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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo][size=1]Without a second thought. Yes, I would. I do not even have to love the person. Just care about them on some level. My life is not all that important that I should be so selfish as to let another go to waste when I could have prevented such.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Heh, yeah. I checked them out a while ago. I have a few songs of theirs on my computer. [i]Tall Cans in the Air[/i] is a pretty catchy song. It is pretty much just a party song. I think anyone could enjoy that one, regardless of whatever kind of music you listen to (unless you are offended by swearing). [i]Daimonds and Guns[/i] is good as well. It gives off this old western feel, lol. The other song I have is [i]My Friend and Her Boyfriend[/i]. It is kind of emo-ish. Not quite taking to my preferences, but others might enjoy it. All in all, they are an okay band. The sound is pretty different, nothing to earth-shattering, though.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animestereotype/evil.gif[/img] ... *shrugs* More or less... [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animevampire/morr.gif[/img] *begins to seriously question his sexual preference* [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dragonhalfcharacter/siva.gif[/img] Yup! Aside from the imcompetent part... most of the time. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dbgirl/videl.gif[/img] Actually quite accurate. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dbguy/vegeta.gif[/img] I was a bit surprised actually... I [i]can[/i] be that way, but I am mostly joking at the time. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/mononoke/spirit.gif[/img] Honestly, I have never known myself to be like this. Wise? Maybe. Soft-spoken? Yes. But the rest is pretty off. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/inuyashavillain/yura.gif[/img] [b]o.O;;[/b] Ahem... *walks away silently* [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/nervchild/rei.gif[/img] *nods* This Guru is most definitely wise. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/sanx/koge.gif[/img] *drops his chalupa* Bullseye! Looks like I have a better alter ego to go by... so cute too. ^_^ [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/shoujomascot/nazo.gif[/img] "Harmless unless provoked" is more like it. But otherwise, right on. [b]Final Thought:[/b] I am either homosexual or a woman. Either way, I am quite content with myself, but unhappy with the rest of the world. Thus ending my self-analysis. *bows to Guru*[/color][/size]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4[/i] [b]Bulma doesn't look older than chi chi.................[/b][/quote][color=indigo][size=1]True, but in my opinion, Bulma's voice has always sounded older than ChiChi's. It is more soft (excpet when she is yelling) and a bit more choppy as people's voices tend to get when they become older. ChiChi's voice is very strong, though, and demanding. Of course, if you have seen DragonBall, then you know who is older. :p[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Tödliches Bündnis (just call him 'Tod', for short. If you want feel free to add the accent 'ö'.) [b]Race:[/b] Daywalker [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Bio/History:[/b] Daywalker: One born from a mother who was bit by a Vampire while she was pregnant. Given all of a Vampire's strengths, and none of their weaknesses. Töd's mother died about a week after his birth, where he was left in his father's care in a small, slightly isolated town. There was no neighoring area as far as the eye could see from the outer edges of the town. Though, one could easily travel by horse, get to a nearby city or town, and back within half a day or less. Töd's craving for blood was one trademark of the Vampire that carried within him. Whenever such a thirst occured, his father would give him an animal from their livestock, as his family were farmers. Mostly raising chickens and cattle. Töd was too young and naive to notice that know one else he knew did this, so he never questioned anything. Though, as soon as he reached the early years of puberty, this craze of his faded until it was no more. He eventually forgot about it, but it would come to realize it in a few years once more. He would also find out even later, that his loss of his thirst for blood was to be replaced by something else. Around the age of sixteen, Töd received an old envelope from his father. In it was a letter... from his mother. It was written within the last couple days of her mortal life. In it, his mother expressed all her love in the world to him, and topped all off with a confession as to what he is. It was at this time that Töd recalled his cravings as a child, and now had an answer for them. Often as a child he tried to attack other people. Adults and children alike. He was always stopped before anyone got seriously hurt. He did not wish for a bad reputation among the people, so he swore to himself not to harm another as long as he could help it. This resolve was short-lived. No more than a couple of years later, Töd was accidentally bumped sharply into by a hastey person. Töd hit a wall busting his lip open, and that was all it took. A pouring of his own blood. An immediate, fiery, bloodlust reaction raged uncontrollably inside of him, and he chased the man down. Then proceeding to beat the man savagely in any way Töd knew how until the man was nothing but a bloody mass. His Vampire inherited ability clearly showed in the brutal display. The onlookers were too frightened to try and stop him, but as soon as he realized what he had done he ran to his father. Upon hearing the news, the father packed several supplies and told Töd to run away for several days while he tried to clear things up the best he could. So Töd left, for four days. It only took a matter of hours after he left for the towns people to bring the father to a conclusion. They threatened that either they both die, or Töd dies. Fearing for his own life, the father chose the latter. When Töd returned to town four days after in hopes that his father worked things out, he found it completely demolished. Utterly destroyed. People and all. He searched all around until he could search no more for any sign of a survivor or telling of what happened, but none were spared and trace of anthing was too faint to make distinct conclusions. All he knew is that the town fell without even the use of fire. Everything was broken. Collapsed. Töd made his way to a main building at the front of the town. Many of the walls were fallen and there were bodies all about in pools of blood. Töd picked up a big, black book off the floor. He tore a majority of the pages out leaving only about ten in. On those pages was the record for anyone and everyone who passed in and back out of the town within those days. He was convinced that it was his fault for the destruction. Revenge from a greater power. If he had not killed that man, it would not have happened. It may seem a bit unreasonable, but he was left horribly traumatized by the event. The psychological wounds drove him to the edge of insanity and held him there. He needed to know what happened. It became an obsession... Over the coming years he searched out anyone he could find in the listings. There were at [i]least[/i] a hundred, and up until present day, he has only found a handful of them. He questioned these people if they knew anything of the events that destroyed. Very shortly after his visits with them, they passed away or disappeared. No one knows why. Töd was kind enough to visit all of their funerals. After which, he continued his search... [b]Description:[/b] Roughly six feet tall, but relatively thin with a sleek muscular build. Bald, with pale, pale skin. Velvet crimson eyes. His clothes are nothing special; dark browns and blacks. A heavy coat made from some type of hide, long sleeve shirt, pants, and boots. A nasty scar on the right of his lower lip. [b]Equipment:[/b] A blood-stained, tattered black book (he lets NO ONE see it... so no peeking unless you have a death wish) [i]kept in his bag)[/i]; twin jackknives (single blade) [i]one in either boot[/i]; a personal pen (writes in red) [i]in the bag[/i] [b]Reason for being at The Post:[/b] Töd believes the someone he is looking for is in the area. His ultimate hope is to find out what happened to his town, so he can set his tortured conscience to rest.[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][i]Piro passed through the door to his dorm and flipped on the lights. There was no sign of Satari, so obviously he was still training. Piro just wanted to calm down a bit. Even his meditation proved to be rather intense. Though, there was still one thing he did want to work on - Zanzoken. It was not a violent or disruptive technique, so practice and developement would be simple. He also assumed that it did not require much activity, so he would not waste a whole lot of his energy. Piro had thought about the process of using Zanzoken and the actual process of doing it on his walk to the dorm. His Creator was right; he did know how to do it. He just did not know he knew. When he was fighting the droid, his conscious thought told him that there was no way to evade the oncoming attack, but his subconscious knew better and forced its way into Piro's movement forcing him to move the way he did without him knowing it. Now he know, though. The idea was in his conscious thought. All he needed was focus, which was why he unknowingly did it within his meditation. With how deep his focus was, just thinking about it caused him to perform the maneuver. It was eminent that he would not be allowed to go into such focus in the middle of a battle, so he would need to sharpen this skill until it was mere reflex. Since he was going to remain in the dorm for the rest of the night, the plan of action was to put his cloak away. His premier chance to begin his practice. Piro relaxed himself, and closed his eyes gently. He let everything just sink into him. Everything was quiet. So quiet. The kind of quiet that could nearly drive a person insane if kept in it long enough. Silence is golden, but even gold has its flaws. His concentration grew deeper; a facial expression made this apparent as his eyebrows scrunched in... His left eye flinched. A few moments passed, and Piro's being faded away. A door slammed shut as Piro had finished putting his cloak in the closet. Zanzoken was a lot easier than he had made it out to be. First, it took him panic. Then, unfathomably deep focus. Now, just a few moments of focus. At this rate, he could very easily have this close to perfection by the next sunrise. With this in mind, he kept at it. Within an hour or two, he was tossing objects across the room and getting to them before they hit anything...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]OOC: In this next post, Piro will be communicating with his Creator; the original Pyro from the first DragonBall:Battlefield. Just for those that did not know of him. Pyro will be the [b]bold[/b] text, Piro will be the "quoted" text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Now that the fight between Tonberry and Cactaur was at its end, Piro's power had calmed. His body was once again only radiating ki rather than filling the room with it. He been like this for quite some time. A couple hours maybe. If any outsider could break him from his concentration now, it would be quite a feat. It seemed to him that he no longer existed in the real world, that he was within an inner sanctuary. He could see inside of himself... Suddenly, a static hush murmured in Piro's ears - well, not really in his ears. He knew what was happening, and what he was hearing was in his mind. The hush carried on for a moment or two, and then came to a fading stop as a voice broke through... [b]Piro...[/b] He needed not to respond with vocal words, his thoughts were this means of communication.[/i] "Creator." [i]A flash of red light filled Piro's mind, both conscious and subconscious. Piro now found himself standing in the middle of it. He was existing in phsyical form within his own thoughts and surrounded by this light. A giant, firey portal opened from above. It blazed violently, but brought no fear to he who witnessed it. The voice boomed again...[/i] [b]You are training well. You have made good progress already. Nothing too significant, but you are coming along. Much faster than I was when I first started...[/b] [i]Piro responded, his voice seemed faint under the blazing inferno.[/i] "Thank you..." [i][b]In time, you power will grow, and I shall be able to bestow upon special techniques that I once used myself; as well as create your own. Then, when you have reached a power of some maginificence, you will be able to harness specific powers. Seven to be exact, but do not hold your breath on these. You still have a long ways to go.[/b] Piro nodded.[/i] "I understand." [i]There stood some null time. Piro lowered his head from the flaming sky, and allowed his thought to become a bit distracted... only to be interrupted. [b]Yet, I sense there are things of which you do not understand.[/b] Again, Piro nodded.[/i] "Yes, there are. Simple things really... When I was training, I found myself doing things I never knew I could do." [i]Even though his Creator knew the answer, he still questioned. [b]Like what?[/b][/i] "When I was battling the droid, I amazingly dodged one of its attacks. I was sure it was going to make a direct hit, but it is as if I jus-" [i][b]Disappeared?...[/b] Piro looked up again astounded. Really, he should not have been considering who he was talking to, but you just do not see it coming sometimes... Piro nodded. [b]You have discovered Zanzoken. You were uncommonly in a panic, which is what brought this technique to you. It is a rather general technique. Pretty much anyone with significant power can do it if they want to.[/b] Piro looked a bit confused. He was glad that he had learned a new technique and all... but he did not really learn it, because he did not recall how he did it.[/i] "... How?" [i][b]The person moves so fast that they seem to just disappear. Most times, they leave an after image of themselves that can act as a decoy to the simple-minded, or unexpecting, foe. All one is really doing is relocating themselves at a greater speed than the eye can follow. You appeared in the same position because you actually jumped rather than ran.[/b] This explained what happens when the technique is performed, but it still did not give Piro any real answers... or, at least the ones he was looking for...[/i] "How do I do it?" [b][i]You already know how... You just did it.[/b] Then, within the a split second, Piro's eyes snapped open as he found himself conscious in the real world again. His red aura had faded, and there was something rather peculiar about the room... it seemed... different. Then, Piro noticed that he was seated on a bench next to the left wing. He had been sitting next to the right wing before... Piro chuckled to himself. His Creator never ceased to astonish him. He stood up and pulled his PSM from somewhere in his cloak and looked at where he was...[/i] [size=1][b][u]PIRO[/u] Strength:[/b] [strike]25[/strike] » 40 [b]Defense:[/b] [strike]25[/strike] » 30 [b]Speed:[/b] [strike]25[/strike] » 45 [b]Ki:[/b] [strike]25[/strike] » 30[/size] [i]It was a good start, he supposed. He pocketed the PSM and decided to call it a day on training... He still had the whole night ahead of him.[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2[/i] [B]I believe myself to be genuine.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Notice I said "mass", as in the majority. Not all. As with most other things, there are always exceptions.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by digitalshadow[/i] [B]In my English class we're going over the book Catcher in the Rye, and boy are we having discussions. My teacher gives us a question to think about each day and we give out our answers to those questions and all of us of interesting point of views, so I thought I might ask the questions my teacher does to you guys and hear your answers and opinions. Here's the first question he asked: Is there something from your society that you think are "phony"?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Mass society all together is pretty phony when you look at it. There is nothing all that genuine anymore...[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1]Eh, I have never really had a problem with insecurity about much of anything. I mean, the main time people usually start worrying about this stuff - high school - I was given quite a bit of security. It was not long into my freshman year and I was asked out by a sophomore. o-O I do not know about you, but that is quite unprecendented in these parts, lol. Especially considering my low social status. But yes, gokents' advice is definitely what to shoot for. Look for someone more like you. Or, if you are tired of looking, just open yourself up. Make yourself known to everyone else, and wait to see if anyone comes.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]I do not know how to look at binary or recognize the eighth language, but the rest are simple. [b]CS2[/b] Solving it will prove [b]CS3[/b] you are very smart and you will receive a nice pat [b]CS4[/b] on the head for your work in solving it [b]CS6[/b] with this text you are reading and [b]CS7[/b] I explain to you, if your right, [b]CS9[/b] Good work! *is smart enough to use online translators* lol...[/size][/color]
[color=indigo][i]While Piro never actually went to view the fight with his own eyes, he monitered it from his already existent position in the main lobby in his mind. His concentration ran deep, and the distinct powers of Tonberry and Cactuar could not help but swim in his thoughts. They were so unique, in fact, that every move they made was seen unmistakably in Piro's conscious. If he did not know any better, he could swear that he could hear their words. Either way, their words held no relevance to him. It was just personal chat, no doubt. It was the power and skill that interested him, and it interested him not in the exciting manner a fight usually gets him in. This was serious to him. This is exactly why he had come here. It was this kind of ability that he was here to achieve. Piro's concentration on this spar was so intense that, unknowingly to himself, his previous, thin, red aura had crawled along the walls, ceiling, and floor of the lobby so that the entire room was surrounded by this calm, yet seemingly unstable energy. It was enough to make even the most fearless person feel less than comfortable, and Piro sat at the source of it all. The eye of the hurricane.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Piro made his way out to the Colosseum where all of the doors that lead everywhere else stood around waiting to be opened. With all of his physical training done for the time being, he figured it would be senseless to go back into the training room or one of the arenas. With this thought in mind he began to make his way back towards the main hall. In the middle of his way there, a door opened on one of the upper levels behind him; the sound reverberated throughout the spacious area. Piro turned around to see who it was. At first, he did not see anyone, but the door did shut. He focused more on there area allowing him to see a little green head stick up over a low wall.[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] Ah... Tonberry! [i]His voice bounced on and off any surface it could find as the little green man stopped and turned in Piro's direction. With ease and skill, Tonberry hopped up ontop of the wall he stood behind in order to get a better vintage point.[/i] [b]Tonberry:[/b] Piro! Yes, what can I do for you? Done training? [i]Even for how small Tonberry was, his voice carried far and rang loudly and clearly in Piro's ears. Piro shifted his stance, being bored in the other, and spoke once more.[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] My physical training? Most likely. I am going to foucs my mind for a bit now. Listen, in the second Droid-Combat arena there is a droid that needs a bit of repairing. [i]Tonberry nodded and made a note of that in his head. These fighters were as much of a menace as they were a blessing. Tonberry chuckled at that thought. It seems repairs were definately going to be a high priority if this kept up. Especially with Shin's recent incident.[/i] [b]Tonberry:[/b] All right, thank you for letting me know, Piro! I have some other things to take care of, so I shall catch you later! [i]Piro nodded and waved a fare well as they both carried out about their business. Piro went through the main Colosseum doors and made his way through the luxurious hallway that he had passed through before; the one with the glass roof. It was a bit warm in there because of that, but it was not uncomfortable. The next room he found himself in was the main hall; where they had all met this morning. He did not feel like going back to the dorm, it was too early to do that. Plus there was not much to do there, and it was smaller. So, he decided to stay here for now and took a seat on a bench against a wall. He leaned forward resting his elbows on each knee and folded his hands together interlocking the fingers. He bowed his head down between his thumbs and closed his eyes, and waited for his body to calm. With how quiet it was, he could hear the sound of his own heartbeat slowing down with each pulse. It was steady, and rhythmic. Once it seemed that his heart was no longer drumming, Piro's body radiated with a calm, red aura as his thoughts sunk deep into himself and he was oblivious to the rest of the world...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Both fighters were in the intense heat of battle as they constantly moved in out and of quick hit and run attacks. As they were in the second round, they exchanged hit for hit, neither party had the upper hand. One thing Piro had definitely noticed about the fight is that its challenged increased the more effort he put forth. It was as if the droid's skill level was not set at just one particular power, fighting style, mentality, and overall ability. It acted just as a normal person would; being able to fluctuate its power at will. Their designer and engineer must have been a genious to create such a system. Piro figured that the droids' separate levels were similar to that of the Saiya-jin's, as his Creator had described to him when he told of his past. Within one level ranged a whole possibility of skill and power; within another lay even more. Who knows how far one level actually reaches before it needed to put up a noth in order to become more difficult. As the fight had continued on, Piro found himself being more and more forced into using his ki as a source of defense and attack. By this time, he was getting used to it. He could not do anything too extravagant, but that could be worked on. He was also being forced to use a bit of flight as an evasive maneuver. He had began to suffer a few physical wounds; nothing too threatening, and so the fight continued... The droid skidded backwards to a stop coming out of another quick scuffle immediately tossing two random balls of ki in Piro's direction. Piro reacted throwing a fist forward, which, upon reaching its extent, developed a semi-transparent lense of red energy. The droid's ballistics smashed into the shield and bounced right back off leaving faster than they arrived. Piro charged forward not far behind the orbs. The droid leaped high into the air as the two balls high there ground where it stood, where they were absorbed (just like when energy hit the walls). Anticipating a attack from behind, Piro took low flight into the air as a barrage of small ki blasts began to be fired at him by the droid like a machine gun. They chased him all around the air as he continued to evade them. He then took a sharp turn towards the droid taking the risk of a frontal attack while the attack at hand was still being operate. He dodged left, right, up, and down as the ki flew chaotically around him. He was faring pretty well and was getting within good proximity of the droid, but he was still not a pro at battle during flight which became eminent as a shot grazed his left shoulder. The force of the hit spun Piro into a barrel roll as his extremities flailed about. He passed under the droid heading for the ground, but if he was going down so was the droid as he wrapped his hands around the shins of the droid bringing them both to the ground with a heavy crash. The droid rolled uncontrollably free from Piro as he rolled in the other direction. Piro got to his feet. He was beginning to notice that this droid was becoming more accustomed to long-range attacking and defense, as well as airborne battle. It seemed as though it was monitering Piro's skill and exploiting what weak points it could find. Wasting no time, Piro charged at the droid trying to get back into close-range combat for a while, but the droid finished standing up and acted quickly by grabbing Piro's arm and using his forward momentum to fling him overhead and toss into the wall about fifty feet away. Piro hit the wall without and just slid to the ground then proceeding to scurry to his feet as the droid fired a solitary beam at Piro. It sliced through the air as it soon came into Piro's attention. He threw his palm forward to meet it and upon impact there was a slight power struggle, but Piro was able to deflect the beam away. Again Piro charged the droid with all of his might as his body developed a thin, red aura. The droid began hovering backwards in retreat keeping itself at the same speed Piro was coming at at it then unleashed an even heavier, and more random, melee of ki missles. Being that Piro was on the ground it was much easier for him to avoid them. Seeing that he was gaining no ground on his opponent, Piro leaped forward into a crouch and push off his legs into the air in constant forward flip. Once at a reasonable height he rolled out of the flip and came to an abrust stop throwing his arms forward emitting a ball of ki from his hands as his aura flared for that moment. The droid stopped its assault, and looked more closely into the air with a delayed notice of the sphere of ki heading its way. With no time to dodge the ball smashed the droids right arm nearly ripping it off the body. The arm became useless like a dislocated shoulder. Piro knew his shot was pure luck, as he was hoping for a haed or chest shot, but this would do. The droid tried to bring its arm back into comission as Piro began a fast, sharp decent toward the unsuspecting droid who had become too distracted. Retracting his left arm back with a tight fist packed at the end, Piro lined up his shot. Just before impact the droid's head snapped up in surprise as Piro pounded the right side droid's head with a solid left hook. The droid's 'face' took a slight dent from the impact. Its glass-like eyes shattered from the force of the impact as the entirety of the droid flew backwards crashing violently into the wall. Its body fell limply to the ground where it layed there as if it were dead as Piro came to a crash landing. Constant electrical snaps sounded, and every so often sparks would erupt from the droids now empty eyes. Those were perhaps the only signs that it was still operative aside from the occasional twitch in the circuitry of its fingers. Piro got up and looked at the defeated droid. His eyes widened at the sight of the damage done. It was not necessarily a lot, but it was more than he expected.[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] Umm... whoops... [i]Piro scratched his head and examined the droid for a moment more. After he was finished, Piro brushed himself off and examined his wounds: some bruises, some slightly charred areas from energy hits, some cuts. None of them hurt too much. There was a constant stinging sensation on his body now, but the the initial pain was over. Regardless, he enjoyed it. Piro moved over to his things and first put his shirt back on, followed by his cloak. Now he just carried his towel with him. He made his way over to the droid who was still active. He rolled it over and opened the panel on its chest once more, and pressed the power button. The panel closed itself as the robotic voice came forth once again...[/i] [b]Droid:[/b] Single opponent: Unknown origin... Power set at Level 1. Training session: End. [i]With that, the droid's body eased as the snaps and sparks slowed to a stop. Piro left it sprawled on the floor near the wall. He did not want to accidentally cause more damage than necessary. So, at last, Piro released a final sigh as he exited the arena. When he came into the main hallway he looked both ways and decided to go left. He would then resume some calmer training. He had been going hard for several hours now. First in the weight room, then in the Droid-Combat Arena. His first point of business, though, was to notify either Tonberry or Cactuar that a droid needed a face lift...[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3[/i] [B]Well, hey, she looks pretty good for 100 years old. She still seems to have original hair color, so I believe that the "prime" genetics very well may go the same for part Saiya-jins.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]Her original hair color was black... o-O This is more a darker lavender. Given, she does look pretty good for being one hundred years old (but its Pan so she always looks good. ;)), you might take into account that she was a bit of a fighter. So, she is probably in pretty good shape, especially if she continued her training and such even after DragonBall GT. Of course her tomboyishness probably came from her Saiya-jin side, so her genetics probably played some role in how she ages. Not to mention she was not one to wear make-up either. :p Some of that stuff can cause your skin to wrinkle, and she does not seem to have many of those except for a few. I would say that her Saiya-jin blood might slow her aging a bit, but nothing too significant. So perhaps, Gohan, being half Saiya-jin, aged slower than her, and so forth. It was never really explained, so we really do not know...[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3[/i] [B]You took the words right out of my mouth. :) Although Yamcha does seem younger than Goku, he is older and is supposed to look it, what with Goku being a Saiya-jin and having the genetics to look in his prime. What I'm wondering is, does this go the same with half Saiya-jins?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][size=1]I would not think that it works the same way with half Saiya-jins. If you have ever seen, or seen pictures from, the DragonBall GT television special that came after the actual series, Pan was very very old. I forget the actual age, but not only was she old, but she [i]looked[/i] old. Given, Pan is only one-fourth Saiya-jin, but if it happens for her, I think it would happen for a half Saiya-jin simply for the presence of human genetics allowing them to age. Attached is a picture of Pan when she is older, and with some style!:cool:[/color][/size]
[color=indigo][i]The battle raged on as Piro proved to be more of a challenge to the droid than he was at first. Sounds of fist hitting metal and metal hitting skin fluttered about as the droid and Piro made their way all around the arena exchanging punch for punch, kick for kick, and hit for hit in a fury of constant movement. The droid's fist planted itself in Piro's cheek as he rolled off it and spun in a circle delivering a powerful backhand to the droid. Both proceeded to perform evasive acrobatics getting themselves away from the other so to take a quick breather; or, in the droid's case, just re-evaluate the situation. Piro removed his shirt once more. By this time, it was torn, beaten, and battered from the fight. This is what Piro was made for -- To fight; and he was enjoying every second of it. He enjoyed how the droid did not use its ki power too often; mostly just relying on phsyical combat. Piro had not yet totally developed his control on his ki power, so he had a harder time retaliating the same way. One thing he did not like, though, is that these battles were completely grounded. The droids seemed incapable of going airborne... but perhaps that was on a higher level. The ability to fly was another thing Piro knew he had to work on. He can move around fine in the air, but he has found that it is more difficult to fight in such a position. Regardless, he had to focus on the now. The droid stood waiting for him to begin; and so he did. He ran towards the droid as fast as he could carrying both hands overhead fist-in-palm. The droid began to run as well with its fists at its sides. When in close proximity, the droid swung forward with both fists. Piro had anticipated the move as he lept through the air in a slow forward flip. By the time he was directly over the droid's head, Piro was straight up and down, and, with his hands still ready for attack, brought them to the back of the droid's head like an axe. The droid stumbled forward as Piro twisted his body and landed facing the droid. Just as he did, the droid dropped into a mule kick pounding both feet into Piro's chest sending him through the air and to the ground. Piro rolled himself backwards into a crouched position and lunged at the approaching droid grabbing it in a bear hug around the lower torso area, lifting it off the ground, and throwing it back down onto its back. The droid flipped itself up with and immediate punch which Piro narrowly dodged, but only to feel a kick to his side hit instead. Piro quickly caught his stumble and moved it into a cartwheel followed by a round off as the droid was dead on his tail. Piro quickly grabbed its head and lifted his legs into the air and drop kicking the droid's visage. Piro used the kick's backward force to flip himself over, but it was not enough and he landed on his knees. Piro grunted loudly at the unexpected pain, but continued the fight despite it. When he stood up, he found the droid standing at a distance with both arms forward. A stance that Piro had seen before, but something seemed different. The ki with this thing was about to expel gathered slowly first into a beach ball sized sphere of energy. Piro readied himself for whatever this might be expecting the worst, and then it happened; worse than Piro had expected. The sphere traveled at an immense speed that Piro did not comprehend to the droid's level 1 ability, but obviously he had underestimated. He searched his mind for any way out of its path or counter attack, but it was approaching too quickly to give him a clear thought. He quickly retreated a few steps and shielded his face with his arms yelling as he put more energy towards to defending himself. Just as the sphere was about to hit, Piro suddenly, and unknowingly, disappeared from the arena. He reappeared just after the sphere had passed in the same position he was in before. The sphere crashed into the arena wall, which absorbed the energy (probably to make sure these rooms are not made into rubble). Piro stood the way he was for a moment as the droid reared back. It seemed surprised at to what it had just seen. Piro carefully moved his arms from in front of his face, and looked around. He had not been hit, nor did he know what happened in order to evade the sphere...[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] ... Whoa... [i]After another moment of trying to figure things out, he just brushed it aside as he chuckled with an undertone of arrogance. A haughty smirk appeared on his face. He looked at the droid who stood waiting for Piro once more.[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] All right... [i]... he said as he lowered into another fighting stance...[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] Round three, and let us try and make this the last. I am getting a bit hungry. [i]The droid seemed to comprehend his words, but it could have just been him. It prepared itself, and round three began...[/i][/color]
[size=1][color=indigo][b]Name:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Magic Type:[/b] Fire [b]Type:[/b] Sorcerer [b]Picture:[/b] --see attachment. I specialized it to fit nicely inside the picture area. ^__^ [b]Effect 1:[/b] Hell Bound - If DEF is lesser than PiroMunkie's, the card must be discarded. If DEF is greater, lowers selected cards defense equal to PiroMunkie's. Use Once. [b]Effect 2:[/b] Primate Army - Summons army of primates. If DEF is lesser, (insert inflicted damage to attacked card). If DEF is greater, simply blocks the card from attacking. Used once. ... I hope I did this right. >.
[color=indigo][i]The droid lifted itself higher on it legs with an arm drawn back as it then came down on a strong decent upon Piro who made no move to dodge or defend. The droid's 'fist' struck Piro hard across the left side of his face in the general area of his ear and cheek. Piro stumbled backwards and kept the retreat while he let the hit sink in and the droid followed. He could not help but laugh despite how much the punch hurt. He knew it might have not been the best idea to let the droid get a free hit in, but he wanted to know what its strength was like at any cost. This pain that he felt was the feeling of his increasing knowledge of the opponent. As Piro readied himself for real battle this time, the droid went into a charge and then proceeded to jump high into the air. Piro kept his eyes on it following its movement. As it shifted into its decent, Piro let it fall a bit and then moved out of the way as the droid's legs came smashing powerfully to the ground. It recovered and spun clockwise dragging a leg through the air. Piro, in a half-crouched position, blocked the droid's leg with his forearm and shot himself upward driving his fist into the underside of the droid's head. The follow-through had Piro in a small leap in the air as he thrust a kick forward at the droid's head. Unfortunately, the droid caught Piro's foot and swung him overhead throwing his body to the ground releasing a deep pounding sound. Piro arched his back as the impact rattled his spine. The droid lifted a leg into the air, and the next thing Piro felt was all the air within him being pushed out as the droid stomped upon his chest as it then slowly increased the pressure. Piro layed there letting his body take the beating as he found a short breathing pattern. After a few moments, he began to fight back attempting to reinflate his lungs to their full capacity. His entire body strained putting effort forth into this. The droid fought this resistance, but Piro was slowly winning this small battle. When Piro reached a comfortable position he clamped his hands around the droid's leg. It immediately begun to struggle trying to take its foot away, but Piro rolled his knees in towards his chest and shot them upward hitting the droid in what would be the groin. The droid flew back through the air and come crashing to the ground with a series of metallic clangs. Both rose to their feet at reletively the same time. The droid widened its stance and put its arms forward as its hands sunk into its forearms. Two shots of energy erupted unexpectedly from the droid and caught Piro firmly in the chest and it drove him back into the wall, nearly knocking over a dormant droid. The two beams dissipated as quickly as they came as Piro dropped to his knees. It was becoming obvious to him that this droid was just getting started. Before Piro could look up again, the droid charged at him at an incredible and unwavering speed. Piro heard the footsteps coming and looked up just as the droid came upon him. Seeing the fist drawn back, Piro instinctively ducked letting the droid hit nothing but air. Just as Piro was about to make his own move, the droid quickly countered with a knee to Piro's stomach. Piro's eyes bulged with his mouth gaping open. The droid let him stumble forward a bit before delivering a spinning kick to his back sending Piro back into the middle of the arena. Piro pushed himself of the ground as he let out a hacking cough and spit to the ground. He had not expected the droid to be this tough. Let alone have the capability to fire energy like it did. That really caught him off guard. He was going to have to take this thing more seriously. Piro stood up and cracked his spine and neck, and stretched his arms above him. He heard the droids steps come to a stop behind him. Piro turned around seeing the droid back in its fighting stance. Piro took some distance from the droid, and crouched into his own stance.[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] All right... Round Two. [i]At that, they charged at the other each with a fist drawn. Each swung at the other as the fists met exploding with a thunderous force that resounded throughout the arena...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Sweat dripped periodically to the floor as Piro continued his training. At this time, he was at a pull-up bar, but had his legs hooked over the bar at the back of the knee as he proceeded with vertical sit-ups. His shirt was now off and laying with his cloak beneath him and off to the side. The gloves remained on. His finely toned torso glimmered with tiny beads of perspiration which would roll down to his face with every descent of his body. The sweat already on his face moved to his hair. The sweat in the hair, once it built up enough, was dropped to the ground below him. He strained a bit as he came to his final ups. When he was done, he kicked his legs off of the bar and flipped them back under him landing in a half-crouched position. He picked up a complimentary towel he had begun carrying around with him the more he trained. He whiped his moist face clean of sweat, and then ran the towel along his body. He then flung it over his left shoulder as he ran his fingers back through his hair, which was dry for the most part; damp in some places with a few strands that here rather wet. He already done most of the available machines in this room, and decided it was time to work something more than just his strength. Piro recalled the droid chamber Tonberry had first shown the group, which had interested him from the start. Sure he preferred a real, living opponent, but this would do. Not too mention the material these things were made of had to be harder than any of the people here. With this in mind, Piro made his way back out to the Colosseum hoping that not all of the droid chambers were already taken. He reached the next lowest level where Tonberry had said the entrances to the arenas were. He made his way past door that led to one, and could here some fighting happening within it. He walked further until he came across another door marked "Droid-Combat II". He could not here anything happening within it, so he assumed it was empty. He passed through the door, through a short hallway, and through another door. This one was heavy, made of a strong metal. There was no handle to it, but there was a palm-sized button on the wall next to it. He gave it a hit and the door slid open revealing the Droid-Combat Arena. He passed through its threshhold carrying his cloak, shirt, and towel with him. On the wall adjacent to the door, another button indentical to the other existed within a panel (probably to stop it from being hit during a battle). He opened the panel, and pushed the button as the door then closed. He grabbed his shirt from the bundle in his hands and through the rest against the wall, then proceeding to put his shirt back on. Piro walked deeper into the arena looking at the droids that lined the area. He figured one would be good for a start, so he walked up to the droid closest to him along the wall of the vast, circular arena. He opened a panel on its chest, seeing the level set at 1, and nodded. Ready to begin, Piro pressed the droid's power button and stepped back as the panel closed itself and the droid came to life. Piro did some quick, backwards acrobatics until he reached the center of the fighting grounds, and then stood in a general fighting stance as the droid approached slowly as its mechanics readied itself with a typical robotic voice.[/i] [b]Droid:[/b] Single opponent; Unknown origin... Power set at level 1. Training session: Begin. [i]By this time, the droid was only a foot or two in front of Piro where it had stopped and made its own stance to fight from. Piro smirked. The fact that he was a Creation obviously did not register within the droid's artificial intelligence. He figured that the power button is what the droid used to read the opponents information. Clearing these thoughts, Piro focused on the task at hand with a pleased smile, and begun this battle letting the droid start...[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] Hit me.[/color]
[size=1][color=indigo][b]Who are you in your own mind?[/b] I have tried to dive into this thought many times; every time drawing to no single conclusion. I cannot hone myself in on one singluar trait that defines myself in general. I generally have three basic emotions of which I cycle through from time to time. One, I am pretty happy and laid back. Two, I do not carry any real emotion. I am pretty much just existing. I still remain rather laid back, but can become irritated if someone does, or says, something that makes me angry. Thirdly, I am depressed. When I become this way, it usually last for a while, and I often become rather mentally ill... especially when I am completely by myself which can often lead to insomnia. I might think of things that will make me cry, make me angry, or just further push me into depression. I am extremely irritable and often blow up on people for simpler things, in which I become increasingly more violent and unstable. A majority of the time, I remain in the second "phase", but can easily be pushed into the third. It is quite rare that I am actually truly happy with how things are. Even then, I can switch from being happy to feeling like utter crap in a single heartbeat. Perhaps it is beause I take too much time to think about things to the point where I have thought so deeply into it, that I see where the bad things are in it instead of just enjoying what is good about it. No matter where I am emotionally set, I always try to care about how others are. Even if I am not happy at the time, I do not want others to share this. I prefer to make others feel better, even at my own expense. Somehow, it just makes me feel better. So, I have never really been able to find something to really put myself under as to who I am. I just know that I [i]am[/i], but without definition. [b]How do others see you (or at least how do you think, and why)?[/b] I have my friends. I have my enemies. I have my acquaintances. To be honest, I am not exactly sure how others see me. I am not that comprehensive in reading other people like that. My friends, mostly the girls, tend to worry about me. I suppose... I do not have any real answer to this question. My mind just draws a blank here. [b]And how would you rather people saw you?[/b] Honsetly, I do not care. I am who I am... whoever that may be, and people are just going to have to accept that whether they like it or not. I am not going to change myself for another person just so I can get a preferred emotion from them.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents[/i] [B]Either way, I believe energy exist. Whether tangible or not. Its there.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1][color=indigo]It does. If people did not hold energy, then we would all walk around like zombies, if even that. We might not even be able to move. If you recall in the very beginning of DragonBall Z, when Raditz came to Earth, the farmer had a power level of 5, and that guy was scared out of his mind. So, a normal person, whoever it may be, might actual have a max power level of maybe 10 or so. I learned a little bit of phsyics freshman year in my phsyical science class, which was pretty much just an overview of the main sciences we would be taking throughout our high school career. There was a formula one could use to figure out something that reminded very much of the DragonBall power levels. I forgot what it was though.[/size][/color][quote][i]Originally posted by Valick[/i] [b]yes and with crime there is always a savior and I will be the one to rise up and be that savoir![/b][/quote][size=1][color=indigo]Pfft, you would have to get past Medra and I, first.:p There is no real need for a savior when you have a tag team of world domination. If you have any problems with this, I suggest you take it up with Medra, lol. I am sure he will be more than happy to set you in the right direction. ;) It would also be pretty cool just to have the combined genious of Bulma and Dr. Briefs. You would be able to get yourself to other planets and such in a custom-made space ship. ^-^ ... Among other things...[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]I enjoy Anti-Flag. Of the 'political punk' sub-genre, I would say that they are one of my favorites. I kind of have to be in the mood to listen to them, though. Even then, I do not listen to them for very long. Justin Sane's voice seems to get a bit whiney after a while. They are still a good band, though. I saw them at Warped Tour, and they put on a hell of a show.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents[/i] [B]I would rather have the qualities in dbz that no one ever cares for...pure heartedness. Gokou's heart is what I would wish for. Innocence and a never ending wealth of love and generosity. That is what I would wish for... having a heart of gold.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1][color=indigo]Hrmm... *jots something down in a little black book* Well, when Neil and I become world dominators, goodie-goodies like you will be the first to go. ^-^ (just kidding, of course... there are others before teh goodie-goodies that are more deserving to perish) It is quite obvious to all of us that we shall never [i]truly[/i] obtain such power, but it is fun to think about. It is like the question "What would you do with a million dollars?". Given that us obtain a million dollars is more probable than this, you see my point. It is all about expanding your horizons a bit.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Monkeys_revenge[/i] [B]I try walking up and talking to her. But i'm not that persistant.[/b][/quote][quote][b]Man I love her sooo much :love:[/B][/QUOTE][size=1][color=indigo]Honestly, if you "love her sooo much", the words "i'm not that persistant" should not even come to you as a logical thought. My opinion sides with wrist cutter.[/color][/size]