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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]*insert Jinzouningen17's big long rant about taking my award from me that can be found on page two if anyone actually wants to read it*[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]... o.o *goes Golden Oozaru and snatches the award from J17. Then proceeding to stomp him to little bits* Just be glad I did not sick Neil(Medra) on you. :p It may have been [i]really[/i] close, but I still won. I am pretty sure you are more deserving to have won, but I still won. =P Have some pie. *gives J17 some pie*[/color][/size]
ways to make your math teacher feel stupid
PiroMunkie replied to master's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [B]Or maybe you can just learn the math and not be another stupid kid...[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Yeah, honestly. If a math teacher is challenged to such an absurd task, it does not take much thought for them to figure out that you have prepared for it, and already know the answer. They will realize how pathetic your attempt is to actually come off smarter than they are, whether or not you really are. So really, the only fool there would be you. My algebra teacher already makes herself seem "odd" enough. Corny jokes seem to be her specialty. She always likes to go off on [i]tangents[/i]... She pulled that joke the first day, lol. I was cracking up in my seat. ^^ This other girl and I were the only ones that got it, I think. Everyone else is pretty ignorant in the math area...[/color][/size] -
[color=indigo][size=1]I apologize, but we do nto really allow favorite topics in this forum. The reason being that they usually have no real conversational value and such. So I am going to close this. It is nothing against you.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [B]I do believe Pilaf is also in GT. Is he not the one that ends up wishing for Gokou to become a kid again or whatever he actually wished for?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Yes, he is the one that wishes Kakarot to be a kid again. He figured he would have a better chance of not getting killed by him if he was little. :p[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy[/i] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson][b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Queen Asuka and PiroMunkie: 23.5[/color][/size][/font][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Well, it is not like we did not see [i]that[/i] one coming. ;)[/color][/size][quote][size=3][font=century gothic][color=crimson][b]Dragonball Guru:[/b] PiroMunkie: 13 Jinzouningen17: 12.5[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]o.o ... That was [i]a lot[/i] closer than I thought it would be. I mean, I knew it would be close, but yeesh... Oh well, congratulations everyone, nominees and all. :)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Well... I shared a paper route with my borther when I was little. He got most of the pay, I only received about five or ten dollars. Though, I was only eight or nine at the time, so that was good for me. When I was fourteen, I worked at a Boy Scout summer camp once. Though, I did not get paid because I was only in training... So that is not really much of a job. My first [i]real[/i] job was at Burger King. *shudders* Oh how I hated that job. I am too independent to work at such a place. It was a definite factor in a mental and emotional breakdown I had a while back. After that happened, my mom let me quit the job. I have been contently unemployed ever since.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]She has really never bothered me at all. Sure her spells sound really stupid and such, but she is really not [i]that[/i] bad. *shrugs* That is just me, though.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon[/i] [B][color=skyblue]and Song 2, by Blur.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I always think of Anna (the member) when I hear that song, lol. She has/had it in her signature and I always ended up singing to myself when I saw it. More songs... [b]AFI[/b] - [i]The Lost Souls[/i] - Finding a special someone. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Morningstar[/i] - Umm... nothing in specific. It is just a really nice song. Almost makes me want to cry at times. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Totalimmortal[/i] - How fun, but at the same time sad, it is to be a "loner"... [i]Awesome[/i] song. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Smile[/i] - It just reignites my spite for the rest of world. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Halloween[/i] - [strike]Santa Day[/strike]... Halloween. It should be every day of the year. >.> ([i]...and now for something completely different...[/i]) [b]Finger Eleven[/b] - [i]First Time[/i] - Being in a position that nearly everone does not approve of. [b]Finger Eleven[/b] - [i]My Carousel[/i] - Just finding the need to get away from everything in a mental state. [b]Finger Eleven[/b] - [i]Bones and Joints[/i] - Constantly finding yourself in a situation you do not want to be in. Well, at least it was not all AFI this time. ^_~[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2[/i] [B]*puts on the jesters hat* Find the biggest, most wet, smelly, dead, rubbery rubber haddock and smack him uppa-his-face next time he does it.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Heh, I pretty much already said that. Just without the silly words and the hat... but the hat makes yours better than mine... >>[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][b]AFI[/b] - [i]Beyond and to All Time I Stand[/i] - Those longs nights when I cannot sleep. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]The Last Kiss[/i] - My depression. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Clove Smoke Catharsis[/i] - My disappointment; being let down. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Malleus Maleficarum[/i] - My pride and resistance. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]A Single Second[/i] - All the times I knew something bad was going to happen, but did not do anything to prevent it. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Let it Be Broke[/i] - Having to put up with the everyday A-hole. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Third Season[/i] - Mwuahah... awaiting the inevitable. [b]AFI[/b] - [i]Lower Your Head and Take it in the Body[/i] - Moral of the story is: Persist in whatever you want to do, but be prepared to be willing to take a few hits because of it. Yeah... I could really go on and on... I think the pattern is eminent, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]I would want to come back as a woman, lol. That would be rather interesting. Just to see how things are from both sides. But yeah, I have actually thought about this before, and that is what I came up with. ^-^[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]... If I was me, but a girl, I would probably punch him in the face, lol. That would most definitely get him to stop. Let us just call that "Plan B", though, lol. I agree with everyone else. Just tell him to stop, and be strict with it. If his feelings get hurt, which they probably will, they get hurt. Do not dwell on it. He brought it upon himself. But yeah, if worse comes to worst... slug him. ^-^ If the school tries to get you in trouble for it, you will not. If it makes you uncomfortable, it will be considered harassment by the school, which is pretty much what it is in general. Of course, the fact that you have not told him to stop is not helping. If you tell him to, and he continues, you can take it to the authority and they will handle it. ... So call violence "Plan C". First, tell him to stop in whatever way you can (try and be strict). If he continues, tell someone of authority in your school. They will most likely get him in trouble for that. I would hope he would have enough sense to stop after this.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][i]Töd sat somewhat calmly at the edge of the bed. Though his hands were strangling the frame. He was not joking when he said he would have killed that man who tried to take his book. His only question would have been how to go about doing it. His eyes darted blankly to the ground as if something caught his attention as his mind swelled with thought. He froze for a moment like this, then blinked slowly as if he shook his head "no" to something. He lowered his head, but it still seemed as if something had his attention. He murmured a soft curse under his breath. It was still again, but Töd's body strained suddenly as he shot off of the bed and reached under grabbing the book only proceeding to hurl it across the room...[/i] [b]Töd:[/b] Shut the **** up!!!!! [i]The book hit the opposite wall with a slight thud as it then fell to the ground and open to the second of the four pages where he had something marked. A quick look of terror snapped onto his face as he dashed across the floor and slid on his knees to the book closing it as fast as he possibly could. He tucked it under his arms and walked with a stride back to the bed. He placed the black book on his lap looking at it intensely...[/i] [b]Töd:[/b] No... NO! He is not there!!! [i]He opened the book to his marked spot and jabbed his finger down onto his the spot he was referring to.[/i] [b]Töd:[/b] SEE!?! That is [i]exactly[/i] where I was earlier! That is where he lives! I waited there all day and he was not there!! He has to be somewhere else! ... [i]A second or two passed and Töd shouted some more curses slamming the book shut and pulling his bag out from beneath his bed. He forced the book in violently, pulled the drawstrings, tied it shut, and threw it to the ground.[/i] [b]Töd:[/b] ... *sigh* I need a drink... [i]With that, he picked up the bag and slung it over his shoulder; then walking calmly out of the room...[/i][/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Eh, I do not really get much of the "Wow! You look a lot like *insert name here*!". Though, once or twice in my life I have been told I resemble the guy who plays Sean Hunter on [i]Boy Meets World[/i], and also Leonardo DiCaprio. Of course, then I have also been compared to Davey Havok at times (pfft, like I am [i][b]that[/b][/i] sexy... >.>) I am sure most of you know of DiCaprio, but me just show you a picture of [URL=http://www.altpress.com/sections/covers/12-06-2000/2002/1641mar02.jpg]Davey Havok[/URL](third from left) to show you how different the two are. *shrugs* My hair was different than that when I was being compared to Davey, but I it is a bit hard to find a good, still picture of him, lol. I think I look more like Davey than I do Leo or that other guy(thank goodness). Except my hair is not [i]quite[/i] that long. it is not black either... and I am just [i]not [b]that[/b][/i] sexy, lol.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][b]"I do not care if the glass is half empty or if it is half full, I just want to know if you are going to finish your drink."[/b] Heh, this one has been with me for a while. It is the only quote I really have.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][i]As early morning came around, Piro was no longer practicing the Zanzoken technique. Instead, sight came upon him sitting upright in his bed with his back against the wall. His eyes were open, but the rest of his body seemed entirely limp. Though, he was able to keep his head up, and every so often he would blink. His eyes themselves often darted across the room. He was in the euphoric state of rest that had been described earlier. The body sleeps while the mind stays alert and awake without attracting any kind of fatigue. A few more moments passed in tranquility. Piro closed his eyes, and, as if his body had been shocked back to life, he jumped up from against the wall now finding himself in a very low crouch/squat keeping his balance and the balls of his toes. His hands were stretched out in front and off to the sides; his fingers spread wide as he maintained his balance for the next for moments. Following this time, he lowered his heels to the bed slowly. As soon as they came in contact with the bed, he pushed off to the side towards the closet straight of the bed and into a somersault on the floor. After completing a full roll he swiftly lifted himself so he was standing. He felt great. As he always did after he was able to rest like that. He was full of energy, and just ready to go and the slightest hint of a call. He decided to leave his cloak in the closet, as it was a bit of an inconvenience to have to carry it around. He pulled out his PSM and looked at his statistics once more, just to see where he was starting from:[/i] [size=1][u][b]PIRO[/u] Strength:[/b] 40 [b]Defense:[/b] 30 [b]Speed:[/b] [strike]45[/strike] » 50 [b]Ki:[/b] 30[/size] [i]It seemed that practicing the Zanzoken non-stop paid off a bit. He could not recall exactly how long he worked with it, but it was definitely a while. He only acquired about an hour or two of rest. With that, he pocketed the PSM and made his way back out towards the training areas. He thought he would try one of the gravitational chambers for starters, and maybe something lighter afterwards...[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]This Celuloid Dream was slightly disappointing to me at first... Mostly because I was hoping for something a bit heavier overall, although this song has it's moments of that. I personally prefer Girl's Not Grey.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I was talking to one of my friends (the one who introduced me to AFI), and she said something I agreed with about [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i]. It is that it is too "radio friendly" as she put it. The first time she heard the song she was frightened by the lack of emotion. It is pretty similar all the way through. It almost made her not want to buy [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] (she listened to [i]This Celluloid Dream[/i] later and her mind was set back on track). She has never heard an AFi song she did not like. That is why it freaked her out so badly.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Lol, yes, FYI: this thread [i]will[/i] be closed as well, but, like gokents said, do not take them personally. It is not because it was [i]you[/i] that posted them, it would have been done if anyone else had posted them. Your "Create A Villain" thread had no real point except to create random villains, and I could see senseless follow-up posts before it even started. Given, not [i]everyone[/i] is that way, and will post such spam, but chances are the "wiser" (for lack of better word) members would probably refrain from posting in it, because it holds no real purpose or idea. So that would make the thread completely null. As for your "best villain" thread, we do not usually allow "favorite" topics of any sort. I usually like to give some of them a chance, because surely they cannot [i]all[/i] end up bad with one word posts, or just senseless posts. So I usually wait until one or two people post in them, and decide whether or not to close it from there. That is just me. In your thread, the next person's post was far from readable. I could not make sense of pretty much anything. It started with a bad reply, so it was closed. It had nothing to do with you in specific. Also, like gokents said, if you have little qualms like this, it is best sent to one of the moderators of that forum through Private Messages instead of posting an irrelevant topic in the forum. I apologize if this has angered you any, it was surely not my intent. I do not even know you all to well. I hope you understand, and that there are no hard feelings or anything. Best of Luck To You, -PiroMunkie PS - I would also like to remind all members to try and refrain from "playing mod". I understand you were not necessarily yelling at the person, but if a post or topic comes along that needs a moderator's attention you can use the "Report this post to a moderator" link at the bottom of everyone's post. A moderator will get to it as soon as possible. Until then, just leave it be. Thank you.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head[/i] [B]You shouldn't be afraid to confront her friend if you want to talk to this girl that badly. One conversation wont kill anyone ya know[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Well, actually it could, but not in this scenario, lol. He is right, though. You should not feel nervous about confronting a girl [i]you know[/i] for Ashley's number. I think she would understand. :)[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]I would consider it. I am with Foredaddy on the point about: "No girlfriend names or some crazy thing like a big black panther". Though it would not necessarily be about a happy memory or whatever. Just things that help express me. Things that are part of who I am, or what I have become. I draw on myself occasionally with permanent marker. I once have a bunch of random images and words drawn on my right hand all the way three-fourths up my forearm. It got rather tiring to retrace every morning, but I still did it anyway. It was pretty cool. So yeah, I would consider it.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Hrmm, we have spoken a bit about this before, but nothing too in depth. I think the best thing you can do is what has already been said. Find some way to get her number, whether it be through her, a friend, or whatever. Hope for the best, but do not hold your breathe on it. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. That is probably the best advice I can give you. It is what I usually do. Good luck.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]Ah, yes. [i]This Celluloid Dream[/i]. I was a bit reluctant to check this one out at first since I was just seeing links about it online. I thought it might have been leaked without an 'Okay' by the band. I do not like to spoil things. But when I saw on the main site that they had okayed it, so I decided to give it a listen. I was rather impressed by this one. I like it a bit more than [i]Girl's Not Grey[/i]. It is a bit more fast paced and a bit harder, as well. Only making me more excited for the new album.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I've been lead to believe by people in the loop that this CD on a whole is heavier than some of their past stuff, but a lot more polished (don't ask me if this is actually true though). I guess the polish comes along with them signing to a bigger label, who really knows.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]Well, the bigger label might would probably have something to do with it. That, and this is the longest they have ever spent in the production of their albums. [i]The Art of Drowning[/i] was released in, what...? 2000? So they have had a while to work with it and make sure everything sounds just like they want it to. I believe they even want into this in a little video of them in the studio on their site.[/color][/size][quote][b]Seemed to be obviously Davey to me about 6 seconds in, but at first he kind of sounded like... A girl?[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]This was my thought exactly, lol. I am pretty sure my facial expression was far beyond any sort of befuddlement it has ever shown. It is good now, though. So excited. >_
[color=indigo][size=1]The latest single from AFI coming off of their upcoming ablum [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i] (shamelessly advertised in my signature >.>). Being that my computer at home is utter crap and AOL is an unspeakable utterance of bad things, I have just recently been able to listen to this. First Reaction: Eh? Who is singing this? I did not recognize Davey's voice at first, but it soon became apparent. This first uneasiness with the song distracted me through my first listen. Final Reaction: As I listened to it through the second time, I was surely able to enjoy it. I have not stopped listening to it since, and this was about two and a half hours ago. In comparison to their previous ablum [i]The Art of Drowning[/i], it seems a bit more mellow. Of course, there is still the rest of [i]Sing the Sorrow[/i], which I believe is said to have around eighteen tracks on it, this might hold some more intense songs as well. All in all, I am most definitely looking forward to March 11, 2003... *notices date mistake in signature* Beh... and me away from my home computer. Anyway, I would enjoy to see what others have to say about it, even if you are unfamiliar with the band. You can get a streaming audio here: [center][b]- [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/audio/girlsnotgrey_56.asx]Windows Media 56k[/url] - [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/audio/girlsnotgrey_128.asx]Windows Media 128k[/url] - [url=http://www.dreamworksrecords.com/media/afi/singthesorrow/audio/girlsnotgrey.ram]Real Media[/url] -[/b][/center][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic[/i] [B][color=darkblue]Damn you Piro, you took the words I was thinking of and posted them as I scrolled down this page :p[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Lol, yeah... we tend to be creepy like that. o.o I could not imagine what it would be like if we were both risking our lives at the exact same time for the same person... well, actually, I can. We would probably find a way to both die, lol. Perhaps if the person was being shot at, we would jump in front, and bullet would pass through the person in front and into the person is back. Two birds with one stone. ^-^[/color][/size]