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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo]Well I was first introduced to the DragonBall series through DragonBall Z. After I got hooked on that, I found out about DragonBall and DragonBall GT. Then that following christmas (whatever year this was) I got a DragonBall magazine that mentioned Dr. Slump a few times throughout. Since then I've obviously still continued to watch DragonBall Z, and I catch DragonBall every so often (when it's on the Midnight Run). I have a few dubbed ::shudders:: but unedited tapes of DragonBall, that are fun to watch whenever I'm in the mood. I could probably get more into if I didn't have to rely on Toonami's schedule to see them. Unfortunately I don't have enough money to go out and buy them. As for Dr. Slump. I've heard of it, but I've never actaully seen it. If you know of any sites about it or anything, a URL would be appreciated. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Though, Piro--yours was good. ^_^ I actually knew that, about the microwave dinners, I think.....[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I think I've mentioned it before. But you might have heard it from elsewhere as well. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]... ::watches [i]Tree of Might[/i]:: ... Quote: "You think I resemble Kakarot? Of course, we are both lower class Saiyan warriors, and there is only a few types likes us." -Turles That should answer your question.[/color]
[color=indigo]Omaha, Nebraska... ummm.. Home of the microwave dinner! That's right, the person the invented microwave dinners came from Omaha, and even graduated from my high school. So without that, we wouldn't have nearly as many fat slobs as we do today! Go Omaha! Home to one of the top ranked zoo's in the U.S.A. The [i]Henry Doorly Zoo[/i], with it's latest attraction, the [i]Desert Dome[/i]. Sure it has a lot of desert animals in there and stuff.. but I never knew the desert was air conditioned... Then we have the Old Market... but that's become infested with preppy people... It barely hangs on to it's alternative edge it has. [i]Rosenblatte Stadium[/i]. I probably spelled that wrong, and it's not all that exciting either... [i]Aksarben[/i]! Used to be the head venue for many events from concerts, to hockey games. And if you haven't noticed already, [i]Aksarben[/i] is Nebraska spelled backwards! What genius thought [i]that[/i] up. :rolleyes: I believe this place is going to be torn down though.. Then we have this new civic arena that's in progress... Not much exciting about Omaha...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B]It's sad that the Frieza series didn't end it all. I hated the Cell story. It's like Toriyama ran out of ideas because he made the Frieza series so good.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I doubt it was because the Furiza saga was so good.. His brain was probably numb cause the Furiza saga was so [i]long[/i]. That was really the most drawn out thing I've ever seen.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonstar [/i] [B]:D I read somewhere that Zarbon is also a Change-ling, hey, it's possible, I mean how different does Freiza look at the end of the saga?:D[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That is false. We don't know what Zarbon is. He was just able to transform. A lot of races have the ability to do that. Just because the Saiya-jin's can transform into giant apes, does not mean their "Change-lings". Also, if Zarbon was a "change-ling" Vegeta really would have been dead when he fought him, given the power the "Change-lings" have. Vegeta could barely put up a fight against Furiza in his second form. And again, if Zarbon was a "Change-ling" he would know the extent of their powers, and at a point Zarbon kind of doubts Furiza's power. So no, he is not a "Change-ling".[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Frankie5 Angels [/i] [B]Yeah sure,if your ten years old.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Meh, I was merely pointing out that in spelling my screen name, you spelled the "Munkie" part wrong. I spell them that way on purpose. I know in reality it would be PyroMonkey, it just looks better my way. -_- (in my opnion of course)[/color][quote][b]No,you stated that you do not become depressed without having a reason and I was proving you wrong.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You did not prove anything. There's always a reason for being depressed, it just won't always be because someone made you feel that way. You may not know why you're depreseed but there's a reason for it. I'm not quite sure what bi-polar means, but you mentioned something about chemical imbalances. Well it would be those chemical imbalances that caused the depression. Things can't just [i]happen[/i]. Something has to cause them.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Frankie5 Angels [/i] [B]Piromonkey ( I hope you know its spelled pyro)[/b][/quote][color=indigo](I hope you know it's spelled Munkie)[/color][quote][b]I get depressed for no reason at all.I am bi polar,im not going to explain to you what it is but I just want to let you know that there are many other chemical imbalances that can cause chronic depression.I know i really shouldnt get this personal but I just had to state this fact and back it up with my own experience.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]You killed your parents too? That's one hell of an experience to be able to back something up with. Just about every one becomes severely depressed in their lives.[/color][quote][b]Bottom line here.This kid ****ed up,and hes going to have to live with it his whole life.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I think we established that long ago..[/color][quote][b][edit]: p-monkey,nothing against you or anything.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I didn't take any offense. :) Anyway, I really think this topic has run its course..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]Yeah I agree... well anyways, I always got the feeling it was Felipa.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I don't know of a character named "Felipa", lol, but I do know Celipa (also spelled Seripa). Never have I seen it spelled with an F. But that would be my guess as to who it was, I'm not sure though. And no, I don't believe that would be his mom, just a member of Bardock's crew.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]....I remember the first few days after the Mario cart 64 came out... It was so hard to use the controllers because they where so different to any others out at that time. Well we had three controllers and dad decided we should play the game right though and that?s what we did... Three days later, after many retries on bowsers casl (sp?) they finished. But the most annoying thing was the bears on the moo moo level....[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I never really got mad at that game.. Just at the people who would dare to defeat me, lol.The controls didn't take too long to figure out cause I just tested them for a while, then I mastered the game over a period of several months.[/color]
[color=indigo]Meh, I only [i]wish[/i] I had a 4-wheeler... I've only had a chance to ride one once. And that was fun, lol. It was short lived though...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B]I remember at one point hearing King Cold talk about his wives...he had like 7 and killed them all after he got what he wanted from them... How nice? :therock:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Do you mind telling me when he said this? Was this in a sub or what?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]But I still believe he should've been able to control that rage.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]And that is just what will separate from what we know as an opinion, from what we don't know as a fact.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]However, just because the way you were raised worked excellently, doesn't mean it's the only way that does work.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I never said it was, but the son obviously didn't take to kindly to the way his father was handling things, and so it [i]didn't[/i] work.[/color][quote]My dad punished me physically until I was in my teens, and I don't want to kill him. I respect him more for it, and I understand he did it for the sake of making me a better person. I also got the constant lectures this kid did about all the same things. However, my dad was there for me when I needed him. As much as I hate to say it, my father was the best anyone could ask for. [b]It's not fair to put any blame on the father for this.[/b][/QUOTE][color=indigo]As the saying goes, "Different strokes, for different folks." And if life were to teach anyone anything, it's that nothing is always going to be fair. Yes, I understand that can work on both sides of the discussion. It wasn't fair for the son to be treated the way he was, but it also wasn't fair for the father to be murdered like he was. I'm not saying it's the father's fault he got murdered, it just to why he got murdered, as I've said over and over again. For if he didn't want to be murdered at the time it happened, one he would have had to have been awake (can't help that), and two, if would have ben awake, he would obviously react in self-defense and probably killed his son. The son, as I said before, probably didn't really want to kill his father at the time he did it. His mind just snapped, and as you said, it is a rare case when someone can control their instincts. Especially in an unstable condition. The father in the end would have to take some of the blame, but obviously not enough to be punished of any kind (if he was alive). If you were to ask the son why he killed his father, the first thing he would probably say is "I don't know," which means he didn't really know what he was doing at the time he did it, but then he would probably go on to mention the way his father treated him, and how he had no friends, etc. These would be all the things that factored in to his stress and tension that finally just blew up. And all those factors take a small bit of blame. I would say it is about 95% the son's fault and 5% everything else's fault. I would have made the son's number lower, but I thought perhaps he never told his father how he makes him feel. So therefore the son would take a bit more blame. But the factors still have to add up. You can't bake a cake without eggs.[/color]
[color=indigo]Ugh, I hate those kind of shows. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. What [i][b]was[/b][/i] MTV? [b][i]M[/b]usic [b]T[/b]ele[b]V[/b]ision[/i]. Not "The Real World" television. Music. Music good. Reality TV bad. Those are one of the things that really destroyed that channel. That, and then they started taking out all the decent shows that showed decent music videos and decided to replace them with things like that, or a bunch of pop culture crap. That's when I really went anti-MtV. And until they can show me that they can go back to how they once were, I'll continue to be that way.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'm sure the kid was frustrated, but I think he either had some sort of depression kicking in, or he's the type that snaps easily.[/color][/b][/quote][color=indigo]That's bascially what my main point is here. Someone just can't be frustrated or depressed because of nothing. Something has to cause it. You say that your parents have been the type to get angry at you when you do certain things. You know how frustrating it can be to have your parents not supporting you when you do things. Now the son here probably never got supported for anything, if so, then rarely. Cause his father expected too much from him. Let's say the kid comes home from school one day saying he got a B on his test today. My guess is the father's first response is "Why didn't you get an A?" The son would be all excited that he got a good grade on a test, and his father would shut him down like that. Then throw in lectures, scoldings, being shipped between to countries, and have that go on for several years in this kids life. And now you have all that frustration and anger built up over those years, and finally, one day, he is just going to snap.[/color][quote][b][color=deeppink]Piro, if you've grown up with parents who are always supportive when you do something wrong or who don't push you in a mean way, then I envy you, because that's awesome. That's something that I've never had and always wished I could :whoops:[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well they weren't always supportive of the bad things I've done, but they did help me get through them when they happened. Sure I'd have a punishment, but I didn't get yelled at much or anything.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B]The only thing the dad is to blame for is [i]being a parent.[/i][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You have no idea how much I despise when people say that. Just because people are so-called "mature adults" gives them to right to talk down to other people as if they are less than they are? I think not. Sure parents will just say, "I'm just trying to encourage him/her" and people will think "Oh, ok, then I guess it's all right" with the sub text in their that they are actually saying"Oh, ok, I guess it's all right that you make this person feel like they're nothing." Scolding and lecturing another person is going to do nothing but make the other person irritated and angry. That dad was the parent of the boy, but he was [i]not[/i] being [b]a[/b] parent to him. If his father really cared about his school work, why didn't he try and help him out? If he is so smart he could have dound better ways to help his son with problems with school, friends, etc. If the son refuses help, then you can always bribe him with a reward if he does good. Yes, bribery isn't good, but in certain cases it can be. What I'm talking about is if the person who is doing the bribery isn't the one taking the benefit from it. In this case, the father would make a small bribe to the son, and if the son does well he gets something whatever it may be, plus the added bonus of self-confidence cause he did well. All the father gets is a resting that his son is finally do well, or better than before. So then the son will grow to learn to do well he will get things, and not always material things. When his school work improves, he can earn his father's trust and gain freedoms and responsibilities. His father would [i]let[/i] him stay out later, that way the son could enjoy himself more, and the father would be able to rest easier. So the father was not being a parent to the son. And Justin, I do agree with the whole self-defense thing you were talking about, and this is clearly not self-defense. Then again, that's not what I'm defending, but I do see where you are coming from. That's why you can't get charged with 'murder' if you can prove it was in self-defense.. ;)[/color]
[color=indigo]Hrmmm... no offense, but I guess the only good that site did for me is allow me to taste my lunch twice. :sick:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LittleFluteSan [/i] [B]That being said, wouldn't it stand to reason that King Cold would have 2 more (3 if you count Cooler's extra form) transformations to go before he reached his ultimate power? I can understand that Trunks killed him before he could transform any more, but why wouldn't King Cold have already been his highest form?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I understand what you are saying, and I agree that King cold was probably in his second form. If not, then he is just naturally that size in his first form. King Cold wouldn't have already been in his highest form because the different forms are to conserve energy. Not to mention they are all arrogant and didn't see one Saiya-jin as much of a challenge. Also, King Cold wasn't aware of the powers of a Super Saiya-jin. To answer grizzlyadams, Zarbon was not a "Changeling", he was just something else.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]The only reason why his father would scold him is because he loves him... right?[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Only if you live in "Perfectville". I'm sure there have been more than enough cases anywhere, where someone would abuse or hurt (phsyically or otherwise) another, and say they did it because they loved them. I mean, idiots try to use that as a reason in court.[/color][quote][b]And if his father scolds him about not doing well in school.... perhaps the son needs to study more..... *shrugs*[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Gee, I have no friends, my father yells at me all the time when I do the slightest thing wrong, and I'm getting shipped halfway across the world! Boy do I feel like studying! With a kid like that, school is the last thing on his mind.[/color][quote][b]but seriously, He needs to control his anger,....[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Even the strongest of minds break down sometime.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]I wouldn't think my son was really sorry either if he had made a habit of being out late and coming home, saying "sorry" and doing the same thing night after night. After a while I would have blown my top and lectured him till his ears fell off.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Why do you think he was staying out late? Cause he knew he was just going home to his father who, probably regardless whether he was out late or not, would have 'lectured' him a bit just on not doing well in school. Sure staying out late was just going to make it worse, but the later your out, the more tired his dad would get, and would not want to deal with him as long tell him to go to bed, and by morning perhaps his dad wouldn't be as mad cause he would be rested and such.[/color][quote][b]Ah, but he [I]did[/I] have somewhere to go. The army. He could have packed and left that night instead of being lectured, then showed up wherever he was supposed to the next morning. He would have three years to earn money, then when he was done he could get another job, go back to the states, or stay in the army and become a career soldier.[/b][/quote][color=indigo][b]Drop and give me fifty, maggot!! You think you're good enough for the army?!!? Come on!! Move! Move! Work those scrawny little arms!!![/b] Oh yeah, the army is a great place for a kid with his problems to go to![/color][quote][b]I agree with you on this point. The father should have accepted his son the way he was and shouldn't have sent him back to Korea. But this was no "License to Kill".[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]No where did I ever say that it was right for the son to kill his dad. In fact, I even said that it wasn't in my first post. I'm not defending the fact that the son killed his father, I'm defending that the son isn't the one to blame. [i]That's[/i] what this topic is about. It's who is to blame for [i]why[/i] the son killed his father, not who's to blame for killing the father. When it comes to blame you have to dig deeper than the typical "whodunnit?". Just as an example, if a "villain" were to brainwash a person, hypnotize them (and have it work) or something like that, and ordered that person to go kill someone and they did. Who is to blame? The way you guys are talking you would say the guy who killed the people. Let's quote Cera right quick: "[i]I'm sorry, but regardless of previous actions, or circumstances, or whatever you care to call them, murder is not justified in any way.[/i]" Gee, if someone was hypnotized, and killed someone under that hypnosis, they are still to blame? It's not their fault their weak minded to fall under such things like that. You'll probably argue the point that some being hypnotized and this are different situations, but that's not really true. Did the son really [i]want[/i] to kill his dad? Or was it something in his mind that finally just snapped because his dad has caused him so many issues to deal with? It's just the same as the hypnotist would have messed with something inside the guys weak mind, and he would go off and kill someone. Sure it's his fault for killing the person, but he's not to blame for why he killed him.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B]Well, Frieza is a male, because he is called "Son" by his "Father" who he calls "Father". As for Cooler, I'm not sure. It never really says if "he" is a "he" or not. o.O Well, that's my case, hehe...[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]::Ahem:: Cooler is Furiza's [i]brother[/i]. Thus [i]he[/i] is a guy, lol. Anyway, I don't think anyone is really sure what happened to the Furiza people, lol. Neil's explanation sounds pretty good. It would explain why Furiza, Cooler, and King Cold always had a bunch of henchmen or various different races rather than a big army of their own race (in which the universe would probably be screwed). ::Piro developes a theory:: Perhaps the "Changeling" race is actually a peaceful race. So they outcasted the three because of their militant and greedy personalities. Their ability to transform is only serves (as Furiza said) to conserve energy, in case their planet were to be attacked. But nay, we shall never really know unless Toriyama wants to come out of the closet with this. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]No, it is not. The son was out later than he was allowed to be, therefore he should have apologized to his father for that.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Ok, I see what you're talk about there now. But one would imagine that the son probably [i]did[/i] apologize, and many times at that. I mean, I'm sure you've all had to argue with your parents before, and you say, "I'm sorry, blah blah" and then they say, "There's no excuse! Blah blah blah... I don't think you really [i]are[/i] sorry! blah blah blah" And given the situation, I imagine what his dad was sayin was pretty bad. I have come home late from things plenty of times and never really got "lectured" too much. As for why he didn't just leave, because he was 18. Who said he had somewhere to go? Let alone the money for it. Stay at home for free? or become broke living somewhere else and end up on the streets or back at home? That's kind of what I was sort of getting towards at the end of my previous post. If the father hadn't been so aggressive and uptight about having a son that isn't as smart as he was, there's a pretty good chance the son never would had killed his father. Just because people are in the same gene pool does not mean they will come out the same, and the father couldn't except his sons mediocre(sp?) life. Not everyone knows everything. People just have to learn to accept that, which the father did not and took it out on his son.[/color]
[color=indigo]Oh yeah, that's a great show. :) It's right up there with the Simpsons and Family guy. I never get around to watching much at all, though. I've seen my fair share of epsiodes, though. :)[/color]