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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
Art Not really as good as the point it puts across...
PiroMunkie replied to Transtic Nerve's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]As with what most people have said, I also do not really enjoy the red outline. If you are to have a color outline like that, I would make it some kind of blue. 0096FF is a good shade of blue for something like that. At least from what I can imagine. Other than that I like it. :) I saw it in other posts of yours, and admired it. [edit] Upon looking at the banner again, that blue color might blend a little much with the boy on the left's shirt. Perhaps a gradient border would work. So you have the blue-ish color outlining mostly the boy on the right, and a darker color on the boy on the left. Just a thought.[/color] -
[color=indigo]It's really hard to see Akuma. I didn't think there was anything there at first. I really like the background though.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]I just want to let people know that I am here.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That has been a [i]huge[/i] issue with me lately. Though it's a little bit of the opposite. I don't want to let people know that I am here. I want [i]them[/i] to acknowledge [i]my[/i] presence, or lack there of. I've broken down once... it wasn't the most pleasant experience, but my parents were a lot more willing to let me do things after that..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]"Let your conscience be your guide!" -Jimminy Cricket[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]::childhood nightmares flow back:: Errgkkk... ::shudders:: If there was ever such a thing as a single embodiment of pure evil (ie: "Satan").. that.. [i]thing[/i] would surely be it. Anywho... [i]"The mind is most free when the body is satiated with pleasure."[/i] - Somerset Maughm [i]"The eye of prudence may never shut."[/i] - Emerson [i]"The awful thing about most people is their caution."[/i] - Thomas Wolfe [i]"He has not desire for that of which he feels no want."[/i] - Euripides [i]"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it."[/i] - Oscar Wilde [i]"I desire only to know the truth."[/i] - Euripides ( I think I said this one already..) [i]"Beauty is truth--truth,beauty. That is all ye need to know."[/i] - Keats [i]"Let one be on guard against those who flatter and mislead."[/i] - Aristotle [i]"Make yourself necessary to sombody."[/i] - Emerson [i]"Be not simply good; be good for something."[/i] - Thoreau [i]"Don't be too moral, you may cheat yourself out of much life."[/i] - Thoreau [i]"If he have not virtue, he is the most savage of all animals."[/i] - Aristotle[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]But also, I think that every individual is different. If the media ignored September 11 and failed to provide any comfort or support, there would be people complaining about that aspect as well.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That was one thing I was going to get at. Obviously if a person was there, and/or had a relative or friend that died in the attacks, they are going to want the media to do certain things. I'm just saying the media should only tend to those that [i]want[/i] to be tended to. They can do such by organizing little "get-togethers" in each city/state in memory of that day, and the people that died. Those who want to come, can. Those who don't feel the need to, don't have to and don't have to hear about it on the radio or news every ten seconds. People like me would rather here about what we are doing about it [i]now[/i]. Like, what is our current standing on this country? What about this? What about that? We [i]don't[/i] want them to tell/show us something we already know/have seen. I hope this makes more sense.[/color]
[color=indigo]Not too shabby. Like Aries said, the text is a bit hard to read, and you might want to make Super 4 Vegeta and Gogeta be just a [i]little[/i] bit more visible. Other than that, it is pretty nice. The other two are nice as well, I like the inverted one more. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]I apologize if I came off a little on the 'cold-hearted' side in what I said. The fact that you comapred me as to the "MTV Generation" is what really caught my attention, since that is pretty much everything I despise. I'm not saying so much "This is boring, let's move on." But more to the sense that I am just hearing the same things over and over again about this. Quite frankly, to me, it's getting rather irritating. Especially since I'm not the biggest fan of politics. I just wish the media and the government would let people deal with this on there own now. When the event of September 11th happened, they cradled America and telling them that everything is going to be "OK", and that they'll do whatever it takes to bring the people responsible to justice. For the first month or two after the attacks, this was pretty much their main message. After that, they told us to just try and move along with our lives. Yet still today, they hold our hands in attempt to comfort. Especially on the anniversary. AOL had this thing where you would "light a candle" online for those who died during the attacks. Then they would show a map of the enitre U.S.A. and show where all the candles were across the country. Indeed there were many, and sure it was a nice thing to do, I did it myself for the sake of it. But it's just another way for the media and government to keep a firm grasp on the general public and "baby" us like we don't know how to carry on with it. They should let people remember the day in their own way. We don't [i]need[/i] to hear news broadcasts all over the radio, and video shots from the day all over the TV. It pretty much puts us back where we were since that was exactly what was going on back on that day. Bleh, I'd continue but I'm about to be kicked offline due to parental controls..[/color]
[color=indigo]Hrmmm... not too bad, but it loks all too similar to one of your older banners. Same characters, similar color to the background. The text is nice though. You might want to added a small outer glow to the two characters to make them stand out a bit more. The one on the left really seems to blend right in with your background. Almost like a chameleon. o.O You current image in your signature is just a little too fast, lol. I think I would prefer this recent one over your current one. You should try not relying on the filters so much, lol. Give the tools a chance. You can created some interesting things with the tools. :: points to siggy :: They can add a nice dimension to your graphics. ^_^[/color]
[color=indigo]I like it very much. Nothing too fancy. Just a few well-placed tool usage and effects. Nicely done. :) I look forward in anticipation to see the art you plan on learning to create. And Ginny, I'm sorry to report that I can't see it either. >_
[color=indigo]Tree of Might is pretty boring now. It was new and exciting the first time I watched it. Then after you've watched it a few times and then Toonami plays them over and over again when they decide to... you just kind of get sick of it. It's like how they repeat old episodes after they've released and shown all the "new" episodes. You just don't care. You've already seen it. Bah! to them for releasing all the bad movies first. Though they all (so far) seem to be a bit corny. They're all too big of a story in too short of a time.[/color]
[color=indigo]I say give DBZ a bit of a break. Let people take a look at what you've recently added. While they do that, work on GT, and by the time they are done and over with the DBZ stuff, hit them with the DBGT. Then while they soak that it, finish up DBZ. When I first read the title to this thread I thought it was some "n00b" topic asking which one was better, lol. Good thing we can rely on ol' Adam. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]"Jesus is dead. Get over it."[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Bra-[i]vo[/i], my good man. ::light clap::[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [b]That punks have a complete disregard for the property of others?[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Pretty much, lol. It depends on who you talk to though. I, myself, prefer destroying/taking what they did not want. Some get off on destroying what people already own, others scavenge off things they throw away.[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by Cera[/i] [b][i]Laugh. Because life is funny.[/i][/b][/quote][color=indigo]That sounds so vaguely familiar. I can't put a finger on where I've heard/seen the before. I very much agree and enjoy that quote though. Anyway... There is obviously the quote at the top of my signature. I said that one while I was in the car with my mom, and she didn't notice a car that was waiting to turn at an intersection. I saw it clear ahead of time before we even got to it. It didn't turn. When we passed it I stated that "That car could have made the turn before we got there." My mom replied something to the effect of, "What car?" "The one back at that was back at the intersection. They clearly could have gone." Then there was talk of me trying to explain where and when this occured. Then I said something to the effect of, "You are supposed to be noticing all things around you while you are driving." I was just joking with her, semi-making fun of her like I usually do. Just for quick laughs on both our parts. She responded something to the effect of, "I'm concentrating on getting home." I said something like, "You can't get home if you get in a crash here." I dont remember what she said next, but the next thing I said was some form of what is in my signature. [i]"I desire only to know the truth."[/i] - Euripides [i]"Life is a waste of time Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time And have the time of your life."[/i] - written on a pillar down by my bus stop where I go after school. I thought it was rather thought provoking as long as you don't neccessarily take "Get wasted all the time" in the literal slang sense. People have there own ways to numb themselves mentally and just enjoy everything. // The following are little snippets from [i]The Perks of Being a Wallflower[/i] by Stephen Chbosky ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "He's something, isn't he?" Bob nodded his head. Patrick then said something I don't think I'll ever forget. "He's a wallflower." And Bob really nodded his head. And the whole room nodded their head. And I started to feel nervous in the Bob way, but Patrick didn't let me get too nervous. He sat down next to me. "You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [i]"I feel infinite."[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
[color=indigo][b]1) are good manners lost in todays society?[/b] Amongst the general populous, I would say so. Everyone is too busy to notice one another. Also, in today's day and age, it seems to be all about getting places quickly. And, of [i]course[/i], if you are trying to get somewhere quickly, there certainly isn't any time for a simple "Excuse me", "Thanks/Thank you", "You're welcome", or just a simple apology for accidentally bumpnig into someone. [b]2) Why don't we have as many manners today.[/b] I pretty much already answered this. (see above) [b]3) what do you think are some ridiculous manners?[/b] No manners at all.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Perfect post. And I love that quote. ; )[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Thank you. ::takes a modest bow:: And indeed, that is a great quote. I think it is what really hooked me on that book..[/color]
I think this might've been done before, but......OtakuFound.
PiroMunkie replied to Genkai's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Blehh.. I remember how I got here like it was the day before yesterday. I originally found [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] searching on [i]Yahoo![/i] for stuff about DragonBall Z/GT. I stuck with that for a long time. I believe during that time I looked at the boards here, but they looked too confusing so I payed no to attention to them. Then while looking through the fanart after a while, I took to the style that is Topaz. I emailed her complimenting her on her art, she returned the email thanking me, and asking me if I had AIM while leaving her screen name just incase I did. I replied back with my screen name just so she knew that if I spoke first she'd know who it was. So we became pretty good friends, a memorable one in my mind, and she happened to be a member of this board at the time. One day she asked me if I was a member, and I said "No". So she kind of walked me through it. My first EVER Otaku screen name was kind of a flop, the account didn't seem to work. So I had to re-sign as a member under a different name (which most of you remember as pyrodragon13). And I've been here ever since. I think I came in either near the middle or end of Version 1...[/color] -
[color=indigo]Both online and off I pretty much seem to be an outsider. People know [i]of[/i] me, but they dont really know me. I have a few friends/acquaintances, but other than that, I just watch people that go by. I guess you could pretty much call me a wallflower. I see things. I keep quiet about them. And I understand. (look familiar anyone? Just replacing "I" with "You") So yeah... that's me. It begins to takes it toll after a while, but oh well. That's life.[/color]
[color=indigo]The first one it pretty good. I like the idea of the border coming in from the actual border of the image. Those white spaces are a bit distracting though. You might want to think about saving it as a GIF and making those areas transparent. The second avatar is nice. Like you said, simple. In my opinion, though, the border is a little thick. The third is nice, but could use a nice little border though. Just to help set it apart from everything else. I'm just a fan of borders I guess. o.O As for you journal, I have no complaints. Looks nice and organized. Maybe you could make the background of the tables uncolored so you can see that image behind it. That's all. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Plain plain plain. It all looks very two dimensional. No depth or protrusion to it. The text could use decoration to help make it stand out from the rest of the banner, if I should even call it such. The three repeated images make it looks pretty boring. I don't really like to use images in such things anymore. When I did, I rarely put them on the top layer (if I did then it was made a bit transparent to show something beneath it, and one was never repeated. Also, if you want pictures on your banner, at least make the background interesting to looks at. So the image doesn't seem so flat and boring. What program are you working with?[/color]
Art Edit a .gif without losing it's animation
PiroMunkie replied to Zodiac's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]Meh, I wish I could help. I have Photoshop ImageReady, but I have yet to learn how to use that...[/color] -
[color=indigo]I kind of am, to an extent... [b]1. What is honor?[/b] This dictionary defines honor as [i]glory; fame; renown[/i]. I personally disagree with that. At least in terms of today's day and age. Celebrities are glorified, famous, and renown; we all know that doesn't make them honorable. In my opinion, honor is rather found in humility. Pretty much the exact opposite of the definition above. It is not standing on the sidelines as the weak are picked on, but when you succeed in defeating (in whatever way this may be) the tyrant. You don't absorb what praise might be given to. You give and don't expect to be given. It is being fair and just. Looking upon another as an equal. Treating others with admiration and respect (especially to women, that's chivalry kicking in), unless good reason not to. [b]2. How strongly do you beleive in honor?[/b] Pretty strongly, though I am also a pretty firm believer in the idea of [i]An eye for eye[/i]. If someone offends me, then they will lose my sight of honor within them, and thus my reason of retaliation. If physical combat ensues, I merely fight in self-defense and not to harm or bring down the other person. [b]3. Would you rather die in honor, or live with out it?[/b] I'd rather die knowing I played things fair, than live forever knowing I cheated somewhere.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]Here's an interesting question for you folks who have LJ/blogs or whatever. How many of you are honest and real on these things? And if not, what exactly is the point? (I can think of at least two but there are probably more possibilities)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I have no reason to lie or stretch the truth about anything. I don't think anybody really reads it anyway, so it doesn't really make a difference. I just use it to get things off my chest. It's there to pretty much help myself get over things. I'm one of those people who doesn't like to ask for help. Someone isn't always going to be there to help, so I have to learn to do it on my own, which is why (if you met me in real life) you'd find that I am pretty quiet and keep to myself usually.[/color]
[color=indigo]Well fusion voices, like the person itself, are supposed to be a cross between the two people that make up the fused character. Though in that sound byte, I more dominantly heard Kakarot, which is odd since Vegetto's appearance is mainly Vegeta. Though that little cackle I heard at the end sounded a bit Vegeta-ish.. Odd indeed.[/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Super Saiyan[/i] [b]And Piro, that idea about buildings breaking and all? Gold...pure gold.:p[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Why thank you, good sir. :bow: But a million kills in less than ten minutes??! DO the people even regenerate that fast?!?! I'd have to see it to believe it. o.O I always liked driving around in the tank and blowing things up cause the cops can't really stop you, lol. I'd just turn the turret backwards, and drive forward while firing to boost my speed. If I got into a densely populated area, then I would move aruond while blowing things up.. or merely run them over.. Sooo much fun... :drool:[/color]
[color=indigo]I also like your current one better. The crop circle one is just really plain. No dimension or anything to it. Just white on black..[/color]
[color=indigo]Even though I said I'd just edit my post.. it's been a pretty long while since then, so I'll just put this so it's nice and fresh. [b]Name:[/b] Piro [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Saiya-jin/Oozaru Hybrid ( see [i]Bio[/i] ) [b]Weapons:[/b] None [b]Bio:[/b] Piro is a result of an underground scientific experiement that began some 200 years before present day. The world, over the span of Kakarot's life on Earth, has known of his existence. His first world-wide appearance came when he was merely a child fighting in the Tenkaichi Boudoukai tournaments. After he finished fighting in those, the world never heard from him until another tournament (the one that took place during the Great Saiya-man mini-saga). Some people unforutnately were able to see him up close when a battle was fought in a city. The people knew of his great power, and outrageous abilities. After he passed along with Shenron, the Eternal Dragon of Earth, he was forgotten by the common people. Meanwhile, in an underground network, a group of scientist who had been following Kakarot's life since about his fight with Bebi. Amazed by the fighters ability, they were determined to duplicate it in some way. Through an anonymous source, the scientists got ahold of Saiya-jin blood. They studied its DNA behavior and structure. Obviously, it was like nothing they had ever seen. With this new and foreign blood, they had trouble working with it, and creating a new being seemed almost untouchable. The scientists hired many different genetic and cloning scientists to work with the data. This went on for many many years. The original group of scientists died. Their work was passed on to the next group of scientists that they selectively chose. In the next decade, major advancements were seen in the likes of their experiement. They were able to create a single living cell full of all the genetic code of the DNA in the blood given from the anonymous donor. This cell was the first building block and major step forward of their experiment. Through the next several years, progress picked up rapidly. They were able to only contsruct small samples of tissue, and some of the smaller organs, but ebven that, within the time they did it in, was impressive. Another twenty some years passed, only a few of the head scientists remained. Under there persistent and relentless eye, a full sample of skin was created. It was quite a disgusting sight seeing merely the skin of a being, but it was what they wanted. They knew now it would not be long before they were successful in creating a full being. Unfortunately for them, they passed a few years after, before any such thing happened. The next line of scientists stepped up to head command. During their reign would the first prototype be successfully created. As a first line of business, they hired more scientists to increase productivity. In the few years after, a sanction of scientists figured out the brain pattern of the Saiya-jin. It was this that they needed. Every other part of the body had been figured out up until now. They only needed the brain to make everything work. Over the next 5 years a working brain was created and preserved, as now the scientists now scrambled to bring everything together. The year after, it was done. They created a working Saiya-jin being. Though, there was one thing they did not anticipate. To begin with, they had made the being look older, probably in his later teens, but they forgot that they just can't plug information right into the brain. This "teenage" powerhouse had the mental capacity of a newborn. Luckily, it fled outside the laboratory, only destorying a few desks and other less expensive appliances. Another less fortunate coincidence, it was night time, and the night included a full moon. Upon sight, the artificial Saiya-jin transformed into his Oozaru form. The scientist fired many tranquilizers into the beast. Many scientists were killed. Finally, after countless doses of tranquilizers were shot into the beast, he became sedated and feel unconcsious to the ground. The head scientists, who were kept inside the entire time came to look at the beast. Awestruck by it's size and obvious greater power, they drew a blood sample.. then order it to be killed and burned. Over the next century, more scientists passed and were replaced. More prototypes were created and destroyed for a various number of reason whether it be deformation, retardation, or just a failure to bring it to life. The last few tries at creating a Saiya-jin being were run differently. Ever since the first prototype transformed into its Oozaru form, a secret group of scientists worked on merging that DNA with the DNA of a normal Saiya-jin. it took a long time to do it, but it was done. The first few results ended up deformed. The final result was a partial success, only they were unsuccessful in giving it life. It was only two years later that their great and final success was given life. They remembered not to make the being phsyically older than he was, so the creation was merely a newborn in both mind and body. As a successful hybrid between the Saiya-jin and Oozaru, then infant was predominantly strong in phsyical power, durability, and (as it owuld get older) ki. As an infant, it looked just like any other baby. The only difference was that it had a tail. Wanting their creation to be able to mingle with the common folk, they cut off the tail and sewed the opening shut. They then turned it into an adoption agency. They were a little reluctant to takwe the child at first, being that it was excessively violent for such a young baby, but the scientists bribed the agency, and the people there worked with the baby every second to make it more civil. With its young, and impressionable mind it worked. At the age of 3, the baby was adopted. It was adopted by a younger couple at the ages of about 24 and 25. The couple were independent martial artists. As they left the agency, the infant knocked over a candle that no one noticed. Half the adoption center ended up burning down, no fatalities, but many injuries. Upon learning this the next day, the couple that adopted the infant named him [i]Piro[/i]. At the age of 7 they began teaching the child to fight, as well as enrolling him in school. As a Saiya-jin, he picked up quickly in both areas, but he was a bit slow and they couldn't seem to shake that. When he hit the puberty ages, body hair seemed to grow quick and unusually. By 16, his entire torso was covered with thick black hair except for his chest and upper abs. The couple found this most unusual, but the doctors said there was nothing wrong. At age 18 he graduated from high school nicely and over the years he became an excellent martial artist finally developing a decent quickness to his attacks and defenses. He moved out of the house and never went to college, but worked as a local martial arts instructor, which made his adopted parents especially proud. While some of his students could very suprisingly match him in speed, none could even come close to his super-superior strength. He made a decent this job, and small, local tournaments. He was often looked oddly upon for his appearance, which gave him some mental issues as to who he really was. Those long nights at home could only help but amplify those issues. A few months after this, he got an anonymous calling for a special training. Thrilled, he accepted, and made his preparations to be trained. [b]Appearance:[/b] About 1.92 meters (6.3 feet). Built strong, but not big. His hair is black similar to that of Vegeta's, only a bit shorter, and less of a receding hairline. He has brown-ish red eyes. He never wears a shirt since his seemingly abnormal body hair (like that of a Super 4) covers most of it, and he wears dark, dim, red, baggy, weighted pants, which are tucked into pitch black boots. [size=1]Note: He only [b][i]appears[/i][/b] to look like a Super 4 Saiya-jin, but he obviously does not have the power. The look merely comes from being a hybrid between the two forms.[/size] [b]Personality:[/b] A pretty normal person, with a lust for fighting. He'll fight anyone, anywhere as long as he thinks he can win. Longs to know where he came from and why he is so... different from everybody else he has known. Although, he can't help but wonder does he [i]want[/i] to know? What might come over him if he finds out..? [b]Stats[/b] [b]Strength:[/b] 6,000,000 [b]Defense:[/b] 6,000,000 [b]Agility:[/b] 4,000,000 [b]Speed:[/b] 4,000,000 [b]Ki:[/b] 5,000,000 [b]Ki Defense:[/b] 6,000,000 [b]Intelligence:[/b] 4,000,000 Just a note.. I'm noticing that some people's stats add up to more than 35,000,000..[/color]