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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo]Egh, I really am not much of a reader. I never really have been. Of course, as Mnemolth said, I am reading when I surf the net and look over people's posts here, but I do not really enjoy reading books. None of them interest me at all. Plus my comprehension level is not all that great, and with the things we have to read in high school, reading just makes me insane. Last year when we were reading [u]A Tale of Two Cities[/u], we pretty much always took a short quiz at the beginning of class each day over what we read. We did not even get a chance to talk about it or anything. We were just expected to [i]know[/i] every little thing about the chapter(s). So obviously, my grade plummeted. In fact, I had an 'A' in that class before we started reading the book. By the time we finished, I was at a low 'F'. I think my percentage was somewhere in the upper forties. So yes, obviously this is not going to boost my opinion of reading into something positive. We read [u]The Scarlet Letter[/u] this year. I did a much better in that. My grade only dropped to a 'B', but I have a really good teacher this year. She makes reading seem interesting, and makes the class fun. By far the greatest English teacher I have ever had, but that is another subject. On the other hand, though, I do not watch much television or go see many movies. Television today is just crap, and I doubt that many will honestly deny that. I mostly watch late night Comedy Central (late night television is yummy). I do not really have any money or means to go see movies. I probably would not be seeing much if I did. Most movies these days do not interest me to the point where I would actually go out and see them. So where does my literary and visual fun come in besides the rare book and occasional television show? Simple. I do not like most television. Yet, I am quite a visual person. I do not like to read a lot of tiny little details and hidden sub-meanings. Yet, I cannot get too far if I do not read. So, if you put the facts that I am visual, but do feel the compulsion to read [i]something[/i]... what do you get? Comic books! ^__^ Or any book with pictures, really. I used to read these a lot when I was younger. It all started with the ever-famous Dr. Suess. After a while, I started reading my brother's comic books, which were the common [i]X-Men[/i], [i]Spider-Man[/i], [i]The Hulk[/i], and [i]The Fantastic Four[/i]. Eventually, you just get tired of having the same steroid-pumped, muscle-bound, testosterone-driven (minus the invisible woman) heroes and villains. So I set those down and went back to books with pictures. When I was in the fifth grade, my teacher had some books in his room of classic stories like [u]20,000 Leagues Under the Sea[/u], [u]Sherlock Holmes[/u], and [u]Moby Dick[/u]. They were not the original stories with all of the nitty gritty details (like [u]Moby Dick[/u]), but the story was just the same, and every ten or so pages they had a picture of something to do with what you had read. Those were fun. Then we started getting into evil books like [u]Where the Red Fern Grows[/u] and [u]Johnny Tremain[/u]. So I just started to shy away from it because it had become so torturous to me to have to read such things. In the recent years, though, I have gotten into Jhonen Vasquez's work. True, some of the comics are utterly pointless ([u]Bad Art Collection[/u]... *cough* It was still rather humorous, though.), but [u]Johnny the Homicidal Maniac[/u] is quite interesting. If you just look at the panels, it just seems like a blood bath every time you turn the page, but when you read everything and all, you begin to see things within the words. Not too mention I can relate to pretty much everything he says, so it is a lot easier for me to understand. Even my room and part of his house look similar. Though, I still do read a normal book every-so-often if I find one that actually interests me. I received [u]Walden[/u] by Henry David Thoreau for Santa Day, so I plan on reading that. I have yet to start reading it, but I shall probably wait until I go back to school. I have acquired an keen interest in the Transcendentalists, and to think it all started from the musical [i]Clue[/i], lol. Professor Plum (my character) quoted Thoreau a few times, and was even ostracized by the Detective for doing so. So yes, that is my story. o-O[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Voleur walked the final path towards Lake Hylia. Her senses were already becoming aware of the fresh, clean atmosphere. At the end of her lengthy walk, she finally approached the edge of Lake Hylia. Unfortunately, she noticed it was a bit of a drop down into it. She could very easily climb down the wall... but still, it was just one more thing she had to do with her arms; one of which was injured. "Damn that soldier..." she thought to herself.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] "Figures he would not give me the easiest way to get into the lake..." [i]"No matter..." she thought, "it is not like I cannot swim." Voleur reached to her shoulder and removed her armored plates setting them down on the ground. She unclipped her sleeves at the shoulder and removed them, placing them both by the plates. Then she removed all of her equipment, but keeping one scimitar with her as she sat down on the ground and proceeded to remove her boots. Lastly, she unclipped her pantlegs and removed them leaving her in a bit of a two-piece. Before she stood up, she untied the piece of cloth around her arm exposing the wound. It was still very red. Dried blood stained her skin as the wound had barely begun to heal over. Voleur stood on her feet dropping the cloth to the ground as she stood at the very edge of the small cliff. The drop was no more than maybe two, or two and a half, measures of her length. She took several paces back from the edge and stopped, facing the lake. She paused for a moment, then took off in a dash towards the edge. When she reached the end of solid ground, Voleur leaped into the air straightening her body out into a dive. With little disturbance of the surface, Voleur entered the water. She opened her eyes and looked around. The water was cold, clear, and refreshing as she moved about under the surface. Soon enough, she could no longer hold her breath, and propelled herself up to the top. As soon as she cleared the surface taking in a well needed breath of air, she opened her as a rock flew past her head and smashed to bits against the cliff wall not far behind her. In quick defense she amred herself with her one scimitar that she had kept with her as she looked out to where the rock came from. She waited for a few seconds when an odd looking creature emerged from the water with a snout aimed at her. Not to her knowledge, this creature was an Octorok. Notorious for surprising unsuspecting enemies by firing rocks at them. Both Voleur and the Octorok waited in a dramatic pause to see who would make the next move. The monster became impatient and reared its snout as it then thrust forward hurling a rock at Voleur. Quickly, she took evasive action and dodged the object only to turn back around and immediately have to avoid another. Regaining control sooner this time she turned back to the Octorok as it fired another rock. This time, Voleur held her scimitar in both hands high above her head and propelled her self up a bit as he she brought her blade down smashing into the rock and sending it back at the monster who, taken by surprise, was hit by its own attack. Before it could recover, Voleur dived under the water. The Octorok shook itself off and looked around. Voleur was nowhere to be seen. Everything was quiet for a moment. Then, the Octorok shrieked loudly as a blade erupted from the top of it head. It squirmed a bit, but finally became still in death. Voleur emerged from under the water with her scimitar in hand upon which the Octorok was impaled. She swam towards the cliff and wielded her blade back as the then threw it forward and up. The dead Octorok flew off the blade and soared through the air coming to its rough landing just over the edge of the cliff.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] We shall see if you hold any nutritional value later... [i]With that, Voleur put her scimitar back at her side and continued her swim...[/i][/color]
So you got kids...now watcha going to name them?
PiroMunkie replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Well, I already have four. Their names are Orlando, Anna, Chester, and Dexter. :p I have not been able to think of a girls name, but I guess I would leave that up to whoever might be having the child. When it comes to boy's names, I have been toggling between Zaius and Darwin, lol. Yes, my children are probably going to be made fun of. Oh well, it builds character. Or drives them insane and they go on a homicidal rampage. :)[/color] -
[color=indigo]Only one image is allowed in a signature (smilies not included). You have four. That surely needs to be changed. Again, this sort of thing I believe goes in the Suggestions&Feedback forum. I would urge you to read the rules of this board. Just so you can have the basic idea of how things are. [url]http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml[/url][/color]
Anime Could Cell actually stronger than any other enemy in dbz/gt ?
PiroMunkie replied to ssj4Vegeta's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]Yes, that [i]is[/i] possible, but the fact is that he was beaten. If I remember correctly, he was beaten twice. Once on Earth, and a second time in the Other World. I am not sure about that second one, but I seem to recall him being there and being beaten. So obviously, he is not, and will never be, the strongest. There is not much of a topic to discuss here. Not to mention this is prett much a "What if?" thread, those are rather pointless. So yes, I am going to close this.[/color] -
[color=indigo]I cannot honestly say that. I did. "Did" being the key word. Back in my younger days, like when I was in gradeschool. I was rather naive back then, though. Things change.[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] [b]Tho I've had girlfriends trying to dress me up by buying me stuff. What is with that anyway? Why is it girls have this irresistable need to makeover a guy??[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I know that thought all too well, lol. I actually have some rather incriminating photos... but that is another story.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite[/i] [B][b][color=003399]If clothes are what it takes to become popular with people, then those people aren't worth getting to know.[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If clothes are what it takes to become popular with people, then I shall approach them naked.[/color]
[color=indigo]I cannot say that my New Years Eve was anything too special. i was rather quite the whole night pretty much. I went over to a friends house at around 6:30pm. We had lasagne, and we watched The Animal. She picked it out, not me. I did not really care. It took us about fifteen minutes to pick out a movie. So we watched that, and we watched The Emporer's New Groove. For the first half hour or so I just layed in a fetal position under her bed. The rest of the time of the movie I just walked around her room and kept stealing things, lol. I gave them all back eventaully... or so I thought. I found one of her earrings in my pocket before I went to bed this morning. So I should probably get that back to her some time. After the movie, we went back upstairs and I played around on their computer and she played on thier X-Box, and then New Years came, and we all said "Happy new years", and then I went home and scared the life out of my sister and her friend. Then I went to sleep. Happy news years to anyone that had it.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai[/i] [B]Why this got moved to this forum, no idea.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Besides Invader Zim, pretty much everything else he has out is a comic. Comics are pieces of literature. See the connection? As for me, I cannot say I am particularly fond of his works. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is by far the most repulsive comic I have ever taken the time to read, and he could have chosen a far better look for Johnny aside from those wacky clothes he wears. The Squee! comics are frightful for little children to even look at. My sister had nightmares from reading them, and we all know how much I love my sister. Happy Noodle Boy is by far the most pointless and stupifying thing I have seen in my life. Not only that, but he is so profane it makes me want to vomit. Wobbly Headed Bob is so annoying with all his whining and so-called "genious". Filler Bunny is just flat out pointless. And on a final thought: "Thank you, Lord, for sarcasm." - JV ;)[/color]
[color=indigo]I do believe this kind of thing goes in the Suggestions&Feedback forum, just to let you know. Otaku Arena: Simply the section of OtakuBoards that all the other "arenas" are found under. Adventure Arena: For all those RPG (Role-Playing Games) fans. They can post sign-ups in the Recruitment forum, and play out there storyline in the actual Adventure Arena. Just look around in the topics to get an idea of what I mean. Battle Arena: For people who enjoy sparring. A battle between usually two people that does not necessarily follow some sort of plot. See the locked topics as the top of the forum for further rules in this area. Event Arena: Board-wide "events" such as OtakuBoards Big Brother (similarly run to the television show) go here. However, this area is usually off-limits until an event comes around. So it is best just to keep an eye on it to see if there is anything coming in the near future. I hope that answers your question.[/color]
[color=indigo]Hrmm... "favorite" topics are usually looked down upon here. Though, most people seem to be posting rather well. As long as that keeps up I shall keep this open, but once I see significant spam and irrelevancy this will be closed. So keep that in mind. I do not use the word "hot", but I understand your meaning. In which case, I know I am part of a minority here when I say that Pan is by far the most attractive. Then again, that is just me. Though, I know I am not alone. There are a few other members around that I have seen that share this same opinion...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka[/i] [B][color=orangered][size=1]It's hard to find something that everyone doesn't already have, no matter what store you go to: Sears, Hot Topic, Pac Sun, Abercrombie, Gap, Express. It doesn't matter.[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well if you shop at name brand stores like that, of course you are not going to find anything less than the trends. Shop at the generic stores and you can get normal clothes like a free person should be able to!!! ^__^ They are much cheaper as well. Keep yourself clothed [i]and[/i] save money, what a concept, eh?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena[/i] [B][color=deeppink][size=1][b]Pan:[/b] [spoiler]Avril Lavigne[/spoiler]: Sk8er Boi: I think It's just that I have so many [spoiler]Avril Lavigne[/spoiler] songs stuck in my head right now, but the beat seems pretty active and fitting for Pan's personality from what I've seen/heard.[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You have no idea how greatly you have disturbed my to incorporate something I hate so dearly with something I adore. [b]Vegeta:[/b] [i]Badge of Pride[/i] - Pennywise. I do not really think this needs any further explanation, lol. [b]Roshi:[/b] [i]Better be Women[/i] - Dwarves. Heh... just listen to the song. It fits him rather nicely. :p ... That is all I can currently think of.[/color]
[color=indigo]It is nothing to worry about at all. Just do what you want and do not care what other people think about it. That is pretty much what I do. For about a week I went to school everyday with pig tails. It was rather humorous to see people's reactions. One day I even took thin strips of paper and tied them around where the hair tie was. Yes, that was an interesting week. Though it is really too much effort every morning to put them in and make sure they are even. So I just do a pony tail. Much easier. When I wear things such as my padlock and chain around my neck, or whatever, people usually ask about them. Just shows how ignorant they are about things. Obviously people like them do not know enough about you to know why you do things, so when and if they make fun you, just know that they are only putting their own stupidity on display.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Voleur's eyes flickered open as she was immediatly forced to squint as blinding light poured into them. She rolled her head slowly from one side to the other. Through her narrowed eyes she could see white brick and green grass...[/i] Where am I? [i]She thought to herself. She waited some time until her eyes adjusted to the new light, definitely something she was not used to in the Dark World. She sat up rubbing her temples gently with her fingers. Such light had even made her head hurt. She dropped her hands back down to her sides, still sitting, and looked around now with her eyes fully open. She looked left; looked right. It seemed she was within the walls of some sort of castle... She slowly rose to her feet and turned around. On the ground she noticed two familiar things: a portal, and the Lizalfos. The monster was apparently dead with one of her scimitars shoved through its exposed torso. Its chest plate lay not far from it on the ground. It was at this time she became notice of a stinging pain on her right forearm. She held it up and found that the Lizalfos did not go down without a fight. A deep two inch gash lay open beneath her torn sleeve. She ripped off the sleeve from it tear and tied it around her wound so she at least had something to stop the bloodflow. She recalled the cut on her leg and looked down to it. It was not as bad as her arm. The bleeding had stopped, and it was beginning to to heal. She walked over to the Lizalfos and removed her scimitar from the creatures chest and put it back at her side. She began to check everything she had. Everything was present, except that she was now down to nineteen arrows. She looked to the monster's leg and saw her arrow was still in it, but broken off. Useless. She slung her quiver across her back once more. Voleur peered towards what seemed to be the main entrance to the castle, which, surprisingly, was open. Lightly, she jogged towards it slowing down to a walk once she was out. She looked around as she passed over a bridge and stopped as she removed her bloody scimitar and went down to the river side dipping the blade into the water. She watched as the water around it slowly became tainted with the blood of the Lizalfos. When it had been cleaned, she took it from the water, and returned it to her side. Voleur looked down at the water, though it was a vast improvement over the water in the Dark World, it still seemed a bit dirty. Not pure enough to clean her wound in... She stood up and looked around, not sure as to where to go... Even though she knew the Light and Dark World were mirrors of each other, she still had not been here in several yaers. Things could have changed. Her state of confusion was interrupted by some yelling from above...[/i] [b]Soldier:[/b] Hey! Gerudo! You best take your business out of here! We do not take kindly to your types! [i]Voleur looked up at the soldier who was patrolling along the outer wall of the castle.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] If you would tell me where it is exactly that I am, I shall surely leave. [b]Soldier:[/b] This is Agahnim's Castle. Now leave before I am forced to put you under arrest! [i]Agahnim's Castle... It sounded familiar enough to Voleur, but she still was confused.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] One more thing! Could you tell me where it is that I might find fresh water? [i]The soldier scoffed in irritation.[/i] [b]Soldier:[/b] Lake Hylia, of course! Follow the path, and take a left with you come to the three-way intersection. Now beat it! [i]Lake Hylia! Yes! She remembered that name. Voleur, no longer needing to be at the castle, set out towards Lake Hylia, following the directions the guard had given her...[/i][/color]
Complete and Official What You Got For Christmas List 2003
PiroMunkie replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryan[/i] [B][size=1][color=blue][font=century gothic]Ok, I hate it when people link Abercrombie to preps. Ok, yah maybe preps do wear Abercrombie but I have been to school where the thing was that sk8ters wore abercrombie. Just because someone wears abercrombie doesn't mean they're a prep. Sterotypes people. I just hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size][/color][/font][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]This is why I refuse to wear anything with a brand label. If you do not wish to be stereotyped, do not put yourself in the position that would allow people to do that. That one shirt I mentioned that I said I was going to return has "Old Navy" plastered on the front of it... It is a decent shirt too. Maybe a little too dress casual, but it is nice enough. It is just that I about vomited at the sight of the name. [size=1](no exaggeration)[/size] I [i]do[/i] have a black, hand-me-down Adidas shirt, but I took a knife to the stitching... So now it is just another shirt.[/color] -
[color=indigo][i]Voleur by now had reached the base of the pyramid of power. Her journey to it was less than perilous, none of the greater evils of this world wandered onto the main paths. Sure she had to defend herself against the occasional Anubis, Gekko, and perhaps her most threatening adventure was being chased half of her distance by a small pack of Nejirons. That was now behind her. Her mission now was to get to the top of this pyramid without being killed by whatever may be guarding it... or at least just on it at the time. She scurried up the first flight of steps with no problem. As she began walking to the next set, faint scratching sounds could be heard. She looked above her on the upper levels of the pyramid, but could see nothing. Her paced quickened nervously as the sounds continued. There seemed to be a couple of them. She was not alone. That was for sure. Voleur hopped her way up the second set of stairs and sprinted to the next. As she reached the base of the flight and lizardous bark ripped through the air from an undeterminable location. Voleur looked around somewhat frantically. A deeper toned bark soon followed. This time, whatever it was, it was above her on the pyramid, but she still could not see it. An airy screech came from above as some dark creature could be seen leaping from over the peak of the pyramid. Voleur took a few steps back reaching to her scimitars, just in case, as the ominous creature came to its harsh landing at the top of the stairs at which Voleur was about to ascend. Voleur gripped the handles of her scimitars in preparation as the Lizalfos in front in its spiked armor and mighty sword let out the higher pitched bark. Immediately after the deeper bark came from the right. Another Lizalfos flew through the air. Voleur, knowing it is better to get the first hit, snapped into action releasing her scimitars and quickly drew her bow and an arrow and fired at the airborn monster. The arrow stuck into one of the creature's legs. It hit the ground and crumbled on the leg rolling down the other flight of steps. Before should could return to the other Voleur was knocked violently to the ground as the first Lizalfos leaped from the top of the stairs and came down upon her. It raised it blade on high. Voleur quickly rolled away as the sword struck the ground where she had been. She hopped to her feet and drew both scimitars in hand. She took a glance behind her, the wounded Lizalfos was just now trying to get itself off of the ground. The first monster charged Voleur weilding its sword high to the side and swiping it across. She ducked her shoulder into letting the blade strike her armored plates as she jabbed a scimitar to the monster's stomach. The Lizalfos caught the blade with his bare hand and threw Voleur aside, nearly off the edge of that level. She scrambled to her feet running to the other side of the creature so she could keep an eye on both of them. The wounded was nor barely up, and trying to remove the arrow from its leg. She did not have much time before it would be two on one. The active Lizalfos slinked toward her with malic as the wounded left the arrow in it leg and crept toward her from the far side with only a slight limp. Voleur dropped her scimitars to the ground with a quick idea as she grabbed her longshot and aimed it right at the nearest monster's chest. It was covered with an armor, but it did not matter. The creatur's eyes widen and the anchor and chain shot toward it. Caught by surprise it was unable to move in time and the anchor sunk into its armor and continued pushing it backwards. The first Lizalfos smashed into the wounded one as they both proceeded to be pushed back helplessly. Then, just as Voleur had hoped, they both fell over the far edge. She let out a sigh of relief, but just a moment too soon. The chain tightened and jerked her forward and off balance. She dug her heels into the ground, but this did little to slow her as she was dragged closer and closer to the edge. She came to it and her feet locked themselves on the small bricks that lined the outer rim of the level. Voleur leaned back as the chain retracted, but on the other end one Lizalfos hung on. Suddenly, the end reached the top and the monster grabbed the edge with one and threw its sword forward with the other. The longshot snapped back to its original position as Voleur fell back causing the Lizalfos to miss full contact with its blade, but still the sword sliced into Voleur's left thigh. In blind response, Voleur kicked with her right foot, fortunately nailing the monster in the face as it nearly fell off the edge again. She frantically rose to her feet, hopping along wincing at the pain of her newborn wound. At an easy pace she made it to the other side where she had dropped her scimitars. She picked them both up and put one of the away, keeping the other in hand. She turned around as the Lizalfos was now limping across the path. The limp. It was the one she had shot in the leg. It now was bloodthirsty for revenge. With all of her effort she charged up the stairs to the next level, now one away from the peak. The deep bark filled the air as the Lizalfos lept to the next level. There was a quick staredown as both were at opposite sides of the landing. Voleur was not going to waste anymore time and sprinted into a head start almost ignoring the pain from her wound as blood oozed out of it with every beat of her heart. The Lizalfos charged her from the other side with its sword ready in hand. Voleur was the first to reach the staircase to the next level as she made haste in going up them. There she was at the top. To her delight, a portal lay in the center. She spaced off the Lizalfos as she approached the portal, thinking she had a big enough lead on the monster. She reached the edge of her exit out of this world, when her moment of bliss was interrupted by the familiar deep bark as it came from right behind her. She wipped around coming face to face with the creature as she fell back in surprise. The Lizalfos grabbed onto her and she grabbed its chest plate, both prepared their blade for the final blow as they both then fell into the portal...[/i][/color]
Anime One possible reason that Goku couldn't life up the bus
PiroMunkie replied to SS5 Gogeta's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]The fact that I am actually thinking about this is confusing. My head is all wobbly and dizzy now. o-O I do agree with CWB, though. It had to be for comic relief... even though it was not really all that funny. It makes you wonder though, if I remember the episode correctly, why did he not just turn into a Super Saiya-jin? :p[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe[/i] [B]Also, I believe that good people, no matter their beliefs, will be rewarded somehow.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That is my only hope. Yet something tells me I am screwed...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [B]Did I mention you're all going to hell? I think I'm supposed to.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I am already half way there. I am just waiting for my English teacher to drive me the rest of the way there. She drives the bus to hell. I do not believe in anything religious. There is no point. I make my own beliefs. I just believe in me.[/color]
[color=indigo]Yes, if you find the original versions with some decent subtitles you will find some light swearing. Nothing too 'horrible' or anything. I do not believe they say anything worse than "damn". If they do, it is probably something the person/people who subtitled it put in there themselves. Most videos of the series that you will find in stores only contain the dubbed and edited version. I do not think you can find professionally subbed VHS tapes... not that I have found anyway. However, the DVD's come with both the American dub, and the original Japanese version with subtitles. I hope that answers your question enough...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX[/i] [B]Hobbes, well I've never heard of it.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You have no idea how much that has appalled me. o-O Sara, brilliant. :) I love it. Blurred text is awesome. Background is nice. Well done. I guess some people just do not understand genious. :p[/color]
Complete and Official What You Got For Christmas List 2003
PiroMunkie replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash[/i] [B]Holy hell, what are you guys, millionaires? 'specially you Piro and Juuthena, Jeebus..[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I sort of have three Santa Days, so if you take about of third of all my compiled gifts, that is what I received at one place, another third at another, and the last at the final. I celebrate with my mom. Then with at my father's side of the family. Then with my father. So no, I am not a millionaire. Just three groups of lower-middle to middle/upper-middle class citizens. [u]SQUEE'S Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors[/u] and [i]Office Space[/i] were from friends. And the backpack was from my mother's family's Santa Day party/giftexchange kind of thing. If you want me to, I can go through them and tell you where I received them and who I got them from...[/color] -
Complete and Official What You Got For Christmas List 2003
PiroMunkie replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][b][u]Presents Received Before Santa Day[/u][/b] -[u]SQUEE'S Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors[/u] -Johnen Vasquez -[i]Office Space[/i] - DVD -A backpack - Sounds dull, but I needed one anyway... -An ornament - Tradition -[i]Process of Belief[/i] - Bad Religion [u][b]Presents Received On Santa Day[/u][/b] -[i]Tonight the Stars Revolt[/i] - Powerman 5000 (I had it before but my disc was stolen) -[i]Mass Nerder[/i] and [i]Problematic[/i] - All -[i]Day of Death[/i] - Death by Stereo -[i]Appetite for Destruction[/i] - Guns N' Roses -[i]Covered with Ants[/i] - Guttermouth -[i]A Jackknife to a Swan[/i] - the Mighty Mighty Bosstones -[i]American Psycho[/i] - Misfits -[i]The Ozzman Cometh[/i] - If you do not know this, you are stupid. -[i]Loud, Fast Ramones: The Toughest Hits[/i] - Again, if you do not know this then you are stupid. -[i]Welcome[/i] - Taproot -[i]music from and inspired by Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3[/i] - Various Artists (I did not ask for this one... but it has some good bands on it so it is good) -[i]Look What I Almost Stepped In[/i] - the Vandals -[i]Monty Python's the Life of Brian[/i] - DVD -[i]Monty Python and the Holy Grail[/i] and [i]And Now for Something Completely Different: the Best of Monty Python's Flying Circus[/i] - VHS -[i]Evolution[/i] - DVD -[i]Fight Club[/i] - DVD -[i]SLC Punk[/i] - DVD -[i]Clue[/i] - DVD -[i]Planet of the Apes[/i] (original) - DVD -[u]Walden[/u] - Henry David Thoreau -[u]Johnny the Homicidal Maniac[/u] - Johnen Vasquez (issues 1,2,3, and 6) -A pair of black jeans -Two long sleeve shirts... only one of which I think I am going to keep. One has a big brand label on the front. Makes me want to hurl. -Two Hooded Sweatshirts. One a pale blue, one burnt red. -Electric razor (finally, a decent shave) -Playstation 2 (family gift) [u][b]Greatest Gift This Year[/u][/b] -My father gets to come back and work at home rather than having to be out of town every week.[/color] -
[color=indigo]Eh, someone can take Gambit. I have become lost beyond all reason in this RPG, so I am just going to step back and let someone else take my position or Gambit's power. So yes...[/color]