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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo][i]Ripper stood silently behind the rock with the rifle slung over his back and the Dostovei now in hand. It seemed from what he could hear, that the Soviets were moving away. He snuck around the far edge of the stone structure, slowly peering around its edge. Yes. The tank was rolling away, and the soldiers with it. Suddenly, and arm swung around the rock, Dostovei in hand smashing the butt into Ripper's forehead. Ripper fell back to the ground, blood flowing slowly from his head. He quickly snapped his Dostovei forward and shot the soldier as it came around the edge. Surely now, he has alerted the others. A thunderous boom rolled through the air as an explosion erupted on the opposite side or the stone structure. Debris erupted over the top, fortunately, all missing him. Ripper scrambled up and darted off in to the woods hoping to gain some distance quickly.[/i] -------------------------------- Sorry about it shortness and such. Massive writer's block...[/color]
  2. [color=indigo][i]Voleur walked casually about the Dark World not knowing exactly where to go from here. She needed to find a way out of this world, and back into the Light World. She found it hard to believe that only two Gerudos remained... Perhaps it was an exaggeration by the vile fiend. Maybe he just destroyed a majority of them... but there are only two left that might be a threat to him. It made sense, but she could only hope it was true. Those who live on hope die fasting. She let out a sigh with a slight undertone of sadness as she lifted her eyes to look into the distance. She could still see the Pyramid of Power. Where she had found herself when she first arrived in this world... She stopped... Perhaps if the top of the pyramid is where she[/i] entered [i]this world, then perhaps it could also be where she can[/i] exit [i] this world! Again, she could only hope, but this was a hope worth hoping for. Voleur picked up her pace hoping the path to the top of the pyramid would be a smooth one. Surely getting there would be no problem, but who knows what exists around and on the pyramid itself...[/color][/i]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai[/i] [B]well, piro, most people make a list, but i always add "surprise me" so..[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Eh, yes. Usually I tell my friends not to get me anything, but they do anyway. It makes me feel bad because I did not get them anything. So then I usually make a card, hand drawn even. One of my friends surprised me with [u]SQUEE'S Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors[/u] by Johnen Vasquez. I have yet to make her a card... I shall probably do that tonight. Another one of my friends has made me something, but I have yet to receive it. I have to get it from her somehow. I made her card last night, it is rather humorous. I was on a major Johnen high at the time, so the artwork and humor strongly resembles that of him. The cover has a demented looking elf and he is saying, "*BEHOLD!!!* For I am an elf!! Waggie Woogi! Perhaps you are wondering why that fat ol' geezer, 'Santa', is not on the front of his own holiday card! Well I'll tell you why? Y'see us elves asked for a simple $150,000.01 raise!! That is all! At first he did not agree to it, stupid fat man. But he is currently a bit [b]tied up[/b] at the moment working on those raises! We are unsure as to how long this will take him, so we just took over! W00T! So now that you know why I am here instead of that chunky, stingee idiot, you can open your card!"... FYI, 'stingee' was spelled wrong on purpose, I am not sure why though. Then there is a bunch of blank space all around him where there is no writing. So in a small box near the bottom it says: "This empty space brought to you by lack of creativity." Then on the inner left side it has a picture of Santa hog-tied, blindfolded, and gagged with several signs around him. The read: "I'm with cheap skate", "Probe me", "Slim fast does not work", "I just wanted a sign", "Moo", "Space 4 Rent", "*insert witty or insulting comment here* :)", "The truth is out there", and "I like cheese". In the sky is a silhuoette of Santa's sliegh on fire, and being driven by sheep. then on the back it has my logo, since I almost always hand-make my cards, and at the bottom in small print it reads: "A special thanks to sleep deprivation." It was about three in the morning when I finished this. Plus I threw in some matches and a bottle cap that is redeemable for one free twenty ounce Sprite. I also drew on the inner side of her card, a replica of her two favorite panels in a [i]Squee![/i] comic. All of it complete with a black, ballpoint pen! On another note, I believe another one of my friends is getting me something... I just do not know what... So yes...[/color][quote][i]originally post by Cyko[/i] [b]Ask for nothing, ask for nothing? Are you mad?:p[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Some people just do not ask for much. It took me quite some time to make a list of things that I might want. Most of the items were just "Why not?" ideas. So no, we are not mad. Just a bit minimalistic, I guess. [size=1]Disclaimer: I am not to be held responsible by anyone becoming more ingorant after reading this post. You all read it at your own free will, and could have stopped at any time. I did NOT not use any subliminal messaging or mass hypnotism to force people to read this.[/size][/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Heh... long it has been. >_< Much reading have I done. ------------------------------------------- [i]Finally, Voleur came to a violent, rough landing outside of Skull Woods. The bones in her rankles rattled with a sudden pain coming in such forecful impact with the ground. Her face winced in pain as she fell back onto the ground in a sitting position. She held her ankles as she layed her head down on her knees, waiting for the pain to subside. Voleur waited patiently for a few minutes, then finally her ankles felt better, and she rose to her feet cautiously. Voleur now felt she could fully enjoy her renewed freedom from Skull Woods. She took in a deep breath of air as a slight smile broke across her face. The putridness in the air did not bother her one bit. Anything seemed to be better than being lost in Skull Woods some more. Still, she hated this world, and everything about it. As she let out a sigh of content, she noticed a run-down house not far off to her left. The wood was dark and warped, and the windows were all boarded shut. Slowly, she approached it. Something could be in there... Or some things she could use might be in there was well.[/i] Is it empty of any life? [i]That question could only make her steps heavier. In paranoia, Voleur unsheathed on of her scimitars still approaching the house. When she came within several paces of it, she could her a slight, and miniscule sound of metallic scratching, as if slidelocks were being put in place... or undone. This could only but halt her approach. as she just watched anxiously for any further action besides this sound. It was apparent through many other metallic sounds that an array of locks existed on the other side of the door, but soon enough the noise came to fade, and there was an eerie silence for a few moments. The door handle screeched as it slowly turned. Something was coming out. Voleur prepared her scimitar for possible battle, keeping her free hand just above her other blade. The handle stopped turning, and there was a pause. Just as slowly as everything else had happened, the door began to open. It only opened until a crack large enough to fit a person through was made. Down low, a gangly and fierce creature emerged from the darkness. It was horribly decayed, but still very much alive. She recognized the monster as they also existed in her original home, the Light World. It was a Wolfos... only dead, in an alive sort of way. I stalked out of the threshold as Voleur made a tight grip on her sheathed scimitar, but before she could remove it she noticed that the Wolfos had a chain around its neck that led into the house... It was captive. Like a pet. A dry, old, almost demonic, feminine voice from inside the home startled Voleur.[/i] [b]---:[/b] You may put your blade away. Mortus here will not harm you... unless I give the command. I promise I shall not, as long as you have no intent of harming me. [i]It seemed friendly enough... and Voleur did not feel like a fight anyway. Especially after her rough landing. She released her grip on her sheathed scimitar and was about to place her other back at her side when she stopped...[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] How do I know that you are not armed and ready yourself, and are merely trying to get me offguard? [i]A silence overtook the air. A moment later, a pair of pale-grey, boney hands came through the darkness into the Voleur's sight.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] Very well. [i]Voleur placed her blade back at her side, and spoke once more.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] You live here, by yourself? [i]The hands remained out. This was intentional, it constantly let Voleur know the mysterious figure was not trying anything.[/i] [b]---:[/b] Not alone, dear. Mortus provides some entertainment. Though, I guess you could say I have lived alone, just as you have in your shelter deep in those woods. Out of the reach of interaction with another being competent of similar speech so one may have the pleasure to interact with another. I must say that this is my first encounter in many, many years. Much longer than the four years you have been here. Yes... much longer. [i]A wave a fear pulsated through Voleur's body. How had this person known about her shelter? And the exact time she had been in this world? How did it know?[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] Excuse me... but do you have a name? [i]Another pause of silence.[/i] [b]---:[/b] Name... A name is such a burden. I do not have a name, but if you must address me by something, call me Nameless, I suppose. [b]Voleur:[/b] Very well, Nameless. Why is it that you speak to me? Why did you just not keep your home locked and let me pass by at no chance of getting in? [b]Nameless:[/b] It has been much time since I, and yourself, have interacted with another person. I figured I would seize this opportunity for my sake, and your own. It could do us both some good. [i]There was more silence as Voleur listened to all that Nameless had to say. A chilling breeze blew past as the Magic Cape billowed in waves and came to settle once more.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] Would you like to come in...? [i]Voleur could not see why not. Everything seemed safe. She certainly would be aware by now if Nameless meant to attack. The only real threat here was the deteriorating Wolfos, which seemed helplessly bound to the chain. Voleur silently nodded, and paced to the house no longer afraid. As she approached the door, it opened for her as the hands went back into the darkness. There were absolutely no lights, except for that of which was came through the open doorway. A glow came from within as a candle was lit. Then, to Voleur's shock, many candles through the room instantly glowed with the same flame. The dark, almost silhuoetted Nameless stood in the middle of it all, a table in the midst of the room. Two chairs pulled out. Two small mugs at each end of the table. A large, clay pitcher full of water. Nameless was cloaked. A dark, brown, hooded robe covered nearly every inch of the body, except the hands. Nameless, by her voice was assumed to be a woman, and she took a seat in the far chair as she made a gesture with one hand for Voleur to seat herself in the other. Voleur did so. Namless poured water into both mugs. The water was surprisingly clear, and fresh. Voleur nealy began to drool as she had not had such leisure in all her time here in the Dark World, but she stopped herself. Nameless set the pitcher and took a sip from her water. Voleur eagerly took a drink. Bliss. Pure bliss.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] How could you possibly find such fresh water in such a perverted place? [b]Nameless:[/b] It is a trick I have learned to apply to the water in this land of my ages here. How it is done is of no importance to you, you are not going to be here much longer. [i]Another eerie silence filled the gaps between the uneasy tension that Voleur was emitting. Nameless seemed to this omnipotent figure of Voleur's existence, which made Voleur shift in her seat.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] What do you mean... "you are not going to be here much longer"? [i]Nameless took another sip of the water, and set the mug down once more as she waited moment.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] He [i]does[/i] have control over what goes in... and what goes out. Or at least, he used to... [i]Voleur scooted to the edge of her seat as she leaned over on the table taking another drink of the precious water.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] Who? [i]There was another moment of silence, but it was not so frightening this time. The air was full of interest, and curiosity. It was the kind of silence that let Voleur know that Nameless had a pleased smile on her face under the shadow of that hood.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] ... Ganondorf. [i]The mere mention of that name awoke a spine-tingling shiver in Voleur. She had heard many legends of this man. The only Gerudo man in ancient history. Though, she had heard rumors of their being another. No creautre could be half as evil as the dreaded Ganondorf. Her people had once praised him as this godly thing, but he was soon to turn on them in greed and power. He left them in shambles, and his attacks on the her world at the time had their vile effect on her kind... Voleur snapped out of this train of thought, noticing that Nameless had kept silent the whole time. Awaiting Voleur's attention once more... as if she understood was Voleur was thinking.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] With the defeat of the Legendary Hero, Ganondorf was able to access passage between both the Light and Dark world. At first, he was able to control these portals that would lead him to and fro, and back again. It was not long before this began to become out of his control. Slowly at first, but, as all things of this sort, it began to snowball. Portals began opening at random just waiting for any person or creature to pass through it and bring it to the opposite world. It was through these portals that those creatures that attacked your people emerged from... [i]Voleur's hands began to tremble as memories of that dark day flooded her mind once more. She fought the tears being driven to her, as she continued to listen to Nameless.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] There is deeper meaning to that attack. Whether you think you are ready to hear it or not, I know you are though it may be hard at first. I know it was when I first heard it... ... The horrid truth behind that assault on your people was that it took place back when Ganondorf had control over the passages. [i]Voleur could not take it. She immediately burst into tears layering her head down on the table in her arms. Her mug tipped over and spilled across the table. Nameless did nothing but speak louder and with more force so that Voleur could here her over her bawling.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] The attack on your people was an intentional act of Ganondorf. It was an act of malice and spite. Absolute evil. There was no motive. Just a plan. A plan to wipe your kind off the face of both worlds. For the most part, he succeeded. I can tell you in all truth that there were no survivors in the attack on your people. Rumor has it that only two remained. Yourself, and another. Though, rumor also has it that he meant for you two survivors to carry on for some sick and twisted amusement of his own I am sure. He placed that portal in front of you as you stumbled through the sandstorm in the Desert of Mystery, and had you sent to this world. The other Gerudo was left in the Light World. There he left you both to wallow in your lonliness. For he knew that no one would befriend a Gerudo. Their reputation is far too poor. So, indeed, he left you both to suffer, which apparently has taken its toll upon you. [i]Nameless was finished. Voleur continued crying. She had heard it all. After a while, her tears began to fade. As it did, revenge planted its roots deep in her mind. She pulled herself together from her tears, though her sadness was still eminent in her voice. Voleur stood up in her chair and spoke sternly to Nameless.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] How could you know?! How could you possibly know any of that as fact?!?! [i]Voleur was breathing heavily as Nameless sat still for a moment...[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] Answer me!!! [i]Nameless kept silent, then slowly began reaching towards her hood. Nameless leisurely removed the cover from her head... Voleur took one look and was filled with such horror and utter shock that she fell back to the floor.[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] H-- Ho... ... How... ?? [i]Voleur was astonished at a glimpse of the future. It was like looking into a mirror that reflected the story of your life with a single visage.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] He told you himself. You confronted him at the top of his tower, and just before he finished you off, he told of his actions. [i]Voleur was still on the floor, and still very much at shock...[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] He... killed me. Then how... ... do you...exist? [b]Nameless:[/b] By now you have surely felt my presence deep with your mind. The power of Revenge is strong. It can cloud your senses, making you believe things are really there, when if fact, they are not. Whether it be goodness, greed, love... hope... [b]Voleur:[/b] It has allowed me to see you... my future, if I decide to go up against Ganondorf... [i]Nameless nodded her head.[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] Alone. If you decide to face him alone. [i]There was a revelation of silence. Then Nameless spoke one last time...[/i] [b]Nameless:[/b] You have acquired all you need to know from me... [i]And with that, everything within the broken-down house faded away. Even Mortus. Nothing was left but the bare walls. Full of a new purpose and life, Voleur rose to her feet brushing herself off and walked out the door. The only question now was where to go...[/i][/color]
  5. [color=indigo]I have a general idea as to what I am receiving. I make a list (check it twice), and give it to those people who buy for me. So I know what I might receive, just not which. So there is kind of some mystery to it, and I least I know that I get what I wanted.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo][i]Voleur had walked through Skull Woods for time on end, sometimes having to sneak about to evade any opposition from the creatures of the wilderness. Her efforts have all yet been in vain as she had not found her way out of Skull Woods yet. It seemed hopeless. She had been searching on and off for several years now, and there had never been so much as a glimmer open land. Just trees. Lots and lots of trees. Everywhere. If she could only see above the trees, she knew she would be able to find her way out, but the branches up that here were so thin and frail that they could not support her weight as little as it may be. She was tired of walking. Sparking with an idea, she unhooked her longshot and aimed it as a tree far in front of her. The anchor and chain flew through the air digging into the trunk of the tree and pulled her to it. It was a piece of cake. After doing this for a while, she started to become more creative with it as she fired it at the lower branches and swinging from branch to branch. A few minutes of this turned a light bulb on in her mind as she allowed herself to drop to the ground. A look of awe and hope over her face as she looked toward the sky at the upper trunks of the trees. It was a dangerous idea, one slip up could mean certain doom if she could not recover. Voleur secured any and all belongings tightly to her as she proceeded to aim the long shot high and forward into the air at nearly the top of a tree. She drew in a deep breath and fired the longshot. She closed her eyes as she could feel herself being pulled through the air. She covered her face to block any branches she went through, but then there was nothing there. Opening her eyes, Voleur was sailing above the trees. Wasting no time she retracted the longshot and fired it at another tree ahead of her trying to keep the forward momentum instead of downward. Her plan was working. She was sailing above the tree tops. She glanced around as she did this. Off in the far, far distance ahead of her she could faintly see a pyramid... The pyramid!! The one she had found herself on when she first woke up in this world! Overwhelmed with joy, she set off flying high in the dark sky...[/i][/color]
  7. [color=indigo][i]The American troops went into a frenzy. Ripper stayed put. It was useless to try and run away when you did not know where you were supposed to me running away from. Another gunshot sounded, another body fell dead. Ripper could faintly hear Russian yelling coming from his right. A low rumble was also audible. Ripper snatched his radio and notified the helicopters. [b]Ripper:[/b] This is Ripper to Pilot! Come in! This is Ripper! Come in, Pilot! Over! He waited a second or two before a response came back. [b]Pilot:[/b] I hear you. Over. [b]Ripper:[/b] Soviet troops are in the wild! I do not know how many G.I. they have present but I can hear at least two tanks! I am demanding that you go to the nearest Virginian base and bring some back up! Over! A sound of concern and panic replied back. [b]Pilot:[/b] It will be done! Stay safe! Out! Ripper threw his radio to the side. It was no use to him anymore. It was only him, whatever American troops were still around... and the Soviets. Off to his right once more, a thunderous boom rattled the woods. Ripper peered over his hedge as a tree fell off in the distance, much around it was slightly on fire. Ripper looked ahead of him, it was a clear run. He took his AK-47 in hand and stood into a dead sprint into the wilderness. He could her intense Russian shouting, he could only make out some of it, but it was enough to know what they were getting at. "American! ... Fire!" was all he understood. Soon enough, chunks of dirt erupted from the ground as bullets from high powered rifles pierced into the woodland floor around him. Tree bark shattered into splinters. After a few seconds, the firing stopped, he was out of there direct sight. Up ahead he saw a small trench. He ran to it, and jumped in quickly steadying his breathing and listening. More Russian shouting could be heard, but only by a couple. Ripper layed flat against the wall of the trench, and waited with his .45 now in hand. Sure the ammunition was fake, but he had a plan. After a minute, Ripper could hear the Soviet boots crunching the ground beneath it. He aimed his .45 upward waiting for an ugly Soviet face to peer over the ridge of the trench. He could hear them moving closer. They were right on him. Then, it happened. A Soviet soldier looked cautiously into the trench, a shot sounded, and it fell into the trench holding its eye. Ripper sprung into action snatching the soldiers sniper rifle and jumping up firing a single shot. Killing the other Soviet with a bullet to the neck. Ripper turned around and looked down at the other soldier who was still moaning and groaning from being hit in the eye. He was too blind to attack. Ripper figured that if the Soviets heard another gunshot, they might get suspcious and send some more infantry. He booted the soldier in the stomach to help weaken him and then pushed him over onto his stomach. Ripper stepped over the soldier with a foot on either side of him, and uttered one word in Russian: 'Goodbye'. He raised one boot on high and stomped his boot forcefully down upon the Soviet, driving his heel deep into the lower skull/upper neck. The neck snapped, the jaw and nose were shattered from being smashed into the ground. The soldier was dead. Ripper scavenged the body arming himself now with the sniper rifle, a DD44 Dostovei, a combat knife, and ammunition to spare. He slung the rifle across his back, holstered the pistol, and pocketed the knife in his boot as he trekked off parallel to the Soviets that rolled through the woods. Things were looking up for him... well at least he was fairly armed. Ripper looked up as he heard the choppers overhead. The were still on their way to pick up troops. Then, Ripper's stomach binded looking back to the Soviets. Two soldier were arming themselves with rocket launchers as two others loaded the shells into the back. Ripper cursed under his breath and took position behind a tree. He brought the sniper rifle out from behind him and loaded a bullet into the chamber and closed the bolt. He peered out from behind the tree with the rifle aimed at the Soviets. Gazing through the night-vision scope, focused in on the soldiers with the rocket launchers. He was almost too late, one fired their rocket. So with no time to waste, Ripper aimed at the other's temple and fired. The soldier fired his rocket just as he was hit, his head half-missing. Ripper ducked back behind the tree and looked up into the air as a gaint explosion light up the sky as one on the choppers were hit with the first rocket. He swore once more, and followed the glow from the other rocket as it trailed through the air. He drew a deep breath and held it as the rocket closed in. He released a sigh of relief as the rocket missed the helicopter. He had fired in time. He strapped the rifle back into place and removed his Dostovei. He ejected the clip. Full. Popping it back in, he glanced at the Soviets again. They were still trying to figure out where the shot had come from and could not get another rocket loaded in time to shoot the other chopper down. Ripper ran off to his left away from the Soviet troops and took refuge behind a few large stone structures...[/i][/color]
  8. [color=indigo][i]The helicopters were now well into the West Virginian border. Ripper yelled forward to the pilot...[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] How much longer, Pilot?! [b]Pilot:[/b] Only a few minutes! If you can see the treeline up ahead, that is where we are going! [i]Ripper looked out the cockpit window, and sure enough, just short of the horizon line, there was a treeline the stretched as far as the eye could see. There was no sign of Virginian troops anywhere that he could see. He turned to his women and men...[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] All right, this is it! You know the rules of this training! Once you feel the hit, your are to stop dead in your tracks! Pun intended! Now everyone, strap on your parachutes and prepare to drop! [i]Ripper watched as each member of his troop reached under their seats and pulled out a parachute bag, ready to use. He then spoke to the pilot again.[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] Tell the other pilot to order the rest of my troop to get ready to depart! [i]The pilot nodded and sent the message through. Ripper reached below his own seat and strapped his parachute to him. He secured all his belongings and waited until given the command. As the pilot said, it was only a matter of minutes. An assistant soldier opened the hatch to the helicopter as was followed in the other chopper. The soldier then motioned for them to jump, and one by one they did. Soon, eighteen paracutes inflated in the late evening sky. The helicopters both continued ahead to the rendez-vous point. Soon enough, each member of Ripper's team touched down and unhooked themselves. When each was ready, Ripper motioned that each spread out along the treeline and held his radio to them, holding up three fingers. Each grabbed their own radio and turned to channel three. Ripper nodded and awaited them to get in position. Then, cautiously, they all moved forward into the woods, Ripper in the lead. A decent amount of time had passed, and the daylight was beginning to fade, but it was still to early for night vision. No sight of the Virgian troops were seen, but each soldier kept their AK-47 ready to fire. They figured they were about a quarter of the way into the wilderness. The tense silence was broken by an incoming message from a team member on their radios. Ripper unhooked it from his side and held it to his ear... [b]---:[/b] Ripper, this is Private Adams, come in. [b]Ripper:[/b] I hear you. What is it? [b]Adams:[/b] Movement. Ten o'clock. Ripper, as well as all other members of the team glanced a bit to the left. Ripper squinted his eyes as he peered deeper into the woods. Surely enough, a human figure darted from behind one tree to another. Indeed, they have spotted the figure, but had it spotted them? And where there is one, surely there must be others around. [b]Ripper:[/b] Well done, Private. Keep on the lookout. We do not know if it has seen us, or if there are more. [b]Adams:[/b] Understood. [b]Ripper:[/b] And that goes for all of you. Out. Ripper saddled the radio back by his side, and slowly advanced looking all around, but there was no sight of any other opposing soldier. He removed his radio once more... [b]Ripper:[/b] Which one of you thinks they have the best shot at it...? He waited a few seconds while he saw each member hold their AK-47 in firing position to see how good their shot was... A female voice came back over. [b]---:[/b] Private Anderson here. I have a clear shot at it, and I do not believe it has seen us yet. [b]Ripper:[/b] Very well. Take your shot, but everyone keep alert for we are not yet sure if there are more sneaking around. Out. Everyone put their radios back and readily armed themselves with thier AK-47's. Ripper looked to his right and saw P. Anderson in the distance raising her rifle into position. Ripper gave one last look around, and nodded to Anderson. Two quick shots rang through the air as each team member held still, staring where Anderson had shot. After a few seconds, the soldier stepped out from behind the tree, hands on their head. Direct hit. But just as Ripper would have thought, slight movements could be seen scurrying around. He grabbed his radio again for one quick message. [b]Ripper:[/b] They knew where we are, so be on alert. You are free to scatter out of order. Out. Slowly each member of the team moved out of their position into something more suitable. Ripper advanced a bit taking refuge behind some brush. Peering over the top he looked into the trees and saw at least three soldiers moving into a better position. By now the sky was dark, with the sun setting deep into the horizon. Both troops waited to see who would make the first move. After a few minutes, a solitary shot shattered the silence. What all soldiers found odd is that is was a [u]solitary[/u] shot, and it was too forceful to be from a .45. Suddenly, one of the opposing soldier fell from a tree. Immediately, a Virginian soldier rushed to the fallen soldier's side finding a bullet wound in his neck...[/i] [b]V. Soldier:[/b] He is dead! Who shot him?! [i]Ripper yelled from his cover...[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] All our bullets are fake! Just like yours. [i]The soldier stood up from the deceased's side.[/i] [b]V. Soldier:[/b] Then how was he ki-! [i]Before he could finished his sentence, the soldier head vanished in a misty cloud of red. Everyone saw it, and everyone knew that they were not alone. The red of the blood. The red of the Soviets... and the Americans were all armed with fake ammunition...[/i][/color]
  9. [color=indigo][i]Voleur rose from her rest when her Ghoma meat settled to a slow and steady sizzle. She lifted the pan away from the flames and dumped the contents onto a flat, clean piece of driftwood that rested on a faded, worn, and warped wooden table. Setting the pan down at the other end of the table, Voleur took her own solitary seat. She drew an arrow from the quiver which was now slung across the back of her hand-made chair, and stabbed it into a piece of the Ghoma meat she removed from the leg. The heat of the flame had changed it into a brownish-orange color from its orginal black. All of the impurities had been scorched off. Voleur bit into the succulent piece of meat. It was not the best thing in the world, but it what she most often found. She smiled to herself at a faintly familiar taste that reminded her of the Light World..[/i] [b]Voleur:[/b] Tastes like Cucco... [i]She soon finished off the leg meat from the Ghoma and moved to the parts she removed from its back. Each had a somewhat sweet taste to it. Much like when you cook an onion. When she finished her meal, she leaned back in her chair with her hands over her bare stomach. She had been well satiated. Voleur released a contented sigh and stood up from her chair and moved outside. She extracted her scimitars, both of which were slightly stained from the battle, and dipped the blades in the black water. Steam began to rise from the liquid around the blade as the puss and fluid from the Ghoma's eye was removed from the metal. Voleur pulled the blades from the water, each was now lusterous as they glimmered in what little light there was. The dead leaves in the trees above rattled with the movement on an intruder. Voleur snapped her attention upward with a scimitar in hand. All was silent, though a few leaves fell to the ground. Her eyes darted around looking for any sign of anything. A slight reflection of a thing light caught her eye. Looking closer, it was a thin silver strand up high in the trees. She looked around the strand and faintly saw more... like it was... a web. Instinctively, Voleur rolled in a backwards somersault as a Deeler dropped right down into the spot of which she standing. Voleur breathed heavily. She had been caught off guard by a Deeler once before, and it was not pretty. She nearly died from their poison. The large, spider-like creature hung from its strand as both just looked at the other. The Deeler clipped is thread and dropped to the ground advancing to attack Voleur. She hated dealing with these monsters. They were far to clever and agile for an easy battle. A small thud was heard behind her. Voleur glanced back only to find another Deeler stalking her. Quickly, she drew her other scimitar in hand, slowly retreating to her shelter as the creatures approached her. Behind the two, more smaller Deelers dropped from above. When they had all stopped coming there were about ten to fifteen in count. Now only within several paces of her shelter, she turned into a dead sprint clearing the threshold and slamming the door shut behind her. A few pounds pushed against the door as some Deelers jumped at it. She moved back further into her shelter as the monsters relentlessly pushed against her door. She knew she was outnumbered and that escape was nearly impossible. She backed up against the far wall, against something soft. She rotated her head to see what it was... a cape. The cape! The one given to her before she was sent off into the Desert of Mystery in the Light World all those years ago. The Magic Cape. It held the power to make its user invisible. She jumped up from the wall in glee and removed the cape from its hook. Before putting it on, she gathered up all her belongings: her quiver and arrows, her scimitars, her longshot, and her bow. She wore everything else. Voleur then draped the the cape over herself, becoming invisible to the eye. Before she left she peeked out a small peephole in one of her walls. The number of Deelers had dramatically increased. There was almost no walking space left on the ground. She knew once she left the Deelers would go inside her shelter and tear it to pieces looking for her. Never before had she been confronted like this. It seemed she would have to find a new place to stay, but she was not going down without a fight. She moved to her fire and kicked it swiftly all over the room her bed immediately went up in flames, and she figured that was as good of a catalyst as any. So, at last, she drew in her breath and held it as she charged the door. She broke though it was amazing speed courtesy of her Pegasus Boots. Once the door was busted open, the Deelers flooded through the threshold. As she ran, she stepped on many of the spider-like monsters. In turn, one creature blamed another and they fought each other to the death of one. Voleur jumped the small stream and landed safely on the other side. She turned around still covered by the cape as she watched her shelter go up in a blazing inferno. Many Deelers tried to turn back to get out of it, but too many were also flooding in. Then, the shelter collapsed, trapping a majority of them in the fire. The few creatures that were left ran away. When all was safe, she removed the cape from over her, becoming visible again, and rested for a few minutes. After a while, she stood up and removed her longshot from its clip. She gazed far above the cliffs edge at the trees that lined it. She picked a random one and pulled herself to it. Voleur dropped to the ground, now above where her home once was, and walked solemnly in a random direction kicking at the dirt. In the four years she had spent in this world, the evils finally caught up to her and stripped her of her only means of shelter. She knew now, more than ever, that she needed to find her way out of Skull Woods...[/i][/color]
  10. [color=indigo][i]Under the ominous clouds of the blackened sky over Skull Woods in the Dark World, the dead, dry, and darkened leaves whispered of the presence of a being. A larger metallic arrow pierced through the brush connected to a long chain. It drove itself into the lower branches of the giant trees. The chain pulled taught as it dragged a figure behind it up to those branches. The already poor light, and even darker shadows hid the identity of this figure. It crouched low as it removed the anchor of the chain from the wood of the tree. Once the disturbance was removed, the tree seemed to patch itself over as a person would if they acquired a cut. The figure paid not attention to this, it had seen it enough times that it had become commonplace. Instead, it peered silently down at the shaded path below. The sound of the dry dirt being scratched and a disgusting breathing could be heard below. In the darkness, a rather large monster could be seen. One gaint eye stood out in the blackness. The creature was easily three times the size of the figure in the tree above it. The creature moved along slowly surveying the area as if it knew something was around. The figure in the tree remained like stone. Silent and unmoving. The monster came right below the branch that the figure was present on. It, the figure, slowly reached to its side where a mighty blade was strapped. Once it had it in hand, it reach to its side with the other hand and grabbed an indentical blade. It positioned itself for ambush and waited for the right moment. Off in the distance ahead of the creature, bird-like critters fluttered in the trees. The monster's one eyeshot forward in attention trying to see clearly through the shadows. From above a silhouette dropped from a tree branch landing directly on the creature above its eyes. The monster, taken by surprise, raised itself wildly in the air while the figure secured itself to the monster with its legs. The figure lifted its twin blades high overhead, and when the creature came back down to the ground the figure used that momentum, plus its own power, to bring the blades down upon the creature piercing them both into the eye of it. The monster screamed a deathly scream as it reared its body into the air once more. The figure leaped forward off of the creature. It flew through the air with grace tucking itself into a flip as it removed a bow from its back. It landed firmly on the ground and drew a single arrow in the string of the bow. The monster crashed to the ground as one of the blades fell out. The figure released the bow string sending the arrow toward the creature. It missed, hitting it in the monster in the leg, which did not even phase it. The figure retreated as the creature advanced slowly. Again, it pulled back another arrow and released it. The monster let loose another deafening scream as the arrow drove deeply into its eye. The figure took advantage of the creature being distracted and rolled under it grabbing its blade. The monster recovered from the pain and peered under itself only to see the figure charging it and the blade being forced into its eye once more. The creature could not take anymore, it screamed once more lifting its body high into the air as the figure ran for cover. The monster smashed violently and uncontrollably to the ground. Its legs strewn about. The entire creature was lifeless. The figure emerged from the woods onto the beaten dirt path. It approached the monster with little caution. It grabbed the the twin scimitars and jerked them out of the eye. The creature flinched as its nerves we not yet fully dead. The figure then removed its arrows from the eye and leg, putting them back in the quiver strapped to the figures back. The figure then spoke to the dead monster, the voice distinctly feminine.[/i] [b]---:[/b] Just like many Ghomas before you, you put up a decent fight; but also just like many Ghomas before you, you perished at the hands of Voleur. [i]The lady chuckled to herself as she removed one of her scimitars again, and climbed upon the Ghoma and drove the blade forcefully into its back.[/i] [b]Voluer:[/b] I hate having to kill your kind, you are not good for much. Very little of you is worth eating, but your strong shells do make good protection. A majority of my shelter is made out of the shells of your kind. [i]Voleur cut open an area in the Ghomas back and reached inside. She pulled out a odd shaped, squishy, yet dry piece of the Ghoma's insides. She smelled it and nodded in approvement. She continued to remove different parts from the ghoma and set them down on the back of the creature as she dropped down to its side. She hacked at one of its legs until it fell from the body. She then removed a lot of muscle from the inside before she pulled out a solitary chunk of Ghoma meat. She then moved down to the end of the leg and with a single chop of her scimitar, cut off the one claw that was present there. She pocketed the claw and went back to the meat from the leg and skewered it with her scimitar. She hopped up onto its back and skewered the rest of the insides she had pulled out before that. Voleur jumped down and darted off into the woods. It was not long before she arrived at an edge to a cliff. Down below, against the wall of the cliff, was a small but violent stream of the darkened water of this world. On a decently sized beach of coarse dirt and stone, was a rather well constructed hut. From its structural detail, it was evident that much time had been put forward in creating it. It even had a small chimney made from a hollowed out leg of a Ghoma. A few paces from the shelter was a single dead tree. Voleur stood on the cliff edge and removed her longshot aiming it near the base of the tree. She fired the anchor and chain and hit the tree dead on. The chain pulled tight and pulled her down to it. When she came to the tree she put her feet forward and hit the tree. She kicked off immediately, pulling out the anchor from the wood, and landed on the rough ground. She hooked her longshot to its clip on the back of her waist and walked into her shelter. She already had a fire going, as she usually did. The smoke had a tendency to ward off any monsters that might find their way to her shelter. Every so often she would find small Floormasters hiding about, but she was soon to disposed of them. She set a large pan over the flames and pulled the insides from the Ghoma off her blade and into the pan. Voleur then tossed the claw into a pile of other Ghoma claws she had removed from each creature of that sort she had killed. She moved to her bed which was merely a large piece of cloth filled with her own hair that she had cut as it grew. Resting her eyes with thoughts of getting out of this place racing through her mind.[/i][/color]
  11. [color=indigo][i]The chopping of propellor blades filled the air around helipads five and six. Ripper was seated just the edge of the doorway of one awaiting his troop. He looked down at his watch: 1650 hours. He lifted his eyes forward to see his men and women marching toward the two helicopters. Ripper hopped down from his seat and paced forward a bit as his troop lined up in front of him. He counted seventeen heads; his own made eighteen. All were accounted for. He began to speak while assistant soldiers handed each trainee their AK-47 and .45. Each was full of fake ammunition, and each was given a spare clip for each weapon.[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] Ladies... Men. These will be the only weapons you are armed with. I suggest you use them wisely. In five minutes we shall be leaving from here. We are going to arrive at our destination at 1800 hours. Our goal is to get to the other side of the woods. It is a stretch of about three or four miles, and remember that the Virginian troops can be anywhere. Do you all understand what you are going to do? [i]A resounding "Yes, sir!" poured from the lips of each soldier.[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] Very well. I want you nine to go to the helicopter over on pad five, the other eight of you are with me here on six... Dismissed. [i]The selected nine soldier marched off to pad five which was a short distance away. Ripper watch his soldier climb in one by one, and pulled himself in last. The pilot gave the word to the pilot of chooper five and they lifted off into the evening sky. As soon as they cleared the area of the base, all soldier immediately witnessed the damage the Soviet threat had been causing along the coastal area...[/i][/color]
  12. [color=indigo][i]In a matter of hours, Ripper had gathered a small troop of nine women and eight men, excluding himself. He sat himself upon a table set up outside the Mess Hall as his regiment gathered around him. Ripper was not in full military fatigues, minus his helmet, which was placed at his side, and the shades he still wore.[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] Ladies... Gentlemen. Attention. [i]The soldiers stopped whatever they might have been doing and gave Ripper their undivided attention.[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] I have received order for myself, and all of you, to proceed in wilderness training. I have been appointed as the leader of you all, hence me gathering you here. We are to take off from helipads five and six at 1700 hours. From there we shall be taken to a wooded area a few miles from a base in southern West Virginia. Several troops from the Virginian base are being lpaced in the woods for training, just as we are. Even though we are both from the same soil, the Virginian troops are now considered enemies. In these woods, there are no places for the helicopters to land, so we are going to be dropped just outside of them. We, as well as the Virginian troops, will be armed with real weapons, but fake ammunition. You are going to feel the hit, and you are required to stay where you are once you do. Obviously, that is where you failed, so that is where you must stay. We shall receive our arms and further details on the way over. For now, I suggest you gets your butts in gear and prepare to go. I shall see you all in an hour and a half. [i]Ripper stepped down from the table and parted his way through his troops. When he cleared them he turned and saluted, dismissing them and heading off to prepare. He did not enjoy the idea of being the leader. He has only been trained as a hitman, not a soldier. He has had numerous training experiences training like he was going to in the wilderness, but he was never anything exceptional at them. He usually got pretty far before he was caught. He arrived at the tent his bunk where his bunk was located and stormed inside. He tossed the envelope onto his mattress and plopped down right beside it. He looked at it with slight disgust and then brushed it off into his bag which was open on the floor below him. He layed back with his eyes closed, resting for the mission.[/i][/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]In an U.S. Army base, somwhere a few hundred miles in from the Atlantic coast, Ripper strode independantly into a cabin, not even closing the door on his way in; it closed on its own. He approached a desk near the back of the room where a man was seated facing the opposite direction speaking with another solider. Ripper put his hands on forcefully on the desk, forcing the officer to his attention. The man looked at him crudely in retort to Ripper's rudeness, and finished his words with the soldier who then left the cabin. The officer turned in his chair to Ripper who was decked out in a military fatigues, aside from the black sleeveless t-shirt and sunglasses.[/i] [b]Officer:[/b] Back up off my desk, soldier. [i]Ripper picked his hands up off the desk in a mocking manner. The officer turned back to a file cabinet and began rummaging through files.[/i] [b]Officer:[/b] I suppose you would like to know why we brought you here... We are sending you on a training mission. [i]Ripper snapped his head to the officer...[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] Like hell you are... [i]The officer sighed and removed an unopened yellow envelope from the cabinet, and then slapped it on the desk. The big bold letters reading "CONFIDENTIAL" stamped across. Ripper picked it up with his fingers and paced away from the desk a bit, opening the envelope and pulling out its contents. The top sheet was a letter from 'higher authority' which forced him to do this assignment...[/i] [b]Officer:[/b] That is all I needed you for. You may leave. [i]Ripper looked coldly back at the officer, and proceeded to leave with the documents in hand.[/i][/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Ahh, good ol' Zelda. Finally, a chance at a decent RPG. Superb idea with selecting who will actually be able to participate... even if it does cost me my chance to be in this, lol. ---------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Voleur [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] Gerudo [b]Character Class:[/b] Knight [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=320239[/img][size=1][Do you not just LOVE my creativity? :rolleyes:][/size] [b]Background/Bio:[/b] Voleur, ever since she was born, had been a trained Gerudo thief. She was born into a clan of Gerudo women who taught her everything there is to know about what it is to be a Gerudo. By the time she was nine, she had nearly mastered using the traditional Gerudo Scimitars, used by most guards. On she turned twelve, her clan rewareded her with twin, custom made Gerudo Scimitars. They were a little big for her at the time, but she knew that she would grow into them. In the meantime, it would work her arm strength. When she came to be thirteen, she was given a bow and quiver. This weapon was a bit new to her, but she carried it as a back up, and practiced it every so often. When she was fourteen her village was taken under assault. Her elders knew she was too young to fight the incredible forces that darkened the sky that day. So they gave her a few treasures: a longshot, Pegasus Boots, and a Magic Cape (all of which had surely been stolen elsewhere). Then they sent Voleur out into the Desert of Mystery... alone. Vicious sand storms blind her sight, so she passed through it aimlessly, hoping to find some means of shelter. She thought she saw something ahead of her, but the sandstorm made it unclear. She continued to walk to it, and then everything just went black. When she awoke, she found herself alone atop a giant pyramid. She figured she was far from any home she had ever known. It was not long until a frightening acquaintance told her that she had somehow fallen into the Dark World. She did not understand exactly what this Dark World was, but the visage of her acquaintance showed nothing but fear. She soon learned of the monsters of this world first hand. A few of them she could take on, others she had to run from. After being chased into Skull Woods, she became lost, and for two years bringing us to present day, she has not found her way out. She has made a permanent and hidden shelter buried in the depths of the woods, and knows the woods fairly well. She just has never been able to find her way out... [b]Starting Location:[/b] Deep within Skull Woods - Dark World [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] Twin Custom Gerudo Scimitars [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Bow [b]Items:[/b] Longshot, Pegasus Boots, Quiver [size=1][20 arrows][/size], Magic Cape [b]Spells:[/b] [size=1]none yet[/size][/color]
  15. [color=indigo][b]Name -[/b] 'Ripper' [b]Allegiance -[/b] Allies [b]Military -[/b] America [b]Age -[/b] [size=1][last recorded][/size] 27 [b]Description -[/b] Six feet, three inches. One hundred and seventy-one pounds. Caucasian. Bald. Dark blue eyes [size=1][ naturally; custom contacts may show differently][/size]. Porportionately muscular. Extremely gothic and detailed portrayal of Death tattooed on inner left forearm. An ominous skull tattooed on right deltoid. A silver stud pierced in right nostril. Diagnol scar across left cheek. Top front canines are silver. [b]Bio/History -[/b] His story is [i]not[/i] every man's story. Born of a broken home. His father beat his mother every day of his life until he was five. At long last, his mother could not take any more; she killed herself. His father continued his assualts. Only now on his son. At one point his father took a kitchen knife and slashed him across the face. He took his son to the hospital, telling the doctors that he "went to the restroom, and the kid went to the kitchen and played with the knives.", and that when he came back, his son was standing with the knife in hand, tears rolling down his face, blood dripping to the floor. Lies... except for the tears and the blood. They were real. Too real. The kind of reality a typical five year does not normally come knife to face with. He was in the hospital for a few weeks while the stitches set. A scar remained. The week after he came back home from the hospital, during the night, the child could not sleep. He had received more severe beatings since the incident with the knife, of which his father blamed him for. That night, his father died. Police arrived the next morning to find the son sitting on the floor next to his father's bed, just looking at it, with his father's gun in hand. His father lie murdered with a bullet hole in his sternum. In court, they could not condemn the boy. He testified in tears of his mother's suicide, his father's beatings, ... the scar. His testimony was eloquently and convincly put, especially coming from, at this time, a six year old child. He was put in a special home for children who live such lives as he does. He was there for two years, where he always got in fights with the other children; no matter how big or small they were. A majority of the time, he actually won. A family adopted him. Nothing special. His new parents pretty much let him do whatever he wanted. Gave him whatever he desired, though, suprisingly, he never spoiled himself. Around the age of fourteen, he began to take a keen interest in death. Not the event of it, but the act of making it happen. He possessed hundreds of text files on his computer on different ways to kill people; whether it be with hands, firearm, close-range weapon, poison, etc. He also studied basic explosives. For a few years already, he had been taking several martial arts classes. By the time he was seventeen, he had made black belt in all of them. Throughout high school, he was a master in physics and chemistry. He also participated in ROTC all four years. Nothing getting to practice marksmanship in school. Soon enough, he moved out on his own. When he came of legal age, he bought himself a firearm. He carried it with him. Always. He rarely used it, unless he was at a gun club; to practice. One day not too long after, he killed a man with it. The man was driving down the street, as another man ran out from an alleyway shouting that the guy had stolen his car. The scarred young man shot the back tires out, forcing the car into a streetpole. The man came out, armed, and ready to fire. Immediately, he was shot. Three times, up the middle of the torso. He took off running not wanting to be caught for murder. He hid in a dark alley for a while, when the man who was the owner of the car found him, and offered him an interesting proposition. He had recognized the young man's skill in making a hit, and offered to hire him as a hitman. He agreed. He was not given anything big at first, but over the few years he had gained a reputation. He became known as the 'Ripper'. A pun off of the Grim Reaper. He made his living this way until he was twenty-three. He had become an exceptionally skilled hitman. His work came to a close when his employer suddenly 'disappeared'. A year later, the government picked up on him. They kidnapped him, and gave him a life or death decision. He would either be executed for all of the victims he killed, or put his skills to use and join the military. Being that death was an ironic choice to him, he chose the military. The government accepted him, and gave him a golden icing to his cake by clearing any and all records of his former self ever existing. He kept a strictly confidential government record under the name 'Ripper'. He was given a free pass in the military, allowing him to mingle unquestioned with any general military section the U.S. had. It was because of this he learned how to fly aircraft, work on naval ships, sharpen his skills in explosives of all kinds, among other things. [b]Supplemental -[/b] Secondary lagnuages: French, German. Knows some Russian. With the goverment behind his back, he is not one to kindly take random orders from most military officers. Only a few in each military section know who he is, and those are who he reports to.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh[/i] [B][size=1]Sorry, but what I posted for was to say that it is not a trick question. Mosquitos really do have teeth. Piro knows, and I've even looked it up.[/b][/size][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Forty-seven. :p I love useless information, lol. There are still a few questions up for grabs, so I shall leave other people to get those instead of clogging this topic with a million different questions.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus[/i] [B]Would we want you guys modding our pm's anyway, that means in some cases reading them.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I was thinking the same thing, "So much for the idea of 'laissez-faire'.". Private Messages are named such for a reason, which also happens to be one of the reasons why attachments in them will not happen.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents[/i] [B]Create an enemy you say: do you really need to create one when an enemy flies into you.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Notice it says "Sometimes this will be done for you."[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin[/i] [b][color=crimson]So really, I don't care either way. The government can do what it likes, as long as it leaves me alone. America can attack Iraq for all I care, they can attack Australia for all I care. Doesn't bother me one way or another.[/color][/b][/quote][color=indigo]Finally, someone who sees through the same eyes that I do...[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]It depends on the person really. With people that I have known for a long time, I have learned to like them for who they are, regardless of what they do. I have told many of them that even if they were to intentionally murder someone, I would still be there friend. Sure I am going to frown on the fact that they murdered another person, but, as the old movie title goes, [i]So I Married an Axe Murderer[/i]. It does not matter what they have done, they are still my friend. However, if I have just recently became acquainted with another person, and I am not totally sure of who they are. Then, I hear that they killed someone. Chances are I am going to shy away from them. I do not have the same comfort around them that I would a long time friend.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Oig... I could probably really go on and on... So let us see how many I can think of now (no particular order): Topaz, Voodoo, James, Adam, Neil, Ken, Kinetic, Lalaith, Juu, Raiha, Sara, Sephiroth, Transtic, Final Flash, Warlock, Justin, Anna, Asuka, Ravenstorture, Harlequin, Ajeh, Break, Ginny, Shy, Nerdsy, Desbreko, Tasis, Semjaza Azazel... The list goes on...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Meh, me and Worry do party together a lot. I am a fairly laid back kind of guy... or maybe that is apathy. I just do not let a lot of things bother me. Could be that I am too stubborn in some weird sense, or maybe it is because I am always too tired to make a big deal out of anything. In any case, worrying might show up with me for a little bit, but I am quick to get over it.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]... G.I.? As in [i]G.I. Joe[/i]? If so, I believed it stood for Ground Infantry. I am not quite sure... What is the difference between weather and climate?[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][b]Name:[/b] Caellian Navain [ 'Cael' for short ] [b]Age:[/b] 273 [b]Race:[/b] Elven [b]Weapons:[/b] A deep brown, hand furnished longbow passed down his family line, a quiver with a maximum capacity of forty arrows, a short swort [ only about a two and a half foot blade) ]. [b]Bio:[/b] Cael has always been more of a seer than a speaker. He is not necessarily a loner, but he just does not speak much. He has always been uniquely in tune with nature, and, running in the family, has developed exceptional skill with the bow. He defeated his great-grandfather, the previous possessor of the family longbow, in a contest on who could use a bow more skillfully. Since then, Cael has mastered the skill, and is considered [i]one[/i] of the most skilled Elven archers; a title he modestly accepts. His short sword is a side skill. Despite his quietness, Cael can become rather energetic when a challenge or battle comes around. [b]Description:[/b] His skin is very fair, and slightly paled. His eyes are a vivid green with a darker ring of green around it. His hair is straight, gray, and comes down to the middle-lower portion of his back. He wears a darkly colored, thick tunic; a deep gray, hooded cloak, and dark brown arm gaurds and boots.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I am just waiting until Santa Day comes. That is the best part of it. I actually get to do things that day, rather than just sit around like I always do...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Not too shabby. Even for how few detail is in it, it still could use a bit more, just to make things looks a bit nicer. Her arms seem a bit weird to me, and her gun (it that is what that is) is disfigured. Also, her right breast is bigger than her left. :p[/color]
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