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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]This sort of thing is a game, thus it belong in the Adventure Arena. Eh, while I am here... targets painted on them.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo][i]Darwin and Adriana spoke amongst themselves for some time, getting to know the other. It was not long until, seemingly out of nowhere, Xavier pulled up beside them unknowingly.[/i] [b]Xaiver:[/b] It is good to see you are making friends, Darwin. [i]Taken by surprise, both of them whipped around and chuckled to themselves, since it was only Charles.[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] I apologize if I am interrupting anything. I also apologize to you, Darwin, I am running a bit late on our meeting. There was an incident in the Danger Room. [b]Darwin:[/b] You were not interrupting much of anything. Just casual talk... Danger Room? [i]Xavier cracked a small smile and gestured to Adriana to leave, and she did so.[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] Follow me. [b]Darwin:[/b] Are we going to this... Danger Room? [b]Xavier:[/b] Not yet. It needs some cleaning up, and I need to tend to some of the mutants. [i]Darwin was slightly confused, as he did not know the exact events of what went on that classified it as, as Xavier said, an "incident". Though he thought it was better not to ask. If it were of any importance to him, he was sure Xavier would have told him.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Out of curiosity, what is the Danger Room? [b]Xavier:[/b] It is the training facility I mentioned in your note. It has many interactive sessions and simulations. I only let few students go in there, as it can be a very dangerous environment. Hence, the name. [i]Darwin nodded in understanding as they went along randomly around the academy.[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] I take it the practice area proved helpful? [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes, it was. My aim is nearly perfect, and I am quickly learning to guage my power. [i]Xavier smiled once more, only wider this time. He was pleased that so many of his new students have such a sturdy grip on their power. Xavier had his eye on Darwin ever since he was put into the orphanage far off in Scotland. He knew that Darwin has not led the most moral life after being pushed out on the streets, being forced to survive through thefting and cons, but he was still so young. He did not know any better... and he was sure something in his past, before Xavier started tracking him, led to these events. He just was not sure what.[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] You want to know what your power is, do you not? [i]Darwin snapped his head towards Xavier's, he looked at him with a subtle amazement as that was what was on his mind at the time...[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes. Yes, I do. [b]Xavier:[/b] Your power is a fairly simple, but dangerous one. That is why I had you start off in the practice area first, and that is why you have that cut on your index finger. You may think a simple gash is not much, but if it had not been for your battle fatigues, you would have been more seriously injured... [i]Darwin looked at his finger, removing the bandage. The wound was sealed back together by now, so he decided to keep the bandage off. He did recall being constantly pelted by stone and concrete debris when he shattered the boulder... He found it amazing that his wardrobe protected him so well...[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] So... what is my power? [b]Xavier:[/b] You possess the inate ability to kinetically charge inanimate objects. When you hold them in your hand, they are stable so they do not react. Though when they come in contact with anthing else, or anyone else even it happens to be yourself, they lose that stability and how ever much charge you put into that object his released destructively. You seem to have taken to those cards, but just remember that it helps to be resourceful. Of course, the larger the object, the more difficult it will be to charge. Also, keep in mind that if the object has moving parts, the more you charge it, the faster those parts will move. When you think about the various possibilities and situations in which you could use your power. you will understand the risks involved with it. [i]Darwin nodded along, finally have a better grip on what it was that he was capable of doing. Xavier stopped, pulling in front of Darwin.[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] The next time the Danger Room is being used, I shall contact you, and bring you down so you can watch, and wait your turn... Well, if you have no further questions, I have things to do. [b]Darwin:[/b] None. [b]Xavier:[/b] It was nice speaking with you, Darwin. [i]Darwin smiled and nodded as Xavier wheeled off down the hall. Darwin headed up to his room.[/i][/color]
  3. [color=indigo][i]Sil reached across and placed her gloved hand atop Darwin's. Gently, she pulled it down and held it in front of her, examing it. Darwin just watched, letting Sil have her way. She continued to run her fingers across his covered palm. She placed a hand further up his forearm rolling the sleeve of his coat back, and moderately began undoing the few buckles that held his glove to his arm. When finished, she cautiously removed it, and set it to the side. She contemplated the bare skin, thinking mournfully of how she has never been able to feel it with her own for so long. A faint glimmer caught her eye on his forefinger. A slight gash ran the length of the first digit, blood slowly oozing from the wound.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Shouldn't we clean this up? [i]Darwin took notice of the cut surprisingly. He had not noticed it before. He figured it was from a piece of stone that was shattered from the one he destroyed in the practice area. He nodded to Sil as they both stood up and ambled to Sil's restroom, still hold his hand. Darwin rinsed the wound off in the sink as Sil retrieved a bandage. Darwin dried off his finger and Sil placed the bandage on with care. She looked at Darwin, smiling almost nervously. Darwin beamed a grin back at her as they paced back to the futon. Darwin retrieved his glove and put it back on, and seated himself once more. Sil sat down next to him wih a woeful sigh, laying her head gently upon his chest. Darwin sat a bit uncomfortably for a moment; not expecting this action, but he settled himself and but his arm around her shoulder as they sat in tranquility...[/i][/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch[/i] [B][color=red]Lol, at least mine isn't that bad. My real name's, as I said, Mitchell Grant Smith...so, if you put that all together, it means [b][i]who is like god great blacksmith[/b][/i] Oo...it doesn't realy make sense. But, oh well, what do you expect?[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You could very easily make that into a question: [i]Who is like god, great blacksmith?[/i] So, in a way, it does make sense... assuming you are a great blacksmith, lol.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Haha! Wow, if you put the meanings of my names together you get [i]"god gave plum from the bright valley"[/i], lol. I also find it odd how in the musical [i]Clue[/i] I was Professor Plum. It is almost like it was meant to be, heh. The only part I do not like about it is the first word. >_< *looks at it spitefully*[/color]
  6. [color=indigo][i]Darwin opened the door to the practice area. It was late evening... probably around six thirty. He peered around looking for some kind of natural target to practice his power guaging on. Not far off from the door was a large, gray stone. He rushed over to it and examined it for any cracks, or faults that might cause it to break too easily if he threw even the slightest charge at it. It seeemed to be in perfect condition.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] All right! What luck. [i]It was too oddly shaped to roll, so he figured the only way to get it back to the practice room was to carry he it. He crouched down to the ground beside the boulder and grasped under the rough surface firmly on either side. He braced himself, and, with effort, he lifted the rock slowly off the ground. His fingers reddened under the overbearing weight of the stone. He waited a bit before he walked, so he could get a solid stance. Then, with care, he rolled the stone into a cradled position in his arms, giving his fingers less to work with. He proceeded to walk with caution, as the stone blocked some of his view. When he got back to the threshold of the practice area, he tossed the boulder inside and gathered his well needed breath. He stepped inside the room once more, closing the door behind him. He lifted the stone once more, and moved as quickly as his legs would let him under the tremendous weight. He dropped it in the middle of the room, and moved himself near the wall he had been throwing at earlier to practice his skill at accuracy and precision. He pull a card from the wall a focused his power to the card, immediatly it radiated with its familiar red glow; so did his eyes. That was easy enough. He took note that any other time he had used his power, the explosion was always the same degree. Knowing that this stone was solid to the core, he knew also that it was going to take more than the average card. He put full, undivided attention to the card. His body tensed, his grip tightened. Slowly at first, the intensity of the card heightened. The glow became brighter, and radiance became more violent. Surprising to himself, he was learning rather quickly. With another push of focus, he charged the card even more. He did this continually until the card was merely a bright red glowing rectangle. He smiled fiendishly, it was absolutely amazing to him. He looked toward the stone while preparing to throw the projectile. With a quick snap and flick of the wrist he sent the card flying through the air. It pierced the boulder and erupted in a giant explosion. he pushed himself against the wall and covered his face from the flying debris. When everything cleared, the stone was nothing but small rocks and pebbles. He chuckled to himself. Gauging his power was simple. He would perfect in time. He decided to be finished. He would continue his skills when Xavier was ready to give him the greater training he spoke of. At that, he left the practice area and sprinted back to the academy. He decided to go visit with Sil, since she was the only one he knew at this point. Hopefully she was not busy. When he passed through the doors, it struck him that he did not know where her room was... So he stood where he was, confused. After a while, another female mutant entered the hall. To his surprise, she approached him..[/i] [b]---:[/b] Hey! You are new aren't you? [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes... I am.. sort of. I have been here for a day or to. Who are you? [b]---:[/b] I am Adriana. [i]The name sounded familiar to him... he just could not figure would where he had heard it. He stood and thought for a few seconds... ... Ah! He remembered now. Sil had spoken of her when they were in the cafeteria..[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] So... you know Sil, then? [b]Adriana:[/b] Sure do! Why? ... Are you looking for her? [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes. [b]Adriana:[/b] She is in her room. [b]Darwin:[/b] Where might that be? [i]Darwin retrieved the necessary information from Adriana and bid her farewell. He appoached the elevators, and went up to Sil's room. He stepped up and knocked on the door. It was silent for a bit, but he could here some moving around inside. The handle turned, and the door opened.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Darwin! Hi, what a surprise. [b]Darwin:[/b] Am I intrrupting anything? [b]Sil:[/b] Not at all, come on in. [i]She said this as a smile came across her face. So Darwin entered her her as she shut the door behind them...[/i][/color]
  7. [color=indigo][i]In the practice area, Darwin was brushing up on his skill and power, while Sil maintained in a solitary corner hovering about a foot off the ground in mediataion. Darwin, at the time, was not using his actual power. He was merely flinging his cards at a spot on a far wall to sharpen his skill of throwing the cards with accuracy. His precision had become right on, he could easily group his cards together in the same spot; it as getting them in a predetermined spot that proved a more difficult task. The spot he was aiming for was only six or seven inches in diameter, and he was standing nearly at the other side of the room. Out of about thirty cards he had thrown, only five of them had made it within the designated area. The closests cards surrounded about the area in a one foot radius, the farthest were five feet away... those were his first attempts, the closest ones had been in more recent ones. He was progressively getting better. Just as he was about to toss another card, a small whimpering sound broke his focus. He glanced back at Sil whose faced was scrunched, but quickly went back to normal... he assumed something interrupted her concentration. Now, it appeared as if she was listening to something. Darwin waited a few moments to see if anything came of it, but nothing seemed to as Sil went back to normal. He turned to continue his practice... Sil spoke.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] I have to go. Xavier needs me. [i]Darwin whipped around, not expecting her words. In the fact that is it was Xaiver who contacted her, and the look of concern on her face, he knew it was important.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] All right. Thank you for accompanying me, and showing me around. [b]Sil:[/b] It was my pleasure, I had fun. [i]Sil broke a smile, but concern was still present. Obviously something was wrong. Sil turned to leave, and Darwin turned to continue his practicing. He launched another card as it whizzed through the air, and stuck into the concrete again, about a foot from his mark. Sil came up behind him and whispered her parting advice into his ear.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Offset your aim further to the left... [i]Darwin rotated his head back as Sil went out the door. She had not been watching Darwin practice... as she was meditating the whole time. A slight look of a curious unbelief showed on his face. Regardless, he figured he would give it a shot. He placed his next card between his index and middle finger, he stepped back a bit with his left foot. He released a forceful sigh, then, with one fluent motion, flung the card straight across the room. Its speed was significantly faster, its spin was perfect, and the sound of it cutting through the air around it could easily be heard. Then Darwin's jaw dropped helplessy when he heard it thwack the wall. It stuck... dead center of his target. In disbelief, he threw his next card. It landed right next to his previous. Darwin began laughing... really hard. It felt really good to him to have this skill nearly mastered. He would have to thank Sil once more. If it were not for her, he could have been there all day getting trying to get it down. Now it would be time to learn how to guage his power...[/i][/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I have only seen that movie once, and even then I missed some parts, and it is just one of those movies where if you miss something, you are lost pretty much throughout the rest of the movie, lol. It seemed pretty good though. I have been meaning to actually watch the whole thing some time...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]In a somewhat ironic kind of sense, there was an episode of [i]Boy Meets World[/i] that had a similar kind of message of what you speak of, lol. It featured some of the main characters going on a gameshow, which was kind of like a "Knowledge Bowl", where they would ask scholarly questions. Two of the three characters were not really all that intelligent (when it comes to textbooks anyway). Despite their ignorance for the game, their spunky and "hip" attitudes heightened the ratings of the game. So the producers changed the overall appearance and point of the game. They put themed dancers on, bright and colorful lights, and questions that dealt with such things as the "X-Men". All of the "nerdy" (no offense Nerdsy, or anyone else who may take effense to such) teams they put them up against could not compete because they were all book smart. After a while, their teacher/mentor person made them see that they had destroyed what that gameshow was originally for. Feeling guilty, the people decided to duck out of the show, but the producers did not want that, because they had to keep the show "fresh" to get bigger sponsors to support them. So the producers brought in another trio of "hip" people, and when it came down to the final tie-breaker question, they asked one of the three main characters "Who invented the printing press?" Which, "coincidentally" happened to be what they were learning in school at the time, but the refused to pay attention since they thought that since they were doing well on the show, they were already smart enough to 'make it' in the world. So they did not know the answer to the question, and faced that embarassment. They next day they arrived early for class. When the teacher came in, the one that missed the question raised his hand, and stated that it was Johann Gutenburg who invented the printing press. The teacher acknowledged that saying that he believed he taught you that. One of the other two raised his hand, and asked "Will you teach us something else?". So in short [size=1](too late, lol)[/size], being up on the latest hype will not get you much of anywhere. It is real knowledge that counts. I do agree with the others in the fact that wisdom and common sense are different than knowledge. If you would like a less society-related explanation about how society and media not something to base your intelligence on, I could put an excerpt from this excerpt from [i]Self-Reliance[/i] by Ralph Waldo Emerson. We read it recently in my English/American Literature class. It just speaks about how you would be better off trusting yourself, rather than listening to what the masses have to say. It is pretty thought provoking. You have to love those Transcendentalists. ^_^ [size=1](ohh, how much I love that word...)[/size][/color]
  10. [quote][i]Originally posted by super goku[/i] [b]oh yeah i could have sworn Craig said that someone should leave his RPG[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Yes, he did. Orien_Xel darkfreak 0304 Darncoolguy1 Darncoolguy1 seems to have gotten the idea.[/color] [b]Orien_Xel[/b] [color=indigo]and[/color] [b]darkfreak 0304[/b][color=indigo], stop posting in this RPG. You were kicked out a few pages ago. I do not want to have to get Warlock or Final Flash on your case. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Darwin stood in front of Sil, who awaited him to accept or decline her challenge. Darwin knew that she coud easily just fly over the academy and get to the destination faster than he. Though, despite his more copious size, he had hairtrigger speed. After all, he has had plenty of practice in his life. Still, Sil anticipated Darwin's reply. He peered around at his surroundings, then looked directly back at Sil with a half-smirk on his face.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Where is this practice area? [b]Sil:[/b] It still remains nearly on the other side of the building. [i]Darwin glanced around once more.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] All right... [i]on your mark[/i]. :smirk: [i]Sil grinned her impish grin, pleased at this challenge. She slowly lifted herself merely an inch or so off the ground.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Get set... [i]Darwin looked towards Sil, who was looking at him with a self assured look to her.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Good luck. [i]She winked at Darwin who nodded in acknowledgement.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] You, too... ready..? GO! [i]Instantaneously, Sil ascended posthaste into the air. Darwin watched for a few seconds and then turned his attention back to the academy building. A set of doors lie in front of him, through the windows, he had laready noticed, was a main hallway that led directly through the building. Wasting no more time, he charged through the doorway and bulleted down the hallway. He was sure there was no running in the school, but the halls were empty except for a handful of students. His tench coat flailed behind him waving in the created air current. His legs pumped harder and faster with every bound. As he was now about seventy-five percent through the passage, he saw Sil landing down on the other side, and darting off on foot away from the school. Darwin kicked it into high gear traveling at a breakneck speed. One faulty step and he would surely lose his control. Closing in on the doors he prepared to make his way through them. With one hand out he immediately snatched the handle, turned it, and allowed his body to push the door open. Now outside he pushed the door shut behind him while maintain his forward momentum. He had to sacrifice some speed, but he could see that Sil was not far ahead, and was heading towards an large, fenced off area. Impulsively, he forced himself into a dead sprint once more. His heart was racing, his adrenaline pumping, and now swiftly catching up to Sil. It was only a matter of moments before Darwin was within ten feet of Sil, and they were only about a hundred feet from the practice area. Sil's focus was drawn elsewhere as she heard someone approaching rapidly from behind. She glanced her head to her side seeing Darwin right on her tail. She smirked as he came right to her side. Suddenly, she forced herlself towards Darwin, knocking her shoulder into his as he lost control of his run, but regained it in a matter of seconds and darted toward Sil once more. It was the final stretch to their destination and he soon found himself on Sil's heels once more. Though, to his slight surprise, Sil took notice of his significant speed and took to the air once more easily taking the upper hand. Knowing she had one, Darwin slowed himself to a quick walk. Sil landed at the entrance and leaned back against the door as Darwin walked the final ten or so feet.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] You owe me something, now.;) [i]Darwin laughed, and accepted these terms. Even though they were not there to begin with.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] What do you have in mind? [i]He smiled widely in the humor of the situation as he now stood beside Sil.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] I shall think of something, just know that you are in debt. :smirk: [i]Both chuckled as Sil stood upright off the door.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Shall we? [b]Darwin:[/b] We shall... [i]Darwin said as he open the door.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Ladies first. [b]Sil:[/b] Of course. [i]Sil entered flashing a flirtatious smile at Darwin who followed in behind her...[/i][/color]
  11. [color=indigo]The age old tale of hidden secret. It has never been the most intelligent choice to keep things hidden. It is only going to make the person who holds that secret suffer in their own torture. Especially if it is something they want to get out, which always seems to come up sooner or later because they want all the lies to stop. No one can lead two lives. One will always catch up to the other, and the person will find themselves in a bigger mess than they started with. [u]The Scarlet Letter[/u] by Nathaniel Hawthorne exemplifies this point rather well. Lying only digs one a deeper whole. It is best to stop while you can still climb out.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I would say the only real difference between who I am here and who I am in real life, is that I 'speak' a lot more here. In real life I am a fairly quiet person, unless you get me with the right people. Though, I think it is just because I can put things better on paper, or in this case, on a message board, than I can through just speaking. One time one of my friends wrote me a note during school, and when I wrote her back she felt that I said more things to her in that note than I have the entire time I had known her (which, at that time, had only been a month or two). If I am writing or typing things down, I can think through what I am saying and make sure it comes off correct, or as correct as I can get it. If I am speaking, I just say whatever comes into my head at the time. Also, I am a lot more open online. I know the people I tell things do not know me, or know anyone I know in real life. So I am more likely to tell personal things to someone online rather than someone I know in real life. Umm, I do not swear as much online as I do in real life. Even then, I still do not swear that often. Otherwise, I would say I am pretty much the same person here, as I am in real life. Of course, you cannot see me, so it is not like you can pick up on my facial expressions except those through such things as ^_^ or o_O. Anyone who feels the need to be someone else online should really take that into some better use, and get into drama. There is quote from one of my friends that goes something like, "I got into drama because I know that when I am up on stage, I can pretend I'm someone else." I am sure those are not the exact words, but the next time she gets online I shall get the right words from her profile, and edit this post. It is a rather profound thought in my opinion, knowing the person she is. [edit] The exact quote: "My life revolves around the theater, because for those few brief moments when I'm on stage, I get to be somebody else."[/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]Darwin and Sil sat themselves at an empty table... obviously abundant being that there was only one other mutant in the entire cafeteria. Darwin lifted a green apple from his tray, which consisted of a sandwich, a side salad, a small bag of pretzels, and a bottle of milk. He was about to take his first bite of the apple when he stopped himself, and looked at Sil.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] I hope you do not mind me eating in front of you...? [i]Sil smiled and chuckled at this man's manners, since he did not seem like the kind of man that would have them.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Nah, I am not hungry. If anything, I shall just take something from your tray. [i]She flashed and impish smirk at Darwin. So playful, yet so fiendish. Darwin chuckled lightly taking the first bite out of his apple. Time went by, few words passed between the two mutants. They did not seem all that necessary for the moment. Every so often they would just look at each other and snicker, just because that was the kind of mood that was set. They sat complacently in the tranquility of the cafeteria, now the only ones in there. By now, Darwin was down to just his preztels, Sil had snatched a few for herself. Finally, Darwin asked the inevitable question.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] So... what is it that you do? [i]Sil was slightly confused by this inquiry. Its lack of subject left it rather ambiguous. She looked at Darwin oddly...[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] What do you mean? [b]Darwin:[/b] What is it that makes you a "mutant"? [i]The sunlight that illuminated the room faded, leaving the atmosphere rather dim. Sil lost her frisky appearance, and now showed more of a sense of melancholy. Her eyes rolled away from Darwin, peering off to the side. Darwin shrank back in his chair, feeling he had asked the wrong question at the wrong time.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] I apologize. I guess I should not ha- [b]Sil:[/b] No. No, it is all right. Let us just say... I have not had the best experiences with my ability. [i]The newborn conversation came to a pause. Even though Sil had said it was all right, Darwin still felt like he asked something he should not have. He did not want to seem to irksome in asking her again as she now just stared blankly down at the table. Hidden memories flooding her conscious. Darwin focused her her with a long face. After a moment or two, who could not help but ask once more...[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] So... what is it? [i]Sil inhaled deeply, and released a heavy sigh. She sat upright in her chair and gazed back at Darwin.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Do you recall when I pushed your jaw shut in the hallway? [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes, I do. [b]Sil:[/b] If my hand had not been covered, let us say that you would not be sitting here now... [i]An inner shock overwhelmed Darwin. Sil seemed too beautiful to have to be so dangerous, especially not by choice. He had wondered why she wore gloves, even though he wore a pair himself, his at least exposed fingers; but now he knew. A touch of death. He felt sorrow towards Sil, knowing she has had to live with that concept for quite some time. Also, never actually being able to come into phsyical contact with another person. She would never know passion. She would never know what it is like to be touched without ending up hurt at the loss of a life. Darwin lowered his face. Sil regrouped herself, and quietly fired the question back at Darwin.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] What do [i]you[/i] do? [i]She raised a pretzel to her mouth while Darwin reach into his coat pocket. He knew he did not actually know what it was he was capable of, so he figured he would show instead of tell. He withdrew a pack of cumstomized playing cards, and extracted a solitary card from the deck. Sil examined it as Darwin held it up in front of them between his fingers. He centralized his concentration on the card. In a matter of seconds, his eyes developed a hint of red. Following suit, the card then blazed with a similar red glow. Sil halted her chewing as her eyes widened with awe. The light of the room brightened once again, now with a more fantastic feel. Sil swallowed, and leaned forward. Bringing herself closer to the vibrant card. The brilliant passion of which the card burned sparkled in her eyes.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] It is... it.. ... how does it work? [i]Her voice was full of a curious wonder.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] If I were to drop, throw, or make this card come into contact with anything it combusts or explodes upon impact. The more power I put into the card, the more violent the reaction. [i]Darwin took his focus off the card as the shine of it dissipated. Sil sat back comfortably into her seat, smiling. The radiance had taken to her fancy. It reminded her much of herself. How something could be so magnificent, but at the same time carrying a hidden danger. She knew, of course, that the card could never measure up to the degree of threat she had. Darwin finished the last of his pretzels, and stood as he gathered his trash. Sil rised from her seat and followed Darwin as he threw away his trash. He rotated toward Sil..[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] What do you want to do now? [b]Darwin:[/b] Xavier mention something about a practicing area out back. That I can practice my skill, and learn to guage it better. [b]Sil:[/b] Ah, yes. I know exactly what you are speaking of. Of course, we are on the complete opposite end of the academy... [b]Darwin:[/b] Well then, do you care for a stroll outside? [b]Sil:[/b] Why not? The day is still young, and it is rather nice out right now. [i]Sil laughed and gave Darwin a playful punch in the arm as she darted towards the nearest doors which lead directly outside. Darwin followed closely out the doors and began the walk around the academy with Sil...[/i][/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i] [B][color=indigo]They think that I am trying to say that religion and politics are one in the same... honestly, I plead the fifth on that one.[/color][/B] [size=1]The irony in that is killing me. :whoops:[/size][/quote][color=indigo]Hehe, do you not love me more because of it? ^_^[/color][quote][B][color=indigo]Someday I shall have to choose one, I suppose. I shall look into it then.[/color] [SIZE=1]Religion or political party?[/SIZE] :smirk:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Political, of course. ;)[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic[/i] [B][color=darkblue]Politics are necessary, but I'd rather stay out of them. Some day I will look in to it, but until then, I'd rather not worry about it.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I am with you wholeheartedly on that perspective, because that is exactly the way I am. Not many people ask me whether or not I am a Democrat or a Republican, but if and when they do I just tell them I am "Independant". Just meaning that I do affiliate myself with either group. Of course, that is what I also say sometimes when people ask me my religion... if they ask both, they sometimes yell at me if they are hardcore in their religion. They think that I am trying to say that religion and politics are one in the same... honestly, I plead the fifth on that one, but that is a different subject. :p Someday I shall have to choose one, I suppose. I shall look into it then.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet[/i] [B]I already have SCIENCE. Bought it about 2 months ago. Also have Morning View and Make Yourself. What about Sublime? I always have their songs stuck in my head. Maybe their greatest hits?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Ah, Sublime. Sublime is good. Save your money for a rainy day, and when that day comes, go out and buy a Sublime CD. They are the best band you have mentioned thus far, in my opinion.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo][i]Darwin had found himself down on the main floor of the academy. Time had passed, and he still was not sure where the cafeteria was. The hallways were all nearly desolate. Only a few other mutants roamed them, and he could never seem to catch their attention in time. Half-way down a rather large hallway, a single 'dinging' sound reverberated throughout. Darwin whipped around looking down his walken path to see what is was. Elevator doors parted slowly; at first, no one stepped out, and no one entered. Just after that, a mutant of significant beauty passed through the threshold. At first, she did not notice Darwin as she peered down the hallway in the opposite direction. She walked with nothing to hide, flaunting what she had and what was easily noticable for she wore a skin-tight, black, leather body suit. It molded itself it every aspect of her body. If Darwin was a lesser man his jaw would have surely dropped, but he maintained his composure. The fair dame continued to walk opposite of Darwin, so he was forced to speak.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Excuse me! [i]Startled, the woman jumped slightly as she spun around. Her hair flailing out like a fan, and falling back into place. She was even more attractive from the front. At first, neither of them said anything. She was regrouping herself from the slight scare. Darwin just stared down the hall waiting for her to finish. Once he had her full attention, he spoke again.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Do you know where I could find the cafeteria? I am new here, and do not know my way around yet. [i]She said nothing at first. She just looked at the man in far in front of her. She raised an eyebrow with a subtly flirtatious smile. She noticed that he was dressed in similar attire... She notice the hidden 'X' across his chestplate, and new he was one of Xavier's students, such as herself. She began to put the pieces together as who this man was. She began to walk towards him, at a slower pace than before, still with the same ostentatiousness, but now with a hint of curiosity.[/i] [b]---:[/b] Is your name Darwin? [i]At first, Darwin was shocked that she knew his name. His jaw dropped only slightly in wonder. Then he remembered that Xavier wrote that he had spoken to some of his students about him.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes, I am Darwin. What name do you go by? [i]The lady chuckled under her breath, now approaching with her curiousity now satiated.[/i] [b]---:[/b] Just the guy I was looking for, Xavier told me to guide you as far as you need to be. My name is Sil. [i]By now, Sil was standing directly in front of Darwin. She lifted one gloved finger and gently pushed up on his chin to close his jaw. Her demanding presence had force it open. Regaining thought, Darwin shook himself off and spoke again.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] So... do you know where the cafeteria is? [i]Sil smiled.[/i] [b]Sil:[/b] Of course. Charles would not send me as your guide if I did not know where things were in here... This way. [i]Sil turned with a wink. Darwin followed with a smile. He was beginning to develop a sense of belonging. He had one when he worked under Magneto, for the short time he did, but it just was not the same. This, now, felt more like a family...[/i][/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Woo... it has been a few pages... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]The bright noon light forced open Darwin's eyes as he awoke from a long sleep. He sat up in a bed he did not remember laying down in, and in a room he did not remember entering. It was a seemingly normal room, nothing too extravagant. Just enough room for a bed, some living space, and a restroom. To his left, on a small stand, he looked at the digital clock that sit there...[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Twelve-thirteen... [i]He stretched his arms out as a roaring yawn escaped from his lungs. He then stood up next to the bed arching his back feeling all his vertebrae pop. He straightened up and let out a sigh of content. He turned looking into the room. In the corner he took notice of a collapsable table and two chairs. On the table was a piece of paper with some writing on it, along with the scattered contents of what were in his pockets, which he did not remember removing. On one chair, his coat was draped over the back, which he did not remember taking off; and on the other chair was a stack of clothes. Curious, he slowly, but willingly, approached the table. He looked down at the sheet of paper. It was a note, addressed to him, with Xavier's signature at the bottom. He read the note over: [size=1]"Darwin, First, I would like to welcome you to my academy for mutants like, and unlike, yourself. I am honored that you have decided to stay here for now. I shall remind you that you can leave whenever you want; for whatever reason. The other mutants here are all friendly in their own unique manner. I have spoken to several of my recent students about you, just letting them know that you are here. Hopefully, you will find them. They will let you know who they are. In the mean time, I am sure you do not remember much from last night. By the time we finished speaking, it was fairly late into the night, and you were extremely fatigued. So I led you to this room that your are in now. Consider this your residence. It is not much, but you will not be spending too much time in here. If you become hungry, there is a cafeteria, ask a fellow mutant where to find that. I, myself, shall contact you at a later time. I have some other business to attend to right now. On your left you will notice a stack of clothes on a chair. These are for you. I do believe the measurements are right. I based what was chosen off of what you are currently wearing. Just to help you acquire the feel for the clothes a bit easier. I know you are still curious as to what your power really is. We shall speak of this later. You seemed to have a pretty decent idea on how to harness the power last night, so just work with that until I meet with you. Outside this building and around the back there is a practice area for people with abilities that can be rather violent. When you learn to guage you power better, I shall take you into the real training room here in the academy. I am sure you will get there in no time. Until then, just practice on controlling how much power you exert into your cards. With that said, continue about your business. I shall meet you later tonight. -Xavier"[/size] Darwin nodded, and set the paper back down on the table. He moved over to the chair with the new clothes on it and looked to see what it was that he was given. He smiled faintly in approval, set them back down on the table and walked into the restroom. [size=1]- about a twenty minute time lapse -[/size] Darwin stepped out of the restroom wearing nothing by his briefs. His body glistened as it was still a little damp from the shower. He combed his semi-long, wet, hair back with his fingers. He then changed into the clothes which Xavier had provided for him. When he was finished, he stood in mainly black, and deep blue. Black, buckled, combat boots covered his feet. His pants were black as well. Loose-fitting, but not really baggy. Just enough to give him comfort and easy mobility at the same time. A belt was wrapped around his waist, the buckle was a rough metal oval with an "X" engraved in it. His torso was covered with a tight black shirt, which he tucked into his pants. On top of that was a deep blue chestplate, another "X" was found on this starting at each of his shoulders and going across his body. The plate seemed to almost be exactly molded to his body. He would have to train phsyically to develop his muscle a bit. His hands were gaurded with black gloves that reached up to his elbow, and were cut off at the fingers. Over it all was a long, black trench coat. He maneuvered around a little bit to help break in his new attire, and break himself in to wearing them. After he finished, he picked up his cards and shoved them in the pockets of his coat and walked out the door of his room. He was hungry, as he had not eaten a day or so. So the cafeteria would definitely be he first stop. Now if he could only find his way there...[/i][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]My favorite ska band is still the Voodoo Glow Skulls. I've not met anyone else who knows who they are...[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yes you have. You just did not [i]know[/i] that I knew who they were. :p Voodoo Glow Skulls are quite interesting. They are worth the listen.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen[/i] [B]Yeah that's okay if you don't know the person very well but the person I'm talking about I know very very well and I don't want to not be his friend anymore just because I asked that![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If you already know this guy really well, then that should be all the better. He may be more likely to understand since he knows you. I do not know why someone would stop being another person's friend simply because their friend asked this person if they liked them. That would be utterly ridiculous. Something tells me you might be bending this a bit out of proportion. o_O[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Mighty Mighty Bosstones rule over them all. That is all you really need to know about ska. :whoops: I do listen to ska. One band you did not mention also is Mustard Plug. They are pretty good, as well.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Ask their friends, lol. Or try to get them to tell you without asking. That is usually how I find out people like me. o_O Right now I [i]know[/i] three girls that like me, and I have been told that there a more that I do not know. Though, I guess it is sort of to be expected when a guy enters a Catholic all-girl high school. :p If you are in grade school, the whole "teasing" thing does not necessarily apply. I teased girls all throughout my gradeschool career. I never actually liked any of them, though. It was just fun. :p I would go with asking the person, though. The worst that could happen is that they say "no". Then you just move on. It is not really all that difficult, like Anna said, unless you make it that way.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][i]As they rode straight away on their motorcycles Darwin peered back at the academy they just raided. There was a figure sitting in a wheelchair looking out the hole Darwin had blasted in the wall. Even though they were some distance away, he knew that whoever it was, they were staring at him. Darwin came to a slow stop on his motorcycle. The others, who were ahead of him like always, took no notice that he stopped, and rode on. Darwin just gazed back on the mansion. The light in the room made the figure a silhuoette, adding all the more mystery to Darwin's thoughts. "Who is that?", he thought to himself. He recognized the wheelchair, and he could recall what the man looked like from the breif moments they were in the room together, but Darwin failed to catch his name. Minutes passed by as Darwin just continued to stand there looking at the man. He felt no hostility from him. A moment or two passed, then the man wheeled back, and left the room. Darwin looked back down the road. Venna and Sabertooth were long since gone. He then looked back at the mansion, and his curiosity overwhelmed him. He kicked the engine back on and road back down the road. He arrived at the gates, which were closed, and parked his bike in the brush off to the side. He approached the gates once more, and examined them. There was merely a chainlock holding them shut. He reached into his coat pocket and removed a card. He focused on it intently. Nothing happened at first, but after a few moments passed by the card became charged with the familiar glow. He did not want to cause any damage... well, more damage than he already had caused. So with his free hand, he grabbed a portion of the chain and pulled it tight. He lowered the card slowly to the steel. Immediately, charges and sparks flew about as the card cut through the chainlink. When he was finished, he took his concentration off the card, and put it back with the others. He unwound the chain from around the gate doors, and walked through closing the gates behind him. He walked cautiously down the path to the main doors. He was suprised no one had noticed him by now. Especially with all the commotion that he took part in earlier. When he was about three-fourths of his way to the doors, they opened. A few fellow mutants walked out laughing at something amongst themselves. They walked in Darwin's direction, and obviously took notice of him.[/i] [b]Female Mutant:[/b] Hi! [i]She flashed him a friendly smile. Darwin gave a semi-guilty grin back, but did not say anything. They obviously were not around when he was here earlier. They passed by him continuing to talk to one another as Darwin walked up the front steps and to the main entrance. He raised his hand to knock, but stopped as the door began to open. He lowered his hand and watched as the door opened, revealing the man in the wheelchair. Darwin was taken by shock, and rendered speechless. He stood there with his mouth half-open staring at the man...[/i] [b]???:[/b] I suspected you would come back. Your confusion fed your curiosity, and this is why you are now at my door. [i]Darwin tried to speak, but there was nothing there. So he just slowly nodded his head.[/i] [b]???:[/b] You do not know exactly what it is that is going on. You have already met Magneto, and agreed to follow him. You do not know why, you just felt the desire to belong. So you blindly worked under him, but this only happened quite recently. I suspect in destroying part of this building earlier, you were merely following orders. [i]Darwin's tongue was tied in too many knots to count! This man knew so much, for only seeing him so little. Darwin glanced at the area where the wall had been destroyed, and to his surprise... it was whole again! He choked on his thoughts as they overwhelmed his brain, and finally just swallowed them. Looking back at the man, Darwin finally remembered how to speak. He began first, by nodding his head.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Yes... Yes, I was following orders. I do not know what is going on, I do have the desire to belong... Who are you? And what is all this that I have found myself in? [i]The old man smiled a little.[/i] [b]???:[/b] My name is Xavier. I am sure you have heard of me before... [i]Darwin eagerly nodded his head, finally, he knew who this 'Xavier' was..[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] Come inside, I shall explain the rest. [i]As Xavier began to retreat into the academy, Darwin followed..[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Do you think Venna and Sabertooth will come back for me? [i]Xavier stopped, and looked at Darwin.[/i] [b]Xavier:[/b] You are not that strong with your mutant power yet, they do not see you as much of an asset. No doubt, you will meet them later on through whatever means, but they will not return for you. [i]Darwin nodded once again, and followed Xavier around the mansion as he was told all about the history of mutants, what it was Magneto and himself were fighting for, and what Xavier does here at his school for the gifted...[/i][/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Hrmm... it is hard to say really. I have only been heavily involved in a handful of RPG's. Most of which have been DragonBall related. I seem to have a hard time finding worthwhile RPG's for me. I try to catch them when I can. I do not think I have any one specific genre I do. I just look for things that I am familiar with, so I at least have some foundation to build the story upon. It has become more and more rare these days for me to find a decent RPG...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Well, just as I said, I am posting here again with what went on today. ^_^ My father picked me up around noon, and we went to my aunt and uncle's house. As I always do, I went downstairs and munched on the chips and dip they always have. Drank some pop. Played some pool. I have noticed I play better when I am playing against someone who is actually good at it. o_O My sister is horrible. I play okay against her, but then I played a game against my step-sister's boyfriend. He is pretty good. Better than me, but I played a [i]much[/i] better game. I had one ball left by the time he sunk the eight ball. After a while we had dinner. Then I went down and played some more pool. Hten we left to my step-mom's sister's house where we ate again. After we ate I played Mario Tennis until we left. Now I am here, at my father's house where I shall be staying over. Good ol' broadband connection. ^_^[/color]
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