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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[quote name='Mrs. Maul' date='02 August 2010 - 02:03 AM' timestamp='1280732608' post='698535'] [color="#4169E1"][font="Book Antiqua"][size="4"]I do remember the OtaKuties though, & I wish we would do something like that again. It was so cute & nice to really get to know people that way.[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]What is this? I have not heard of it.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Or if you want to stop obsessing just say "Hey I dig you, do you dig me?" It's a super-advanced tactic not many people know about, except maybe Heaven's Cloud because he basically said it on the second page. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud' date='19 July 2010 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1279596754' post='697477'] [color=indigo]But afterward [size="3"][b]be a man[/b][/size] and ask her on a real date, the worst that could happen is that she will say no.[/color] [/quote] Yes, this game you're playing with her can be over [i]that[/i] easily. Win or lose, at least you'll know. Also this:[/font][/color] [quote name='Heaven's Cloud' date='20 July 2010 - 08:32 AM' timestamp='1279632766' post='697507'] [color=indigo]You know what sucks though? Not getting a girl because you waited to long to ask her out and she ended up seeing someone else. That sucks far worse.[/color] [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]This is one I'm all too familiar with, and some people on this forum probably know what I'm talking about.[/font][/color]
[quote name='chibi-master' date='02 August 2010 - 01:19 AM' timestamp='1280729992' post='698530'] You started sounding a little creepy toward the end of the post.[/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]He's [i]just now[/i] sounding creepy to you?[/font][/color]
[quote name='Miss Anonymous' date='01 August 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1280720192' post='698515']Well, other than the PianoChatImprov man now, I follow a bunch of LPers (Let's Players; people who play video games for the internet... yeah). HCBailly and chuggaaconroy are the top two that I love though. HCBailly's LPs are very well put together; like, he knows what he's doing. But he doesn't over-edit the videos either. And chugga's just fun to watch. lol[/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]The only LP I ever watched was some guy playing this game called Call of C'thulu (I think that's what it was called). It was pretty entertaining though, don't even know what made me want to watch it or how I found it. I don't really follow much of anyone or anything on YouTube, though. Just use it to watch music videos or check what's been suggested to me. Or if I'm trying to find a "How To" on something I'll usually check YouTube.[/font][/color]
[quote name='CaNz' date='01 August 2010 - 11:33 PM' timestamp='1280723608' post='698519'] this thread should be called "old members: re-introduce yourselves here" [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Nah, that's [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/44206-anyone-here-from-2001-ish/]THIS[/url] topic. I didn't even realize it was KittyLynn who made it, lol. A topic for oldbies, by oldbies.[/font][/color]
[quote name='The Tentacle' date='01 August 2010 - 12:40 PM' timestamp='1280684427' post='698453'] I had the same problem with the second Resident Evil movie. Â Milla Jovovich is one of my favorite actresses and all but the thought of her, or any other human being for that matter, overpowering the Nemesis with their bare hands is ridiculous. Â [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Not to derail this thread in any manner, but technically Alice was dosed with the T-Virus, which would sort of be like having super powers in the RE world (I mean wtf was with her giving some guy an aneurysm at the end of the movie), lol. It's not like she ever body-slammed Nemesis or anything. The fighting was pretty believable I thought. The only time I thought it ever jumped the proverbial shark is when she did like a 12-foot-high leap from a standing position when she first encountered the Nemesis (then, of course, Nemesis followed suit which was even more unbelievable). Sucker Punch looks cool aside from the obvious lolicon. Even if it takes place in a dreamscape, it's up to the actresses to make it believable and I have a hard time thinking they'll be able to deliver. Emily Browning I don't think has ever played any sort of badass, and Disney superstar Vanessa Hudgens? Are you serious? I like Jena Malone as an actress, though she's usually typecast as a more reserved and maybe a little bit dysfunctional character. I haven't heard of the other two girls, though.[/font][/color]
What would make you think I have any coffee? It's either soda or maybe some liquor on occasion, lol.
[quote name='Citric' date='31 July 2010 - 10:11 AM' timestamp='1280589068' post='698339'] tl;dr: Inception plus boobs and dragons. So many kinds of yes. [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Would be better if they didn't look like they were 9. The movie looks pretty awesome, but my brain has trouble computing seemingly underage women(even men) being capable of kicking ass without any sort of super powers. For example, the one on the left in the top picture is the only one that looks like she's even in a decent position to handle the recoil of the weapon she's holding, lol. If fact, just judging from the preview, she's the only one I find remotely believable. Though that might be because her hair sort of reminds me of Raiha, and we all know she can castrate a lion with her bare hands.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I think the "Only in theaters" disclaimer in along the same lines as a "Caution: Contents Hot!" warning on the sides of coffee cups. You can't tell me there aren't people clueless enough to start asking for DVDs of movies that have just begun production. It's probably also a not-so-subtle advertisement to go see a movie at your local theater.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I have nothing against Pattinson, only against Twilight. Actually, I hate Jay Baruchel with a fiery passion because he always plays a pansy and his characters infuriate me with how weak they are. Same goes for Michael Cera ([i]Juno[/i], [i]Superbad[/i]) and Jesse Eisenberg (given I've only seen him in [i]Zombieland[/i], but he might as well be a Michael Cera clone). The fact that Pattinson hates Twilight probably just as much of the rest of us lessens any animosity I have even more. The only movies with him I'll be against (besides Twilight) are the ones I feel are using him to boost sales they really wouldn't get otherwise (I'm looking at you [i]Remember Me[/i]). HTTYD would have been be a lot better without Baruchel. I can't even stand listening to the guy's voice.[/font][/color]
[quote name='James' date='02 February 2010 - 12:42 AM' timestamp='1265089323' post='690098'] [font=franklin gothic medium]I was in Coles (a big supermarket chain here) and I stumbled across the cheap DVD section. Usually this section seems to hold nothing but lame movies from the 90's that were never popular to begin with (for the bargain price of $8). But then I saw something that made my heart skip a beat:[/font][/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]The discount movies bin is always one of my favorite places to scour purely for this reason. You'll either find some old gems like you did, or even just recent movies that for whatever reason are supremely under-rated (like I think I saw [i]Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind[/i] in one once, wtf is that about). I loved the Ninja Turtle movies, and now I'm going to have to find them and watch them again, lol. My only wish is that they would have utilized more villains than just Shredder and the Foot Clan. They should have used Bebop and Rocksteady in the second one instead of those two random mutants, and who wouldn't have wanted to see Krang and his Mousers? Plus the awesome fortress that is the Technodrome? Speaking of old movies, I think I'm going to have to find [i]Willow[/i] while I'm at it. I don't remember that movie very clearly. --- Looking back, Donatello in TMNT2 for some reason reminds me of Rick Moranis.[/font][/color]
[quote name='Justin' date='27 July 2010 - 03:53 PM' timestamp='1280263988' post='698035'] PiroMunkie13 or something very close to that is as far back as I can recall. And, for the record, I had a "WTF?!?!~~!!??" moment when I saw you were the last reply in this thread a moment ago. -Justin [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Ha! You wish it was that easy. Yeah, I saw some posts by you when browsing and was just like "Hey I remember that guy!" lol.[/font][/color]
[quote name='Magus' date='26 July 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1280195905' post='697961']The next crossover I think would be interesting would be Guilty Gear vs Soul Calibur. With Guilty Gear's controls. That'd be the only way you can really get me to play a SC game anymore.[/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Yeah, Guilty Gear is a really under-rated fighting game, I think. Those two would go pretty well together.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Yeah, yeah. I know they're complimentary colors and all that, lol. Red and green are probably too strongly associated with Christmas to be used. Purple and yellow has a pretty strong contrast that wouldn't be too pleasing to the eyes. I get it. I like orange. Not too fond of blue, though. [/font][/color]
[quote name='chibi-master' date='25 July 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1280089161' post='697888']I'm ashamed of some of my earlier posts ...[/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I used to abuse the smiley like it was going out of style, so don't feel too bad.[/font][/color]
[quote name='Magus' date='24 July 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1280020370' post='697820'] I never imagined a SF and Tekken crossover because of the style of gameplay. They just didn't seem to go hand and hand to me. If anything I would expect a Virtua Fighter and Tekken crossover before a SF and Tekken crossover. "shrugs" [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Yeah, I can understand the gameplay thing, and like Kei said that was probably the biggest hurdle when trying to achieve this mash-up. I've barely even heard of Virtua Fighter (actually, I think I've only ever seen that in arcades). I couldn't even name one character from it if my life depended on it, but I understand your perspective. They should do something like ClayFighter vs. Killer Instinct, lol. Probably wouldn't sell as well, or even get the development these titles would because of that, though.[/font][/color]
[quote name='Heaven's Cloud' date='25 July 2010 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1280070382' post='697861'] [color=indigo]I always thought it would be great to own a fortune cookie company just so I could put really dark fortunes in cookies. Here are a few ideas: "You will die shortly" "Next year you will be audited by the IRS" "Your spouse is sleeping with your sibling" "A broken condom doesn't just lead to a bundle of joy" "The cadmium in the Happy Meal toy from McDonald's that you keep on you desk has given you prostate cancer" "Your lucky number is none" [/color] [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]http://www.cookiemisfortune.com/ You are not alone in that thought.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I usually forgo the fortune, smother the cookie in sweet and sour sauce and stick the whole thing in my mouth ... then look around and see if anyone wants theirs, lol. I love those things.[/font][/color]
[quote name='CaNz' date='24 July 2010 - 09:27 PM' timestamp='1280024845' post='697825']i disagree! i think the black white and gray is used more![/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/11/27/orangeblue-contrast-in-movie-posters/ Just a sample. What color is the sky? What color is the sun? Do you use Firefox? Look at Gavin's signature. It's [i]everywhere[/i], lol.[/font][/color]
[quote name='Elk' date='24 July 2010 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1280025294' post='697829']The forum did have to reset at some point, because I remember the most users online ever changed, and it is now a lower number than it was before with a different date.[/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I mean prior to Aug '01. The [i]original[/i] OB. Back then it was still part of theOtaku, I think ... like theotaku.com/forums or something, and not its own domain. When it became otakuboards.com everyone had to re-register. Before your time, kiddo. I've been trying to find any existence of what OB used to be back then. I know there used to be a site which sort of archived different sites, but I can't seem to find anything like that. edit - Found it: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://theotaku.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi You can't delve into any of the individual forums or anything, but yeah.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]Honestly, I find it extremely weird you apparently joined this message board only to create this topic and get advice/help for this kind of situation from a bunch of random people you don't know (and that don't know you).[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]A 23-year-old guy dressed in all pink ... I can't process that. What is this? I don't even ...[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I'm using mOBile. Nah, I kid. Using WetPaint as well. [i]BUT[/i] The orange and blue color scheme is probably the most over-used color scheme in the history of color schemes. Just saying.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I have a tendency to quit my jobs without notice for one reason or another, which in turn makes it harder to get new ones.[/font][/color]
[color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I'm not sure what you mean by you didn't see it coming, but I think it's more about time and I'm surprised this game was never created sooner. SF and Tekken were always two of the bigger names when it came to martial-arts-related fighting games. Mortal Kombat is up there, but I'd sooner compare SF and Tekken than I would MK. SF vs. Tekken, to me, is on par with Marvel vs. Capcom in how obvious the match-up should be ... yet the latter has what ... 2 titles out now with a third in the making? Either way, I probably won't be checking it out, simply because fighting games tend to get old really fast with me, but it's nice to see these two titles finally getting their mash-up.[/font][/color]