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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]I reccomend you read the rules before you post again, if the SM's or James decides just to give you a warning. You're advertising you'r own site in a thread. It's agianst the rules. Period. You don't have to be selling anything. If you want to advertise, that what your signature is for. I, myself, am appalled that you couldn't come up with something original for a name. "Otaku PC"? Why does that sound familiar? OtakuBoards, Otaku Poetry, Otaku Artist... hrmm...[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]She [i]tries[/i] to dress punk... I guess. That's about all I would say is remotely punk about her. Her music is the same type of crap everyone is popping out today. At least she looks good... lol.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]The funny (yet sad and annoying) thing is that she tries to dress punk by wearing preppie clothes. She's really trying too hard to be "punk" it's funny. She's like a conversation peace. Making fun of her is so easy. She's all "I'm gonna wear tight faded jeans and a striped shirt so I'll be punk! I'll get them at Old Navy too!" It's like, just wear some plaid, flannel pants and a generic tank top and try to stick with darker colors so you can at [i]least[/i] look [i]somewhat[/i] punk. But then we'll just call her a poser... hehe.[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]How did you-??? That's not possible for MS Paint!!! You lie, tell us the truth of what you [i]REALLY[/i] did! Lol, just kidding. Very well done. Awesome, For using MS Paint.. Crikey.. :thumbsup:[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Hahahahahahaha.... hahaha..... haha... ha...... heh.. :sick: No. I do not enjoy her music. This one girl I know tried to convince me that she's punk by sending me some songs. I [i]did[/i] give each song a chance and listened to them hoping at least one of them would be interesting, but nay, they were not. And like amibasuki said, I believe she's just going to be a fad... Like most things..[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]That's awesome BG. :) I can't say I'm much of a car person, but it all looks good to me, and I'm sure your dad will enjoy it to the max, lol. I especially like how I can see the trees through the windows! :D[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B]Wow that is an awesome quote Piro. What was that movie all about anyway? I love philosophical quotes that make you totally think about reevaluating life a bit.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It's just about these two punker guys and the whole punk culture and way of life. It's a really good movie if you're into it. It's kind of like, a dark comedy.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]have any of you guys ever been the Brother figure to girls your whole life? Are you the one they confide in? Well, thats how I have always been. I am just naturally a good therapist. I listen well, and it's easy for me to solve other ppl's situations.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You should soooooooooo talk to one of my friends. That is [i]all[/i] he has ever got from a girl his [i]whole[/i] life, and it drives him insane. So I can understand your situation. That's pretty bad...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Mwuahahaha! I got the best one! [img]http://quiz.ravenblack.net/videogame/2.png[/img] I am [b]an Asteroid.[/b] I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. (If you were not an Asteroid you would be Pacman.) It's actually quite accurate too.. :p[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]From [b][i]The Iron Giant[/i][/b]: [i] You are who you choose to be.[/i][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo][i]SuupperrMaan[/i], lol. Cartoon Network played that a million times a couple weekends ago. :p Anyway... this is kind of a long one. From [i][b]SLC Punk[/b][/i]: "The fight. What does it mean, and where does it come from? An Essay: Homosapien: a [i]man[/i]. Alone in the universe. A punker, still a man. He's alone in the universe, but he connects. How? They hit each other. No clearer way to evaluate whether or not you're alive! Now: complications. A reason to fight. Somebody different. Difference creates dispute. Dispute is a reason to fight. To fight is to feel pain. Life is pain. So to fight, with reason, is to be alive, with reason. Final Analysis: To fight. A reason to live. Problems and Contradictions: I am an anarchist. I believe that there should be no rules, only chaos. Fighting appears to be chaos, and when we slam in a pit at show, it is. But when we fight for a reason, like rednecks, there's a system. We fight for what we stand for, chaos. But fighting is a structure. Fighting is to establish power. Power is government, and government is not anarchy. Government is war, and war is fighting. The circle goes like this: Our little redneck skirmishes are cheaper versions of conventional warfare. War implies extreme govenement, because wars are fought to enforce rules or ideals, even freedom. But other people's ideals forced on someone else, eve if it [i]is[/i] freedom, is still a rule, not anarchy. The contradiction coming clear to me in the Fall of '85, even as early as my first party. Why did I love to fight? I framed it, but I still don't understand it. It goes against my beliefs as a true anarchist, but there it was. Competition. Fighting. Capitalism. Government. [i]The system[/i]. It's what we did. It's what we always did. Rednecks kicked the **** out of punks. Punks kicked the **** out of mods. Mods kicked the **** out of skin heads. Skin heads took out the heavy metal guys, and the heavy metal guys beat the living **** out of the new wavers. And teh new wavers did nothing. They were the new hippies. What was the point? Final Summation: None." Sure it's long, but I remember that entire scene out of the whole movie the most. :p[/color]
  10. [color=indigo][i]Zaius lie in his bed, eyes closed, but awake. Thinking about the event that happened earlier. Cornelius said not to mind it, but it was just all too different to be shaken off as normal. Zaius has been at Thira Town for a much longer than Cornelius has. He knows what to expect as normal, and what not to; and what happened earlier was definitley not normal. He still could not make sense of it. He continued to lie there for a while "[b]thud![/b]" was heard against his door... It didn't sound like a knock, so he didn't get up just yet, just to make sure there was no one there.. Nothing. Just that one "thud" sound. His curiosity began to boil. First everybody in town was out on the roads, then half a hair later, everyone was off the roads. Now there was this mysterious sound ahainst his door.. He couldn't set it aside. He got up out of his bed and wakled to the door semi-cautiously. Placing his hand on the door handle, he waited for a moment; then opening the door. Pinned to the door by an arrow, was a scroll. Zaius peered outside, noticing that every home had a scroll on its door as well. He looked down the roads, and saw a Halbreed Runner (similar to a mailman) heading out of town. By the way he was dressed, Zaius figured he was from Windhyte Village. He had come a long way... Zaius pulled the scroll off the door and unrolled it...[/i] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=252784[/img] [i]Zaius closed his door as he began to read the announcement. It mention a sudden uprising in Windhyte Village... a past coward becoming a great leader... overthrowing the Humes... a Halbreed army... As he finished the announcement, A cold chill ran up and down Zaius' spine. In all of his life he had never seen or heard of such a thing. The Halbreed are a peaceful race. Such radical actions do not make example of that reputation. He knew the Humes attacked Thira Town decades ago, but even then, the Halbreed did not fight as an army. They fought as a family. A single race. Where they fought to defend, and in self-defense. What this Halbreed Army was planning would just be murder. They would be no better than the Humes were all that time ago... A knock was heard at the door. Definitely a knock this time. As he was already near the door, he opened it, and Linea stood their in the entrance, holding the scroll she received in her hand, with a look of subtle fear and sadness over her face. Zaius took her hand and lead her inside closing the door behind her. She made her way to Zaius' bed and sat down with her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. Zaius sat down next to her. Linea spoke as if she was on the verge of crying...[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] This isn't like us... [i]Once again referring to the fact the the Halbreed are a peaceful race. War is the last thing they want.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I know... [i]There was silence for a moment as Linea began sobbing. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before, and then there is the way just feels about what was, is, or could be... death; and in this case, many would die. She did not live at Thira Town at the time of the Hume attack. She came a year or so later. After more time. Linea spoke again..[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] Y-you're not.. going to f-fight.. Are you? [i]Zaius exhaled deeply..[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] No. And Yes. I will not join this murderous army... However, if their actions bring the Hume here, and the Hume cannot understand our postion of innocence, I will have no choice. I must defend this town... This race... This Land of Almaran... [i]Linea understood his position. She leaned into him as she continued sobbing.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] The announcement said that the army and their leader will be coming here to gain more followers. I encourage you to stay home and rest. I, on the other hand, would like to hear what they have to say. [i]Linea responded, now putting herself back together.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] You won't join them.. right? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I will not. I promise. [i]Zaius stood up and pick Linea up to a standing position.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I want you to go home and get some rest. [i]Linea nodded, and they walked to the door. Linea exited, no goodbyes this time.. As Zaius looked outside. He could already see a few Halbreeds gathering, and willing to join this army.. Zaius closed the door, and could help but feel sad. Zaius lie in his bed, eyes closed, but awake...[/i][/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I can understand that you still have feelings for her to an extent. You just know she made that mistake, and it hurts, but you can't drop the fact that you still like her. I've been in a semi-similar situation..[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]What the..?? This has almost [b]nothing[/b] to do with DragonBall besides that you mention "gt" in the poll. And as these members have said. No favorite topics are really allowed. Topic Closed.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dennis [/i] [B]the fact that Goku and Turles look like each other puzzles me,well let's not forget that Turles also looks like Bardock(Goku's dad).well the big question is how come that there is a Turles? i mean according to the DBZ storyline that the only remaining Saiyajins are Raditz,Nappa and Vegeta.well there is not much explanation where Turles came from,but my theory is that Bardock and Turles are one and the same.i think he survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta and its just Bardock having amnesia not knowing that he is fighting his son Kakarott(Goku).well its all up to Mr.Toriyama to explain[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I must say that is the most whacked out theory I've heard. Not only is it false, but it's also just.... insane. Turles bares more of a resemblance to Kakarot then he does Bardock. You forget that Bardock has scars and Turles did not. And what really separates Turles from Kakarot and Bardock, is that Turles had a very deep skin tone. Please do not try to confuse people by putting out theories like that.[/color]
  14. PiroMunkie


    [color=indigo]Lol, I think that guy is hilarious. I do understand though that he is not the symbol of Australia. I just think he's funny. :p I might see this movie (in theatres), or I might just wait until it comes out on video. Either way, I still don't think it'll beat Crocodile Dundee. :p[/color]
  15. [color=indigo][i]Back at Thira Town, Zaius and Linea return, entering Zaius' home once again. Upon entering, Zaius set the spear right inside, leaning it up against a wall. Linea went ahead and took a seat in a chair, which, humorously, was to big for her as it was made custom for Zaius, by Zaius. He turned around and let out a soft chuckle as the sight. Linea smiled just as soft. Zaius set the basket on the table behind her and removed the lid. Wearily, Linea peered inside. Suprisingly, she looked slightly happy this time.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] You never told me you caught [i]Sethes[/i]*! Those taste great. My favorite underwater animal to eat. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Well you should have asked.. [i]He said half jokingly.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I have more than enough for myself. Would you like some? [i]Linea was not so troubled by the sight of the Sethes. The fact that they are one of her favorite hings pushed those thoughts away.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] No thanks. You're a big Halbreed, you need your food. ^_^ [i]Zaius smiled.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Are you sure? [b]Linea:[/b] Positive! [i]Time passed as Zaius fryed the Sethes, and ate them while carrying on a nice conversation with Linea. By the time he was done, nothing but the cartilage frames was left on the tray Zaius ate off of. He disposed of the cartilage in the fire and washed off his tray, and returned to the table, but remained standing.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] Well I better get going. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] As always, it was great seeing you. [i]Linea nodded her head happily. They both then made their way towards the door, which Zaius opened.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] And as always, you are welcome back any time. [b]Linea:[/b] And "as always", you [i]know[/i] I will come back. ^_^ [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Until we meet again, Linea.. [b]Linea:[/b] Fairwell, Zaius. [i]Linea turned and walked out in to the suprisingly busy roads of Thira Town. He quickly lost visual of Linea..[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] This is odd.. The roads are never busy at this time of the day. [i]Zaius walked out in the bustling crowds of people, being greeted by just about everyone as the passed by in all directions. Finally, he saw one of his good friends, Cornelius. Quickly, he jogged over to him..[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Cornelius! What is with all the people? [b]Cornelius:[/b] Hello Zaius.. Nothing is really going on here. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] These roads have never been so full at this time of day. [b]Cornelius:[/b] I realized that as well. I found it odd, but everybody is just getting out of their homes and going to the local taverns and shops. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Odd indeed... [b]Cornelius:[/b] I saw Linea over there in the crowd a few moments ago. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I know. She was over with me, and she left as I did.. [b]Cornelius:[/b] Ah, I should have figured knowing you two. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I know not what you mean. [b]Cornelius:[/b] You know, for as wise as you are, Zaius, you sure can't see what's right in front of you. [i]Zaius let out an irritated sigh[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] We're just good friends, just like we have always been. [b]Cornelius:[/b] Ok, Zaius, if that's what you say. I think the everyone in the whole town knows it. The only people who don't are you two. [i]As their conversation finished, Zaius looked back at the streets, which were now almost barren except for a few Halbreeds.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Very odd... [b]Cornelius:[/b] I wouldn't think much of it, Zaius. [i]Zaius let out a slight hum, and dismissed himself, returning to his home..[/i] [size=1][i]Sethes[/i]*: [Seh' ? theez] [i]pl.[/i] (singular: [i]Sethe[/i]) 1. Underwater creatures similar to fish, only more abstract in appearance and rougher scales. Found in shallow waters all around Almaran, and provides a great meal if one can get through the scales.[/size][/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]Ahhhh, good ole' Rockin'. Great coaster. Love it how they blasting AeroSmith in the background. The thing about that ride is, that I didnt feel a loop. :eek: But it was still a great ride.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Hrmm... it might have been Space Mountain that had the loop... but I know the rockin' roller coaster had a twist, I was in the front the second time I rode it and I could barely see the track in front of me.. :p[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Hahaha, roller coasters are the [b]best[/b]!! I haven't been on many though, I've only been to Worlds of Fun, Six Flags, and Disney World. I've been to Worlds of Fun the most number of times, and I always went on this coaster called the Zambizi Zinger (or something like that). I went on that one so much because it was the only decent one at the park that didn't go upside down. Yeah, I've always been terrified to go upside down on a roller coaster. I hadn't been on one until I went so Disney World and took a ride on the Rockin' Rollercoaster (or whatever it's called). You're in nothing but darkness except for a bunch of black light effected things, so unless you're in the front, you can't see anything ahead of you. So I had a blast on that ride, came out, and the rest of my family kept talking about how it went upside down (in a loop and a twist), and I was just like "What now??" I didn't even know, lol. So that took away the fear of going on those kind of roller coasters. The only bad thing is that I haven't been to another theme park since..[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiya-jinro [/i] [B]Would a god just kill somebody or something for not having done anything bad enough.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Haven't you ever heard the phrase "wrath of god/the gods"?[/color][quote][b]Also, Nappa and Vegeta were forced too do what they did. Acctually, Vegeta just wanted too fight stronger opponents, but that besides the point. :cool:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]And they [i]did[/i] have to fight the Z Senshi. They obviously wouldn't [i]give[/i] Nappa and Vegeta the DragonBalls, so they had to beat it out of them. Vegeta was the only one who wanted to fight a stronger opponent, and he got Kakarot. Nappa did all the other fighting..[/color]
  19. [color=indigo][i]Zaius woke from his peaceful slumber. He let himself lay there, eyes open, for a short while. He continued by rolling comfortably out of the bed, which was made of a wood frame, padded with hay, and covered with a thick blanket. Looking out a small window he saw that the sun was about a quarter young, and an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach let him know that he was hungry. Through the window, he could see the water far, far off in the horizon. He stepped away from the window and walked over to the "shop" portion of his humble home. It was over here that he picked up a hand crafted spear, and a basket. As he had collected these things, he made his way out of the door and to take a long walk down to the shore... [size=1]-=Time Elapse=-[/size] Zaius had finally reached the ocean. By now the sun was half way through its day long lifespan. He set the basket down upon the warm sand, and with his spear, waded out slowly into the water. Such beautiful water it was. Clear as glass. Fresh. Blue... Zaius stopped in the water, it was now up to about his knees. Though it may not seem too deep, one must keep in mind a Halbreed's size. Zaius looked calmly down at the water. Down where it was darker, he could see several dark shadows moving around. He cleared his mind and concentrated his sight. Slowly, but surely, his vision sharpened as it pierced through the depths of the water; while at the same time, his other senses became slightly dulled as his vision increased.* Now he could more than clearly see what were the shadows before. Medium sized, fish-like, creatures swam around Zaius' legs without fear. He could see their gills opening and closing as the creatures breathed; and their body throb as their heart beat. Without further hesitation, Zaius lifted his spear high overhead with the tip down, still keeping an eye down on the water... In one fluent motion, he brought the spear down through the water. Lifting it back out, he had impaled one of the creatures upon it. He did this a few more times, and went back to shore with about seven of the creatures kabobbed on his spear (his senses now back to normal). He removed each one and placed them in the basket. Then he dipped his spear in the water, as the blood from the creatures tainted what was one so pure. He picked up the basket, and began to head back when he saw someone semi-playfully walking down the shoreline. As soon as the silhuoette faded, he could easily see it was his friend Linea...[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] Zaius! ^_^! [i]Linea, at sight of Zaius, began to run towards him; grabbing him in a friendly hug upon impact.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Merry meet, once again.. [b]Linea:[/b] I told you I'd see you again! [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] And you caught me by suprise even. I did not expect to see you here. [b]Linea:[/b] I just felt like talk a walk. ^_^ [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Did you enjoy yourself? [b]Linea:[/b] Mm-hmm! Very much so, and such a great way to end the walk as well. [i]Still in a loose hug with Zaius she turned her head towards the water, and saw the reddish tint in the shallows.. A slight feeling of sadness came over her.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] Hungry? I assume.. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Yes. What I have caught is in this basket. [b]Linea:[/b] I see.. [i]She couldn't help but feel bad. She understood that things needed to die in order for something else to survive, she too had done some hunting in her life, but she never liked the sight of what was, is, or could be... death..[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] I understand your silence. Let us go back. [i]Linea nodded her head and let herself out of the hug as the two walked back to Thira Town...[/i] [size=1]*"his other senses became slightly dulled as his vision increased" : An example of Zaius' [i]Focus[/i] ability.[/size][/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Hehe, that was fun. If it would only keep spinning without having to move your head....[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]OI! to you, my good man. I'm with James that it does suprise me that your friends are suprised that you haven't cheated on her... that's just odd. I mean, I could more-so see them trying to [i]get[/i] you to cheat on her, by pointing out other girls and such, but they shouldn't be suprised that you don't. Maybe they're just suprised that you're more of a man than they are? Hrmm? ;) 4 months can be difficult.. I don't know this.. but I can imagine. Have a joyful reuniting with your girlfriend, and don't forget to put spaces after periods when typing. :)[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I've got mail! Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Im going to hawyee! Yaay! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! That's a [i]great[/i] and [i]hilarious[/i] show. Special Ed would have to be my favorite puppet. You just have to understand that there isn't really a plot to this show. It's just puppets, voiced by celebrities from comedy central (sometimes with guest voices), that crank call [i]real[/i] people. Now if that is not a genius idea for a comedy show I don't know what is.. I went to their site a few days ago, and the way you navigate yourself around it by punching in certain numbers on a phone, and different combinations of numbers take you different places. I noticed that every comination of number they have ends in 69...lol[/color]
  23. PiroMunkie

    Punk Covers

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Punk Does Metal.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Speaking of which, AFI covered "My Michelle" originally done by Guns & Roses.[/color]
  24. PiroMunkie

    Punk Covers

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Silent Warrior [/i] [B]Eh, I used to be into the whole punk scene. To overrated now. Some punk covers are good and some are horrible.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Not over-rated, just infected. With preppy people, and posers. Many of them. This whole "trend" should pass soon.. (I hope) Anyway, on the actual point of the topic. Guttermouth also covered"Turning Japanese". Reel Big Fish with "Take On Me".. and others I don't remember at the moment.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fly-T [/i] [B]Although, you'd probably would think I'm crazy or somethign but what if they had eggs like the Namekians do??? or maybe they just kill all the mothers after they deliver maybe it's like its a crime to lure a man to having sex on planet Vegeta so after the female has the baby they probably gave her the Death sentence....[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If Saiya-jin's were asexual (like the Nameks), then ChiChi would be a completely void character being that Kakarot could just spew Gohan out. All Saiya-jin's have their mother but just aren't mentioned or payed attention to..[/color]
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