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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]I know what I missed. :whoops: and I've been unable to find the answer so far. I can tell you right now you have the same score as me (obviously, since our answers are almost identical, lol). I won't say which one you missed though ::rolls around::[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I would impale the barber upon his/her own scisscors if he/she cut my hair too short. Of course, I don't even go to a place to get my hair cut, lol. My mom does it. I've been doing pretty well in growing it out. You can't see my ears, and I can catch my bangs in my mouth, lol. Just the very tips of them though. My hair isn't as long as Desbreko's though. :bawl: I thought about cutting my hair once, since my mom kept complaining about my hair. My only condition was that she had it get cut (professionally) into a devilock.. she [i]almost[/i] [i][b]almost[/i][/b] agreed to it, but decided against it for some reason. So my hair will just continue to grow...[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I have one that I write in whenever I get bored or just need to vent. I don't know how many people reas it, and I pretty much don't care. I knew there was one guy who did, cause he IMed me because I liked both Calvin&Hobbes and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The layout is pretty basic and easy to follow, I guess.. but yeah.. I have one..[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]In gradeschool there were these two guy that, whenever we had to make some kind of creative presentation, they would always make "LEGO-mation" videos. They would build a small lego scenery and use the lego people, and using different voices for voice overs. The way they would do it to make people move was simply stablizing the camera , reposition the lego person, record for a second, then stop again, then reposition the lego, the record for a send and stop.. just doing that over and over again. It was really awesome to watch.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]Don't you care about the huge levels that must be explored? No, of course not, all you care about it shooting someone's head and watching blood errupt like a fountain. -_-[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, hey now, there no reason why you can't do both at once. That was the beauty of drive-by shootings, or merely running people over. :p Well I am absolutley adoring the idea of being able to go into places. I'm wondering how freely you'll be able to raom the places. That idea that buildings take a little damage is a major plus. Now if they could take my idea in my post in the other topic to full effect ^_^. But this sounds really awesome.. I only wish I still had my PS2 -_-.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I agree that it would be ice to actually go inside buildings and look around and terrorize and such. I can really imagine the fun one could have with that. Shoot one person, have the cops chasing after you, run around will causing more damage, hop in an elevator, go up or down a few floors, the doors open only to find more cops waiting for you, but you were ready for them :naughty: BAM!! Blow them away, lol. Simple acts of terrorism was my most favorite thing to do in GTA3. I'd just plot myself on top of a building, with the [i]All Weapons[/i] code in of course, then start blowing people away, and blowing up any cars that dared to drive by. Then eventually the police come. They get out of their cars. They have terrible aim so I would take out the sniper rifle and get a close-up of their head and watch it gush blood. If they were out of view, I would merely blow up the car they came out of, which in turn causes a chain reaction with any other cars in close proximity of it. A great way to gain money, while having fun. Shooting helicopters out of the air is always fun too. Speaking of which, I would think it would be awesome for damage upon buildings to actually occur. Most of the time when I shot a helicopter down it would hit a building and blow up, yet the building remained intact. I think it would be awesome if such things like that took damage from being shot, run in to, or blown up. Then eventually they might fall from too much damage. It would add a really nice twist to the game since if something crumbled it would block the street below and you would have to find another way around. Just imagine having to do that with the cops or a gang hot on your tail. A good thrill factor, in my opinion. Also opens up a new window for missions. Lol, when it came to the flying car, I could never get a grip on how to fly the thing. Or find any uses for it. I always found it more fun to get a sports car, put in the code for [i]Perfect Driving[/i] and ramp that baby of anything and everything I could find, lol. That and just planting car bombs in front of the police station... Oooooh, how I lust for mass destruction. ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]People have to make their own path. They do this by making choices. What happens because of the choice is destiny. You can't go back and change it, cause it has already happened, which explains why the father's final wish was for his son to die. Something drove him to know that cheating to get something back wasn't how thnigs were supposed to happen. Perhaps the thought that the last time he wished for a gain, his son died in order for that to happen. Then in wishing his son back (a gain), what would have to happen for that to come true? He knew it was better to leave things as they were. Some people say that there are countless dimensions where everything that could happen in a moment to something does. For example: there would be a dimension were I was never born, a dimension where I was born, but died of something shortly afterwards, a dimension where I was born with giantism or dwarfism. Or if you are driving around and a bird flies across the front of your car. There is a dimension where you hit that bird, and another dimension where there wasn't even a bird to begin with. Everything will happen in its own time, it is just the choices you make that decides what happens to you... Which pretty much fits with the saying in my sig..[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I'm pretty much the same in real life as I am online. The only real difference is that I can convey words to people better online since I'm not verbally speaking to people. Typing allows me to go back and correct errors, or expand with more time to put thought into a subject. In real life, I rarely speak, and whn I do it's usually not much.. and people don't really listen to me anyway...[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]I think he should be shot for ever writing [i]A Tale of Two Cities[/i]... I despise that book..[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Err.. I can't say I [i]never[/i] think about sex, lol. Hormones are strong little buggers. I can usually kep myself under control though. I don't really care for it though, and least pre-maritally (pardon if I spelled that wrong, I'm sleepy). I have to carry on my family name somehow.. lol. I'm the LAST ONE for crying out loud! There are better things in life than sex.. like peanut butter... Though one might say, "why don't you combine the two?"... but yeah.. [i][b]ANYWAY[/i][/b]-- ::crawls out of the gutter:: Blast my long train of thought that can lead to me saying things like that -___-. Hrmmm... I would ask James if he knew the Mario fought during the Civil War? Yup, he sure did. In the Battle of Shine Gettysburg! :drum beat: Haha! Hope you liked that one folks, I'll be here 'til Thursday! :rolleyes: Not really, I wouldn't ask that, I just thought of that last night for some reason... lol. Hrmm... I would ask my dog: Can you can speak English? ... and I wouldn't stop asking until he answered me. I would ask anyone: Why is it that all the girls I end up liking seem to usually be depressed and insecure against my honest, positive opinions about them? .... I can't think of a third question..[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I don't really understand why people all of the sudden "didn't feel safe". I mean, these people came from [i]outside[/i] our country. It's not like they have been living here for a long time. If they came from outside our country, we can go right ahead and take action against them and flatten their country/city. I think things such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the Columbine Shooting are stuff that should make people feel afraid and insecure. The people who did that are [i]inside[/i] the U.S. The government just can't go bombing Timothy McVay's(sp?) home, without killing many other people in the process now can they? All they can do is give him the death sentence, which is pretty much what he wanted. Yet over in the Middle East we just cruise on over, bomb the life out of the country, and do we care if there might have been innocent people against what the terrorists did? Obviously not. We've probably done more damage to them then they have to us. Just think that the U.S. is the world's largest super-power. And [i]aaaallll[/i] of that information on how to build various bombs can be found on this little thing called the internet, or even inside the system if you join the military and learn things in there (which is how McVay(sp?) knew how to do what he did, and the sight of killing someone in a battle gave him his killer instinct). With the amount of rescources America has, there is a better chance of you getting killed by a neighbor rather than someone from somewhere else.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I've never been in a crash, but I know someone who has. The guy popped some LSD and decided to drive somewhere. He hit mutliple things before he finally stopped. Luckily no one was seriously hurt.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Meh, I got over it the day it happened, but that's just me and my apathy/pragmatic-ness. I just deal with things [i]really really[/i] quickly. You should know better than to feel secure in America, lol. There's enough crime in this country to let you know that. :p[/color]
  14. [color=indigo][b]1.[/b] 14 [b]2.[/b] 10,000 [b]3.[/b] Something in Japanese, lol. Nah, according to the sub I just watched he says "Okay!" [b]4.[/b] As Bebi, now outside Vegeta's body, attempts to escape the Earth in a ship, Kakarot fires a 10x Kamehameha that pushes Bebi's ship into the sun. [b]5.[/b] I want to say Jeice of the Ginyu force.. I'm not sure, but I think that might be right. I can't seem to get a good look at any of these henchman.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue][i]Deliberately[/i] killing people who are innocent is never honourable.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If that was so, then Japan would have used kamakazi warfare against us. It was their ideal that it was honorable for one to die for one's country, and that's what they did. No matter whoever else died in the process. Of course the people in America thought they were barbaric, but as I said before: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." This discussion can go back and forth forever. because it is merely an opinion formed from what perspective you're looking at it. From an American's point of view, the terrorists are not martyrs, they are exactly what America has labled them: Terrorist, and nothing more. Although, from an Afghan or other "anti-america" country's point of view, those people will say they [i]are[/i] martyrs. It just all on how you look at it. Neither side can be proven as fact and law. Each side has their own evidence and rebuttle to support their side, and retort against yours. I don't really see why it matters. They hit the buildings, it's over with. Besides for those people who knew the victims of the attacks, people should pretty much forget the thing and move on. Terrorist attacks happen everyday. Maybe not here, but other places they do, and we sure as hell can't stay "terrorist-free" forever. Not to mention we pretty much had it coming. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about it. It's been a little over a year now, and people still act like it was yesterday. Get over it all ready.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I [b][i]might[/i][/b] go see it if a good enough opporunity pops-up. My current life equation is a little something like that: [b]Me[/b] = [b]No Money[/b]; and money is something I would need in order to see that movie. I'll probably just wait until it comes out on video though. It looks humorous in the stupid way, but yeah...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]I HATE GUYS![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well thanks [i]a lot[/i]. -_- ... Lol. School is going pretty well thus far. I even have a 100.7% in English, lol. She gives us bonus points for typing out our outlines when we write themes, and they [i]really[/i] help. The teacher is pretty funny too. Whenever the class is talking and she wants to get our attention she just says, "Sex!". And it works! Everybody stops and looks at her, lol. All my other classes are easy enough. I wish my chemistry teacher was a bit more fun though. She has broken the pattern that all of my science teachers were fun. In grade school, my first science teacher was just plain quirky with a bunch of neat sayings and ideas; my seventh and eigth grade science teachers owns camels (you can't beat a science teacher who has camels!!!); my freshman year science teacher was just fun with whatever we did whether it was lab experiments, or just daily work; then my sophomore year biology teacher was [i]really[/i] easy and he'd always put [i]Calvin&Hobbes[/i] comics on the front of big tests. Now this one is just blah.. Oh well..[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Vegeta [/i] [B]I think it was Shyguy and Queen Asuka kissing, or something like that.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]::[b]GASP!![/b] ... dies:: On a more understandable note, no, I didn't have any OB related dream (at least that I am able to recall). It would find it strange if I did.. o.O...[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Not too much really. Mostly nothing. The only things that have happened have come up within the past week or so. Mostly I went to my grade school's festival and hung out with some of my friends of whom I have not seen in a while. I also auditioned for one of my friend's high school musical, since she goes to an all girl school and guys were needed. So she ended bribing me with a 24 pack of Mountain Dew, lol. I got a part. They are doing the musical [i]Clue[/i], based off the board game. You are looking at Professor Plum :p. We have only had four practices, three of which we practiced some dances and my legs are sore like there was no tomorrow. Stupid lunges and leaping -_____-. It hurts to walk, especially if I have a sixteen billion pound backpack on my back and am going up 5 flights of stairs. Oh well, what doesn't kill me (which is hasn't yet) only makes me stronger... So yeah, that's about it.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]I'm pretty sure you have all heard the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." ? That pretty much sums this situation up. (if you don't get it, think about it for a while... then forget it cause it really isn't that important and carry on with your life)[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]You're right, they [i]are[/i] no Rancid. They are good none-the-less though.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I'm not sure what is supposed to be so bad abuot the actual ending to it. I haven't got that far in reading the book, lol. To Devidramon: At what part have you seen it from and why don't you like the movie?[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Finally, after a long time of being interested in seeing this movie, I got around to renting it and watching it. I was a bit shocked at first cause it was more than I expected when it came to violence (or [i]ultra-violence[/i] rather) and nudity (which I was not expecting at all). I enjoyed the overall plot of the story, though confusing at some points, and the way in which everything was done. It happened to be more of an "artsy" film than I had expected, which, for me, was a plus. It actually made me think about certain things. The tale of morality is usually a good one, and this movie shows just such an example. It is a bit on the older side, I believe released back in the 1970's, and it is quite easy to see why it was so contoversial back then. I have begun to read the book (which the movie was based off of), and in learning that the movie doesn't have the final chapter of the book (which wasn't included in the U.S. version of the book), I can't help but wonder how they would have portrayed that. The most interesting aspect of the movie, I though, was the language used. The characters had their own little vocabulary including words such as: [i]melenky, rot, tolchok, ptitsa,[/i] and [i]skorry[/i]. That also makes the book interesting to read, so you can use the context clues to help you figure out what those words mean ("rot" is a common word, but in their slang it refers to the mouth). When all was said and done, I applaud the movie and reccomend it for those who haven't seen it, and are looking for a movie with a deeper meaning to it. I also plan on getting a custom made replica of that britva (Alex's cane)... I lust for it with a passion.. :love2: Foor those who have seen it, your thoughts are obviously welcome. :)[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I [i]very[/i] rarely, if never, [b]seriously[/b] lie. I hate them with a passion. The only time I lie will be to get me, or another person I know and care for out of trouble. The only hard part is coming up with good reason, explanation, and an alibi. Unless it is something serious, as in a crime, then I won't lie for the person or myself. On the other hand, I only lie in jokes. Like the ever-so-almost-overused Out-and-out lies. Whenever someone asks me in a light manner who did something, out of reflex I always say "Your mom!". I spite how cliche that phrase is, but it has become habit. It still gets laughs though. I only use stereotypes in jokes and humor, and only around people I know won't be offended by anything I say. I don't believe all stereotypes, though some have proven to be pretty accurate...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]It's highschool. Everything is run by popularity, and the Drama folk, although really awesome people, aren't well known. Thus their abilities are never appreciated. However, if/when you take your abilities and dedication to a college, and work your brain out just as you have done in high school, people will recognize you more. There is just not a lot of maturity when in comes to high school, but when you go to college you should find more 'grown-up' people. From over here in Nebraska, I admire your efforts from what you have said. If I would have been there, and known how dedicated you are, I would have voted for you.[/color]
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