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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo]Hahahaha, it's better than I expected, lol. When it was starting to load I just saw the top of GT Goten's hair and I thought the picture just had Chibi Goten on it. So I was just thinking you messed up horribly. Woooooo..... Anyway.. It's not that bad. GT Goten's neck seems a bit funky, and there's not a lot of detail on his ear, and his eyebrows are a bit rounded. Chibi Goten is drawn fine.. his expression is just a little trippy. I'm not sure whether he's happy or high, lol. :drunk:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B]none of the bands I listen to are on mtv or the radio, for example The alkaline trio, Rufio, The dissenters, The starting line, Something corporate, Catch22, and a whole lot more.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I've heard Something Corporate on the radio a few times over here. :whoops: Anyway, I don't think a lot of people actually know who any of these bands are, which is probably why you don't see a lot of people talking about them. Take the Aquabats topic for example. A great band, yet not that many replies. A lot of people here have probably never heard of the Aquabats, so there's not much of a conversation there...[/color]
[color=indigo]So you sit down, and don't say anything while watching DragonBall Z... I do that when watching [i]any[/i] show. Well, unless the show is kind of dumb, which I make fun of it, but other than that, I watch TV in silence. Other wise you can't really hear what's being said. I don't think it has anything to do with ritual..[/color]
[color=indigo].... [i]Riiiiiiiiiiiiight[/i]... a high percentage of the bands I listen to would rather bomb MTv than appear on it..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ifm2181 [/i] [B]Or maybe they have guts, so they want to make a big impact on the earth? Sorry, bad joke.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Is it a good thing that I did find that rather humorous... (once I got what it meant, lol)? But anyway... I've contemplated, but never acted upon those thoughts. Well, I didn't act on them too much. I'd always have myself in the position to commit suicide, but I never did it. If anyone cares how I usually went about it.. I've decided that if I ever [i]do[/i] decide to kill myself (for whatever reason) I'm going to hang myself. It seems the most gruesome in my opinion, and if you're going to do it you might as well do it right. I don't think someone finding you with a hole in your head is nearly as frightening as suddenly seeing someone's lifeless body suspended in the air. Especially if the lighting is dim.. So basically because it's more fearful, and I just enjoy tieing a noose.. I tie them at the ends of anything I have with draw-strings. Yes yes... your moderator, the demented freak..[/color]
[color=indigo]A Linkin Park oriented banner I see... I like it. It's not too overly Linkin Park themed.. just using the lyrics and adding everything else yourself. :) Well done.[/color]
[color=indigo]It has a good look to it, but the feeling really isn't there. Faye never really had too much interaction with Vicious so her presence in the banner doesn't really make sense. So the design is pretty good, but it could have been better to convey the feeling and message of it.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]is it jus tme.. or does it look like he painted the hair and eyes on in photoshop or something.. o.o;;'[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yeah, I that's what it looks like to me too... Although it seems really hard to tell cause it seems to match the rest of the picture too much..[/color]
[color=indigo]I want to know how this topic got this far without someone mentioning [i]Super Rad[/i]. o.O That's a mystery to me, lol. It's so hard to find their CD's here.. which bothers me a lot. :twitch:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]You say that as if it's a bad thing?[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I know what you mean. I take complete pride in being the loser/geek/dork(etc) that I am. It's funnywhen people try to use it as an insult against me. They will just say things like, "You're such a [i]loser[/i]." All I do is agree and then they really can't think of anything else to say, lol. You can't insult someone with what they agree with. The good thing about enjoying one's dork-ness is that if they try to make fun of you, they can't (like I said above), and if they try to do the opposite by calling you "cool" you can take it as a compliment. :p But seriously, there's not one thing I'd change about myself. Maybe that I just had more money.. but I can change that easily by getting a job. Unfortunately there's not a lot of jobs out there I feel like I'd actually enjoy working at (stupid movie rental stores don't hire 16 year olds >.< ) I'm always too young. Oh well though.. I only have about 6 months until im 17.. 6 months to live on $28... I'm so screwed -____-;;[/color]
[color=indigo]You might want to specify where you get shot. You're not always going to die right away. You could get shot in the stomach and have to live for a while before you die. It's probably worse than being stabbed. For those of you afraid to be alone... If you were to live alone, by yourself with no contact from another person, you'd either (A) Become severely depressed, (B) become really egotistical so you can have self-satisfaction and support, (C) develope multiple personalities, or (D) just live with it and be a hermit. None of those really seem to frightening.. maybe the first one a little bit, but we've all been depressed before..[/color]
[color=indigo]Well one of my friends invited me to go see it last night. It was quite an adventure just waiting before the movie, lol. My mom is gone and bringing me home dinner. My friend invites me to the movie. I accept, but my mom's not home yet, and I'm hungry. My friend leaves on his way to pick me up. I quickly get offline and call my mom to see where she is. The phone rings, and then I hear the garage door opening. My mom has just pulled into the driveway. She gets upstairs, I eat about half of my fries and my friend arrives. His truck is [i]really[/i] running on empty. I eat dinner in his truck on the way to the movie (we coasted most of the way there to conserve gas). We get there, and as it usually always is.. we're the only non-preppy people there, lol (not that that has anything to do with anything, it's just an observation we made). We wait around 20 minutes outside for these people we were supposed to be meeting. They come. They had previously bought the tickets and we just had to pay them back. Yes, they [i]did[/i] have the right tickets, but they [i]didn't[/i] have the right time. The time they had the movie has started two minutes before we noticed the times on the tickets were wrong. There was big discussing. I, obviously being the only sensible person there, knew that we would have only missed a few previews and we all walked into the movie... People these days. :whoops: Anyway, the movie was a really good action flick. A little predictable at times, but other than that I liked it. It had its humor and it was loaded with action. The action sequences are great. The acting is good, nothing too unbelievable about anything. Rammstein fans will enjoy the opening scene (I know I did). In short it was pretty much, probably a little more, what I expected. I wasn't disappointed at all. They even mentioned the Vandals in the movie... and I bet I was the only one in the theatre who even knew who the Vandals were. I do reccomend the movie. :) [edit] I forgot to mention, my friend and I found it funny how much they advertise in that movie, lol. When nothing big and flashy is happening you'll be sure to see brand names everywhere. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Not too bad. A little messy in some areas, but other than that there's nothing wrong with it. This topic [i]does[/i] belong in the Artwork/Graphic Design forum though. :whoops: ::moves topic::[/color]
[color=indigo]The only one I like is the Green Goblin one. It seems to look the best. Though it could have used a background of some sort instead of just plain white... maybe.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]The thing is though, most of us don't have high speed connections lol.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Find someone who does, lol. I downloaded PhotoShop at my dad's house, saved it to a disc, and brought it back over here. :whoops:[/color]
[color=indigo]No regrets here. :whoops: If something in my life never happened, I might not be the same person I am today. That would just be no fun now wouldn't it? :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Very good. :) It [i]almost[/i] looks like an upward pillar of water... almost. :p Very intersting. ::looks at Aries' sig:: :eek: YOU CHANGED THE QUOTE!!!! :eek: ::sees pigs flying as hell freezes over::[/color]
[color=indigo]I do find this interesting.. but I have a few questions before I might join. If I do decide to I will merely edit this post. But here are my questions:[list] [*]This seems to take place long after the end of GT. How long are we talking exactly? Of course there is the hundred years before the DragonBalls could even be used again. Then you have to take in the time for all these other things to happen. So this takes place 100 years plus what? I'm just curious.. [*]In the Stats, do we split that 35,000,000 up between the things? [/list]That's all for now :whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ifm2181 [/i] [B]Wow, you have quite the stories on your many friends :)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You're all just lucky I'm far too lazy to type out a biography on each of them. I just mentioned my main friends. I could have gone into my friends that are just like, people I know at school and don't really do anything with them outside of school. I could have gone into my online friends (not from the boards, lol). There's plenty I left out. :whoops:[/color]
[color=indigo]I'm not too familiar with Corel, but yeah, it does looke like a pretty basic effect. Not too shabby, though. Just not really my cup of tea. :whoops:[/color]
[color=indigo]::digs a cork screw into his brain:: I seem to have forgotten ecaxtly how I did that.. and it is driving me insane. I can get everything but that hole in the middle.. It just doesn't appear the same way.. And MysticDarkElf, I do agree that the text is really hard to read. If I were you I'd take the back image again, put the text in white, then put the text again in black. Put the black over the white and offset it one pixel down and one pixel right. That should make it easier to read.[/color]
[color=indigo]I have quite a few friends. Three of them I've known since 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. The rest I have picked up in high school. We all have [i]generally[/i] the same things in common. I guess I'll just list them... in chronological order even: Dan: We've known each other since third grade. When it comes to music he is more of the rock/metal type guy. He's into anime, but the only reason he is into it is because of me, and another friend of ours. He has seen more though, because he has the money and the sources to get it. He's a bit of a computer guy, though he mainly sticks with computer games. Namely [i]Half-Life[/i]. John A.: We met in fourth grade. Of course he became friends with Dan and so we had a little triangle of friendship... or something. When it comes to music he is more of a rock/metal guy, like Dan. He's not too much of a computer guy, but he enjoys anime as well. Like me, he just takes what he can get from Toonami. We call him John A. to make a difference between other people we know that are named John (in our entire grade school class there were 3 people named John, which were usually put in the same class for some reason). He's a bit of a loon.. hyper-like. Brian: We met in fifth grade when I stabbed him in the leg with a pencil, lol. He already knew John A. and then he became friends with Dan. So now we were a quartet of friends who go crazy when around each other. When it comes to music he is a alternative/rock guy. He likes some metal and I've introduced him to some punk and ska. He seems to have taken pretty well to the Mighty Mighty Bosstones cause he really likes the guys voice, lol. He's not much of a computer guy, nor is he too much into anime. Hewatches a little bit, but nothing much really. We just call him Botat or just Bo for short. Botat was a name we gave him in a skit we had to do for school, and it stuck. :p That covers my four closest friends.. in high school I go through some more.. Natalie: YES! A punker friend! She was the one who actually opened my eyes to the punk world. A lot of the bands I listened to were actually punk, and I just didn't know it. She also introduced me to AFI (for those who don't know me, that is my favorite band). I met her at lunch cause me and my aforementioned friend John A. were just sitting by ourselves like usual, and she literally just hopped over from the adjacent table.. I recently found out that of all her friends, I'm the one they (she and her friend Aimee) have kept the longest. So I feel special I guess, lol. I think mostly we're just concert/delinquent friends. :p Jeremiah: I haven't seen this guy since freshman year, but he is the weirdest guy I've ever known, lol. A heavy metal/rocker type guy on the edge of pure insanity. When Sour Skittles came out he would always get them and eat them and lick out the sour sugar stuff from inside the bag. A really really funny guy. We would always race down the halls after lunch in a low, crouched position. I would usually win cause I was smaller and could weave through people a lot easier. But if it came to a dead sprint he could move faster. His most famous gimmick is the common "foaming mouth" thing. He'd just take an alka selzter tablet and take a walk over to the drinking fountain. Then he'd fake a spasm and fall to the ground in a seizure while the foam poured out of his mouth. The first time he did it was the funniest, cause everybody thought it was for real even though me and John A. were on the floor laughing. :p Well to be honest, I'm tired of typing, lol. to just sum up everything else, sophomore year I went to a public school, most of the friends I made were girls, one of which I am currently in a relationship with. :) I met two other guy friends, but I think one of them is transferring to a different school this year. That about sums up all of my friends. We all generally have the same things in common, with some differences. That's what keeps things interesting though. Maybe I'm just lucky in the friends department :drunk:[/color]
[color=indigo]Another good band to listen to would be Goldfinger. I always get energized when I listen to them. [i]99 Red Balloons[/i] is a reccomended song... even though it's about nuclear war or something like that... it's still a good, fast paced, energetic song. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]has anyone heard any of linkin parks new songs? like My december, High voltage or Carousel? My december is on the radio so i think some of you have to have heard it. It's beautiful.......:bawl:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]"My December" isn't really all that new. I heard that song waaay back sometime not long after the release of their first album. The name "Carousel" sounds familiar... but maybe I'm just thinking of Finger Eleven (even though they are to different bands). I haven't really heard anything else. They're an 'Okay' band.. though I must say that remix of whatever song it was is really horrible (in my opinion).[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]You know what? Shut up. :p[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That has to be the funniest thing I've read all week, lol. I'm glad you guy like it and such. Yes, it was made from scratch, but no, I did not once use glowing edges. Woo! :wigout: It's a mystery to us all... except me..[/color]