
Who would you like to meet in real life?
PiroMunkie replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][size=1]Well... Davey Havok, Jade Puget, Hunter, and Adam Carson... as if anyone did not see that one coming. I think it would also be interesting to meet Janeane Garofalo. I have strange idolization towards her for some reason... >>[/color][/size] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jitoya[/i] [B]but buu does weaken as proved by Vegetio and if he was really unbeatabal then why do they beat him????????????????????????[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Notice I said "severely weakened". Of course Buu weakens, but it just does not show as much as it would on other opponents that they have had. And I never said he was [i]really[/i] unbeatable. It just seems that way because of how he acts. He can take a severe beating and just brush it off. He may weaken, but it does not show that well until he has been beaten pretty bad. He can act so childish, yet destroy a planet with the lift of a finger. Of [i]course[/i] they would eventually beat him. The DragonBall series is not that much of a tragedy to have its main characters lose overall. The point was to just make the Buus seem like these incomprehensibly powerful beings so as to give some possible doubt that the good guys will win. Then, when they do win, it seems like a much greater achievement.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][i][b]Nearly[/i][/b] died, but he was very able to put himself back together. Another thing that makes him so undefeatable - he can regroup. We also saw that when Vegeta self-destructed to try and kill Fat Buu. Most enemies in the DragonBall series would never have been able to do that, with the possible exception of Cell. Though, we do not really know his durability in comparison to Buu. Even then, Cell would have been severely weakened. Buu just keeps on fighting.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jitoya[/i] [B]When i frist heard about Super buu and kid buu i thought Super buu was going to be really strong and unstopabal but when i watched it he was always making weired faces and getting holes blowen through him[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]The Buus [i]are[/i] relatively "unstoppable". Just because they laugh and make weird faces while getting holes blown through them, does not make them any less powerful. If you think about it, you will see that it is quite at that they are making weird faces. Have someone impale you with an iron rod, and see how joyous [i]you[/i] can be. The fact that Buu is able to take so much damage and still not really care only adds is his unstoppableness. This is very much eminent with Fat Buu; he is a baby armed with a nuclear warhead (figuratively speaking). The other Buus are not quite so innocent, but that still maintain that undefeatable air to them.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Mirai no Trunks [b]never[/b] reached Super Saiya-jin level 2. Just because his hair a little bit different does not mean anything. They have different artists who draw for the episodes, so the consistency in how something looks is not always going to be there. If he [i]had[/i] reached Super Saiya-jin level 2, they would have made somewhat of an issue about it or at least stated it.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][i]Nice[/i] work, man. The upper left text could be a bit easier to read, but the overall idea of it is awesome. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/icons/icon14.gif[/img][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jitoya[/i] [B]another strange thing future trunks go ssj2 when kid trunks never does[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Actually, Marai Trunks never achieved Super Saiya-jin level 2. The farthest he got was an Ultra Super Saiya-jin, also referred to in the American dub as an "Ascended Saiyan". If Marai Trunks would have been at Super Saiya-jin level 2, he probably could have defeated Perfect Cell. :whoops:[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]You remind me a lot of myself, lol. There are plenty of things about me that scare people. Just the fact that I have nooses tied at the end of the drawstrings on my hooded sweatshirts freaks some people out. The fact that I sometimes wear a noose as a tie freaks some people out. I wear a two choke chains and a padlock around my neck; while the way they are put together makes it so I cannot be strangled that normal way of a choke chain, if someone were to yank on it or it would get caught on something, it would not break. That scares my dad. I read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac; that scares my mom. This is all just scratching the surface. Do I make a good impression upon the typical person when they see me? Pfft, no. Am I going to change myself just to do so? Never. If people cannot accept you for you that is their own problem, not yours. You were probably better off not knowing them anyway. I am sure there are other people out there who are not as close-minded as most people are, one just has to find them. As for starting conversations, I do not do much of that either. I really have nothing to ever talk about, and I do not really enjoy people. So unless someone tries to talk to me, I really do not do much talking. I do not get much of that either. So I do not think I can be of too much help there. :whoops:[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Well, I have only really been in two. Both of which had two different feelings at the end. The first relationship I came out of was when I was fourteen, I did not really care. I was able to just walk away from it like most everything else. The thing that irritated me a little is that she never talked to me again. >> Even though there was that whole cliche "we can still be friends" bit. Personally, if you do not mean it, do not say it. It was not even a bad break up. It was quite a mutual thing. But oh well, life moved on. The second one I came out of when I was sixteen. This one I was a little more sad that it did come to an end. It took me a few months to really get over it. Again, it was not a bad break up; it was mutual, and we are [i]still[/i] friends. You just have to wait it out, and give yourself some down time to let everything settle. Do not let yourself really become too interested in another girl until you are sure that you are ready to do so. I am not saying shut yourself off from them. You can keep an eye out, just wait until you are ready to move on again.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Ah, how could I have forgotten. Rain/Thunderstorms [i]is/are[/i] a beautiful thing. Though, more specifically: [b]The calm before the storm.[/b] While the storm itself is truly amazing, there is just a relaxing feeling of being outside not long before it starts. You [i]know[/i] it is going to happen. The warm, moist air is incredible, and when you see that first flash of lightning in the distance and hear the first roll of thunder as is comes by; that is one of the best feelings in the world. It is almost as if you were a part of it. Like it could not have happened without you there. You were, at least one time in your life, part of something bigger; omnipotent, even. I really enjoy that.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1].: Votes "No" :. theOtaku.com is not that hard to remember at all. It is quite a unique name, so, if anything, it is only going to be easier to remember. There is not much out there to confuse it with. It is a great name, Adam. It is the first name I think of when someone asks for an anime site. It stands out from the rest. :)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][b]Peace and Quiet.[/b] Despite how alone I am a majority of the time, I rarely ever get this. It is even better if you have someone to enjoy it with. [b]Company.[/b] Just one person will do. I do not ask for much. Just so I know that I still exist. [b]Feeding the geese[/b] down at this pond thingy downtown. I actually prefer to throw the bread at them, and try to get it to stay on their backs. So they have to twist their nekcs around a bit in order to get it. I also like feeding the little ones, because the big ones are mean. [b]The feeling of freedom and adventure[/b] that you get when roaming through woods. No boundaries. No rules. Well, there are boundaries if the woods are in a park, but like I am going to heed the warning of a barbed wire fence. :rolleyes: [b]The rush[/b] of being in a mosh pit. No better way to judge whether or not you are alive. ;) This is what I can think of thus far. At a cast party for a play, this one girl plays a bit a of guitar and had a little "campfire"-like song called "Little Things". Of course, we then took that tune and made of quick little verses about marijuana... >> It was pretty funny. ^^ People said I had the best one.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]I live in Nebraska. Some people do not even know we exist, lol. Those that do think we are the farmin' folk. We love our corn, even though Iowa is a higher producer of corn than we are. Just let me go put on my overalls! It is amazing the Willa Cather was even able to write a successful book dealing with this state... While we are not our common stereotype, we are not that interesting either, lol. If a Nebraskan was killed, I do not think much of anyone would care unless it was a really horrible way of being killed, in which it was an obvious "hate crime". But who could hate the farmin' folk who may or may not exist??? :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Heh, I would want to be famous for doing relatively nothing, and getting by in life. By this, I mean not just becoming another 'U.S. citizen'. Unlike most people, I do not aspire for fame and fortune. If I could build a secluded house not too far off from a city, town, or whatever and live there contently, that would be the greatest thing. Of course, I would need feed food and other such necessities, which is why I prefer some proximity to the rest of the world. I would also have to pick up a worthwhile hobby that could sell, so that I could bring in enough money to get what I need. In reference to Sara's quote: "The best kind of fame is a writer's fame. Just enough to get a good table at a restaurant....and not enough for someone to interrupt you while you are eating." I am in much agreement with that. I just want to be 'disconnected'. The kind of life where, if I were to go shopping for whatever provisions, I would probably have to use the words "I am going into town." If I could do that, and still keep a decent amount of friends and acquaintances, I would live happily.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]Heh, I have a friend who was in quite a similar situation. Her dad monitored her online activity, including instant messaging and what not. The way she got him to stop reading her IM conversations probably was not the best idea, but it worked. All she did was constantly swear and say "bad things" about "God" (fairly strict Christian family). I think her dad got the message. I do not necessarily suggest doing this. ^_~ I would either seriously talk to him about it, but make sure to be prepared to defend every possible aspect. Do your research and such. ... Or, if you want to take a bit higher risk, give him an example of how just invasive his actions are. If he gets some mail, and you get the mail first. Read it, and tell him about the contents of it when you see him next. I would call that second one "Plan B", though. You could probably use it as a hypothetical situation in "Plan A". Though, some people just do not get it until they actually experience it themselves.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin[/i] [B]And if you did, I'd lose even more respect for your maturity than I already have. :)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Do not be so quick to judge now. It does not necessarily have anything to do with maturity. More so just looking at things differently. Just because I could pervert that comment, does not mean I, myself, am a pervert. I could take that same comment and make it sound like it is talking about a blueberry waffle if I really wanted. It is imagination and creativity. Unfortunately for you, due to certain people that I have grown up around, the more 'perverted' meanings of things click in my mind faster than others. Just because I am not afraid to speak in contrast your beliefs does not justify immaturity. For all you know, I said that for a reason that actually holds a deeper meaning than what is on the surface; perhaps I was making a point. ^_~[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]You can see the shading even if they are in black and white/grayscale-ish. ... o-O It just did not make sense to me to have color in something called "Black and White"...[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]It is a good idea, I suppose. I am sure this could have been done a bit better, but I do not know what program you are working with. If the world is black and white, why are the Yoshis in color?[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3[/i] [B][color=green]*glares at someone in perticular*[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]*is glared at* ... What?! It [i]is[/i] a neutral. :p This is hardly a portfolio. Even if it had more, they all look the same. The first one is a bit different, but not by much. You could not even change the font. *shrugs* Call me when you have something that is [i]really[/i] new.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Of those three, I would say I like the "Loading" one the best, but I would stick with the banner you have.[/color][/size]