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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [b]With regards to this being done by someone with way too much time on their hands.. to do a whole area he must have had [i]waaaaay[/i] too much time on his hands.. and no, God didn't do the crop circle things.. apparently the aliens did.. don't you listen to conspiracy nuts?.. heh ;p[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Lol, true, but there have been people who have made them, and crop circles would take much more strategic effort than simply rolling snow and covering up your footprints.[/color][/size][quote][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth[/i] [b]If these "smowrollers" were made by this imginary thing they like to call "wind"* then it would affect more areas, possibly the whole ground. i would explain these "snow rollers" as an act of god too[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Tornados destroy nearly everything in its path, yet sometimes they will miss certain things. In a nuclear explosion, everything within the blast radius is supposed to be destroyed. Yet I could be in the right position behind something, and not be incinerated. Things have been left untouched. It is just the way things work. We do not necessarily understand [i]how[/i] they work, but they happen anyway. Some people just feel the need for an answer and make something up to explain. For example, "Well, surely, it was an act of God!" "Who??" "GOD! You know? That one guy?" "Oh! Yes, of course!" ... It is what the Greeks did. :p[/color][/size][quote][i]Originally posted by Justin[/i] [b]Heh, Shaun, God has different ways of touching different people. Clearly, He touched you through this, and that's great.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]... I could pervert that [i]so[/i] easily, lol. :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]I call it people with way too much time on their hands, lol. I suppose crop circles are an act of "God", too, and all those dead cows. Poor, poor cows. Easter Island, too, with those giant heads. Sure "God" had to do that, I mean, come on! This is, indeed, interesting, but there are so many possible explanations as to how those things came to be. No need to jump to conclusions. When I see them, I think of cavemen, and the whole deal with "inventing the wheel", lol. It is odd, though, because I was talking about wanting to be a caveman during lunch today... Coincedence? Probably. :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Pfft, I already know what is going to happen until the time I die. I tend to simplify things, and in this case, it is just about as simple as you can get. Until the time I die, I am going to live. Simple as that. What actually happens during my life? I could not care less. What happens happens.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by b3atr3d[/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]...love the pic dude, but I feel stupid asking this question but...who is it of? Is it an original character? It does kinda look like a cross b/t Santa, Jesus, and Zeus...but that's my opinion...ah well...I still think it's cool...good job...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]The crown of thorns is a dead giveaway. It is Jesus. I did not see it so much at first, lol. I was seeing Santa at a three-quarter view. *shrugs* But that is just me. :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][i]The room was quiet. Dead quiet... all except for the rhythmic, soft grunting of the warrior as he had managed to string himself up at his ankles hung upside-down from the ceiling. With his hand crossed firmly over his chest, Piro strenuously lifted his torso over the heightened gravity of the room. Aside from that, the only other sound that could be heard was the small beads of sweat plummeting to the ground. The sound of which remarkably echoed perfectly in the tranquility of the chamber. Piro put forth his final effort as he folded himself almost entirely in half. His eyes shut tight as sweat collected heavily on his brows, then proceeding to roll down his face and find their way to the jaw where they would begin their to descent to the smooth, solid floor. Piro lowered his body, finishing his last set as he then let his arms dangle; tiny beads periodically falling from the very tips of his fingers. His eyes remained closed as he took a moment to relax. Then, with a snap movement from his feet, he let himself drop to the surface as the sharp smack of flesh against floor pierced the overall calm of the air. The hum of the gravitational machinethen seemed louder in Piro's ears, as if he had just woke up from some obscure daydream. His body squirmed and writhed on the ground for a little bit; not from pain, but simply from fatigue. Flopping over onto his stomach, Piro proceeded to push himself up and eventually get to his feet. His stance was anything but erect. The effects of the training were more than apparent, but there was a look in his eyes that said he was not done. If anything, he was far from it. With lazy movement, Piro manage himself into an upright position. Feet together. Fists fit to his sides. Straight spine. Shoulders square. His head, though, was bowed forward as his soaked hair dangled forward. If someone had not seen him before, it would seem to them as if he had only begun his trainging. Aside from the profuse perspiration, he seemed quite out of his fatigue. Piro took in a deep breath; his torso expanding with it. He held it like that for a moment... Then let is loose with a controlled exhale. As this happened, his body developed a distinct, misty, red aura that even with its slow, hypnotic movement possessed a sweet sense of calamity. He seemed so peaceful on the outside, but inside his destructive power lurked heavily as it waited. Breaking from his mold, Piro widen his stance and allowed his fist to come over in front with his arms staying straight down. His aura flickered more anxiously now as he did this. He drew in a deep breath once more, but this one was abrupt as Piro then whipped his head back releasing an earth-pounding yell that seemed to shake the chamber. Though, even the great force of this vocal display was overwhelmed by the violent fury of random, chaotic energy that overspread throughout the room...[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon[/i] [B]Ummmmm, Jolly ole Saint Nick?! Where do you get that? :therock:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]... *realizes the drawing is a profile* ... Heh, I have distorted vision I suppose. :p I do not always see things the way they are meant to be seen.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Pfft, where am I?! Lol... Umm... it looks like Santa Clause, lol. It is pretty good though. Not the best thing ever, but it is good.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Well, I downloaded Linoleum, and, eh, I cannot say it was too much to my liking. Perhaps a bit too calm for my tastes. I actually liked Microsize Boy better. They are not bad, but not really good in my opinion, either. Just kind of in the middle.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]I have never really known any exchange students personally. One time i was over at one of my mom's friend's house helping make skeletons out of plastic milk cartons. They happened to have an exchange student from Germany. He was pretty cool, I guess. He had no problem speaking English at all. I ended up playing some racing game against him in the computer, lol. There was an Asian (not sure which specific race) exchange student in my art class first semester, but these are the only couple times I have ever really encountered anything like this. As for advice, just act as if they were anyone else, because they are. Freaking out and glorifying them will not do much but just kind of freak them out like you would be if some random person did the same thing to you. That is about all I can say.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Ugh... [center][b]Please do not bring back old topics! Especially ones that are [i]this[/i] old.[/b][/center][/size][/color]
[color=indigo][size=1]*blinks several times* How did you pull that background off in MS Paint?? I swear that some of it had to be beefed up a bit in Photoshop. On the right it looks like a diagonal motion blur. I [i]refuse[/i] to believe you did the entire background using [i]just[/i] MS Paint, lol. It is just not possible.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Yes, as Mztik said, there are no Super Saiya-jin levels over level four, and it has been argued if level four is even an actual level. So, obviously, that picture is fake, and the person that did it should be shot. And yes, the "DragonBall V" is also fake. Feel free to read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13660]DragonBall AF[/url] topic at the top of the main DragonBall page for a topic relative to this. Since this holds no real point in conversation, and the question has been answered, I am going to close this. Not because you have done anything wrong, just because the topic is done. :)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Are you trying to tell me that you made the background on MS Paint? I do not believe that program is capable of doing any such thing unless you spent [i][b][u]A LOT[/u][/b][/i] of time on it. Nice addition. It does make it look better. :)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]... There is [i]no[/i] way you did most of that on MS Paint. Tell the truth, lol. It is not bad. What version of Photoshop do you have?[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3[/i] [B][color=green]. . . . you'd be suprized.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]You can make a swirl. A very ugly, disgusting swirl... yes, but it is a swirl none the less, and that is more than MS Paint can say. ;)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Honestly? I do not like any of them, lol, except for the blue one. "chris7.jpg" I believe it is. The one is actually pretty nice looking, in my opinion. The swirls are horrible. It almost made me sick to look at them, and not because they made me dizzy, either. They are just really, really bad, lol. And, ssj3, [i][b]nothing[/b][/i] can be worse than MS Paint, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Oi... you know you have been a moderator too long when you see more two or more posts in a row and it makes your gag reflexes kick in . -__-;; Anyway, the sketches are... well, sketchy, lol. The first one is pretty nice, since it has the most to it. The second one of Shy, is okay, but I am sure it could be better. The third one, I am guessing is unfinished, but I like the design on it. The picture overall looks like it [i]could[/i] be the best of the three if it was more "complete".[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]Microsize Boy is probably the worst track on the CD in my opinion, but I still like it. Like I said, Happy Child is excellent if you can get it. Same with Linoleum.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Heh, yeah, I saw the Linoleum one on their site, but then I noticed the file size was larger than my liking. Keep in mind I only have a 56k modem over here. ;) I am going over to my dad's for a bit tomorrow, so maybe I shall give it a go over there.[/size][/color][quote][b]As for you AFI people... where were you for the Sing the Sorrow thread? No one even bothered other than Piro and myself.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Yeah, seriously... that was pretty disappointing. I [i]know[/i] there are more people on this board besides Semmy and I who know who AFI is, and I expected to hear from them in that topic. Sheesh... no respect, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Honestly people, this topic is [b][u]not[/u][/b] about whatever bands you think people have not heard of. Semjaza is telling you about bands that he is pretty sure that not many people know. If you want to talk about whatever band you speak of, make your own topic. You do not see him going into your topics and changing the subject. Anyway, I cannot say I have heard of either. I searched for Curve on WinMX and was unable to come up with anything, but I went to Tweaker's site and downloaded [i]Microsize Boy[/i]. From that song, I would probably say that they are one of those bands where I have to be in the mood to listen to them. Not saying they are bad, but it just seemed like the kind of sound I would listen to if I was... like... contently depressed, lol. I would be depressed, but at ease with it, if that makes any sense at all. Not bad.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus Bing[/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]I won't get to see this film at the cinema, because I'm not 18, but I guess I'lll watch it somehow.[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Heh, I cannot count how many times I have gotten into an 'R' rated movie despite me being under age. Though you might be noticably young. I have been mistaken fro twenty-six once when I was fourteen... o.O Anyway, as for the movie. I have not seen, and do not know if I shall. The night I saw the preview for it, my friend and I got in a car crash, lol. So, immediately we were like, "Final Destination 3! Starrting *insert our names here*!!" ^^. But yeah, I am in no big hurry to see it.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]*follows steps above* Ahh... So [i]that[/i] is how it is done exactly. Heh, interesting, and all this time I thought MS-DOS Prompt was useless, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Lol, I used to be a pretty hardcore fan of his back in the day. He was probably one of the first musical artists I ever consciously heard. Of course, this was back in the day when his music was actually pretty good. He is way to f---ed up now days for any kind of modern credit. His music has gone down the hole, and I think his reputation, aside from the "King of Pop", speaks for itself on him as a person. It pains me to even look at the guy. *stabs AOL for having a picture of him on their main news* Bleh...[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Heh heh, amusing. I would go there and start moshing, lol. It is movement, yes; but it is certainly [i]not[/i] rythmic. Though, that would probably fall under disorderly conduct or something like that. Perhaps a simpler protest would be to grab a partner and waltz through the streets. :p This law is completely absurd, and should really be put away with.[/color][/size][quote][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee[/i] [b][color=red]Geez..."rhythmic moving"? Surely they could come up with a better term than that...[/color][/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]In their eyes, it is a really good term. They want to keep it really general. You cannot really specifically define "rythmic movement", and being that they are the government they can get away with saying bobbing your head up and down is "rythmic movement".[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Enishi[/i] [B]I don't see a problem with downloading MP3s at school..[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]It uses unnecessary bandwidth. My school has web limits just like any other school, but I have never really had a problem with it. I could always get to these boards, and that is all I ever really did. Even if I did, there are plenty of ways around the controls. Every website has a number. If you can get that number and type that in as the web address, you should be able to get to where you want to go. I believe the process is called "pinging" the site. I am not sure where to find the number of the site, as I have never had to do it, but that is what the word in the hallways is. :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][i]Piro walked through the threshhold of one of the gravitational training facilities. It was more or less a big empty room with a control panel in it, which would work with the gravity. Piro walked nonchalantly over to the panel and examined it. Nothing seemed to be operative. A small blinking green light to his left caught Piro's eye. It seemingly being the only working button on the panel, Piro pushed it. A medium-high pitched beep bounced off the walls of the spacious room. This was soon overtaken by a low hum of the gravitational machine warming up. Obviously, nothing had changed yet due to the fact that the gravity was still at one times normal. Piro searched the panel for how to raise the gravity and soon found a little keypad of numbers. He pondered a bit, and pressed on the five. The numerical symbol appeared flashing on a little screen. Nothing was different, still. Piro noticed an "enter" button below the keypad, and pushed it. Just as he did, the entire atmosphere of the room seemed to change immediately. Piro began to step back from the panel as his steps slowed as they became heavier. The change in atmosphere gave the air a faint reddish tint. Piro stopped and braced himself as the final increase of gravity settled in. He found it not too be too much of a struggle to stand, but moving was going to be a bit more difficult. So to begin his increased gravitational training, Piro began walking as well as he could. Starting without the pave of about a step per ever three to five seconds. Some faults were made at first, and he would fall. He just got right back up, and continued. He would get used to it eventaully.[/i][/color]