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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo]I'm still learning the guitar.. I'm not taking lessons so I'm learning [i]slowly[/i], lol. Other than that I can play a pretty mean recorder. :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I don't see how you can agree with that statement. The one with the 99% of males saying yes to an attractive woman/girl. I would not be in that percentage, and I am not gay. I am not sure how many others are like me, but I am not really a guy who would just fall for a woman just because she asked me out. I usually take the time to get to know someone before just going ga-ga over them and trailing them like a puppy. I am sorry. . perhaps I may seem to be yelling, but it is pretty sad when people make petty assumptions on everyone because they got hurt once or twice and are holding a grudge on the whole male race. Oh well. . probably making no sense. . *bows*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I understand very well what you said. I think what wrist cutter said was a pretty gross generalization (though I'm not saying it's completely false). Like you (Noryko) I prefer to get to know someone before I going "ga-ga" over them, lol. I made the mistake of not doing that with my first girlfriend, and I've learned from that since then.[/color]
[color=indigo]The first one is a bit pixely... the second one is nice, but a little small. :p The third is just weird, lol. The Frost one is good. You might want to think about putting borders around your avatars though. It makes them look more efficient.[/color]
[color=indigo]I mostly just like the wings. They have a nice linear texture to them. :) It's a bit hard to see the rest to actually judge anything.[/color]
[color=indigo]Having fun with brushes and custom shapes are we? Lol. I like it. :) Although, since it is a wallpaper... it should probably be flipped horizontally so the darker, more full, side is on the right, since most people arrange their icons on the left. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]I prefer the original Japanese version anyday. Preferably with subtitles, but sometimes it's just fun to make up your own dialogue, lol.[/color]
[color=indigo]To begin with, let's just keep in mind that these are [i]theories[/i] and not [i]facts[/i]. They have not been 100% proven. Starting with your theory on when Vegeta reached the level of Super Saiya-jin 2. It is pretty much understood in the show that he reaches this when Babidi posesses him. I am not saying that what you said is complete BS, but somethings you mentioned are a bit weary:[/color][quote][b]Vegeta constantly claims that he was far stonger than Gohan and Goku, and if you ask me, I don't really thing a Super Saiyan could be stronger than a Super Saiyan 2. I have taken Gohan's lack of Training into account, but he would still be stronger according to my calculations.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Vegeta was very much stronger than Gohan, this was, as you said, due to Gohan's lack of training. When Gohan fought Dabura, he still had trouble fighting him even at the level 2. I would think saying he was stronger thean Kakarot would be a bit of an exaggeration, but that's not really the point here.[/color][quote][b]If he really did transform due to Babidi possessing him, at what point did he gain enough anger to transform. Unless my eyes are fooling me, at the point when he powered up and the blue lightning started surrounding his body, he was in a fairly calm state.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]A person can very easily be calm on the outside and enfuriated on the inside. That's pretty much how Vegeta has lived his whole life. He'd only really release his anger in a dramatic battle (his first fight with Kakarot, when Cell 'killed' Trunks). Still he had all of those repressed memories and grudges swarming in his head, then Babidi's mind tricks brought all those thought back to his conscious. He fought them at first but then gave in. Finally, when Vegeta fought Kakarot, he admitted to letting Babidi control him. He explained that he saw the power it gave to Yamu and the other guy, and marvelled at the thought of what it could do for him. Meaning he knew it would give him the power surge needed to attain the next level. As for your debate on the whole Super 4 thing, I have no disagreements with that. In fact, I very much agree (except for the part about tricking his mind to think it had a tail). I never saw it like that before. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Well we know Ginny will like it, lol. It's.... different from what you previously had. Don't know quite what to make of it. :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NomadWondering [/i] [B]how would you suggest making the text stand out more?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I'm not too sure, since I am unaware of the utilities PhotoExpress gives you.. and Paint isn't really much of help, lol.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Having fun there Piro correcting all her mistakes?[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]The "maked" one is what really got to me. Then I just decided to point out the rest as well.[/color]
[color=indigo]::runs words through a translator again:: :cool: Not too bad, the text could stand out a bit more. I'll give this one 6/10[/color]
[color=indigo]Not bad. :) My only criticism is that the text doesn't stand out enough, and could probably be a bit more organized. Other than that I like it. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink][size=1]OMG!!! I bet all of you have at least heard about the movie...[/color][/size][/b][/quote][color=indigo]Actually, no I haven't.[/color][quote][color=deeppink][size=1]I went to see it this morning, because the previews [b]maked[/b] it look... pretty interesting....[/color][/size][/quote][color=indigo]That should be "made".[/color][quote][color=deeppink][size=1]But it's a [b]beutiful[/b] story of loyalty, determination..etc..[/color][/size][/quote][color=indigo]That should be "beautiful".[/color]
[color=indigo]Everything works fine now, James. :) Very impressive. Though one small thing I've noticed is that in the areas where you have the grey to white gradient bars (like under a person's post), the background color is yellow. For those with a slower modem, and have to wait a little bit for the gradient to load, the yellow is quite unattractive to have to look at. Could it just as easily be a gray color? Just a small little thing I noticed.[/color]
[color=indigo]Yay, it's just like old times! ^_^ It's great as always. I'm not really familiar with FF, but yeah. Although, that tiger thing's front legs look a little odd at the top. But that's all really. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Yo, I ain't gots a clue as to what you be talkin' 'bout. Fo' shizzle ma nizzle, yo. ::shudders:: It made me almost want to vomit typing that. Although it's fun to speak normally to those people anmd confuse them with the smallest of words. 'Net talk' drives me insane. I mean, I can understand 'lol' and those kind. Those symbolize an action more than a word. But when one is infected with that one "Kuja-disease".. then it's just wrong. Although you can get back at them by correcting them. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]I can see the Gizmo, I do look its new look, but like the others, it only take me to the main page. I do not have the "Easy Reply" though I don't even use that.. I aslo cannot see the "Post Reply" and "New Topic" buttons. I don't know if this is for everyone, but I also have the old buttons that get people to their User CP, the Registering page etc.. (ie: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/top_profile.gif[/url] )[/color]
[color=indigo]I am aware that the rules are not up, but I will let you know now that "Favorite Topics" are not allowed on this board. This is because they lead to many single word posts, and/or petty arguements as to who is better. This should not be too much of an inconvenience, as there are much better things to talk about. Welcome to OtakuBoards. I apologize that we had to first meet with me closing this topic. No offense is meant. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]I'll give it a 7/10 for my rating. :) That felt really weird.. I haven't rated something in a while, lol.[/color]
[color=indigo]:jaw drops: Lady M. ... I must say I thoroughly enjoyed that essay. In fact, I'm going to save that. The last time I read something so moving, so relative, so in-depth was when I read [i]The Perks of Being a Wallflower[/i] by Stephen Chbosky. I feel really good after reading that. Very fresh. Like one might be after an unveiling of something beautiful. The fact that I'm listening to Beethoven's Fifth amplified the drama. Thank you ever so much for posting that. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]::runs words through a translator:: Ooooooh, [i]nice[/i]. The banner is great as well. :) I like it better than these previous ones. Well done. ::applaud::[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]i myself am very much punk i will post my pics soon and you will see that punk does live on.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Modest much? You showing us your pictures can't really prove anything. Anyone can make themselves look "punk". But being "punk" isn't about how you look, unless you speak of the 'trendy punk'/'pop-punk'. Only then would you be correct. A lot of people just don't understand that. I had this one person try and tell me that 'punk' is a style not long ago. I decided not to argue with her, since I know her well enough to know that she knows jack about the culture. I often confuse her with how I dress. One day I may look 'goth', the next I may look like the stereotypical 'punk'; the next I'm wearing slacks, a collared shirt, and using a noose as a tie (yes, I've done that before). Only when I go to a show will I actually 'dress up' like a 'punk', which in itself is a very wide range of clothes. It helps get the full effect of the atmosphere of the concert. I must disagree with you Wing Gundam, just as the rest, punk is not dead. I listen to, you listen to it, others here listen to it, I know plenty of other people that do. Thus it still lives on. It wouldn't matter if you were the only person on the planet that listened to it, it would still be there in you. Even if all punk bands stopped producing albums, those who have those pre-existing ones can keep the culture alive. Even if the music didn't exist, there'd still be people like all of us. Punk is not dead, it just sits in the back row because it prefers not to be well-known.[/color]
[color=indigo]I swear we had a topic asking the exact same question... but I'm having a hard time finding it... Son Goten's reply is probably the only real sensible answer. It's probably just a loop hole...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Labeling is wrong guys! What ever happened to everyone being equal? ;)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Did I ever say one was better than the other? Noo. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Also well-spoken there, James. :whoops: And LM, I am also interested in that essay of yours. :)[/color]