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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]I've done better. Graffitti style is far too overrated. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's just not really too original.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Yes, I've seen it in your sig already. It took you four hours?? I hope finding the pictures took up a high majority of the time. I could get the same or similar results for the background by just messing around. That would only take me probably a half hour. But good banner none-the-less. :p I agree with Aries that the line does cut in too far on Vegeta's head. But Neh. Neil. Chaos. SuperSaiyan. Whatever name you wish to be addressed by. You must tell me what that text is and/or give it to me over AIM. Hehe.. Farewell..[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]I can recall my dreams sometimes. Usually only the ones that are 'psychi' though. Like I have them, and then it happens sometime later in life (like Seppy's dream :p). What was even more weird is that one time in third or fourth grade, I had a dream (that all black men and white men.... lol)... but yeah, I had a dream and it was all weird and stuff, so I told my friend about it, and then the day after that he came and told me he had the same dream, but just different. Like it was a continuation of mine. :drunk:[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]I don't really see fire or water in that at all... It looks more like a red balloon right at the moment it pops on a couldy day...[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]It's not really that hard. You just take a program and MS Paint (which most all computers have and it's probably just called "Paint") or PhotoShop or something, slap some images, colors, and text together and call it a banner! Just be sure that it doesn't exceed the size limit of 500x100[/color]
  6. [color=indigo][i]Zaius walked back into Thira Town from his hunting. Along the beaten path, some of the few Halbreeds Xeshiur could could passed by on their way to the beach where Xeshiur was, ready to await command. Most of them ignored Zaius as they passed by, others, despite how well they knew him and respected him, gave him a look. This slightly saddened Zaius, that these people who were basically his family, would so quickly turn their shoulder on him. Zaius emerged from the brush with Thira Town in the distant view. About an hour passed. The last of Xeshiurs new soldiers of Thira Town filed out. As always, he headed back into his home; and as always, he set everything down in their respected places, and he cooked his catch like always, and he ate it like he always did. Still, the current events troubled him deep in his mind... his home didn't seem as comfortable, the hunt didn't seem as successful, and the food tasted a little bland. He couldn't let it bother him though, he had business to attend to with the remainder of Thira Town, which should be quite a few seeing the Xeshiur didn't seem to get that many. Zaius put everything away and walked out of his home. Standing just outside his door, he let out a high pitched whistle that could only faintly be heard. He waited for a moment, then, slowly, the remaining Halbreed stepped outside their homes, looking for who made the whistle. Upon seeing Zaius, they knew it must have been him. Eventually, the entire town was gathered around Zaius. He looked around in the crowd as Linea pushed through from behind into the front of the crowd. She smiled. Zaius smiled back, then took some charge.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Fellow Halbreed of Thira Town. You are all that we have left... [i]Zaius continued to speak. He reminded the people of Xeshiur and his army. How ruthless they were at heart. The anger and grudge of which the army was formed. In this, explaining the past relations Thira Town has had with the Humes. That even though such a terrible atrocity occured, all things can be forgiven. That the Halbreed are a peaceful race. A race that doesn't lust for battle with another. Who will only attack if attacked. At first, this part of his speech saddened the Halbreed in the crowd in being reminded of Xeshiur and his army... and the Humes' attack on Thira Town. As the speech went on, they became more inspired, full of hope. A sure fire boost in morale. At this point, Zaius proposed the home defense that Kallabow had presented to him. That if Xeshiur's army's attacks on Verdun were to recoil and come over here, they could at least stand a chance again the Humes. Even having the advantage of being on their own soil. A defense against the Humes in which the purpose was not to destroy, but to protect. At this, Zaius left the crowd open for questions.[/i] [b]Halbreed [1]:[/b] This just sounds like another army. Making us no better than Xeshiur! [i]The crowd turned back from the speaker looking at Zaius curiously.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] We would be far from an army, my friend. I will reiterate that an army fights to destroy and establish power over their opponent. That is not our purpose. Our purpose is to protect. To protect this town, and this land of ours from being overtaken by the Humes because of Xeshiur's acts. We will fight not as an army, but as a family. One race. [i]The crowd understood Zaius' point, nodding their heads. Each one looked at one another. Linea merely looked around, hoping that everyone wouldn't turn against Zaius. That they would agree to construct this sound defense. When all seemed to reach an agreement, a Halbreed spoke.[/i] [b]Halbreed [2]:[/b] We will do it. [i]A wave of pride and excitement fell over the crowd and Zaius. Linea was overjoyed. Her smile grew larger as her pride in the people grew. As soon as everyone settled down, a few more questions arose.[/i] [b]Halbreed [3]:[/b] So how will we organize this? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I imagine we will wait until Xeshiur and his army leaves. Kallabow said he would get in contact with me, in which more details will be given. [i]A female Halbreed spoke.[/i] [b]Halbreed [4]:[/b] What of us women? What will be our part in this defense? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Again, I would imagine that those of you who are skilled or interested in battle, will take part in the actual defense. Those of you who don't, I imagine will work behind the lines in terms of first aid, supply, rations, and other assorted technicalities. This is only what I assume. As I said, Kallabow will contact me, in which more details will be given. [b]Halbreed [4]:[/b] So what do we do until then? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Just go about your normal lives. Speak word of this to no one until Xeshiur and his army leaves. [i]Everyone nodded in acknowledgement as Zaius dismissed the crowd. All went back joyfully to their homes as Linea ran forward and grabbed Zaius in a hug. They were all proud, indeed.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=indigo]I've moved all of about three times... Every time it was within the same city though, just a different house. I went from an apartment, to a rented home, to an owned home. I can't say I can connect with you cause none of them really resulted in losing any friends (except for the first move, but I was too young to care). I'm sorry to hear that you're going to lose most contact with your friends. Yeah, it may suck, but you'll eventually get over it. Friends can be replaced, but never forgotten. Only remember the good times, and let them roll.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Hrmm... I don't think my username really has much of a meaning at all. I'm just a bit of a pyro... and have a monkey fetish (or any primate for the matter), which would somewhat help explain my AIM screen name of DrZaius296. That, and i enjoy inverting the spelling of things. It looks better my way. :p Pyro and monkey are just so boring, whereas piro and munkie have a bit more edge. My avatar? Recently changed even. Mainly you can see an image of Brave Fencer Musashi from a Playstation game that I most enjoy named as such. Justin has affectionatelyy dubbed him [i]Joecles, the Son of the Quizzical God of Entropy[/i]. If you look a bit closer you will see a faded image of the Man Himself. The Quizzical God of Entropy. My signature, well, the top is just a random space, I'm searching for something else to put there now. The whole "MOBerator" thing is just a little joke on one of my previous banners that Herman made for me (that Neil recolored). And then there's my banner, which is self-explanatory. Then what is below it is also self-explanatory. And there you have it.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]So you spell their name wrong in the topic name... but not on the wallepaper? o__O How quizzical... It's pretty good I guess. The names could be a bit more visible though.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]The original Japanese movie's lengths aren't going to differ all that much from the Englsh dub. FUNi isn't [i]that[/i] evil. I can give you a few: [i]Dead Zone:[/i] approx. 45 minutes [i]The World's Strongest:[/i] approx. 60 minutes [i]The Tree of Might:[/i] approx. 60 minutes [i]Lord Slug:[/i] approx. 62 minutes [i]Cooler's Revenge:[/i] approx. 47 minutes Hope that helps.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]A blue background with a picture of Vegeta on the banner... you probably just described about 100 DragonBall sites, lol. I think I might actually know what you're talking about, let me look.. [ 9 minutes later... ] Bah, you're going to have to check it out for yourself. These pages take too long to load for me. Try [url]www.dbgt.com[/url] And of course you could always check your history in your browser. You might be able to find it in there..[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I like it. :) The picture of Spike is good, the cut-outs work, and the text looks fine. Well done.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Weird... :drunk: Overall it is pretty good. The guy that looks like it might be Vegeta doesn't have a hairline, and the girl in front of him has a long neck... and Trunks' hair is too short.. and... yeah..[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Ooooooo.... Fiiiiiiiiiire.............. :drool: Well done Neil. Neat little fire stuff, hehe.. not much else to say though..[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]I have my license, but I don't think I've driven a car since I got it, lol. Mostly cause i don't have one... but it's not really that hard to drive as long as you pay attention to what's going on and make sure you know your signals and signs. That's about it. Just have to watch out for all those other idiots out on the road.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo][i]Zaius fell down to the ground right inside his doorway with the enraged Halbreed on top of him. The Halbreed let out an angry scoff in Zaius' face. Zaius grabbed the Halbreed's shoulders, and with a low growl pushed to the Halbreed's torso up where Zaius then put his feet to the Halbreed's chest and launched him out the doorway. The Halbreed landed easily on his feet. Zaius' intention wasn't to fight. Zaius rose from the ground and brushed the dirt off him as the fierce Halbreed approached him quickly once more. They were now standing face to face. No words were exchanged. The Halbreed looked at Zaius with a look as if he was ready to rip his head clean off his shoulders. Zauis, slightly taller than the Halbreed, looked sternly in his eyes. The army stood on the roads outside Zaius' house, just watching what was going on.. Finally, Zaius spoke...[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Take who are what you want... and leave. [i]Zaius stepped out of the tension walking back deeper into his home messing with things on his work bench, almost ignoring the other Halbreed. Angered, the other Halbreed charged into Zaius' home, slamming his hand down on the bench. Zaius looked at the hand for a moment, then went back to organizing his tools..[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[img][b]Zaius:[/b] You attack me. You spite me. You come into my house.... Yet I still don't know who you are. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] I am the leader of the Almaran Army. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Even leaders have names... [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] Xeshiur... [i]Despite how furious he was about everything... Zaius' calmness and peaceful resistance disabled Xeshiur to take any charge over the Halbreed...[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] And who are you? You who seems to be so wise.. [i]Zaius stopped organizing his tools, and turned to Xeshiur.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] My name is Zaius... now, take what or who you want. And leave this town. [i]The name struck Xeshiur. This Halbreed was the one who was alerted of their arrival.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] This town is just as much mine as it is yours. So is this home. I will take everything and everyone.... Even you. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] So you were a past resident of this town I see.. You even lived in this very same home. How ironic... [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] You will join us. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius[/b]: I will do no such thing. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] You are either incredibly smart, or unbearably stupid. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Take a guess. [i]Xeshiur became full of rage at this Halbreeds resistance! How dare he live in his town, and in his home. How dare he show so much resistance to fight for this righteous cause. Xeshiur let out a bellowing howl that shot through the air and made all Halbreed cover their ears, but Zaius did not. He winced a bit, but that was all. Xeshiur then spoke. His voice full of blinding anger.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Xeshiur_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Xeshiur:[/b] This is it! I will rally up everyone in this town and I will form this army!! We will attack the Humes [i]with[/i] or [i]without[/i] you!!! But here this! If the Humes make their way to this town, we will not defend you!!!! [i]At that, Xeshiur stormed out of them home and called his troops together. Zaius closed the door behind him...[/i][/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Meh, perhaps a better solution to the reproduction dilemma is that women eradicated men from this planet and they merely use, and clone, the semen from sperm banks where female scientists tamper with the chromosomes to make sure only an X chromosome is sent over. That defies no laws of nature what-so-ever. :p Anyway, sure there'd be wars. Just different kinds of war. I mean, like Cera said, if two guys were to get in a fight, first words would be exchanged, then fists after that. Maybe later that year those two guys would resolve their differences and maybe not be friends, but more like aquaintances who trust each other to some extent, but check with others to make sure theother guy isn't going behind the other's back (like the U.S.A. and Russia). Girls on the other hand.. Nothing but spite for another female if one should even so much give another a weird look. They'll use oral warfare by spreading rumors, gossip, and secrets. Phsyical warfare by way of clawing, pulling hair, etc. And the worst of all, a type of warfare both women and men use, Chemical warfare. Girls don't use nuclear radiation and such things though. They'll use perfume, body lotion, moisturizer, hair spray.. you name it! And when used in combination with other chemicals this can become very deadly. One might suffocate in the pleasant fumes of Raspberry Peaches, while the chemicals penetrate their soft, moist skin that smells of Lilac. I think we're just lucky with all these spiteful acts women will do, most don't have the physical strength to back them up, which is probably why they resort to such atrocities to begin with. A fearful thoughts indeed.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][color=teal][size=1].......Hey, wait a second. Technically, all one has to do to have an all nighter is not fall asleep until 12 AM, because after that it's not night anymore, it's morning. Heehee...[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Gah! You people just don't get it! After 12 AM it is still night time. What is another name for 12 AM? Hrmm?? [i]Midnight[/i]. The [i]middle[/i] of the [i]night[/i]. Morning doesn't start until sunrise. So when one stays awake from sunset to sunrise, they've pulled an all nighter. From dusk 'til dawn. As for me, staying up all night isn't that hard at all. I have plenty of stuff in my room to keep me entertained. If I want to watch the TV I just turn the volume down and turn on the captions being that my mom's room is right next to mine. She wouldn't have a problem with me staying up all night if I didn't fall asleep all day, lol. Last summer I tried to train my body to stay up all night and not be affected by it. I'd stay up until a certain hour each night and have my alarm set for about 7 AM. About every week or so and stay up another hour while keeping my alarm set at 7 AM. It was fun. :p[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]Has Avril ever actually said she was punk? It seems like you're taking her reference to "preppy clothes" to mean "I'm punk" just because one person thought she was. Punk rock and Avril Lavign never crossed my mind in the same sentence and I don't know anyone who thinks she's punk. I always said she was "pop rock."[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Hahaha, you make me laugh. Please know what you're talking about before ou say something. Just go to her website. Not only does she try to have an alternative look to it, but just take a look inside her biography section thing, the few sentences are this: "Anything but ordinary. That's putting it mildly when describing Avril Lavigne. A skater-punk, a dynamic spirit, a true wild child." So I'm not just saying she's trying to be punk just because of her clothes. She's not even a "skater-punk", nor can she even look like one. .. It's too bad her site doesn't have a guest book of any sort. It would amuse me to flame the hell out of her and watch her take offense to it.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zenkai Powa [/i] [B]After finding my Garlick Jr. Saga episodes I thought I burned I watched the episode when Vejita thought he saw Son Gokuu. He flew from the planet he was on, to the other planet(seemingly a moon.) No space ship or anything. It was [b]clearly[/b] through space. He shouldn't be able to do such a thing. I think this is the part where I say you should make sure [b]your[/b] facts are in order. :smirk:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Quite odd.. plot holes enjoy confusing us all, lol. In that case one could theorize that that planet and it's "moon" are within each other's atmosphere.. Or at least close enough that you could right out of one and right into the other. I don't recall that episode all too clearly, but I don't think we ever saw him actually land or even arrive at the next planet/"moon" thing. So it would be possible that after that scene cut out, he called the ship by remote control or something like that. The possibilities are endless..[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Royal blood... lol. :rolleyes: My way of explaining it to myself was just that he was still inside the atmosphere of the planet. Or perhaps their Saiya-jin pods hold a small atmosphere of their own, in which they could come out of it a little bit without being affected. Either that.. or it is just another plot hole...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Actually, you are somewhat correct. The DragonBall series tells of a Super Saiya-jin who appears every 1,000 years. When Kakarot reaches that level, he appears to be that Saiya-jin, but then movie #8 came by having Brolli as the Legendary Saiya-jin, and then everbody else began to reach the Super Saiya-jin level. So the people in GT tried to clarify this confusion by creating the Super 4 level which is supposed to be the "true" Super Saiya-jin level. Although I think that level confused more people than it did make them realize it's purpose. Some might retort that Vegeta, then also reached the Super 4 level, but let's just remember that he used the Brute Ray, where as Kakarot did it naturally. That was the whole idea behind the Super 4 level.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Meh, I'm not much of a reader. I like to be able to see things and touch them and stuff, but they nobody makes picture books for older readers. So until that day comes, I won't read many books. So I usually stick to movies and such. The only books I have read were either for school, or reccomended with an interesting plot or idea. I believe the first actual "non-children's" book I read was [i]20,000 Leagues Under the Sea[/i], and that was in the fifth grade. Guess what, that book had pictures too. :p I read that one by choice cause I was already familiar with the story, I just didn't know it. So I decided to check it out. I think I also read some Sherlock Holmes book after that. Then there were book I had to read for school such as [i]Where the Red Fern Grows[/i], [i]Watership Down[/i], [i]Johnny Tremain[/i] (absolutley horrible), [i]To Kill a Mockingbird[/i] (I just didn't get it), and most recently last year... [i]A Tale of Two Cities[/i] ([b]Kill it!!! Kill it now!!![/b]) ... how much I hated that book.. I almost flunked English because of that. I'd say of those book, I enjoyed [i]Watership Down[/i] the most. That was kind of fun to read. It lead me into reading [i]Perloo the Bold[/i] (also about rabbits) which was also good in my opinion. It was reccomended by a friend. Then I'd say my favorite book is [i]The Perks of Being a Wallflower[/i], which was recommended by Justin.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]It's better than anything I ever did on MS Paint. It's not really my cup of tea though.. but it is wel done. Nicely organized. :) Her huge eyes frighten me...[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]It looks really robotic... A robot demon. The detail loks nice even though it's so mall its hard to see anything. But I like it. :) Well done.[/color]
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