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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth[/i] [B][FONT=arial][color=red]I believe they are one of the best punk bands, along with lagwagon and me first and the gimme gimmes, who are really funny punk band.[/color][/fONT][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I believe the lead singer for NOFX is in Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. As well as one of the members from Lagwagon, if I remember correctly. I could see why you would like them. :p They are not bad. Not my favorite, but not bad.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Darwin unwillingly followed Venna and Sabertooth, walking a few steps behind. He put two of the packs of playing cards in one of the pockets in his pants. He opened the remaining one and pulled out a few cards. There was nothing special about them except for the fact that they were very stiff, and the corner came to points...[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] What am I supposed to do with these? [i]Venna a Sabertooth came to a slow stop. A little annoyed by the rookie, but they could understand his position.[/i] [b]Venna:[/b] You throw them. [i]Fortunately, aside from marbles, Darwin picked up a knack for cards as well. He used them in his schemes to con older people, whereas he used the marbles to take advantage of children. He was familiar in throwing cards so that they did not fly around at random, and since these were more stiff, he knew it would be easier. So he gave one a toss. It buzzed straight passed Venna's ear, and down the corridor. It landed not far out of sight. Darwin looked at Venna curiously..[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] What exactly is that supposed to accomplish? [b]Venna:[/b] Magneto mentioned that you said you have the ability make things explode if they come in contact with something else? [b]Darwin:[/b] Something like that. I am unsure of what it is exactly that happens, but the object exploding seems to always be the product. [b]Venna:[/b] Then make those cards explode. [i]Venna and Sabertooth turned around to continue walking..[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] I do not yet know how to control that power... [i]Sabertooth stopped abruptly, apparently easily angered. He charged back and forced Darwin back up against a wall, holding him by his throat. Sabertooth spoke in a vexed, growly voice.[/i] [b]Sabertooth:[/b] Well you had better learn to control them, boy! Or else you will end up dead like the rest of your family!! [i]A personal chord was struck hard in Darwin's mind. He lifted his feet up and kicked Sabertooth in the chest. Not expecting this, Sabertooth stumbled back harshly into the wall on the other side of the corridor. Venna watched in amusement as a faint red glow caught her attention. It was coming from Darwin's eyes. He wound up quickly and threw the two remaining cards in his hands at Sabertooth, both of which also acquired the red glow. The cards stuck into the wall on either side of Sabertooths torso and immediately combusted violently. Sabertooth grunted loudly. If he was not so durable, or if the cards would have actually hit him, he might have actually been injured. Sabertooth got up from his knees, about ready to pounce on Darwin who now was back to normal, still glaring at Sabertooth. Venna placed her hand on Sabertooth's shoulder, calming him down. She looked at Darwin..[/i] [b]Venna:[/b] An interesting ability. You seem to be quite familiar with it already. Learning how to control it should not take long for you. [i]Venna and Sabertooth began walking once again, Darwin followed at a distance again. As he walked down the hall he came pass the first card he threw. He put the rest of the deck in one of his coat pockets, and picked up the solitary card while continuing to walk. He held it down in front of him with his forefinger and thumb, and looked at it with a curious focus. It was a Joker. He never called them by such, but that was the card it was. He called them Jesters. It always came as a better ring to his ear. As he examined the card, his focus became more intense. Even his slight grip on the card increased. Then, slowly, the card began to attain the familiar glow. When it consumed the entire card it radiated in a misty sort of way. He now just gazed into the card. Thinking about where he was going. "Who is this Xavier guy?" "Is he recruiting fellow mutants as well?" "Why aren't Magneto and him doing this together?" "Why didn't he try to find me like Magneto did?" "What are they both trying to accomplish?" Many thoughts, such as these, raced through his mind. He was unsure of anything and everything that was going on with him. Had he joined the right team? Are there teams? Which one is which? Which one is best for him? He was fairly confused, but he tried not to let it bother him. His thoughts were broken by a sound of clanging metal. His concentration gone, the card went back to normal. He placed it back with the others. Venna had opened iron double doors that led outside into a giant parking lot. Alongside the walls of the complex they were in were three sleek motorcycles. Venna approached one of them and got it ready to go.[/i] [b]Venna:[/b] Ever driven one of these before? [i]She looked at Darwin.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Not legally. [i]Venna smirked.[/i] [b]Venna:[/b] Then this should be a breeze for you. [i]She and Sabertooth were already mounted on theirs, the engines hummed silently. These were obviously built to sneak around. Darwin lifted the remaining bike of the wall and climbed on, kicking the and started the engine.[/i] [b]Venna:[/b] Heh, all right. Let's go! [i]At that, they all sped off through the parking lot and through the perimeter fence gates, which closed behind them. Through a window high up in the complex, Magneto watched them drive off...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Haha, well, if it had not been for my computer crashing about a month back, I would have 300+ Pan pictures for you, lol. Just search around the net for them. They are not that hard to find. I am not at my house right now so I cannot give you any sites in specific right offhand, because I have a few in my favorites. You can do the Google image search. There are a few pictures with Pan/Bra in them here at [url]www.theotaku.com/dragonball.[/url] I would stick with looking for them through search engines, and links on related sites.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Somewhere deep in the slums of western Scotland commotion flurries in the streets. Broken splinters of a wooden door lay all about not far from the now-damaged door frame. Already making way down the street was a young hoodlum. His hands were violently shoving a few items in his coat pockets. Three older menm, probably in their early twenties, ran out from the doorway grabbing there bikes, which were propped up against the side of the house. They began their hot pursuit on the boy who had stolen from them. The boy was Darwin Kendal. A locally labeled "freak", and a dangerous one at that. In times of great desperation and violent, strange things seem to happen because of him. Almost always, someone ends up hurt, or some property is damaged. Yet he is only sixteen years old. He is big for his age, but it is nothing out of the normal. He has been on the streets for a few years, and has gained the reputation, not only as a freak, but as a thief and con-artist as well. This time, he had accidentally stolen from the wrong people. The three men riding on his tail as he dodges in and out of the crowds in the street are part of a fairly organized and unified clique in these parts. This clique was not necessarily a threat, or dangerous at all. Mainly just a group of people who look out for one another as friends, but do not take kindly to those who offend another. Darwin could hear one of the men shouting, rallying people from their clique around. Fortunately, none of them happened to be in the current area. He glanced back noticing that they were starting to really gain on him. Without any concern for others, he jumped through a crowd of people (men, women, and children alike), and ducked into an alleyway. Unfortunately for him now, it was a dead end. He knew it was too late to make a sprint back out onto the streets so he just kept running. He could hear the sound of the bike tires squeal to a stop. Some yelling from the men came soon after as they chased him not on foot, knowing they had him cornered. Darwin came to the end of the run and stopped. He turned around, breathing heavily from his run, as the trio of men came to a slow walk toward him; starting a decent distance away, closing in.[/i] [b]Man 1:[/b] All right, you freak... [i]His accent was heavily Scottish. Obviously, he was also familiar with Darwin's reputation.[/i] [b]Man 1:[/b] We do not want to hurt you. Just give us back what you stole, and we will be on our way. [i]Darwin hesitated at this as the men still advanced. He dug his hands into his pockets grasping whatever valuables he filched. He sized up each of the people who were approaching him. He was about the same height as all of them, and only slightly bigger in mass. He knew he would not be able to handle all of them at once.[/i] [b]Man 2:[/b] We are not kidding! We do want to have to hurt you. [i]The man said this while picking up a sraight, rusted lead pipe from the ground. Another grabbed a broken off 2x4, and the other picked up a small wooden box. Darwin gulped deeply but silently as panic began to creep in. All he took was a few pieces of jewlery, and some cash. The jewlery he would pawn for cash. He needed it. He did not want to have to give it up. At this thought, he inhaled through his nostrils in a somewhat vain attempt to calm himself.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] No. [i]The men paused for a moment, looking at each other as if this kid were a moron for not returning the stolen items when he knew he would be getting beat down for it. They shrugged at each other and not paced persistently at Darwin. The man with the small wooden crate kicked into a light jog loading his arm back with the crate in hand. He launched the box in Darwin's direction. Darwin just stood there, as the crate flew past him and smashed into the brick wall behind him. The man that threw it was now right upon Darwin forcing a fist towards Darwin's face. Darwin ducked out of the way and ladged his own fist in the man's sternum. The man collapsed to the ground gasping for air. Before Darwin could even turn around, he felt a sharp sting in the back of his knees as one of the other men smacked him with the 2x4. He feel to his knees only to receive a blow to the back of the head from the same man. Darwin fell face first, quickly rolling himself over. The 2x4 came down on his gut this time. Darwin kicked at the man blindly. The man stumbled into a fall holding his groin. He looked up behind him as the third man weilded the lead pipe overhead. Too caught off guard to react, Darwin stared blankly as the man began to bring the pipe down. Darwin closed his eyes tightly preparing to be hit. After a couple seconds, he felt nothing. Then he heard a metallic clanging sound of the lead pipe hitting the ground in the distance. This was followed by a few hard hits, and a body falling to the ground. Darwin then could hear footsteps stopping right by his head.[/i] [b]???:[/b] Get up. [i]Darwin open his eyes, looking up at a oddly dress man. His face was hidden by a helmet, and his body was hidden by a large cloak. Dawrin did as he ordered and got up to his feet. He stepped a few paces so as not to be right next to the person. Darwin looked around noticing all of the men that chased him were nearly unconcsious.[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] Who are you? [i]Darwin asked this with his smooth, light, Scottish accent. He looked at the man with curious eyes.[/i] [b]???:[/b] I am Magneto. You despise these people, do you not? [b]Darwin:[/b] They have outcasted me all my life. Beaten me. Killed my family. Beaten me some more. Tormented me... A civil hatred has built up. [b]Magneto:[/b] So you know you are different from the rest. [i]Darwin nodded.[/i] [b]Magneto:[/b] Do you know what it is that you are? [i]Darwin shook his head.[/i] [b]Magneto:[/b] Like myself, you are a mutant. Like myself, you have a power. It has come out in you. Do you know what I am talking about? [b]Darwin:[/b] If you mean making objects glow and pretty much explode on contact when hit against something else, yes. [i]There was a silence from this, Magneto. He seemed pleased.[/i] [b]Magneto:[/b] Would you like to learn to harness and use this power? To become phsyically and metally stronger? [i]Darwin thought about this quickly. Then nodded his head.[/i] [b]Magneto:[/b] Join me. [i]Darwin was suprised by this proposal. He took a step back without taking a curious gaze of of the man...[/i] [b]Darwin:[/b] ... All right. [i]He accepted. He needed something to belong to where he knew at least someone else was like him. At this, Magneto grabbed him by the arm and levitated into the air onto the roof of one of the surroundind buidlings. A helicopter was there waiting for him. They both climbed in where another female mutant was waiting, and the helicopter took off.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Thanksgiving is an okay holdiay. Not one of my favorites. This year i am going over to my aunt and uncle's (on my father's side) house. I always enjoy doing that. I go over there every other year for Thanksgiving, and every year for Santa Day. They are moving further away in a few years, so this will be one of the last times. It is going to be pretty bad in my opinion. It is the only chance I get to see them really, and the only chance I get to play pool. I am staying over and my father's as well. I shall probably post more details about what actually went on Thanksgiving night... if I remember to come back here and do such. :p[/color]
[color=indigo][b]Name:[/b] Darwin Kendal [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Nationality:[/b] mostly Celtic and Viking [b]Mutant Power:[/b] Gambit's [b]Bio:[/b] Darwin Kendal was born February 4 of 1986 in northern Ireland. He was raised in a rather large family, which included both blood relatives and close friends of the family. They all considered themselves family. His father was normally from the Netherlands. How he came to be in Ireland is unknown. His mother is naturally from Irish and Scottish descent. Except for his birth, he has lived in western Scotland. After he was born, legal problems arose in his immediate family with the people of Ireland. So they had to move to Scotland. His immediate family consisted of his mother, his father, two sisters, and four brothers. His siblings were all significantly older than him. Each was in their mid to upper twenties. Life in Scotland was no better for them than life in Ireland was. They still caused trouble, and got into much trouble for it. Over the years the people in their neighboring area developed a keen hatred for them, as they were often the victims of the family's trouble-making. On the year that Darwin turned ten years of age, the neighbors had finally had enough of his family. They gathered in a large mass of people with whatever primative weapons they could get right off hand. They burst into the family's home and began their assault. The people did not bother with Darwin, as he was only ten years old, and they knew he could not have been responsible for the crimes his family had commited against the people. So he just had to sit in a corner, on the verge of snapping, or crying; watching his family fight for their lives against this unruly lynch mob. The first to fall were his two sisters. Then two of his brothers. His mother's leg was broken in a skirmish; his other two brothers and his father were all fighting off the people to protect her. One of his brothers was the next to fade as a random blunt object struck him between the eyes. Many people in the crowd were than able to get through and murder Darwin's mother who lay helpless. In a blind attempt to save her, his last brother was the next to die. In utter shock and fear, his father was backed against a wall where he was beaten and stabbed numerous times until he died. A vast majority of the mob left right after that. A few stayed after looking for the small boy. They eventually found him in the next room, in the darkest corner, curled in a ball, tears streaming down his silent face, with a rugged, dirty, and beaten stuffed animal clenched tightly to his chest. He normally was not this child-like, quite the opposite actually, but the sight of seeing his family slaughtered forced him to revert to a time when he knew he was once happy. The people tried to coax him into coming with them, where they would find him a "better family" and he could grow up like a "normal child". He just remained sitting in the corner, staring at them with a look of now half-rage, half-sadness. Despite this, they continued to try and persuade him to come with them. Then, when one of them tried to reach to grab his hand he screamed "NO!" and arched his arm back with the stuffed animal in it. Unbeknownst to him, it began to now glowed a faint red. He launched it at the person who was reaching to him, and upon impact the stuffed animal exploded; nearly killing the person. He was confused at what just happened, but the two remaining people were enraged by this, and label him just as bad as the rest of his family. The beat him severely. He was left in his home, there in the corner, a bloody mess. If it was not for the medics that arrived a few minutes later, he surely would have died. It was about a month before he was finally healed over and ready to go back into civilization. He was put in a orphanage, where he was immediatly outcast. Many of the children knew of his origins, and those who did not were told of them. The stories were often embellished and exaggerated. He became fond of marbles. He would often spend hours on end playing against himself. He had quite a collection. At the age of fourteen he was kicked out of the orphanage after he put a kid in the hospital. The person decided to torment him about his past. Darwin flipped out in stress and anger, and blindly threw a charged marble at the kid. Fortunately, for the kid, it land at his feet and only crippled him. Again, Darwin was clueless as to why and how this happened. He was pushed out to the streets nonetheless. During his stay at the orphanage he did get more familiar with his "ability". He did not know how to control it, or what exactly was happening. The late nights took a toll on his tortured mind and he would occasionly have a quick fit, in which he would throw something. What happened to what he threw I think is now obvious. From then until now, he has had to fight, steal, hide, do whatever it took to survive in the slums of Scotland. [b]Description:[/b] Approximately six feet, four inches tall. One hundred and sixty-eight pounds. His Viking descent gives him a naturally large and muscular build for his age. He has straight, brown hair that is long enough to put back into a short pony tail. His bangs fall out a bit. He often wears it like this. His eyes are an array of colors. From the pupil out: a [i]thin[/i], lightly smudge ring of yellow, a larger area of a grayish-blue, with a semi-thick ring of dark blue around that. His skin complexion is fairly pale. His clothes at the beginning of this are: beaten sneakers; loose, dirty, baggy, olive-green pants with an array of pockets (most of which he made himself); tattered, black, long-sleeve shirt with holes near the cuffs for his thumbs, and a loose brown overcoat that hangs down to about the middle of his thighs. His voice is on the deep side, with a nice touch of a Scottish accent.[/color]
[color=indigo]They are pretty good. I would say my favorite song by them would be [i]We Threw Gasoline on the Fire and Now We Have Stumps for Legs and No Eyebrows[/i]. They are not necessarily my favorite band. They are good. They suck live, though, lol. :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi[/i] [B]PS - See in america it was called Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles, correct? Well, when my friend was over to Florida, when he was a small chap, he noticed that.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I always knew it as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Nothing else. Never once have I heard it called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. o_O[/color]
[color=indigo]Eh, it looks like it will be a bit of a flop. It might start off okay, because it is new, and hardcore Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans will surely catch it. Most people will probably be turned off by it, or just not even care to watch it. Everything is getting a bit modernized, which is okay in some cases, but not in others. The Foot Soldiers actually appear somewhat threatening for once, lol. The turtles look a bit demented, though. Given they are mutants, but they are all quite civil... to an extent. You never really know with Mikey. o_O I think the best spinoffs of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were the live action movies. I still have those, lol. They seemed to characterize everything really nicely.[/color]
[color=indigo]If it were not for OtakuBoards I would either constantly be bored out of my skull, or I might actually have a social life. This place is nice, though. It is well worth my time and effort as a moderator, and a member. Moderating is a job, and can be a tedious one at that. Especially when you have senseless spammers roaming around in your forum, and decide to post nothing in every topic they can while making several pointless new topics. One of the many scenarios I am pretty sure any moderator has seen in his or her lifetime.[/color]
[color=indigo]For some reason, I could never see myself with an African-American girlfriend. They, at least in my area, tend to have a major attitude problem. Not too mention our musical taste are almost polar opposites. I have only met one African-American girl with at least a [i]similar[/i] taste in music. We just do not really get along. Other than that, I am pretty open to options. Despite how vast and diverse my school is, all of my friends (boy and girl) are white, with the exceptions of these two girls I know who are both Asian. One is Korean, and the other is Japanese or Chinese... not sure which. It would be odd to be with someone who can speak an entirely different language than you, though. They could say something to you, and you would be totally oblivious to what it meant. That could get irritating.[/color]
[color=indigo]Other than the fact that the text is almost impossible to read, I like it. I especially like the first image of Kakarot. Very appropraite for how it is used in the banner. Nicely done. :) Just wish I could read that text easier.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I don't want to get in a debate, but just you wait! sex is MUCH more enjoyable than then loneliness of masturbation :toothy:[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well then, it seems I am going to be one lonely person for a long time. :whoops: I should probably get some hobbies... I could do those when I become bored.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl[/i] [B][color=deeppink]Have sex. [i]I've got all you masturbators beat on that one![/i][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]When was the last time you saw a masturbator pregnant? ... Well, maybe moreso get someone [i]else[/i] pregnant (by masturbating)? That is right. Never. :p Masturbation is the [i]only[/i] safe sex, lol. As for what I do when I am bored... nothing really. I just sit here and rot away. I have phsyical evidence of this on my hand... all my skin is peeling away, and I am not sunburned or anything. o_O[/color]
[color=indigo]I used to do that when I was a little kid. Mostly whenever I would get mad at someone. I would say things like "I am never going to talk to you again!", "I am never going to play tag with you again!", or "I am never going to play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with you again!". The next day I would probably be doing just the opposite. I do not really do that all too often these days. I am too damn stubborn to allow myself to lower myself to such hypocritical levels. Although, it is quite a different case from the way it was when I was younger. I mean, as you see above, all those things are not really serious things. You are not really faced with many bad things when you are a child. You are too naive and innocent to notice. So you just live your life day by day being your happy-go-lucky self. When you get older you have to face things like drugs, sex, friends, school, violence, etc. So if someone says, "I am never smoking marijuana again!" they are old enough and experienced enough to care. They can back their statement up with a reason, or reasons. That person can then stick to that reason, or reasons; and use them as a constant reminder as to why they should not do whatever it was they said they would not do. When you are a kid, you do not have reasons. You just said that because something someone did made you angry or sad, but children will get over it and go back to doing what they said they would not do. The only semi-exception to this that I can think of in my own personal experience was when I was around the age of five or seven. I was at a wedding reception and there was a beverage on a counter without anyone by it. It looked like pop, though I also thought that it could also be alcohol. I did not think to smell it first. So I just gave it a sip. Indeed, it was beer. I did not know the real reasons alcohol was bad. I just decided from then on not to drink an alcoholic beverage because it tastes horrible.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TFlover[/i] [B]it's a bit confusing cause im a newbie... :P anyhoo i lik the otakuboards![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yes, this place can be confusing at first. I remember I was totally lost when I was a newbie. If you need any help, you can always ask someone on staff. Whether it be through a Private Message or pop in on AIM, we are here to help.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RoseofDawn[/i] [B]what does blog mean?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If I am not mistaken, I believe it is short for "web log". It is pretty much an online dairy/personal site.[/color]
[color=indigo]I personally do not listen to Elvis. I have nothing against him, I just do not enjoy listening to his music. You have to give him some credit, though. He is, after all, the Kinf og Rock and Roll. If it was not for him, chances are many of the bands we listen to today would not exist.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt[/i] [B][color=red][b]If you don't like it Pyro, don't use it. ;) but don't bash it.[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I switched back right after my first post in this topic. I am not crazy enough to stick with that skin. I was not bashing the skin, I was merely [u]expressing opinion[/u]. That is the entire point of this topic. Some opinions may just be a little more extreme than others. Bashing would be constant and unneccesary insults.[/color]
[color=indigo]MK, maybe you are okay with the whole, as SA put it, "Ode to Shift" design, but others are not going to be. He asked us to give our opinions on it, and we did. So they were not positive? What does it matter? Especially to you. It is not like you had anything to do with its design. So why are you so forcefully taking a defensive attitude towards what we say? Yes, the skin does not reflect OtakuBoards. It does not feel like "home". I much rather enjoy living in OtakuBoards than I do in "ShiftBoards". A skin for this board [i]would[/i] have to match the way OtakuBoards is. OtakuBoards is a fairly colorful place, with a lot of diversity. OtakuBoards gives its members quite a bit of freedom. This "Industrial" look does not reflect that at all. Everything is all too orderly. The monotonous colors make this place appear boring and cold to a first time visitor. How would you like it if you came to a website and pretty much everything was a shade of gray. Pretty boring, eh? Then everything is all nice and orderly, confined to there own little space. Very systematic. Making this place come off all "professional", anal, and stuck up. The fact that Shift refuses to change the Times New Roman font only enforces that whole "Ode to Shift" dictatorship in the layout. Everyone knows that Times New Roman is an appalling font in any case, and yet he decides to stick with it. So he does not like Verdana? Times New Roman and Verdana are not the only two fonts in this world. Here at OtakuBoards, I am free to express my dislike towards something just as much as you are free to express your like towards the same thing. Most people here know that, and accept that. There is no sense in starting a debate over this so do not even try doing that. There is no need for you to take more offense to this than Shift seems to.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morph[/i] [B][size=1]You could even try Coal Chamber.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Oh yes, I forgot about them. They are good, too. I second that option.[/color][quote][b]But if you want Punk, I would just listen to like Anti Flag or Flogging Molly.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Flogging Molly is more of a fun band, not really all that annoying to parental figures. Anti-Flag is a possibility, but you have to make sure you get one of there more angsty songs. Some of them are moreso just for humor. Another good metal-ish band is Taproot.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt[/i] [B][color=red][b]I like it! I really like how it has the welcome to and the PM's uptop. Well, it doesn't stretch for me because i run at 1280x1024. 800x600 is really small. No one shoudl run at that. All in all, great job. I will be using this skin until we get a better one. And keep the layout like you changed it to. Don't listen to Pyro. :p[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I am on my dad's computer, and he runs with an 800x600 resolution. I use 1024x768 when I am at home, I even used to run one higher than that. A graphics artist who plans on putting things on the web should take all resolutions into account. Especially when in comes to message boards. Regardless, the skin is still ugly and disorganized.[/color]
[color=indigo]There was nothing of [b]R[/b] quality in that movie. The only questionable content [i]might[/i] be the fact that it deals with Satan and his children, but it was a comedy. It was not like they were constantly speaking blasphemy. Everything in there was used for a comedic purpose. Nothing offensive. So yes, it was rated right.[/color]
Writing Dragonball Z story A New Way of Life
PiroMunkie replied to Neo_Sephiroth's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]This is fan fiction. Thus, it belongs in the fan fiction forum. Quite an odd story from the little I read. Quite different, indeed. o_O[/color] -
Anime What are your favorite scenes from the new DBZ series???
PiroMunkie replied to TFlover's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]I would have to say my favorite scene was the whole fight between Majin Vegeta and Kakarot. That was more like an entire episode, but that is okay. The fight was rather emotional and packed with power. Very intense stuff. Though, both fights between Vegeta and Kakarot are my favorites. Saiya-jin versus Saiya-jin. A prince versus a third class warrior. Pride versus humility. Another one of my favorites would be when Vegeta self-destructs in a vain attempt to destroy Buu. It shows that Vegeta does have a heart after all.[/color]