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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]You're taking up the wrong argument against me. I've never said he was an idiot due to his dressing, I said he looks like one. Looks can be deceiving obviously, but if you're going to dress in a fashion that is completely ridiculous, then you have every right to be ridiculed for it.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I never accused you of saying anybody was an idiot. Nor did I imply it anywhere. I don't imply unless I'm joking around. I agree with everything else you had to say here. Yes, people who dress what most common people would think is ridiculous, have the right to be ridiculed for it. I believe it's even in the Constitution. People have the right to judge and be judged. Most people are well aware that if/when they do something, people are going to comment on it, whether it be positive or negative. They know that, and thus are prepared for it if they carry out what they were going to do.[/color][quote][b]And you defined exactly what I'm talking about - taking things that normally don't go together, and putting them that way. This is absurd, why would you go out of your way to look bad? It is part of that 'no style' category, not 'unique style'.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Notice I said "normally don't go together." Even you said down lower: "[i]In an appropriate situation, if you come in wearing something completely radical and new, yet it works, then that's just super.[/i]" So they don't neccessarily look "bad", they just look insanely different. So in looking different, people judge. Also as you said lower down, it's debatable since people have different viewpoints.[/color][quote][b]And there's where the difference comes in. In an appropriate situation, if you come in wearing something completely radical and new, yet it works, then that's just super. But if you're just doing something stupid, such as putting things that don't look good together, then you're just opening yourself up to criticism. Obviously this is somewhat debatable, as sometimes people have different viewpoints on what looks good or not. However there's a difference between someone wearing a tie and shirt that don't match and someone with boxers on their head. [/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well, you are kind of repeating yourself here, just more specific with your thoughts. Again, people the the right to judge and be judge. So they know what they are doing when they do it. Perhaps it may be even criticism they are looking for, you just never know. I do understand the whole "unique style" and "no style" thing, but even having "no style" itself can really be considered a "style". It's the irony in life, I guess. With the whole wearing one's boxers on their heads, yes, that is a bit absurd, but how often do we see that? Football games and parties. There, those people are just having fun. It's not like they do that everyday, but it's also not neccesarily inacceptable, it's just able to be criticised. The only other chance of someone coming out with underwear on their heads would be a mentally challenged person or just a young child, and those who make fun of them for doing that are cruel. From what I'm seeing it seems we have come to similar thoughts. Perhaps I misinterpreted something, somewhere. It was fun while lasted, and should provide an interesting read for others. I think so anyway... :) I'm basically done with what I have to say.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Seriously - if I walked into school wearing a cape and underwear over my pants, nobody is going to think "He sure looks different and unique!". There's a difference between having a unique style and having no style.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Nobody? You really can't be too sure of that. If someone were to come to my school wearing a cape and underwear over their pants. First I would laugh, but not out of spite or mockery, but more as a "more power to you" kind of laugh. Obviously the person has guts, or just doesn't care, to show up in a public place dressed like that where they knew they could be very well ridiculed and made fun of. Every odd, or "idiotic", way of dressing is usually sparked by some amount of creativity. It's just people like you that can't see past the differences in the person's clothes to maybe think there's actually an intelligent person wearing them. Somebody with an open mind, and care-free. If style, and what you wear actually means a lot to you, then go ahead and keep thinking that way. You'll fit in with everybody else that makes this world so condescending towards differences.[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by Defcon 5[/i] [b]What just because the person is dressed differently means he dresses poorly? Who are you to say someone is dressed poorly?[/b][/quote][color=indigo]There's a difference between dressing different, and dressing poorly. Dressing different is basically what we're talking about here. Taking things that normally don't go together, and putting them that way. Dressing poorly however, is not different. Someone could be wearing a shirt that a lot of people wear, so he's not really different. The shirt is torn, tattered, food stains, dirt, etc... but it's still not different, it just has many phsyical flaws. That's dress poorly.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]lol, you are comparing me to Nazis because I realize that some fashion is ugly and idiotic.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Both are quite meek and closed minded ways of thinking. So the comparison is fair.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]No it's not. He's choosing to look like an idiot, it's not like he's forced to dress poorly.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Who are you to say he looks like an idiot, and that he's dressed poorly? Dressed poorly would be old, dirty, ripped up clothes and such. He may be dressed oddly, yes, cause it is quite different from what almost everyone else does. He is not dressed poorly though. Also, it [i]is[/i] discrimination. If you don't believe me still, look it up. Or here, I'll do it for you: "[i][b]1.[/b] making or recognizing differences and distinctions [b]2.[/b] the ability to make fine distinctions [b]3.[/b] making a difference in favor or against[/i]" And what you are doing fits the third definition, being that you point out that he is dressed "poorly", and you take against him in think he look like an idiot. Let's even take a look at the example sentence this dictionnary has: "[i]There was discrimination against Jews in Germany.[/i]" So really, by putting two and two together, what you are doing makes you no better than Nazi Germany. Think about that for a while.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]But the one thing in the world that bugs the hell out of me is people that wear ties over T-shirts shorts over long pants and then add huge striped socks and pull them up all the way. It's one thing to dress "in your own style" or "different" but it's another to look like a blind person dressed you. (Nothing agaist blind people) I mean these kids look so stupid. I mean for gods sake match your clothes. I don't care what people wear. They could be goth, punk, skater, or prep and I wont care as long as your clothes match. There is one thing to have an "style" and another to look just plain dumb.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Now that's just discrimination. Just because these people look different, you think they look stupid. I have a good friend that does that sort of stuff, so I must say I'm offended by that comment. Thinking your clothes have to match just shows how much society has impacted you and closed your mind off to things like that. :nope:[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]By the way... 'Full Earth'? What the Hell? Earth suddenly loses a half of itself or something?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, think for a sec there Neil, it's the same concept as with the moon. Depending on what position you have around the Earth, the sun won't be hitting every part of it. That's why we have this thing called [i]night[/i]. So if you wnet into space and went around the Earth, there'd be times when you could only see parts of it, or it'd seem like there was no Earth at all.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I saw the movie and it was hiliarious! I agrre it wasn't up to it's full potential, but it was still funny. I never caught a part where it talked about what happened to Felicity, though...*shrugs*[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I don't think they did mention her, but on Comedy Central's little dealie with the movie, Mike explained that she ran off and married a guy named John Alday, but she wanted to keep her maiden name, so she goes by Felicity Shagwell-Alday. :p[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I can't really say I do. Bad Religion's "21st Century Digital Boy" reminds me a bit of myself, but it doesn't mean a lot to me or anything. Whenever I listen to the Mighty Mighty Bosstones I always think of Topaz (a member that used to post here a long while back) because she made sense of their name for me (I had always known the name, but didn't know what it was). I guess I am sort of boring that way. :all:[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Although I do slightly agree with you Anna, of course not everybody is affected by their clothes. I wear dark colored clothes, because I don't like to stand out. Even in a group of brightly colored people, someone would be more likely to see all the different colors other people are wearing, rather than all the colors I'm not wearing. When it comes to my shirts, it's a rarity that I'm not in a black one, yet I am not always in a bad mood. It is other things around me that would put me in a bad mood. And again, DoK, you make me laugh. You say "I did something that many people are now doing." When really, you are doing something that many other people have done. You really just don't get it. "I started something." I laugh again. Perhaps you are unaware of what a large assumption you are making. There are [b]BILLIONS[/b] of people in this world, and you think you are the first of these billions of people to do something. No offense, but you are either really ignorant, or really arrogant. You just need to stop looking at what is right here, and take a look at the BIG picture. You may be the only one within your group of friends, or the only one in your city that dresses like you do or whatever, but there is always going to be someone out there who does the same thing, and probably has done it longer than you. To take a quick quote from Star Wars: Episode 1 ... "There's always a bigger fish." Quite fitting to the converstaion I think, and to think that you are the "biggest fish" is quite egotistical. Out of 2002 years of [i]recorded[/i] history, and the countless people that have lived, you think you are the 'Big Kahuna' of a certain style. :nope: There's a difference between being original and being independent. I'm thinking you are confused between the two. You are trying to hard to be original, and make other people believe you are when you would so much easier fit into being independent. Where you know that you aren't all that original, but you are different from the mass majority. You do things that most would never even think about doing, and when it comes to clothes, if you really want to be more different, it helps to be really secure with your sexuality. Lately, I've been thinking that a long skirt type thing would be fun. Perhaps, by taking a pair of large pants, and taking out the in-seam and sewing that back together just all as one piece. Then perhaps doing a few other things. How many guys would ever think of doing [i]that[/i]? Lol. I think that one Davis guy from Korn did that at one point, and probably still does (I couldn't tell if it was a long skirt of just really baggy pants). It just seems like it would be fun to do. Do I care if someone else has done it? No. Will I still do it if it has been done before? Yes. Anyway, lol, wrist cutter, you'd be suprised at some of the thing I might wear in the summer. You'd think I was preparing to go on a trip to Alaska. It's just as long as I am inside where it isn't neccesarily hot, why should I care if I'm wearing too much for the weather that's outside? And yes, I do wear coats inside. Just because I feel like wearing a coat. I'm a little loopy that way. :whoops:[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I hope I'm not too late. Well I really don't know you too well, Ginny, but that goes for probably most people here, but I know that any thought counts. I am pretty sure I have gone through this whole little "Who am I? What is my purpose?" phase. Though I can't really remember, I was probably thinking about it casually and not so much out of depression or whatever might be triggering your thoughts. I agree with Semjaza Azazel in that people think about things like this after already being depressed. Happens all the time to me, but usually I just blow things out of proportion with mass paranoia, over-analyzing things finding every possibility, and sticking with the one thought the scares me the most. Then when you get out of whatever was bothering you, you would realize that thinking about stuff like that was rather pointless. I'm thinking that something else is bothering you, which is causing you to think about this kind of stuff. I mean, recently you said you had that problem with your boss at work. That could very well be a factor, whether you think it might be or not. Things stick around even after you're done with them. I know that much from experience. Or it is possible that you have other things I just don't know about. Just know that people do care, even if they don't know you too well. I always enjoy reading your posts, even if I don't respond to them in any way. Like how I never responded in your "problem with the boss" topic, yet I do know about it, cause I did take the time to read it. I hope you get out of this soon. :)[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I'm all for it, in opinion. I don't know much about gaming or anything, but I like the idea of it. So you have my support and back-up on it. If you ever need any kind of help on it, feel free to drop me a line, and I'll see if I can do anything (be aware my knowledge is limited, lol). It would definitley give me something to do with all this time on my hands. Though I do have my junior year coming up, and I hear that's the hardest year. We'll see how that goes. As for the whole "moderating" deal. If you don't get a lot of help in that department, again, I'm very available. Just have to remember I'm not too knowledgable with gaming. The most I could do is mostly what I like to call "janitorial" work (cleaning up posts, closing, deleting... you know the drill). Anyway, sounds like a great idea. If/when it comes, I will be sure to check it out. This whole "Get!" thing intrigues me, lol. Always been a fan of Mario. :)[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]LOL, I came to the movie with a sense of humor and ready to laugh out loud. :) However, when you look at the third installment of this franchise, all of their jokes either played off the second movie (the shadows), were explained in detail by the actors in the film (the subtitles), or were just plain nasty (peeing in the guy's mouth) or not funny (everyone laughing when Austin couldn't find his dad). I have a sense of humor, but that only takes me so far in this movie. ;) Don't get me wrong, I thought some of the parts were funny. I don't know, I just found the second movie so much more enjoyable, and went from there.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You don't think the whole "urinating" in the guy's mouth was funny??? Lol, I did. If there was anything that was supposed to be nasty it would be Goldmembers gross little habit. Though even as disgusting as that may be, I still couldn't help but laugh at it. Also, I don't think the whole part where the people were laughing at Austin were supposed to be funny.. except when the same janitor happened to be in both flashbacks, lol. I will admit that some of the jokes were rather predictable (especially the whole Roboto thing, saw that coming a mile away). I just don't think the movie was bad enough to not see in theaters. It was worth my time, and I know the people I was with thought it was also. genkai_yyh: I didn't think the whole Austin/Evil thing was all that bad. Though I must say I have a hard time being afraid of Seth Green, lol.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]People should be able to dress how they want to dress, but with certain limits (which our parents so much like to try and enforce sometimes). Most with that I'm speaking of "revealing" clothing, most commonly seen with girls (since typically girls wear too little, and guys wear too much). Just to throw in a personal opinion, if I see a girl with such "revealing" clothing, my mind is filled with nothing but profane and duragatory thoughts. A high percentage of the time, people dress like they do to "express" who they are. So when I see a person will "revealing" clothing, I go with the stereotype and don't think much of them... at all. Some may say gonig with the stereotype is wrong cause not everybody is that way. A high percentage of them are though, thus it is a stereotype, and so the chances of them fitting into the stereotype is very likely. DoK, I must say you made me laugh when you said: "I follow my own style. I wear the baggiest and largest bottomed pants I can find (I looked at a pair of 72" diamiter bottoms recently) shirts that usually have some odd design on them or some wierd saying, lots and lots of metal, and boots." You just described a [b][i]lot[/i][/b] of people. Even by saying you "follow your own style" you fall into another group that syays that they "follow their own style" (but we all know they really don't). I bet if you looked into the group, you would notice a lot of them look similar. So "their style" seems to be quite catchy, or maybe it just wasn't their style to begin with. Perhaps they are just the only one in his/her group of friends that dresses the way they do, so he/she thinks he/she's "original", thus having "their own style." Many times though, as I have fallen victim to this plenty of times, one has a supposed original though, only to find out it has been done before. I, myself, like to accessorize more than anything. Most things I get from my dog... When he grew out of his old dog collar, I took it. Whenever we got him a new choke chain, I always took the old ones. A while ago (early this year, late last year) I was cleaning my room (a rare thing) and I came upon a couple of the chains. I looped them together, yet I had no way of securing them around my neck. Then I remembered I had some small, yet heavy, padlocks. So I used that. I had never seen that done before. Yet I later learned that Sid Vicious did the padlock thing, and Dez of Coal Chamber does also (he got it from Sid Vicious). So no matter how much you think you are being original you're not, but if it makes you comfortable and whatever, go for it. More power to you.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nuchlear [/i] [B]exactly JC, changing religions in the shadow of your parents, it isn't that easy at all. :nervous:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Really? Cause it was incredibly easy for me. I just told my mom (my dad didn't care at all) and she didn't have too much to say about it. I still get dragged to church whenever we go (once or twice a month), it's tolerable I suppose. The main reason I still have to go is because my little sister will think that since I don't go, she shouldn't have to. I still don't know why she couldn't just make my sister go and leave me in peace, but oh well. Different stroke for different folks.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]In my opinion, if you just plan on downloading songs, go with WinMX. However if you want software, Kazaa is the better choice.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]I thought it was a great movie. I saw it on Sunday. I would say the only parts that bothered me were Britney Spears' little cameo (the movie really could have done without), and that one Foxy Cleopatra bothered me sometimes. Other than that, the movie was worthwhile. It was good to finally see some sharks with lasers attached to their heads. If you're going to go see it, make sure you go with a sense of humor, as I can see some of you did not.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]I don't really use the home keys at all. My fingers start out on them, but as I type they just scurry around and whatnot. After every sentence though, they return to them. I guess that's why them call them the "home" keys, lol. [size=1]By the way, "rofl" means "Rolling On the Floor Laughing" [edit] Curse you, Cera -_____-[/color][/size]
  18. [color=indigo]I'm probably a little late on this, I would have posted earlier, but my mom called me up to dinner. My parents divorced last Autumn. Yes it hurts, but you'll get over it... unless it's somehow traumatized you. Though you seem to be doing pretty well now even considering how yound you are. When my parents separated, the initial shock wore off by the next day. It wasn't a bad divorce. It's not like they can't stand each other, and fought for custody, etc. I live with my mom, and I see my dad whenever. Holidays are shared, except for Thanksgiving, which is alternated every year. If you never liked your father, chalk one up for the positives. Usually if you take the time to actually look at the pros and cons of a divorce, the pros will outweigh the cons. Unless you are losing a lot, which you don't seem to be. Just do what you need to get over it and enjoy the rest of your life, you've got along road ahead of you. Deal with things as they come and move on.[/color]
  19. PiroMunkie

    Triple X

    [color=indigo]It looks pretty good. I might see it, I might not. Just the semi-common plot of needing a bad guy to be the good guy to beat the real bad guy. Like in that one movie with Sylvester Stallone... Demolition Man, I think..[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1] Isn't Atheist a disbelief in God and the Christian religion? I don't know...[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Atheism is a belief that there is no god. Period. Of any religion. Agnostic is belief that a god exists, but not neccesarily the Catholic god or whatnot.[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkened Skye [/i] [B]Oh...I thought only mods could delete topics. DBZ animation sucks. Ever seen the animation of shows or magna like Magic Knight Raynearth, Blue Sub No. 6, Tenchi Muyo, or even Digimon? Everything in DBZ reminds my of The Aidyn Chronicles: the First Mage: blocky.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Members can only delete [i]their own[/i] topics. I do agree that other animes have better animation, but I don't think DragonBall's animation is bad. Blue Sub No. 6 is on a completely different plane than DragonBall, since they use computer graphics and such. DragonBall is all hand drawn.. You can't really compare the two.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]Thats why you adjust the tolerance level. Make it lower or higher. The magic wand is great...it just needs a little mastering for it's full potential.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Oh, I know! The magic wand to is the [i]best[/i]. Aries, no wonder you say you're not as good with PhotoShop as you should be cause of how long you've had it! Lol, you do everything the hard way. The magic wand tool is a life saver. Just like No-Name said, it just needs a little mastering for it's full potential. You can learn to use it well within in an hour or two probably. That's how Neil taught me to take the background out of pictures :p But I will soon own you all.
  23. [color=indigo]As much as I hate to repeat things, and as monotonous as this is probably sounding: Don't change your beliefs just out of "rebellion" or wanting to be different. I was once in a similar situation as you. My mother never pushed too hard for me to be Catholic, but I was raised in a quasi-strict Catholic environment. I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic school, went to church every Sunday, received all of the sacraments I could get until the end of grade school. Freshman year is when it really hit me that I just did not like the whole organized religion idea. Coincedentally that was also the year that I hit heavy into the punk culture (I had always enjoyed it before, so that's when I decided to really become a part of it). And in solidifying my views as punk, organized religion just really irritated me with everything it did. So I just said 'screw it' and became independent of religion. There's actually a funny story between me and one of the counselors at my school dealing wityh the whole "independence" thing, but it's not really relevent and might spark an arguement to someone who's easily offended. Anyway, if you want to become Wicca, be my guest. Some of my better friends are Wiccan. I just ask that you know what you're getting into and get into it for the right reasons. Oh, and also make sure when you research Wicca, stray away from things that talk about killing babies and drinking blood and all that stuff. >.< ! Those people don't know what they're talking about.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]What would I do? Nothing. Just do the same thing I do everyday. No use worrying about it when I couldn't do anything about it to begin with. If it hits it hits, if it doesn't it doesn't. I'm sure if it does come anywhere near this planet, the government of whatever country it may be heading for will probably blow it out of the sky and give us a nice little meteor shower of a bunch of smaller harmless particles. I'll be 33 in seventeen years depending whether or not I live that long. We'll see what happens if and when the time comes.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I don't really consider myself goth at all, nor would I be able to identify most/some goth if I heard it unless it was more extreme like Cradle of Filth. I see you mention Manson, to me he was always a type of rock who just appeared to be a little goth. Do I enjoy goth music? Yes, at times. If I here a good band or such I'll listen to them. It's nothing that I'd really go out and buy though. I'd most likely burn it if I wanted. I don't know much about it, but I do have a certain respect for it. I do agree that goth is a person, moreso than the music. For music cannot be made without the person.[/color]
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