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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]A question that has plagued me for the longest time. If the dragon can only do what its creator can do, then can't Guru/Souchiro and Kami bring people back to life by themselves?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It's not that the Dragon can only do what it's creator can do, it's more like the Dragon can only do thing within the power of their creator. It has always been my explanation for that question, that the Dragon is pretty much all-knowing and ever wise. It is going to know how to do things that it's creator can't, but the things it can do are still within the creators power. The creator just doesn't know how to do it. If you go back to the Saiya-jin Saga when they tried to wish the Saiya-jins on their way to Earth dead, the Dragon couldn't do it. He couldn't do it it because Kami could not have been able to defeat Nappa or Vegeta, thus neither could the Dragon. So in my reason, the Dragon can do things the creator can't simply because the Dragon knows how to do them. :whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue]It's awesome, other than that, and I think I'll have to go and try out the technique :p Man, Piro has had PS so little time, and knows triple, if not quadruple what I do :bluesweat:[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, nah. I can't figure out the background in your banner. I'm guessing some clouds were used, since that is ever so common.. but other than that I can't really identify much else. [edit] Actually, I see some tile-y things and something else in there I don't know what name to put it on.. lol, but they aren't part of the actual effect, so you still kind of got me. :p[/color]
[color=indigo].... ::doesn't care to open .bmp files:: To much hassle to download .bmp files. Would you have them if some other formats by any chance? Lol...[/color]
[color=indigo]Whenever I listen to the Mighty Mighty Bosstones or the Offspring reminds me of our long since last seen on this board member Topaz. The Bosstones because it was part of her email address, but it was just MMB and it took me forever to figure out that's what it meant, and the Offspring because that is/was her favorite band and I share the same birthday as Noodles, which coincidentally also happened to be her favorite member of the band. A lot of good memories there. Whenever I see a hamster I always thing of my first pet, that I had to myself. Indeed it was a hamster, if you haven't already guessed, by the name of Furball ( RIP ). Whenever I see something about myself I also get reminded of how much of a loser I am, lol. :whoops:[/color]
[color=indigo]Afraid of? ....... Hrmm.... Nothing I can really think of. I don't really mean to sound all "macho" or anything, but I'm really not scared by much of anything. One, I don't get out enough to be scared of anything, and Two, I'm waaaay to 'sedated' all the time. I [i]used[/i] to be scared of heights, but I took a COPE course at a summer camp that had a lot of high adventure activites. I forget what COPE [i]really[/i] stood for, but the fun meaning was [b]C[/b]onstant [b]O[/b]pportunities to [b]P[/b]lummet [b]E[/b]arthward. So that basically got me comfortable with heights. So hrmm... I guess the only thing I'd be afraid of is being afraid. Like the saying goes, "There's nothing to fear except fear itself."[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Wrong Piro, but close... That's actually a texture feature I tried and messed around with. No clouds. All I did was use that Fire Hazard method, but using black and white this time. THEN I used Find Edges, then played around with levels and contrasts. A few slight motion blurs, slapped some text on it, Guasanned the text, slit out the crosslines, and boom.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]... o.o .... They look so similar... If not the same. Quite odd. What texture feature do you speak of?[/color]
[color=indigo]Hrmm... except for the effects on the text, that banner could be made on MS Paint, lol. It's good, but not that good considering you use PhotoShop to make it. If you want to learn how to use it better, and make better backgrounds and such, just keep a look out for people like Neil, Aries, Herman, etc. cause sometimes they'll mention a website. Then you can go there and see if they have any tutorials. You should pick it up pretty quick, it's not that hard to figure out after a while. All in all, it also depends on what version of PhotoShop you have...[/color]
[color=indigo]Nicely done. :) Though I still haven't really seen anything about Super Mario Sunshine except here on this board. :whoops: I like it well enough though. :p And No-Name, a way to "beat the system" is to have two images that match up to fit in the 500x100 limits, but they have to be the same image. For example, look at the attachment. Two pictures in one image. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Very nicely done. :) Nice, clean, sharp, too the point, and well organized. No problems here. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Clouds, Find Edges, Invert, adjusted the Levels, probably a color dodge. The would give you the main image. Then you adjusted the colors, and maybe something else. :whoops: You did some variation of that, lol. It's the same background as I did when I showed you the chaotic flames of hell not long ago on AIM :p[/color]
[color=indigo]:sleep: I made that background a while back, dear Neh. :whoops: It only takes about a minute to put together. So then you just put the crosslines and added text. I hate to say it in your case, but five minutes for that is laughable. It should take, at most, three minutes. :p [edit] I take that back, I just went into PhotoShop and made that background in more like 30 seconds. :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkened Skye [/i] [B]Wait, why can't female Saiyins go Super Saiyin? Doesn't make genetic sense. Even if males are made for fighting by evolution, a female can still get massively large muscles. It's easier for guys, but females can do it. So why can't a female Saiyin go Ssj? Or is this just Imperial Japan shining through? Or was Vajeta just being sexist?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I could have sworn I told you people not to bring it up. No one knows why they can't transform into Super Saiya-jins. It wasn't just Vegeta who said. [i]Toriyama[/i] himself said it. So if you want to complain about how it "doesn't make genetic sense", go find him, and complain about it. We don't need that here. They just can't, period. Now stop talking about it. The only reason people [i]do[/i] try to prove it is because of that damn "DragonBall AF", and we all know that is fake, so there's no reason to talk about it. Now stop.[/color]
[color=indigo][b]Strengths:[/b][list] [*]I'm pragmatic... or so I've been told, but I agree with it. [*]I'm a pretty quick thinker. [*]I'm solid in whatever I believe, and won't let people change it. [/list][b]Weaknesses:[/b][list] [*]I'm solid in whatever I believe, and won't let people change it. [*]I'm a closed book with a padlock and chains wrapped around it, tied to an anvil and dropped in a raging river of death that is infested by mutated, shurt-fused pirhanas... [*]I'm lazy and have a pretty short atte--- ooh a worm! [/list] Although I see having a short attention span as a good thing, it tends bothers a lot of people o.O[/color]
[color=indigo]Let's cycle through your questions... 'Shapeshifting': If Furiza and Coola could do it, we can only guess the rest of the race can. The purpose of them transforming is to get to their higher power. Their final form being their true form. The scale themselves down the way they do to conserve energy. It's stated even in the show. I believe when Vegeta, Krillen, and Gohan first face off against Furiza. So it's more like the rest of the race [i]can[/i] do it, but they might not need to. If the don't want to conserve energy, they will just stay in their true form. Power 1: My guess would be that that Furiza's race is just naturally stronger than the Saiya-jins. I mean, Furiza ruled over Planet Vegeta before Kakarot was even born. Even then, the Saiya-jin were obviously no match. It took many years until Kakarot finally got strong enough to even prove a challenge for Furiza. Even then, Kakarot was beat, until he transformed into a Super Saiya-jin. The one thing Furiza was afraid of. Power 2: Cell, and Majin Buu were ressurected after Furiza had been defeated. Thus they weren't around to compete with Furiza for power. Although, Cell had some of Furiza's cells in him. They Saiya-jins were destroyed by Furiza with the only exceptions being Kakarot, Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, and Turles. Kakarot was sent off to Earth before Furiza blew up the planet. Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa were forced to work for Furiza. And we really don't know Turles' background. Control: I see your point, but sometimes, when it comes to anime, it's better just not to question things. Sometimes they don't like to adhere to reality. I mean, DragonBall isn't the only anime series in which people travel through space. You just have to laern not to look to much into it. :whoops:[/color]
[color=indigo]This is what we like to call a pointless thread. It's pronounced like a fusion (coincidence?) between Gokou and Vegeta. Being "Go-jee-tah". ::closes topic::[/color]
[color=indigo]After some thought. I don't think he could have taken over the planet, and here is my explanation: One might think right off that it could happen cause once he transforms into an Oozaru, he is pretty much unstoppable unless someone could get a hold of his tail. Even then there are only so many people that know that weakness of his (Yamucha, Bulma, Oolong, and Puar). Then we have to consider that Kakarot first met Bulma after he had hit his head. Grandpa Gohan would have been deceased by then, but I don't think he was smart enough to know how to cross water, so it would be probable that he would still run into Bulma when she came. Thus Bulma would be gone. After he killed Bulma he [i]might[/i] find her Dino Capsules and find a water craft, and find out how to use it, as he did when he saw Bulma using the motorcycle in DragonBall. If he didn't figure it out, he would have been stuck on that island until he found a way off. Once he got off the island he would find other places, and continue destroying them. Although, I don't think he could have taken over the planet. Why? Piccolo Daimo. Kakarot would not have been able to beat him, even in his Oozaru form. To even beat him in DragonBall he had previously had training and had become much stronger than he would have if he instead just grew up without training. So I think Piccolo Daimo would have stopped him, and he ( Piccolo Daimo ) would have continued to take over the world or whatnot, then depending or not on how long it took him, when Raditz came to Earth, Raditz would have killed Piccolo Daimo, and Raditz would have taken taken over the planet.[/color]
[color=indigo]Personally, I've seen both ways of using singles. A lot of the local bands here in Omaha will release a few singles on CD before they will come out with their album. The only thing is you have to go to their shows as well to get these singles, but they are usually really cheap ( $1... $2 at the most) or free, and admission to the shows range anywhere from $5-$12 depending on the venue and the bands playing there. I think this is a rather good way to work if you are just a starting band like such. Since you're new, you [i]want[/i] to say things like "This is what we sound like, this is how we perform. Buy our album when it comes out." Then by the the album comes out, you can already be working on the next set of singles to release once your album has been out for a while. Though, when it comes to more well known groups/bands. They do the opposite releasing the singles after the album. They know they already have a bunch of people who like their music so they don't need to worry too much about sampling people with their music. Now they will release singles (and now even get on the radio with them) after the album comes out, cause they know that those who have liked them before will get the new album, and those who may have not heard of them before are now getting sampled with their music and will go buy the album. Most often singles are released on the radio before they go on a CD, and to sell the single on CD the band might change the way the songs sound. Perhaps it will be a live version of the song. That's always how I've seen it done.[/color]
[color=indigo][b]1) Do you speak Japanese fluently?[/b] Nope [b]2) Have you taken a class in Japanese? If so, how many?[/b] Nope, n/a [b]3) Have you bought a book related to learning Japanese? If so, how many?[/b] Umm, I might have a long time ago. If so, I didn't buy it, I rented it from a library of some sort. [b]4) Can you count how many Japanese words you know? If so, how many?[/b] I can't recal all of them I know, but I really don't know that many. Less than 20 I'm sure. [b]5) Do you know hiragana and katakana?[/b] ... I know [i]of[/i] them... lol. [b]6) About how many kanji do you know?[/b] ....? [b]7) Do you have any friends or relatives that speak fluent Japanese?[/b] No... ::cries:: [b]8) Do you WANT to learn Japanese?[/b] What? And confuse all the other people in the world? You bet your buttons!!! :toothy: Though learning Japanese would be rather difficult when it came to structuring things.. I read somewhere where they were comparing how the direct translations from English to Japanese won't be the same at all. Like, "Mary walked into the classroom with an apple." Would be more like, "Mary walked monkey and apple the chair" or something like that... I don't remember the exact words. It was a while ago, but I'm sure you get my point. :whoops: Nothing like a good ol' survey to make you feel dumb. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]If I'm depressed I usually listen to metal, since they are more likely to have lyrics of depressing stuff in them. It just lets me know that people out there know what I'm going through and probably have it a lot worse then myself. Although, if you are looking for something more mellow, I highly reccomend "Morningstar" by AFI. Good stuff, indeed. And I do agree with Flash that if you are just feeling down, rather than dperessed, some of Weird Al's polka is a sure cure. "Bohemian Polka" would be my favorite. :whoops:[/color]
[color=indigo]I agree with most everyone else. Overall, it's a good banner with potential, but the blue text doesn't fit with the black and red scheme in the gackground.[/color]
[color=indigo]I personally like the first one better. The text in the second one just seems a bit more off. Not too mention the second one just seems a little bulky..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I wouldn't mind seeing a female saiyan (Pan :devil: ) go SSJ, though.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]-___-;; Please don't bring that up for the sake of those who might actually think females can transform into a Super Saiya-jin. Cause they can't, and I honestly don't want a big discussion on it. Back to the topic, I believe the only Saiya-jin women that are given any credit are: Celipa, Pan [ :drool: ], and Bra. Celipa is a member of Bardock's crew, thus she is a full-blooded Saiya-jin. Bra is half-Saiya-jin, and Pan is a quarter-Saiya-jin. That's basically it, when it comes to Saiya-jin girls.[/color]
[color=indigo]I don't neccesarily disagree with them, I just think they begin to flaw as time passes. Since kids begin to mature more and more earlier these days, I think that if they would continue to have these ratings, to boot them down a bit. Personally, I just think they shouldn't be there at all. I mean, I can understand with movies, but I don't think TV, music, and video games should really matter. For a quick example, for those who watch Adult Swim on Toonami, before each show they have that message saying the following feature is intended for mature audiences overv the age of 18. The first question popping into my head is "what about the mature audiences [i]under[/i] the age of 18?" So these rating laws or whatever are a bit outdated, and shoulr really either be changed or jsut rid of, and as some have said, just left up to the parents.[/color]
[color=indigo]Quite interesting. The title says it all. Sweet and simple. The overall image seems to be a tad bit low in quality, but it's not too noticable. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Interesting you should say that, since a few posts above you commented on my viewpoints being similar to those of Nazis.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, notice I said "similar" and not "same". Plus that was before we really started discussing. I see what you were getting at more and whatnot. I withdraw that comment about you.[/color]